onelovegreasers · 4 months
Headcanons I can fully imagine being real
Ponyboy still sleeps with Darry from time to time. He talks all this shit in his sleep about fighting socs and beating ass all while he's asleep next to his big brother like a child.
Soda has a side to him that's not all sweet and innocent and only comes out when him and Darry REALLY get into it.
Darry acts all chill and laid back at work, his coworkers fully believe he's this pure christian man who never gets mad, never fights anyone and never curses. He's a whole 'nother person at home dealing with Ponyboy.
Steve's one of those people who you talk to once and he thinks you're best friends. People at school are literally like "bro idk I picked up his pencil and he won't leave me alone".
Two-Bit's the instigator of the gang. If Darry says no to something, he'll give in behind his back.
Johnny can't believe the Curtis brothers ever fight. Everytime they all hangout he goes on and on about "I can't believe Pony would ever give attitude like that! I can't imagine Darry yelling like that!".
Dallas cheats on all his girlfriends and has never had one for longer than a few weeks, aside from Sylvia which only lasted as long as it did because he went to jail.
Ponyboy was forced to apologize 3 years ago to a soc girl he got caught bullying. He still argues with Darry about it to this day. ("I didn't say anything! Dally did and I just laughed!")
Steve's run away from home dozens of times. It never works out. It's to the point where if the gang hears Steve's "missing", they're not even worried.
The Curtis house has a thousand and one different versions of 'family rules' signs around the house.
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onelovegreasers · 3 years
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i'm with Dally bro Darry what- (repost with credit)
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