calicobigamy · 1 year
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Only one fear.... this meme was @robogart 's idea
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xplding · 2 years
did i completely delete the tumblr account i had since i was 12 in a panic because i accidentally followed my friends from it - and then remake it with a new name?
YES. yes i did.
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spookyboywhump · 1 year
I feel like reading this blog would do all sorts of things to cains ego and idk how to feel about that
Both good and bad things
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pseudomonacarriea · 1 year
Tag a blog whose character inspired you this year. [YOU CANNOT TAG ME OR ANY OF MY INFINITE BLOGS 🔪🔪🔪🔪]
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End of year asks: RPC Edition! -- Accepting! -- @wackywoohooborschtman
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Buuuut since I can't tag you, the next person that comes to mind is @bcastslayer! I have more Gr.eek mythos muses because of you and him! Well, if you count two being a lot. THEY'RE BOTH A HANDFUL AS IS STARES AT APOL.LO.
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coffee-at-annies · 7 months
Out walking my dog just here to post onefear
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Are any Crimson Praetor in this cult group?
Valdis  *ONEFEAR*
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benevadeca · 2 years
I saw la casa lobo and AHHHH and i wrote down my thoughts as i was watching so that's what's under the cut basically
Her playing house with the pigs but in a way that while well-intended is deeply childish and also grows to mimick (implied) existing power dynamics bc it's what she has to base her interactions with them off of?
Her saying she knows they won't speak but it nonetheless frustrates her because of all the time she's spent in her humanization project (phone kept trying to autocorrect to humanitarian and while that has implications anyway)
Had a moment of oh this is weird racism with German missionaries / white people in general relative to the native Chilean general population?
Like white paternalism. But then I thought about Maria and her relationship with the voice and how her maybe identifying and trying to humanize the pigs is sort of related to the ways she's been dehumanized by her abuser. So she identifies with these creatures and wants to do better by them, humanize them, civilize them, bring them into the light.
Continuing question of "who is the wolf" and the multiplicity of various answers I've had so far are the wolf is the abuser, the wolf is the house, and the abuser is the house itself caging her? A bit simplistic though.
The wolf is the house is Maria, how at the beginning Maria is initially painted onto the house, only becomes 3D afterwards which is what allows her to meet the pigs,
And how later it's the abusers 👁 that's painted onto the set?
Maria closing all the windows and doors before deciding to give them honey, which is both her becoming more insular and close-minded due to emotional duress but also her falling back to the teachings of her insular (racist) upbringing?
Ana and Pedro were born "christmas night" ie: were only born after Maria gave them clothing ie: humanity? or rather dignity i guess. Which is very a western "look how we civilized these barbarians" cultural mythos
I love how the animation shows the set and puppets constantly being made and destroyed and remade, very visually jarring but also adds to the metaphor of like. The way the house is like a cocoon (esp the scene with tape all around the walls and house itself) or a closed-space. The way a lot of the scenes are films like in reverse bc how else would you manage to un-destroy these props etc is both a fun visual technique, adds to the jarring "not rightness" of the atmosphere, and again the kind of theme of being stuck in place and just recreating the same scene in your mind repeatedly. different iterations on a theme.
After they gain speech it's just an echo-chamber of Maria's desires. Also the reveal that before leaving the colony she was only interested in the livestock and that she'd sneak away to play Mother with the calves and piglets. Something something play as a reflection of the lack of control in her life that when gone unchecked becomes a modicum through which she emulates the cycle of abuse
"Mirror on the wall, who has the fairest house of all" VERY fun scene but brain go brr
The way the things in the house are shown at this later stage as being built up from tape? As opposed to earlier when it was just the food i think that had that artificialness to it. Also the walls of the house itself sort of coming alive and remodeling itself.
Also Ana's eyes don't become blue? HRMMM.
"Maria doesn't listen to me anymore. But I know you do" BRO. The narrator fucking speaking to the audience GOT me idk what it got from me but it got it.
"Same rights. Why privledges?" HM relevant plus the themes of. a kind of maldaptive duty of care and dependence and helplessness etc etc.
Them running out of food and I recall the line "don't worry I won't eat you" from th beginning like. #OneFear. and lo and behold.
wow the reversal from like, maria as a larger than life painting on the wall to the kid's faces.
UOGH. the wolf as the woods as trees that devor as the house made of wood as something inside of you while you are inside of it. gotta go lie down and start eating housing lumber
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absentmoon · 2 years
no fear -> people assuming spade is genderaligned bc i use she/they for them -> onefear
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theo-is-dumb · 3 months
onefear part 2
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maremote · 1 year
bout to finish bcs before i start my workday #onefear
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moonbinscirera · 1 year
Did you know I woke up in the middle of the night with a cold sweat because I couldn't remember if I pressed the anon switch for my ask 😭😂✋🏼 #onefear
Omg slowburns are so good 🫦 I feel like they're not written as much and I can understand why because it's a lot of work but I'm reading one that's just so beautiful (art wise too!) and doesn't rush the much-needed healing for the female lead 😩 I love it soooo much, I hope it continues to be good 🤞🏼 loving a good pirate!au 😔 I started one back in my wee wattpad days but never got very far but the world-building still lives on in my head 😂
*rubs hands together* yes, I'll start working on it soon... I hope you'll enjoy it 🙈
Yesss, show me money!! I won't lie I'm always hoping for that large sum 🤑 ooh and I know that's also like a saying but do you have places you want to travel?
I use she/her pronouns 🥺 and I will be your sweet autumnal child 😂❤️🧡💛
I can't wait to be done, thankfully another week is almost over... I hope yours remained good 💖
Pleaseee he did it for you 😳 omg how exciting to buy it 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
Seventeen was also my top artist!! We're out here slaying in the music compartment 🎧🎶 I hope your weekend treats you nicely ~
please literally me when i do my asks 😭
oooo do tell me more! ive been readin alotta non slowburns recently i need a pallete cleanse fr! i too once tried to be a slowburn/au writer but im not good at actually writing things 😭 i can make a plot and world build and exposit and talk talk talk but trying to like actually type it fr? its a no go 😭
aha 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
mmm i wanna go gallivanting the globe really going to europe seeing france and spain and Portugal or go to korea and japan and thailand or like brazil i just wanna go and look cute and shop and eat really good food! you know? i wanna do domestic travel too do u wanna travel?
my week was alright 😭 im back to working again 😭 after my long vacation 😮‍💨
he did he did he did!!! i really like the concept its so noice truly
thank you i hope ur weekend was good 💚
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teabeeart · 3 years
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is this what being in a fandom is like
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spookyboywhump · 2 years
Nothing makes me want to hide like an older adult in my general vicinity starting to get angry and frustrated over something
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sweetbutmostlysour · 3 years
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Day 23- leak Try not to panic!
#inktober #inktober2021 #sharpiedrawing #traditionalart #animalart #pets #aquarium #goldfish #fishbowl #inkdrawing #sharpieart #art #artistsoninstagram #onefear https://www.instagram.com/p/CVZHPEUswRm/?utm_medium=tumblr
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coffee-at-annies · 7 months
Who died to give us this onefear?
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girlinspacepodcast · 5 years
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Credit: https://twitter.com/dyingsirin/status/1097963356517003265 
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