#omg omg what are they cooking
bakudekublogblog · 30 days
talking to normal people about mha is always so enlightening because someone told me they didn't like season six and i was like???? THE BIBLE??????? YOU DONT LIKE THE BIBLE??? BAKUGOU KATSUKI RISING?? THE APOLOGY??? THE CHASING AFTER HIM TO FIGHT SHIGARAKI, THE REVEAL KATSUKI HAS BEEN WORRIED ABOUT IZUKU, IZUKU'S FERAL RAGE WHEN KATSUKI IS STABBED, KATSUKI BEING THE ONE TO FIND IZUKU AND THEN THE ONE TO BRING HIM HOME??? YOU DONT ENJOY THE SACRED TEXTS?? and then i'm like oh right not everyone is a fujoshi high on that sweet, sweet bkdk yaoi
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irodimww · 11 days
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had this idea for a while ueuehfjfggjvb (OKAY HEAR ME OUT LISTEN LISTEN. WHAT IF. WHAT IF MORRO—when he was alive—LIKED BEING IN WATER…)
had the silly idea of ‘omg what if whenever Morro was out swimming he would always grab and catch fish in the water’
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need more chaggie wing fics where charlie is just absolutely obsessed w vaggie's wings like look at her face
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she's obsessed and with good reason too
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I remember that first time we had so much fun baking together at Hillerska.. I didn't know what I was doing but you helped me make it feel so easy and fun. I'm so happy I get to do this with you, for you Simon, so many more times since then. ♥️🧡
5. Baking/Cooking @youngroyals-events 💜
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plumbewb · 1 month
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alive by zeds dead x mkla plays in the background🎶🎵
o: so when are you gonna move in with me already, baby? we’ve been at this for awhile you know b: soon, old man o: fuck, you know i hate that b: that’s why i do it, look promise me this! you get me a dog and i’ll move in with you? o: that’s it really? a dog? b: well yea, amongst other things
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HEARTBREAKING: James Somerton DID plan to make a Disco Elysium video for his "fall" release
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nav-i-nav · 4 months
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“We found Basil tending to his garden, as usual! He was so confused when we whisked him away towards the forest! Just wait until he sees what we prepared for him! I bet he’s going to love it!”
📷🌻 Happy birthday, Basil! 🌻📷
Small one-shot for my AU below… thank you if you read it….!
"Hurry up, Basil!" Aubrey urged, pushing the mint-haired boy with all of her strength, her large ribbon bouncing on top of her head with each step she took. The girl huffed and puffed, almost tripping and knocking the gardener over in the process. Nevertheless, she continued, her cheerful but bossy tone echoing throughout the flower field the four friends were passing through."Or else we're not going to make it on time for your surprise birthday party! Mari would be really mad if we–”
As soon as those words left her lips, she stopped dead in her tracks, her smile turning sheepish as she rubbed the back of her neck. "Oops.…"
Next to her, a short boy with messy hair let out a loud groan, puffing his cheeks in annoyance.
"Great job, Aubrey!" He exclaimed with disdain. Next to him, Sunny narrowed his eyes and clicked his tongue in disproval. "You ruined it!"
"It was an honest accident, okay?! No need to be such a jerk over it…" The girl snapped back at him, turning around to face him and crossing her arms. "Besides, you almost spilled the beans when you dragged Basil away from his garden anyway, so don't try to act like you know how to keep a secret either, Chico!"
Aubrey then returned her attention to Basil with the same shy expression, ignoring Chico's protests as she clasped her hands together and closed her eyes. “Can you please act surprised once we get to the treehouse? Mari and Hero worked really hard to get everything ready for the party and I’d be really sad if all their hard work went to waste because of me.”
Basil simply shrugged, a small teasing smile forming on his lips as he giggled. “What party?”
The girl let out a big sigh of relief, giving him a thankful nod before she nudged him forward. “Well, let’s keep moving then! We can’t waste any more time standing around here like a couple of lost sprout moles!” As she said that, she shot Chico an accusatory glare, to which the boy  replied with an offended “What?!”
“Oh, quit playing dumb!” Aubrey tapped her foot against the ground, her brows furrowing as she pressed her lips together. “You know as well as I do that if it weren’t for you and your stupid obsession to prove you’re strong, we wouldn’t be running late!”
“It’s not stupid!” Chico argued back, placing his hands on his hips and rolling his eyes. “If we hadn’t dealt with those sprout moles who knows what might’ve happened. What if someone got hurt?”
“Since when do you care if someone gets hurt or not? All you wanted was to show off!”
“Did not!”
“You so did!”
“You’re such a liar!”
“Guys…” Basil let out an awkward laugh, stepping in between the two of them. “If you keep arguing like this, we definitely won’t make it to the treehouse in time.”
Aubrey opened her mouth, ready to protest, but she simply huffed and nodded, crossing her arms and looking away from Chico. “Fine.”
Basil waited.
"But we definitely wouldn't have had to take so many twists and turns if it weren’t for Chico always fooling around. Hmph!”
There it is.
“That’s not true!”
“Yes it is!”
“Nuh-uh! Both you and Sunny kept getting distracted as well! Stop acting as if it’s all my fault!”
Basil sighed, giving up trying to get his friends to listen to him. Why did all their conversations have to end with the two of them fighting? He knew neither of them was actually upset, but still… Couldn’t they at least try to get along just once?
At least they managed to find this field of flowers after having to take so many shortcuts. All the flowers were different shades of blue and purple, their petals gently swaying in the summer breeze. Basil had made sure to take note of all the different kinds of plants he found as they made their way amongst the grass. Ah, if only they could stop for a little while so he could take in the scenery better…
Well, there was no benefit in dwelling over it. And he could always come back here another day. But the sky was so pretty… 
Slowly, Basil pulled out his camera, focusing the lens on the flowers. He held his breath, and…
The photo slowly slid down into his hand, the gardener grasping the Polaroid with care as he waited for the image to fully develop. Slowly, the colors began burning into the paper, all the hues mixing together to reveal a beautiful scenery.
The mint-haired boy smiled, satisfied, and put the photo in his pocket, he didn’t want it to be damaged until he could place it in the photo album, after all. He couldn’t wait to show everyone. Sunny would probably want to draw–
He snapped back from his thoughts, looking back at his friends. 
“Where’s Sunny?”
Aubrey and Chico stopped their bickering, the two of them turning back to Basil with confused expressions, confusion that quickly turned to shame. Basil’s smile soon vanished as he let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. That was all he needed to know. 
“He wandered off on his own, didn’t he?”
No response.
That was all he needed to know. Basil shook his head, looking around the flower field to see if he could find any trace of his best friend. Unfortunately for him, Sunny proved to be quite the sneaky one, as there were no footprints to follow. He pressed his lips together, before taking another deep breath and putting on a bright smile, his tone cheerful and calm. “Th-that’s okay! We’ll just have to look for him. I doubt he got too far away, so why don’t we split up? The field isn’t that big, anyway.”
“Good idea, Basil!” Right away, Aubrey nodded, already bouncing on her feet as she looked around. “I’ll take the left and Chico can take the right!”
“Why do I–”
“And Basil,” Aubrey continued through gritted teeth, shooting Chico another warning stare. “can go back to where we came from to see if Sunny went back.”
Before Chico could try to argue again, the gardener hummed in agreement, pressing his hands together. “Sounds like a plan! Let’s meet up here in five minutes, okay?”
His friends answered with an “Okay.” at the same time, though Chico was clearly still upset about having to follow Aubrey’s lead, grumbling under his breath as he walked away. Likewise, Aubrey’s bow kept bouncing up and down as the girl cheerfully hopped away. She reminded him of a bunny.
Once he was alone, Basil began walking back the way they came, scanning his surroundings as he tried to find any sign of his best friend. As he walked, he couldn’t help but hum a little tune to himself, his hands brushing against the forget-me-nots and lavenders’ soft petals. The flowers’ fragrance filled his nostrils, making him calm down. Despite how he tried to keep his composure, in truth, he was a little afraid. By all means, he didn’t doubt Sunny was strong enough to take care of himself, and he wasn’t one to rush into battle, but this was still an unknown place, as pretty as it was. 
Aubrey always told him he worried too much about them, but he couldn’t help it. He loved his friends more than anything, so if anything were to happen to them….
Basil always made sure his friends stayed safe. It was a bit tiring, sure, but caring for those he was closest to always filled him with a warm sense of fulfillment and peace. He did feel a little bad from time to time, constantly chasing after them and nagging them to be careful, feeling like he was being too pushy or too nosy, but they never seemed to mind. Well, except for Chico… hehe…
He kept walking until he caught a glimpse of a blue rose out of the corner of his eye. Curious, Basil crouched down, reaching his hand out towards the flower. As his fingertips traced the edges of the flower’s petals, he couldn’t help but feel mesmerized by it. He had never seen a rose such as this. What was such a rare flower doing all alone, surrounded by so many different flowers?
He had the urge to take it back with him and care for it so he could show it to his friends. Something about it was so unique and appealing that he just couldn’t leave it here and–
“Ouch!” Basil winced, taking away his hand as one of its thorns managed to pierce through his gloves and prick his finger. He could feel his eyes tearing up a little due to the pain. As he took off his glove and examined his hand, he could see a thin trail of blood slowly dripping from the tip of his ring finger. Despite the thorn’s small size, the cut stung quite a bit. 
“I guess I deserve that.” Basil chuckled, shaking his hand to get rid of the blood. Indeed, he had been selfish and didn’t consider what would happen to the rose had he tried to pluck it. Maybe there was a reason it chose to bloom surrounded by so many different flowers. He hummed, rummaging through his pockets as he looked for a bandaid for his injury. 
As he did, he couldn’t help but muse. He hadn’t changed, had he? He cared for his friends, yes, but he did so because he was afraid they would leave him if he did something wrong. He did his best to smile and be kind, but sometimes it was quite tiring to chase after Chico or to remind Sunny to take a break from drawing. Sometimes he’d even have to stop Hero from taking on another chore even if he was already very busy. 
Just now he had thought about how exhausting it was to constantly have to play peacemaker whenever Aubrey and Chico argued. But, was it so wrong to feel that way? 
Basil ran his hand through his hair as he stood up, a small, resigned sigh leaving his lips. He shouldn’t be feeling this way. He should be grateful he had such good friends! Sure, they could be a little rowdy and careless from time to time, but at the end of the day, they were still kids. And he was one too. He couldn’t act like he was more mature than them just because he wasn’t as impulsive as them, now could he?
To be honest, the gardener wished he could have some of the bravery and enthusiasm they had. Although he didn’t like exploring as much as his friends, he was always coaxed into accompanying them. It was fun, but also a bit too extreme for his taste…
Oh well…
As he heard his friends’ quick footsteps and cheerful voices growing closer, Basil took one last look at the lonely blue rose hidden in the grass. 
Maybe one day he’ll be able to do as he pleases. 
But for now, he’s more than happy simply tagging along in his friend’s adventures. 
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ethanharmonia · 5 months
Erm emo man with his erm emo boyfriend erm
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fluffydice · 8 months
“Get your guard dog under control” but it is unclear whether this refers to Kusuo or Aren
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waitmyturtles · 2 months
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novakaiserart · 8 days
FE Awakening AU; White Sheep House
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After the sneakpeak I posted a few days ago, I went and changed some things.
1. Severa's last name. Taimo is Cordelia's JP name (big shocker), but I didn't really like the idea the more I thought of it. So I gave her another last name and instead of von like everyone else, she gets a middle name.
2. Owain's father. The more I thought of it, the more I realized there's no way Vaike is nobility. I went with RIcken because he's the only member left that could pass as nobility. Lissa marrying a commoner would be quite the problem lol.
And now without further ado, let me ramble on about this little AU I constructed in the depths of my brain.
The Halidom of Ylisse is one of the 4 major countries in the Region of Ylisse; one of the 2 great continents. The Halidom thus has a house representing them: The White Sheep. The house values honor, strength, compassion and skill above all else. Chrom and his to-be-friends all attended the Officer's Academy in their younger days and formed The Shepherds. The Halidom was once the Great Kingdom of Altea, with the Hero King Marth at it's forefront. 800 years has passed since then and the land has known drastic change.
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(Tumblr said I was talking too much so I had to improvise, sorry in advance for the compressed quality of the text)
bit more background; the timeline isn't the same as the OG. Emmryn died when Plegia invaded one day, storming the castle town and claiming her head. Chrom then ascended the throne after driving out the invaders. The children did not go back in time. The invasion was caused by a power struggle between the Grimeal and Gangrel, 20 years before current day. A truce was settled between Gangrel and Chrom after he got rid of a few annoying Grimeal, although this was never publicly disclosed.
Now about the Crests, I can't just make them up and not list their abilities so here we go
Exalt; May heal half of the damage dealt to the enemy to the user. (If damage to enemy is 30, dealer heals 15)
Themis; May conserve a use of healing magic.
Burton: May raise the magic Mt of an attack by 30%
Florence: May increase Mt by half when using Combat Arts.
Taguel: Allows the bearer to transform into a beast form
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takami-takami · 6 months
thinking about post-war!Keigo where everything remains the same. Except his wings don't grow back. Everything repairs itself, everything changes back gradually to what it was before but his wings remain the same. Don't remain, rather. It's funny how slow he is, still not adjusted to all of this, given the very purpose of his existence lies in his ability to be fast. Doesn't matter that the reason for his speed is non-existent now. He's a hero, right? Heroes don't cry.
Heroes don't sob over their now-gone cause of existence.
Heroes don't just randomly forget they lost their wings one night, too busy staring at their lover's back with lost, blank eyes. Unaware of his woefully blank amber eyes, you lay beside him in his bed, which feels uncomfortably large now. Another form of failure that hurt his eyes if he didn't already have enough tears streaming down his ugly, scarred face silently, every time he had to begrudgingly look at himself in the mirror. Your attempts and pleas at spooning him tonight were hushed by his silent gaze. Please let me be useful, they pleaded. You gave up. Now gathered in his arms, both of you felt safe.
So safe that he forgot his empty back for a second. As instinct would have it, his back muscles flexed to move his wings to wrap around you. Closed amber eyes and a fuzzy head full of comfort hampered his worries and woes. His mind was too far gone in your soft to register the fact that he had been trying to do this for quite some time now. Unsuccessful attempts forced him to come back to reality. Body writhing, his eyes opened suddenly, wide and full of shock. His hands froze. Keigo slowly comprehended his actions. His eyes felt wet. Awoken by his movements, your body shifted in a frenzy as you turned to face him, eyes open but vision foggy from residual sleep. Out of pure instinct, you cupped his tear-stricken face as you tried hard to understand what the fuck was going on, the best your foggy mind could. His posture and expression worsened.
"Kei', honey, you okay? Kei', talk to me. Wh-" He fell to your chest hard. And bawled like a fucking child. Fists gripped the fabric of your shirt as he sobbed and cried, for god knows how long. You held him with equal force and gently rocked his body, despite a slight understanding of his sudden breakdown. To an extent, you were aware it was because of his wings, with the way he clutched your backside and felt it like it was his own. Whispering soft coos and sweet nothings into his hair continued for a while and near screaming and sobbing turned into silent cries. Eventually, he calmed down. Sensing his discomfort and heavy breathing, you combed your hands gently through his blond locks.
"I love you Kei', you know that right?" No response. Just faint nodding. You suppose that would do for now. uhh hey there V! Call me Rakuyou. This is my first time writing something like this. I've always admired people like you who can express their feelings in words so seamlessly and perfectly. I find Hawks' character quite admirable and well-written, and I most definitely don't gush over the boy every fucking moment. And as for this piece, I'd love to know some tips to write him well and some writing tips that you may wanna share. This might be a Wattpad-level fic at best, but I gave my best. Lemme know your thoughts on this one. I love Keigo and your work!
-Love, Rakuyou. (Crawls into a black hole and dies.)
I ... I do not have words for this. This knocked on my heart like it was a door and said "actually nevermind I'm coming in anyway" and smashed it to pieces on the way in.
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risetherivermoon · 13 days
been #migraine-ing today so my thoughts abt the new ep are not as vocal as they usually are, but all i have to say is- i fucking love this campaign sm omg
after ep1 i was rlly curious how the horror aspects were gonna play into it...i was not disappointed!! aaaa im hyped
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yangsharperavery · 11 months
someone on twitter said that the table carmy and sydney fix and have their moment under is the one that claire is sitting at during friends and family.
i need to do some investigative work at these picket lines bc i need ANSWERS.
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4lienat · 6 months
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Cellbit and Baghera trending on tumblr.com DESERVED !
Their lore today went CRAZYYY ugh I love them so much 🥹 BOLAS 🔛🔝❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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familyabolisher · 3 months
an annoying corollary to the whole "self-flagellating for crime of being a customer" thing is when people make perfectly legitimate and polite complaints to me at work and apologise five billion times for doing so like i don't care....
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