#oli beloved
rhapsoddity · 2 years
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Ever since I started drawing Oli there has been a significant shift in my art style so I can make him scrunklier
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a-sketchy-character · 19 days
Maybe it's the eternally distrustful loveless child in me but idk something about the way DC has been writing familial relationships in recent years rings so false to me. There's no room for the complex, nuanced, unnamed relationships Batman and Nightwing used to have, nothing like the warped mother-daughter-sister thing Barbara Gordon and Cass Cain had, nothing like Superboy's weird obsessive hero worship/bone-deep dread of his clone fathers or Max Mercury's weary undefined protectiveness of Bart or Wonder Woman's dogged loyalty to her little "sisters". Cause — for me, at least, I know I actively seek little moments of connection in stories; when I write or when I read it is to seek comfort. I think that's why DC has made this shift. Readers like me gravitated to those little warm moments, and DC noticed that we did without stopping to think about why.
But there's a point at which I notice diminishing returns of comfort from fluffy writing — it ceases to register as real. It's too good, too saccharine, too empty of any of the pain and frustration it takes to express genuine love for the other person. It's all hand-holding and no sweaty palms. It's so easy for someone to say they love you. It's so easy to see when it's all just words. And part of this is, yeah, bad writing; all that stuff about show not tell. They're trying to tell us these characters care about each other without giving us any real proof. but. idk. I need my love to be real. I need to feel the bones behind each embrace. I can't accept affection without struggling my way into it. Honestly I'd rather get a grim gritty Batman who forgets he HAS kids until they throw themselves into the line of fire than a milquetoast helicopter Batdad who tells his kids exactly what they mean to him without actively being in a state of bleeding out.
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kisekiii25 · 2 years
the propaganda poster season two edition :)
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misteria247 · 5 months
Linked Universe x Reader where they call you a cute pet name like princess.
At first when you hear it you're confused and a bit taken aback. After all princess is a very old kind of pet name that's rarely heard anymore. Especially since you're not royalty. They call you this for awhile and you take it in stride and even grow to somewhat enjoy the pet name. And then one day you find out why they call you that.
They call you princess because you're brave and kind. You're patient and compassionate and you put the world around you to shame with how bright and beautiful your soul and personality is. Much like their beloved princesses from their respective times, you'd become just as precious to them and thus the princess of their hearts.
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ruinme-please · 1 month
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tornoleander · 7 months
I know it’s been said, but Jay’s ‘bullied for growing up in a Junkyard’ Vibes are off the charts.
Parents saying how he hates talking about being born in a junkyard.
insecurity had to of come from somewhere.
In Skybound, Nadakhan overhears Jay mentions this insecurity and uses it against him several times.
(very good villain writing I would praise if they didn’t make him the creepiest creep to ever ninjago.)
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kxulhu · 10 months
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They had a long day of causing chaos
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maryclanders · 1 month
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Based off a silly convo between me and my best friend lol
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redwinterroses · 1 year
Boatem, on any given day, was probably gonna be two things:
Obviously, the first was “chaotic.” That surprises no one, yeah? Raise your hand if you’re surprised that Boatem was chaotic. 
See? No hands. It's a thing that is known. You got your end crystals and tree wars and mountains going up over night and ravagers raining from the heavens… Boatem was the home-sweet-home of chaos. And it lived there very comfortably.
But the second trait that Boatem had, on every day that end in Y, wasn’t quite as obvious. 
It was "secretive."
Hah. Yeah, I see your quirked eyebrow of skepticism. Look buddy, I had a bird’s eye view of the whole thing and I can tell you this for sure: the only reason none of those morons got caught out in their big secrets was that they were all too busy being cartoonishly self-conscious to notice literally everyone else doing the same thing.
That thing being, specifically: pretending to be human.
Yeah. You heard me. Human. Pretending. As in: none of that lot are human in any way, shape, and only occasionally in form.
Take Mumbo for example. Dear old Mumbo Jumbo, my personal nemesis—and also the member of Boatem I got to see up close and personal the most.
Lucky me.
He somehow managed to hide it right under everyone else’s nose, which I can only chalk up to years of trusting friendship mixed with a hilarious lack of awareness. His shapeshifting abilities have never been more unstable than they were in Boatem—maybe it was the chaos bleeding through, or the way that world was a bit unstable even from the very beginning… Either way, he turned into a living potato right in front of all of them and they barely blinked. 
A potato.
Night after night I had to listen to him pacing around in his storage room, muttering to himself about how dangerous it was to be a shapeshifter living with a bunch of humans. How he was putting a lot at risk and what fibs he was going to tell to play it off as some sort of joke or prank. I started keeping a scratch tally of how many times he said “Oh dear. Oh dear."
I ran out of space about two weeks in.
But it’s not like any of his neighbors were going to notice anyway. “Living with a bunch of humans,” my big wishbone. 
Human. Hah. Right, like “human” Pearl—the alien who ducked her feathery antennae in her hair any time someone came around, who floated around her base like gravity was frickin' optional? Pearl, who nearly got caught with her antennae out every time someone ran past and jumped like a skittish rabbit enough to raise anyone’s suspicions… Except her clueless Boatem pals.
Or “human” Scar, who never even hides his vexy teeth when he grins, but somehow everyone acts like they don’t notice. Maybe he uses some sort of glamor on them—not like I’d know. Magic is ticklish territory for my type. All I know is that for someone who loudly proclaims to be human—a thing no human has ever actually had to do—he didn’t go to much effort to act like one. 
And then there’s that Impulse guy. I’m not sure what he is, but the one time he got close enough to peck he nearly roasted my tail feathers. Plus it seemed like all you had to do was say his name and he’d just… show up.
Downright creepy if you ask me. Not like no one ever does. Don't bother talkin' to the guy who has a view of everything for 18 chunks--no, just blame him for your dumb redstone door breaking.
Anyway. The one Mumbo seemed most desperate to hide his “secret” from was… that other one. I don’t even like to say his name, to be perfectly honest with you but I know you know who I’m talking about. The wing-appropriator. The merry prankster. The one who watches you with eyes so dark you never know where he’s looking. 
And people say I have beady black eyes.
I don’t even know why Mumbo bothered trying to hide it from Gr… from him. Or why he was trying to hide what he was from the rest of them. Or how they never noticed the extra pairs of wings that would sometimes flutter about, or how he always saw when people were trying to prank him—even if it looked like he was asleep. 
But I’ll admit it was hilarious watching them dance around each other like a couple of hens avoiding a creeper—except both of them were hens and they each thought the other was a creeper. 
Somehow—somehow—none of them ever noticed the others. Who needs camouflage when you've got friends this oblivious? Anyway, come on—we all know none of them would actually care if they revealed their precious secrets.
I kinda hope they never do, though. Five best friends, none of whom are human, all convinced that they're the only alien-vex-demon-shapeshifter-thing-nonhuman in the bunch?
That's a joke even this bird-brain can appreciate.
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
delighted to discover that the task force trying to solve the rift is... katherine, oli, sausage, and pix. their leading theory is “they sucked the goo out of it��. that or oli broke it by singing. they’re doing so good.
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han-merlin · 5 months
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Why are they, like,,, 🏳️‍🌈🤨?
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rhapsoddity · 2 years
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I refuse to draw Oli’s new puffy sleeves...
Turning it into a cape however?-
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pinkflames · 2 years
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Empires season 2: a summary
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misteria247 · 2 years
Oh to be a young girl with a giant hammer who can beat people up with her super strength. Amy Rose truly be living the absolute dream I swear.
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oli and 🌸
🌸: draw a character with flowers that match their personality (did i pick good ones let's find out together)
hiii so do you remember in empires s2 when all of the empires all had to bring some artifact/item important to their empire to pix's museum? this is that except instead Pix goes on a road trip with the Historian’s Guild to gather all of them in person and Oli tags along per Gem's request and the real adventure was the queerplatonic relationship we made along the way. have some olipix <3
Oli wipes his hands on his pants. "We've got nothin' to do today, yeah?"
Pix nods, "everyone's spending the day in town, and once they're back we'll have to do a headcount and pack up so we can leave first thing tomorrow."
"Okay but like, we're not doing anything 'til they get back, yeah?"
"Er- yes? Oli, what do you have planned?"
They end up in a flower field just outside of camp- still accessible, for anyone who needs the leader of the guild, but tucked away behind two caravans in a way that makes it feel as though they're alone.
Oli circles around one caravan with a fist full of flowers and a cream patchwork picnic blanket draped over one arm. Pix scoops up the two books Oli allowed him to bring, and helps spread out the blanket.
"I picked some daisies for you," Oli says as they settle- Pix stacking his books, and Oli spreading out rows of tiny blossoms, "I hope that's alright."
"That's fine."
Pix watches him sort them- length, number of petals, general shape- he smiles to himself and picks up a book and quill.
Oli looks up, "Oi, what are you doing, fella?"
"Sorting out assignments," he scratches jobs beside names, wishing he'd brought a pencil instead when ink drips onto his fingers. "Everyone will need a job when they get back to camp."
"What? No no," Oli reaches for his quill- Pix tilts the book out of his reach, looking up to see Oli's frown. "You're meant to be relaxing. Put that away, sir!"
Pix releases his quill. Oli snatches it by the feather and sets it aside, the black ink leaving stains on the blanket.
"I'll need to do it later," Pix says as Oli takes his book. He blows on the open page to dry the ink a bit faster, then closes it and sets that aside as well, placing the quill on top.
"Yes, later." Oli brushes loose petals off his pants and smiles at him, "now go find some flowers for me! I want an elegant crown, Pixlriffs. Utterly stunning in every way, and I will settle for nothing less than perfection."
Pix chuckles, getting to his feet. His other book sits on the blanket- Oli snatches that too and starts stacking daisies on it. So much for reading on the way. Oli waves him off.
"Go! Flowers don't pick themselves, Pix."
"I'm going, I'm going," he steps carefully off the blanket, already scanning the treeline for patches of flowers. He spots some in the nearby field and starts that way. Azure bluets maybe? Or some poppies?
"Oh, Pix?"
"Will you get my ribbon box, please, when you come back? I left it in our room."
Pixl returns to the blanket with an armful of sunflowers, cornflowers, and a box of decorative ribbons. Oli's tugging the box out of his hand before he's even settled on the blanket, and he scrambles to keep a hold on all the flowers he's gathered.
"Thank you for this," Oli says. He isn't looking at him when he says it, already digging through the bright colored ribbons, pulling out orange, gold, red, pink, setting them all aside. There's a half finished daisy chain laid out over one of his thighs, and a small pile of discarded daisies next to the quill.
"You're welcome," Pix answers, setting out his flowers between them on the blanket. He sorts them simpler than Oli did, sunflowers here, cornflowers there, and soon Oli is putting ribbons in his hands-
"I'd like these ones."
Blue and white, with light lacy trim on the sides. Barely noticeable, but a nice, subtle touch.
"Pretty please," Oli says.
Pix smiles, "I'll do my best."
Their meandering conversation cuts off as Oli lifts himself onto his knees and shuffles across the blanket.
He holds out his daisy chain crown, "hold still."
Pix pauses his weaving and bows his head just so, making it easier for Oli to reach. A light weight settles, then pulls away. Oli fluffs up his hair a bit, then the light weight is back, and he's shuffling back.
"There we are!" Oli beams, bright as the sun, as pride and fondness overwhelm his tone. "Beautiful."
Pix laughs, "thank you."
"Anytime." Oli looks down at the mess he's made of the flowers. Pix resumes his weaving as he makes two piles of the flowers- sunflowers here, cornflowers there, this time at the edge of the blanket. Still within reach, but clear enough now for Oli to fully lay down with his head in Pixl's lap.
"Is this alright?" he asks.
Pix brushes his nose with a cornflower as if it's a paintbrush, chuckling at the side eye he gives before swatting the flower away.
"You're fine," Pix tells him.
"Good. I'm going to nap."
Pix picks up another sunflower and starts fitting it onto the crown. "Goodnight."
He wraps the ribbon and other stems around to keep it in place. Oli's eyes are closed. He's frowning. He opens one eye to glare up at Pix.
"What, no sweet wishes? No goodnight kiss?"
Pix pulls off a loose petal and places it in the center of Oli's forehead.
"I'm working on your crown, Oli," he brushes the petal off, runs his fingers through Oli's hair. "Nothing less than perfection, remember?"
Oli pouts, closing his eyes again. "Fine."
Pix chuckles, "sweet dreams."
"Thank you."
Oli doesn't end up napping.
He doesn't exactly talk, either- at least not with his usual gusto. He's calm, quiet, handing Pixl whatever flowers he can't reach and complimenting the daisy crown, and correcting any little mistakes Pixl's made with his crown. Guild members come and go, some joining in conversations, others requesting help- when Oli isn't needed he turns to hide his face until Pix can talk to him again. They dance between topics that are easy to pick up and drop off as needed- favorite pattern of horse, how to decorate the caravan, what they'll do with the dragon when it hatches.
Pix requests a final cornflower. Oli passes it over.
"Do you really like me?" Oli asks, soft as petals.
Pix ties off the last ribbon and meets his eye with a smile. "I do."
Oli smiles, blinking sleepily. Pix lifts the crown.
"You ready for your crown?"
Oli brightens. Slowly pushes himself up and turns around so that he's facing Pix- Pix turns the crown around so that the ribbons will trail down his back. Oli bows his head. Pix fluffs up his hair and gently places it atop his head- adjusting until it fits nicely.
When Oli looks up, he's got a crown of sunflowers and cornflowers, with white and blue ribbons peeking through the gaps. The sun and the sky, the brightest days captured in his smile.
Pix reaches out, pulling the ribbons off of Oli's shoulders so that they hang freely down his back. Oli watches the movement, catches Pix's hand as he pulls away.
"Thank you for this," Oli says, holding Pix's hand in both of his. He traces lines between his freckles, as if they're constellations. "I know work is important, but rest is important too, and I thought a break would be nice."
Pix cups Oli's cheek in his hand, gently cutting him off. He kisses his forehead and tucks him into a hug.
"Thank you for this," Pix answers, carefully running a hand up and down his back. Oli holds on tight. "This was nice."
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moonchild-in-blue · 3 months
That's. That's my favourite Bring Me song. That's one of my favourite songs of all time. For literally, literally, 4 years, I had lyrics from it as my pc wallpaper.
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