#okay to reblog by women and nb folks
redtail-lol · 5 months
heyey dw abt dykepridee
everything theyve sent was in assuming bad faith and theyre not worth arguing with. they're just trying to stir up discourse to feel superior about themselves
dont worry, dont waste your energy, Im sorry theyre bothering you. they came up to me and 2 other people as well, assumed I romanticised stalking with 0 proof past the gender itself, called faunic attraction 'no-dick attraction' which is super insensitive, and reblogged someone else assuming a term related to sleepiness must be romanticising... narcolepsy, out of every other possible sleep disorder?
I have no idea how someone is okay with being a pan lesbian while they constantly assume bad faith about identities theyre unfamiliar with, aka you know, the same thing people are doing to mspec lesbians.
Thank you. I don't get why someone, especially someone who is nonbinary, sees a post that essentially boils down to "nonbinary people are not men or women and they shouldn't be misgendered by people calling themselves monosexual because apparently being attracted to nonbinary genders 'doesn't count' as mspec because they're not one of the 'REAL genders' and people who are attracted to women and enby genders only can call themselves mspec lesbians or just lesbians but by calling themselves mono they are saying those nb people are just women" and has an issue with it.
Also good to know about faunic, because I literally... Am faunic?? It's not "no-dick attraction" it's being attracted to people who are not men, and I'm actually favorable to dating non-op trans women and AMAB enbies. I'm a non-man and I'm attracted to non-men and I'm allowed to have a label to describe that. If it's a bad definition for lesbian then fine now it isn't for lesbian it's for faunic/daunic. Not being attracted to men, and wanting a label for that... Isn't wrong? At all?
(also genital preferences are valid so L + Ratio dykepridee people are allowed to not like dick or not like pussy and that's FINE.)
I don't think they even understand what I was saying. I wasn't excluding nb-attracted lesbians from being lesbians, or even exclusive lesbians. I am one! I call myself an exclusive lesbian all the time. It's just not mono. It will never be mono to be attracted to women AND to people who are not women!! Yet exclusionists constantly define themselves as mono even though they include nb folk, which is misgendering them, and my post was to call out the rampant misgendering of nonbinary people that these lesbians partake in, even some being nonbinary themselves, because otherwise they'd have to acknowledge that mspec lesbians make sense and are valid
In short: my whole purpose in writing the post was to call out the rampant misgendering of nonbinary people within the (exclus) lesbian community for the purpose of pretending lesbian is a strictly monosexual label. People never talk about it and it needs to be talked about.
Their "counterpoint" that no one cares in real life is so... Bad. It missed the point, it was pretty clear they had entirely missed the point, and also, "no one in real life cares" is a stupid counterargument in any "debate." For one, I exist outside of tumblr and I care. For two, I don't care what happens at pride parades. Misgendering nonbinary people (who do not identify as women at all) is not okay, no matter how much people at a parade care about strangers. If you can't actually prove why I'm wrong, your point is null and void.
Also "I'm almost 30, my back hurts, and I just woke up" bitch nobody gives a fuck about your back hurting, it's clearly too early for you to use your brain, and you're a whole grown adult arguing with a child online. That's real mature.
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wetwareproblem · 3 years
@punkrockboifriend Okay, look. I don't think you're a Terrible Person. But I think your defensiveness around the "lesbian" label has lead you to say some seriously biphobic and transmisogynist bullshit.
Discussion and screenshots below the cut. This is not a callout post, and the usual "send hatemail and I will eat your soul" rules apply, folks. In fact, I'd much rather that third parties not engage at all here, even 'helpfully,' on my side. Even helpful dogpiling feels like dogpiling. That includes reblogs; this is intended to try to get through to one person.
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To be clear: I am not attracted to men, none of my partners are men, at no point did I mention men in this conversation except to exclude them. I was objecting to how you had defined me out of lesbianism and called me homophobic. I was saying that my experience of lesbianism and the label I use for it is valid. I am, however, a trans woman. And in that context, you decided I must be trying to tell lesbians they have to date men.
Do you see the transmisogyny now?
I pointed out that this was transmisogyny. You deflected by accusing me of lesbophobia, specifically claiming I said 'lesbian' does not include nb people:
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So again, falsely presenting a trans woman as lesbophobic. See the transmisogyny yet?
As for biphobia, well, you literally said in soany words that 'lesbian' isn't for multisexual people of any description:
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So... Because I love people of multiple genders, none of whom are men, some of whom are women, some of whom actively dislike being associated too closely with womanhood, I can't be a lesbian. That's what you said. If it's not what you intended, maybe you should stop and think about that. It was that, combined with the claim that by continuing to identify as I do, I am somehow defining you out of lesbianism, that I was objecting to.
This isn't just a matter of 'not expressing yourself eloquently.' This is you saying some outright bigoted things. If you don't endorse those things, if you don't want to support those bigotries, maybe consider acknowledging the harm they cause.
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lucidpantone · 4 years
You know what is this all people are rebloging about the big Wtfock acc's? I don't get the point of it....
similar anon: Why all the big Wtfock acc care more about them that real poc voices? I thought about creating a initiative to unfollow Wtfock for a day, to makes them know we poc aren't agree with this mess of a season and the white main desicion, but I sadly saw how the big blogs wouldn't help...the people behind those are so fake 🙄
Ok real talk. I know am gonna get heat for this but am just gonna put it all out there. There is a divide in wtfock tumblr fandom. LETS BE HONEST & KEEP IT 100%. I want to be fair and say firstly everyone makes mistakes, everyone is allowed a lapse in judgment. You, me & everyone else. However at this point there has been some repeat offenders and that cant be ignored. They are many issues but the 3 main ones for me personally that have created the divide are: The constant hyper-sexualization of the male form by some of the women of the fandom. Its sad that the male members of the fandom don’t feel safe in the tag or are made to feel uncomfortable. I think people forget that Robbe & Sander’s story will be the lived experience of some of the male fans and instead of finding solidarity in the tag they see a hyper-sexualized angle of what is a queer love story via inappropriate content.
 Also when the cyber sex clip dropped there were so many negative connotations attached to it and so many harmful remarks to what is essentially a perfectly normal sexual interaction between two males (I am sorry queer sex makes you blush folks but its perfectly normal and okay. Gents live your life!). There wasn’t anything negative about it at all. Also I think its an extremely good tool for sex education in the male queer community where nudes and things along those lines run rampant. Be careful who you send nudes too boys/girls/nb peeps. Then there is the issue of not respecting DS/Herbot privacy and doing troublesome things like following their parents instas (thats so weird btw). Like if you’re following their parents.... folks you need to get a serious grip. These actors aren’t your friends, you do not know them personally and you need to fall back. And Finally, the constant displays of micro racism. So compound that with the other two issues; the micro-racism was just the cherry on top to topple the cake over and hence the fracture in the fandom has formed. I just say follow your moral compass if somethings seems too far or makes you feel icky. Block or unfollow that person. You decide the kinda of people you want to surround yourself with.
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lesbianologist · 4 years
(t£rfs do not interact)
as a lesbian, it really hurts to see lgbt people defending OP of this post (op blocked me so i can’t reblog) claiming that it was unintentional and that we’re just reading into it. but you never see GBTQ+ people targeted and singled out as malicious people. it is always lesbians. nobody seems to notice the fact that the flag in the comic is not even on the building with the rest of the LGBTQ+ community but making the only lesbian in the comment a gatekeeper, as if we have the authority to do that or even give a shit enough to do that. fyi most of us are just living our lives, loving girls, and trying to be okay with being gay. but goddamn, for a “community” that supposedly is about acceptance and harps on and on about how lesbians are t**rfs (fyi: not all of us are, lots of us are GNC, trans, NB, and/or inclusive of those identities too) y’all make it damn hard to love ourselves. so go ahead and say it’s just a coincidence. but until i see y’all doing this to any other GBTQ+ identities, i see what you think of me. y’all still see women like me who exclusively love other women as vicious, mean-spirited, sex driven dykes, and frankly it’s lesbophobic and gross to pretend it isn’t targeting only lesbians. like, fyi there are a lot of us lgbt folks who are exclusionists. not just lesbians.
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Okay LAST for the Crowley fic ofc, but I also want to know what Girls Who Date the Universe is! All this time I thought it was just a whimsical tag for space stuff.
This is three sentences, but one of them is very short and also that meme’s not the boss of me! (They’re having their first lunch at the Ritz in this scene.)
But a question had brought him here too. It felt poetic. He was very glad God had thought to invent poets.
And ‘girls who date the universe’ definitely started off as a whimsical tag for space stuff. Well, actually it started out as me trying to process the break up with my ex and longing for the sky over the dark parts of the island I grew up, because I thought they might be a comfort. 
Driving home, from dark island to dark island under the black of the night sky, she was startled to find the moon hanging low in the sky and reflecting off the water the same way it reflected off her deepest, coolest pools. She pulled over and got out. She sat on the low rock wall and marveled at the way the waves broke against it the exact same way they did in the memories she’d been working so hard to grow out of.
After some time–more than fifteen minutes, but less than an hour–she started to laugh. It was in response to some stupid question he had asked her all those years before. She laughed at the answer she’d given and the answer she’d wanted to give and at the fact that she was sitting with her ankles in the warm summer sea laughing with no one.
Outside of her car she could see that the sky wasn’t black. It was blue and green, and the fires that burned through the haze of it were far more beautiful than any future she could ever have imagined lost to her. It didn’t matter if the inside of her twisted and burned any more than it mattered if it was a calming pool. The whole of the universe had done it all before her. There would be other hands and other lips and other discussions about books and the universe would continue to burn and freeze long after she was gone.
The whole of the universe looked down on her, a spec in a mote, and it shuddered and laughed with her. Finally, finally she got the joke.
But that turned into me hoarding posts of space stuff and writing poems and prose snippets about all sorts of women/nb folk who were carrying on with a deep love for the stars and the black and the possibility of the eternal stretch of it. Then THAT turned into me doing a Patreon for a chapbook I decided to put together from the concept with new work. The Patreon is closed now because I’m in build mode, but it was really nice to get to share these things with people over the last year and a half or so as I made them. I can’t wait until I’ve finished all the art and bound the books. 
I’m excited to give people something I made with my hands and my heart and made as beautiful as I can right at this moment. 
The tag is mostly photo post reblogs, but there’s some other writing in it if you’re curious. And of course, this post of me reading one of the chapbook poems. 
[Send me one of these writing asks!]
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