#okay first. baby kdj is adorable
purrfectlycontent · 1 month
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kdj-225 · 2 years
OH OH JAY-NIM IF YOU'RE STILL TAKING PROMPTS CAN YOU WRITE ABOUT THE OLDER!KDJ AND YOUNGER!YJH AU BUT WITH KDJ INTERACTING WITH YMA??? I wanna know how YMA feels about KDJ in this AU 🥺 I feel like KDJ would pamper and spoil YMA as much as he can in this AU, even when he was younger 🥺🥺
[ahhh I had too much fun writing this short thing, thank you so much for the prompt!!!! YMA is truly the cutest wahh 😭💖💖💖]
For those who missed it, here's the first part!
Dokja blinks sleepy eyes open at the sound of a little girl’s voice, and finds Yoo Mia toddling over to him. She’s so, so tiny, it’s almost scary to look after her…
But Joonghyuk lets him into his home to escape his relatives, so this is the least he can do.
“Mia-yah,” he greets, smiling when she successfully reaches him. Chubby arms splaying out over his chest, chubby legs bumping against the bed—she’s so adorable, it makes him wonder how similarly Joonghyuk must have looked when he was a baby.
“Oppa,” she grumbles. “Get up.”
“I don’t want to,” he sighs. He rolls over until he’s on his side, facing her. “I wanna sleep.”
“Wow, you sound like Joonghyukie.”
She brightens up at his words, round cheeks emphasized with the force of her grin. So tiny, and yet, already a brocon…that’s going to be dangerous in the future, isn’t it?
“Let’s sleep,” he whines, closing his eyes again.
She smacks a chubby hand onto his face. Ow.
“That’s mean,” he says, squinting his eyes open to look at her. Those round eyes of hers stare down at him like he’s an ant, and he huffs out a breath. Isn’t she too young to be influenced in such a bad way by Yoo Joonghyuk? That little brat, what is he teaching his baby sister? “You shouldn’t hit people like that, Mia-yah.”
“You were rude first,” she grumbles. “Don’t ignore me.”
“I wasn’t.”
“You were trying to sleep!”
Her nose scrunches up, lower lip wobbling like she’s going to cry. Of course, he panics; this is Joonghyuk’s little sister, and he doesn’t want to make her sad. “Ohh no, no no,” he says in a rush, sitting up—
And immediately crumpling down with a groan, only barely managing to support himself up with a hand to the bed’s edge. Shit, he shouldn’t have sat up so quickly. How could he have gotten so dizzy just from that? How weak is he?
“Oppa? Oppa!”
“S’fine, I just got dizzy,” he says, closing his eyes to ward off the dizzying sight of the world flashing black and colorful in front of him. He waves a hand in dismissal at Mia’s worrying. “Uhh, this oppa is still tired, so maybe Mia can play here with me instead.”
She climbs up onto the bed with him with no prompting, before gently urging him down onto his back with small hands patting at his chest. “Um, Mia-yah..?”
“Sleep,” she insists, successfully managing to push him down. What ridiculous strength from a child. Through his squinty-eyed vision, he can see her glaring at him. “Oppa, you’re too weak.”
Damn. That’s more painful than a smack from her, to be honest.
“I’m not that bad…”
“You are.”
Ugh. These horrible siblings, just because they’re ridiculously smart for their age…
“Oppa,” she says again.
He keeps his eyes closed. He’s petty, what can he say? “Mm.”
“You should take care of yourself.”
Something tells him that Mia’s face must look really sincere right now. That she must be serious about this, or maybe even worried about him.
It’s exactly why he doesn’t open his eyes.
“I am,” he says.
He laughs, raising both hands to rub at his closed eyes. “Maybe. But I’m doing what I can.”
“...do better.”
“Again, sounding just like Joonghyukie.”
He wheezes out a breath when he feels the sudden weight falling upon his chest. When he opens his eyes to check, Mia is already resting on top of him, arms folded underneath her chin as she squints at him in seeming disappointment. “What? You’re a little heavy.”
“My oppa doesn’t say that.”
“That’s because he’s your oppa who spoils you.”
“And you don’t?”
“Hey now…”
“Dokja-oppa,” she says again. Those eyes of hers are huge, still so innocent, he feels guilty enough to look away. She’s just a baby, and yet, why is she the one trying to look after him like this? He can’t be this pathetic.
“Take care of my oppa.”
He looks back at her, confused. All of a sudden? “Joonghyukie? I mean, he can take care of himself just fine—”
“I’m talking about you.”
She buries the lower half of her face behind her folded arms, gaze looking away from him. Blurrily, he can make out hints of pink on her cheeks…is she blushing?
“You’re my oppa too. So, take care of him for me.”
She glares at him. “Yes?”
He looks back.
Then, he smiles. It feels awkward on his mouth, a little too big for his preference, but he can’t help it.
Isn’t she being too cute right now?
She holds out her hand to his face, pinky finger extended. “Promise?”
He raises his own hand, and curls his pinky finger with hers. Even if not for himself, maybe he can try just for her.
“Promise, Mia-yah.”
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