#ok  i'm transferring these things over here and i am actually gonna reply to this stuff after about 2923483247324 years
sakis-sweets · 2 years
Personally I’d like to see the delinquents reformed if that’s alright w you
ok there isn't time to do a sushi/sumo date, so that's gonna have to be a third or fourth installment depending on feedback from this one. get ready for angst
Osoro stood in front of a door that she'd stood before many times already, but it had never wracked her nerves as much as it did now.
Aoi nudged her gently. "It's okay. I'm right behind you."
"I'm not afraid," Osoro instinctively shot back.
"Down, girl. Everyone here is on your side."
"She's not..."
"Well, she's on your boys' sides. That's good enough, right?"
Osoro sighed, clenched her fists, unclenched them, and opened the door. "Hi, Kunahito-sensei."
The guidance counselor nodded her head in greeting and gestured to a chair in front of her desk. "Shidesu-san, please sit. Ryugoku-san, I can handle things from here.
"If it's all the same to you, Kunahito-sensei, Megami-san is expecting a personal report from me.
Genka narrowed her eyes, just a tad. "Very well. Feel free to pull up a chair." Aoi obliged and sat down with Osoro. "Shidesu-san, I understand you've come to the student council with a problem that I may be able to assist with."
"That's what I'm hoping for," Osoro said in a low voice. "Jerks from other schools keep coming after me and... some people I know. I tried to handle it on my own, but I don't want this to go on any longer."
"We're in agreement there, Shidesu-san. Something has to give. The school is prepared to take action, but you must understand that sticking our neck out to criticize students not under our jurisdiction is not an easy feat. However, I feel that you can help me."
Osoro leaned forward. "Whatever keeps them safe. What can I do?"
Genka's lips betrayed a cunning smile. "I'm glad you asked." She pulled some papers out from under her desk and pushed them over to Osoro. "This is a form filing for your transfer to the Akadimu Institute. I understand most of the students targeting you are from there. If you become part of their student body, they'll be more incentivized to protect you. Additionally, I will continue my personal counseling sessions with Kizuguchi-san, Furukizu-san, Hikitsuri-san, Surikizu-san, and Tsumeato-san to help them transition back into a more conventional lifestyle. I will also see to their protection from bullies, regardless of whether or not those bullies are from Akademi or otherwise. Everything is already arranged with Akadimu; all you need to do is sign."
Before Osoro could speak, Aoi began protesting. "Respectfully, Kunahito-sensei, that is unacceptable. It's unjust that Os- Shidesu-san should have to uproot her academic career when she isn't the perpetrator."
"Unjust?" Genka repeated with a frown. "I believe it would have been just to expel Osoro for the damage her actions have done to the school's reputation, yet we did not. This is a fair compromise."
"I was defending myself!" Osoro shouted. "Why didn't any of the teachers step in to protect me?"
"You didn't ask," Genka replied coolly.
"Don't shift the blame onto me! It's your damn job to look after the students! I shouldn't have to fucking bargain with you to make that happen!"
Genka's face darkened at Osoro's outburst, but didn't refute her claim. Aoi gripped Osoro's shoulder. "Hey, calm down. This isn't an ultimatum."
"Actually," Genka interrupted, "It is. I am not making this proposal in order to punish Shidesu-san; I am doing so in order to help the ones you've hurt. As long as you're around them, they'll continue down the wrong path, and as long as you're enrolled here, they'll never stop following you. The only way to help them is if you leave Akademi and cut off all ties with them for good. I'm prepared to take more drastic measures if we cannot come to an agreement today."
Osoro and Aoi were both taken aback by Genka's words. "Do you mean to say you'll expel her?" Aoi asked, now trying herself not to shout. "That's absurd. There has to be another way-"
"Do you really think..." Osoro suddenly interrupted Aoi, who turned to look at her girlfriend. But Osoro's eyes were cast to the floor, causing her bangs to fall into her face. Aoi couldn't read her expression, but she saw her shoulders tremble. "Do you really think that... there's no hope for them if I stay?"
Genka watched Osoro for a minute before responding. "I think you'd know about that better than I do. What do you think, Shidesu-san?"
Osoro didn't say anything for a while. Tension circulated the group in a fog so thick, Aoi contemplated attempting to strangle it in a last-ditch attempt to salvage the situation. Over and over, Aoi asked herself how things could have gotten so fucked. Never in a million years had she thought that this meeting would end in such a manner. As time passed, even as Aoi willed against it in her hand, Osoro's decision became obvious. She slowly lifted her head. "I need a pen."
"You're not serious," Aoi breathed. Osoro said nothing as Genka handed her a pen. Osoro wasted no time in signing her name. "You better keep your word," she said.
"I intend to," Genka said, taking her pen back. "You may leave the school now. You'll start at Akadimu on Monday next week, so stop by before then to pick up your new uniform." She didn't scold Osoro for cursing; she no longer had authority over her. For just a second, Genka's expression softened. "Thank you."
"I'm not fucking doing this for you. Don't you dare thank me," Osoro said, standing from her chair and turning to leave the room.
Aoi stood as well. "Megami-san will be hearing about this, sensei. Make no mistake." Genka made no effort to stop Aoi from following Osoro out of the room, instead leaning back in her chair and letting out a long breath.
Aoi chased after Osoro and caught her by the wrist. "I... I'm so sorry," she whispered. "If I had known she was planning that, I would have taken you and run far away."
Osoro laughed bitterly. "Yeah, you should trust my instincts next time. They're never wrong."
"You're right. I'll defer to you from now on." Aoi couldn't think of anything else to say, but her grip on Osoro's wrist only tightened.
Osoro looked back at Aoi to show her a brave smile. "Hey, I'm okay. Akadimu's not as prestigious as Akademi, but it'll be fine. And the counselor said the teachers are gonna protect me over there. That's more than the teachers here ever did for me. And it's not like we can't still see each other..."
"That's not the fucking point," Aoi cursed softly. "Your mom..."
Osoro flinched, but maintained her composure. "I think... I think she would be proud of me for doing whatever I could to protect those guys. Even if it means sacrificing the school she wanted me to go to. Now hurry up and let go of my hand; people will see."
Aoi pulled Osoro into a bone-crushing hug and buried her face into her hair. The damaged strands scratched at her face, but nothing else would have felt as soothing. "That doesn't matter anymore. I don't care what you say."
"Osoro?" The two of them were interrupted by Umeji, who stared at the two of them with an expression of horror and confusion. "What are you... doing? That's..."
Osoro balled her hands into fists and stepped away from Aoi's embrace. "Listen, Kizuguchi," she said quietly. "I'm leaving the rest to you, okay? Take care of the others and try to live normally."
"What are you talking about?" Umeji's eyes switched to Aoi, who he glared fiercely at. "Did that bitch put you up to this?"
"Call her that again and you'll wish you'd never see me again," Osoro snapped. "I decided this on my own. Just do what I say, okay?"
"Osoro, this isn't like you," Umeji pleaded. "What happened? You have to tell me-"
"I don't have to tell you shit; you're not gonna be following me around anymore. Look out for yourself and the others. Please."
Before Umeji could speak again, Osoro briskly walked off. Aoi glanced between her and Umeji, who looked like he might burst into tears, punch a wall, or both. "I'll explain later," Aoi said quickly. "Go talk to the other boys and I'll find you before the end of the day." Aoi then abandoned him to chase after Osoro again. But no matter how much she called, Osoro wouldn't stop. Even when Aoi grabbed her shoulder, she ripped away and continued down the hill. There was nothing she could do to stop Osoro from leaving Akademi for the last time, fully disgraced.
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Harry and Evelyn: For Every Season
Previously on...
This time, Evelyn did giggle. “True that. You are a little short-necked for a giraffe.” She glanced him over and saw that he was, indeed, quite skinny for his height, all wiry limbs and lanky build. The voluminous coat had hidden most of it. “Good thing you’re about to get some food in you,” she said. She was from the South. They were always feeding people there. It was her prerogative.
If only she could cook. One of these days she was going to buckle down and learn without accidentally setting fire to her kitchen. Until that day, she would have to rely on high-quality proxies to feed the people she met about town, such as this place.
She jumped a little, then rolled her eyes when he slapped the counter and demanded the chocolate croissant. He really was enthusiastic about breakfast, wasn’t he? Good Lord, and this was evidently before what was going to amount to an intravenous injection of sugar and caffeine for the guy. He was going to turn into Tigger.
She smirked up at him and shook her head, then ordered the cinnamon coffee cake and a simple cup of coffee with cream and two sugars. Her eyes slid around the room, and again she was struck with an overwhelming sensation of not-rightness.
The customers in line behind them crept steadily forward. The customers sitting at the tables began rising and gathering their things to leave. The baristas moved behind the countertop in their practiced synchronized patterns, and it all looked like it should be normal, but it wasn’t, because all of these movements seemed to be slowly drawing together into a single rolling wave that began to converge around them. It was subtle at first, but became more and more noticeable as she kept watching, until she couldn’t unsee it, much like one of those old magic eye pictures that her mother liked to collect. Their eyes were blank, their faces placid masks, as they all moved to surround Harry and Evelyn.
What… what was this? Was she really seeing this? Or was her mind finally breaking under all the pressure?
Harry’s question registered somewhere in the back of her mind, and she looked up at him.  “I–” she began, but her eye was drawn to the television set behind Harry, where the face had returned.
Only, it was now hovering in front of the television, in mid-air, leering down at them. After about half a second, it flickered with a shivering fuzz of static and vanished.
“Oh, dear,” she said. “You want weird activity? It looks like you’ve been granted your wish.” She cleared her throat and glared at the television set where the face had been. The screen just continued to roll with static, any semblance of a broadcast having vanished. “I’ll avoid stating the obvious about wishes.”
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He felt it too.
‘Felt’ might be too strong a word to attach to the sensation to pass over him. He didn’t feel it so much as sense it. A buzzing in the ears, the tiny hairs at the back of the neck standing bolt upright with the kind of static electricity some blankets had clinging to them when pulled from the drier. It came at him like a hefty weight, not originating from any one direction he could pinpoint straight away. It squeezed him tight like he somehow inexplicably rolled himself in plastic tubing somewhere between the doorway and the front of the fricken line. Of course. Of course duty would call once they finally managed to sashay forward for their turn at bat. Harry was more grumpy at the prospect at having his breakfast interrupted than he was with the idea that danger ran afoot.
The sad part was, he knew danger. He and Danger were intimate compadres, frequently meeting in places where Danger should not be.
The grocery store.
The interior of his car.
And now a coffee shop.
A coffee shop!!! Was nothing sacred???
All he knew was that he was stricken with as wicked sense of foreboding as there could be. A pulse that carried with it a promise of trouble ahead. He felt it and he chose to ignore it like the responsible wizard he was.
Hey, no trauma or drama allowed until he got his goddamned croissant. Was it asking too much to add coffee on top of that? It might. He would be okay with a bite of the croissant. Or at least, having it in his hands.
He cursed, something between true latin and mangled english. Or maybe it was mangled latin and true english. More than likely it was just whatever his anger could inspire to spit out. An odd affliction settled over the innocents in the establishment, under some manner of enchantment or another. It didn’t have to be anything so severe. The minds of people were easily influenced if the aura was strong enough.
Imagine it! He could stuff the pastry down into the pocket of his duster for later. Didn’t matter if it got squished or anything. The remnants would still be good after battle. Harry thought, one hand lowering to rest against Eve’s shoulder, a quick jerk of his head to gesture toward the door they just entered. There were people shuffling to block it as they spoke, but that didn’t mean they shouldn’t try to finagle their way out. Getting trapped in a place so confined with innocent people was not his idea of a good time.
“Speaking of stating the obvious, you’re attune to the wacky world of skeevy shit.” Yeah, the obvious was sometimes annoying to hear spouted off like the person it was directed toward didn’t have their own set of eyeballs to make the determination on their own, but sometimes it was needed to really grind in the point. Or to make it more real honestly.
He noticed her odd little glances here and there, but he had been way too deep into ignoring inevitabilities to make verbal note of it. He was just going to allow her to do her own thing while he pined after his lost breakfast and coffee….
He knew better than to allow things to unravel in front of his eyes, burying his head in the sand.
But sometimes a guy just wanted…. to fuck all.
Alas, when he performed that ignorant act, people ended up getting hurt.
“Something more to you than meets the eye.” He tapped the end of his staff on the ground, the warded end lighting up orange. He hoped it was enough to break the people out of whatever trance had taken them. He hoped it would be enough to cause a falter in the ‘system’ for him and his companion to slip out into the great wilds of Chicago. He would much rather investigate what the hell was going on there away from that tiny establishment. He would cry legitimate tears if he destroyed his breakfast before he had a chance to taste it. Oh yeah, he was still clinging to the idea that he could return to that when the current business was all said and done.
There was something unspoken buried in his second obvious statement of the hour. Something that might have suggested a touch of suspicion. Did she have anything to do with the odd events, or was she just an innocent bystander herself?
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((Thread transfer; my turn to reply.))
0 notes
aetheternity · 3 years
Being a big brother when you've never been a big brother (800 follower special)
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Synopsis: In which Levi's been dating you for a year and a half and gets the news that Kuchel is pregnant.
Introduction: In this Kuchel is 43. She had Levi as a teenager (17). Female reader and Levi haven't talked a lot about having babies yet. You two live together but haven't discussed it fully but you have told Levi you'd be open to the idea of having children while he was slightly on the fence.
• To say Levi is shocked is a monumentous understatement.
• When he gets the news that his mother was pregnant with his step father's baby he gets quiet.
• Doesn't say much.
• Well what would he say honestly?
• You on the other hand are spewing out baby names and bouncing in your seat while asking his mother about her plans for colors in the nursery.
• It's not surprising that he's distant. He's 26 and he just found out he's gonna be a big brother. He knows next to nothing about children as it is.
• Though eventually he warms to the idea and by warms I mean he becomes as helpful as possible in aiding his pregnant mother around. Buys her anything she wants/needs and goes on all the trips to buy clothes, toys etc for the baby's arrival.
• Even though he's still pretty quiet on his feelings about the whole situation.
"Babe?" You call to him one night as you're both getting ready for bed. He turns his head slightly to look at you. "Are you ok? I know this might take a lot more getting used to."
He sighs placing his tie on the dresser. "How would you feel?"
It's not said maliciously just curiously. Grey eyes fully scoping the lines of your face. "How would I-" You start and then stop, eyebrows raised and cheeks puffed. "Well.. I know you probably don't need to hear awkward."
He blinks turning his attention back to the mirror. "No! I'm sorry, Levi!" You gestured out to him with both hands and he sighs, walking over to you with light thumps on the carpet.
You laid back in bed and he slowly pulled himself over you. His hands on either sides of your shoulders, legs spread on either side of yours and head resting delicately on your chest. "It's gonna be ok. Look the first year of that kid's life is just them needing love and a bottle to suckle. Worry about the first year once they're born and everything else will fall perfectly into place."
Levi snorted against your skin, fingers lightly stroking the arms of your tee shirt. "Perfectly.."
"You know what I mean." You reply, pressing the smallest kiss against the top of his head. "I'll be by your side the entire time."
The only reply you get is a soft exhale. Levi's heart beat softly evens out and with your fingers curling through his gorgeous black hair he slowly falls asleep.
Finding out the baby's gender:
• When Levi finds out he's having a little brother he feels.. pretty much the same though apart of him is kinda sighing in relief at knowing he won't have to protect a little girl from nasty boys.
• You on the other hand are beaming, "Levi, you're gonna have a little brother! Isn't that great. Kuchel were you hoping for another little boy?"
• Kuchel smiles, "I wasn't too concerned with the gender just as long as they were healthy." She admitted "But I wouldn't have minded a girl, just to see what parenting the opposite gender would be like."
• Somehow the conversation of Levi's future baby brother turned into a conversation about you and Levi's possible future child and what you'd want your first kid to be.
• Levi didn't stay long when that started, promptly excusing himself and you found out almost three hours later that he'd taken a walk and ended up at home.
"Levi?" When you walked into your shared house he was laying on the couch with an arm over his face.
He slowly laid his arm out flat next to his body and you walked over to him cupping the hand closest to you.
"I was going to come back but.."
"You didn't?" You gave him a small smile running a finger over his cheek. He went quiet, eyes falling shut.
"Don't.." He sighs, eyebrows twitching on his forehead. "Don't start that thing you do.. you know when you worry about people.."
You scoff, "Well I am worried about you, I've never seen you look like this before."
His eyelids flutter open slightly, grey eyes flashing over to you through the slits. "You've thought about our future kid a lot?"
You blink, mouth hanging open, "I- well I.. wasn't ok I was it was just for Kuchel." You tried to laugh.
Levi's eyebrow raised, "No, you didn't tell me how much you really thought about it beyond our past conversations. You've thought about it more than you admitted so you might as well stop pretending."
He sits up on the couch, hands dangling between his spread legs. "Ok fine you win." You admit with a huff. "But with Kuchel and the baby and the baby shower and all it definitely wasn't the right time to revisit this conversation. I just couldn't help it."
His fingers come up to rest in your hair carding away any loose strands where they are on your face. "Looks like we have to discuss it again." He says
A couple weeks after the baby's actual birth:
• You and Levi had come over only a couple days after the birth of the youngest Ackerman.
• "I named him Chance." Kuchel had remarked, her eyes filled with light as she held one of the smallest things Levi had ever laid eyes on.
• "Chance?" You replied, slowly transferring the baby from her arms to yours.
• "Because he was a Chance baby. It was honestly a little worrisome having him since I'm getting up there you know. More of a risk." She laughed it off.
• You looked to her with a small smile. "He's gorgeous." Your smile only getting brighter as you held the small person in your arms. Watching as he softly sucked his pacifier.
• "Just like his big brother." You added, smirking in Levi's direction.
• "Tch." Was the only thing he could muster as he stared in any direction other than the one where his girlfriend was now holding his newborn brother.
• "Levi, don't you wanna hold him?" Kuchel asked her smile never fading.
• Now he felt himself look up. He looked first at Chance and then to you holding him so tight.
• "Come here." You whispered and like a startled deer Levi slowly surveyed the situation a little more before he was coming closer.
• He inched his way down right in front of you and Kuchel, plopping down on the coffee table. Eyes locked on Chance's currently closed eyelids.
• "Not yet right?" You said to him
• He looked up at you then back to baby Chance.
• "Yeah.. not yet." You confirmed
• You'd been right about one thing all Chance needed was love and a bottle to suckle..
• It just for whatever reason wasn't allowed to come from Levi.
• He'd hold Chance, he'd cry.
• Kuchel would hand him his sleeping brother while she got his dinner ready. He'd wake up and scream bloody murder.
• And at this point Chance had successfully: Peed on, spit on and thrown up on Levi.
• And all with the same blissfully smug expression.
"Don't get discouraged, Levi." Kuchel said soothingly "He's just not comfortable with you yet." She explained as she rocked Chance in her arms.
"You did talk to him the least while Kuchel was pregnant. Maybe it has something to do with that?" You tried with a shrug.
"All I know is I'm sick of being covered in his different bodily fluids." Levi huffed
"Awwww. Barely a year old and the brothers are fighting already." You giggled, Kuchel quickly joining in on your laughter.
Levi just rolled his eyes. He felt a little pang in his chest as he looked at his sleeping brother. No one else got nearly as much shit from this kid as he did. But it couldn't possibly be a personal attack the kid was less than one year old what could he possibly know about fights with his brother?
You and Levi take one year old Chance to the park:
• It was comfort weather.
• The perfect kind of weather to take Chance to the park on a crisp Saturday when you both were off from work.
• And a part of Levi was sort of glad for this opportunity.
• Kuchel and his step dad had gone out for pizza and here he was with you and his brother.
• It was surprising to Levi how lively Chance was: trying to push the hood of his stroller up and messing with the buckle strapping him in.
• Felt like just yesterday he couldn't hold his own head up.
• "Alright Chance. Come here." You giggled, gently pulling him out of the stroller with Levi's help.
• You guys had a little set up going in the shade under a tree. Blanket, Chance's toys and his sippy cup all sprawled over the space.
• You handed Levi a red donut shaped toy and told him, "Hold it out for Chance, he loves this game."
• "Chance look." You said as Levi held the toy up to a distracted Chance.
• Unsurprisingly the first thing he did was cry.
• "Here let me try." You offered, pulling the toy from Levi's grasp.
• The second you took the toy and held it in front of Chance his smile practically touched his ears and he leaned forward trying to grab it with his hands and then his mouth.
"You're doing great." You praised, pulling Chance onto his legs.
Levi just sighed, "Anything else?"
You pointed to the ball with one finger, still bouncing Chance. "He loves that squeaky thing."
Levi looked in the direction of the small toy, yanking it up off the blanket. He held it up giving it a little squeeze in front of Chance. It drew his attention surprisingly fast and he watched Levi's hand as he squeezed it again.
He was so weirdly enamored by such a normal item it was honestly really cute. A warmth spread through Levi's chest as you smiled at him in his peripherals.
"You want this?" Levi asked, holding it out for Chance.
Your smile stretched over your face as Chance reached for it. Little legs working to get him closer to the ball in Levi's grasp.
"That's it." You cheered softly. "Good job."
It wasn't clear who the compliment was directed towards but Levi was too distracted by Chance's little hands trying desperately to pull the object from his grasp. You still had your hands around Chance to support him as he finally grabbed the ball at a weird angle. The object immediately meeting his mouth.
"Yay, you got it." You said, bouncing Chance lightly. "See now you guys are-"
Chance turned in your grasp, the ball plopping onto the grass with an almost inaudible thud. Unfortunately Levi didn't account for Chance to bend over at the same time as him trying to pick up the ball and his nail came down on Chance's forehead. Not hard enough to leave a mark but hard enough for Chance to scream at the top of his lungs as if he'd been stabbed instead.
"Wait no!" You gasped, picking up the ball.
"Shit." Levi sucked his teeth.
Luckily Chance probably didn't hear either of that thanks to his loud screaming. You tried to give him back the ball only to have it smacked from your grasp. The tiny object tumbling down the hill as you tried and failed to coax Chance down.
Thankfully Levi reacted fast grabbing it before it could roll too far away.
"Is he alright?" Levi tried as you rocked him back and forth.
You giggled, "Yeah, he's a drama queen you know that." It didn't seem to really help though. Levi's features scrunched and his shoulders unnaturally hunched. "Let's take him for a little walk, maybe then he'll calm down."
It took around thirty minutes of walking and rolling Chance's stroller through the once quiet park for him to finally tucker himself out.
Levi huffed as you and him plopped down on the nearest park bench. You rifled through the bag pushing the hood of Chance's stroller up before placing his blue bucket hat on his head. Which perfectly matched his blue overalls and blue socks.
"Sorry." You finally heard him mutter as you pushed pretty brown locks out of Chance's eyes.
"It's not your fault." You replied "I promise Chance is just being himself he probably would've cried that hard if I or anyone else had scratched him too."
Levi said nothing. Just watched as you pushed the brim of the hat up. With a little click you fastened it to the front of his hat. Chance's soft features in full view. The little froggy on his green shirt moving with every breath he took. But Levi could only watch.
"Hey, look here." Your cheeks were puffed out as you yanked Levi's face toward yours. "He's gonna warm to you." You said with softened features. "You're doing such a good job." You praise.
The edges of Levi's eyebrows slowly relax and he lets his chest flow with air like he hadn't done since he made Chance scream earlier. The corners of his lips lift a little and he sits back as you push the stroller back and forth with one arm.
Before he can even think about it he spills the awe flowing in his eyes, "You'd make a great mom."
When you smile at him it makes his heart sink. You slowly turn your attention back to a sleeping Chance and he moves in a little closer.
"If there's.. some future where I actually have a child. I want you to carry my babies."
Your eyes are blown a bit, mouth agape as you look back at him. "Levi.." You start but are immediately cut off by a soft aww from two passing women.
"He's adorable." One says, staring into the open stroller.
"You guys are the cutest parents." Says the other.
"O-oh.. I.. we're actually just babysitting him." You struggle
"Still he's cute." Says women number two bending down to have the same view as her friend.
"Thank you." You practically choke. Eventually they leave and you run a shaky hand through your surprisingly sweaty hair.
"Levi." You start before he can get the chance. "I want you to be sure. Ok, I mean we went from Chance being a drama queen to you saying you want me to have your kids?"
"I didn't mean to say it here." Levi admitted "I did mean it though. You weren't the only one thinking while Kuchel was pregnant."
You give him a little kiss on the nose, brushing your finger over the tip of his ear. "It would be a huge step. We're not even married."
Levi nods, "Someday.."
Family beach day? Family beach day:
• Mikasa had come cause this was her first time getting to meet Chance.
• There were lots of firsts actually. It was also Chance's first time on the beach.
• Chance instantly loved Mikasa the second she held him.
• Soft laughter and a bright smile flooding his face.
• Kuchel and Levi both spent as much time as possible under the beach umbrella.
• You spread sunscreen on Chance's body while Mikasa distracted him by showing him how to make a sandcastle.
• Cue you also trying to get some pictures for Kuchel to hang on the family wall she had back home only for Chance to turn away every time.
• Which he genuinely thought was the most hilarious thing ever.
• And in all the time you'd known Mikasa you'd never seen her smile so much.
• "Is it.. possible it's Chance?" You asked while Chance threw any and all the sand that could fit in his tiny fists.
• She just playfully rolled her eyes, handing Chance the shovel. Which he didn't know what to do with so he just resorted to shaking it around till it flew from his grasp.
• "That's such an Ackerman response." You chirped reaching for the discarded shovel.
• You were more than a little surprised when Levi's uncle Kenny showed up. Slamming the door of his kidnapper van closed.
• "Woah Kenny came?" You asked Levi as you sat on the edge of his beach chair.
• You, Mikasa and Chance had all decided to take a break from shell collecting to come up and eat lunch.
• Kuchel laughed at your surprise. "He hasn't met Chance yet." She explained
• "Ahh." You replied
• Chance seemed.. confused by Kenny.
• His only response to Kenny holding him being a blank stare.
• Kenny didn't seem to notice though as he yapped on about the time he accidentally put Levi in the washing machine.
• "You what?" Kuchel gasped
• "It wasn't on!" Kenny explained
• "If me and Levi aren't free to babysit please try Mikasa." You whispered to her.
• Chance spent most of his time after that resting in Mikasa's lap while she rubbed his back and hair.
• Cue Kuchel trying to get Levi to help her put a fussy Chance down for a small nap a couple hours later.
• Which unsurprisingly made Chance more fussy.
• Though the second Levi left, Chance drifted off on the towel in their tent.
• Mikasa made Chance a seashell crown 🥺
• It was a little big so it slipped off his head when he turned a certain way but he laughed whenever she'd place it back on his head.
• Mikasa had been a little on the fence about it but you had basically insisted on getting Levi to take Chance to the water.
• Unsurprisingly Mikasa wasn't the only one on the fence.
"He's having fun with you and Mikasa so you should be the ones that take him down there." Levi argued
"Oh come on Levi! It'll be fun."
Mikasa bounced a calm Chance in her arms as he played with the seashell crown she'd made for him. "He hasn't been with his big brother all day because you've been sitting here reading a book." Mikasa tried but it was only successful in getting Levi to suck his teeth.
"You know I don't wanna go anywhere near the water Y/N." He replied
Finally you got bored and peeled the book from Levi's grasp a cold stare greeting you when he looked up. "You can just go into the water for five minutes with Chance, please! Just so I can take a few pictures and he can get a feel of the water and then you can give him back to me and Mikasa and return to your book."
You could see the gears working in Levi's head as he looked over at a happy looking Chance. His red striped shirt covered in sand which Mikasa was happily dusting off. You already knew exactly what he was thinking but you didn't actually have to say anything because he was slowly rising from his chair:
"Mikasa give Chance to Levi." You said, holding your camera out as Levi reached for a distracted Chance.
Mikasa's arm came up to Chance's back, "Shouldn't I carry him to the water?" She tried
You tilted your head, "Mikasa.."
She finally relinquished Chance, handing him over as if she were fearful Levi would drop him. Levi looked down at the small boy in his arms mildly comforted in the fact that he didn't immediately cry, scream or pee on him.
"Come on guys let's get to the water." You called beckoning to them.
"I'm fine to carry him, I've done it before." Levi assured her as Chance looked behind him towards where they were headed.
"I'm not really worried about you." Mikasa replied, looking down at Chance who was now kicking his legs against Levi's sides.
When you'd all arrived near the water Chance was in awe. His bright grey eyes practically blown and his mouth hung open. He nearly dropped the seashell crown in his arms. Luckily Mikasa scooped it up before it fell.
"Look at this Chance." You cooed gesturing to the water. "Isn't it beautiful?"
Chance responded with glee reaching his arms out toward the huge body of water. He bounced up and down, hands out as he grasped onto nothing.
"He loves it!" You chuckled, carding your fingers through his gorgeous brown hair.
"Armin's gonna love him." Mikasa said, rubbing Chance's belly.
"Ok, quick get him over here while the water is calm." You gestured to the flowing sea and Levi placed him down, holding his waist awkwardly.
You lowered the camera in your grasp, "Come on big brother sit with him, make it look like you're really having fun at the beach with him." You gestured and Levi begrudgingly sat.
He looked back over to you and you gestured again to the water coaxing Levi into splashing water on Chance who was currently staring out over the huge body of water in delight.
Unlike Chance who was actually wearing water shorts Levi was not. He'd come to the beach in cargo shorts because he hadn't planned on sitting on anything but a beach chair or a towel. So now that he was wading uncomfortably in barely ankle deep water his shorts probably looked like he'd pissed or shit himself.
Though he still followed your advice, flicking a tiny bit of water in Chance's direction. It worked surprisingly well because Chance's attention immediately caught on to Levi sitting in front of him.
"Good job baby." You cooed as you snapped picture after picture. Meanwhile Mikasa crossed her arms as if she were waiting for Levi to mess up so she could jump in.
Chance's lips curved up slow and before Levi or anyone could react he lifted his legs slamming them down hard. Water flying all over Levi in the process. It made Chance guffaw and he did it again this time with his hands forcing Levi to shield his eyes from the assault.
"Chance stop it that's not nice." You called but Chance continued smacking and splashing every bit of sea water that flowed between his legs onto Levi.
And for someone who'd never played with water he was way too good at understanding how to get the most water with each scoop. Drenching Levi until Mikasa stepped in to stop it.
"Chance, that's not funny." She said, her features cold. "If you can't play nice in the water, you can't play in the water.
That seemed to strike a cord in him. His breath hitching as tears flowed down his little cheeks. He clung to Mikasa and sobbed until she reached up to rub his back.
"Are you ok?" You asked Levi as he spit ocean water. His hair clinging to his face.
"I just wanna take a shower." He admitted, though his jaw was locked as he spoke.
His hoodie was drenched and his shorts had turned dark brown all over. He walked a little bit faster than you and Mikasa as you both made it back to Kuchel and Kenny.
"Oh God what happened?" Kuchel asked immediately grabbing a towel while Kenny laughed.
"Chance happened." You answered for Levi as he dried his head first stripping his wet hoodie off to reveal his bare chest.
Kuchel looked to Chance who was now innocently sucking his thumb, his head laid on Mikasa's chest.
"I guess his first time in the water was interesting." She sighed
"I got some good pictures before things hit the fan. I'll send them to you." You said, showing her the first couple pictures you had pulled up of Levi and Chance sitting in the ocean together.
"Thank you so much Y/N."
Chance's first words:
• Chance had said his first words when he was 6 almost 7 months old.
• And barely anything else since.
• He really was an Ackerman.
• Every now and then he'd say little things: Ball, Mashed Potatoes (cause they're his favorite food) And TV.
• And of course names which he was pretty good at.
• But the only name he refused to say was Levi.
"Alright Chance you remember your big brother's name right?" Kuchel asked, Chance looked up from his block fort. Kuchel pointed to Levi who was calmly drinking tea and surveying the scene. "Levi." She said
Chance blinked then went back to his block fort. "He has to say it eventually right?" You asked Kuchel as you handed Chance another block.
"He's being stubborn and yes he has to." She replied squeezing Chance's waist.
Chance's eyes rolled to the sky as he placed the block you'd given him next to the tower of blocks that he'd already built.
"When did he learn that?" You huffed in surprise.
"Same time he learned the s-word probably." Kuchel sighed when you gasped she laughed a little. "Stupid." She explained still laughing.
"Oh! Oh."
The two of you continued to laugh as Chance rearranged the tower he'd built knocking it over in the process.
"Chance I believe a smart two year old like you can say a name like Levi I mean you got Mikasa down." You say
"He calls her Mika actually." Kuchel replied
You hum and Chance puffs, "Don't wanna."
He finally gets the block tower to look at least slightly how he wanted it seemingly. He slowly leans back like he's trying to get a better view.
"That's amazing Chance." Kuchel applauds with a soft gasp.
"Good job sweetie." You chime in
"It's not bad." Levi says to which Chance is rolling his eyes again.
"What are you gonna call it?" You ask hoping it'll cut the tension you can feel growing.
Chance peers at it then opens his mouth but before he can say anything he looks at Levi who's staring back. And slowly but surely that slow moving grin works its way onto his features.
"Stupid Levi!" He exclaims with a laugh before taking a block and smashing the whole thing in.
"Chance!" Kuchel huffs
"That's one stubborn kid.." You say with a sigh as Kuchel takes Chance to the punishment chair.
Emergency in babysitting (in which Levi gets high but Kuchel needs to drop off Chance because she has an emergency to take care of.):
{This is based off some headcanons I read for Levi when he's high. If I ever manage to find the post again I'll link it here.}
• You'd forgotten how clingy Levi got when he was high.
• He hummed into the fat of your waist as you sat still trying to watch TV on low volume.
• His leg shaking a little every couple minutes.
• Your fingers slowly carding through his head as his eyes stayed shut tight.
• At some point the doorbell rang and you tried to pull yourself out of Levi's grasp thinking he was sleeping.
• "Where are you going?" He almost whined, pulling himself up on his knees and crawling to you.
• "The doorbell baby. I promise I'm coming back." You said giving him a small kiss on the cheek.
• "W- OK.. I'll wait here." He sat on the edge of the bed, kicking his legs a little.
• You can't help how hard you smile, "I'll be back, I promise."
• The second you open the door you're bombarded with words and Levi's step-dad holding his nose.
• "Oh God what happened?" You asked
• "I need someone to watch Chance for a couple hours while we go to the hospital. He fell on one of Chance's toys while he was carrying some boxes and.." She gestured absently, handing Chance over
• "Sure, no problem." You replied "Hope you feel better." You said to Levi's step-dad.
• Kuchel quickly handed you a bag of Chance's stuff before hurrying off with Levi's step-dad.
• You shut the door with a sigh just as Levi came down the stairs, "You said you'd be back." He huffed
• "I'm sorry, listen your step-dad is going to the hospital so we have Chance for the night." You explained
• You honestly couldn't tell what Levi or Chance's faces meant but both boys seemed to be in silent agreement.
• "Are you hungry Chance?" You asked as he sucked his thumb laying his head on your chest.
• "Mashed Potatoes." He nodded
• "Yeah? OK let me get you some."
Levi followed you into the kitchen and watched you as you placed Chance in the high chair you guys had for when he visited.
"I know, you want to sleep off your high baby just give me a few minutes to get Chance fed and asleep." You offered
Levi nodded but he stayed by your side as you grabbed the box with mashed potato mix in it and got to work putting it in a pot with some water and butter.
"You don't want anything else babes? Just mashed potatoes?" You called to the small boy kicking his legs behind you.
He nodded, "mashed potatoes." He repeated with a kick of his legs.
You managed somehow to get the food cooking while Levi clung to you like a puppy. His gaze soft whenever you met his eyes. His hands in your shorts pockets and arms coming up to meet your waist.
"You know Chance, mashed potatoes are more of a side." You explained
Chance shook his head, he glanced over at Levi who was still holding onto you like he was worried you'd fly away or something. Which immediately sparked tears, he shoved at the tray in front of him screaming your name and reaching out for you.
"Ok, ok please don't cry Chance!" You shouted over his crying when you picked him up, he instantly stopped, yanking you closer to press a kiss to the side of your face before snuggling into your shoulder.
"Aww Chance." You patted his back giving him a kiss back on his forehead.
"I want kisses, please." Levi said bouncing on his tippy toes.
You quickly gave him a forehead kiss as well and he calmed down enough to rock against you, "I hope you're still this cute when you're holding my children." He sighs.
(Ok so I reached the post number limit. Might make a P2 of this let's see how this one does first.)
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newyorkcittysworld · 5 years
Part 2 of uhh I'm gunna call it: Sugarbaby!peter (bc I'm basic)
Peter ran into his dorm room,threw all his belongings on his bed and swiveled in his chair to his laptop. He opened it and began transferring all the notes he took. After a while of doing work and analyzing tony's, he couldn't help but notice the folded up piece of paper with tonys number on it he kept trying to distract himself, tony did say not too blow up his phone he decided he at least needed a reason to text him. Peter was looking back at tonys work when his phone caught him off guard. His heart was beating as he prayed it was tony but sadly no,
*new message from aunt may: hey petey pie! Please take the chicken out the freezer. How'd the stark interview go today*
He unlocked his phone and replied  *no problem, it went great! So dreamy up close*
His aunt knew about his bisexuality and encouraged it so this lighthearted joking was not only normal but expected. May was young and progressive and didn't mind at all. *haha I better not catch you in his suit pete!* peter sent back hurts and got back too tony's work, he can't lie it would be pretty cool to ride in tony's car, wearing high end clothes and tony having peter living the lavish lifestyle, completely opposite from his own. He didn't care for material things but like any normal person he dreamed of doing it big. Hours passed as peter looked at tony’s work . ugh it was flawless no questions needed. He considered playing dumb but he didn't want the possibility of tony mocking him. He figured he could try to add comments or upgrades and could ask for tonys help on that, he smiled and started getting too work when a facetime ring interrupted his train of thought. Eh it's probably ned he said picking up without looking.his face went red when he saw tony on his screen looking back at him from a bad angle. (well let's be honest there i no bad angle but imagine looking down at your phone and facetiming someone). “H-hello Mr.Stark!! Wh- what's going on” peter choked out in a squeaky voice. He tried to sound as chill as possible. “Hey kid i need you for something but i can't tell you what, you'd say no, you down?” peters swore he was gonna pass out but held it together “where are we going is i-” he was cut off by tony “ ahh no questions im afraid it would give hints just let me know can you meet me on 45th and lex? In about an hour?” tony smirked, he saw how red the kids face was and he knows damn well that twink doesnt do exercise. Peter hesitated for a moment but figured even if tony straight up killed him, he'd say thank you in the afterlife “sure thing, do i need to change?” he panned the camera down at what he was wearing being very stealthy about moving around his crotch area which would give away his current state.”there goes the questions again but i'll see you there kid” the phone hung up before he could even ask his question again. Oh well as far as he knows he gets too see stark again and that's the only thing he's focused on
Peter arrived slightly early at the exact location tony told him too in order to insure the older man wouldn't leave him there. He was standing there in the nicest clothes he had (to be fair it was from old navy it looked pretty clean) he heard a car blasting ac/dc through his ear buds but thought nothing of it ‘just regular nyc’ he thought to himself. That was until the bright yellow car pulled up next to him honking, it was tony in a nice lo rider. Peter nearly nutted on the spot. Tony looked amazing, his hair was slicked back clean, his expensive color tinted glasses matching with his three piece suit that was probably worth more than his apartment, his legs froze as he waved nervously, tony lowered the music to talk too him. “Hey!! Hop in i got a suit for you in the back” peter could feel himself swooning so he quickly walked too the car and reached for the handle to open it. Tony shot out of the car and ran around the other side and opened the door for him. Peter wasn't quite sure how much of this he could take. He sat down on the expensive leather and saw a long black coat bag and stood as still as possible as tony closed the door for him, anxiety making it difficult to be comfortable. “Am i allowed to ask where we are going Mr.Stark?” peter said trying to take his eyes off of the other man and just trying to sneak quick looks.his heart was beating he really didn't know what to expect “Fine fine turns out i need a date too this really boring and expensive event” the older man leaned back in his chair taking long looks at peter at stop lights. “And you chose me because???”  peter said generally shocked and lowkey fiddling with all the expensive material, everything just felt lavish. “Well you like boring stuff and your cute,and you where fresh in my memory your smart.i need someone like that next to me so i look good” tony smirked knowing damn well peter is melting right now. “Sooo im your arm candy?” he choked out smiling widely not even trying to hide it “essentially, that's why i brought the suit. No offense that uhh no brand cardigan is,nice but unfortunately it's not in the dress code” peter was so over the moon , he drew his attention too the coat bag with a big tom ford logo on it. Peter was living out his teenage fantasy, the only difference was he wasn't wrapped around tony's arm holding one hand that slumped over him while the other drove.
He quickly snapped his head up when the car stopped moving after a while. “Ok we're here you can change before we go into the main hall there's a bathroom right on your left” peter nodded and got out of the car walking next to his date trying his best to contain his excitement and not geek out in front of stark, pete did as the man said and changed into a nice burgundy suit, the material was orgasmic and he had too admit he looked sharp, and tony thought so too, he was smiling watching the (somehow)smaller man come out holding his arm out, peter walked up to him handing his clothes too another one (of what seemed like endless) assistants. “Ok so here's the catch” tony whispered faking smiles and waves too look natural as he spoke.”your gonna actually pretend to be my boyfriend and i'll give you $7,000 for compensation” he gave peter a smile as he turned around to greet some mit students. Tonys words had peter nearly spinning, "relax i'm not gonna make you sleep with me” tony whispered seeing how red peter was, his heart was racing so fast he couldn't bring himself to say any words but tried to signal tony he was completely okay with this idea and has been fantasizing about it for what seemed decades, he stood next to tony while he spoke giving off small waves at the people staring at him. He wrapped his arm around stark and stood up tall.
The kids dispersed which left the two of them walking around in silence.”bold of you to assume i don't WANT to sleep with you” the doe eyed boy whispered under his breath with a smirk.stark looked at him with a puzzled look on his face “what kid?” he said acting clueless knowing damn well what he said (which is all the proof he needed to know peter was into him as if it wasn't obvious enough) the ‘kid’ (who is 23) shot up as his cheeks went red “n nothing Mr.Stark!! J-just a uh self reminder” *wow peter really good excuse* he thought to himself smiling nervously. Tony smiled and pulled peter in for a half hug as he saw a photographer approaching. “the talking of boring science*ahem* future technology should start soon,you need anything kid?” he looked down at the man on his arm “n-not to take advantage, but you think we could grab like fries? Maybe just a quick burger” he looked up at stark with puppy eyes. Tony scoffed sarcastically  “i won't let you spoil your stomach with that garbage “ and in the snap of his fingers three different waiters with trays approached him. “Go ahead kid don't be shy” peter was most definitely shy but starks words encouraged him,this was very different for parker, usually he's the one giving out the fancy trays but now he's on the flip side. He plucked out some fancy meats moaning at the flavor..this was all very new for him but he'd be lying if he said he couldn't get used too this./ the meeting began and the two took their seats peter being daring and resting his head on tonys shoulder, the lecture was actually pretty interesting he found himself taking notes on his phone and sneaking in pictures of him laying against tony, which was easy since tony knocked out after the first ten minutes.
After what seemed like years,Tony startled awake eyes opening wide only too see that they were still at the conference he let out a groan as he saw peter standing above him.”hey uh mr stark, everyone's leaving im sorry! Should i carry you out or” he was so cute when he gets all pent up like this “you couldn't lift me if you tried but come on let's get out of here” tony chuckled. Standing up and exiting with peter “Mr.Stark i saw some ladys taking pictures so i put your glasses on, ya know so you don't look bad?” tony touched his face and realized there was indeed glasses on his face”huh that would explain why everything is a light brown color, thought i was just hungover” peter giggled at the taller man's response. They walked to the car arm in arm as reporters were standing around his car.”no time for questions i'm tired” tony said, once again opening the door for peter who couldn't help but nervously laugh through the second hand anxiety. They drove off it was getting kind of late,
            But peter didn't want this too end.
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