#ok sure he DID try kill her before but that was BEFORE he chose her as his new child
nyaskitten · 1 year
ll"rumi shippers actually watch s9 challenge </3
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faefictions · 1 year
Go to Bed Angry
Eddie Munson x Reader
Word count: 2.5k
Request: Eddie teasing and flustering his girl best friend who has a not so hidden crush on him and he has a not so hidden crush on her but they're both blind to it With a happy fluffy ending please 🥺
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(Gif by @thorinsbeard​)
It had been a Tuesday afternoon. You only remember that detail because any other day of the week, Eddie wouldn’t have been free to give you a ride home after school. It wasn’t anything new, you were in the passenger seat of his van, the music blasting through the speakers at a deafening volume. He had just made a joke that to this day you can’t remember, but that wasn’t what did it. You turned to the window, rolling your eyes in annoyance at his teasing, everything was business as usual. That was until you glanced at his reflection, staring at the back of your head. It was a simple, innocent look, but something about it lit a fire in you that you couldn’t stamp out. 
That was the moment you realized you were in love with your best friend. 
You spent every day after that either in active denial, or trying your best to suppress the emotions you knew were brewing. It shouldn’t have been that hard. Eddie was just as much of a little shit as ever. His constant comments about how bad your breath smelled, or how terrible your music taste was, or slight digs at your personality in general should have been enough to completely kill the crush that you had. But the small moments where he would check to make sure you were ok in stressful situations, or when he would insist on buying you flowers when he knew you were having a particularly bad day. This moments would bring you right back to that day in his van, and the butterflies would come creeping back up on you. 
It only got worse after graduation. On graduation day, Eddie had picked you up and spun you around out of excitement. Neither of you had really thought that he would be graduating with you that year, but after all the late nights you forced him to study, he had finally crawled his way past the finish line. For a second, after he had set you down, you thought that he was going to lean in and kiss you. He just stood there for a moment, staring into your eyes without saying a word, but the Hellfire boys ruined the moment when they practically tackled him from behind. You avoided him for the rest of the night after that. 
Once you both got full time jobs, it got harder to spend time with each other. You began to worry that the two of you would drift apart, but Eddie would have never left that happen. The second he realized that you were worried about it, he chose to come over to your trailer every day after work. 
It didn’t matter if he worked a 10 hour shift, or if he got off a 3 am, you could always expect him to let himself in and plop himself down on your couch with a loud sigh. It became a new normal to wait for Eddie to “come home”, but you hated that you thought of it that way. It was staring to feel a little too domestic. But that didn’t stop you from making him something to eat after every shift, or listening to his incredibly boring work stories for hours, or walking him 100 feet back to his trailer so he could get some much needed sleep.
On one night in September, you came home from your shift at 4 pm, as always. Your hair was slipping out of it’s pony tail, and your makeup was smudged. It had been a particularly long day. The amount of customers who had left with nothing but complaints had been higher than normal, and it had worn you out by lunch. You counted down every minute of the tail end of your shift, but not even clocking out was enough to get rid of the storm cloud over your head. 
You had no idea how long you had until Eddie would inevitably let himself into your trailer, but you figured you had at least a few hours to shower and get yourself in a better mood before you had to socialize again. However, you were proven wrong when you opened your trailer door and found Eddie’s work boots kicked off to the side, and heard him rustling around in the kitchen. 
“Is it too early for dinner? I mean, you always make it when I get off, but that can be like six o clock or midnight so I don’t really know what a normal dinner time is to you.”
“What are you doing here?”
He turned around to face you, now standing behind him in the small kitchen area, his shirt covered in a mysterious food stain that you couldn’t find the origin of since it appeared he was only making macaroni. 
“You feeling ok?” he asked as he feigned concern and placed his wrist on your forehead to feel for an imaginary temperature. “How could you forget about your favorite person in the whole world? I’m Eddie, remember? I practically live here,” He giggled to himself before you slapped his hand away from your head. 
“You’ve just never gotten off this early. I figured I had time to at least take a shower before you got here,”
“Bad day?”
You sighed and turned to finally take your jacket and shoes off. Your sigh was answer enough for him. 
“You can still go take a shower. It’s not like I don’t know my way around.”
“It’s fine, you made food, let’s just eat.”
“No,” he chided as he blocked your access to the cupboard you were reaching for, “Go get out of your work clothes and get in the shower, before I help you out of them.”
“Eddie!” you yelped and slapped him on the arm, praying that the blush you felt on your cheeks wasn’t as obvious as it felt. 
“I’m serious. Shower. Now,” he laughed and began to shoo and chase you down the hall into the bathroom. 
“I don’t have any clothes to change into,” you pouted before he could close the bathroom door in your face. 
“Get the water warm, I’ll go get your pajamas.”
You said a quick thank you as he disappeared, and you did just as he said. You turned the water up as hot as it would go, knowing that you needed to melt the day away. Eddie quickly returned with a change of clothes before running back to the kitchen in hopes that he hadn’t found a way to somehow burn a box of Kraft. 
After your shower, you emerged from the bathroom fully clothed, but hair still dripping wet. You hadn’t had the energy to dry it, and the grumbling coming from your stomach was getting to be too much. Luckily, by the time you made it to the living room, Eddie was waiting on the couch with a still warm bowl of macaroni waiting for you. 
“There she is,” Eddie smiled, mouth half full of noodles. He pushed the blanket that had been resting next to him onto the ground and patted the cushion excitedly. 
“Don’t talk with your mouth full,” you sighed and bent over to pick the blanket back up. You could feel Eddies eyes focusing on you as you folded it and rested it over the back of the couch. 
“What’s with you today, sweetheart? Something happen at work?,” he asked, much more gentle now, as he handed you your dinner. 
“Just a long day Eds,” you fought off another sigh. 
“Seriously,” he stopped you from taking your first bite, “Is there someone I need to beat the shit out of? You know I’d do that for you, right?” 
“Can I just eat this lovely meal you’ve prepared for the two of us?” You faked a smile and hoped your blush wasn’t too dark. 
Lately, anything Eddie said made you feel a certain way. It was like he was going out of his way to get a reaction out of you, almost like he was doing it on purpose. 
“Fine,” he smirked, “I’ll get my answers out of you later, Doll.”
You tried not to choke in response to that name. That was a new one, and your brain reacted a little too fondly to it. You quickly reached for the remote and turned to the first station that seemed entertaining enough to shut Eddie up. 
You reveled in the silence for the short while it lasted. You loved spending time with Eddie, always had, but it had grown harder to be around him with him acting like this. The last thing you wanted was for him to figure out how you felt about him and ruin the friendship. As time went on, it was growing harder and harder to control your own reactions to him though. 
Just as your heart finally began to beat normally again, right after you had finished your dinner and set the bowl on the coffee table in front of you, you hit your limit. Eddie reached out and guided your chin towards him. He made eye contact for a moment, with an expression that felt too serious for the situation, and for a second you thought he might kiss you. Instead, he brought his thumb to the corner of your mouth and swiped away what you could only assume was a glob of artificial cheese. 
“Got it,” he smiled. 
“I’m feeling pretty tired, I think maybe you should head home,” you nearly snapped at him. It came out more polite than you expected, but much less than you meant for it to sound. 
“But it’s only like 5:30,” he pouted. It was obvious that something was off. He usually wouldn’t get off work until much later than this, and would still end up staying longer than he had today. 
“Like I said, long day. You should get going.” 
“Come on, y/n, did I do something?” he tried to reason with you as you began to usher him off of the couch and towards the exit. 
“Eddie, I just wanna be alone right now, ok? Don’t make a big deal out of it.” 
“No,” he dug his heels in just as you had nearly gotten him to the door, and turned to face you, “Something’s up and I’m not leaving until we resolve it. You know what they say, never go to bed angry.” 
“Eddie, that’s for married couples.”
“And we’re practically that.”
“Excuse me? No, Eddie, we aren’t practically anything!”
“Woah, ok, I was just joking around sweetheart.”
Had you been thinking straight, you would have noticed that Eddie almost seemed offended at your reaction to his joke. But you were far from level headed, and all you knew was that he had no right to tease you like that if he didn’t mean a word of it. 
You groaned and rushed around him, opening the door to make the invitation to leave feel more like a demand. But if there was one thing you knew about Eddie Munson, it was that he was the most stubborn piece of shit, beating out even you. 
“You know for a fact that I’m going nowhere until you tell me what I did. I know this isn’t just a shitty day. It may have started out that way, but you’d never kick me out over just that.” 
“Well maybe today was just extra shitty, Eddie. And maybe the cure to a shitty day is to not have you around to make me even more miserable.”
You hadn’t meant it, it had just slipped out, and the second you saw Eddie’s face drop, you had regretted it. But it was too late to take it back, and you still desperately wanted him out, so you just stood in silence, trying not to let any hot tears free from your eyes. You cursed yourself for your tendency to cry at any situation that made you raise your voice. 
“Y/n, seriously, what did I do?” he asked, voice laced with deep concern, and took a nervous step towards you. 
“Nothing, I just want you to leave, please.”
Your tears had begun to fall, and Eddie would have been able to sense your overwhelm from a mile away. He was unsure what to do though, since in any other situation, he would offer his presence to console you. He tried to comb through the night in his brain, trying to pick out anything he had done to upset you. Once he remembered the last thing he had done before you asked him to leave, he had an inkling of what may be happening. 
He gently reached out and grabbed your hand to pull you even closer to him, and he proved himself correct when he saw the way you nearly winced at his touch. He knew you well, he had once declared himself an expert on everything y/n. But, he had missed the most important thing there was to know about you. 
You loved him in the exact same way he had loved you from the start.  
“Can I kiss you?” he blurted, but his voice was barely above a whisper. 
“What?” you exclaimed, the surprise putting a pause to your tears. 
“That’s what you wanted, right?” 
“Eddie,” you warned, and pulled away from him, gently this time. There was no more malice towards him, just defeat. “I wouldn’t want you to do anything you wouldn’t want,” you finished as you turned to walk back to the couch. Before you could get far, he grabbed your arm once again and spun you around to look at him. 
“Then let me kiss you because I want to,” as he spoke, his demeanor changed from confidence to match your insecurity, “Please.” 
You both stood, staring at each other as you tried to take in what he had said. The butterflies in your stomach were trying to convince you that he meant it, that he really had wanted to kiss you, but your brain was trying to let you down gently. He had had a million chances to kiss you, to make a move, to do anything. But he had always chosen to tease, to make you think that what had blossomed between you was nothing but one sided. You were ready to turn him down, to try to preserve your friendship and your heart, until his hand reached out and cupped your cheek. 
He slowly took a step towards you, never breaking his line of sight on your eyes. He moved as if you would turn and run at any sudden movement, and his heavy breathing gave his nerves even more away. 
He wouldn’t be nervous if he were lying. That was the final thought you had before you launched yourself into his lips. There was no way he was going to get the glory of kissing you first. Not after all the teasing he had put you through. 
@eddielives1986​ @eddieswifu​ @chickpeadumpsterfire​ @fluffybunnyu​ @embrace-themagic​ @fanficparker​  @heartbeats-wildly​ @saturn-aka-six​ @calum-hoodwinked-me​ @peterplanet​ @mischiefmanaged49​ @nicotine-sunshine820​ @itsjusttor​ @emistrash​ @thenoddingbunny-blog​ @sovereignparker​ @raajali3​
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heliads · 10 months
Hello!! So excited that your requests are open! Would you do a Peter Pevensie X reader where they get trapped after battle (maybe in a cave waiting for the other pevensies to reach them) and the reader is injured so Peter has to care for her and some fluff and comfort?? Thank you! 💗💗💗 If you don't choose to write it thats ok!
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There are two soldiers in a cave, waiting for rescue. One is a king; the other, one of his subjects. He is sitting upright, alternating between anxiously scanning the mouth of the cave for intruders and staring back down at the girl. She is less active, but that is due in part to the ever growing pool of blood underneath her ribs. 
They have been here for quite some time already, and although the king will not admit it, he fears that it will be quite some time again before they are rescued. He must have faith, though, for both of them. It is hard not to worry. Not when Peter Pevensie can picture so plainly how they got here, and why they were forced into the cave to begin with. 
They were not supposed to be attacked, but it happened anyway. Narnia is a kingdom, and kingdoms fall. Rival kings lust for power that isn’t theirs, and peaceful homelands must rally to protect themselves. Soldiers turn to bitter struggles, cowards turn to run. You had two choices when the banner of war was lifted:  stay and fight, or leave and live.
You chose to stay. Will that be what kills you, wanting to be there for your friends? No one can tell for certain, but your blood is darkening the stones beneath you with a deeper stain than you’d like, and the thought of rescue is quite far off. There is no guarantee that anyone will reach you in time, regardless of what Peter is trying to whisper to you. There is no guarantee that you can hear him at all anymore.
Instead, you can hear him yesterday morning, strangely strong despite the early hour of the morning. Narnian spies had come back around dawn bearing news of an approaching army, one that didn’t look friendly. The Pevensies had been carefully monitoring threats to their kingdom for years, but no one could tell for sure that one would attack until they were already on horseback with hands on weapons.
There had been limited time for defense. Peter had rallied his army and their allies, and his siblings frantically evacuated the surrounding townspeople to a safer location, all the while battening down the hatches at home so that Cair Paravel would not be taken. Battle plans were drafted long ago, but it is one thing to write them up in the safety of peace, and something else entirely to have to use them.
The attackers didn’t arrive until midday. They gave an announcement that Narnia was to surrender peacefully or fall violently. Standing on the ramparts of the castle, looking down on the swarms of soldiers, you could feel anger burning in your chest at the insult of it all. As if Narnia would fall to a paltry foe like some neighboring king. As if there was any among your ranks that would not fight to their last breath to defend their kingdom.
Peter had given an answer somewhat along those lines, although, as coached by Susan, with a little more tact. You could tell he was fighting to keep his rage in check, though, if the red crescents imprinted into his palms from where his fingernails had bit into his palms were any sort of warning sign.
After that, the only thing left was to go to war. Before the fighting started, Peter had pulled you aside and asked if you really wanted to do this. You were a soldier of Narnia, a force fighting for good, but more than that, you were his friend, and Peter did not want to lose anyone if he could avoid it.
Tucked into a quiet alcove of Cair Paravel, golden hair rusted over with the shadows of the dark corner, Peter’s hands had tightened around yours as he said, “You can leave now, Y/N. If you want to. I want you to be safe.”
You had shaken your head. “Absolutely not. Narnia is my home, Peter. I can’t leave when she needs me.”
Peter had sighed ruefully, but the spark of pride behind his worried expression had told you what you wanted to know the most:  having you there with him meant more than he could possibly describe. The two of you are friends, just friends, but sometimes, you think that the sort of friendship you have with him has long outstripped any sort of bond of camaraderie either of you have held with anyone else. If you die, you will do it by his side. If he falls, he wants you there to see it.
Thus the battle was waged. You donned your armor as quickly as you could, grabbing your weapons before helping the other soldiers. It was time to defend your homeland. No cause could be more important. No risk could be as worthy.
The sun is setting over the hills; Peter cannot see much of it, tucked into the cave as the two of you are, but the loss of light is enough to cause him significant worry. The attackers, although arrived around noon the previous day, had waited until the dark of night to close their ranks and begin the fight. It had added a deadly edge of danger to an already perilous battle, what with the reduced visibility. 
The battle had been fought well through the night and into the next dawn, but Peter is not sure that another midnight spent in this stone refuge will prove a good idea for either of you. Mainly for you; Peter looks down again, noticing that your eyes flutter closed more than they stay open, and your skin looks dull and tired even without the loss of light. He pulls you closer to him, shuts his eyes, and prays to anyone who will hear, anyone worthwhile listening, that someone will save you. Not even him. It just has to be you.
Night falls and you hear the clang of steel against steel reverberating around you. Your soldiers, though kept in rigorous practice, have not been to war in a while. They do not exercise the cruelty that the enemy fighters seem to have in spades. What you do have is heart, though, and Narnia has taught you that even the most formidable of odds can be overturned in time.
Slowly, surely, light begins to creep over the sky, and the Narnians manage to push their attackers back from Cair Paravel, over the uneven, rocky ground and towards the mountains once more. Smooth ground twists itself with stone outcroppings, making the fight even trickier than it was before. You step over bodies on the ground, unable to tell whether they are friend or foe, but you force yourself to keep your head. It would not do to lose control now.
Dawn is upon you at last, touching rosy fingers over scarlet blood and pearlescent bone. There is no such thing as a good fight, an honorable war, and if you return home, the lingering knowledge of what has been done upon this land will sit with you for a long time to come. When you come home, that is. After all of this, you must survive. Narnia must survive.
A shout, a scream; soldiers pour over the hills again, and you realize with a chill that your enemies had reinforcements in line, waiting for something like this to happen. You managed to get yourself stuck on the outskirts of the battle in an attempt to go after some higher ranking officials in the enemy army, and now you’re lost in the downstream current of dozens of opposing soldiers flooding towards you. 
Too many for you to fight by yourself, that much is certain, but you have no choice now. They encircle you, and even as you manage to take down some, there are too many of them. One raises his sword as you parry another soldier, and when you blink, it has pierced your armor, threading your ribs. It doesn’t hurt and then it does, an agony like lightning rattling through your entire body.
You might scream, you’re not sure of it. You wait for them to kill you, but strangely enough, the death blow does not come. Someone catches you before you fall, and the early morning sun shines on golden curls. Peter. He’s found you, somehow, in the tumult of the battle. You can just hear him shouting to his men that he’s going to take you to cover, and then he’s picked you up, cradling you in his arms like a bride, and running for shelter.
There’s a cave not far from here. Peter stumbles in, twisting past boulders and turns in the tunnel before he gently puts you down behind the cover of a rocky outcropping. There are too many of them out there, running past the mouth of the cave, so Peter does not dare leave you even when you tell him that you’ll be fine. It is a lie. He knows it. He stays.
Peter tells you that, despite the arrival of the enemy reinforcements, he believes the battle will be settled in favor of the Narnians. The enemy fighters were desperate, they knew they were going to lose, which was why they called in more men. They’re still being forced past the Narnian borders, though, even with a king and a soldier pulled out of the fight like this.
Peter won’t risk leaving you, not with the precarious shape you’re in. Besides, the landscape is so messed up with rocks that he is not sure that he could find this particular cave if he steps outside of it to fight again. You can hear the shouts of men, but neither of you can tell whether they’re Narnian or not. To shout back is to risk death.
Instead, the two of you stay there in the cave, feeling the hours tick by, unable to do a thing about it. Peter grows more restless as you grow more still. He tells you that his siblings will look for the two of you, that when they come, you will be safe.
“We’ll be fine,” he says, voice unnaturally slow, like a schoolboy repeating a lesson he’s learned by heart, “We’ll be fine.” You’re not entirely sure if he believes it.
And then it is dark again, and there is still no one here. Peter does not know if you are alive. He is telling himself that you are, because to keep up desperate hope is far better than giving in to the fear that he has lost you like this. There is a chance you have survived; the enemy soldier who hit you had slashed you across the front instead of stabbing you directly, which is what Peter did when he stumbled upon the scene and realized that he was about to lose the only person that matters to him more than anything else. We all have our demons, our secrets.
A scratching sound at the mouth of the cave, somewhat like a mouse but heavier, too, more purposeful. Could an enemy soldier have come back to finish the job? They may not have been able to take Cair Paravel, but they could at least slaughter the High King while they were running away.
Peter feels his entire body tense, his hand resting on his sword. He dares not draw it, too afraid of risking the noise. He’ll fight for both of them if he has to. He’ll keep them alive a little longer. Y/N does not stir by his side.
And then– a voice, just a few meters away. “Peter?”
It’s his sister. It’s Susan. Peter lets out a gasp of relief that could be a sob and calls back as loudly as he dares, “Susan?”
A clattering of footsteps and three siblings descend into the cave. Edmund’s eyes are wide and scared, but the fear starts to go away when Peter carefully gets to his feet and pulls his younger brother into an embrace. Ed starts to say something about how he thought– he thought– but Peter says it’s okay, he is not hurt, but then the words roll back on his tongue because Y/N is not okay, and therefore he cannot be, either.
Lucy has already found her friend lying motionless on the ground and hurriedly rummages through the small red bag on her side, reaching for the healing cordial she received so long ago. She carefully lets a few drops fall onto Y/N’s mouth, and the entirety of several millennia passes before Y/N coughs quietly and starts to sit up.
Peter falls to his knees, wrapping his arms around her. Distantly, he hears Susan ushering his siblings away, something about wanting to give them space, but he does not care, he does not care because she is alright, Y/N is alright, and that means he is, too, very much alright.
Y/N whispers in his ear, voice still hoarse but healing, slowly. It’s okay, they have time. “You stayed?”
“Yes,” Peter says back, choking on some unnameable emotion, “I did. I would never leave you, Y/N. I– I love you. You know that.”
She does. “I love you too,” she says, and Peter can find it within himself to smile at last, to help her up, to walk back with her to the castle. They have time. It is okay. They will all, somehow, be alright after this, and that means that far fewer worries crown Peter’s head tonight and all nights after that.
requested by @ajwild220, i hope you enjoy!
narnia tag list: empty for now, message me to be added!
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crepe-of-wrath · 1 year
Serial Shouta Saturday (1/2)
notes/warnings: 18+, fem reader; this scenario will absolutely not get out of my fucking head, I'm so sorry; this is also a two-parter that wraps up next week (I PROMISE) so I'm extra sorry; unrealistic undercover AU scenario that exists for no other purpose but to set up dom daddy vibes Shouta; lots of Daddy and kitten in this one; this is your last warning: either join me in suspending disbelief about the technical details of undercover work/crime that I have surely missed, or wait until I get this out of my system
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You got out of the expensive car and instinctively moved to tug at the hem of your extremely short and revealing mini-dress.
A large, strong hand grabbed your wrist and yanked it up.
"Now, now sweet kitten, none of that. You know I like it when everyone else has to look at what they can't touch."
"I'm sorry, Daddy." You leaned into him to hide your blush. It was still hard for you to use that word. You wondered if news stations reported on things like that. Goodness, you hoped not. It already had to be destroying your mother and father to think that their little girl was the moll of the man everyone thought was the city's newest major crime boss, but knowing that you called that man "daddy" might actually kill them.
Eraser Head gently lifted your hand to his lips, and gave it the lightest kiss. "It's OK, angel. You're very cute when you're my shy little good girl."
There was a pause. Then he mouthed, "Are you ready?"
"Yes, Daddy," you said in the softest, most docile voice you could muster.
Eraser Head kept his arm tight around your waist as the doormen waved you both in. The hostess darted her eyes toward his usual corner, and he escorted you to your regular booth. There were three men already seated, clearly cranky. You wondered how late you and Eraser were for the meeting; he delighted in making people wait for him.
"Gentlemen," he said, acknowledging them with a slight dip of the head, "forgive me." They obviously didn't, and he knew they didn't, but he continued. "I believe you've all met my darling little kitten before. Say hello again to the nice men, kitten."
"Good evening, sirs," you said, following it up with some quick bows. As they returned your greeting, the three men looked at him with expectation and fear. You guessed that made sense: people who acted in unpredictable ways were scary. And, as far as these men knew, Eraser Head was a murderous madman who had cut off his own fucking leg. Pretty unpredictable.
On this evening, Eraser chose to laugh. The men did too, but in that fake and forced way that one might laugh when there is a gun pointed at one's head.
He took his seat and roughly pulled you into the booth after him, immediately making quite a show of moving his hand underneath the hem of your skimpy little dress so he could start fondling your ass and thighs. He closed his eye and hummed with delight. The men across from you were clearly bewildered.
Eventually, he gave you a little pinch.
"Daddy!" you protested, and even you were surprised by how all the training you had done had sunk in: you were now instinctively using the higher-pitched, soft, vulnerable voice you had developed for this character.
Eraser leaned down and kissed your nose. "I'm sorry, kitten," he said, moving his hand back up to your waist. "How am I supposed to help myself?"
There was the most awkward silence until he spoke again. "Gentlemen," he said, "is what you have to tell me more interesting that my beautiful little angel here?"
It only took a few moments for you both to realize that yes, what these men had to say was very interesting. You leaned into Eraser, trying not to be distracted by how hot his body was, or how hot he looked with his eyepatch and his hair up, or by his hands, which were wandering all over you, because, now that they were speaking, it was time for you to work.
Compared to past eras, the newest generations of heroes had a disproportionately large number--Mindjack and Maboromicamie were probably the best known--of people whose quirks were not rooted in physical prowess. These heroes had been able to exploit familiar doctrines and strategies and both hero and villain alliances were still scrambling to adjust.
As part of their larger response, the HPSC had recruited you. Quirkless you. Hyperthymesic you. Scans could detect Quirks, but no scan on earth could detect the power of your memory. You could remember everything about every day of your life going back to your earliest years. Who was in a room, where you were, what happened at what time...what was said. A bit of training transformed you into the ultimate stealth recording weapon. You had become Eraser Head's new "girlfriend" about five months ago, and the two of you had been gathering information for Detective Tsukauchi ever since.
As Eraser continued conversing with the men, he started fondling your neck, stroking it with his thumb, squeezing it in ways that made you gasp and feel fuzzy-headed. There was a part of you that was very ashamed by this, but it really turned you on when he touched you like that, and you started making the most imperceptible little sighs and even running your hands over his own body. He grunted back in appreciation. The man who was talking to him stopped.
"Continue," said Eraser. "But be warned, you are now becoming far less interesting than precious little kitten here."
They talked for about fifteen more minutes, and, by the time Eraser Head abruptly ended the conversation, the hand that he had been using to cradle his drink for most of the evening had wandered so far up your thighs that he was practically fingering you. This may have been a response to your own hands, which had wandered all the way down his chest, and, well, maybe you had brushed against his cock along the way.
Eraser paraded you out of the establishment slowly, making a big show of it, but he was straining to control himself in a way you had never seen before. He practically pushed you into the car before barking, "HOME" at the driver and putting up the privacy screen.
You were laying down on the car's bench seat and he settled himself on top of you, leaning in very close. Knowing you were trapped under him was the most exhilarating and arousing thing.
"You had wandering hands tonight, kitten." His voice was even deeper than it usually was, and it was full of dangerous promises.
"I'm sorry, Daddy."
"I don't think you are, kitten. I think you wanted to be a naughty girl and distract me." He forced his knee between your legs as he gently stroked your face.
"Daddy?" You looked up at him unsure. Was this all still part of the game, the act?
"Yes, Kitten?" He rolled his hips, grinding into your body. He was hard. Not an act. Not a game.
You wrapped your arms around him, digging your nails into his back. "More, Daddy," you said softly. "I need more. Please, Daddy?"
He started to roll his hips again, so very, very slowly. When you tried to buck up your own hips to meet him, he roughly forced you back down and hissed, "You should have stayed still, my little kitten. Just for that, I'm going to start over again."
You thought you were going to die if you didn't have his powerful pressure hitting all your most sensitive places soon, but you laid still while he started over.
Just as he was about to give you what you craved, the car stopped. Were you at "your" building already?
Eraser Head's hand cupped your breast, drawing out a gasp that couldn't help but definitively confirm how turned on you were.
He placed a few heated kisses on the side of your neck as he continued to caress you. You leaned your head back and moaned, which allowed him to put his lips right next to your ear, in just the perfect place to whisper, "Kitten, let Daddy tell you how the rest of this night is going to go..."
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thebottomfromhell · 7 months
I want some angst. How about the Superior Moons kill him for a certain reason and go on with their lives normally, but finding themselves unable to escape of your "ghost". Little things they saw or did reminded them of you and that started to torment them, turning into sadness and longing, although like demons it was very likely that they didn't quite understand these feelings. Preference for human and male readers, but can be gender neutral too
We want some angst! I'm very sorry of how late this came, I really hope I can make up for the time. It was a long and busy week.... also, I hope everyone had a nice Halloween! Thanks for everything and let's see if you enjoy this work.
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Uppermoons facing the "ghosts" of dead Human Male Reader
Warnings: Angst, Manga spoilers, Cannibalism, Literally dead reader, Self-harm, Self-steem/self-worth issues, Unhealty dependency, Suicidal thoughts, Suicide, Eating disorders, Character with PTSD, Character with paranoia, Emotionally stunted character,
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Gyutaro (ft. Daki):
This wasn't supposed to happen, you were not supposed to die! He just... forgot how fragile you can be and how aggresive Daki can get, ok? Ok, he forgot. He forgot and that costed you your life.... fuck! He should have done something! Said something! Protected you! Kept your mouth shut! Anything! "Onii-chan?" She doesn't have any blood on her as he focus his gaze as his own blood heals (he is scratching his face, there as pieces of skin missing and a lot of blood), of course she wouldn't. Daki didn't like you that much, to her you where just some random guy trying to steal her big brother away. You were too proud to actually try and get along with her, you didn't like her much neither. "Are you ok?"
He can se your death in her, and he loathes it but... "Let me hug you.... ne..." he just smiles as she open her arms to recieve her onii-chan as Gyutaro butries his face on her shoulder, not minding that his blood is falling into her as he heals. It's her blood as well (she thinks remembers that much). Gyutaro always chose her over you and there is not even the choice right now, so.... and even if it wasn't the case, she is first.
Because you would have left anyway, was it because Gyutaro is nothing but an ugly freak or dying as a human. You would leave, you left, and it's because of him. Meanwhile Daki won't, can't leave. "I'm so sorry.... little sister... my little sister.... that you have such a pathetic excuse of a brother...." he hugs her tight as he whispers, not crying but needing to feel she is there, that she is safe, that is is happy. "Wha- No! Onii-chan is the best! You are the best big brother ever!" No, he is not. He failed her before, just like he failed you. He is nothing but a failure to others.
He is completely sure most people would be better if he never existed at all, but most of them are people he doesn't care about so he doesn't mind, let their lives be worse. But.... would Daki be better if he was not her onii-chan? You definetely would have been better off if you had never met him.... he should have let his mother kill him.
You had a really bad taste from time to time, you know? He really tried to teach you how to correct it, but... you were a mere human. A handsome man, with an attitude Gyokko switched into hating and loving, but still a human. He should have known from the start to not get his hopes on you, he only ever wasted his precious time and effort on your but you have also tainted his art. Now in his times of creation he can't fully concentrate, the lessons he gave still imprinted in his mind! Every time he tries to connect with the sublime feeling a memory of you awakes! How is he supposed- fuck it! Let's just speak normaly.
You did a number on him, and Gyokko doesn't like that. What what else is there left to do? He already killed you, your guts are in a pot right now. He would get rid of them but he has been just adoring the taste so far, too bad he really can't get more from where those came from. That would be an interesting concept for a work of art, too bad it would only work on demons. Maybe he should have turned you into a demon instead of killing you, but you were so offensive to hi- HERE YOU GO AGAIN! YOU DON'T LET HIM CONCENTRATE!
Why can't you just leave like the rest? You keep pestering and pestering even after dying. This is why he killed you. But one day he will move on, until then... well, it's his own business.
It wasn't him... it wasn't him, please believe it wasn't him! It's not his fault, he is innocent! Those are false accusations! False! .... But nobody is accusing Hantengu of anything. He is just.... it just wasn't him, ok? Don't mind that he is lying please, just believe it wasn't him. He wouldn't have killed you if you had believed it, but you didn't and NOW YOU ARE DEAD!! He can't take it! It's too much! Too much for him! Tiny and pathetic, defenseless against those villains! Those villains are to blame!
You are not coming back, though... are you? Not that he did anything but you are not mad at him, right? You would not become an onryō and take revenge, right? You love him too much for that! Probably... so it's just his imagination. Things just look like you, that it's why shadows have your face! The clones say there is nothing there, that he is just nostalgic, melancholic, maybe even guilty. They just don't get it! You are there!
He is constantly in a panic, trying to scape, trying to deny, "pl-pl-please leave me alone!" He crys and sobs when you are not there, yet... you are everywhere. The clones don't believe it so they can't protect him! Someone help him! You can't do it anymore... because Hantengu killed you.
You were the one to cross the line first, that is what Sekido tells himself. You made him angry, of course he was bound to react! You didn't make sure to have the other clones as back up! (Where the fuck was Karaku?! He is the one to take the bad end in those situations!) You were to one to insist, and insist, and insist in your argument of "I wAnT tO sTaY a HuMaN!" Look how well that ended, since you died a human! You should have just let Sekido turn you!
He is always angry, always violent. You knew that, said you loved hin for that but it seems you did all you could to deny yourself that Sekido could hurt you. THIS IS SO IRRITATING! You are- were a mere man, how DARE you go against him and think that just because he liked you a little you would get a free pass in surviving Upper 4?! That was so idiotic it infuriates him! "SHUT THE FUCK UP, Y/N!" He turns around to find Karaku, corcened for the other clone. Pleasure doesn't say anhthing, clearly contemplating if he should try and comfort Sekido, leave him be or tease him, last one is very tempting. You would know, you also liked to tease Sekido, and a lot.
Sekido uses his staff to attack Karaku, angry that his sole presence is reminding him of you, that he lost you. The anger is almost consuming him, to the point tears appear in his eyes as his face becomes red. He hates it! Just ehy did you have to be so stupid?! Why did he have to love you?! "Fucking.... WHY ARE YOU SO INFURIATING?!" His chest aches and he can only let the anger get the best of him, that is how he is built, after all. Maybe it was bound to happen, and it makes him cry.
You liked to stargaze a lot, it was of the few activities you could both do together any time. Most of the time you fell asleep, tired of whatever you did once the sun came up. Karaku always asked but barely did any effort to keep the information in his head, why would he? It was a world he was never part of. But he knew you, besides not knowing who you were under the sun, he knew the man you were under the moon and the stars. He likes that man a lot.
He tries not to feel guilty of your death, it was an accident, after all. He was fighting off some slayers and overdid it with his attack, making some trees fall over you. Humans are so easy to break, he always had to be way to careful with you. So he is more delicate with things on average now, so the won't break the same way you did. He doesn't like being careful, but it helps. He wonders where you are, he heard some people once say people go.... up. Whatever that means
Are you in the stars he is looking at? Can you see him? Karaku feels he can see you, so he will jeep coming back for you. "Are you that star? Shines more than the rest. I bet you are there." He is pleasure. He is not meant to be sad, or angry, or frustrated, or mourning, or... or anything that is not pleasurable. So... he keeps getting pleasure from you, in some way. "You better be dedicating it to me."
Urogi molts a lot, and that is not normal. He only ever does it when he is stressed, before that meant whenever was a fight between the clones or their master showed sights of being dissapointed or to show aggression, but now? He is doing it from start to end whenever he separates from the rest, leaving the others extremely concerned. Feathers fall off like leaves of a tree in autumn as they keep groing back, Urogi scratches himself way too much, not only ripping them off but irritating the skin and sometimes even causing wounds. If it wasn't because of his regeneration he would definetely look like those caged birds, almost featherless and and sore red, tensed up.
"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Please Y/N! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He is joy, he is not supposed to be like this. He is not supposed to cry, whine and beg like a pet that misses it's owner, but he misses you. He misses you a lot. He can't even look at himself without remembering you, because he can no longer feel you, smell you, see you or touch you. It was an accident, and he feels extremely guilty for it. He knew you could not keep up with him, that you could not stand him playing rough. He doesn't know why he did it, he got way too excited and suddenly... you were bleeding out. Urogi tried to help, but you had already lost too much blood by the time he got you to some human place.
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Y/N! Y/N! Please come back! Please come back!" He keeps scratching himself, blood falling off his wings and wrists as it dries when the wounds heal, skin still irritated against the constant friction as he lies on to of the group of feathers that also start to cover him. You also liked his feathers a lot, just like he liked you a lot. He is basically waiting for to to pick him up, even if he knows you will never come back. "Y/N! Y/N! Please!"
He was always sad, is always sad. He is used to it, besides he doesn't come out that often. Sekido is a lot less careless than Karaku with his neck, and most of the time the those two are more than enough to deal with anything. Aizetsu doesn't like to come out, to work, to fight. You were one of the very few things that made him want to be separated from the others, he was not able to skiot his duties as Upper 4, but he always adored your company. Than you got in the way in a fight, and not only that, you got injured, and badly. One didn't need the knowledge he had of the human body to know you would not survive, and killing you quick instead of letting you agonize would be the most merciful thing to do. He knew exactly where to strike to make it painless, and he did it for you.
He can't bring himself to regret it, it was for the best, but that doesn't change the fact that he is disliking a lot more than he used to being outside. It's just sad. Sometimes he wonders why he isn't a "crybaby" or something, he just... doesn't cry, can't bring himself to do so, even for you. He doesn't know if it's because his body is so deppresingly tired or if it's his demon nature, but he is not one of those people who constantly cry, even is he constantly feel the need to express sadness.
"Y/N.... are you better in there?" He asks in the sky knowing there won't be an answer, the outside reminds him of you, even if now it feels... a little bit more empty than before. "I really hope you are." He misses you dearly, and he won't ever deny that. He wants you, but men like yourself are not meant to be forever around demons. You are meant to be free, he is not. That is sad.
Nakime is a quiet person, you were never as silent as her. It's weird to be back at the spaces empty of any sound, even your breathing made a noise she could detect, louder than hers, it took her a while to get used to it. Now, it seems it will also take her a while to get used of it being gone. She never thought she would miss a man, much less a human one, specially after she was the one who killed you. Well, it was not really her, but she is still responsible, since she should have known better than to let you wonder through the castle. Why didn't you tell her so she could keep an eye on you.
Nakime is a demon with a power than is above time and space, she didn't realize you got lost for long enough time for it to be unhealthy. She found you before you died, but the lack of food, water and sun made you sick, and that eventually kicked in. Why are humans so weak? Se doesn't remember being that fragile before she was turned, but again, she doesn't remember much about it.
Now the silence reminds her that you are gone for good, and she doesn't know what to do about it, since she doesn't have it inside her to fill it with anything that are not the cords that should have saved you. Another reminder. Then again, she will be ok. She lost her husband once she can get over another man in her life. She will get over it.
He didn't want to... but why? Just why? He tried to save you. Akaza barely remembers what happened, just that you were kissing and suddenly biting into each other and your scent, the one of your blood was so good, he couldn't help but have a taste. He has been so hungry! He already wasn't a glutton demon, but after meeting you he just... ate less. He ignored his master anger and disapproval in order to gain yours, to show he was not a monster, no matter how painful it became (Akaza suspects he has been manually making it worse as a punishment), he fasted. (Akaza already did fast from time to time as a buddhist, but extending the time periods did harm him).
Now he is not eating at all, he can't. Before he just could not eat women, they didn't do it, she was just a maid, how was Hakuji not supposed to let her go? But now? Now he can't eat men neither. The masculine scent, the high levels of testosterone, the blood... it ends up being you! It's always you! He can't it no matter how hard he tries to swallow- it hurts! But you being dead hurts even more than the angry twists in his stomach, and he is getting weaker. He needs to eat but he can't.
Why has Muzan-sama not killed him already? Did he enjoy seeing Akaza like this? A crying mess that only awaits for death? Because he wants to die. He doesn't care anymore, he WANTS TO DIE! Let him go back, let him go back! "Please... please, I beg you. Just kill me. Just kill me! KILL ME RIGHT NOW! I DON'T WANT THIS LIFE! I DON'T WANT A LIFE THEY ALL LEFT ME BEHIND!" He screams and sobs as he lies down on the ground, exposed. No swordsman comes in, they are all dead. No oddly optimistic adult hitting him until he calms down, he is also dead. No soft girl trying to make him feel better, she also died. Not even you, because he killed you.
Times passes, is the sun coming out. He feels like dying, he really feels like dying right now. Is the sun coming up? It doesn't even matter, is a matter of time. And as always, death comes by a whisper "Kibutsuji Muzan."
Sometimes, just sometimes, Douma misses talking to you. But good things got to end sooner or later, don't they? And this ways, you will be always part of him, living forever inside. He had to find new ways to entertain himself at first, after he killed you, but it was nothing he couldn't handle. Just a bit of boredom! Everyday he finds new ways to entertain himself, might as well go to see what other Uppermoons are doing. If he is lucky he might even find Akaza-dono! Akaza-dono is always fun to be with, is the only one that doesn't try to scape him or outright ignore him, he is the closest thing he ever had to an equal. Yes, thinking about him is making think a bit less about you, should definetely give it a try.
Why does he things about you and his chest feels uncomfortable would be odd if it hadn't happened before. He has told you, shared that detail with you. You were a guy he could tell anything too, instead of just the other way around (that is probably why he misses you so much), so ofcourse you knew about Kotoha! Though, you seemed to dislike having Douma talking about for too long, you did your best to hide it, but he knew. How funny that you are now it the same situation then! Except he ate you for different reasons, you got too hurt by another demon a night you were outside, but you were just so hurt. Really bad, he just had to end your suffering, he did not like seeing you like that....
"I'm heading out tonight, thank you! I will be back in time to meet my followers, bye!" He tells a servant who knows, his parents served him too, got to see him grow up into an old man. Douma never got attached to him or his parents, just like he never got attached to his own parents, or any rollower at all... well, that is not true! You, Kotoha and to a lesser extent Inosuke have craved yourself a place in his mind, never leaving at all, following him 24/7, causing preassure in his chest. It's annoying. "Now, whe could Akaza-dono be today? Or maybe I can just visit the siblings! I know exactly where those are!" Douma will live, though. Same as always.
Get out of his head.... GET OUT OF HIS HEAD! YOU HAVE NO PLACE AMONG THE LIVING ANYMORE, IF HE CAN BE CONSIDERED LIVING, YOU ARE DEAD! And a dead man should always stay dead! He can't even look at his Katana without seeing your reflection in it! GET OUT! He hates it, he hastes how the death of a human is affecting him this much, he heates that he can't forget anything of you. What is he? A lovesick maiden? Damn it, why did that come to his head. You always used to call him a "fair and shy maiden", joking that you were his destinied gentleman. AS IF! NOT ONCE YOU EVER FIT INTO THE STANDARDS OF THE GENTRY!
He hates you. It's your fault! Why did you die?! What did you think was going to happen if you wore Hanafuda earings?! That he would like them?! That he would feel nice! He TOLD you several times the Hanafuda earings were nothing to mess with, that it was a past he didn't want to share. Was that your way to try and make him tell you? Tell you about a freak of a twin brother who was the strongests withojt even trying?! Brother that was better than him in every way?! Bother that now is DEAD and Michikatsu Kokushibou never had a chance?! Well, NOW YOU WILL NEVER KNOW!
"Why did you have to be just like him? I hate you both." He speaks out loud. He hates you. He hates Yoriichi. He hates himself.... you deserved it and he will forget you. Sooner or later he will have to fully forget you both. He has time enough for that. He should just focus, and practice with the katas. "Hachi no kata...." And best you all.
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crazystargirl · 9 months
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overheated ☆
pairing ☆ - ethan landry x reader
word count ☆ - 0.7k !
a/n ☆ - my sister chose the song for this one and it took forever to come up with an idea for it but finally figured it out, plz send ideas for the songs tho bc i literally have no clue what i'm doing more than half the time 💀
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"i don't really know why you went there"
your roommate, anika, had dragged you to some lame frat party since her friends were going and she saw you moping around in the dorm
you were only really close to her and ethan who was in your econ class
you made a beeline towards ethan after a bit since anika left you to go hang out with her girlfriend which you didn't mind since you didn't expect her to stay with you the whole time
you see ethan standing with chad who was probably trying to get ethan to go and date someone
"hey ethan!" you say, coming over to the boys
ethan sees you stumble and a bit and holds onto your waist to make sure you don't fall over
"hey y/n" chad looks at ethan with a shocked expression since he knew ethan wasn't the type to just touch a girl randomly
after a while, chad had ran off, probably to find himself someone while you and ethan were sitting on a chair together, you on the chair and him on the arm of it
you see him check a text and look annoyed, quickly wiping the expression off his face when he sees you staring
"what happened?" you ask looking up at ethan, somewhat drunk at this point
"nothing…i have to go now, go home with anika ok?" ethan says, getting up and giving you a hug and leaving quickly
you're confused since you didn't know where ethan went and why he went alone since he usually always left with a party with the friend group or chad
"i kinda don't care, you wanna kill me"
you decided to go home about 10 minutes after ethan left, quickly letting anika know so she wouldn't worry
you didn't really care at this point why ethan had left early and were more concerned about getting home quickly
unknown to you, ethan was watching you walk home, didn't you know not to walk alone while intoxicated?
as much as he wanted to go over there and walk you home, that wouldn't match his personality right now
he was in his ghostface costume and had quickly fled the alley he was in after killing a group of kids there
he did feel the urge to kill someone else tonight and you certainly were playing the part of a victim right now but he couldn't bring himself to do it since he would ruin the plan
"you wanna hurt me"
after that night, ethan had been brainstorming different ways to kill the victims and unfortunately whenever he thought of a victim, you were always the first person who came to mind
sweet little y/n was just so vulnerable that night and would've probably been the perfect victim to kill if he didn't love you so damn much
his dad had told him not to get attached to anyone and when quinn had found out he was somewhat obsessed with y/n, saying she was shocked was an understatement 
quinn knew ethan loved her and was chill with it since y/n was going to have to die eventually but she never expected her dorky nerdy brother wanting to hurt y/n so badly
honestly ethan knew his ideas were fucked up but wouldn't it be fun to have someone to just hurt? and then after he could take care of her wounds and cuddle with her
ethan had tried to convince his dad before to let him keep y/n but he said no everytime. wayne knew of ethan's attachment and once he found out he immediately told quinn that she would be the one to kill y/n because god knows what ethan would do
"stop bein' flirty"
ethan often flirted with you in order to get your attention but you seemed oblivious to his attempts until Tara pointed it out to you
ever since she told you, you would always get flustered whenever he flirted or sent you a sweet text
"it's kinda workin'"
more and more everyday, you fell for ethan landry's flirty remarks
mindy had told you to be careful around since he seemed like the person most likely to be ghostface
you didn't really listen to her, brushing off her remarks everytime as just her suspicions nature
and poor you, quinn knew that you were falling for her psycho brother and there was absolutely nothing she could do. she knew that you'd have to go eventually but she didn't think ethan torturing you before your death would do any good
after all she was still your best friend
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taglist ☆ - @xyzstar, @gwenlore, @dizscreams, @kaesworldxx, @urmomcomsiimiamour, @nonniesworld, @chemtr4ilz, @abodyhasbeenfound
lmk if you want to be added or removed from the taglist!
©insidethepalemoonlight || do NOT copy or repost without my permission
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michaels-office-hours · 3 months
What if Dogday was best friends with Catnap, and was maybe having feelings of “is there more?” (Catnap definitely was, but was too nervous to make a move) But Dogday is so “everyone is my buddy” coded, that he didn’t wanna mess up their friendship by saying anything.
And what if Craftycorn was Dogday’s blatant crush? Like… “oh crap you’re cute… HOW LONG HAVE I BEEN STARING?!” Kinda crush. He doesn’t really know her that well because of it even. Cause anytime he tries to talk to her it just comes out as
Dogday: H-hi! I’m- Dog. You- you
Craftycorn: Yes, I’m Craftycorn. We work together, live together, and have been doing this for at least a year. You don’t have to keep introducing yourself. *rolls eyes and walks away sassily
Dogday: Y-yeah. Hehe. I’m Dogday. She talked to me.
Catnap: You ok man?
Dogday: hehehe. She said we work together.
Catnap: … you need help man.
And then when the Hour of Joy happened? Most of the smiling friends went with Dogday. (I think Bobby Bearhug went with Catnap though. And got left behind cause they couldn’t keep up.And Bubbabubaphant died in the chaos on one side of the other. Not sure which. Leaning towards Catnap) Tempers flared because tension was so high you could cut it with a knife. Kickin Chicken and Hoppy Hopscotch went off to try to help kids get out, and never came back. Making things worse. Craftycorn then betrayed the whole group when she realized Piggy Piggy was eating more than her share. Craftycorn went absolutely nuts, getting a full monster form like Catnap and everything. So Dogday watched as kids, smaller toys, and nearly himself, were killed by yet another of his friends. Before Catnap, hearing the commotion, came to end things.
Craftycorn didn’t last long. Already wounded from the other toys fighting back before they were trampled and skewered on her horn. Catnap toyed with her, took his time. Got out some aggression since… “He chose YOU.”
When her carcass had finally stopped twitching, Catnap sat back on his haunches to look at the wreckage. See if anyone else was alive. Dogday, around a corner, had watched the whole thing dead silent. Now seeing what all of his friend had become? He couldn’t help it… he choked. Sobbing and retching. Catnap turned and was on him in a flash.
Unlike with Craftycorn, Catnap was fast this time. Too fast for a distraught and surprised Dogday to handle. A searing pain ripped through his torso the second Catnap’s dead eyed face loomed over him. Thankfully he blacked out before much else. Although he did catch the sudden shift in Catnap’s expression. Was that… regret?
Dogday was left hanging for the rest of his life. He didn’t know how long it was. It felt both like a blink, and an eon. Catnap only came by to gloat. And to put him to sleep. That horror filled sleep with nothing but nightmares and pain, where he had legs but couldn’t run. His friends needed him but he didn’t help. Then he’d awaken hours or days later to the lower appendages gone. The pain a constant reminder of the fact he should have used them when he had the chance.
At least he can warn you to do what he should have done. Save those you can save. Help those who are help-able. And when you are met with horrors beyond your comprehension? Or someone beyond hope? Run. RUN!
(Anyway those post started as “haha I headcanon bi failure Dogday.” And then… this happened. :D Cause what if everyone he trusted either betrayed him? Or he thinks he betrayed them. Who knows. He might blame himself over Catnap and Craftycorn too. :3)
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snicker-doodles · 6 months
MLC AU Part 2
a continuation of the previous MLC AU Part 1
Imagine Li Xiangyi still feeling guilty about everything so he ran away after everything was over because he’s afraid Di Feisheng would hate him when he got his memory back
Imagine DFS finally getting his memory back and ended up being the one chasing LXY around so they can get married cause for him his beloved can do no wrong and he just doesn’t give a fuck
However, what if LXY truly belive that DFS is after him for revenge, so everytime DFS found LXY, somehow he always tried to avoid him, over and over again
“Di Mengzhu, I don’t mind talking to you but after we solve this case ok?” but he would always run away the moment the case is solved
What if everytime DFS managed to corner him, LXY would always find an excuse, because he’s afraid to face DFX, not because he’s afraind of death, but because he genuinely feels guilty about almost killing him and what happened to DFS for the last decade, and he truly believe DFS would never forgive him for that, cause after all, he knew that freedom is what matters most to DFS
What if LXY simply couldn’t bear to hear DFS say that he doesn’t love him anymore or that he hates him, so he chose to run, without knowing that DFS truly never blamed him and genuinely just want to spend the rest of his days with LXY
Imagine after all those time seeing LXY looking so sad and miserable in his presence, but could actually laugh happily when he’s with other people like Qiao Wanmian or even with Zhan Yunfei and Yun Biqiu who clearly had poisoned him at some point, DFS finally started to think that maybe, maybe LXY truly doesn’t love him anymore, that maybe he truly think that DFS no longer deserves to be with him after knowing everything about his past
Imagine DFS finally decided to give up, cause after all, isn’t Xiangyi’s happiness and wellbeing the most important thing? and if his presence wound ruin all that, then maybe he should just leave him alone after all
Imagine DFS spending his days drinking his sorrows away without realizing that Jiao Liqiao was still out there following his every move, waiting for her chance
What if JLQ managed to poison his wine, captured him, and then severed all his tendons to make sure that DFS would never run away from her ever again
Imagine DFS just stayed put without even trying to get away, after all, he has already been freed from the mind-controlling bug then destroyed the Di fortress and took his revenge, so what else is left for him in this world? without his Xiangyi, why should he care about life anymore
After sometime, imagine LXY started to feel that something is wrong, wehere is A Fei? Didn’t he keep on perstering him for the last couple of months? Where did he go? Did he feel like LXY is not worth the trouble and just decided to leave? No, its not like him, DFS would always finish what he started, if he want revenge, he would definitely get it, so why? Where is he?
Imagine LXY finally started to investigate and managed to find that JLQ took DFS away
Imagine LXY managed to find her hideout and saw what she did to DFS
Imagine LXY feeling an intense fury like never before, and in his rage, he slaugthered JLQ and every single one of her underlings, then proceeded to raze the whole fortress to the ground
After all of that, imagine DFS feeling confused, didn’t he hate me? Then why?
What if these two foolish men finally got around and actually talk to each other while LXY used his yangzhouman to help heal DFS
What if LXY finally decided to stop running and just face the music, but first let me heal you ok A Fei? After, I’ll listen to everything that you want to say to me, and if you want to kill me, that would be fine too, I won’t run away anymore
Imagine DFS feeling so incredulous thinking, Xiangyi what the hell? Why would I ever hate you let alone want to kill you? none of it is your fault! ok, maybe that day we could’ve talk first instead of just started to fight, but I was also at fault for not trying to explain myself and just feeling angry and jealous because you keep on talking about your damn shixiong! I know you no longer have feelings for me and refuses to be anywhere near me after you found out about my past, I know I’m not good enough for you, but I love you, and I will always do till the day I die
Imagine LXY feeling so regretful for not trying to properly investigate and just simply confronted DFS back then, and feeling so stupid to ever doubt his A Fei’s love for him, and really A Fei, what the hell? Why would I ever stop loving you? I was just feeling guilty, what do you mean you’re not good enough for me? I’m the one who’s not good enough for you! We were young then, but I should’ve known better now, I’m sorry, for everything that I put you through, and I do love you, always, since that first day when you came to challenge me, there’s been no one else but you
Imagine LXY finally brought DFS back with him to Sigu Sect and everyone was all, oh, you boys have finally figured it out? Thank heavens
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tabbbbyyyy · 5 months
And yes, I know this is too long with too many line breaks it just happens sometimes.
Dude I litteraly had to Google what conners nickname for Mother Goose was for this I forgot it🥲
In retrospect, this was a fucking stupid idea. Let a drunk Mother Goose into the prank spell book collection when she still held a grudge against Xanthous for stealing the last slice of Brystals chocolate cake. Although, to be fair, it was very nice cake and in her drunken mind, this meant war.
I should probably clarify that it was Christmas eve and therefore a perfectly normal day to get absolutely wasted and bake cakes.
She giggled to herself as she scanned down the page she had chosen. It said that it was a spell to turn an unsuspecting bypasser to turn into an animal, whatever best represented them, for about 15 minutes. It was simple, just a phrase spoken aloud would do the trick, However, it warned that it was to be casted while sober and clear minded as if the pronunciation of complicated spells is done wrong, it would be corrupted and therefore be unpredictable in who it affected and for how long. Lucy completely ignored this passage as if it was invisible and instead chose to cast it anyways as, as Lucy slurred to herself,
"I dunno, mabye it'll make that idiot like green or something"
Said "idiot" was currently sitting on a rug in the living room calmly sipping his coffee as he chatted to Emerelda about the new book they had both read. They both happened to be of the opinion that it was unequivocally shite. Can't win everything they supposed. Shame though.
They were oblivious to the footsteps plodding down the main staircase. Mother Goose hid a giggle behind her hand as she paused before the bend in the staircase hiding her from view.
"Sure im was well into middle age", thought Mother Goose "but can't a gal have some fun?" And with that she jumped out from the stairs and yelled the incantation while pointing at Xanthous, butchering the pronunciation so bad it would probably kill the man who had written the spell book in the first place( if it wasn't for the fact that he had already died about four decades ago).
Neither Xanthous nor Emerelda had time to form a measured response to this or even enough to turn around before a bright flash of light hit both of them, something Lucy hazily registered as Bad. A loud bang sounded, then a short fizzle that died away as the light did revealing.. nothing? Lucy glanced around in mild panic(only mild, she was still rather angry about the cake and not completely thinking straight) the experience sobering her up enough to realise that looking around at head height for animals wasn't very smart given that not many animals were quite tall enough for that. Slowly, with a sense of trepidation, Mother Goose looked down to the carpet on which stood two cats both blinking up at her with shock. One was a light ginger Maine Coon with darker patterns akin to flames across its back and startlingly yellow eyes. The other was of indeterminate breed but had deep grey (almost black) fur, and bright green eyes. It had an almost greenish undertone to its fur.
"Ohhh shit" Mother Goose gulped.
Conner and Alex, who had just returned from the Otherworld, had quite the suprise when walking into the living room. Namely, the suprise of seeing an old lady perched on the back of a sofa trying to reason with two very disgruntled looking cats.
"Hey... it was just a little spell, that's all.. it'll wear off in a bit?" Lucy reasoned as she put her hands up in mock surrender.
"Mother Goose?"
Lucy whipped her head around at the noise, a mix of relief and amusement painted on her face.
"Hiya kiddos", she grinned nervously "dont suppose y'all could help me out?"
"Uh, Mother Goose, what the hell are you doing?" Conner asked tilting his head and scrunching up his nose in confusion.
"Well," Lucy started", I may have cast a little spell..."
The black cat hissed at Mother Goose as its fur shimmered, akin to a gemstone or stained glass. The ginger one growled and the ends of its fur caught aflame, glowing bright in the dull light of the candelabras placed around the room.
"Oh." Said Alex in understanding "you turned Emerelda and Xanthous into cats, didn't you Mother Goose."
"I ..well..." she sighed "yes."
The cats both turned to face the twins, took in the situation, and dulled their respective powers. Now that they were placated a bit due to the twins presences and their need to stay professional, the twins had time to actually look at the cats. Yep, definitely Xanthous and Emerelda. Fuck.
The rest of the council had appeared in twos and threes from their respective corners of the Palace. Mother Goose sheepishly filled them in of the situation at hand. They came to the agreement that it was best to just wait it out (then laugh at the two fairies afterwards but that part was left mainly unspoken). They all stayed in the living room however, to "drink into Christmas" as Tangerina put it (Par the twins who were too young to drink of course)
After this, said cats had strolled off to Emerelda's bedroom, due to its comforting feel. They sat side by side on the bed, curled up but not asleep. Waiting wasn't either of their strong suits and they were both anxious to get back to being fairies so they could kic- I mean calmly berate Lucy. It was odd, being a cat. Too much fur. And the embarrassing urge to purr contentedly when you're curled up on a soft bed. Xanthous listened to the chatting downstairs, his feline ears pricking up and flames crackling quietly as he absentmindedly eavesdropped on the conversation going on downstairs, whilst not really taking in any information. Emerelda ignored the voices her improved hearing picked up and tried her best to rest without accidentally falling asleep.
A bang.
Simultaneously, both cats shot up from the bed, ears pinned back in distress, instantly on alert. Perhaps from cat instincts, perhaps from previous experience with loud mysterious bangs. It's hard to tell, really. Their fur stood on end, making them look rather like electrocuted raccoons. They looked at each other in shared fear. What the fuck would be making those noises this late at night? Then it struck them and their eyes widened in sync with each other.
Of course, it was Christmas eve. Shit.
A few more erratic bangs sounded. It didn't matter that they knew what they were, they were still deafening due to the new ears. Xanthous whimpered quietly, slinking backwards as his flames peaked and trying to make himself shrink to as small as possible. Emerelda's tail whipped back and forth as she too stepped back, instinctively moving in closer to Xanthous, knowing he never liked this kind of thing even as a fairy. Xanthous welcomed this with relief and curled in close to Emerelda as they both flopped back down on the mattress. Their paws intertwined as they curled up in a pile, both seeking out the comfort of their oldest friend. Or one of them at least. They hunkered down and waited for the worst to pass, closing their eyes and keeping their ears pinned back.
The council and the twins were watching the fireworks out of the living room window with interest. It was a rather beautiful display, although some was covered by trees. All in all, a satisfying display.
Something was nagging at Skylene though. She felt as if she was forgetting something. Was something missing perhaps? Was someone missing? Well Xanthous and Emerelda weren't here but they had disappeared because they had been pissed.... because they had had a spell put on them.... because they were... cats.. with cat ears... when there was fireworks...
Oh shit. That can't be good.
"What about Emerelda and Xanthous?!" She blurted out suddenly.
"What about them, Xanny and Em are just upstairs" dismissed Mother Goose, waving around a glass of wine with reckless abandon.
"Fireworks have to be awful for them, being cats and all." Argued Skylene.
"Oh," Lucy said, the effect of her spell just dawning on her,"whoops"
The rest of the council and the twins, attention dragged away from the fireworks, frowned disapprovingly (well except for coral who can do no wrong).
"Ight fine, jeez yall are harsh," muttered Lucy,"I'll go check on them, make sure they haven't like, exploded or anything"
Tangerina sighed and rolled her eyes. Skylene raised an incredulous eyebrow. The rest of the room turned back to the fireworks one by one, the situation was dealt with.
Mother Goose slowly lugged herself up the stairs. It not that she didn't feel bad for turning them into cats, she did, but why does every one of her pranks always have to end up wrong? It was supposed to be only Xanthous, and it was well past 15 minutes by now.
"Should've read the bloody small print" she muttered to herself as she rounded the top of the curved staircase and set off along the corridor. She tried Xanthouses room first, with no luck. Her heart rate sped up. As much as she said she hated the council, she couldn't truly deny that she didn't care. She knew that Xanthous would hate the fireworks, and even more as a cat. She tried Emerelda's next, at least she should be there right? As she peered into the room, she had to slam a hand over her face to hide a rather un-Mother-Goose-like squeal.
Emerelda was here, but tangled up in a ball of fur with Xanthous. Xanthouses fire was out, and he was asleep but purring gently. Emerelda was drowsy, but cracked open one green eye to stare disapprovingly at Lucy. Her fur shimmered threateningly as to show Mother Goose that she still had her magic, then, perceiving no threat, she closed her eye and curled back into Xanthouses fur. Lucy still had a hand over her mouth muffling what had now turned to incredulous laughter.
"Holy shit," she thought," but why are they so calm about me seeing this?" She pondered this for less than a second, before making the decision that, yeah that's really not that odd, everyone here is clingy as shit. She watched them for a second more, hand now hiding a small smile, and listened to their conteded purring. "See! Sometimes I do useful shit!"thought Lucy triumphantly, ignoring the fact that it was a complete accident on her part.
And with that, Mother Goose walked out, closed the door softly, and strolled back down to the living room. The fireworks stopped seconds later and the others turned away from the main window.
"Are they OK?" Asked Alex, brow furrowing in worry.
"Yeah," said Lucy, remnants of a smile still gracing her features," they don't seem very worried about it". She sat down on the sofa and picked up her glass of wine, squinted at it and then,
"Yeah let's get something stronger, ima go grab the whiskey, you wanna have the rest of this shit Conner?"
What I imagine Xanthous and Emerelda as looking like in this
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Thx for reading yall, sorry this took so long. Also yea after this Lucy gets the shit beaten out of her(not pictured).
If yall spot any grammar errors or shit pls tell me this was not beta'd.
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bearhyuck127 · 23 days
Meet me in court
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Mark lee x female!reader
Disclaimer- mentions of death and blood.
💭- Im so sorry this took to long. After my stuff got deleted I sort of procrastinated. I'll try my best to keep up for now on. Also I suck at coming up with names so don't mind the names I chose. Enjoy!
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Chapter 3- strange
The lights.
The constant flashing of the lights blind me as I push through the crowds of people.
The microphones that are shoved in my face by the news reporters as people shout my name and ask me questions.
The trapped feeling as people close around me.
Please I think to myself, my hand start to shake as I shield my eyes from the constant flashes of the camera.
" Move give her some space! " I hear a voice say and a hand wrap around my wrist pulling me out of the crowd of chaos.
When the doors to the building close I finally take a deep breath and look up seeing Mr. Lee.
"Are you ok?" "God people are such idiots" he says sounding irritated.
"I'm fine" I say letting out a breath that I've been holding for a while.
"I'll make sure that you have some type of protection next time... I didn't think about the reporters they are always crazy when it comes to celebrities I'm sorry."
" Mr. Lee... I'm fine I promise.. let's just get today over with I want to prove my innocence and get back to work" I say and with that I walk Into the room.
As I walk to the desk at the front of the court room I sit down. Feeling someones gaze burning the side of my head I turn to look seeing Mrs. Kim. She had a mischievous glint in her eyes and an irritating smirk on her face.
People start to file in through the doors including the judge that walks onto the podium and takes a seat.
As Mr. Lee sits down Mrs. Kim speaks." Good luck today y/n you'll need it" she says before wiping any trace of malice off her face and putting on a look of grief and sorrow. One that screams poor pitiful me.
I turn towards Mr. Lee to notify him but the judge bangs his gavel in the round wooden piece causing the room to go silent.
" Good morning, this is the case of Mr. Jacob Kim and Mrs. Y/n. Case number 553 with attorney Mark Lee and attorney Jessica White . Attorney White you may step up." The judge says as he nods to Mrs. Kim's lawyer.
She walks up to the front of the room and hands a paper to the judge before turning around.
" Good morning everyone I am attorney White here to represent Mr. And Mrs. Kim." She says as she begins to walk around slowly.
"On the evening of Saturday January 6th the murder of Jacob Kim took place in the alley way next to Mrs.y/n's company building, he was found two days after the presumed killing. Mrs. Margaret a lady that works at the laundry mat right next to the ally way discovered Jacob Kim's body. Jacob Kim was stabbed multiple times in the abdomen and back. According to forensic reports we assume he was attacked from behind and dragged further into the ally way."
" I would like to start today's meeting with a testimony from Mrs. Margaret." She says as she turns and nods at someone. An older lady walks up to the witness stand.
" Good morning Mrs. Margaret" Mrs. White says with a warm smile. " Where were you the night of Jacob Kim's death?" She ask.
" I was at the shop. "
" How did you end up on the ally way that Jacob Kim was found in?"
" I was throwing out the trash before locking up like I usually do. That's when I smelled this rancid smell. I opened the trash can and that's when I saw that poor young man. "
" Did you hear any suspicious noise prioir to discovering his body?"
" I can't recall." She says and Mrs. White nods at the judge. "
Mr. lee do you have any questions for Mrs. Margaret?"
" Yes I do" he says as he stands up and adjusts his suit before walking to the witness stand.
" Mrs. Margaret.. do you happen to have any cameras around your shop?"
" I do but it's just in the front and around the store I have none facing the ally way. "
" I understand... Do you happen to know Mrs. Y/n?" He asks causing Mrs. White to protest .
" Objection your honor t-" she begins to say before being cut off by the judge.
" Please continue Mr. Lee" he says holding up a hand to Mrs. White.
Mr. Lee turns back to the old lady asking his questions again.
" Do you happen to know Mrs. Y/n?"
" I do... Her and her friends come into the shop every so often. Such a sweet girl " she says giving me a small smile.
" Did you know Jacob Kim?"
" I dont recall ever seeing him around... Though there are many people that come into my shop through out the day so there is a chance that he has visited sometime over the years." She says causing Mr. Lee to nod.
" Do you think Mrs. Y/n would have committed crime such as murder... Against Jacob Kim for that matter?"
" Oh heavens no I don't even think she would hurt a fly bless her soul."
" That's all I wanted to hear thank you for your time Mrs. Margaret." He says before turning around and sitting next to me again.
Mrs. White stands up again. " I would actually like to speak to Mrs. Y/n" she says before the judge speaks.
I look at Mr. Lee in confusion and he gives an encouraging nod.I walk to be witness stand taking deep breaths as I try to calm my nerves .
" How have you been Mrs. Y/n?" Mrs. White asks standing in front of the stand.
" Oh um.. I've been good I guess." I say hesitantly.
" I never got your side of the story.. where were you the night of Jacob Kim's death?" She asks leaning her head to the side in what seemed to be a taunting manner.
" I was with my members.. we have been practicing late for a while because of our comeback."
"Hmm... So you don't remember anything about this?" She asks no trace of remorse as she clicks a button on the remote control she had in her hand causing the TV that was in the side of the room to turn on.
My eyes widen and the room burst into gasp and whispers.
The overwhelming nausea that washes over me as I see several pictures of Jacob Kim.. blood all over his body. The stab wounds looked fresh as he laid in the trash can, all the color from his body gone as he remains a shade of light gray.
The sound of Mr. Lees angry voice and the ringing of the gavel hitting the round wooden surface rings through my ears as chaos unfolds.
" Mrs. White you know better than any of us that this type of evidence is not aloud with a room full of people! "
As she turns to walk towards Mrs. Kim I see a smirk plastered on her face.
I stare at my hands trying to focus on swallowing down the nausea that threatens to take over me.
" This meeting is dismissed" the judge says over all the chaos.
I feel a pair of arms wrap around me and a sudden burst of cold air.
The world around me stops spinning and I see Mr. Lee's worried eyes piercing through me.
" Are you ok? God she's such an idiot... She can get in a tremendous amount of trouble for this..." He begins to say but I zone out.
I watch as his jaw line tenses as he clenches his teeth in anger, the way his soft hair glided effortlessly between his fingers as he runs his hand through his hair. And I notice for the first time this morning what he was wearing. A black and white suit that contrasted well with his skin..
For the first time since Ive met Mark I found him....attractive..?
I snap back into reality when I feel his cold hand touch my shoulder .
"Are you sure your ok?" He asks concern coating his voice.
"I... I don't know * that was a lot to take in.." I say softly as I look away. The sound of the ducks quacking as they swim in the river under the bridge we stood on.
" Y/n... You know you can talk to me right?" He asks trying to catch my eyes.
"I know Mr. Lee " I say hesitantly.
" Please... " He says standing closer to me his hand finding a place in the small of my back.
"When we aren't in court call me Mark "
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eaglefairy · 7 months
Hello liveblog viewers, it's been a while! We were both busy last weekend, but now we're back for more xenoblade. The roommate decided to postpone sidequests for now and return to the main plot, much to my delight!
The cutscene as you enter Valak Mountain spawned some rapid theorizing (and I have some thoughts about it too that I'll share later), most of which I expected (trying to figure out what the Face Mechon's relationship to memory is, picking up on that Meyneth is very old and has met Zanza before, etc)
I am most definitely testing my roommate's patience by continually calling the geyser a "geezer". And I will not stop.
Oh ok fun fact: my roommate is a geologist. She has some Complaints about the idea of taking a quick stroll through lava to grab some item orbs
Ah and we're back to the ramifications of my accidental spoilers. After the scene in Ose Tower with Alvis, roommate is now theorizing that Shulk's death will be not just a plain heroic sacrifice but somehow tied into the main plot with the Monado. She's still certain that it'll be a heroic sacrifice though :,)
Roommate: Do you remember that time we almost lost 4 hours of progress? Me: Do you want to go manually save right now? Roommate: ...you know what, yeah I'll go do that.
"Motherfucker, are you going to kill her again?" -my roommate, upon seeing Metal Face swoop in and hit Silver Face
Oh shit uh. Huh. We...did not put Shulk in the party to fight Mumkhar. Whoops. Rip Reyn, Riki, and Dunban
Egil: "Find us, Monado. Sword of the Bionis." Roommate: "Rude, I'm a person too." Me, with foreknowledge:
Roommate: "Oh, it's interesting that Egil claims he's an agent of Meyneth but Meyneth didn't want him to know she was there." Me, with foreknowledge:
Roommate: "The tyranny of the Bionis...? Weird, it'd be kind of hard for the Bionis to do tyranny while it's asleep." "I bet it's a really stupid reason. I bet we're going to find out what it is and I'm going to be like 'Egil, really? This is why you chose war and slavery? Grow up.'" "Either that or it'll be a really good reason and I'll scream. It'll be one of those two for sure, though."
Me, with foreknowledge:
eeeee we're blasting ahead to get Fiora! No sidequests no distractions the roommate misses Fiora and wants to get the babe back!!!
Oh she's so on the side of the Bionis. I'm listening to this wonderful rant about how terrible the Mechonis is for leeching ether out of the Bionis and oh, the poor Bionis just trying to support the life living on it with that terrible Mechonis siphoning away the ether!
Ah and now she's theorizing that the Mechonis used to produce its own ether but ran out during the ancient battle, so now she drains ether from the Bionis to sustain herself
The shriek she let out when she saw Dickson again. Now she's just flipping off the screen and singing "you liar" in different ways
Roommate: "If I had a little less self-respect I would have a crush on that man[Dickson]. Maybe I already do and I just don't want to admit it to myself." Me: WHEEZE
Roommate: "Dickson? You gonna be honest with us?" Me: "It's Dickson, what do you think?" Roommate: "He'll probably be honest with me when I'm dead."
Ah, we blazed through Sword Valley but our level advantage ran out against Mumkhar. It's also past midnight so we're going to do some sidequests tomorrow and head back in to save Fiora!
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demonslayedher · 1 year
What if Kanae had lived and Shinobu had died? How different would the former be compared to the latter? Add-on: How would Kanae have reacted during the events of Wasp's Nest in place of Shinobu?
I am so touched and honored every time I'm asked about The Wasp's Nest. T^T But before that, let's just focus on the canon-as-we-saw-it side of things by writing a short death scene:
When Kanae found her, Shinobu had no way of speaking. Aside from the gash down her right lung, something else was wrong with her. In her panic, Kanae couldn’t think of what, and held her tiny, little sister for one last time.
“Shinobu… Shinobu…! Who did this to you?” she asked blankly, questioning the whole universe for how it could do this to her sister, revenge the furthest thing from her mind. Shinobu, however, was lucid, and revenge was exactly what she desired. Her blood vessels pounded not with the last efforts to extend her life, but with pure hatred and rage for whomever she had spent her fruitless last battle against. Besides a being a demon, whoever this demon was, they earned a special amount of enmity.
With short Breaths out her nose while keeping her mouth shut tight to stop the guzzling, Shinobu raised a hand to point at Kanae’s eyes, and Kanae spoke on her behalf. “One of the 12 Moon Demons…”
She pointed upward.
“…An Upper Moon…!”
She traced two horizontal lines in the air.
“…Upper Moon Two!? Shinobu! Your poison would never be enough against a demon like that! Why didn’t you wait for me? Why did you take them on by yourself?”
With the last burst of strength, Shinobu stressed the Corp hand signal for ‘don’t breath in.’ She blazed her last conscious stare into Kanae’s eyes, branding her with this warning. Her eyes then slowly rolled and closed, and her hand fell.
“Shinobu… Shinobu…!!”
yeah ok that hurt
The real question is whether Kanae would handle her grief in a healthier way that Shinobu did, trying to be the new embodiment of her sister's personality and wishes, which wasn't fooling anybody who already knew them both. I really don't see Kanae doing this, but it sure would be funny if she tried, she'd be so bad at it. The scene on the roof would place out with Tanjiro asking her if she's tired and Kanae just letting the whole act drop and saying, "phew, yes, that gets exhausting!!"
As for the events of the fic, I'm got a smattering of writings and doodles below. As we didn't get to explore her much in the fic (as her absence was likewise part of what set the tone for the role of Tsuguko in the Butterfly Mansion), this will have a special focus as being from the first Tsuguko's perspective.
My name is Ichijo Tomoe. I’m a Kanoto in the Demon Slayer Corp. My Breath is Flower Breath.
I was the oldest daughter in my family. I had a mother and father, an older brother, and three identical triplet sisters. They were much younger than me, and were treated as the glittering stars of our neighborhood. Everyone always delighted in seeing three of the same smiling faces, with their hair in bows and buttons all over their Western dresses, and strangers often bothered us wanting to take their photograph.
I loved each one of them dearly, and the demon who attacked my family ate each one in front of me. It had come for them, curious what a rarity like triplets may taste like. It killed my brother first at the door, and then my mother who ran to him, and my then my father, who was ripped away as he tried to shield us daughters. I still have the scar on my arm from his fingernail. The demon chose to spare me, intending to eat me once it had appetite later, and it kept me trapped under a pile of broken furniture. I could only watch and listen as they were each killed and mocked as the demon talked about flavors and flesh. By the time it dragged me out of our home, I was limp and in shock.
I do not know how many minutes or hours passed before a swordsman of the Corp rescued me, and after that, I was collected and cared for by the Kakushi. As they helped me recover, I learned of Flower Breath, and that it might allow someone like me to stop such a wretched thing from happening to anyone else. I’m told I’m good at it, but I find myself unsure.
One of the few Flower Breath users I later met was Kochou Kanae, and she had a sister, Kochou Shinobu, who practiced Insect Breath. They had made a promise together when young that they would kill as many demons as they could to prevent anyone else from going through the pain they had, and this made me feel kinship for them. Though we did not meet often, I admired them. Kanae-sama even more so, for she was the Flower Pillar.
When I heard news that Shinobu-san had been killed, I fretted over what to do. I did not know if it would be out of line to offer my condolences to a Pillar, but imagining how her heart must have ached, I wanted to give her a sign that she could talk to me, or at least, that I cared. Whether or not to accept my company in her grief, I wanted to leave as her choice. With my heart fluttering under my nerves, I paid a visit to the Butterfly Mansion, and silently offered Kanae-sama a bouquet when she answered the gate.
“Calendula,” she said, her swollen eyes falling on the flowers. “Sadness and parting. Armeria, concern and sympathy.”
Though her voice remained even and calm, my face tickled with tears.
“Rugosa rose… sadness, followed by beauty.”
My face flushed red. I had chosen the rugosa rose to try to offer hope, but I knew that beauty never followed the sadness of losing dearly beloved ones to demons. That flower was a stupid choice.
“Thank you, Tomoe-chan. You lost your little sisters too, didn’t you?” she said, and before I could respond, she had wrapped her arms around me and sank to the ground, burying her face against my shoulder. “Three of them, didn’t you?”
I couldn’t say anything with my throat so knotted behind all my tears. I held her as she sobbed.
So Ichijo goes on to be taken in as a Tsuguko once Kanae has concern for where her Flower Breath technique is lacking. Ichijo is completely overwhelmed by the sight of Kiyo, Sumi, and Naho, and excuses herself as quickly and politely as possible to have privacy in her room. She takes her meals alone there because the memories of her little sisters' deaths are otherwise too much for her to stomach anything. This saddens Kanae, but she kind of understands why and leaves Ichijo be, asking Aoi (who is still a Breath trainee) and Kanao to serve her meals. Ichijo feels like Kanao is playing keep-away from painful reality, which Ichijo finds she can relate to.
So then later on Mita brazenly comes seeking to be a Tsuguko as soon as she passes the Final Selection, as there's no Insect Pillar to study under but she was told the Flower Pillar had a good understanding of Insect Breath techniques. It is right as she's finishing her rehearsed self-introduction that she takes a look at the Flower Pillar and realizes---that's her!!! That's Kochou Kanae, who made a mockery of her by telling her a lie that she needed to be a certain height before she could start Breath training, which Mita stupidly believed and it cost her a whole year of training she could had started on earlier! Kanae takes an extra moment to recognize her, then says how surprised she is to see her in the Corp and yes, if she can help with Insect Breath and loan out her sister's books, she's more than happy to.
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Ichijo and Mita have a quiet, formal relationship and they both like it that way. Mita, irritated with having found her way into Kanae's care (and is indignantly convinced that Kanae would had tried to make her a nurse like all her other orphans if she had gotten than idea by the time she rescued her), is more prone to complaining than she would had been under Shinobu, whom she had deep respect for. Ichijo is a little put off by Mita's complaints. Mita cares less about other people wasting Kanae's time since Kanae seems to find lots of ways to waste it herself.
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Ichijo gets to live longer in this AU! Sorry and thank you for your sacrifice, Shinobu.
So Kanae's got her two Tsuguko whom she takes around with her on missions, and then one day a third one shows up with a letter of introduction from her cultivator, who also happened to be Kanae's cultivator. She and Kanae hit it off immediately.
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Oh Ichijo, so tender and pure.
Ichijo finds Kobayashi overwhelming at first, and is relieved when Mita complains about her chattiness while she's trying to study. However, Kobayashi has a high enough EQ to figure out that Ichijo will converse if asked the right questions, and since she gives Ichijo her full attention while she listens, Ichijo starts feeling more at ease with her soon, and as a sempai Tsuguko, she gives her pointers here and there on the training Kanae has them do, but not too much because Kobayashi is older and above her in rank.
When Mita presents Kanae her report on the feasibility of filling her body with poison, Kanae laughs very nervously as she starts tearing it to shreds and burning it, right in front of Mita, who shrieks at all her hard work getting demolished. Kanae then admonishes her like Shinobu did, but adds, "This feels like the kind of thing my sister would have thought of."
They do manage to make amends (as Mita has attained more respect and more of a relationship with her Shihan by now), but unfortunately for Mita, Kanae's knowledge of demon poison is not as good as Shinobu's, and Mita dies all the same. Kanae feels a lot of guilt about that, and it also brings on a fierce wave of missing Shinobu, whom she believes could had saved Mita if she had been there. As she is more open to a friendly relationship with her Tsuguko instead of a purely formal one, she accepts Ichijo and Kobayashi's emotional support in this time instead of shutting herself away and not letting anyone see how Mita's death is affecting her.
As in the fic, this happens while Aoi is away at her Final Selection and what with how the older girls have all been supporting each other in this time, they are ready to accept Aoi at her emotionally weakest state and give her support to sit with her feelings too. This helps Aoi to wrestle through things and decide with more peace that she needs to quit the sword. Kanae is relieved, not just because this means Aoi will stay home and safe, but because she can be kinder to Aoi this way. If Aoi were to be half-way about swordsmanship, Flower Pillar Kanae would have no choice but to be strict with her.
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All this being open with their feelings and facing the horrors of reality would be an opportunity for Ichijo to face her trauma and eventually be able to accept and appreciate the company of Kiyo, Sumi, and Naho. They'll never replace her sisters, they are each as unique as each of her sisters was, and their families will never be replaced either. With Kanae's and Kobayashi's help they sort of know why Ichijo had always been so stand-offish, and after Ichijo tearfully apologizes for giving them any uncomfortable feelings, they warmly forgive and welcome her into 'the nest,' as Mita had called it.
With the girls all functioning more like sisters than Shinobu would have had the ease to let unfold, Kobayashi is comfortable consulting with Ichijo about Kanao's aptitude and interest in Flower Breath. Ichijo hadn't picked up on it before, but once Kobayashi mentions it, she notices it too, and she goes along with Kobayashi as moral support to consult with their master about it.
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Uh oh, they seem to have struck a nerve with their master. Things are a liiiiiittle bit tense. But now that they've mentioned it, Kanae is stunned she didn't notice it sooner herself. One day while talking with Sanemi she says that she was once shocked when Sanemi off-handedly said that if his brother was stupid enough to join the Corp he'd pluck his eyeballs out, but now, she kind of understands that! She kind of had a passing whim to pluck out Kanao's eyeballs! She gets it now! Sanemi isn't really sure that this is a good development.
Nonetheless, Kobayashi feels the same conviction that Kanao needs training for her own safety because no one can stop her from wanting to fight demons, and Ichijo feels fretful about doing things behind Kanae's back, but feels a lot of regret that Kanao probably say some bad examples from her and she worries if Kanao will pick up improper technique. She makes peace with this by pulling Kanao aside one day and just saying, "Kanao-san, say, you know the footwork on the 4th form? The knee should be facing more squarely forward, not outward like the way I do it. And the elbows on the First Form? They're not supposed to be locked. And the posture on the Third Form? It should look more like..."
And Kanao soaks that all in, still gets in trouble by practicing with Kobayashi, Kanae gets more mad about them going behind her back than about the training, Ichijo is crying heap on apology on the floor, Kobayashi reexplains their concerns, words it in such a say that it somewhat echos Shinobu--"it's dangerous if she doesn't--" but also twists that echo in a key way, "she's thinking for herself."
Those words stab Kanae through the heart, and she knows she can't hold Kanao back if this is truly what she's decided. She knows she should probably teach Kanao instead of more dangerously letting her go blindly down this path of her choice. But she still has the guilt of over the promise she made with Shinobu and how that led to Shinobu's death, and Kanao is especially precious to her because she's the one whom Shinobu brought home to be like another sister to them. She needs more time to get her feelings in order.
And then Kobayashi dies. Whoops.
Kanae is kind of shook by this, but it's easier to accept Kobayashi's death as one of many that always happen in the Corp, not something Kanae directly could or should had prevented. Still, it hurts! They were friends, and something kind of like sisters! Ichijo is more open with her feelings now and is a mess, and admits to Aoi at some point that she sometimes thinks of retiring too, because her Flower Breath will never even be as good as Kobayashi's was. Kanae uses this period of mourning--because everyone sure liked Kobayashi--to ask Kanao very seriously if this is what she's prepared for. She's very likely to die and make people sad like this.
But seeing sadness like this is what drove Kanao all along. It only makes her more determined when Kanae asks her, "Are you sure you want to learn Flower Breathing?"
Seeing as Kanao didn't even so much as flinch for her coin before answering yes, Kanae thinks back to the promise she made with Shinobu, and knows she has no right to tell Kanao no.
"Alright," she says, offering her pinky. "But you must follows my orders, get stronger, and survive. We must take down Upper Moon Two and avenge Shinobu together. It's a promise."
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honoringthehorrific · 8 months
I watched Exorcist: Believer so that you don't waste your time...
As always my friends spoilers under the cut! ✝️
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This movie....yeesh where do you start? It has none of the charm of the original. Relies heavily on cheap jump scares and feels personally like a generic exorcism movie with a weird abortion message and the exorcist legacy haphazardly stitched onto the ends. Angela and her father are fairly likeable, their story is tragic, dead mom and all. However they seem like a decent family. Katherine the possessed little girl who looked a bit like little Regan, her family in my opinion is less likeable. They're your typical white overtly religious babtist family which I've had my fill of in my life time.
The girls go to do a "ritual" in the woods, if you can call a pendulum reading a ritual. They light a candle and swing the pendulum and ask spirits to speak through them, particularly Angela's dead mom. Somehow this summons pazuzu? Umm well we aren't really sure it's pazuzu...it's never called by name in the movie. It seems to recognize Chris MacNeil when she joins the movie in the tail half buttttt in the first exorcist pazuzu seems to know karras and his mother without having met the two.
Speaking of the original, how can I not? All of the things related to the original are in the second half. We don't see Regan the entire movie except for a photo cameo and a very brief hospital visit at the end of the movie. Chris in the meantime has become an expert on exorcism from multiple religions for some reason....I suppose she didn't want to move on from the events of her daughter's possession. There are no priests connected to the original and when a priest finally steps into the spotlight to perform an exorcism he's killed pretty much immediately.
The girls chastise two characters harshly while possessed. Angela's father and her nurse neighbor. It's this weird anti abortion rhetoric we've all heard and maybe you're into that but I'm not...also if you're anti abortion maybe get off my blog...thanks. Anyways, they criticize the two for two separate events. The nurse had an abortion while trying to become a nun and hey remember when I said Angela's mom died before? Well it was while she was pregnant. Angela's father had the choice between saving his wife or his unborn baby and of course he chose his wife. However in a twist of fate his wife didn't make it regardless and they cut Angela out of her early.
Katherine really doesn't have a lot going on besides having a turbo religious family and doing this ritual. Ultimately she dies and Angela is saved which was really odd to me. I liked the twist they did, the demon said they could only choose one child to live. Katherine's father chose her, but the twist was they were choosing who to die. The only thing I didn't get was why the demon just....magically chose to be honorable to its word. Because as soon as Katherine is down for the count Angela is released and ok like nothing is wrong!
And life just...goes back to normal. Big whoop roll credits.
I didn't really care for this movie if you couldn't tell. As a standalone exorcism movie.... I'd maybe rank it higher but I'd say with confidence that I rate this 2/5 for the two eyes Chris MacNeil lost during this snoozefest
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probabludaistkf · 17 days
A flower blooms in early winter chpt 2- A dream
an: this one is angst then fluff. The reader has a nightmare but luckily Vox is there to help!
Even after the episode has ended they continue to bawl.
“Do you guys want to watch something else or?”
“Yeah.” They all chorus. 
        Hours have now passed and it was quite late or the sun had set at least and you could no longer hear people outside. Nina and Mysta have passed out already and Vox was clinging onto the last bit of consciousness he had left.
“Alright.” He yawned “bedtime?”   You sighed wriggling out of Nina’s arms 
“But where am I going to sleep?”
“I have a guest room, you can stay there if you want.” 
“Ok but where will Mysta sleep?”
“He can sleep on the floor. Let’s go.”
Vox slumps Mysta over his shoulder and trails ahead of you eventually leading you to the room you woke up in.
“Get yourself to sleep. You look exhausted.” 
           The bed is soft. The pillows and mattress feel as though they’re feather filled and the duvet has been washed with a lavender scented fabric conditioner. In your opinion it’s way too much and it vaguely reminds you of the luxuries of where you used to live. How you’d be spoiled and served by the people around you. Although they saw you as their god, some deity that took them under your wing but you’d rather they’d call you a family member. Because that’s what you thought of them. Family. But family doesn’t hunt each other down for sport. Family doesn’t kill each other. You slowly begin to drift off to sleep after staring at the ceiling for quite some time and when you awoke you were back in the manor again. You were greeted by the maids and all the familiar faces you had started to miss. And there he was, your favourite human in the entire world. He outstretched his arms to hug you and you ran into them squeezing him back tightly. You had been out in the woods for so long and then you had been picked up by some big scary demon but now you were home. You started to cry a little bit.
“Hey, what’s the matter? Why’re you crying?” He comforts you by gently stroking your hair and scratching that spot behind your ear
“I just had a terrible dream is all.”
“Must’ve been real bad if you’re acting like this.”
“Let’s go bother the others!”
“Sure thing.”
You both make your way to the lounge where his siblings are. His older sister and younger brother glare at you and it sends a shiver down your spine. 
“I thought you were gone.” Says the sister rising from her seat “ I thought we got rid of you.” The younger storms off hurriedly as if rushing to get something.
“Guys, what do you mean? They’re right here, aren’t they?” He looks at you confused. “Got rid of them? Just what are you on about? Are you trying to ruin our family? What would mother and father think?”
You swallow hard, this can’t be real. It was just a dream. Just a silly dream.
“Who cares for mother and father’s judgement if they chose you as their successor.” She raises her hand and extends a finger towards him. She’s bubbling and overflowing with a blind rage. “You were always the  favourite child. Mother and father cherished and spoiled you. However I was just a failure and your brother a spare.” She slowly made her way towards you both “Even that thing in your arms adores you so. You did the bare minimum and you were rewarded.”
“C’mon you know that’s not tru-“
“Oh! But yes it is. You have no right to speak so SHUT UP!”  She leans in close to his ear and whispers something you can’t hear. A loud thud echoes through the room as the younger brother bursts into the room hiding something behind his back.
“Do you know how hard it was having all my accomplishments compared to yours?” He too approaches and his sister steps out the way “ A- why can’t you be more like your brother? Y’know your brother could do this before he was your age. Your big brother could do better than this. Be more like your brother.’ Y’know these were the constant degrading comments I would receive from the age I could walk.” Now he was up close to both of you and you could just barely peek over his shoulder to see what he was hiding. It was a shiny hunting knife. You froze. “But now I won’t have to face these words anymore! With you gone I can finally be like my big brother! In charge and loved by my wonderful parents.”
“Wait what are you-“
“We should've gotten rid of you alongside the rat.”
“Goodbye big brother I’ll dearly miss you.”
And suddenly you were falling but more so you were alone… Alone and falling further and further into darkness. No one could hear you scream or cry and all you could see were they’re grinning faces.
           You shot up from the bed in a cold sweat and tears began to swell in your eyes. You missed him so much but you couldn’t go back; who knows what they’ll do to you or him. But what if they’ve done something already. He has to be fine, he has to be. Your cries soon rang throughout the room but no matter how hard you tried you couldn’t stop yourself. You scream his name begging for him to be ok, alive at least. You desperately craved some form of comfort. You can hear Vox running through the hallway. He hurriedly crashes into your room almost falling over from how much strength he used to open the door.
“Are you okay? What happened?” You open your mouth but all that comes out is wails and your eyes are overflowing “I see… Come here.” He gently lifts you into his arms and sits on the bed. He gently strokes your hair and holds you tight, just the same way he did. The act made you cry more. “Bad dream, huh? No worries let it all out.” You continue to cry into his shoulder and helplessly cling onto his shirt. You miss him. You miss him so fucking much. And your so fucking scared. But for a demon Vox seems to care quite a bit for you. It’s safe here but you still want to go back. 
“I wanna go home… I wanna see ____ again.” Are the only words you can squeeze out.
“I see, are you worried about him?” You sniffle and nod slowly beginning to calm down. “Let’s get you some water.” 
He carries you to the kitchen gently patting your back to comfort you. You can tell he’s awkward and clearly not used to this but his efforts are working. He sits you down on a nearby chair and gets you a tall glass of water. He is sat across from you and is softly scratching behind your ears
“Are you okay? Can you tell me what happened?”
“I had a nightmare ____ was killed because I went back home.”
“That sounds awful. I heard the way you were screaming his name. He really must be important to you.”
“He is.” You down the rest of your water swiftly.
“Are you done?” You nod in response “Let me take that from you.”
You are carried back to your room and Vox gently lays you back into your bed. 
“Are you feeling better now?” You nod “Do you need anything?” You shake your head. “Alright then. Goodnight.”
“Wait!” You whisper shout from how sore your throat is
“Can you stay? Just for a bit.” 
“Sure.” Vox sits at your bedside slowly stroking your head. It’s nice having someone with you. You slowly start to drift off again. Seeing this Vox started to get up but you grabbed his hand so he couldn’t leave not just yet. Through half lidded eyes you could just barely peer through the darkness and see him smiling at you softly.
         When you woke up the next morning with Vox still at your side; he had stayed with you all through the night. You carefully hug him as you get out of bed. 
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weshallc · 1 year
I know most people are probably over it or sick to death of hearing about it and some just wondering what all the fuss is about. But, I keep hijacking everyone's posts. So I'm just going to say what I thought and be done with it.
Series 12 Ep 5 under the bar just in case anyone has skilfully managed to avoid spoilers.
Yesterday I received a very kind comment on the first fanfic I ever wrote. I remember at the time, because it was my first attempt and I didn't know if there would be another, I plunged every single idea I'd had about that period of the show into it. I didn't hold anything back for another time. That's what Series 12 Ep 5 felt like to me.
In the first five minutes we are introduced to six storylines even though Mrs Wallace opening a dry cleaners doesn't have much mileage. Apart from a bit of foreshadowing spotted by @ctmwidower
The most positive storyline is that of the Barkelys. I think is the first time we have seen a positive portrayal of a hospital birth. Yes, Phyllis is on hand to offer support, but the cardiologist and the obstetrician are actually quite human. There was something that got my hackles up, but I don't think this is an error because this kind of situation still arises today. Dr Turner tells Mrs B she mustn't risk another pregnancy because of her heart condition. When she suggests getting her tubes tied, he tells her she is too young. Now if he had added, I'm not ruling out they may find a treatment for your heart condition in the future, that was a different conversation.
Spencer's story. I imagine was to show how difficult it was to obtain psychiatric support. As a GP, he was left without adequate resources trying to do his best. I also get the punchline is waiting times for mental health referrals are much worse today. But, I don't get why an experienced GP handled it so badly. "Are you hearing voices?" "No" "Oh, OK then". Followed by here is a pill from out of my pocket (that did used to happen) you can spit it out when I walk away before I watch you swallow it.
Jill knew he was hearing voices, his mother knew, Nancy knew, Cyril knew, probably even Mrs Wallace knew. All he had to ask was, "Does Spencer sometimes think the TV or radio is on when it isn't?" I really didn't see the point of the stabbing other than sensationalism. It was a pretty drastic measure just so Cyril could be gifted a phone call to Jamaica.
Which brings me to my next point. This was an episode of stories that went nowhere. We'll never know what happens to Spencer, the stabbing wasn't an exit story and Cyril was discharged pretty swiftly. Unless he suffers from PTSD or it brings Lucille back, not sure what the point of that was. We don't know what method of contraception the Barkleys chose that story just fizzled out. Shelagh isn't pregnant. Sir Brigham was introduced just to kill him off and maybe to send Trixie on a cardiac refresher course because it was pretty obvious what was going to happen in 'the little boys room' and she can update her CPR training. I do hope we are not starting to trade medical accuracy for dramatic effect.
There was also an outbreak of characters acting out of character. The positive being MORE angsty, overwhelmed, telling it like it is Shelagh, please! Well over due. That takes us back to Patrick, who isn't having the best of episodes tbh. All I can think is Heidi and Stephen had a bet on how many meaningless cliches Dr Turner could say in one episode. Why there wasn't any physical contact between the two? Well, we've been wondering that for ten years now. I still think the door frame scene was filmed with each actor separately. Otherwise I'm bewildered.
Two of the original characters who have been at Nonnatus well over a decade, maybe two, suddenly forgot how to deal with authority. Fred, who was supposed to protect Poplar from a nuclear attack and against Russian spies, seems to have forgotten that 'loose tongues cost lives'. One slip would have been forgivable, but why is he telling him confidential information about salaries, and how does he even know that information?
Sister Julienne meanwhile turned into Auld Jenny, wittering on about love. I hate to admit I had to agree with Mr Threapwood there. "It is 1968, love is no longer a legitimate currency." Did make me laugh. Meanwhile, Lucille's personality transplant is almost complete in Jamaica.
To end on a positive note and to cut Dr T some slack, Patrick's facial expressions were spot on during the talk. I found the Chuckle Brothers (thank you again @ctmwidower ) bathing shenanigans funny and also quite nice to see an aspect of 1960s social care. But did we really have time for it in such a full episode?
"All thoughts, feelings and understanding are broken into pieces and cannot be made to connect in the usual way." Was a great description by Sister Veronica. I just wondered if she was talking about the episode.
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macgyvertape · 9 months
BG3 Act 1 thoughts and liveblog part 1
With super long games like this (finished in about 110 hours) I like to take notes to 1) remind me of stuff I did at the beginning of the game and 2) to enjoy looking back on because I'm not doing another playthrough for a few years.
Going to suffer through the spider and half spider people since the mods don’t fully work yet and they disable achievements
Going for dark urge first playthough along the lines of Durge is guard dog to those they imprint on and I knew I was rolling a bard, so I watched clips of Felix RedvsBlue as a good starting point for my character roleplay. Starting character quote “At the end of the day, if I'm stronger than you and if I'm faster than you, then I can kill you! And that's better than anything money can buy”
Trying Not to be a “charismatic mercenary with gruff exterior and a heart of gold” 
I killed Commander Zhalk in the beginning area with viscous mockery. True bard experience
Passed the perception check of Astarion pulling a knife, some fun dialgoue options with him, and its a delight to hear his tone of voice really change
I can’t tell if Gale is just flirty/horny or really just dedicated to the facade of being surface deep and a braggart to mask his secrets. Seems both and though he seems full of himself I enjoy this kind of companion who lies about things
I think I like the inspiration mechanic, I got a point for killing the mindflayer “leaving it to burn”
I’m really having to force myself to be “that asshole” and ask people to pay me for helping them
Got another inspirational event for killing the cultists lol. The game gives me a lot of options to talk about my dark urge but I really want to play that close to the chest
I don’t really know about pre-rewrite version of Wyll but he really seems a good alignment nice dude, and unfortunately I want to be almost evil/neutral Dark Urge.
Had to reload to save Nadira, I’m struggling with interrupting actions outside of turn by turn combat
Rapheal sure makes an entrance, my character turned him down but didn’t attack since he seemed so powerful. Keep my options open but it seems like there are a lot of options there
Gale is fucking lucky I had a extra piece of enchanted gear so I didn’t lose my very nice sword. I also feel like I’m throwing away some approval points by my character questioning him but I’m trying to play someone who isn’t altruistic or too trusting.
Ok I failed several perception checks for a kid stealing my stuff then I caught the last one, but then the kid ran off and everyone in the hideout ran out. I’m not sure if anything was still stolen from me or if this is a a bug 
RIP Alfira, was not expecting that from the dark urge. I chose to confess to the others, if my character is murdering people in my sleep only fair to explain and not hide
My character told Karlach to tear the place apart as catharsis for being hunted, and it was fun to see that scripted sequence play out
Gale is telling me his unstable magic backstory, but he’s doing it at camp so there is no reaction for anyone else during the conversation despite him saying he wanted to tell everyone. (edit: Not sure if a bug considering he also referenced being mind whammied by the Almighty before that had occurred in the goblin camp). Also deeply ironic he talks about understanding if my character wants him to leave since he’s a literal timebomb, but this is happening a day after D!urge pc killed someone brutally
Also incredibly funny Lae’zel is now interested in my character, and will sleep with me considering her dialogue post D!urge murder
Wyll gets turned by his patron demon into a semi horned being, ok so I guess just seeing what he looks like shows the obvious decision you made with Karlach
Wtf is up with Wyll, that he’s so proud he made his pact when it was just made obvious he was sent on basically an assassination mission. All his talk of “saving innocents” wonder how many innocents he’s killed from bad intel
The trifling child gang hideout is very bugged
Perception check for the swamp reveal was really cool
I haven’t been taking many long rests so I just now got the Astarion vampire one. Fun to see all the options if you let him kill you, but I save scummed to let him really go for then stop for roleplaying purposes 
I actually realized I was right by the vampire hunter so I loaded a save where Astarion hadn’t revealed himself yet and fun how different it goes, he will kill the vampire hunter out of combat to keep his secret if you don’t intervene and that’s very fun. It also gets brought up when he tries to feed on you for the first time at camp, but I haven't found a dialogue option where you can say “weird coincidence the guy called you by the same name”
Got the scene at the goblin area where the party would get mind whammied if not for the mysterious artifact. I’m really trying to pick a moment when my character would go from “more people is better odds” to “ride or die for certain characters” and I think this is a good point along the line of “oh if these people aren’t with me then they’ll immediately be soldiers against me”
I really enjoy how Astarion treats you like a fool if you say he’ll be safe because you would protect him from Cazador, in the cliche all power player character here to fix the companion’s problems. I mean my character still said it of course because that was my favorite of the 3 options at that point. Interesting I only now can ask about what offer Raphael made, like that was hours and hours ago but guess it needed specific dialogue flags 
No other game has given me an S&M scene like this for a stat buff where its fun and horny. I love Gale’s “well whatever you’re into”. The first time I did the scene (pun intended) Astarion was standing a little too far away, so I only got Shadowhearts dialogue, but its much better with them talking back and forth
My character told Shadowheart she doesn't care that she worships Shar but more along the lines of not that she likes Shar its just she don’t really care about religion 
I am majorly arachnophobic so I just covered up the screen and freed the spiders so the goblins would kill them
My character asked the priestess to meet alone then assassinated her with Astarian cloaked to get an extra out of combat turn. I expect to do this setup a lot more
I found a Selunite outpost and went down there, then reloaded since that seems way too big an area to explore right now
Setting up Minthara to be doublecrossed was a great tactical way to clear out the goblin camp, especially since I’m out of short rests
Killed Dror Ragzlin with barrelmancy, aka stole a bunch of explosive barrels and put them around him and the crowd and then exploded them from the rafters above
Note to self in however many hours when I get to Baldur’s Gate, see how Ronan’s apprenticeship faired (I bet not well)
Astarion calling my character darling and saying he’s going to like me and it's clear I like him too, definitely feels like he’s rolling to seduce and being a bit manipulative so she will like him (tangent: Margaery Tyrell was one of my favorite GoT characters kinda similar vibes) 
My character was upfront about enjoying it but very funny to say that a less trusting person would be suspicious and have him vouch that the only thing on his mind was carnal lust. I tried the immediate agreement then reloaded and I love that his response feels very different like he’s succeeded in a seduction check. 
I made my dream visitor a hot masc teifling and there is big horny energy with his scenes
Got the “morally acceptable massacre” for defending the grove. I created some barricades out of crates, blew up the sappers with fire arrows and then the enemies were just trapped at the bottom as I killed them with archery. Took a few tries for barricade positioning but then was easy and none of the tieflings died
I’d like to think my D!urge character would love massacring the goblins, in the same way she enjoyed getting the Knoll leader to kill the others then kill themselves brutally. Sort of a “I just love killin’” character approach, but my D!urge character dislikes that the Dark Urge takes away her control. 
My character absorbed Minthara’s tadpole at the prompting, I figured my character would be all about gaining power she could control. Astarion certainly had a very camp approval option. 
I then used 4 Ithilid powers across Astarion, Gale, and myself really just to get rid of the menu icon being bright red and distracting
Oh wow I completely missed doing Kagha’s secrets until now, so I could tell Halsin but not much else happens 
Didn’t expect my character could talk Lae’zel into using the tadpole powers and make a good persuasion attempt with Kalrach, and then persuaded everyone else. Playing a charismatic character is fun, she is manipulative af
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