#ohio state Joe hitting different
burrow-ix · 10 months
Posting this on here first just to make @balanceingrace block me😂 OSU Joe didn’t have a lot going for him but in this video, GOOD HEAVENS🫦😮‍💨
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joeys-babe · 10 months
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Someday We’ll Be Together
Chapter 5: Can I get your number?
(y/n's pov)
when we got back to joes house after practice i grabbed my stuff that i had left there this morning.
"are you gonna come back over later?" - joe
"yeah sure, i'm gonna shower and get presentable first." - you
"i'll make us some lunch if you want." - joe
"sounds good joe, thanks. i'll see ya later." - you walked over to the front door
"yeah bye y/n!" - joe
"bye joe!" - you smiled at him as you shut the door and made your way over to your house
i knew as soon as i walked through the door my parents would be ready to berate me with questions.
i was right; as soon as i walked through the door i saw my mom standing in the kitchen.
"why are you smiling?" - your mom grinned
"nothing." - you
"mhm, so how was hanging out with joe last night and going to practice today?" - your mom
"really good. last night we were having movie night but it ended up going a different direction. lexie was at a party and joe found out she was making out with another guy." - you
"oh my gosh, bless his heart! did he finally break up with her?" - your mom
"yes, that's why i stayed the night. he was really upset and didn't want me to leave." - you
"awwww how sweet. now how did practice go?"
- your mom
"good! two girls that are dating players walked up to me since i was alone and asked if i wanted to sit with them. they were really nice and we hit it off." - you
"look at you already making friends with the WAG's!" - your mom
"mom." - you rolled your eyes
"i'm just teasing. are you going back over to joes today?" - your mom
"yup, i'm gonna shower and change then head over there for lunch." - you
"sounds good!" - your mom
after talking to my mom, i went upstairs to my room and finally got in the shower. it felt good to wash the sweat from being at the practice fields off.
when i got out i dried off and did my skincare before blow drying my hair and putting it in a ponytail.
once that was done i put a pair of jean shorts on along with a random band shirt i had.
i didnt wear much makeup, just mascara. growing up i had really bad acne and practically caked my face to cover it up, now wearing a lot of makeup just brought back bad memories of insecurity.
now that i was finally done getting ready i grabbed my keys, phone, and water bottle before heading downstairs.
"going over to joes now!" - you
"okay! have fun." - your dad winked
"dad." - you glared at him before leaving
as i was walking across the road i noticed a couple cars parked in joes driveway. who's here?
i knocked on the door and my heart stopped when i the door opened and i made eye contact with #85.
"oh you must be y/n! i'm tee, joes teammate."
- tee smiled
"yeh that's me, it's lovely to meet you." - you
"oh come in, sorry" - tee laughed when he moved to the side and let you in
tee shut the door behind me and was now standing next to me.
"joes in the kitchen making lunch, i'm assuming you're here of him?" - tee
"uh yeah, but i can chat with you for a bit." - you
"cool." - tee smiled
we moved over to the couch and sat down next to each other.
"y/n that's my spot!" - ja'marr
"oh hey marr!" - you turned to see ja'marr behind you
"hey! haven't seen you since college, you look great." - ja'marr
"you too! it's crazy you and joe got drafted by the same team, huh?" - you asked as ja'marr sat on the other side of tee
"oh for sure, and sam too you know since they played together at ohio state." - ja'marr
"i talked to his girlfriend today at practice, she seems really nice." - you
"oh she is, she told sam that you had been looking rather closely at one player." - ja'marr
"what- what are you talking about?" - you stuttered
"do you really think i'm cute?" - tee smirked
"yeah" - you returned the smile
tee opened his mouth, about to say something back but joe interrupted him.
"food's ready!" - joe yelled from the kitchen
"finally" - ja'marr jumped up from the couch and ran into the kitchen
tee and i stood up as well but he grabbed my wrist.
"how about we go out to dinner tomorrow night? you seem sweet, and you're really pretty. i'd love to get to know you." - tee
"i'd like that." - you smiled
tee let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in.
"good. can i get your number? i'll text you a time and address tomorrow." - tee
"yeh of course." - you got your phone out and exchanged numbers with tee
little did you know, joe was watching the whole exchange from the kitchen. he was left feeling lots of feelings jealous, upset, disappointed. not disappointed in you or tee, disappointed that his feelings that were coming back would have to be shoved away again.
*time skip - the next day*
right now i was currently getting ready for my dad with tee; at least i think it's a date. he said he wanted to get to me, but never fully said it was a date.
tee had texted me early today with a address to the restaurant we were going to, i looked some pictures up online to see what kind of outfit i'd have to wear. it was nice but not super upscale so i thought some jeans and a nice top would do the trick.
i had just finished up curling my hair when i heard the doorbell ring. i hurried down the stairs to get to the door first, definitely didn't want to put tee in an awkward spot with my mom or dad.
the thing is when i went downstairs it seemed like neither of my parents cared at all that tee was at the door. my dad was sitting on the couch and scrolling on his phone while my mom was making dinner in the kitchen.
"okay i'm off to my date, i'll see you guys later!"
- you
"have fun" - your dad mumbled, not even taking his eyes off of his phone
"what's up with you guys?" - you
"nothing, just go enjoy your night." - your mom
"okay.." - you opened the door
tee looked so handsome. he was wearing dressier clothes and for a second i wondered if i should go upstairs and change, but what tee said as soon as he saw me made me change my mind.
"woah y/n, you look beautiful." - tee
"thanks, you don't look too bad yourself. wanna get going?" - you
tee smiled and nodded before walking over to his car, he opened my door for me and i thanked him as i slid in.
as tee was walking over to the drivers side, i saw jimmy and robin walking up the stairs on the porch.
"oh hey tee!" - robin
"hey mrs. b!" - tee
"what are ya doing here?" - robin
"picking up y/n, we're going out to dinner." - tee smiled
"aww you guys have fun" - robin smiled warmly before walking into the house
at least someone's supportive.
jimmy and robin were definitely coming over for dinner and for a second i was wondering where joe was, but it makes sense why he wouldn't come over. i think he knows that tee and i are going on a date because ever since after lunch yesterday he won't answer my texts or calls.
"have you talked to joe at all.. since lunch yesterday?" - you
"he avoided me at practice this morning, so no. same thing with you i'm guessing?" - tee
"yup... i think he knows that we're on a date. i just don't know why it's making him this upset."
- you
"i mean i know you guys are best friends, and i'm his teammate, but you'd think he'd be happy for you." - tee
"yeah.." - you stared at the window, it was silent for a few minutes before tee broke it 
"i'm not gonna lie, i knew who you were before yesterday." - tee
"how so?" - you
"joe talks about you all the time, i'm sure everyone he comes in contact with knows the name y/n." - tee
i laughed before thinking of a response. this is the third time someones told me joe talks about me all the time. what on earth could he possibly be talking about?
"you're not the first person that's told me that.. what does joe say about me?" - you
"nothing bad or anything, just says you're his best friend and how much he cares about you. it kinda got old when id try to send him tiktoks and he'd reply with y/n already sent me that." - tee
"i do send him a lot of tiktoks." - you laughed
"can i ask you something? you have to be completely honest." - tee
"of course." - you
"have you ever.. liked joe?" - tee
"back in college i had a little crush on him, but it's been over for a long time." - you
"okay, i just wanted to make sure." - tee
"make sure of what?" - you
"that you didn't still like him. i felt like there might've been something going on between you two." - tee
"what why?" - you
"i mean it's kinda ironic that just shortly after you move back down here he breaks up with his girlfriend. i mean ja'marr, sam, and i have been trying to get him to break up with her since the start." - tee
"my feelings for joe ended a long time ago, i promise. now let's not ruin our date by talking about him." - you
"okay" - tee
(joes pov)
i reluctantly walked over to the y/l/n's for dinner awhile after y/n and tee left. i didn't want to leave my house, but i didn't really have food to fix here so it looked like i had to go over there.
"joe! i didn't think you were gonna come." - robin
"me neither." - joe scoffed
"what's with the attitude?" - robin
"tired." - joe shrugged
y/n's mom could read me like a book, so i wasn't surprised when she started asking me questions when we were in the kitchen alone.
"you sure you're just tired?" - your mom
"mhm" - joe
"not because y/n and tee are on a date?" - your mom
"i don't feel like talking about it." - joe
"so that is what it's about though?" - your mom
"maybe." - you
"aww joe, honey. what part about it makes you upset?" - your mom
"it's not because she's going on a date with another guy, i dont care about that. it's just that tees my teammate you know? she's like a sister to me.. like what if he hurts her and i just have to play football with him like nothing happened."
- joe
"i understand your concern, but i think y/n's smart enough to get herself out of a situation before she gets hurt. even if it were to happen."
- your mom
"i know. now i just seen like a jealous dick."
- joe
"you're not being unreasonable joe. but can i ask you this? if it wasn't your teammate, would you still be a little upset?" - your mom
i looked up at her for a few seconds before i sighed out of defeat.
"yes." - joe
"see joe! you still have feelings for her!" - your mom
(y/n's pov)
it was after my dinner date with tee and we were sitting in his car in the dairy queen parking lot as we ate our ice cream.
"y/n, can i be honest with you?" - tee
"of course, tee" - you
"i think you're a really great girl, but i don't think we're gonna go on a second date." - tee
"what why?" - you asked out of confusion, you had thought the date went really well
"i think we'd be better off as friends.. and there's something i just don't think you're noticing." - tee
"what's that something?" - you
"the fact that you still have feelings for joe." - tee
authors note: me consistently updating?! whaaaaaaaaaaat?!!!??!
hope you enjoyed ❤️
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mamaestapa · 10 months
Beard Joe
oh this is tough bc all three are DELICIOUS
F: lsu joe (he was SOMETHING else. the confidence, the old teeth, the school colors, lsu joe is just so hot. i’m f-ing him FS)
M: beard joe (i love a clean shaved joe, but, beard joe just hits different and i’d love to marry that version of him)
K: osu joe (ONLY BC as a michigan fan, i hate ohio state, and therefore, i cannot chose any other option for osu joe.)
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May 30, 2023
MAY 30, 2023
“[O]ne of the things that I hear some of you guys saying is, ‘Why doesn’t Biden say what a good deal it is?’” President Joe Biden said to reporters yesterday afternoon before leaving the White House on the Marine One helicopter. “Why would Biden say what a good deal it is before the vote? You think that’s going to help me get it passed? No. That’s why you guys don’t bargain very well.”
Biden’s unusually revealing comment about the budget negotiations was actually a statement about his presidency. Unlike his Republican opponents, he has refused to try to win points by playing the media and instead has worked behind the scenes to govern, sometimes staying out of negotiations, sometimes being central to them.
The result has been, as Daily Beast columnist David Rothkopf summarized today, historic. Biden has worked to replace 40 years of supply-side economics with policies to rebuild the nation’s economy and infrastructure by supporting ordinary Americans. The American Rescue Plan gave the United States a faster economic recovery from the COVID pandemic than any other major economy. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law has already funded more than 32,000 projects in more than 4,500 communities in all 50 states, Washington D.C., and U.S. territories.
The Inflation Reduction Act made the biggest investment in addressing climate change in our history, and according to University of Washington transportation analyst Jack Conness, it and the CHIPS and Science Act have already attracted over $220 billion in private investment, much of it going to Republican-dominated states: Tennessee, Nevada, North Carolina, and Oklahoma have each attracted more than $4 billion; Ohio, more than $6 billion; Arizona, more than $7 billion; South Carolina, more than $9 billion; and Georgia, more than $13 billion.
Victoria Guida in Politico yesterday reported that the reordering of the economy under Biden and the Democrats has reversed the widening income gap between wage workers and upper-income professionals that has been growing for the past 40 years. The pay of those making an average of $12.50 an hour grew by almost 6% from 2020 to 2022, even after inflation.
Those gains are now at risk as pandemic measures end and the Fed raises interest rates to bring down inflation, although the wage increases are only a piece of the inflation puzzle: Talmon Joseph Smith and Joe Rennison of the New York Times today reported that companies raising their prices to “protect…profits” are “adding to inflation.” In other words, companies pushed prices beyond normal profit margins during the pandemic and the economic recovery, then maintained those higher profit margins with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and continue to maintain them now.
The fight over the debt ceiling is both an example of the different approaches to negotiation on the part of Biden and Republicans like House speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), and part of the larger question about the direction of the country.
On January 13, 2023, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned McCarthy that the Treasury was about to hit the borrowing limit established by Congress and that she would have to resort to extraordinary measures in order to meet obligations until Congress raised the debt ceiling.
On March 9, as part of the usual budget process, Biden produced a detailed budget, which was a wish list of programs that would continue to build the country from the bottom up. He told McCarthy he would meet with the speaker as soon as he produced his own budget, which McCarthy could not do because the far-right House Freedom Caucus (these days being abbreviated as HFC) wanted extreme cuts to which other Republicans would never agree.
On April 26 the House Republicans passed a bill that would require $4.8 trillion in cuts but was quite vague about how it would do so apart from getting rid of much of the legislation the Democrats had just passed. HFC members said they would not raise the debt ceiling until the Senate passed their bill. That is, they would drive the United States into default, crashing the U.S. and the global economy, until the president and the Democrats agreed to their policies. Even then, they would raise it only until next spring, with the expectation that it would then become a key factor in the 2024 election.
Biden insisted all along that he would not negotiate over the debt ceiling, which pays for money already appropriated under the normal process of Congress and which Congress raised three times under former president Trump even as he added $7.8 trillion to the national debt. Biden said he would happily negotiate over the budget. McCarthy, meanwhile, was out in front of the cameras and on social media insulting Biden and insisting that it was Biden’s fault that talks took so long to get started.
Late Saturday, the two sides announced an agreement “in principle” to raise the debt ceiling for two years—clearing the presidential election. As the Washington Post’s Catherine Rampell noted, it protects current spending on Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid; keeps tax rates as they are; increases spending on defense and veterans’ programs; leaves most other domestic spending the same; cuts a little from the expanded funding of the Internal Revenue Service; and tweaks both the permitting process for energy projects and the existing work requirements in the food assistance program.
As Rampell points out, “this much-ballyhooed ‘deal’ doesn’t seem terribly different from whatever budget agreement would have materialized anyway later this year, during the usual annual appropriations process, under divided government. To President Biden’s credit, the most objectionable ransoms that Republicans had been demanding are all gone.”
Now the measure has to get through both parties, with congressmembers back in Washington today after the holiday weekend. Freedom Caucus members are howling at the deal. Representative Chip Roy (R-TX) is threatening to bottle the measure up in the House Rules Committee, which decides what bills make it to the floor. The Freedom Caucus forced McCarthy to stack that committee with far-right extremists as part of his deal for the speakership (it has nine Republicans but only four Democrats on it). But Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo suggests that McCarthy’s alliance with Representatives Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) might pay off here, since the two have thrown their weight behind the measure.
Even if the measure does pass before the June 5 deadline when the Treasury runs out of money, it has had an important effect. As Rampell noted, it has weakened the United States. It has enabled both China and Russia to portray the U.S. as unstable and an unreliable partner. As if to prove that criticism, Biden had to cancel a trip to Australia and Papua New Guinea, where he was strengthening the Indo-Pacific alliances designed to weaken Chinese dominance of the region. (And Russia continues to involve itself in U.S. politics: today Tara Reade, the woman who in 2020 accused Biden of sexually assaulting her, appeared on Russian television next to alleged spy Maria Butina to say she has fled to Russia out of fear for her life in the U.S.)
Writing in Foreign Policy, Howard W. French sees a more sweeping problem with the debt ceiling fight: it “highlights America’s warped priorities.” “[W]hen a rich and powerful country finds it easier to cut back on the way that it invests in its people, in education, in science, and in making sure that the weakest among them are not completely left behind than to curtail useless and profligate weapons spending,” he said, “there are reasons to worry about the foundations of its power.”
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arpov-blog-blog · 7 months
..."A lot of Democrats romanticize the 2012 Obama campaign. But if you were there, you know it was a knock-down, drag-out battle — not just with Republicans, but with bad media narratives. One such narrative hit us on Nov. 3, 2011, when the New York Times Magazine published an analysis giving Obama a 17 percent chance to win reelection. When that magazine hit my desk, I knew it was trouble. Not because I believed it, but because of the anxiety it would stir up. Immediately, we had donors, elected officials, and my Mom absolutely freaking out. We couldn’t get supporters to rallies. People were calling for me to be fired.
I was reminded of this moment last week after a Times/Siena Poll of six battleground states showed that if the election were held today, Donald Trump would easily beat Joe Biden. Democrats, naturally, got very anxious.
Yet, three days after that poll hit, Democrats took Republicans behind the woodshed, enshrining the right to make reproductive decisions in the Ohio constitution, taking control of the Virginia legislature, taking a state supreme court seat in Pennsylvania, and reelecting a popular Democrat as governor in the deep-red state of Kentucky.
This all gave me whiplash. Just like in 2011, we have an early poll screaming doom and gloom for a Democratic incumbent. Yes, we are officially in the Democratic bedwetting era for the 2024 presidential election. But here’s some advice from someone who’s been here before: Don’t panic. Here’s why.
Early polls are unreliable
Silver’s 2011 analysis did not age well: A year later, Obama wiped the floor with Mitt Romney. But Silver wasn’t alone. In this publication, polling done a year out had Obama tied with Romney in 10 battleground states; we ended up winning 9 of them. In December 2011, a Gallup poll had Obama losing to Romney by 5 percent across 12 battleground states; we won 11. Bill Clinton trailed about this same time in his reelection cycle. A year before a presidential election, it is just too early to get an accurate read on how the people will actually vote. There are a few reasons for this.
Get ready for the GOP opponent that Biden has already defeated once. In 2011, we didn’t know who we’d face in the general election. We also didn’t know how formidable Romney would be. But very likely, this is going to be a choice between Biden or Trump. With Biden, you get a president who has passed historic legislation, running on popular policies with little-to-no drama in the White House. With Trump, you have a candidate charged with 91 felony counts and a different court date every week. Trump means right-wing extremism, everyday chaos, criminal behavior, fundamental freedoms stripped away, and a rejection of democratic norms. While some will argue that Trump is already defined in voters’ minds, many Americans still aren’t paying close attention to the election. I believe voters will move in Biden’s direction when they hear what the president has done, and get reminded (by Democrats and Biden himself) of the chaotic, lawless circus that was Trump’s presidency.
Don’t boo — vote
This will be a very close election, and there will be plenty more times Democrats will feel nervous. But what will make a difference is the work itself, engaging voters and spreading a positive message about his accomplishments, economic policies, and views on issues like abortion and freedoms. Biden has been counted out time and time again, and he’s proved pollsters and pundits wrong. His campaign (along with the rest of us) needs to ignore the noise and build the strong campaign it needs to win — just like in 2020. And Democrats need to remember what I learned back in 2011: Voters decide elections, not polls."
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tomastatar · 11 months
List of players/teams I hate some for no reason, most for petty reasons and a few for real reasons I refuse to overlook I kept updating the post for enemy players and I realized how many I actually have. And since I am bored at work I included why in great detail below the cut.
1. Matthew Tkachuk (ratchuk) - attacks my goalies and pissed off Ully and Flower who are literal rays of sunshine and hardly ever attack people
2. Ville Husso (shitso) - not Jake Allen ruined the blues for me and now I refuse to watch the wings games if his bitch ass is playing
3. Nazem Kadri - disgusting shitbag that has seriously injured someone by dirty hits to the head every year since I started watching hockey
4. Tom Wilson - bitch you can be a tough bad ass player without trying to kill people
Auston Matthews - Mister I get drunk and get arrested for mooning and terrorizing women
Semyon Varlomov - shitbag google for more information if y’all want
Patrick Kane - google all of the different reasons he is a shitbag
Evander Kane - shitbag with multiple women accusing him of abusing them and obviously the gambling problems
Logan Couture - game 7 mocking flower after scoring was pathetic and douchy on a new level
Robin Lehner - Not Flower creepy bitch ass and the whole snake thing proves me right
Jack Eichel - I hate his face and want to punch him every time I see him or hear him mentioned
Milan Lucic - gives me the creeps and that dirty hit on the oilers goalie made me hate him
Entire Avs team - my entire family hates the avs in fact it’s the only hockey thing we all agree on
Entire sharks team - at this point I should let the grudge go because I hate the knights just as much but couture is still on the team
Erik Karlsson - on top of being a shark he is a bitch ass dracula reject
Entire leafs team - stop stealing my players actually the fans are the main reason I hate them some of the most irritating people on social media when I bother checking
Entire Canes team- the team itself did nothing but fans are absolutely disgusting and batshit crazy with bomb threats this year and attacking pasta’s family on social media last year 🔪🔪🔪
99.9% of wild team - they did nothing other than being located in Minnesota and I watched my first game a few days after minnesota state eliminated my lakers from playoffs
Entire CBJ team - I just hate all things Ohio
Philipp Grubauer (shitbauer) - played for avs and avs fans made me hate him when I got multiple hate messages on old blog telling me he was better than Flower plus he is boring to watch
Yanni Gourde - bad vibes kind of a less irritating ratchuk
Dylan Larkin - huge self centered douche bag in high school according to my brother and several of his friends plus he acts to nice when there is a camera around and seems fake as shit
Joe Pavelski (shitvelski) - I just want to see him take a puck or skate blade to the throat
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islong · 2 years
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If you missed this year’s Blue-Gold Game, then you missed Riley delivering a couple of hard hits to walk-on tight ends Andrew Yanoshak and Charlie Selna. 15 Ryan Barnes - Rock ’em, Sock ’em, Robots Via on Twitter The four-star recruit out of Phoenix may not play a significant role this season, but at this pace he should sooner rather than later in his Irish career. Regardless, the summer to this point has been enough time for Morrison to turn heads on the cornerback depth chart. Via on TwitterĪs for Morrison, it’s impossible to say whether he would be in stride with or even ahead of Mickey right now if he had enrolled early. As alluded to above, how soon he can turn that into a starting job will be something many Irish fans have their eyes on. has impressed mightily during his short time in South Bend, so much so that he’s presumably already a second-string cornerback. There’s been no shortage of praise for Mickey coming out of this spring and summer. To put it bluntly, the pair of true freshmen seem to have already sunken the battleships of - i.e., already surpassed on the depth chart - at least two of Notre Dame’s three sophomore cornerbacks. Mickey and Morrison are both members of the 2022 class that have made waves this offseason. But as the most experienced of the Irish cornerbacks, he’ll need to be a steadying presence in the defensive backfield at minimum. That’s high (if not biased) praise for him to live up to. Safeties coach Chris O’Leary has dubbed Bracy the best nickel in the country. After an offseason rebuilding his confidence, Bracy found a niche in nickel packages in 2021 and he figures to continue that role as a fifth-year senior this fall. Then he got benched during Notre Dame’s first matchup with Clemson in 2020. His breakout came in 2019 when he broke up two passes on the road against Georgia and was generally reliable throughout the year. 28 TaRiq Bracy - “Chutes and Ladders” Photo by Joe Robbins/Getty Imagesīracy’s career at Notre Dame has been rocky, an up-and-down trajectory reminiscent of sliding down the chutes and toiling back up the ladders of the Irish cornerback depth chart. 3, but before the year ends… that could be a different story. Many Irish fans will probably be calling for Mickey to replace Lewis before the first quarter clock hits zero against Ohio State. (Keep in mind that TaRiq Bracy’s own mental funk led to Lewis becoming a true freshman starter on a Notre Dame team that made the College Football Playoff).īut reality is that Lewis’ job is far from secure given the way true freshman Jaden Mickey has been hyped up this offseason. All reports are that Lewis has had a very good offseason, and what he has said about his disaster of a bowl game indicates that he is mentally tough enough to put it behind him. Maybe there’s some credence to that opinion. So the perception from many fans is that Lewis’ continued presence in the starting lineup is a risk. Oklahoma State receiver Tay Martin recorded 10 receptions for 104 yards and three touchdowns in a game where Lewis was his primary defender. Let’s address the elephant in them room, shall we? Clarence Lewis’ Fiesta Bowl performance was atrocious. 6 Clarence Lewis - “Risk” Joe Camporeale-USA TODAY Sports
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He missed a good chunk of this spring after an offseason procedure to fix that issue, and his newly cleaned-up shoulder will get a trial by fire against Ohio State’s wide receiving corps in the season opener. It’s unclear how much Hart’s production last season was hamstrung by a lingering shoulder injury. That means expanding on his nine pass breakups and two interceptions from 2020.
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Now entering his senior year, He’ll will have to take another step forward, especially with the upgrade in top-tier wide receiving talent the Irish will face compared to last season’s schedule. The converted wide receiver took over as a starter last season and showed quite a bit of promise. In that sense, he has a monopoly on secure starting jobs. Hart feels like the only Notre Dame cornerback whose spot is unchallenged. 5 Cam Hart - “Monopoly” Photo by Jonathan Daniel/Getty Images So, to break it down further, here are the 2022 Irish corners as popular family board games. With Ohio State, Clemson and a transfer-infused USC now on the schedule, cornerbacks coach Mike Mickens has his work cut out for him to have his position group ready to go wire to wire. There are young players with plenty of hype and little proven production as well as proven veterans with some worrisome performances on their ledgers. Notre Dame’s cornerback position is an odd assortment this season.
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radishreader · 3 years
…While I declined to share my own position on the case, despite their prodding, I did get to witness exchanges of differing opinions. Like that Kelly, guilty or not, should’ve known better than to let himself be put in a position to even be questioned, as one man explained. As a Black man in America, where innocence is not a privilege afforded to the underclass, Kelly should have … something. Known better? Done better? Whatever the answer (which never came), this prompted a tense exchange between him and his companion; I heard her utter phrases like innocent until proven guilty and What happened to Black Lives Matter? with the implication being that if Kelly were afforded the same privileges as white men, he would not be in this position. It’s a mangled argument that, of course, ignores that most of Kelly’s victims are Black themselves. As we sat and waited for the courtroom to open, her friend explained to me that the fans believed “R. Kelly’s not on trial — his dick is on trial,” an inexplicable point of distinction for me, as I could not grasp what was exculpatory about that allegation since sex trafficking and illegal sexual activity with minors would, naturally, involve his genitals.
These are common sentiments among Kelly’s fans. As Ohio State University professor Treva B. Lindsey explained to the New York Times, “There’s an attachment to him and there’s this sense that what is happening to him is part of a larger history of Black men being criminalized and villainized as sexual predators and held to standards that white men are not held accountable to.” But Kelly is being offered a specific sort of martyrdom partly because he has intertwined his art with his demons — performing penitence in gospel-influenced tracks while reveling in lewdness in chart-topping R&B hits, daring his audience to love the sinner but hate the sin — in a way that allows his most dedicated fans to paint him as transparent versus an abusive predator. Underlying this belief is the mythos of the fast-tailed girl in the Black community, which operates in concert with a sort of anti-carceral stance, penalizing women who choose to seek justice the only way they’re told they can. Because these supporters believe Black men are overwhelmingly falsely accused of rape, any attempt at accountability, through the courts or otherwise, is seen as targeted subterfuge against male Black excellence.
But viewing the average R. Kelly defender as uniquely deranged misses the societal forces that empower people like him in the first place. Powerful men in media and entertainment have always used their capital to abuse women without repercussions. Russell Simmons has been accused of sexual assault or misconduct by 20 women; Charlamagne tha God was publicly accused of rape in 2018; T.I. has been accused of sexual assault by multiple women, though Los Angeles County officials recently declined to prosecute him. (All have denied the allegations against them.) Rapper Joe Budden was arrested in 2014 on allegations of domestic abuse (the charges were later dropped) and was later accused of sexual harassment by a podcast host. Despite these allegations, these men have not been deplatformed from their positions of influence and continue to use their relationships with high-profile women to inoculate them from critique. Shortly after Sil Lai Abrams came forward to accuse Simmons of raping her in 1994, social-justice activist Tamika Malloryappeared on a podcast on which she was asked about the allegations against her longtime friend. “I mean, I don’t know if I believe in it or not,” she said. “I wasn’t there and don’t know what really happened.” It took more than 25 years to come to any sort of resolution on Kelly, and it cost the well-being of innumerable Black girls, yet the entertainment industry and its profiteers continue to take a passive wait-and-see approach to every new set of allegations. The women I met at the courthouse are not the only ones using logical fallacies to rationalize irreconcilable truths in famous men…
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thejealouscactus · 3 years
System of a Down Are Why I’m Communist
Originally written for a Street Fight zine about a year or two ago. 
Like a lot of people in my generation, I became politically aware during the dark days of the George W. Bush presidency, particularly around the time of the 2004 election. The same year Green Day released the liberal anti-Bush magnum opus American Idiot. By that point I realized that Bush was a fascist buffoon and a repulsive Christian chauvinist. The Weapons of Mass Destruction that were hyped to sell the Iraq War turned out to be totally nonexistent. It was the first time I became aware that the government would blatantly lie to the people. All the people killed and maimed and an inconceivable amount of money spent was founded on a lie. I rooted for John Kerry, since I thought he would stop Bush’s reign of terror, greed and ignorance and there were no other options. But we all know how that turned out. It was demoralizing for me, the “good guy” lost and the country and the world would have to endure another four year term of Bush.
The next year was the year System of a Down released Hypnotize and Mesmerize and it was when they entered my radar. The music videos for the albums were played fairly frequently on MTV and VH1. As a young metal-head and peacenik, B.Y.O.B. was right up my alley. At the time I was a big fan of Black Sabbath and Megadeth because of their lyrics with similar themes. After I heard that I had to dig into their discography. Not necessarily the easiest thing living in the middle of Ohio and with a dad who was iffy on letting me hear albums with a parental advisory sticker. Through borrowing from friends and Sam Goody trips in a nearby city I was able to get most of their CDs. 2005 was also the year of Hurricane Katrina, when Bush’s incompetence cost thousands of lives and ruined the lives of many more. A sign of how the rest of Bush’s second term would be. The music of System of a Down were the perfect soundtrack for it.
The lyric books that came with the CDs taught me more than I would learn in school. Listening to them made me feel smart. Prison Song taught me about the prison industrial complex; how it punishes and controls rather than reforming people, and the governments’ dirty hands in the drug trade that fills the prisons up. “Minor drug offenders fill your prisons, you don't even flinch/ All our taxes paying for your wars against the new non-rich.” They also have lyrics that treat drug users with an empathy that is not often seen in media or in school. Boom! Is another antiwar song of theirs that hit me hard. “Manufacturing consent is the name of the game/The bottom line is money, nobody gives a fuck/ 4000 hungry children leave us per hour from starvation/While billions are spent on bombs, creating death showers!” I had the naive thought in my head that if everyone heard that song there would be no more war. They have other songs dealing with propaganda, environmentalism, big business’ influence on government, and so on.  I didn’t learn about the Armenian Genocide in school, I learned about it from System of a Down.
As the years went on my taste in music changed. I stopped considering myself a metal-head and no longer listened to System of a Down. My political beliefs evolved as well. I was a Daily Show watching progressive liberal in my high school years. In 2008 I had high hopes for Obama. His advertising campaign made me think he would be the anti-Bush. He promised to close down Guantanamo Bay and end the Iraq War. I thought he would be the new Franklin Roosevelt as we went into the Great Recession. After several years into his first term I realized he was a phoney. We were still blowing up the Middle East, and didn’t crack down on Wall Street or rebuild the welfare state. He basically solidified Bush’s legacy and didn’t bring the hope and change he promised. The disappointment led me to anarchism and socialism, and I started reading books on the subjects from the college library. I began as many leftists do with Howard Zinn and Noam Chomsky, and when reading them I noticed how many phrases and concepts in their writings were in System of a Down songs. Deer Dance referenced Zinn’s memoir You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train. The seeds of my becoming a socialist were planted with System of a Down.
It’s been 15 years since I first heard Hypnotize, and it feels like a whole lifetime ago with the overwhelming amount of history that has happened in my life and in the world since then. A lot has changed, but so much has unfortunately stayed the same. There’s a different fascist buffoon in the White House. The forever wars in the Middle East have not stopped, they’ve just become easier for most people to ignore. Bush’s image has been largely rehabilitated. He got to floss dance with Ellen DeGeneres and Democrats approval rating has increased over the years since at least he’s not a dang Cheeto like Drumpf. The ghouls in Bush’s circle deserved to be tried at the Hague or at least pelted with shoes whenever they go outside, but they are still free and continue to hold power and influence. Some of them are working for Joe Biden.
Over the last year or so I rediscovered System of a Down, and am surprised at how well it held up musically and lyrically. Deer Dance could have been written in 2020, since the subject of police brutality against protesters is perhaps more relevant and in focus now than ever before. “Pushing little children/ With their fully automatics/ They like to push the weak around”. It was probably inspired by the Battle of Seattle but since then we have seen the police brutalize protesters at Occupy, Ferguson, Standing Rock, and reaching a boiling point in this year. I can’t say if more people listened to them they would also be socialist. Even their drummer John Dolmayan turned out to be a MAGA chud this year. It had a lasting and significant influence on me at least. It at least gave me a head start in my political education.
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brookstonalmanac · 3 years
Events 5.15
221 – Liu Bei, Chinese warlord, proclaims himself emperor of Shu Han, the successor of the Han dynasty. 392 – Emperor Valentinian II is assassinated while advancing into Gaul against the Frankish usurper Arbogast. He is found hanging in his residence at Vienne. 589 – King Authari marries Theodelinda, daughter of the Bavarian duke Garibald I. A Catholic, she has great influence among the Lombard nobility. 756 – Abd al-Rahman I, the founder of the Arab dynasty that ruled the greater part of Iberia for nearly three centuries, becomes emir of Cordova, Spain. 1252 – Pope Innocent IV issues the papal bull ad extirpanda, which authorizes, but also limits, the torture of heretics in the Medieval Inquisition. 1525 – Insurgent peasants led by Anabaptist pastor Thomas Müntzer were defeated at the Battle of Frankenhausen, ending the German Peasants' War in the Holy Roman Empire. 1536 – Anne Boleyn, Queen of England, stands trial in London on charges of treason, adultery and incest; she is condemned to death by a specially-selected jury. 1602 – Cape Cod discovered by English navigator Bartholomew Gosnold. 1618 – Johannes Kepler confirms his previously rejected discovery of the third law of planetary motion (he first discovered it on March 8 but soon rejected the idea after some initial calculations were made). 1648 – The Peace of Münster is ratified, by which Spain acknowledges Dutch sovereignty. 1791 – French Revolution: Maximilien Robespierre proposes the Self-denying Ordinance. 1817 – Opening of the first private mental health hospital in the United States, the Asylum for the Relief of Persons Deprived of the Use of Their Reason (now Friends Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania). 1836 – Francis Baily observes "Baily's beads" during an annular eclipse. 1849 – The Sicilian revolution of 1848 is finally extinguished. 1850 – The Arana–Southern Treaty is ratified, ending "the existing differences" between Great Britain and Argentina. 1851 – The first Australian gold rush is proclaimed, although the discovery had been made three months earlier. 1864 – American Civil War: Battle of New Market, Virginia: Students from the Virginia Military Institute fight alongside the Confederate army to force Union General Franz Sigel out of the Shenandoah Valley. 1891 – Pope Leo XIII defends workers' rights and property rights in the encyclical Rerum novarum, the beginning of modern Catholic social teaching. 1905 – Las Vegas founded in Nevada. 1911 – In Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey v. United States, the United States Supreme Court declares Standard Oil to be an "unreasonable" monopoly under the Sherman Antitrust Act and orders the company to be broken up. 1911 – More than 300 Chinese immigrants are killed in the Torreón massacre when the forces of the Mexican Revolution led by Emilio Madero take the city of Torreón from the Federales. 1918 – The Finnish Civil War was ended, when the Whites took over Fort Ino, a Russian coastal artillery base on the Karelian Isthmus, from the Russian troops. 1919 – The Winnipeg general strike begins. By 11:00, almost the whole working population of Winnipeg had walked off the job. 1919 – Greek occupation of Smyrna. During the occupation, the Greek army kills or wounds 350 Turks; those responsible are punished by Greek commander Aristides Stergiades. 1929 – A fire at the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio kills 123. 1932 – In an attempted coup d'état, the Prime Minister of Japan Inukai Tsuyoshi is assassinated. 1933 – All military aviation organizations within or under the control of the RLM of Germany were officially merged in a covert manner to form its Wehrmacht military's air arm, the Luftwaffe. 1940 – USS Sailfish is recommissioned. It was originally the USS Squalus. 1940 – World War II: After fierce fighting, the poorly trained and equipped Dutch troops surrender to Germany, marking the beginning of five years of occupation. 1940 – Richard and Maurice McDonald open the first McDonald's restaurant. 1941 – First flight of the Gloster E.28/39 the first British and Allied jet aircraft. 1941 – Joe DiMaggio begins a 56-game hitting streak. 1942 – World War II: In the United States, a bill creating the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC) is signed into law. 1943 – Joseph Stalin dissolves the Comintern (or Third International). 1945 – World War II: The Battle of Poljana, the final skirmish in Europe is fought near Prevalje, Slovenia. 1948 – Following the expiration of The British Mandate for Palestine, the Kingdom of Egypt, Transjordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Saudi Arabia invade Israel thus starting the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. 1957 – At Malden Island in the Pacific Ocean, Britain tests its first hydrogen bomb in Operation Grapple. 1963 – Project Mercury: The launch of the final Mercury mission, Mercury-Atlas 9 with astronaut Gordon Cooper on board. He becomes the first American to spend more than a day in space, and the last American to go into space alone. 1970 – President Richard Nixon appoints Anna Mae Hays and Elizabeth P. Hoisington the first female United States Army generals. 1972 – The Ryukyu Islands, under U.S. military governance since its conquest in 1945, reverts to Japanese control. 1974 – Ma'alot massacre: Members of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine attack and take hostages at an Israeli school; a total of 31 people are killed, including 22 schoolchildren. 1988 – Soviet–Afghan War: After more than eight years of fighting, the Soviet Army begins to withdraw 115,000 troops from Afghanistan. 1991 – Édith Cresson becomes France's first female Prime Minister. 1997 – The United States government acknowledges the existence of the "Secret War" in Laos and dedicates the Laos Memorial in honor of Hmong and other "Secret War" veterans. 1997 – The Space Shuttle Atlantis launches on STS-84 to dock with the Russian space station Mir. 2004 – Arsenal F.C. go an entire league campaign unbeaten in the English Premier League, joining Preston North End F.C with the right to claim the title "The Invincibles". 2008 – California becomes the second U.S. state after Massachusetts in 2004 to legalize same-sex marriage after the state's own Supreme Court rules a previous ban unconstitutional. 2010 – Jessica Watson becomes the youngest person to sail, non-stop and unassisted around the world solo. 2013 – An upsurge in violence in Iraq leaves more than 389 people dead over three days.
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emerald-studies · 4 years
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The complex Nina Simone
“Born Eunice Kathleen Waymon in Tryon, North Carolina on February 21st, 1933, Nina’s prodigious talent as a musician was evident early on when she started playing piano by ear at the age of three. Her mother, a Methodist minister, and her father, a handyman and preacher himself, couldn’t ignore young Eunice’s God-given gift of music. Raised in the church on the straight and narrow, her parents taught her right from wrong, to carry herself with dignity, and to work hard. She played piano – but didn’t sing – in her mother’s church, displaying remarkable talent early in her life. Able to play virtually anything by ear, she was soon studying classical music with an Englishwoman named Muriel Mazzanovich, who had moved to the small southern town. It was from these humble roots that Eunice developed a lifelong love of Johann Sebastian Bach, Chopin, Brahms, Beethoven and Schubert.After graduating valedictorian of her high school class, the community raised money for a scholarship for Eunice to study at Julliard in New York City before applying to the prestigious Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia. Her family had already moved to the City Of Brotherly Love, but Eunice’s hopes for a career as a pioneering African American classical pianist were dashed when the school denied her admission. To the end, she herself would claim that racism was the reason she did not attend. While her original dream was unfulfilled, Eunice ended up with an incredible worldwide career as Nina Simone – almost by default.
 One fateful day in 1954, looking to supplement her income, Eunice auditioned to sing at the Midtown Bar & Grill on Pacific Avenue in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Word spread about this new singer and pianist who was dipping into the songbooks of Gershwin, Cole Porter, Richard Rodgers, and the like, transforming popular tunes of the day into a unique synthesis of jazz, blues, and classical music. Her rich, deep velvet vocal tones, combined with her mastery of the keyboard, soon attracted club goers up and down the East Coast. In order to hide the fact that she was singing in bars, Eunice’s mother would refer to the practice as “working in the fires of hell”, overnight Eunice Waymon became Nina Simone by taking the nickname “Nina” meaning “little one” in Spanish and “Simone” after the actress Simone Signoret.At the age of twenty-four, Nina came to the attention of the record industry. After submitting a demo of songs she had recorded during a performance in New Hope, Pennsylvania, she was signed by Syd Nathan, owner of the Ohio-based King Records (home to James Brown), to his Jazz imprint, Bethlehem Records. The boisterous Nathan had insisted on choosing songs for her debut set, but eventually relented and allowed Nina to delve in the repertoire she had been performing at clubs up and down the eastern seaboard. One of Nina’s stated musical influences was Billie Holiday and her inspired reading of “Porgy” (from “Porgy & Bess”) heralded the arrival of a new talent on the national scene. At the same mammoth 13 hour session in 1957, recorded in New York City, Nina also cut “My Baby Just Cares For Me,” previously recorded by Nate King Cole, Count Basie, and Woody Herman. The song was used by Chanel in a perfume commercial in Europe in the 1980’s and it became a massive hit for Nina, a British chart topper at #5, and thus a staple of her repertoire for the rest of her career.
Nina Simone’s stay with Bethlehem Records was short lived and in 1959, after moving to New York City, she was signed by Joyce Selznik, the eastern talent scout for Colpix Records, a division of Columbia Pictures. Months after the release of her debut LP for the label (1959‘s The Amazing Nina Simone), Nina was performing at her first major New York City venue, the mid-Manhattan-located Town Hall. Sensing that her live performances would capture the essential spontaneity of her artistry, Colpix opted to record her September 12, 1959 show. “You Can Have Him,” a glorious torch song previously cut by Peggy Lee and Ella Fitzgerald, was one of the highlights of the evening. The song opened with a dazzling keyboard arpeggio that would become her signature for decades. So momentous was the Town Hall performance that it inspired some of the same musicians, featuring the vocals of Nina’s only daughter, Lisa Simone Kelly, to do a tribute to a sold out audience over forty five years later.As Nina’s reputation as an engaging live performer grew, it wasn’t long before she was asked to perform at the prestigious Newport Jazz Festival. Accompanied on the June 30th, 1960 show by Al Schackman, a guitarist who would go on to become Nina’s longest-running musical colleague, bassist Chris White, and drummer Bobby Hamilton, the dynamic show was recorded by the Colpix. The subsequent release in 1961 of the old blues tune “Trouble In Mind” as a single gave Nina her third charted record.Her stay with Colpix resulted in some wonderful albums – nine in all – included Nina’s version of Bessie Smith’s blues classic “Nobody Knows You When You’re Down And Out.” Issued as a single in 1960, it became Nina’s second charted Pop and R&B hit and one of two Colpix tracks to achieve such a feat during her five year stint with the label. Other stand out tracks from that era were the soulful song “Cotton Eyed Joe,” the torch tune “The Other Women,” and the Norwegian folk rendition of “Black Is The Color Of My True Love’s Hair” – all beautiful examples of Nina Simone at her storytelling best, painting a vivid picture with her skill as a lyrical interpreter. During this time with the label, Nina recorded one civil rights song, Oscar Brown Jr.’s “Brown Baby,” which was included on her fifth album for the label, At The Village Gate.“Critics started to talk about what sort of music I was playing,” writes Nina in her 1991 autobiography I Put A Spell On You, “and tried to find a neat slot to file it away in. It was difficult for them because I was playing popular songs in a classical style with a classical piano technique influenced by cocktail jazz. On top of that I included spirituals and children’s song in my performances, and those sorts of songs were automatically identified with the folk movement. So, saying what sort of music I played gave the critics problems because there was something from everything in there, but it also meant I was appreciated across the board – by jazz, folk, pop and blues fans as well as admirers of classical music.” Clearly Nina Simone was not an artist who could be easily classified.
Nina’s Colpix recordings cemented her appeal to a nightclub based U.S. audience. Once she moved to Phillips, a division of Dutch-owned Mercury Records, she was ready to expand her following globally. Her first LP for the label, 1964’s In Concert, signaled Nina’s undaunted stand for freedom and justice for all, stamping her irrevocably as a pioneer and inspirational leader in the U.S. Civil Rights Movement. Her own original “Mississippi Goddam” was banned throughout the South but such a response made no difference in Nina’s unyielding commitment to liberty; subsequent groundbreaking recordings for Philips like “Four Women” (recorded September 1965) and “Strange Fruit” continued to keep Nina in the forefront of the few performers willing to use music as a vehicle for social commentary and change. Such risks were seldom taken by artists during that time of such dramatic civil upheaval.For years, Nina felt there was much about the way that she made her living that was less than appealing. One gets a sense of that in the following passage from I Put A Spell on You where she explains her initial reluctance to perform material that was tied to the Civil Rights Movement.“Nightclubs were dirty, making records was dirty, popular music was dirty and to mix all that with politics seemed senseless and demeaning. And until songs like ‘Mississippi Goddam’ just burst out of me, I had musical problems as well. How can you take the memory of a man like [Civil Rights activist] Medgar Evers and reduce all that he was to three and a half minutes and a simple tune? That was the musical side of it I shied away from; I didn’t like ‘protest music’ because a lot of it was so simple and unimaginative it stripped the dignity away from the people it was trying to celebrate. But the Alabama church bombing and the murder of Medgar Evers stopped that argument and with ‘Mississippi Goddam,’ I realized there was no turning back.”
Nina was deeply affected by these two events. In 1962, she had befriended noted playwright Lorraine Hansberry and spoke often with her about the Civil Rights Movement. While she was moved by her conversations with Hansberry, it took the killing of Medgar Evers and the four girls in Birmingham to act as catalysts for a transformation of Nina’s career.There were many sides to Nina Simone. Among her most amazing recordings were the original and so-soulful version “Don’t Let Me Be Misunderstood” and “I Put A Spell On You” (which had reached to #23 in the U.S. charts), eerily moody, unrestrained, drama to the max; “Ne Me Quitte Pas” tender, poignant, filled with melancholy; and with gospel-like fervor, the hypnotic voodoo of “See-Line Woman.” In her own unrivaled way, Nina also loved to venture into the more earthy side of life. After she signed with RCA Records in 1967 (a deal her then husband/manager Andy Stroud had negotiated), her very first recordings for the label included the saucy “Do I Move You?” and the undeniably sexual “I Want A Little Sugar In My Bowl” which were from the concept album entitled Nina Sings The Blues. Backed by a stellar cast of New York CIty session musicians, the album was far and away Nina’s most down-home recording session. By this time, Nina had become central to a circle of African American playwrights, poets, and writers all centered in Harlem along with the previously mentioned Lorraine Hansberry, James Baldwin and Langston Hughes. The outcome from one of the relationships became a highlight of the LP with the song “Backlash Blues,” a song that’s lyrics originated from the last poem Langston Hughes submitted for publication prior to his death in May, 1967 and gave to Nina.Nina’s seven years with RCA produced some remarkable recordings, ranging from two songs featured in the Broadway musical “Hair” (combined into a medley, “Ain’t Got No – I Got Life,” a #2 British hit in 1968) to a Simone-ified version of George Harrison’s “Here Comes The Sun,” which remained in Nina’s repertoire all the way through to her final performance in 2002. Along the way at RCA, songs penned by Bob Dylan (“Just Like A Woman”), the brothers Gibb (“To Love Somebody”), and Tina Turner (“Funkier Than A Mosquito’s Tweeter”) took pride of place alongside Nina’s own anthem of empowerment, the classic “To Be Young, Gifted, & Black,” a song written in memory of Nina’s good friend Lorraine Hansberry. The title of the song coming from a play Hansberry had been working on just prior to her death.After Nina left RCA, she spent a good deal of the 1970’s and early 1980’s living in Liberia, Barbados, England, Belgium, France, Switzerland and The Netherlands. In 1978, for the first time since she left RCA, Nina was convinced by U.S. jazz veteran Creed Taylor to make an album for his CTI label. This would be her first new studio album in six years and she recorded it in Belgium with strings and background vocals cut in New York City. With the kind of “clean” sound that was a hallmark of CTI recordings, the Nina Simone album that emerged was simply brilliant. Nina herself would later claimed that she ”hated” the record but many fans strongly disagreed. With an eighteen piece string section conducted by David Mathews (known for his arrangements on James Brown’s records), the results were spectacular. The title track, Randy Newman’s evocative “Baltimore,” was an inspired Nina Simone choice. It had a beautifully constructed reggae-like beat and used some of the finest musicians producer Creed Taylor could find including Nina’s guitarist and music director, Al Schackman.
Aside from 1982’s Fodder On My Wings that Nina recorded for Carrere Records, two albums she made of the independent VPI label in Hollywood (Nina’s Back and Live And Kickin’) in 1985, and a 1987 Live At Vine Street set recorded for Verve, Nina Simone did not make another full length album until Elektra A&R executive Michael Alago persuaded her to record again. After much wining and dining, Nina finally signed on the dotted line. Elektra tapped producer Andre Fischer, noted conductor Jeremy Lubbock, and a trio of respected musicians to provide the suitable environment for this highly personal reading of “A Single Woman,” which became the centerpiece and title track for Nina Simone’s final full length album.With two marriages behind her in 1993 she settled in Carry-le-Rout, near Aix-en-Provence in Southern France. She would continue to tour through the 1990’s and became very much ‘the single woman’ she sang about on her last label recording. She rarely traveled without an entourage, but if you were fortunate enough to get to know the woman behind the music you could glimpse the solitary soul that understood the pain of being misunderstood. It was one of Nina’s many abilities to comprehend the bittersweet qualities of life and then parlay them into a song that made her such an enduring and fascinating person.
In her autobiography, Nina Simone writes that her function as an artist is “…to make people feel on a deep level. It’s difficult to describe because it’s not something you can analyze; to get near what it’s about you have to play it. And when you’ve caught it, when you’ve got the audience hooked, you always know because it’s like electricity hanging in the air.” It was that very electricity that made her such an important artist to so many and it will be that electricity that continues to turn on new people all over the world for years to come.Nina Simone died in her sleep at her home in Carry-le-Rout, Bouches-du-Rhone on April 21, 2003. Her funeral service was attended by Miriam Makeba, Patti Labelle, poet Sonia Sanchez, actor Ossie Davis and hundreds of others. Elton John sent a floral tribute with the message, “You were the greatest and I love you”.” (source)
Watch “What Happened Miss Simone?”
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doomedandstoned · 3 years
Mothman and The Thunderbirds Take Us ‘Into The Hollow’
~By Tom Hanno~
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Album Art by Drahma R.
This solo project has one of the coolest names I've heard in a while, and the music matches that coolness before multiplying it tenfold. That project is manned by Alex Parkinson, goes by the name of MOTHMAN AND THE THUNDERBIRDS and the debut album, 'Into the Hollow' (2021), drops on May 21st.
One of the biggest things that I hear is a Mastodon influence, and that rides throughout this album. However, there is so much more than just the Mastodon influence, creating an extremely diverse album that effortlessly blends several genres into one.
On top of me hearing great music on this release, I also am attracted to the name for reasons other than coolness. Breaking the moniker down, we discover that there are the names of two cryptids contained therein.
Into the Hollow by Mothman and The Thunderbirds
First, we have the Mothman, which is a cryptid seen in the West Virginia area of the United States starting in November of 1966. It is heavily believed that a Mothman sighting is the precursor to some kind of tragedy, which began after the December 1967 Silver Bridge Incident The bridge connects West Virginia and Ohio, and it collapsed under the weight of rush hour traffic, killing 46 people; thereby instigating the bad omen myth that follows the Mothman to this day.
Second is the extremely dangerous Thunderbird, which dates back to the Native Americans, and are capable of altering the weather; creating storms and lightning. Both of these cryptids still have sightings, and captivate the imaginations of many people across the globe.
The first track is called "Mothman Takes Flight", and the layering of the vocals in the intro section are extremely cool sounding; not to mention that the first riff has a slight Slipknot vibe to it. Those layered vocal parts really grabbed my attention, and that attention only grew stronger as this track moved forward.
One of the elements that I really latched onto was the diverse feel of each part of the song. It seems as if everything has its own influence, but they all fit together perfectly to create this awesome piece of music.
As we move onto track number two, we get a Mastodon-heavy song called "Hollow Earth", which gets my nod for best vocal effects for a verse; they really bring to mind Static-X's "Chemical Logic" from the Cannibal album. I asked Alex how he was able to create that sound, and he told me this; "For Hollow Earth I did the regular clean vocals and then ran them through a Korg vocoder a few times, so it's a couple different vocoders on top of each other, on top of the clean vocals."
"Indrid Cold" is another banger, and keeps the Mastodon vibe alive and well. The main riff has a gallop and a well placed emphasis on the right notes to make this track sound even better. The vocals are executed with a burly rasp, and an almost agonized tone in certain spots; they match the heavy feel of the music expertly, and the lyric that says, "Smile through the pain" helps add to that agonized idea even more.
Up next is possibly the best track on the album, "Infinite Ocean", which features Breaths' Jason Roberts on verses 3 and 4. I love everything about this song, but it's the vocal melody and performances that really stick out; they are perfectly executed, well written, and memorable.
The section that hits around the 2:30 mark is very interesting, almost progressive in nature. The guitars display a lot of movement, and the bass just hangs back to subtly hold the whole thing together. I really love this one, it's my personal favorite in the album.
One of my other favorite tracks is called "Cloud Giant", which could have just as easily been on the latest Devin Townsend album. His influence is very strongly felt in the music, as well as the flow of the vocals; which are performed by special guest vocalist, Joe Sobieski. Even with all of that I think my favorite aspect is the tribal nature of the drumming, which makes perfect use of the toms to really propel things forward. The whole vibe of this song is positive and uplifting, which fits the lyrical context nicely.
Before I end this review, I'd like to include Alex' thoughts on his record:
I started Mothman and The Thunderbirds in the middle of 2020, when quarantine-pastime curiosity in cryptids and conspiracy theories came to a head with my creative indecisiveness. I think Into the Hollow is a strong first outing at that, showcasing a range of styles -- some metal, some not -- that I had been itching to record. Rather than starting several different "solo" projects, I decided that this album was going to be a vehicle for all things weird and wonderful.
While the album deals in cryptids and conspiracy theories, I've tied in many real-world themes of war, global warming, anxiety, paranoia, and manufactured consent. But to transport the listener in and out of the world of Mothman and The Thunderbirds, the album is bookended by two songs that deal in pure escapism. I think my varied approach to both vocals and song styles helps convey the dichotomy between the real and surreal.
I'd like to thank the four Guest Thunderbirds (in order of appearance: Jason, Kirby, Sam, and Joe) for their guest contributions, which make this album truly special. And I'd like to thank you, the listener, for embarking on this crazy journey with me Into the Hollow!
In closing, as I quote from their press release, "If anything, Into the Hollow is a stoner metal album for people who are bored of stoner metal." That line really sums up why I love this album as much as I do. The amount of eclectic diversity in the songwriting really helps to set Mothman and the Thunderbirds apart from other bands in the genre, not to mention that Alex has been able to obtain guest musicians that really add their own spark to the tracks they're featured on.
May 21st is coming soon, so go to Bandcamp, hit that pre-order button, and feel free to let us know what you think of this excellent recording. Enjoy!
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tcm · 4 years
ONE POTATO, TWO POTATO (’64): Far from Child’s Play By Kim Luperi
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The only time I’ve seen the lights come up at the TCM Classic Film Festival to reveal more people crying than not was at a 2016 screening of ONE POTATO, TWO POTATO (‘64).
ONE POTATO, TWO POTATO follows the burgeoning friendship, cautious courtship and subsequent marriage of Julie (Barbara Barrie), a white woman, and Frank (Bernie Hamilton), a black man, as they navigate the prejudices surrounding them in 1960s suburban Ohio. To compound their difficulties, Julie’s ex-husband Joe (Richard Mulligan) re-enters the picture years after deserting his family. Upon discovering their daughter Ellen (Marti Mericka) is growing up in an interracial household with a new baby brother, Joe starts a custody battle that leads to a devastating finale.
ONE POTATO, TWO POTATO debuted three years before the historic Loving vs. Virginia Supreme Court case struck down anti-miscegenation laws throughout the country, the same year GUESS WHO’S COMING TO DINNER (‘67) hit theaters, which also features an interracial romance. The latter movie benefited from its Hollywood stars and studio backing, while ONE POTATO, TWO POTATO was a labor-of-love indie film with no big-name actors; in fact, director Larry Peerce moved in with his parents to save money before filming. I’ve always believed the production’s independent spirit contributed to its poignant story and performances, resulting in an unpretentious picture that’s beautiful, heartbreaking and enraging.
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Speaking of heartbreaking, the film’s gut-wrenching finale stuck with me long after my first viewing. Anchored by Barrie and Mericka’s distressing performances, the scene shows Ellen being torn from her loving family because a judge ruled that it was America’s racial problem that “creates an unwholesome atmosphere for a child of a mixed marriage” (Los Angeles Times), not the upbringing itself. Which is worse: The emotional damage inflicted on a child plucked from her mother thinking it’s her fault or the perceived impropriety of an interracial household? Today, it’s obvious that only one of those options is damaging, but as ONE POTATO, TWO POTATO harrowingly shows, it wasn’t long ago that society deemed the latter as more harmful.
I found it particularly thoughtful that the film shows how Ellen is oblivious to discrimination. When the judge tries to discern whether she views her family as different, Ellen earnestly tells him that her brother is only different because he’s a boy. Her innocence makes the ending that much more painful. Love and acceptance were clearly instilled in her home life, and based upon what we see of the racist Joe, the audience knows he will teach Ellen the opposite – a shining example of how prejudice is taught and passed down through the generations.
Peerce wanted to make a movie outside the mainstream, and with 14 states still upholding antiquated miscegenation laws in 1964, he couldn’t get much further than this. The genesis for ONE POTATO, TWO POTATO came from various articles on multiracial couples and an idea penned by Orville H. Hampton. Though Ohio lifted its ban on interracial marriage in 1887, all the southern states still had laws in effect. While Peerce didn’t try to hide the kind of story they were telling from locals during filming in Painesville, Ohio, he didn’t parade it around either. In the early 1960s, miscegenation was still verboten onscreen, and when asked by Donald Bogle at TCMFF if the public’s reaction and possible censorship worried him, Peerce responded “sure,” adding, “But we were young and stupid, which kind of makes you daring, even if you don't want to be."
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That audacious attitude paid off critically. “It speaks out resolutely on a generally shunned social theme that is a credit to the courage of its producers and the team that made it,”
The New York Times lauded. Critics praised ONE POTATO, TWO POTATO’s tactful yet frank approach to such a delicate subject matter, and the film even earned an Oscar nomination for Best Writing. However, mirroring the plot’s theme of prejudice, Peerce faced bias from Hollywood. “Wherever we went, we were told we didn’t have a chance,” he said in a New York Times interview. A Hollywood selection committee that submitted films to foreign festivals not only refused to send ONE POTATO, TWO POTATO out, they didn’t even watch the whole movie. “We think we know where they turned off the picture,” Peerce later told The Los Angeles Times, referring to the kiss Julie and Frank share.
So, Peerce traveled overseas to meet with distributors in various European cities, which led to a French committee accepting it directly into the prestigious Cannes Film Festival. “They told us we couldn’t bring this film to Europe because Europeans wouldn’t understand this problem,” he told The Los Angeles Times. “But it looks as if they were wrong.” They sure were. So wrong, in fact, that Barbara Barrie won Best Actress at Cannes and the film received an enthusiastic standing ovation.
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
In Touch, February 8 -- part 1 of 2
You can now buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Larry King's revenge from the grave
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Page 1: Contents
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Page 2: Fashion Radar -- all heart -- this Valentine's Day don't just wear your heart on your sleeve, sport the pretty print all over -- Olivia Palermo (picture)
Page 4: A London woman claims one of Gwyneth Paltrow's This Smells Like My Vagina candles exploded causing an inferno in her living room -- other Goop products that got burned -- pre- and post-natal vitamins have too much Vitamin A, jade egg could lead to infection, bio-frequency stickers
Page 6: Crib of the Week -- Tristan Thompson's lakeside mansion in Bratenahi, Ohio for sale
* Page 7: Man Candy -- Nate Pontious, Makeover of the Week -- Bella Hadid showed off flame-like highlights, Winner of the Week -- Josh Duhamel is tapped to play Jennifer Lopez's fiance in Shotgun Wedding after Armie Hammer drops out amid the release of his alleged explicit DMs, Loser of the Week -- Kristen Grey -- days after going viral on Twitter for boasting about how affordable it is to live in Bali and shilling an e-book on the subject the travel influencer is deported for violating her Indonesian visa
Up Close -- Presidential Stars -- Lady Gaga wore Schiaparelli Haute Couture by Daniel Rosebury at President Joe Biden's inauguration
Page 9: Jennifer Lopez posed with Alex Rodriguez in a full Chanel ensemble all in suffragette white, John Legend and Chrissy Teigen look on as her mother Vilailuck "Thai Pepper" Teigen bought a souvenir
Page 10: Katy Perry capped off the event with a rousing rendition of Firework and posed with fiance Orlando Bloom, Jon Bon Jovi performed The Beatles' hit Here Comes the Sun, Bruce Springsteen performed Land of Hope and Dreams at the Lincoln Memorial, from Memphis Justin Timberlake and Ant Clemons sang Better Days, The Bernie Memes -- Sen. Bernie Sanders all bundled up at the inauguration went viral
Page 12: Romantic Getaways -- Paris Hilton snuggles on the ski slopes with beau Carter Reum in Big Sky in Montana, Justin Bieber warms up wife Hailey Baldwin during a snorkeling trip in Bahamas, Chris Hemsworth and wife Elsa Pataky in a getaway in Lord Howe Island in Australia
Page 14: Kylie Jenner on vacation in Mexico
Page 15: Drew Barrymore shows her love for Bridgerton by donning a few special accessories on her talk show, Nick Viall doing his impression of Bachelor contestants who were challenged to write sexy short stories
Page 16: Britney Spears jokes on Instagram that she and boyfriend Sam Asghari are dropping an album and this will be the cover, Salma Hayek gets a lift from husband Francois-Henri Pinault who runs Bottega Veneta
Page 20: Maybe she should have stuck the whole season out after all -- Clare Crawley who bailed on The Bachelorette after finding love immediately with Dale Moss is single again -- the former NFL star announced their split on Instagram calling it the healthiest decision for them both -- Dale really tried to make it work but it just became clear as they were getting to know each other that they were more different than similar
Page 21: They've been close friends for years but Travis Barker is finally out of Kourtney Kardashian's friend zone -- they've been dating for a couple of months and he's more age-appropriate than her last few boy toys -- the Kardashians all love Travis and have welcomed him into the family and they're really pleased for Kourt and are glad to see her happy again
* For more than seven years Christina Ricci says she's been living in a private hell -- in bombshell court documents the actress requested a restraining order against estranged husband James Heerdegen alleging that she fears for her and their son Freddie's lives and she alleges he beat her on multiple occasions and kept her in a state of isolation and terror -- in a restraining order that was rejected by the judge James denied the allegations and claimed she was the abusive one -- now James must stay 100 yards from Christina and Freddie
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racingtoaredlight · 3 years
RTARL’s 2020 NFL Season Week 14 Extravapalooza
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The Week 14 slate of games is straight doo-doo until the AFC North rescues us in primetime. As a result of this, I found it pretty difficult to get up for this week’s Extravapalooza. I know what you’re thinking: I’m a professional being paid ludicrous sums of money to show up on the weekend and give it everything I’ve got. But, I’m only human. My assistant puts my pants on me one leg at a time, just like everyone else. Frankly, I think this lackluster effort falls more on the coaching staff than it does on me. 
My picks are in BOLD, and the lines come to us courtesy of our friends at Vegas Insider. I use the “VI Consensus” line, which is the line that occurs most frequently across Vegas Insider’s list of sportsbooks. Your sportsbook of choice may offer a different number, and if you’d like my opinion on said number A) you are insane, and B) leave a comment below and I’ll try to answer at some point before things kickoff today.
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Houston Texans (-1.5) at Chicago Bears
Hey, did you know that the Bears traded up in the draft to take Mitchell Trubisky over DeShaun Watson? It’s true! Today, it’ll look like it was the right move. LOL, not really. But, I’m putting my faith in the ability of the Bears defense to bottle Watson up just enough to allow Mitchell a brief afternoon of sweet, sweet glory.
Dallas Cowboys (-3) at Cincinnati Bengals
OH BOY, ANDY DALTON REVENGE GAME!! This game could’ve been a fun time with Dak Prescott and Joe Burrow calling the signals for their respective squads, but sadly what we have in reality is a hideous slopfest that only the most degenerate among us would dare gaze upon.
Kansas City Chiefs (-7.5) at Miami Dolphins
I think the Dolphins defense can do a reasonably good job holding K.C. down, relatively speaking. The problem is that I’m not sure their Tua-led offense can keep pace. They’re still adjusting to life with Tua as their triggerman, and losing their best RB, Myles Gaskin, to the COVID list is a tough blow.
Arizona Cardinals (-2.5) at New York Giants
The Giants have won 4 in a row, while the Cards have dropped 3 in a row and 4 of their last 5. These twin developments are most unexpected. I just can’t bring myself to pick against my beloved Kyler Murray in this one, even though he’s been scuffling and the Giants made Russell Damn Wilson look like crud just last week. Daniel Jones is expected to be back in the saddle for the Giants, which provides another reason to pick New York that I’m choosing to ignore.
Minnesota Vikings at Tampa Bay Buccaneers (-7)
The Vikings are agents of pure chaos capable of both thrashing anyone and being thrashed by anyone, while the Bucs haven’t strung together two good halves in over a month. I truly have no idea what to expect from this game*. 
*Judging by my picks record, I have no idea what to expect from any game
Denver Broncos at Carolina Panthers (-3.5)
Here we have an incredibly resistible force meeting an exceptionally moveable object. The Broncos will be without their top 3 CBs, which is less than ideal. Carolina won’t have RB Christian McCaffery or WR DJ Moore, but I still like their odds of hitting a big play on offense and/or capitalizing on a Drew Lock mistake enough to pick them to win by more than a field goal.
Tennessee Titans (-7.5) at Jacksonville Jaguars
Derrick Henry is the jewel of my fantasy team, and since my playoffs begin this week I’m putting the idea of him cranking out a hilarious yardage total while grinding out the clock out into the universe. 
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Indianapolis Colts (-3) at Las Vegas Raiders
The most non-descript game imaginable.
New York Jets at Seattle Seahawks (-15)
The Seahawks need a get-right game after losing to the Giants last week, and lo and behold the Jets are coming to town. The only thing giving me pause here is the non-zero chance that Pete Carroll got sidetracked during the week and the team spent their preparation time learning the TRUTH about a totally different New York jet situation.
Green Bay Packers (-8) at Detroit Lions
Somebody on Twitter (possibly Jim Harbaugh Scramble?) pointed out how much the FOX cartoon graphic for Packers TE Robert Tonyan looks like White Michael Vick from the infamous “What If Michael Vick Were White?” story from a few years ago, and it cracked me up for a solid 10 minutes.
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New Orleans Saints (-8) at Philadelphia Eagles
I’m morbidly fascinated by this game. Saints QB Taysom Hill has looked shockingly competent...when playing against the Atlanta Falcons. How will he do against a different, larger species of bird? I don’t know what to expect out of Eagles QB Jalen Hurts in his first start, but at the very least I think he’ll take off running to try and gain SOME yards if his first couple of reads are covered, as opposed to holding the ball and waiting to get creamed a la Carson Wentz. The Saints defense is a brutal first matchup for him, though.
Atlanta Falcons at Los Angeles Chargers (PK)
I’m following my “Don’t Pick the Falcons If Julio Jones Is Out” rule here. I have no idea if that rule has actually served me well whatsoever. 
Washington Football Team at San Francisco 49ers (-3)
As of this writing, I can’t find any solid info as to whether or not Football Team O-linemen Brandon Scherff, Morgan Moses, and David Sharpe are going to play. Even if they manage to get out there, they’re pretty banged up. The o-line injuries combined with the loss of studly RB Antonio Gibson has tamped my enthusiasm for Washington down considerably. 
SNF: Pittsburgh Steelers at Buffalo Bills (-2.5)
FIRE TOMLIN! Seriously though, this is Pittsburgh’s third game in 11 days, which is ridiculous. They’ll also be without CB Joe Haden, which will only tempt Josh Allen to chuck it up even more. Whether or not this is beneficial for the Bills depends on how you feel about Josh Allen, I suppose.
MNF: Baltimore Ravens (-3) at Cleveland Browns
The Browns and their fans are riding too high right now. The laws of the universe require them to be knocked down a peg or two, possibly due in large part to former Ohio State Buckeye JK Dobbins returning to Ohio and running roughshod over the home team.
Last Week’s Record: 8-6
Season Record: 82-91-6
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skylarmoon71 · 4 years
Nick Amaro x Reader- Chapter 1
So, I had a really crazy idea. I love The Flash and Law and Order, so I decided why not do a crossover story with my two favorite television series. Please enjoy :)
Disclaimer: I don’t own either shows, all rights go to their respective owners.
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“Rollins, Amaro, Fin, Carisi, come and meet our newest Detective. All the way from Central City.” Olivia was introducing you to her team. Ever since you’d put in the request at your precinct you were eager to join. The Special Victims Unit was your first choice. Joe asked multiple times if you were positive this was the career you wanted to pursue. 
He’d been a cop for ages, he knew this unit was a tough one. Having worked with them on a few cases and heard stories on others. You were adamant on coming here, and he had faith that you could be an asset, he just wanted you to make sure you knew what you were getting yourself into. 
It was endearing to say the least. You held out your hand, greeting all of the other members of your new team. “It’s nice to meet you, “I’m (Y/N), (L/N). I’m really looking forward to working with all of you.” You shook their hands one by one. When you got to the man with dark hair you blushed a little. He had a sturdy grip, and a very kind smile. 
“Nick Amaro. So Central City huh, where is that in Ohio?”
“Missouri. “you corrected with a smile. 
“What made you come to Special Victims? Liv said you were on the homicide task force.”
“Just a change in scenery I guess.” That was partially true. 
“Yeah, I heard a lot of crazy stuff happens there. A guy that can run faster than the speed of light. The press there really are eccentric.” Amanda pipped in You giggled. You were glad they thought it was a poor attempt to attract tourists. If you told them half the things you experienced, you were positive they wouldn’t believe you. It was partially the reason for your departure. You were tired of super powered villains, you needed a rest. Plus Cisco and Barry had more back up, Ralph and Killer Frost were a part of their superhero squad now, they could handle things without you. 
“Well, today just get settled in. We’ve been a man down since Mike moved to the terrorism task force. “ You nod, walking over to the desk Olivia was guiding you to. You smiled, dropping your bag on the table. “I’ll bring in my stuff tomorrow.” you stated. Olivia handed you your badge and gun and your smile widened. “Wow..” you took it gratefully. “Thank you Lieutenant, I’m so happy to be here, I’m going to do my best to make you proud. “ Olivia smiled at your excitement. 
“Let’s hope this job doesn’t take away that beautiful smile of yours. “ you looked down a bit bashful at her compliment. She gestured to someone. Carisi  walked over, dropping a hand on your shoulder. 
“Show (Y/N) The ropes. Carisi here will be your tour. I’ll figure out who to partner you up with tomorrow.” 
“That’s great. Thank you boss!” Olivia couldn’t help but find your enthusiasm adorable.
Sonny chuckled. “I remembered what it was like being the new kid. You’re gonna fit right in. Follow me.” you did, as he guided you around the precinct explaining the basics. 
You met a couple other officers, and even stopped by the District Attorney’s office. Carisi knocked on the door, and a deep come in echoed on the other side. He opened it and you were met with man. His eyes were directed on the files on his desk. They lifted when he saw who walked in. “Detective, do we have a case already, and here I thought I’d be having a quiet day in. “ 
Carisi laughed at the man’s statement. “This is our newest member Counselor, just giving her the rundown.” The man stood from his seat, running a hand down his tie as he did. “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Although I have to warn you this is no easy job. I’m Rafael Barba.”
You took his outstretched hand, introducing yourself. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr. Barba. I’m looking forward to working with you all.” He gave a small smirk. “Ah, I see. I guarantee you won’t be thinking that in a few months.” your brows furrowed. “Excuse me?” Carisi waved his hand. 
“Don’t mind him, let’s continue on.” Carisi ushered you out the door a little too quickly, not before sending a glare at Barba for trying to scare you off. “That guy, I wonder if he realizes we actually want you to work for us.” 
“It’s okay, I appreciate him trying to warn me. If I’m being honest my old captain was a bit hesitant on letting me go. But I really think I can make a difference here.”
“Liv told me. From the recommendation you sent it seems you’re a good worker. Your record was impressive. If you don’t mind me asking, why did you leave? I’m no expert but people don’t just uproot themselves because they’re tired of the shrubs.” 
Ah, you were expecting this. Now you needed a good cover. You didn’t want your fresh start to be based on lies, but how were you going to explain to them what you could do without them throwing you into a mental facility, or worse yet the government finding out about said abilities. Neither choice was desirable in your case. So, you decided to give him a half truth. The half you had an easier time disclosing, even if it was personal. 
“The truth is Carisi, I was adopted.” He looked a bit guilty, like he crossed some line. For a few seconds he didn’t say anything, then he finally found words. “Sorry, I didn’t know. It’s fine if you don’t want to talk about it.” you shook your head with a smile. “You don’t have to apologize, it’s in my file. You would find out sooner or later.” Your reaction to the conversation made him relax a bit. 
“Truth is I have no idea who my birth parents are, but I do have people I consider family back home. My old captain, he was the father I always wanted. He looked out for me, taught me everything I know. I just wanted a chance to use what he taught me to become someone he could be proud of.”  
Carisi smiled. “I’m sure he'd be proud of the person you are now, and will become in the future.” you returned his warm look. “Thank you Sonny.” he seemed happy at the way you addressed him, and for the rest of the day Carisi and you moved through the department easily. When the day was finally over you gave a sigh. 
You were packing up, watching as the other members slowly but surely made their exit. 
“See you tomorrow newbie.” Fin called. You waved. “You too!” you answered. Fin smiled at your response. You were a bit younger than the rest of them, which explained why you had a constant smile on your face. When you secured all your belongings you moved to Olivia’s office. 
You stepped through the open door.” I’m turning in boss, I’ll be here bright and early tomorrow, ready to start.” you assured. She removed her glasses. 
“Alright, make sure and get some rest. These cases often take a lot. “ You nod, bidding her goodbye. You walked through the halls to the elevator, stepping in. When you got in you noticed there was someone already in there. The detective pushed a button, stepping closer to you. 
“Mr. Amaro.” you acknowledged. He chuckled at the way you addressed him. “Please, just call me Nick. I’m not that old yet.” you flushed. 
“Y-Yes of course. Sorry about that.”
“Don’t worry about it. I get it. It’s your first day so you’re trying to find some level ground with everyone. We’ve all been there. It’ll get easier, just give it time. Fin and Carisi already seem to like you. Amanda thinks you’re a secret badass under all the smiles. And Liv looks at you like a puppy she needs to protect. “ you giggled at his evaluations. “I’m glad they like me. Carisi is very interesting. He invited me for dinner, says he’s a great cook. “ 
“The guy is something else, already hitting on you.” you shook your head. 
“I don’t think that was it. My radar is usually spot on. I think he’s just glad he’s no longer the new guy.” you informed. Nick snickered at the statement and the elevator dinged, you stepped out, Nick walking at your side. 
“So how are you liking New York so far, everything you expected?” Nick opened the door for you and as soon as you stepped out the chill hit you. 
“It’s as cold as I heard, that’s for sure.” You clenched your coat closer to your body, shoving your hands in your pockets. 
“Trust me, it only gets worse from here.” You could see the mist coming from his breath, despite that he didn’t seem affected by the temperature. 
“Thanks for the heads up.” you joked. You were walking down the streets of New York, talking back and forth with Nick. He was surprisingly easy to talk to. And he seemed to be weighing on what to ask. You could sense there was a question he was itching to ask, maybe the same one Carisi did earlier that day. He didn’t though. You stopped walking when you got to the end of a street, waiting for the sign to change. Just as the light did a scream was heard. Your head whipped behind and so did Nick’s.
“My bag!!” a woman screamed. There was a man running through the crowd, coming in your direction. He was shoving everyone in his path. You went into cop mode almost immediately. You weren’t sure how he knew, but he must have sensed you and Nick were cops. When his eyes connected with Nick, he turned in the opposite direction. “NYPD!!” Nick yelled, taking off after the mugger. You weren’t very far behind him. You knew at his distance Nick wouldn’t catch up in time, even at the speed he was moving. You bit on your lip.
“Guess I have no choice.” your eyes glowed for a brief moment, and you focused in the mugger’s direction. All at once he went tumbling to the floor. People scrambled away from him and Nick grabbed him before he could take offa again.
He pulled him off the ground, forcing his hands behind his back. In seconds the guy was in cuffs, the purse he grabbed now laying on the ground. When you finally got to them you picked up the bag, smiling at Nick. 
“That was exhilarating for my first day on the job.” Nick smiled, turning back to the thief. He groaned when shoved him forward. “You have the right to remain silent.”
You were definitely going to like it here. 
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