#oh yes virtue signal all the gays cuz fuck em
almalvo · 1 year
STRANGE NEW WORLDS | S2E1 "The Broken Circle"
So disappointed and sad by SNW S2 E1, the fuck with Chapel being such a "key focus" character in this as the next super white love interest no few actually sane, decent trekkies ask for (and whom Spock already canonically denied in Naked Time without an inkling of ANY feeling directed towards her whatsoever...)
Such a weak start to the season for so many reasons, very weak episode, weak composition (almost rudimentary) nigh Discovery S1 flavoured structural engineering and writing (hurls). (And no, I am not saying anything against the actors themselves, they did fine with what they were written to do...)
Such a commoditised Spock. He is just made to be the spectacle star elephant at the circus; crass idiots abusing his "characterisation" as a pay-per-view zoo performance on the next "What Else Can Spock Do That's Un-Spock?" show. Getting away with substanceless, cardboard thin shit so long as they sprinkle out the every-20-minutes Nostalgia Card (oh Vulcan Lyre this, fake-ass "Spirk" hint joke on the SDCC interview that) that they know people will eat the shit out of like mindless animals (cuz they fucking do). Crying over Chapel TWICE (not M'Benga mind you since he leaves him to potentially die on the transporter pad, no muss haHA), and "Known to drink bloodwine - RAA RAA RAA" my fucking ass. So sick of Spock made to do what he isn't, instead of teaching to us more on who he is…
But mostly - most grotesquely that marked this episode as actually despicable that NO ONE is talking about that is the most OBVIOUS FUCKING ISSUE IN THE EPISODE is the utter racial negligence done to M'Benga (by fucking Spock no less, and forget the fact that Uhura was a complete throwaway in this episode and still ever the same "glorified space receptionist" with maybe 5 more words than usual despite its fucking afterthought of a "in memory of" bullshit with no revision at all...) and how so many of you didnt bat a single eye nor give a single damn on the most blatantly filmed/spliced/edited/directed racist shit in this episode...
And to fucking call "this" an episode dedicated to Nichelle Nichols...
Fuck you.
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