#of people who want it to be c2's sequel
gwynbleiddyn · 2 years
broke: i love campaign 3 because i think we’ll have a c2 crossover/we’ll see essek/we’ll see caleb
woke: i love campaign 3 because it’s a good campaign
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riotwritesthings · 4 years
The Curious Witch and the Cursed Wolf
Chapter 1: A Man and A Wolf | AO3
Hello! You may have noticed, I am not doing Kinktober this year. Instead, I bring you a fairytale based on the crazy adorable art by @gayspacesprinkles​ from last October (and used with permission!). Because that’s when we became bros.
HAPPY BRO-ANNIVERSARY BRO. 100/10 would bro again.
Anywhooo updates every Saturday until the spooky day itself, when I will hopefully have a long awaited sequel. Bonus point to anyone who can guess what it will be ahaha.
Title: The Curious Witch and the Cursed Wolf (Chapter 1) Collaborator(s): Riot @buckybarnesbingo​ Square Filled: C2, AU: medieval/fantasy Ship/Main Pairing: WinterIron Rating: T Major Tags/Warnings: fantasy AU, witch!Tony, wolf!Bucky, fairytale vibes, Non-graphic injury Summary: Once upon a time there was a man, and a wolf. They both went into the forest looking for different things, and instead they found each other. Word Count: 1,288
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Once upon a time, there was a man.
Far too clever, too curious, too driven to understand. He always insisted on looking to the future, finding a better way.
The rest of the village didn’t like his talk of the future. They preferred to keep themselves firmly rooted in the present, thank you very much. There was always far too much work to be done.
The man still tried. He learned everything he could, studied math and languages and science. He built fantastical machines using the meager supplies available, genius creations to try and make the work easier, but the people of his small village weren’t interested.
They didn’t like change, and they didn’t understand why the man craved it. They didn’t understand him.
They never asked him to leave, but the man could tell that they wanted to. They gave him the cold shoulder, they whispered about him as he passed in the streets, they treated him like he was already an outsider.
So the man left.
He had plenty more to learn anyways.
Tony ends up at the edge of a forest, following rumors of magic of all things.
In the tiny village he grew up in, the idea of magic was scoffed at and quickly dismissed. Everyone was too practical, too down to earth, too busy to wonder.
But Tony has always been told that he’s too curious, after all. And he’s always wondered.
So he hears the rumors, and he follows them. From cobble streets to small dirt roads, until he reaches a tiny rundown inn, built right against the edge of a thick, sprawling forest.
“In the trees,” says the wrinkled man behind the desk, in a voice that crackles like a burning log. “Lots of things in the trees, lots of strange and wonderful things.”
He tells Tony about giant beasts and shifting lights, about people who go into the forest and come out healed, stronger, different, about people who never come out at all.
Tony listens late into the night, until the candles burn low and cast wild shadows on the walls, until the inn falls quiet around them. Then he goes up to the attic room and stares at the cracks in the ceiling, the bright starlight that winks through, and struggles to sleep.
He’s too excited, too lost in imagining all the things he can learn, and he finally falls asleep to dreams of moon light on shifting leaves, of cold wind and sharp teeth.
When he leaves in the morning the inn is empty, everything covered in thick layers of dust, cold and empty. As if it’s long been abandoned.
There is undeniably something magical about the forest, as he steps into it.
The trees tower above him, as wide around as the small houses of his old village. He can hear the rustle of giant wings, the call of birds and the shuffle of animals in the brush, but he never sees a thing.
He walks deeper, until the thick leaves cast everything in shadow and the trail gets smaller, until the trail disappears entirely.
There are plants he doesn’t recognize, swirls of minerals in the stones that he’s never seen before. The old man in the inn had given him plenty of warnings, but Tony has always been too curious for his own good.
In a clearing he finds huge chunks of gemstone, bursting through a crack in the earth and splitting off into sharp peaks, surrounded by a perfect circle of flowering vines.
Even in the heavy shadows of the trees, the crystalline structure of the stone glows, as if lit from within. The forest has fallen silent around him.
Tony should know better than to touch something without thorough examination first, but the gentle glow calls him in, beckoning, and Tony reaches out without thought.
The crystal is warm beneath his fingers, almost pulsing, and then a bright light consumes him and a shockwave ripples through the clearing.
He wakes up to birdsong, golden light of sunset making the leaves above him glow, and Tony pushes himself upright slowly.
He appears miraculously unharmed, even if his clothes are a bit worse for wear, although it’s disappointing to see that the shards of crystal have gone dim.
And then Tony realizes, there is still a faint blue glow hovering around the clearing, a glow that’s coming from his chest.
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Once upon a time there was a wolf.
Or maybe he was a man, just caught under a terrible curse. Because sometimes he had dreams about holding a sword, about speaking, about clutching someone’s hand in his own.
But that was a long time ago, and the wolf could barely remember it anymore. He could still make himself understood, if he really tried, and he didn’t have anyone to cling to anymore anyways.
The only constant he had was being hunted, by men and other beasts and figures in dark robes. Always hunted, always being followed, and so he was always on the move.
If the wolf had ever had a home it was a terribly long time ago now, left behind terribly far away. He’d long since stopped dreaming of going back, or of finding a new one.
All he had was running, staying on the move, trying to stay alive.
He tried not to let himself dream of something more.
The dark figures are getting closer, closer, and the wolf runs faster.
He just needs to make it to the forest, he can lose them in the trees, where the thick leaves will dull the bright light of the full moon.
They won’t follow him very deep into the forest, he knows it although he doesn’t know how. The wolf just needs to keep running.
But it seems like no matter how fast he runs, the forest never gets any closer and the field stretches out endless around him. The tall grass sways in the wind around him, nearly swallowing him whole and still the wolf pushes forward.
The hunters are catching up.
As far back as the wolf can remember, they have been hunting him, and his memory doesn’t even go back that far. Certainly not as far as it should, there’s too many gaps and holes, it doesn’t match how tired and bone-ancient he feels.
He remembers the hunters, though. They are a constant, sometimes in disguise and sometimes in their dark robes, but he always remembers the way they smell. Like lightning and brush fire, and always like blood.
He can smell them now, getting closer.
The moon is so bright above him, and the night is endless, and the field is unending.
Until suddenly the grass ends, and the ground falls away into a sharp cliff.
The wolf’s paws slide in the loose dirt, and he skids to a stop just before he goes over the edge. The ground is so terribly far away, sheer cliff face down to a wide river.
The hunters are moving closer, fanning out, preparing to strike.
The wolf snarls, bares his teeth, glances over the cliff again. The river below rushes loudly, too far down to jump.
His fur stands on end as the scent of smoke and flame grows stronger, the sound of low chanting nearly lost beneath the wind.
He can feel magic building in the air and the wolf crouches low, prepares to run. If he can follow the edge of the cliff, if he can slip past them and make it across the river, maybe he can still make it to the forest.
He has to try.
There’s a bright burst of light, of heat, moving towards him like an arrow. It catches him in the shoulder, and he falls.
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malisonquill · 5 years
Rebuild: Behind The Scenes
I thought just for some fun, I might post the plan I made for writing Rebuild. It has some silly alternate titles, some doodles I sketched out, and I thought some people might like to see how much the end product was different from the plan. 
I do also have a section of the plan just for ideas, but I haven’t included it here because it contains spoilers for the sequel(s). 
Hope you enjoy my ramblings below! (Obviously it contains major spoilers for all of Rebuild, so make sure you’re read all that before reading this!)
Rex Brickowski AU Outline
C1: Rexile (AKA Anikin Voice: "I hate Sand". AKA What to do when you're suddenly not dead)
Rex ends up back in his own original timeline in the outskirts of Syspocalypstar. He’s alone, no Rexcelsior, no velociraptors. That makes him sad. 
He looks to the city and thinks about everything.
Cat lady comes, he gets bricks and builds and awesome bike  and drives to the city. 
C2: Shattered (AKA Rex really likes bikes for some reason and also fucks shit up)
There, Lucy and the others are chillin in a park while Rex tears through the city exploring, turning heads. 
He goes up a ramp that sends him up over a building above the park. Whilst in the air he grabs his bike and does a flip. The others watch him. He lands on the road next to the park and spots Lucy, his eyes go wide. He does a skidding turn to pull up beside them. 
They say how awesome that was. They don’t recognise him and he plays along with that. He needs to get used to them and himself before he drops a bombshell on them. 
They show him around the city. He gets a black coffee from the shop. Freezes when he sees a laundromat (PTSD), he hallucinates the deafening roar of the Dryar of Undar until Unikitty distracts him and pulls him away and they continue the tour. 
At one point Everything is awesome plays, he acts aloof but taps his foot quietly and lucy notices. 
Eventually they get to the town square. There is a statue of Emmet. Rex is immediately taken aback and asks what it is (to gauge his friends reactions and also because he's genuinely surprised to see he's been acknowledged). 
Lucy says it honours the special, Emmet. That he was there friend. That they looked for him for a while, but eventually had to admit that he was gone, so they stopped looking. 
Rex snaps. He’s still bitter. He starts off vauge like “You gave up? Would he have given up on you?” but gets increasingly louder and madder. Revealing that he was trapped in Undar, how he feels abandoned and slowly revealing to the others that he’s Emmet. Lucy is like “Emmet…?” And he’s like “Emmet is gone! He’s dead!” 
He breaks the statue in one punch in anger. His friends are horrified. He looks between them and the statue, shocked and saddened by himself. “What have done?” (Internally). He drives off, leaving the others sad and confused. 
C3: Traces Of You (AKA Talking to your ex who you feel betrayed you, even though she thought you were dead… that's rough buddy)
Alternate titles, How can you stand there, a whisper from me? Gone But Not Forgotten
After a short while, giving everyone some time to breathe/ think, Lucy finds Rex in the outskirts. They talk. He explains how he toughened up, how he did some terrible things, how he wants to be better but doesn’t know how. How he’s ruined any chance he had with his friends because of the statue incident. Tears form in his eyes. Lucy goes to comfort him with a hand on his shoulder and says “Emmet...” Queue the “I’m not Emmet anymore and I dont know how to be” line.
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Lucy convinces him to not be just one, be a combination. That his friends can help him through this and him to be happier again. He says he’s still can’t fully/ needs time to trust them again, but he’s willing to try. Oh and to call him Rex, cause he wants to be different from movie Emmet. 
Lucy and the others ask Rex to build something with them. He decides on a spaceship, they let him lead. Friend interactions. 
C5: Time Heals All Wounds (AKA So it turns out you based your entire new personality on your friends and also you finally acknowledge your PTSD)
Over a longer time period (make this clear), montage of helping with each individual. Them understanding Rex and who he is more, maybe after he tries to act exactly like Emmet would but it’s unnatural for him? Finding out about raptor training. Helping him cope with his PTSD (Dryar, paralyzation, loneliness) and abandonment issues.
(after writing half the chapter, i realised) His hand injury and recovery mirror emotional healing! )
Fist, alone with Benny, flying spaceship they all built. (Who Rex developed his spaceship love from.) Emotional thing dealt with: ?
Unikitty. He learnt to harness/ weaponize rage from. Unikitty encouraging him to release some anger and destroy some rubble. Helps him get his anger feels out.
Metalbeard. About being a captain of pirates/ raptors. Talk about how he misses them.
Batman. Learnt how to be tough fighter and suppress deep emotional issues. See below for events. Then they talk about talking through things with others, stuff B learnt in Lego batman movie.
Maybe he’s left alone for ten mins whilst a friend goes to grab a brick or something and is terrified they wont come back. He’s relieved but visibly shaken when they do return. 
Maybe a change over between friends. One has to go and leaves Rex to meet the batman outside of a shop. As he waits his mind wanders thinking Batman has forgotten about him, doesn't want to meet with him, or even like him etc. As this happens he hallucinates hearing the dryer roar. He stands frozen in place, covering his ears as his vision gets darker. Maybe this causes him to glitch to the real world and back every few seconds. The roar gets louder and louder and louder. Batman comes, sees Rex, is concerned and tries to get his attention by touching his shoulder. Rex freaks out, snapping out of his hallucination shouting/ screaming and madly thrashing punches. He smashes a bin or lamppost or car to pieces before Batman can calm him and he realises he's fine. Rex apologies.
Lucy. Made a super cool alias like Wyldstyle, and hides his insecurities under confident exterior like her. Maybe they talk on their way to her surprise. She asks why he changed his name and himself? He explains his thoughts on Undar, how at the time he thought his friends were right and so he toughened up. Made a cool name like she did. He realises a lot of his Rex traits are semi based on his friends. Maybe talk about how it's good to be confident but also not bad to be vulnerable/ talk about problems with others. He realises he's already been doing this with others? Or just have mostly fun not angst for them here!? Meh, idk yet.
Ends with Lucy giving him that cute little house he made for her, that he’d almost forgotten about. Says it’s just a basis and he can change it if he wants. Talk. Suggests they could be platonic (for now) roommates. She leaves him for the night, he’s now ok (ish) with being left alone. 
C6: True Colours (AKA Title made it sound like Rex would turn out evil but surprise! He actually just wanted to look pretty. AKA Rex stares in a mirror for an awkwardly long time)
When Lucy returns, Rex looks different. He briefly went to the Man Upstairs realm and used markers etc, to change his appearance. He wanted some brighter colours to look happier, and more like a combo of Emmet and Rex. He explains this, and decides he wants to be called Rex Brickowski to symbolise this combo of all his aspects. 
Basically this first bit is the man I used to be from count of Monte cristo musical.
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(Rex and Lucy designs and also size comparison.)
Maybe some Rex and friends hanging out, it’s better than before. Group karaoke? Tries to warm up to Sweet Mayhem?
C7: Epilogue (AKA The end happens. Everything is awesome is still a bop)
Rex and CO are hopeful for the future. Rex knows who he is now and thinks he can be happy again and trust his friends. He’s a mix of mature and innocent/ sweet. He can now enjoy ‘childish’ things and tough things. He’s happy and thinks everything might be ok now. 
Maybe he goes to the coffee shop, orders Lucy something and a black coffee with 25 sugars for himself and returns home, listening to rock music on his headphones.
(End on poignant thing.)
Side Notes/ Reminders For Myself
“According to a draft from the first film's script, Emmet is 22 years of age in that film, thus making him 27 in the sequel if accepted.” My AU Rex spent 2 years on Undar, plus 5 getting tough before the movie happens. Making him 34 at the start of the AU.
Rex was in his past changing things. But when Emmet was saved, it was no longer his past/ his timeline. So he faded and was sent back to his original timeline. All the stuff he did in the movie timeline still happened, we see three raptors are still there with Ms Scratchen-Post at the end. So the raptors stay where they are in the movie timeline, because they aren’t like Rex who is being written out of the movie timeline’s future. Which is why Rex is alone at the start of this AU. 
Very important! Rex's trust of his friends. My take: friends are the most important thing to Emmet. With friends, he was happy even during the apocalypse. Without them, he becomes jaded, tough. Lucy is who he was closest to/ loved. None of his friends, but especially her not coming for him and moving on hurt him the most. As Rex, he was most mad at her (see him scowling at her during the movie). But then they all try to come back for movie Emmet. Lucy makes it through and saves him. She saved him. This changes post back to the futuring Rex's view. The fact the movie Lucy saved him plus the fact he loved her and cared for her the most before, means AU Rex is inclined to trust her most. 
Titles for 3 stories: Rebuild. Rekindle. Re-----. (I'm an idiot for planning 3 of these!!!!!)
Rebuild: Rex's relationships and himself up again. 
Rekindle: his and Lucy's love for each other. 
Re-----: ((REDACTED BECAUSE IT’S A SPOILER! You’re gonna have to wait to find out what it is!))
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aw-r_G7rfnU - Chris Pratt Singing
Dino facts:
SPELLING = Armamageddon (according to the subs)
And that’s it! This is the rambling mess that brought you Rebuild. Hope it was interesting to see.
As another note of my writing process, I did a lot of jumping around. If I had an idea for some lines of dialogue pop into my head, I wrote it down before I forgot and then slightly altered it and filled in the gaps later. In fact that whole bit between Lucy and Rex in chapter 3 was almost all dialogue (with a few notes like “He turned. She smiles” Etc in between) and then later after writing some of chapter 4, I went back and filled in all the gaps. 
I would really recommend writing down whatever pops into your head like this if you want to write things. You might think “Oh, i’ll remember to put this in when I get to writing here!”, that is a lie. You won’t. Or it’ll be different to that brilliant thing you came up with whilst day dreaming out a window. It’s definitely better to jot it down and have it, then decide to edit it later if you don’t like it, than lose it entirely. Just make sure when reading over your chapter/ story that everything flows together nicely. :)
This method also meant I wrote chapters 5, 6 and 7 simultaneously. I had about half of chapter 6 and 7 done whilst I was still making my way through 5. (Probably because 5 was so big!) But then when I was done with 5, I finished off 6, then 7. It also really helped when I came up with the idea to put the first line of the story as the last line too. It gave me a direction to go in for the last chapter (after Rex get’s back from the coffee shop) and also was a nice way to end it off. 
Anyway! Hopefully I see you all again for Rekindle! Which by the way, if there is anything involving the characters from this story that you might want to see, please let me know! I might just fit it in somewhere! :D
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cutsliceddiced · 5 years
New top story from Time: Here’s the Breaking Bad Refresher You Need Before You Watch the Movie
Warning: This post contains spoilers and violent content from Breaking Bad.
It’s been six years since the Breaking Bad finale aired and fans finally learned the fates of Walter White (Bryan Cranston), Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul) and Heisenberg’s inner circle. But while Walt was all but confirmed to have been killed by a stray bullet during his carefully orchestrated massacre of Jack Welker’s (Michael Bowen) gang of White Supremacists, Jesse’s final moments were more ambiguous.
Now, Jesse is returning to the screen in El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie, creator Vince Gilligan’s movie sequel to his revered AMC drama. El Camino will hit Netflix on Friday, Oct. 11 and is set to pick up immediately after the events of Breaking Bad‘s finale, with Jesse speeding away from the neo-Nazi compound as police close in on it. But just because Jesse’s free from meth-cooking enslavement doesn’t mean he’s gotten out of Dodge — he’s still a known accomplice of the former most-wanted drug kingpin in America.
Jesse isn’t the only Breaking Bad character who will make an appearance in El Camino. Gilligan told The Hollywood Reporter that “more than 10 familiar characters” will show up in the movie.
Considering Jonathan Banks already revealed that the deceased Mike Ehrmantraut will return, it seems likely that there will be some flashbacks featuring Breaking Bad‘s dearly departed. (Recall Krysten Ritter’s Jane, Jesse Plemons’ Todd and Emily Rios’ Andrea.) But there are also several still-living characters who could pop up.
Before you watch the movie, here’s a refresher on where the storylines of some of Breaking Bad‘s most significant, still-living players left off in the show’s final episodes.
Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul)
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Ursula Coyote/AMCAaron Paul as Jesse Pinkman in Breaking Bad Season 5, Episode 16
When we last saw Jesse, he was hysterically cry-laughing while crashing a Chevrolet El Camino through the gate of the neo-Nazis’ compound after being saved by Walt from his months-long imprisonment. Following the Breaking Bad finale, Vince Gilligan acknowledged that while he personally felt that Jesse escaped, drove to Alaska and started a new life, the more likely outcome was that he was caught by the police.
“The most likely thing, as negative as this sounds, is that they’re going to find this kid’s fingerprints all over this lab and they’re going to find him within a day or a week or a month,” Gilligan told GQ. “And he’s still going to be on the hook for the murder of two federal agents.”
Whether or not Jesse will end up in Alaska by the end of El Camino remains to be seen, but first we’ll get to see how he’s going to deal with the numerous physical, emotional and mental scars he was left with at the end of the show.
In a recent interview with TIME, Paul agreed that there were probably more rough times ahead for Jesse in the wake of his escape. “I love the way the show ended—that it left it very vague. You’d like to think he’s riding off into the sunset, but you know life isn’t going to be that easy for him,” Paul said. “People, almost on a daily basis, ask me, ‘What happened to Jesse?’ My response is, ‘I have no idea. In reality, he’s probably on the run and in hiding. His fingerprints were all over that murder scene.’ But I fantasized that he was just living in the woods somewhere, maybe working with his hands again, creating things with wood.”
Skyler White (Anna Gunn)
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Ursula Coyote/AMCAnna Gunn as Skyler White in Breaking Bad Season 5, Episode 16
Skyler may have finally gotten Walt to admit that all of his actions were entirely self-motivated in the Breaking Bad finale, but she clearly wasn’t in a good place when her estranged husband paid her one last visit. However, Walt did give her the lottery ticket with the GPS coordinates for the burial site of Hank (Dean Norris) and Steve Gomez (Steven Michael Quezada) to trade for a deal with the prosecutor, so she may at least be off the hook with the DEA.
If Skyler does make an appearance in El Camino, Jesse better hope that he doesn’t run into her. No matter how much Jesse praises her cooking, Skyler will almost certainly never be a fan of the person who, in her eyes, set her husband down the road to ruin.
Walter White Jr. (RJ Mitte)
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Ursula Coyote/AMCRJ Mitte as Walter White, Jr. and Bryan Cranston as Walter White in Breaking Bad Season 5, Episode 14
After telling Walt exactly where he could stick all of the money that he earned cooking meth in Breaking Bad‘s penultimate episode, Walt Jr. — or as he now probably goes by exclusively, Flynn — appeared to be trying to live as normal a life as his family’s circumstances would allow when we, alongside Walt, saw him arrive home from school in the show’s finale.
The best we can hope for Walt Jr. in El Camino is a scene where he’s chowing down on a full breakfast buffet. Unfortunately, there’s also always the chance that Gilligan could follow through on his original plan to kill the character off.
Holly White (Moira Bryg MacDonald)
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Ursula Coyote/AMCBryan Cranston as Walter White and Moira Bryg MacDonald as Holly White in Breaking Bad Season 5, Episode 14
Holly (played by MacDonald in season 5) was still just a baby when Breaking Bad came to an end, but thanks to her dad’s choice of profession, she had already been through more than some people experience in a lifetime. Since El Camino is set to take place right after the events of the show, Holly will likely only make an appearance if Skyler does. But at least we know she’s no longer in danger of being attacked by Jack’s gang.
Marie Schrader (Betsy Brandt)
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Ursula Coyote/AMCBetsy Brandt as Marie Schrader in Breaking Bad Season 5, Episode 12
The only screen time that Marie got in the Breaking Bad finale was during her phone call with Skyler informing her sister that Walt was back in Albuquerque. Skyler already knew that, of course, since Walt was standing in the kitchen with her. But from the way Marie opened the conversation — “Truce, OK?” — it seemed like she still hadn’t forgiven Skyler for the role she played in the events that led to Hank’s death.
With the DEA keeping a watchful eye on Hank’s widow to keep her safe, it’s likely that Jesse wouldn’t be able to get anywhere near her. But he’s also the only person still alive who could tell her what really happened on the day that Hank was murdered.
Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk)
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Ursula Coyote—AMC/APBob Odenkirk as Saul Goodman in a scene from the final season of “Breaking Bad.”
Thanks to Better Call Saul, we’ve learned a lot about how aspiring lawyer Jimmy McGill became Saul Goodman, the totally corrupt conman we met in season 2 of Breaking Bad. We also know that following the events of Breaking Bad, Saul started fresh in Omaha, Neb., under the alias Gene Takovic, a manager at a Cinnabon.
When we last saw Saul in Breaking Bad, he had already called up Ed the Extractor (Robert Forster) and asked for a dust filter for a Hoover Max Extract® 60 Pressure Pro™, a.k.a. a new life. As far as we know, Saul was settled in Omaha by the time Walter returned to Albuquerque for a final showdown with Jack’s gang. But since Jesse is also in the know about Ed’s services, Saul may not be quite as out of the game as he thinks.
Patrick Kuby (Bill Burr) and Huell Babineaux (Lavell Crawford)
Considering Huell ended up in a safe house being interrogated by the DEA and we still don’t know for sure what happened to Kuby — Hank hinted that Walt took him out to tie up a loose end — Saul Goodman’s “A-team” probably should’ve taken Walt’s money and skipped town to Mexico when they had the chance.
But while it seems likely that Kuby either is actually dead or fled Albuquerque before the DEA could catch up with him, we’d love to see Huell at least make a cameo in El Camino — even if there’s no longer a giant pile of money for him to lie on.
Gretchen and Elliott Schwartz
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Ursula Coyote/AMCAdam Godley as Elliott Schwartz, Jessica Hecht as Gretchen Schwartz and Brayn Cranston as Walter White in Breaking Bad Season 5, Episode 16
By the time Walt left their mansion in the Breaking Bad finale, Gretchen (Jessica Hecht) and Elliott (Adam Godley) seemed thoroughly convinced that they would be tracked down and killed by the two best hit men west of the Mississippi if they failed to fulfill their promise to funnel Walt’s remaining money to his children in the form of an irrevocable trust given to Walt Jr. on his 18th birthday.
The threat was a bluff, of course, since the hit men in question were actually just Skinny Pete and Badger with laser pointers. But Gretchen and Elliott probably won’t be too eager to risk a run-in with any of Walt’s former associates, regardless of the amount of danger they pose.
Skinny Pete (Charles Baker) and Badger (Matt L. Jones)
The El Camino trailers have already confirmed that Skinny Pete and Badger will be reunited with Jesse following his escape.
As two of Jesse’s closest friends (and his only remaining allies), the duo could have a major role to play in keeping him hidden from the authorities. After all, they did manage to pull off impersonating a pair of highly-trained assassins in the Breaking Bad finale. On the other hand, they may just show up to provide some welcome comic relief. Both scenarios equally likely.
Brock Cantillo
The picture of Andrea and Brock (Ian Posada) that Todd hung in the neo-Nazis’ meth lab to “motivate” Jesse to keep cooking made yet another appearance in the El Camino trailer, an Easter egg that seems to hint that finding Brock will be on the forefront of Jesse’s mind now that he’s free.
Since Todd killed Andrea simply to teach him a lesson, it would be in character if making sure Brock is OK is Jesse’s top priority — especially because he knows that Brock is probably the one who found his mother’s body after she was shot.
via https://cutslicedanddiced.wordpress.com/2018/01/24/how-to-prevent-food-from-going-to-waste
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