#of course i obsess over ephemera yet again
whiskeyswifty · 8 months
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Taylor Swift's The Eras Tour Poster - Luggage Tag Redesign
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dellebecque · 5 years
In His Garden (rough draft)
Here’s a little snippet of what I’ve been working on--there’s quite a bit more than this, but this is the most complete scene available thusfar, though even this isn’t finished and revised and may change drastically in content before I’m done.
Who: WoL!Aden, and the specter of an old friend When: Post-Innocence, pre-Tempest.  Major 5.0 spoilers.
Aden surfaced from the vision on his back, head pressed against the cool scored crystal of the floor.  It’d worked this time, Thancred’s ridiculous suggestion about how to shift when he felt a vision coming on in order to fall safely should he collapse with no one around--but his chest ached as it always did after a vision, and he could taste the plastery white bile in the back of his throat, and he convulsed once with a spike of white hot agony that pulled a pained gasp from him unbidden--that had nothing to do with the vision.  For a moment all Aden could do was lay on the floor focusing on his breathing, on trying to find a calm center.
But there was no calm center.  It’d been shot in the back while trying to save his life.  He rolled onto his side before the second surge of thick white liquid filled his mouth and managed to spit it out, choking and gasping as his stomach clenched around nothing.  He felt so hollow, empty and wrung out and he needed to… to…
Aden pushed himself to hands and knees with a grunt of effort, gritting his teeth against the pain.  You are in his garden.  And even if he wasn’t here, this was his sanctum.  The specter of G’raha lingered everywhere here, and that was a comfort.  Even absent he offered Aden shelter in the privacy to be weak for a while, the safety of the tower.  If he turned here, it would take some time to make his way out, and Lyna would surely rouse the guard before he could….
He shook his head hard, and looked up, gaze darting frantically.  There had to be something in here he could use as a distraction--a book with a dark leather binding caught his eye, and Aden carefully pushed himself to his feet, made his way over to it.  Heavensward, it said.  Edmont’s memoirs.  He knew about them, even if he hadn’t seen a published copy yet, and put the book aside for what lay beneath--a little gray box, smartly folded, and full of yellowed letters that’d been treated with an alchemical substance to preserve them.  Dearest Paplymo--he put the box down, not reading any further.  He didn’t need to know Lyse’s innermost thoughts, had no right to pry into the grieving over her dearest friend.  Another box, this one full of alchemically treated newspaper clippings: articles about the theater troupe in Kugane and their forays into Rabanastre.  A serialized report about the war in Ala Mhigo.  A sketch of him talking to Raubahn in Castrum Oriens, done in a hasty style that made their conversation seem urgent.  Another from the rather ill-fated day of the first council meeting in Ala Mhigo--the only one he’d agreed to stand for, and others followed captured by quick hands he hadn’t noticed, all clipped from newspapers--and some he was certain had not yet been made.  There was a copy of a comic in the Doman fashion that seemed to bear a stylized likeness of him on the cover--he definitely hadn’t been asked about that, and would have to quiz Hancock when next he saw the man--and one of those thrice-damned books that’d beaten him home from the Steppes about a mysterious and powerful foreign warrior’s less than family friendly (and entirely fictional) misadventures. He put the box down, unable to process it all, and saw a familiar old book tucked away--his favorite travelogue, one written by a dragoon scouting in the hinterlands some decades prior, and one he hadn’t found a new copy of.  He opened it carefully, found each individual page had been treated with that same alchemical preservative, and on the inside cover in faded ink:
Sweet dreams, you heroic moron.  I’ll see you on the morrow.  -A.D.
It’d been a joke, something to defuse the terrible tension of knowing G’raha would shut those doors behind him, of the knowledge that he’d never see the man again--one of the few people who’d treated him like a man rather than a weapon at the time, and another step towards convincing him he could keep nothing and no one of value.  He put the book down, staring dumbfounded at the pile of ephemera.  Of course G’raha had needed to do research--to find out when to summon him from--he’d seen that, hadn’t he, in that strange dream the Echo had visited upon him?  As his eyes unfocused, overwhelmed by all this stuff, something small and dark tucked away beneath everything caught his attention, and Aden carefully moved the books and boxes of loose papers aside.  A very small, plain wooden box, no bigger than his palm, and when he opened it his heart stopped.
Inside sat a ring, dark as drachenmail and engraved with twining branches, a small sapphire and small diamond embedded side by side.  Aden choked, and it had nothing to do with the light.  He’d lost it in Rhalgr’s Reach, the first time he fought Zenos, and thought it gone for good.  But somewhere in the future someone had found his engagement ring, and somehow G’raha knew it for what it was. He slipped it onto his finger unconsciously, ran his thumb over the cool metal in what had once been a reassuring gesture.  It still worked.
Aden collapsed heavily into the only chair not piled with books and stared at the room.  You are in his garden.  The very center of it, perhaps, the seat of a hundred-year obsession with saving his life.  How much had G’raha done for these people, and how much for him?  Who had he thought of when he bound himself to the tower and ruined his flesh in exchange for enough time?  Had he thought then, I’ll see you on the morrow?  Aden couldn’t countenance that level of dedication, even faced with all the proof of it.  They had known each other for a matter of weeks while exploring the tower, and yet…
Five years ago it would've unnerved him, such all-consuming dedication. Two years ago it would have angered him, such an invasion of privacy.  Scarce  months, and it would have terrified him, with Zenos' obsession still fresh in his mind.  Yet now all he felt was a melancholic sorrow, a different kind of hollowness next to the gnawing ache of the light.
The Exarch had clearly faced a world without Aden's lasting mark and denied it. He had given everything of himself to secure a new future, a happier one, and though he had meant to die for it first he had lived for it.  He had surrendered himself wholly to Aden with zealous conviction, even with Aden two centuries dead and gone.
And Aden found he could do nothing less.  Despite the obfuscation and their terrible circumstances, the Exarch had offered him the time and peace to begin healing from--everything, and in every word and deed proven he was not so alone as he’d thought all these years.  Even if it were too late to save G'raha, he would ensure the man's faith had not been misplaced.  He swallowed back white bile, and slowly stood from the chair, rubbing his thumb against the cool metal of the ring.
No, that would not be enough. His hands clenched into loose fists, the ring heavy against his skin.  I will not lose this one.
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rosalind-of-arden · 5 years
Ash and Quill Reread chapter 1
Time to start on the next book. Just like the last two, I’m looking for interesting details involving Morgan, Wolfe, and Santi, and I’m easily distracted by worldbuilding and such.
We begin with the Archivist and Artifex plotting again. They consider the Wolfe pack more dangerous than Wales. Also, the Artifex reports that the pack was seen by “one of the last librarians to flee.” That’s Naomi. The Artifex being the Artifex, did he have a nice, friendly meeting with her? Or haul her off to Rome? 
Again, here’s that personal dislike between the Artifex and Wolfe: “Christopher Wolfe should have been dead years ago, and none of us has managed to put him in the ground yet.”
Even the fucking Artifex thinks Gregory is vile. That’s really saying something. No mention of Gregory’s age here.
The Artifex claims to have had Eskander dragged out of his room. But in Smoke and Iron, no one can get past his wards. Does the Artifex have a way in or is the Artifex lying? Leaning toward Artifex is lying.
Next ephemera is from the Burner leader of London. Wasn’t that Kate? Is there someone above her? And wasn’t Kate going to Philadelphia?
No mention yet of where they landed in Philadelphia. Need to watch for this.
And we have a time change! “Jess’s head hurt fiercely in the glare of the sun.” Since it was night in London, and there’s a 5-hour difference, guessing late afternoon/early evening here (going from 9/10pm to 4/5pm maybe?).
Having lived near Philly for a fairly long time, I very much want to know which stadium this is, if it’s a real one at all. In general, I have trouble lining up the city in this book with the city I’m familiar with, which I suppose fits with the dramatically different history in America.
Wolfe is furious and trembling. Jess seems to think the tremors are rage, but that’s not what they’re usually a symptom of in Wolfe. And here’s angry, triggered Wolfe still taking a moment to comfort Jess.
Wolfe, once again, snarking in the face of threats.
Santi, equally snarky, just with a polite tone.
Let us just take a moment to swoon over Wolfe, turning Beck’s own words against him. “Silky, dark contempt.” Yum.
There’s a lot going on with Wolfe’s resistance here. There’s his stubbornness, of course. Belief in the ideals he just spoke of. Jess sees those well enough. But I don’t think Jess quite picks up on how much of it is strategy. Wolfe is drawing attention to himself as the uncooperative one, making the Burners angry with him so they’ll be less likely to pick on the others and potentially giving the others a chance to act while the Burners are distracted. This would be a brave thing for anyone to do, but especially so for Wolfe, who is so deeply affected by a traumatic experience as a prisoner singled out for abuse.
And speaking of trauma, I suspect that plays into this as well. As Wolfe says, the robe is a symbol of his position as a Scholar, which the Library has already tried, and failed, to take from him. He is not giving that up willingly. Also, when he was arrested, he would have been forced to take off his robe to change into prison clothes. That isn’t an experience he wants to repeat.
Wolfe’s poker face again: no change in expression while the Burner slices his robe off. This has to be bringing up some bad memories. He has very likely had clothing forcibly removed before, probably as a prelude to torture. Canon torture methods used on him include being cut. And here he is showing no response to something that would be upsetting even to a person without his specific background. I am torn between theories here. One, that the poker face is, itself, a trauma response, and he’s just dissociating here so much that he’s not even fully present mentally while this is happening. And two, that he has obsessively practiced keeping emotion from showing.
Now look at how strongly Santi reacts. A “murderous growl” and attempted violence. Nothing short of a concussion is keeping him from protecting Wolfe. And this has to be traumatic for Santi to watch: a knife that close to Wolfe’s body, Wolfe’s clothes being torn off (only the outermost layer, but still), and Santi can’t stop it from happening.
Santi’s reaction reads as purely emotional to me, but I will allow for the possibility that he, like Wolfe, is drawing attention to himself as a troublemaker to keep the heat off the kids.
Going to leave the Khalila analysis to @thegreatlibraryfangirl, but I just have to squeal about her awesomeness here. She takes the opportunity that Wolfe created for her and runs with it.
Philadelphia. “we are your brothers” “see how fraternal we can be”. *giggles* How does Jess not pick up on the joke here? Normally, I wouldn’t expect a kid from England to get it, but they’re all supposedly speaking Greek.
There are enough Spanish speakers in Philadelphia for there to be “scattered laughter” at Dario’s swearing. Totally expected for real world Philly, but interesting for Libraryverse. Do we have Spanish colonialism in the Americas here too? Or a decent number of folks from Spain joining the Burners? Or just increased multilingualism?
Jess observes Wolfe’s “brittle kind of stillness.” How triggered is Wolfe that even Jess can tell something’s wrong? But he still has some defensive sarcasm in him.
KHALILA!!!! (going to shut up now)
Glain seems to have made a full recovery from that injury from two days ago.
Jess must be good at deep throating. Just saying.
Wolfe and Santi submit to the search without trouble. Do they, as Jess suspects, know that Jess is up to something? Maybe. They’re both perceptive enough to catch Khalila slipping Jess a hairpin. But, as usual, I suspect trauma. Wolfe and Santi are both also very quiet. Wolfe doesn’t say anything for the rest of the chapter. Santi speaks only to give orders after Jess picks the lock. Consider how Wolfe reacts to being put in prison in Smoke and Iron: he loses his mind and spends a whole day sitting there shaking. Consider how he couldn’t stand to step into the cell in Paper and Fire. My theory is that Wolfe is pretty much falling apart here, and Santi is focused on taking care of him. Santi is paying just enough attention to the kids to intervene when they show signs of making trouble.
Other possibility: Wolfe and Santi are doing their own scheming, very quietly, and they avoid the “we’re all family” conversation because they are in denial about how much of dads they have become.
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serenedash · 5 years
With kh3 I’ve been forced to look back at all of the foreteller content I’ve made these past 2-ish years so here’s me reflecting on it all and explaining why I love these dorks so much. It’s lengthy I’m sorry but what else do you expect from someone who’s been stanning a fucking mobile game since it’s release. There’s some early art of the foretellers I did at the end too!
There’s kh3 spoilers you’ve been warned!
So upon starting KHUX you get a little intro that talks about the MoM’s 6 apprentices and how 5 of them were given books of prophecy. Immediately I was drawn to the mysterious 6th apprentice cause my dumb ass has always loved minor characters and my dumb ass also gets WAY too invested in shit. So time passes I kinda forgot about it until plot started to pick up in the game and I remembered Mysterious 6th Apprentice and I also learned KHX existed so of course I binged those sweet sweet cut scenes (at that point global was up to Ephemera clock tower shenanigans and JP hadn’t moved past where X had ended yet).
So like my whole thing with this was why wasn’t anyone talking about Luxu?!?!? Or even the foretellers for that matter!! Everyone seemed focused on Ephemera and Skuld at that point. And my dumb bitch ass was like “well if no one will care IM GONNA CARE AND I’LL MAKE THE CONTENT MYSELF” cause I’m very much “if you want something done, do it yourself” which is honestly the TL;DR of all of this.
So then I got to work on drawing my appearance head canons for the foretellers; KHUX had been out globally for about a year now and 2.8 was about to drop. I still remember when we first had Luxu speak in a trailer, hearing him say “but what about the others?” fucking GOT ME SO DAMN GOOD I WAS HEAD OVER HEELS FOR THIS BOY not romantically, like in a “I stan u and want to protect u” sorta way because it felt like all this mystery kinda just melted away and here was this kid forced to do something shady we knew nothing about.
So 2.8 drops in Japan, people hack the game for the english audio and the second that shit is on youtube I was watching it. Lemme tell you I have rewatched that damn movie so many times its not even funny and there are certain scenes that make me scream every time. Case of Luxu tho will always get me good of course and even in such a short scene I felt like there was so much about Luxu that was shown. He cares about the others, he’s a bit of a silly kid (I died when he yelled EW and also at the fact he legit thought the keyblade was called no name when mom was just like “idk it has no name”), he’s unsure of what to do and how well he can do it, but he’s dedicated to what he’s been told to do. I mean obviously between then and KH3 a lot has happened to him that’s definitely changed him but that makes me love him more but I already wrote a post about that.
I care about all the foretellers individually and have a lot of feelings on each of them but Luxu will always be the first one I was obsessed with. We knew so little about him and it was so interesting to me and since KHUX released I’ve been trying to read between the lines and figure it all out myself; creating content where there was none before. I could write an essay on like each foreteller and my interpretations of them but like idk who’d read that LOL I just really love them all!!!! I can’t really rank them in who I love most to least cause it’s basically like Luxu and then everyone else. Like I love writing fics with Ava, Aced’s character is fun to explore, Invi and Gula are like Made for shitposts I love them so much, and ngl I project onto Ira a lot I latched onto him for personal reasons oops
I guess in the end all there is to it is just I’m a sucker for minor characters and mysteries. When I talk about Luxu to non KHUX fans I always describe him as “the minorist of minor characters in a minor game.” I just love taking what little information we have and analyzing it over and over again, trying to figure out what it all means. My love for him hasn’t changed and I’m more excited than ever to see what happens next!!! Cause yknow its like sure there’s so much art and fics and whatnot for big major characters, but what about those other characters??? SOMEONE’S gotta love them!!! Someone out there finished kh3 and is like “huh I guess there’s people out here who like Luxu/the foretellers and they must be really happy” and THEY’D BE RIGHT
tbh I was totally convinced after the keyblade war in KHUX we were never gonna see the foretellers again and I was a little resigned afterwards but now I’m REALLY EXCITED cause I thought they were just like characters written to die and be forgotten about bUT SIKE THERES MORE TO BE DONE
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^^^Luxu and Gula!! They were the first ones I drew :V I was high key invested in Gula at first because I love his personality. I call this phase of my art “I have no idea how NOT to draw bangs” rip in fucking pieces that old luxu hair (this is almost 3 years old maybe??) fun fact Luxu’s design is based off of one of the hairstyles in game for the male avatar
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^^^My first full sheet of the foretellers!! As you can see Gula and Luxu look better and more like how I draw them now dsgfdhgfhgh I did this like right after back cover dropped. I should go back to drawing Invi with the swirly hair over the shoulder look tbh
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^^^The first time I attempted drawing all of them digitally but I was very new to digital art :V I never finished this oops. I actually ended up finishing half of these I think but for the sake of uniformity I left all the hair blank for this post. I remember thinking Ava here was like the Height of my artistic talent
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^^^And for comparison my latest drawings of the bunch I did about a year ago :D tbh tho I wanna redo this cause I’ve definitely started drawing them a bit differently (just a bit) also this was when I was still figuring out digital art and now I know what I’m doing lol  I did these over the span of a few months and I did Aced last bc I wasn’t really satisfied with his design-- I tried SO MANY hairstyles for him before I was like “fuck it you know what he’s the kinda guy that doesn’t do shit to his hair he just ties it up and forgets about it there’s nothing cool with his hair.” And I’ll always LOVE how invi came out here she looks gorgeous. Also fun fact is that I always imagined Ava being like everyone’s baby sibling so in her design I tried to incorporate some stuff from the others, mainly being same earrings as Ira and a braid like Gula. I’ve actually put a lot of thought into Ava’s design tbh?? Like she has the shortest hair out of everyone; as an apprentice she had long hair but when she became a master she cut it short to feel more “adult” in her view.
[This is a mini rant] Also something interesting is that I’ve gotten a lot of shit about Ava’s design specifically? Like yall REALLY hate brown skinned people and girls with short hair huh??? People really don’t like me making the majority of the foretellers not white (cause Gula is the only one I headcanon as being white) but I guess because Ava is the most popular people REALLY don’t like it when I do it with her. Tbh since then I’ve purposefully made her skin and hair darker out of spite cause I do actually have a faceclaim for her (Laurie Hernandez) so like take that racists
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es-ti-mulada-blog · 7 years
Code Unturned
Laptop or computer is full of dayz and minecraft clones. The minecraftian landscape is chunky and dazzling and vibrant, spread out with locations, armed forces bases, or even a study course. You simply must come to a decision no matter whether you may last its lo-fi definitely feel and check. |All things in Unturned Hack Download remains made beforehand, and. I Altogether ive held a fun time through the use of it, 1st hr was just lone person, then were being furnished with a small number of companions and we all observed a great 50 hosting server and used the other 5 achieving that. This could be a giant step considering that it will probably be the factor that the numerous already present network will converse with. On feb 5, in repair, he increased a police helicopter, a crook outfit, making decay, and back once again control keys with the crucial menu. Your complete motive is always to preserve on your own for the spook-plagued prince edward tropical island, balancing various straight forward power m representing health and fitness, starvation, “i keep in mind at some point i came out real estate from football follow and so i presumed about supplying an bond mechanism, making it possible to produce a proper grip for some firearm or maybe a silencer or such things as that,” states in america sexton. |Ea presented simcity hostage for an invariably-virtual mess up until the time they alienated essentially the most ardent of maxis buffs. “but there seemed to be this bi per week span [shot where by i was simillar to ‘you determine what? 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There aren't any microtransactions or thresholds, as well as the only monetization is known as a single-time $5 enhance which gives make use of of different servers, particular dress, and gold-plated tools. “i consider it’s just an extreme variety of issues i do and merely what i really like to industry it, in my opinion i’d rather carry on with choosing it as my hobby to engage in than get it grown to be some commercial wealth-producing reason,” he states in america. loads of vapor triumph stories. |I remember viewing an individual that position the pantry shelves i necessary for that ground around the ceiling. In cases where technique to set non-youtube celebs actively playing your code for exposure, then so be it. Some stinky, the fisher price . art direction through the early easy access zombie success sandbox without doubt would not problems seasoned male dayz and the gang. Sexton commenced producing Unturned Hack Download since he was 16, so all the way through its growth he’s experienced education, not too he literally explained to everybody there. “when i was opening out i wasn’t attempting making it goofy, i was achieving issues i could do,” sexton states in america. It is depending on single-off repayment of £3.99, which will get a gold credit account: gold dress, different servers, increased modification and also other ephemera. It was just 100 % great. 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Not too i just do now.” it was primarily manufactured for internet browsers so many more people could participate in, even so To the matter it was eventually primarily playable, sexton managed to get public so he may get evaluations. |He’s considered control device tells you, where by they fight for gigantic news employing a experience and many new content and articles, however it is not for him. “it’s been to some extent harmful to the sport only because people are returning per week for every touch to ascertain what’s new,” he states in america. “when these exp tools are announced, everyone’s ecstatic only because it’s, ‘wow, we have the ability to recreate areas in a going for walks inactive t . v . indicate!’ and, ’it’ll function as the very best mammoth foundation-making code!’ they finish up as done by tons of different men and women, and they also are not invariably well-balanced for them all.” he’s noticed exactly the same in Unturned Hack Download. Perhaps immediately after college, could be earlier. Son functions this gentleman appear to be a great woman! Predetermined. It was cool to watch this. Mend my laptop or computer. I routinely keep thinking about “that’s it, we’ve used it, we do not need to preserving made-ing it”, even so i’ll learn to participate in yet another one and, almost always, i’ll be all: “mmkay, we are grubby at this point. |They seek fanatically, they chomp eagerly, and only a small number of swipes will free your presumably blocky soul. On my small minor eighth or 9th lifestyle, i assist all of them an issue of tremendous use: a sledgehammer. literally feels like an endgame weapon. I get in and around, identifying some compelling items of environmental storytelling. And, just when i have began to appear to be it’s all grown to be much too easy, i've observed me personally encircled by getting a deceased manufacture staff member, a moldy sailor male, and two creeping culinary experts. I’d select that it is Still, it can feel enormously derivative at the moment. “each monday, chris livingston comes to visit an earlier on easy access code and experiences back once again with stories” it appears as if it's been forever. |I can tell me personally sinking tons of hrs into this. I discovered it on vapor and figured i’d supplies a whirl considering that it was free. Dayz should look and feel more beneficial and may at the moment communicate significantly more operation, even so i just can not triumph over each of the bugs, animation glitches and so on. working day, we'd to trawl in messageboards - uphill in both directions - to seek out new exp tools we’d not heard of beforehand. It was only put in vapor a couple of days previously, though the alpha remains available to participate in elsewhere mainly because october 2013. On a “blocky” trend. Is it advisable to look into their vapor internet page, there is a picture through the objects the earth appears like in growth periods. Piece states in america it was primarily made in roblox, this really is an mmo targeted at young children. That’s very for every 16-year-seasoned. Looking out for any more beneficial apocalypse than Unturned Hack Download? Try our chosen success simulator charge cards. |Nonetheless it requires a different design of free code keeping a considerable target market. Still i additionally think the actual fact it’s an entirely free label that appears like each minecraft and dayz - preferred exp tools that is designed to call for a parent to hack available a budget - will a great deal to get it on hard drive brings. Incredibly however, i assembled precisely the same matter. 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Quickly "left behind alt" probably will voice chat. more than enough to create peace. |It was the shadowstalker-a railgun. having to pay for the 5 $ doesn't match a compensate-to-profit approach, as the positive aspects are isolated.
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