odoraful · 22 days
hello! I hope you're doing well :) Its my birthday tomorrow, so I want to request birthday headcanons for some of my favourites (if you write for them, ofc): Ayato, Wriothesley, and Alhaitham!
Thank you so much! 💞
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— he wouldn't want to miss out on your special day <3
a/n: hi hi!! i'm doing okay 🥹 i really hope i did your request justice seeing as it is your birthday! i might have gotten a bit excited with this and realised my headcanons followed a little storyline but i do hope you enjoy, and a very happy birthday to you! wishing you all the best for the year 💝🎉
Honestly, a small, traitorous part of you believes that the Yashiro Commissioner might have forgotten your birthday. With him being so preoccupied with his work, and much of his days scheduled to the minute by his retainers, you secretly wondered whether he would make time for you. That is why you freeze in shock when you open your front door early in the morning to see your partner at the doorstep. Chuckling at your groggy appearance, he holds your waist and gently combs a hand through your hair to fix it. In your half lucid state you swear you’re dreaming. 
Ayato assures you that all the tasks he had to do for the day had been settled, and that nothing would distract him from celebrating with you. His retainers had even encouraged the idea, leaving small notes at his desk to remind him of your birthday to hasten the completion of his work. It was one of the few plans he offered up to them that didn’t leave them absolutely panicked. 
There’s no need to worry about what is planned for the day, Ayato naturally has everything prepared. If you enjoy food and drink, he has a table booked at Uyuu Restaurant with an eight course meal specially created just for you. If you’re more partial to rest and relaxation, he has ensured private baths at Aisa Bathhouse (Archons knows, he needs a spa day as well). 
As for a gift, Ayato’s observant nature serves him well to pick the perfect one. On your walks about the city, he took note of the objects your eyes sparkled most at. Ones that you picked up, looked at the price tag, then put down in disappointment. In the weeks leading up to your birthday, much of his downtime was spent thinking about what would suit you best. His retainers would catch him with a furrow between his brows, staring into the distance. They would chatter about how committed the clan head is to his duties, even mulling over them during his short breaks. 
In the end, he decided on getting something custom-made for you. A kimono made from a fabric you couldn’t stop admiring at the textile store. A purple silk brocade with delicate white flowers. You had draped it on yourself asking Ayato for his thoughts. Eyes trailing your body, the colours complimented you perfectly. For the first time, Ayato seemed at a loss for words. 
He makes you feel treasured. Despite the obstacles your two had faced, from the critical eye of the public to the hushed whisperings between clans, Ayato’s loyalty was unwavering. 
As someone who has proclaimed how overzealous people can be about birthdays, your excitement in the lead up to yours is actually infectious to him. The night before, he’s surprised to hear humming from the bathroom as you get ready for bed. He can’t contain the fond smile on his face at your slightly off-key tone. The book he was holding has already been stored away on the bedside table as he closes his eyes to focus on your voice. 
Whilst Alhaitham always kisses you on the forehead in the mornings before he gets up, when you wake on your birthday you are being smothered with kisses. You giggle, trying to swat him away, worried about your bad breath, but he’s relentless and you concede. He whispers a ‘happy birthday’ to you after the final peck, content with the reaction he has provoked in you so early in the day.
Although it is your birthday, it is unfortunately still a workday. The very last thing you expect to see is Alhaitham walking into your work area during the middle of the day. Rushing over to him, your eyes wide in surprise, you ask why he’s here so soon. He plainly replies that he had no other essential meetings today, so he left. You’re flabbergasted, but you can’t complain. Especially since it meant more time together on your birthday.
He follows you around as you tend to the plants at the garden, making small conversation with you. You inwardly observe how he looks somewhat like a puppy — cocking his head to the side at a unique flower, curious about your craft. Arms folded, he waits for you to finish up and take your early leave (granted generously to you by the kindness of your supervisor). 
Lambad’s Tavern is quiet in the early evening, the low chatter of few patrons providing a peaceful ambience to your dinner. Rounding the meal off with drinks and a customary dessert. To onlookers, this celebration would seem unusually casual. However, it’s that exact sort of comfortability with him that makes you feel so secure. 
He waits until the private of your home to give your gift. Sitting on the couch, he brings out a small box containing a timepiece in it. Alhaitham remembered how absorbed you often got in your work, even forgetting to take breaks. Even though the Akasha System can instantaneously provide the time upon request, a physical object serves as a better reminder of time for you to eat and step away from work. You return your thanks to the practical yet thoughtful gift by placing a kiss on his cheek, feeling how warm they are under your lips. He’ll assert it’s from the liquor he drank, and surely not the burning affection he feels for you in this moment. 
Clorinde had to endure some minor lecturing after being entrusted with the Fortress of Meropide for the day so Wriothesley could celebrate your birthday. The Duke did not want to be interrupted on this day unless the situation was dire, so he made his instructions clear. Arms folded, Clorinde stopped herself from rolling her eyes (‘He’s acting like I’ve never stepped foot in here before’), but she couldn’t help chuckling at how determined her friend was at wanting to spend time with you. And so, the missive was given that the Duke would be heading to the surface for urgent matters (the nature of such matters left omitted). 
It was a beautiful day on the surface, made even more so when Wriothesley sees you waiting on the street — hands interlocked in front of you, rocking on your heels. Though he did find your pose endearing, he internally curses himself at leaving you waiting on your birthday. He didn’t realise how much he ached for your presence until you looked over with a beaming smile and began running towards him. Gentleman that he is, he hurriedly apologised for making you wait. 
High tea is a must to celebrate, so the two of you head to Hotel Debord or Café Lutece, finding a private corner where you can freely talk. He updates you on the affairs at the Fortress, and he listens attentively at your news about the surface. 
You order different types of teas to try along with complimenting snacks. Wriothesley nods thoughtfully with each cup, but you notice with amusement that he’s holding himself back from truly commenting (“These teas are nice, but I think your collection is better”, you say. He smirks knowingly, but raises his hands in innocence, “I have to say I agree with you there”).  
He’s had your gift planned since the beginning of the year. On a rare outing to the Court of Fontaine to conduct business, a silver necklace on display at a jewellery store halted his stride. It had a red oval-shaped gem as a pendant, which the salesman claimed was the jewelsmith’s symbol for passion. The jewelsmith supposedly fell in love with someone who lived far from Fontaine, and created this piece to commemorate his devotion. It was an obvious marketing technique — one that would entice any imaginative lay person. Despite knowing the salesman’s clever ploy, something did stir within the Duke’s heart. 
Wriothesley sees you almost on the verge of tears when he presents the necklace to you. Embracing you tightly, he whispers promises into your ear. Every birthday feels more intimate than the last, and you can’t help but picture what a future with him would be like.
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odoraful · 8 days
sneak peek at my next love & deepspace fic 😳 it's an au where zayne and fem!reader grow up together based on a request ! it's definitely getting up there in terms of word count, but here's a snippet from a moment in highschool:
Zayne never wished to draw attention to himself, but it seemed to follow him regardless. He preferred to keep his head in a book (study book, sketchbook or otherwise), and he sometimes wished his fellow peers would do the same. Instead, he was the choice of conversation among the cohorts for being an enigma. Teenagers were not the most subtle people, and whispers would follow everywhere he walked. He made mental notes of what was being said. After all, those who were quiet were often the most observant.  
“He’s the one who skipped a year right?” No, that isn’t true. 
“One year? I thought it was two!” That would be more accurate. 
“The serious guy with glasses?” At least they know what I look like.
“I heard that he thinks he’s better than everyone.” Now that really isn’t true. 
“No way… is that why he’s a loner?” A loner…?
“Doesn’t he always hang out with that one girl though?”
He stopped spinning his pen around his fingers. Study period was usually the time where people would get updated on the latest news. His focus pulled away from his notes to the conversation happening behind his seat. The irony of the situation was not lost on Zayne, people were quite literally talking about him behind his back. Careful to not signal that he was eavesdropping, Zayne began to write on his page, summarising information from the textbook. Unfortunately, the pair had become more hushed, and he could barely make out what was being said. One word did slip from the conversation, however. Said in a surprised, high-pitched tone: your name. 
“Shh! Not so loud!” One of them scolded. 
Zayne quietly sighed, the breath slipping out between his lips. He got up, making little effort to subdue the sound of the chair’s legs scraping against the floorboards. After packing things away in his bag, he strode past the table behind him, the people seated there already peeking at him leaving. He levelled a look at them as he walked, adjusting his glasses. The students turned further inwards, completely blocking any prying eyes and ears. He casted the interaction aside. It was almost the end of school day anyway, which meant he could finally meet with you. 
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odoraful · 4 months
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Honkai Star Rail
note. gender neutral unless states otherwise :)
Are there other matters? ft. blade (blade piques your auntie's interest when you visit her shop to run some errands)
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odoraful · 4 months
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Odora's Library
what would you like to read?
take me to an elemental fantasy world -> genshin impact
take me to a futuristic romance -> love and deepspace
take me on an adventure across space -> honkai star rail
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odoraful · 4 months
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Love and Deepspace
note: gender neutral reader unless stated otherwise :)
Distractions ft. zayne (zayne catches you being a little unfocused because of his hands...)
Somnium ft. dawnbreaker!zayne - part 1 | part 2 (zayne finally meets with you again in his dreams, though he is unprepared to face the harsh truth)
Drabbles (all boys)
Driving habits
I'm not scared!
Moment's respite
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odoraful · 4 months
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Genshin Impact
note: gender neutral reader unless stated otherwise :)
Heart Grow Fonder ft. albedo (following a long trip in liyue, you return to mondstadt to reunite with a certain blonde alchemist)
Forever? ft. wriothesley (wriothesley takes care of you when you're sick and realises the depth of his devotion to you)
Mortal Expertise ft. xiao (before his nightly patrol, xiao needs help from you to understand something he observed among mortals)
Something Out of a Dream ft. xiao (you set up a surprise for xiao's birthday which feels, strangely, just like one of his dreams)
Giving them jewellery as a gift ft. neuvilette, xiao | ft. lyney, zhongli
Domestic bliss ft. diluc, wanderer, childe
Celebrating with you ft. ayato, alhaitham, wriothesley
Do you wanna go on a blind date? ft. multi-character
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odoraful · 25 days
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— you set up a surprise for xiao's birthday which feels, strangely, just like one of his dreams
content: xiao x gn!reader, inspired by his birthday letter, reader can be interpreted as the traveller or as a character on their own, reader and xiao are friends but there are some romantic undertones, soft/reflective xiao, bubbly reader, minor angst but mostly fluff/comfort word count: ~2k
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Xiao never liked having his senses incapacitated. A deafening roar from a lawachurl that caused his ears to ring, or a crushing blow from a geovishap that made him loosen his grip on his spear. It left him defenceless, and gave more than enough time for an enemy to strike him. 
That was why when you asked him to ‘close your eyes’ and promised that ‘nothing bad would happen’, he was understandably a little sceptical. 
Arms folded tight against his chest, Xiao had his eyes wide open. “I won’t be able to see anything,” he frowned. 
You placed your hands on your hips and sighed. “That’s the whole point, Xiao. It’s meant to be a surprise.” 
 Xiao had received express permission from Zhongli to accompany you to Chenyu Vale for ‘immediate funeral parlour business.’ Only now did he realise that the smile on Zhongli’s face was far too wide and doting to just be relaying simple business affairs. 
His frown deepened, eyes sweeping around the surroundings. Following a short bamboo boat ride, you and him were now standing at the dock on the base of Teatree Slope. Even though the area was closeby to the village, monsters did not rest simply because it was a sunny afternoon. 
He could think of a thousand different ways he and you could be ambushed. A millisecond was all it took for an arrow or blade to pierce your flesh and he’d open his eyes to find you lying on the ground. This nightmarish thought made his skin crawl. He knew you were a capable fighter (he’d even seen you fend off creatures quadruple your size), but his mind and instinct were always at odds with each other. 
“Gaming and I already cleared this place out early this morning.” Your reassuring voice coaxed Xiao from his thought spiral. He focused on your face, lit up by the sun. The glow of your skin only added to your palpable excitement. 
“With his knowledge of the area plus my fighting skills,” you mockingly flexed your arms, “I can guarantee you it’s safe.” The corners of Xiao’s lips faintly twitched in amusement. 
Once you noticed this slight break in his demeanour, you jumped at your chance. 
“Please?” Clasping your hands, you stepped closer to him, not breaking eye contact. “It’ll only be for a minute or so!” 
He tried his best to hold his gaze on yours in defiance. It only lasted a few seconds, however, as he quickly darted his eyes away and down at the ground. He fought the urge to teleport to the opposite side of Liyue as his face grew warmer.  Archons, do you always have to look so enthusiastic about such small matters? Exhaling deeply, he relaxed his arms to his sides. 
“These mortal customs…” he mumbled under his breath. At last, he closed his eyes. “Alright. Lead me to wherever you choose.” 
Attuning his hearing to the light trickle of water from the river, Xiao inhaled the crisp air. He almost jumped when he felt fingers intertwine with his hand. You moved to his side, gently bumping your shoulder against his.
“Don’t worry. I won’t let anything happen to you.” You said. Xiao could easily make out the giddiness in your voice. Your hand squeezed him to emphasise your point.  
His hand briefly stiffened, uncertain how to respond to your casual affection. The naturally stoic expression on his face thankfully did not reveal the millisecond of indecisive chaos that raced through his mind. He decided to reciprocate. Squeezing your hand in return, he hoped it somehow conveyed his trust in you. 
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The weight of your hand in his felt all too comfortable as you guided him across the grassy hillside. As you promised, the walk was short and free of monsters. 
“We’re nearly there.” You assured, swinging his hand. 
Xiao hummed affirmatively. Briefly, he completely lost himself to your touch, almost in a trance. 
In his observations of humans during his patrols, he’d seen couples hold hands, never letting go of each other even when they would disagree on where to go or when bustling crowds would jostle them. How foolish, he once thought. Wouldn’t it be more convenient to simply walk side by side? Or even split up so each could each get their respective tasks done? Now, as he sensed the warmth of your hand that radiated through his glove, and every twitch of your fingers when you readjusted your grip, he understood. 
Perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad to imagine himself as one of them too. Strolling down the paths leading to Liyue Harbour with you, quietly talking about anything that came to mind. A closeness that meant you’d never leave each other’s side. He indulged himself. These were just imaginations, after all. 
He heard the sound of your footsteps against grass, and felt a sudden emptiness in his hand. 
“I’m still here!” Those three words you whispered were an immediate relief for his worries. “I just needed to get in the right position!” You called out, your voice coming from a little further than before. 
“Okay, you can open your eyes now.” 
Xiao’s eyes adjusted to the brightness as he opened them. His overexposed vision quickly corrected itself, revealing the surprise you had prepared for him.
Laid out on the grass and flowers was a white blanket, weighted down at the corners by cushions. The unopened picnic basket in the centre was neatly surrounded by a few plates which held food. Xiao recognised servings of almond tofu, buns and rice pudding.  A small clay teapot had faint wisps of steam coming from its spout, and was accompanied by two cups of matching colour. The picnic was perfectly situated just beside the river to have a clear view of Jademouth.
“Ta-da!” You exclaimed, gesturing towards the picnic. “Happy birthday, Xiao!”
His mouth was slightly agape. “Y-you prepared all this on your own?” He approached the spread before him. 
“Well, Xiangling helped with the buns and pudding,” you rubbed the back of your neck sheepishly before quickly adding, “but everything else was me.” 
He stood there stunned. 
For so long he viewed this day as insignificant. The same duty to perform, with the same people and places to protect as any other day of the year. Celebrations were unnecessary for a guardian who preferred to remain in the shadows. Liyue’s safety was his only priority, and nothing else. However, as you tugged on his hand to follow you to sit, and piled cushions around him to ensure his comfort, longing flared in his heart. If it was just with you then perhaps celebrating would not be so bad. 
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“How’s the food?” You asked, taking the last bite of your rice bun.
“Good.” Xiao lifted a spoonful of silky tofu and fragrant syrup to his mouth. “You’re an accomplished chef.” 
“Not really.” You said, shaking your head. From the stories you had told him when you just sat down, he suspected you were reminiscing about your… bold attempts to follow Xiangling’s recipes. 
“The only dish I can make well is almond tofu.” You continued, chuckling to yourself. “I think I perfected it thanks to you.” 
He was glad for only the gentle sounds of nature that surrounded you, otherwise he would not have heard the lilting sound of your laugh that rang clear in his ears. 
The first time you made it for him, the scent of almond and osmanthus provoked a dizzying sense of nostalgia. Whilst Yanxiao’s version was textbook — perfectly balanced in flavour, and decorated precisely, Xiao preferred yours. You always made the syrup a little sweeter, and added your own touches. He was greeted with different coloured toppings of small spheres and cubes of jelly every time you served a plate. Though trivial, he quietly looked forward to how you were going to decorate the dish each time. 
The conversation lulled to a comfortable silence as he finished his last spoonful. He tried to savour the last bite — a taste so simple but pleasing to his palate. It reminded him of something. The sweetness must have loosened his tongue because before he could think, the words spilled out of him. 
“I have been having dreams recently where we sit together just like this.” 
Your eyes widened as you took a sip of warm tea. “Really? With me?” 
Uncrossing his legs, he stretched them out in front of him on the blanket and leaned back on his hands. 
“Yes, though they are not fantastical.” 
A breeze picked up, cooling his skin and tousling his hair. Gazing in the distance, the landscape before him looked like a painting hung in one of the rooms of Wangshu Inn. The jade monument in the distance shimmered in the sunlight. Even being here right now felt like a dream. 
“In each of them, we go on idle strolls or outings.”  
“Like having a picnic?” You remarked, playfully nudging his shoulder. Much to Xiao’s hopes, you remained there, your shoulder lightly touching his own. A small smile you were only privy to graced his lips as he nodded. 
“They are oddly comforting to me.” His voice grew wistful. “Although, I don’t know how worthy I am to have such sweet dreams.” 
Xiao curled his fingertips into the picnic blanket, nails digging into the fabric. He wanted to savour everything he could sense in this moment. The soft fabric of the blanket, the warmth of the sun against his face, the lingering scent of tea leaves in the air. For perhaps this would be as fleeting as those in his dreams.
“I couldn’t think of someone more deserving of them.” You responded. Placing a hand on his shoulder, you finally drew his attention, pulling him away from the unease bubbling within him. He turned to find your brows scrunched slightly, a determined look on your face. 
“You know, it’s okay for you to be selfish when it comes to joy.” You were always quick to defend Xiao, even from comments coming from himself. 
He couldn’t even recall the last time he had allowed himself leisure. If not for your insistence at wanting to take him on outings since your meeting, Xiao envisioned a dim future for himself. Confined to the Inn, too afraid to mingle with the people that he gazed upon from his balcony, filled with unanswered questions about mortal life. 
His gaze unconsciously trailed from your eyes to your lips. They were slightly reddened and glossy from whatever cosmetic you had applied.  As desperately as he wanted to be, he wasn’t quite ready for that kind of selfishness just yet. 
“That does not come as easy to me as it does for you.” He replied with a gruff, heart thundering in his chest.
“Well then, I guess that means I’m the perfect person to help you.” You grinned.
“And how would you help me?” He asked, a brow raised. 
You paused, resting a hand on your chin in thought. “To start, if you’d like, you can tell me what kinds of nice dreams you have so we can bring them into reality.” Head tilted towards Xiao, you regarded him for his reaction.
Xiao certainly could not hide his surprise. The offer sounded too good to be true. “Y-you would do that?” He spluttered out.
You fidgeted with your fingers. “If it means being able to spend more time with you, I’d gladly do it.” The subtleties of human interaction were often lost upon Xiao, but he swore there was a bashfulness in your tone as you spoke.
His expression softened. Shaking his head, Xiao wondered if he could ever fathom your kindness. “Your plans are always… unique.” 
With the comfort of your shoulder pressed against him, the worries he previously had slipped away for the moment. He peacefully focused on the drone of insects in the background and the occasional rippling of water from a swimming fish. His mind began to drift, considering whether a stroll on the harbour or an outing collecting crystalflies should be first on the agenda.
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dear reader: thank you for making it to the end of my INCREDIBLY belated xiao birthday fic! :') it was a little hard for me to write this because nothing i wrote felt right, but i hope it turned out okay! his birthday letters are always so romantic, it fills my heart with such warmth seeing how his character has grown to become more soft and trusting TT the idea of xiao slowly allowing himself to enjoy the little joys of life just makes me </3
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odoraful · 3 months
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˗ˏˋ꒰ 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 ꒱ˎˊ˗
i'm daph (or odora), part time uni student full time fangirl :)
what do i like... reading, video games, piano, crochet, shojo/josei manga + anime, animated films, period pieces, ttrpg shows (dimension 20, critical role, the adventure zone), kpop (enhypen!), warm sun, public museums and libraries
˗ˏˋ꒰ 𝒓𝒖𝒍𝒆𝒔 ꒱ˎˊ˗
general: i do not tolerate any kind of hate at all, so please be kind if you're going to interact. i write sfw, but i may interact with blogs that are nsfw!
inbox: i love talking to other people, so feel free to send in something in my inbox!! <3 as long as it's not anything too dark/heavy in nature
requests: i LOVE hearing everyone's ideas, so if my writing style is one you enjoy, i'd be honoured to take your request !! however, i can get busy, so apologies if they are slow to be done :') i can take requests for: genshin impact, love & deepspace
i do not write: 🚫 nsfw, gore, suicidal themes, incest, abusive dynamics, major age differences, pregnancy, dark content in general 🚫
˗ˏˋ꒰ 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌𝒔 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈! ꒱ˎˊ˗
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odoraful · 3 months
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characters: diluc, wanderer, childe content: sfw, modern au, established relationship, fluff !! a/n: i was scouring pinterest looking the most fitting inspo rooms for each of them hehe
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Your shared home is an old-fashioned but charming house with a tiled roof and a brick archway leading to the entrance of the door. Diluc has a good eye for style — all the furniture pieces you select together are warm and elegant, perfectly matching with the vintage style home.
He’s a bit of a craftsman, and when you moved in he custom built bookshelves just for you. Your house has traces of Diluc’s handiwork: a wooden tissue box cover, tile coasters, a ceramic chess set.
Being a peak acts of service man, if he notices that there’s something inconveniencing you that can be mended, he’ll try to find a way to fix it. That wooden chair that wobbled yesterday when you sat down on it? The next day, it’s miraculously levelled. Always struggling to find your keys before you leave the house? There are now little hooks on the wall where you can easily hang them. He doesn’t make a huge show of it, but you’ll always kiss him on the cheek and say that you should repay him with something.
“There’s no need. Seeing you happy is more than enough for me.” He replies, running a hand through his hair, the tips of his ears turning red.
The house is IMPECCABLY cleaned — the chores are shared out between the two of you, and the both of you work like a well-oiled machine. He’ll insist that you shouldn’t carry anything too heavy though! He doesn’t want you to hurt yourself :(
One of the things that Diluc wouldn’t ever trade is getting the chance to cuddle with you in the evening on the couch. He’ll let you play with his hair and try out different styles, comforted by the feeling of your fingers running through it.
Sometimes, he’ll come home late from work tired and perhaps a bit grumpy, but the sight of you will change his mood completely.
At the sound of jangling keys and the front door creaking shut, you rush out of the bathroom and down the stairs. 
“(Y/N), I’m home!” You hear Diluc’s voice call out to you.
The day had felt far too long for him, and with far too many headaches for him to deal with. The only thing that he looked forward to at the end of it all was to see you again. 
Hearing the patter of your slippers, he looks up. It takes everything within him to keep composed at your appearance. Having just gotten out of a hot shower, your cheeks were tinted pink, hair still damp and slicked. Diluc’s eyes trailed to your clothes, a matching pair of flannel shirt and shorts. He loosens his tie, suddenly finding his breath stuck in his throat. It baffled him how gorgeous you were even in pyjamas.
Wordlessly, he reaches towards you. You look down at his hands and see as they fasten the remaining top two buttons of your sleeping shirt. In your hurry to greet him at the door, you forgot to dress properly. 
“I can’t believe I missed that...” You sheepishly say, observing his hands as they linger on your shirt. Your senses told you something was off.  “Did you have troubles at work today?”
The worry in your eyes melts his heart. Of course you were the one to peer through him and know exactly how he was feeling. 
“A few clientele at the bar today were-” He sighs, still fidgeting with the fabric of your shirt, recalling the events of the day, “-difficult to manage to say the least.” He lifts his head to meet his gaze. “You have no idea how glad I am to see you.” 
Your arms instinctually wrap around him and he collapses into them. Tightening your embrace, he rests his head on your shoulder.
“Diluc, I just took a shower.” You say with a light giggle, trying to pull your hair away from his face.
He feels your breath close to his ear and he wishes he could have recorded that laugh for himself to hear it over and over again. 
“I could tell.” He breathes deeply. “Is this a new shampoo?”
“Well yes, but what I meant from that is that my hair is still wet!”
You feel him smile against you. “It doesn’t bother me. Just a few more seconds, please. I need to recharge.” 
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You share an apartment together since you travel to and from the same university. Although you’re studying different degrees and have different schedules, you’ll both make an effort to spend time together at home during the weekdays. 
You and Wanderer leave little notes cheering each other on and stick them to the walls or the fridge before you leave, or sneak them into pencil cases or onto laptop screens. He has a small box on his desk where he collects all your notes, neatly folding them up to preserve them.
Wanderer enjoys having the home quite minimalist. Just the essentials will do, but the two of you do splurge a bit more on your study space —  the comfiest chairs, wide desks, tactile keyboards — anything to liven up having to do assignments all the time.  
When you’re feeling too tired or distracted from your own studies, you’ll walk over to his desk and try to sit on his lap while he works. He’ll attempt to exert some self-control and reject your wishes, but eventually gives in after seeing your pout.
“Just because you’re distracted doesn’t give you any right to bother me.” He grumbles, resting his chin on your head.
He warns you that if you do decide to put plants in the house, you are responsible for them. Little do you know that he’s secretly also invested in their health. On mornings when you’re in a rush and forget to water them, he’ll spritz them with your spray bottle thinking to himself: If you died (Y/N) would be devastated, so don’t even think about it.
His favourite room is the bedroom. It’s a place for both of you to escape the stresses of being a student and relax together.
The alarm clock beeps and you wiggle in bed, reaching over a hand to quickly silence it. Bright sun filters in through the curtains, its light diffusing into the room. 
You force your eyes open and sit up, your body bent over like a crooked branch. Movement beside you pulls your attention as Wanderer shifts in his sleep. You can’t deny how pretty he looks even at rest. His long lashes fanned out under closed eyes, the steady rise and fall of his chest with each deep breath. His expression is that of pure peace. You know that’ll soon disappear when you both need to properly wake up and prepare for classes.
“Hey, it’s time to wake up,” you whisper, carefully coaxing him from slumber. 
Wanderer opens his bleary eyes ever so slightly, then immediately closes them. He mumbles something of refusal. You roll your eyes in resignation. When it comes to sleep, he acts like a child sometimes. You turn to get out of bed. 
Two arms wrap around your waist and yank you back. You stumble into the sheets with a yelp. Wanderer adjusts the blanket over you and pulls you closer to him with one hand. 
“Not yet.” His voice is low and scratchy, his words slurred. “Want more time in bed… with you.” 
You sigh softly, absentmindedly running a hand through his hair to detangle it. “You do this almost every morning. You’re never going to attend your lectures on time.”
He replies by nuzzling into your neck, and you hear nothing but his slow breaths. His peers would have sooner called identity fraud than believe the stony and scholarly Wanderer to be this clingy and affectionate in the morning. However, in the privacy of just you, it’s become easy for him to let down his guard. 
“Don’t try to get out of this by pretending to be asleep.” You say, deadpan.
There’s a stutter in his breathing as you catch his obvious charade. 
“Stop worrying. I’ll just watch the recording.” He finally responds. 
You realise in a fluster just how close your faces are, barely inches apart. As if sensing this, Wanderer opens his eyes once again, this time there’s a glint of mischief in them. 
He taps his forehead lightly against your own. “And besides, why would I want to spend my mornings in a noisy lecture hall when I can be with you in peace and quiet?”
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You’ve been living together for a while now, and your home has transformed into what can only be described as organised chaos.
If Childe kept up with his interior designing eagerness, it would have been complete maximalism, but you were there to contain his excitement and still ensure your home was still practical. 
The two of you love collecting pillows, plushies and blankets, which adds even more to the cosiness! However, one day you tried to sit down on the couch and realised it was more pillows than actual seat space. In a fit of laughter, you and Childe ruled that you would rotate between different cushions every so often so you could get your couch back. 
Childe will still come home with flowers or sweets (sometimes both) as gifts for you on random nights. He’ll stand on the doorstep looking like a lovesick teenage boy asking his crush out on a date. Taking them from his hands, you’ll ask what the occasion is.
“Well, there isn’t a particular occasion.” He kisses you on the forehead. “Celebrating you should be an everyday thing.”
Board game nights are taken very seriously. You have a bookshelf filled with different types of them. Whether it’s a classic game of UNO or Jenga, or something a little more strategic, he's always hyper-competitive. You also have special punishments for if one of you loses, which are harmless but maybe a little embarrassing (One of his favourite punishments for you is ‘For the entire day tomorrow, Childe will only call (Y/N) by the cheesiest pet names’). 
MASSIVE kitchen since he loves to cook. He keeps a book of recipes from his mum and has since added new ones of his own that he has shared with you. 
“Could you come over here, baby?”
You follow your partner’s voice and the scent of something freshly baked into the kitchen.
Childe is standing behind the counter, his face in deep focus. He takes one of an array of heart-shaped biscuits and dips half of it in a bowl of chocolate before placing it on a lined baking sheet. The sleeves of his dress shirt are rolled up, exposing his forearms. His muscular build is sharply juxtaposed by the cream-coloured apron tied around himself, which has a little teddy bear embroidered in its centre. 
You approach the kitchen bench, eyes sparkling with excitement. “Are they ready yet? Can I try one?” You eagerly ask. 
“Not quite, I need help dipping the rest of these into chocolate.” He stretches his arms out in front of him, shaking the tension out of them.
“That being said,” he grins, extending a hand towards you across the kitchen bench as an offer, “would you do me the honour of being my baking assistant for a little?” 
Chuckling at his dramatics, you delicately place your hand in his like royalty. “I’d be delighted to help.”  
Childe guides you to his side and helps you put on your apron. As he ties the strings together, he relays the instructions to you. 
“You just need to dip half of the biscuit into chocolate, and then add some sprinkles on top before it sets.” He tightens the bow around your waist to secure it.
How hard could that be? You think, nodding along to his words.
Demoing an example, Childe deftly coats half of the biscuit. Angling it just right, the chocolate drips off and evens itself out, leaving a perfect covered half. After placing it on the tray and adding the finishing touch of sprinkles, he gestures for you to try it yourself.
You confidently take one biscuit and dunk it. 
Underestimating its consistency, when you lift the biscuit, the chocolate slowly spreads onto the other half of the heart and drips onto your fingers. You quickly place it onto the baking sheet. Childe stifles his laugh, covering his mouth with the back of his hand. 
“My one looks so much worse compared to yours…” you mutter, licking your fingers to remove the evidence of your unsuccessful attempt. 
Seeing the frown on your face, he gently bumps your shoulder with his own in encouragement. “Don’t say that! I think your one has a lot more charm.” He says, adding the sprinkles onto your heart. “I’ll run some extra baking classes with you to build up your skills, how does that sound?”
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610 notes · View notes
odoraful · 2 months
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zayne's last dream has left him shaken and he hopes to meet you again to reconcile his fears
content: dawnbreaker!zayne x reader; a direct continuation from zayne’s anecdote 'still in the dark'; 917 words a/n: spoilers for ‘still in dark’ so if you haven’t read it yet be warned! read part 2 here reading bgm ♫ Prologue V - The Weight of History's Presence
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Though it had been days since that last dream, the shocked expression on your face has since haunted Zayne. 
You aren’t Dr. Zayne. Who are you?
He’d been afraid to fall back asleep again since. Those dreams he once coveted so much, desperately hoping for your warm embrace, now became a source of fear for him. In every fleeting moment you shared, he thought he’d done everything right. He played the role of that smart and reliable partner just for you. 
It had all been perfect until that last dream. 
The days from then on stretched endlessly like taffy. Zayne filled in his time doing anything he could to silence his fears. He thought often about activities Georgie would have enjoyed and made himself plans with the young boy in mind. Trying new sweets at the dessert shop, reading beside the jasmine flower field in the plaza, watching the sun set from his apartment window. Detective Ivan seemed to have kept his promise, and the public whispers of Dawnbreaker fizzled away, leaving Zayne free to carry out his duties in complete anonymity. He’d sometimes finish his day off with a visit to Georgie and his mother’s graves. During the night, he’d stay awake for as long as his body could handle until he was overcome with fatigue, passing out wherever he sat.
He found that no dreams would come if he slept this way. 
The impracticality of this type of living did not faze Zayne until he stared at his own reflection in the mirror one day. He had heavy bags under his eyes and a pallor to his face that made him almost unrecognisable to himself. He gripped the edge of the sink, a sudden nausea making his head spin.
It was foolish to continue like this. He needed to see you again. 
Perhaps he should try and talk to you without the guise of this doctor. If the dream had allowed you to speak out, then surely it would give him the same ability. He would explain himself to you, prove that he was the person you loved. These dreams he had since he was a child had shaped his entire worldview. He moulded himself to be yours. Surely, with your presence in these dreams also, they must mean something to you too. 
Yes, that would be the most sensible course of action. 
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For the first time in a while, Zayne gave himself a proper night routine. Though, the flavourless nutritional liquid he downed for dinner did little to quell the anxiety in his stomach, and washing his face with cool water could not banish the heat from his cheeks. 
His mind was filled with rehearsals of what he would say to you as he laid in bed. In his periphery, he made out the dim, red glow the numbers of his alarm clock casted across the dark room. Zayne read in a medical fact sheet that it took a person around fifteen to twenty minutes to fall asleep. Turning to look at the clock, the numbers that read 23:18 dazzled his vision. 
He closed his eyes, the afterimage of the red numbers remaining behind his eyelids. His final thoughts were a plea to the stars above to let him visit you again, before he let his subconscious pull him deeper.
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Zayne did not know how he arrived here, but he now stood on a gravel path beneath archways of curling shrubbery. The greenery was well manicured with small white flowers. As he inhaled, he was surprised to find the light scent of jasmine in the air. A small piece of familiarity that calmed his senses.
Stepping out from the shade and onto grass, he realised the dream was set in a garden. Benches were scattered around to provide viewing seats for the flowers, which, Zayne noticed, seemed to only be variations of different types of white flowers. Close by, there was a river dotted with clusters of lily pads and white petals that gently drifted along the surface. A bridge over the river led to a green roofed pavilion suspended atop the water. Zayne was so accustomed to his own drab and dark world that it almost hurt his eyes to gaze around this idyllic scene. The sound of indistinct chatter surrounded him, however, there were no signs of other people around no matter where he turned, save for one person he spotted standing on the grass.
Zayne exhaled a shaky breath.
A pale blue dress that stood out against the flowering white buds flitted around your legs, though his own clothes did not rustle against any breeze. Sunlight illuminated your skin, though he could not feel any warmth from its rays. His dreams had strange ways of carefully crafting his desires. You had an expectant expression on your face, glancing about in search of somebody. Zayne’s feet felt like dragging weights as he forced himself to walk, fighting off his fear of closing the distance. 
Your expression turned to delight when you saw him approaching. You waved at him, grinning. Something twisted inside him. How long had it been since he’d seen that smile? 
He put up a hand hesitantly in greeting. 
You began to walk, almost skipping towards him. Zayne almost backed away, startled by your enthusiasm. 
Only metres apart now, you suddenly froze, eyes going wide. Zayne didn’t move a muscle, feeling his own body lock up. The background chatter dissipated, as you opened your mouth to speak. The world turned silent as if in anticipation for the words you were about to say. 
“It’s- it’s you again.” 
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odoraful · 2 months
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your classmate wants to go on a blind date with your crush and asks you to organise it ! how will you navigate this tricky situation?
content: modern au, ft. genshin characters x reader, 1.3k words a/n: this felt like a cheesy shojo plotline so my imagination just started running 🏃‍♀️
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˗ˏˋ꒰ PROLOGUE ꒱ˎˊ˗
“Could you please set me up with him?”
Your classmate has their hands clasped together, their eyes pleading at you. You mentioned off-handedly how you were close with the guy given the high honour of ‘campus crush’. Since then, they’ve been hounding you to arrange a blind date. 
Trying not to show your exasperation was getting more and more difficult. Every conversation somehow ended up having him in it. It was also even harder hearing them infatuate over someone you had liked for so long. Yes, you know the way his eyes light up whenever he gets excited, and how handsome he is no matter what he wears — you get that loud and clear! However, you knew they wouldn’t stop until you had at least tried to set something up. 
“Alright!” You lift your hands in surrender. “I’ll see what I can do.” You say, resignedly. 
Your classmate tackles you with a side hug, cheering with excitement. “You’re my hero! Thank you!” 
You pat them on the arm. Perhaps this was actually a good thing.  You’ve spent too long pining after your close friend, and his popularity meant he could easily find someone to be with. It wouldn’t be hard for him to fall for someone nice and approachable like your classmate.
Staring off into the distance, you wonder just how you’re going to approach this. 
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꒰ wanderer, xiao, cyno, kazuha + ur favs ꒱
You barely finish the question before he abruptly answers, not even looking up from his laptop screen. The clicky noises from his typing punctuating the blunt response. You were visiting his place for the day to get some work done together. Though, you devoted more time to trying to find a way to ask the question rather than focusing on your tasks. 
Crossing your arms on the table, you lean in, trying to gauge exactly what kind of reaction he’s having to this. “Come on, you don’t even want to entertain the idea of finding a partner?” 
He sighs, fingers going still. Sensing this topic wasn’t dropping anytime soon, he closes his laptop screen halfway to get a better view of you. 
“Why would I want to meet someone new?” 
His sudden attention towards you made your thoughts scramble, and the response you had ready fizzles away. He rests his face in his hand, head tilted. Hair tousled slightly, eyes shining with curiosity — it's enough to cause your breath to stutter. You could curl up with embarrassment at how your cheeks still grew hot when he looked at you a certain way. 
Maybe I should have just texted him about this… 
“W-well it’s not just about meeting a new person, there’s the potential for falling in love as well.” 
He lets out a soft chuckle, sounding unconvinced at your words. Your heart sinks a little. Did he really not want to find a partner? It was just more evidence of your one-sided love. 
“I think I have all the people I need in my life already. And besides…” He turns his head, darting his eyes away from your gaze. “What if I already have someone I love?”
The air stills. 
Trying quickly to compose yourself, you exaggerate a gasp. “You like someone and you’ve never told me before?!”
Covering your mouth with both hands, you press your fingers together to stop them from trembling. 
He rubs the back of his neck. “Yeah, I have for a while now.”
Now is the time for you to curl up with embarrassment. You couldn't believe it. All this time he had a crush on someone. You knew your chances were slim to begin with, but this really hammered that point home. You need something to distract you right now. 
Picking up your phone, you quickly unlock it and swipe to find your message app.
“I’ll text my classmate that you said no to the blind date for obvious reasons.” Your smile doesn’t quite reach your eyes as you jokingly say, “And then you should go and actually ask your crush out so they don't think I’m lying.”
With your eyes averted from his face, he hangs his head, exhaling a shaky breath. You're about to press send on the message when you hear him clearing his throat.
“Okay then.” Looking up, you notice an unfamiliar shyness on his face. “(Y/N),"
Realisation hits you. This had to be a dream right? Your body reacts before your thoughts can even catch up — heartrate quickening, stomach fluttering. There's no way the next words out of his mouth would be-
"Would you like to go out with me?”
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꒰ childe, lyney, wriothesley, kaeya + ur faves ꒱
His eyes go wide, before a smirk emerges on his lips. “A blind date?” He pops a spoonful of cake in his mouth, a pause for emphasis. “With who?”
You take your own spoon and tap away his one from taking another big piece. You thought the best chance to ask your question was when there was something sweet in front of him. Plus, the lively, unintelligible chatter and the whirring of the coffee machine in the café served as good background noise for any potential awkwardness on your part. You already feel a twinge of envy at how interested he seemed. 
“One of my classmates. We met at the start of this semester.”
He folds his arms, eyes narrowing at you. “Describe them for me. I need to know more about their personality before I make any hasty decisions.”
You roll your eyes. “Now doesn’t that defeat the whole ‘blind’ part of the blind date?”
“It doesn’t have to be detailed! I just wanna know what they’re like.”
Acquiescing to his wishes, you describe your classmate. You didn’t want to betray them, so you told him a faithful account of what they were like — outgoing, lively, sweet. The more you recounted details about them, the more you realised how perfect they would be with him. Once you finish your pitch, you take a piece of cake for yourself, scooping extra whipped cream from the top. Anything to make the lump in your throat go away. 
He hums in thought, then nods to himself, coming to some kind of conclusion. 
“Sorry. They don’t really sound like my type.”
Huh? You stare blankly at him.
“But they’re so nice! You would look so good together!” Your unexpected passion at defending your classmate causes him to lift a brow. “And besides, I didn’t realise you had a type.”
“Doesn’t everyone?” He says, matter of factly.
You busy yourself by aimlessly playing around with the remaining piece of cake with your spoon. Of course everyone has someone they gravitate towards. Even you, and that person was sitting right here. 
You’re almost afraid to ask this question, but your curiosity gets the better of you. “Well go on, what kind of person do you like then?” 
Almost like he was waiting for you to ask, he becomes animated as he talks. “Well, they need to be fun to hang out with, and definitely have similar interests as me.” 
He eyes your face and smiles.
“And I find it cute if they’re a little clumsy. Especially when it comes to eating cake. For example, they might have some cream in the corner of their lip right-” 
He reaches his hand towards your face. Your brain malfunctions when he lightly rests it beneath your chin and swipes a thumb over the outside of your lips. Pulling his hand back, you see remnants of the whipped cream you ate. 
Does this mean he...!? You repeat over and over in your head. The feeling of his touch lingers on your skin, tingling.
He grins at your dumbfounded expression, licking the cream off his thumb. “-here.”
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477 notes · View notes
odoraful · 2 months
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zayne finally meets with you again in his dreams, though he is unprepared to face the harsh truth
read part 1 content: dawnbreaker!zayne x reader; a direct continuation from zayne’s anecdote 'still in dark' (spoiler warning); 2.2k words; angst :( reading bgm ♫ It is The Nature of Dreams to End (Julia)
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It took a few seconds for Zayne’s brain to register that he should reply to you. 
Stop staring with your mouth agape. Say something. 
The words were lodged in his throat.
You fidgeted with your hair, eyes turned downwards. “Excuse my manners. I should stop addressing you incorrectly and ask for your name.”
Zayne cringed internally. A great start — he now gave the impression that he was deliberately ignoring you for your supposed impoliteness. 
“No, please, it's alright.” The sentence tumbled out of him. “My name is Zayne.” His arms remained glued at his sides. 
“It's the same as his… everything is the same,” you murmured, shaking your head in disbelief. Your brow was in a deep furrow, as if you someone had given you some incalculable equation to solve. He could tell that a million questions were flooding your thoughts right now. 
“If it’s any consolation,” he tried his best to give a reassuring smile, but he felt his lips tremble as he lifted the corners of his mouth, “I also have questions about how we’ve come to meet.”
You raised your head, finally meeting his gaze. In all his dreams with you, he'd never seen such worry on your face. He felt a crushing urge to take you in his arms, smooth a hand over your hair, whisper in your ear that he was here for you, that he was here to protect you. Instead, he squeezed his fists tight.
“Then, should we go somewhere more comfortable and have a talk?” You offered, turning around to face the pavilion suspended on the river. You lifted a hand to shade your eyes. “The sun is too bright to be standing outside.” 
Zayne nodded. It would be too embarrassing for him to say that the golden sunlight targeting you was likely a product of his own subconscious. Moving to your side, the two of you headed towards the bridge leading to the pavilion. As he walked, Zayne relaxed his fists, feeling the sting in his palm from his own digging fingernails.
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Your eyes went wide with alarm. “Humans that slowly transform into wanderers? That’s horrifying.” You wrapped your arms around yourself, goosebumps forming on your skin.
Sitting now on the bench that lined the inside of the pavilion, the two of you conversed about your respective worlds. With embarrassment, he mentioned how he dreamt about you since he was 12. You laughed at how shy he was getting, as he turned his head away from yours, not wanting you to see the break in his coolness. When you spoke, he acted as a dutiful listener, despite having already extensively researched the fabled Linkon City. It felt surreal to hear your experience first hand. It made him feel less crazy to hear everything he learned was true. 
“And are there hunters to help control this? To keep everyone safe?” You asked. 
Zayne inhaled a long breath. He looked out past your shoulder at the shimmering river. He turned solemn, his eyes unfocused. 
“I don’t know of anybody in my world who has an evol, as you’ve called it, besides me.” 
He felt no pride in owning this power. It was a burden he shouldered since he was a child. Yet, he understood the gravity of the responsibility forced upon him. If he abandoned this role, what would become of his world? The cards he were dealt gave him a singular purpose in life. 
That was until you entered his life. 
You remained silent, digesting the information he had given and what it implied. Zayne felt acutely aware of every one of his senses. The rhythm of his breaths, the weight of his hands clasped in his lap, the stiffness in his posture. 
“You save people’s lives.”  His eyes shifting back to you, Zayne unexpectedly saw a wistful look on your face. “It reminds me a lot of my Zayne.”
This should have been the part where you condemned him, like everyone else in his world. Called him a monster, a killer, nothing but a story to scare children into behaving well. If he wasn’t mistaken, the faint smile on your face was one of admiration. Never had he seen himself as heroic. Those few words you spoke made him crumple. He placed his head in his hands. Not only that, you said it reminded you of your Zayne. 
He heard the rustle of your dress beside him as you sat closer to him. Your legs almost flush against his. If he leaned barely a millimetre to his right, your arms would touch. 
“I want to know,” he started, finding his voice again. “In the past, you never realised I was someone else. What changed in that last dream?”
Humming in thought, you tapped a finger on your chin. “I’m not too sure about it myself.” You began to chuckle sheepishly.  “I do have a working theory, but I would need to…” Your sentence trailed off. Zayne stared at you, confused. You seemed to shrink under his gaze. 
“Is it alright if I…” Biting your lip, you fidgeted with your fingers. “Touch you?” 
What kind of theory is this? Zayne could never guess your next move. Freely speaking your mind, acting on your first instinct, these were traits so foreign to him. Your unpredictability was something he loved and feared.
“Of- of course,” he blurted out, less composed than he would’ve liked to show. He prayed his cheeks didn’t betray him by turning bright pink. Turning his body towards you, he rested his hands on his thighs, waiting for what you would do. 
You reached a hand and gently cupped his cheek. 
Unable to contain his reaction, Zayne let out a shuddering breath at the contact as he leaned in. The casual affection that was so natural for you to show completely overwhelmed him. As you leaned in, your eyes slowly examined him, moving up and down his face. All Zayne could do was yield under your attention. Despite no words being exchanged, he felt more vulnerable to you than ever before. 
He grasped your hand, holding it against his face. You felt so real. How could his mind conjure something so tangible? The shape of your knuckles, the creases on your fingers, all of it was warm and alive under his cool touch. He was certain that if he touched the underside of your wrist, he would feel your steady pulse. 
“Zayne.” Your voice was a hesitant whisper. “You’re hurting me…” 
Caught up in exhilaration, Zayne didn’t notice how tight his grip had become. Your fingers were being crushed together by his. He immediately released his hold, cursing inwardly at himself. What was he thinking? Your Zayne wouldn’t have done that. He wouldn’t have been so aggressive, so overly emotional. 
“I remember now.” Feeling your breath graze his skin as you spoke, he fought off the urge to shiver. “I started to notice that there was something about your gaze…” Your eyes softened with sympathy. “There’s no warmth to it.”
Your hand trailed down his cheek to his neck. “And when I touch you.” Tingles followed wherever your fingers went. “You tense up everytime.” Emphasising your point, your hand rested on his shoulder, forcing him to relax his muscles. “Almost like you’re scared of me, somehow.”
No, this wasn’t how it was meant to go. He had expected you to say something trivial — his appearance was slightly off, or he had just forgotten to say or do something that was an obvious tell. These were easy fixes for him.
Zayne screwed his eyes shut, defenceless against your pity.
After all these dreams living in snippets as this doctor, this perfect version of himself, he still couldn’t get it right. No matter how well he could copy, from watching all those medical show episodes or tasting as many desserts as his barren world could offer, there were fundamental things about himself he couldn’t change.  
“I-I don’t understand.” He said, strained. He felt like a child again, terrified of making the wrong move. “I thought I did everything right.”
“You did!” You exclaimed. Bringing your other hand to his other shoulder, you gently squeezed them. “You treat me so kindly whenever we met, but my Zayne is the one back in my world, in Linkon.”
Your hands withdrew from his shoulders. “And in any case, this-” You gestured around, “- is just a dream. I might not even remember this exact conversation when I wake up. I don’t think I’m even real in this-”
“Don’t say that.” He snapped. 
His voice seemed to reverberate around the garden. The severity of his tone silenced you instantly. 
Sitting still was too restricting for him now. He ran a hand through his hair, needing to move around. He stood up, nausea swirling at the pit of his stomach. Rubbing his eyes with the edges of his hands, he saw stars in the vision. 
To hell with composure.
“I’ve known you for so, so long.” It was difficult to speak when every word constricted his throat. “Do not tell me that you’re not real because then everything I’ve worked towards would be for nothing.” 
You cocked your head, confused. “Everything you’ve worked towards?”
Sparing himself the shame, he stayed quiet. He wouldn’t tell you how he spent his entire life in a fruitless endeavour to become the person you loved. It was a shattering realisation he arrived at. He was nothing but an imposter, a poor imitation. He could never be your Zayne. Desperation bubbled rapidly within him. The pressure reached a tipping point. 
“You told me before that you’d always stay by my side" His tone wavered, struggling to keep stable between his quickened breaths. "Don’t leave me, please.” He pleaded, face contorting with agony. This loss would be more painful than any Abomination strike to his heart.
Your eyes were downcast, shoulders slumped. “Of course I can meet with you again, but I don’t think I can stay with you forever.” You wrapped your arms around yourself. “I’m so, so sorry, Zayne. It- it just doesn’t feel right for some reason.”
The floor of the pavilion swayed under his feet. The tranquillity of the garden felt more like a mockery now than a solace. Why did you have to see through him? Could he have prevented this from happening? Seized by his own racing thoughts, he didn’t even detect you moving towards him. You encircled his waist with your arms and he crumpled into the hug instinctually. Tears welled up in the corners of his eyes. Nobody would be there to comfort him when he woke up. He’d share his misery with only the birds that nested at his window in the mornings. So, he savoured the feeling of your hand rubbing his back soothingly, letting your warmth consume him.
”Perhaps there’s an equivalent version of me in your world.” He could just hear your voice over the thumping heartbeat in his ears. “If there’s me and my Zayne in Linkon, then shouldn’t there also be someone for you?”  
A version of you? He couldn’t begin to process what you were saying. No one could replace you, it was a ridiculous suggestion. How easily you would brush him aside like this.
He dared to look at your face once more. There was no contempt in your expression like he thought there would be. There was genuine care in your eyes. Of course, you were always the hopeful one. 
“It’s not too late for you to find out who you truly are, Zayne.”
That was the last thing he heard before he was abruptly pulled from you. 
Dreams seldom have satisfying endings to them — bouncing from one scene to the next, blurring beginning, middle, end, and finishing far too soon. And so, like the snapping of thread, he was flung back into the waking world. 
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When Zayne awoke from previous dreams, he’d always feel at peace. However, this time he jolted awake, gasping for air. Taking in deep breaths to steady himself, he saw the blankets had been kicked aside onto the floor. Sweat slicked the back of his shirt and beaded down the side of his head. 
Zayne sat up against the bed head, letting his head roll to the side to gaze out the window. The sun was just beginning to rise, the landscape outside diffused by pale blue light. A bird flew up to the sill, hopping curiously on the ledge. It then settled down, legs disappearing into its feathery body. 
He opened the drawer of his bedside table and wearily reached for his journal and pen. With a heavy heart, he scrawled down everything he could recall about the dream. Where he was, what you wore, what you said. The occasional lilting chirp from the bird cut through his pondering.
“Another version of me.”
Could there be someone like you in his world? Someone who would want to spend time with him? He’d never thought to talk to anyone else, he only ever needed you. 
He finished his final sentence, the writing almost unintelligible.
“Who you truly are.” 
When he wasn’t chasing down the person in his head, when he wasn’t trying to be someone else, who was he, truly? 
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a/n: thank you for reaching the end xx 🥹 you've hit the surprise author note! i'm putting it here this time cuz i didn't want to detract from the main story with all my yapping at the start! i thought the bgm had a title fitting for my interpretation of dawnbreaker zayne's arc, and it does have the appropriate melancholic vibe to it :') this was my first time writing something longer and angst-ier, so apologies if it reads awkwardly D: i will continue honing my writing! i wish you a lovely day or night <3
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133 notes · View notes
odoraful · 3 months
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the boys react to you being really sleepy around them 💤
characters: zayne, xavier, rafayel x gn reader content: established relationship, comfort a/n: this was from an anon who requested a sleepy m/c! i'm sorry it took a bit, but to the lovely anon i hope i did your idea justice! shoutout to all my constantly sleepy folks out there as well
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It was only midday when you and Zayne boarded the train from Snowcrest back to Linkon, but your head was already lolling to the side. The homey, wintery town had an atmosphere that was too relaxing. Especially during those late afternoons after you and Zayne had gone cafe hopping, you wanted nothing more than to bask in the sun and fall asleep. 
As you settled into your seat by the window, Zayne pushed his and your luggage in the above storage compartment. Seeing his partner’s head bob towards the glass window, Zayne smiled to himself.
“I've never seen a person so sleepy before.” Zayne remarked, taking his place in the seat beside you.  
“It’s not my fault,” you mumbled groggily, “it’s the town.”
You began to rub your eyes, attempting to bring some life back into them. 
“I didn’t realise a town could have sedative properties.” He said, dryly. 
“You don’t understand, it’s too cosy. I feel like all my defences are down.” 
Zayne was entertained at the way you spun that into a complaint. A renowned hunter who finally takes a well-needed break feels too comforted by their holiday getaway.
He rested a hand on his chin in mock thought. “Should we have added combat training in the itinerary to have you be more alert, then?”
You laughed, knowing that if that had actually happened you would have hated it. The relaxation you experienced on this trip was a genuine good thing for the both of you. You continued to rub your eyes, trying to remove the build-up from when you last slept. Your movements were halted as Zayne gently held your wrists in place. You looked over at him, curiously. 
“I may not be an ophthalmologist, but I know rubbing your eyes too hard can damage the lens.” He leaned closer to examine them. They were slightly red from all the pressure you had put on them.
“Forcing yourself awake won’t do you any favours.”  He gently brushed a thumb over your eyelids. “You should sleep.”
He relaxed his shoulders, bumping them against yours in wordless invitation. You felt your protest fizzle away at the thought of resting on Zayne right this second. Some argument about how he would be bored without his number 1 conversation partner on the commute disappeared when you tilted your head and fell on his shoulder. 
“Don’t forget to wake me up when we get there…” Your voice trailed off as you nuzzled in place, trying to find a good spot to sleep. 
Zayne combed his fingers through your hair, tidying it up from your head wiggling. You were unresponsive to his touch. Your steady breathing signalled that you had already passed out. He stared fondly at your peaceful face. Inwardly, he admitted that the ride would be much less fun without your chatter, but he was more than content with just your presence alone. 
Succumbing to temptation, he lightly poked your cheek. He mused to himself about how you were somewhat correct — your defences were down, but it was to his benefit. He could finally do things like this without your teasing. 
Xavier moved his hand, ready to turn over to the next page of the book. He looked at you, expectantly.
“Have you finished this page?”
You hummed affirmatively, and he eagerly flipped to the next chapter. 
You and Xavier had begun the habit of reading in bed together in the evenings. The book of choice was Xavier's pick — an old-school mystery novel. Someone is found murdered in their private quarters on a train, and the detective must find the culprit before they strike again. The plot was thrilling, and you were enthralled from the beginning. However, between being weighted under plush quilts, propped up by fluffy pillows, and the body warmth of Xavier, you felt the words of the page slipping away from you. 
“Xavier, could you read aloud for me?”
His eyes turned wide like a surprised bunny. “Why the sudden request? Is everything okay?” He immediately covered your forehead with his hand, checking your temperature. 
Chuckling, you swatted his hand away. “I’m alright. I just want to hear your voice, please.” You looped your arm around him and Xavier softened. 
He couldn’t argue against your wishes. He cleared his throat and read the words out loud. Though Xavier didn’t have the most performative voice, he still tried to be a good storyteller — acting out the dialogue for each different character and steadying his pacing. The gentleness of his voice enveloped you. It quickly sounded less like an intense crime novel, and more like a children’s storybook. 
You closed your eyes, attempting to keep an attentive ear to what Xavier was saying. 
“Are you still with me?” He asked, sensing how you had relaxed against his side. 
“Yes, yes, I’m still listening.” Your eyes remained shut, words slightly slurring together. “Keep going. I think the case is-” A yawn you tried to stifle came out. “About to be cracked wide open.”
Xavier continued, taking note of your growing drowsiness. He read out loud this time in a more hushed voice, “‘The detective gathered everyone in the train’s shared compartment space. Pacing across the carpet, he had finally figured out the killer’s identity.’” 
There was a slight thud against the headboard.
Turning to the source of the sound, Xavier found you fast asleep. 
He shook his head, laughing quietly to himself. Even when the culprit is about to be revealed, you still decide to fall asleep.
To be honest, he was beginning to get sleepy himself, so perhaps it was perfect timing. The two of you were cutely similar in that regard. In fact, Xavier had done the exact same thing a few days ago. Chastising you about it would only backfire on himself.  
He carefully removed your arm loosely looped around his own and quietly stood up to tuck you in. Laying you in a more comfortable position, he readjusted the blanket to cover your body, admiring how snuggled deeper into the sheets. He joined you in bed. The warm glow of the night light behind him on the bedside table faintly illuminated your serene expression. 
“Sweet dreams,” he whispered, before placing a light kiss on your forehead and switching off the light.
It was a hot day in Linkon, and Whitesand Beach was the perfect respite for the artist and his bodyguard. The sand gleamed silvery-white under the sun, with crystalline waves crashing against the shore. There were many others here who had also pitched beach canopies to provide a shield against the heat. You and Rafayel had tried your best to create a comfortable interior with your rented outdoor lounge chairs and mini portable fans. You were lying on one of the chairs, relishing in the fresh air (a definite contrast from the city) whilst you waited for Rafayel. 
He soon returned holding up two drinks, both decorated with little umbrellas and even small skewers with fruit. 
You took the glass from him in amused shock. “Raf, did you make a special request for more decorations?”
Rafayel took a sip of the drink before placing it down on the table. “Nope, the employee recognised me and wanted to add a bit more pizazz to the drinks.” He plopped in his seat and flashed a smile. “Don’t worry, I tipped them extra for their efforts.”
You sipped the cool drink and gazed out at the beach, mesmerised by the waves. It’s repetitive ebb and flow almost lulled you somehow. 
The day hasn't even started! How can you even think about sleeping?! You scolded yourself. You patted both your cheeks to snap out of this tiredness. 
You turned your attention to something else. A couple were playing volleyball nearby. You watched the ball be tossed back-and-forth, back-and-forth… Your eyelids began to fall on their accord. 
Rafayel's voice pulled you from your drowsiness, and you realised he had been observing you this whole time. “Didn’t sleep well last night?” He cocked his head to the side in concern.
“I did, but-” You turned to your side to face him properly. “Being out here just makes me feel sleepy, that’s all.”
Too adorable. He thought to himself, seeing the small pout on your face as you rubbed your eyes. 
“I can’t think of a better place to rest than next to the ocean. It’s nature’s own background noise.” He proclaimed. 
Though that sounded enticing, you still hesitated. Wouldn’t it make you a bad partner if you slept for most of the time you two were outside? Sensing your reluctance, Rafayel continued.
“And how are you going to be a good bodyguard for me if you’re not well rested? Didn’t they teach you that in Bodyguard 101?”
“‘Bodyguard 101’?” You repeated in disbelief at Rafayel’s ability to dramatise. “I must have skipped that introductory course in university.” 
“Well then, you can make up for the lost study with experience, starting right now.” His humorous tone waned, as he brought out his sketchpad. “Don’t worry about me, I was planning on doing some drawings anyway. I won’t leave your side.” The softness of his words reassured you. 
The mixture of crashing waves and light chatter from other beach goers had you sleeping almost immediately.
Rafayel had intended to do some drawings of the scenery, but he fixed his artistic eye on you, now finding a much better source of inspiration to fill his pages.
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odoraful · 3 months
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𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬?
blade piques your auntie's interest when you visit her shop to run some errands.
content: blade & reader are friends (they secretly like each other); a little humorous :) word count: 723 a/n: *drops my first hsr fic and runs away* i might write a part 2 resolving the shenanigans that occur here if there's enough interest!
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Blade had barely spoken a word this entire outing. Not that it was unusual for him, however, his wordless, watchful demeanour made every passer-by shrink away. It appeared to others that he was less of your friend and more of a guard dog. Despite the names of the Stellaron Hunters being cleared, just the sight of him with his stony stare was of automatic suspicion among the Xianzhou Loufu. 
He folded his arms and leaned against the side of the building, watching you converse warmly with a merchant selling metal working supplies. 
“An apprentice in the Artisanship Commission?” The merchant said in awe. “I remember when you were-” she placed a hand to the side of her hip, her voice dripping with fondness “-this big and dreaming about joining the commission, and look at you now!” 
Out of the corner of his eye, Blade saw the merchant lift a hand and ruffle your hair. Despite the slight resigned look on your face as you leaned into the touch, you still laughed. To see someone as capable as you be treated like a child was an intriguing sight. His gaze travelled from your upturned lips to your hand smoothing out your tousled hair. 
“Thank you, auntie. Expect me to visit you a lot more often nowadays.”
She tsked and squeezed your cheek. “Ai-yah, you should already be visiting me more.”
You noticeably grew bashful at her words. Luckily, your auntie’s disapproval vanished quickly. “Now you just hold tight, I know exactly what your junior apprentices need.” She crouched out of sight below the countertop and rummaged through the storage, the sound of tools clinked against each other. 
You turned towards Blade and gave a thumbs up with both hands. He acknowledged you with a single nod. The grin on your face was too bright, almost blinding. You turned back to speak with the merchant.
Blade stared at the back of your head. Your smile was gone too soon.
Despising the ache he felt, he shook his head, keeping those strange, simmering feelings within him at bay. 
“Boyfriend! Are you going to help carry this?” The merchant’s voice pierced through his musings.
There was the tiniest waver in Blade's blank expression. He saw her gesture towards a wooden storage box on the counter, one hand on her hip. 
You collapsed onto the counter. “Aeons, you don’t have to yell out like that!” Your hands covered your reddening face. “And he’s not my boyfriend.” 
No matter how well one may hide it, family members had a heightened sense for when young people were in love. Highly amused by your reaction, your auntie pushed a little more.
“You know he’s watching you as if I’m going to steal you away or something.” She leaned in closer and mock whispered, “Is he one of these crazy possessive types?”
“Auntie!” Your eyes turned into saucers in shock. “He’s not.”
She lifted both her hands with a cheeky, knowing grin, as if to say ‘you don’t have to tell me, I already know.’
Blade was surprised at the familiarity of the look. It was one he often saw on Kafka, with her naturally sassy countenance. She had that exact knowing smile when she had asked him about the details of his sudden excursion during his downtime today. He angled himself off the wall to walk to your side.
“At least get to know his name, it’s Blade.” You said, firmly.
“Ohh Blade, huh?” The merchant’s critical eyes trailed up and down, assessing the man who had wooed her niece. “Hm…a tough guy name. What do you do?” 
“You are referring to my occupation?” Blade asked. 
Your auntie wasn’t expecting such a deep, gravelly voice that it made her physically jump. You scrambled to pick up the wooden box, heaving it into your arms. Blade head jerked to your movements in alarm. You tried to back away at a fast enough pace that etiquette would allow when exiting a conversation. 
“Thanks auntie, but we really need to go now. Love you!” You frantically gestured at Blade to follow. 
Your auntie bellowed with laughter. “Alright then, make sure you visit me again soon! You too Mr Blade!” She called out as you scurried across the market square. A puzzled Blade followed beside you, attempting to take the heavy box from your hands.
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odoraful · 4 months
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it's a cosy saturday night. rain gently patters against the windows. you set up a small projector in your bedroom and decide to play a horror game with your boyfriend while snuggling in bed.
characters: zayne, xavier, rafayel content: headcanons, established relationship, no in-depth details of anything scary (however, there are descriptions of the type of horror game they play!) a/n: tbh i’m not the biggest fan of horror games, but i do enjoy peoples' reactions to playing them, so i thought it’d be fun to picture how the boys would play hehe
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You're playing an exploration-focused game set in a hospital. The main character is a patient who seems to be having visions of their past.
You take the controls, and he lets you sit in his lap. Only if you get too scared or rage quits does he take the controller from you to play.
“No!” You cry out when the hiding spot you put your character in is discovered by the creature. You bury your face into Zayne’s arm, frightened by the sudden attack.
Defeated, you hang your head and wordlessly raise the controller towards him.
He chuckles, wrapping his arms around you to take it from your hands. “I’m guessing that means you’re tapping out for now?”
Snuggling deeper into his chest, you sigh. “Yep, you’re subbing in.”
Zayne manoeuvres the character carefully around the abandoned hospital and you hold your breath. The silence of his concentration is occasionally broken by your gasp seeing the creature stalking right past the character. Miraculously, he manages to evade and escape on his first try. 
“We did it!” You cheer with relief. 
“We?" He lifts a brow. "If I’m not mistaken, I was the one holding the controller.”
“Well, I was your emotional support!”   
If he is scared, he never lets it show. Rather than screams, the most you’ll get out of him is a slight flinch or a curse under his breath. He actually seems to be more frustrated than frightened. 
He’s an ace detective when it comes to putting clues together and figuring out the mystery! Lowkey a lore gatherer. 
“I see… so these hallucinations are simply a manifestation of the main character’s guilt.” He's absorbed in the inventory screen, sifting through all the collected notes and letters.  “Zayne, I think we’ve spent more time reading than actually playing...”
You’re playing a survival game set in space. The main character is a lone astronaut on a space station who must defeat an extraterrestrial monster. 
You two alternate between who’s in charge of controls based on each save point. 
When he does get scared, he reacts by dodging out of the way in real life as if the alien is actually coming through the screen. 
Xavier doesn’t have the most experience with video games, so it takes him a little bit to understand the mechanics. Despite this inexperience, he still clutches it anyway. It also pushes him to try over and over again even if he fails multiple times. 
"Xavier, let me have a go at it if you can’t get past this.” 
This is his third go at defeating the monster in the final stage of the game. He shakes his head fervently. “I can do this. If you think about it, this is just like evading a wanderer’s attacks.” There’s a determined look in his eyes. “I should be good at this.”
You poke his shoulder. “Well, the problem is that the character in-game doesn’t have your evol to help them out.”
Xavier hums thoughtfully. “They have a sword though. I know how to use a sword.”
The innocence of his tone strikes you through your heart and you can't say anything to refute his logic. Maybe real-life sword skills can transfer to in-game controls.  You give in. “Okay, you get one more go at it! I know you can do this."
Your encouragement renews his spirit. He lifts up a fist. “I’ll get it this time for sure.”
Easily gets side tracked from the main quest and wants to explore every nook and cranny. Collectables and achievements? This might be the first time Xavier stays awake because he’s getting a one-hundred percent completion rate. 
Questions the survivability of the main character and the realism of the situation.
How can drinking medicine instantaneously cure the character’s wounds? How is the character still walking after being bitten in the leg? Beings from a different planet don’t actually look like this you know…
You’re playing an indie game set in an abandoned mansion. The main character has inherited this house from their grandfather, who was a wealthy collector of occult art pieces.
He wants to be in-charge of all the controls and lets you cuddle against his side. You observe his gameplay like you're watching a movie. 
Tries his best to maintain his composure to show you just how calm, cool and collected he can be. However, he ends up jumping around every corner he turns.
He either moves really slowly because he can’t stand not knowing where the phantoms are lurking, or will charge straight in to get it over and done with. 
“This doesn’t scare me. I’m just being cautious,” he’ll say defensively, leaning into your shoulder more as he slowly moves the controls to pan the camera around the empty room. His efforts are futile as the phantom zooms past the open door behind the character, accompanied by a piercing sound cue.
Rafayel’s shriek drowns out yours, as your scream swiftly turns into a fit of laughter. 
“Your scream scared me more-” your words come out in bits and pieces between your cackles, “than the actual jumpscare!" 
He’s red in the face, offended by how amused you were at his suffering.
“My life is in mortal danger, and you’re laughing at me?!” He tries to stay indignant, but he can’t help but crack a smile at how lost in laughter you are. 
Has a genuine appreciation for the art direction of the game. He loves how atmospheric it is and compliments the stylistic choices. He actually chose this game just because the reviews raved about how good the visuals were. 
“This is a nice house, like look at all this antique decor. You think we could live in a place like this someday?” You shiver. “A haunted mansion infested with ghosts? I think I’ll pass…”
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odoraful · 4 months
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you bring home a souvenir that you picked out just for them!
characters: lyney/zhongli x reader. tags: fluff, established relationship author note: part 1 had neuvi and xiao if you’d like to read! happy lunar new year to everyone! 🎇
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𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑴𝑨𝑮𝑰𝑪𝑰𝑨𝑵 *ੈ ☽ ๋࣭ ⭑
“Is this your subtle way of proposing to me, mon coeur?” The magician asks, holding the ring between his thumb and forefinger. The band is made of rose gold, with engravings of some kind of flower surrounding it. He delicately removes his gloves, and there’s a mischievous glint in his eyes as he places it on his ring finger. 
You smack him lightly, unable to stop the smile spreading on your face. “Lyney! Stop joking around!” 
He puts an arm around his stomach, heaving with laughter at how quickly you became so flushed. 
“If I were going to propose to you,” you say, poking his shoulder, “I would have made it far more romantic than this.”
Certainly not in the middle of the parlour room in Lyney’s home. You had just returned from your visit to Sumeru and had agreed to meet before Lyney’s performance later that afternoon. There was nothing particularly special planned about this date, you had just both wanted to see each other as soon as you could. How could you have possibly planned a proposal so soon!? Anyway, what would a proposal fitting for the renowned magician even look like? It would probably require plenty of rainbow rose flower petals...
Lyney leans back on the sofa. He always had a performative way of speaking, fitting for someone who must capture the attention of an attention, but his tone noticeably softens as he speaks. “You know, if this was an offer for marriage, I wouldn’t have minded it at all. Extravagant or not, for you, I would say yes without question.”
Lyney was known for being a charmer. His compliments freely given, perhaps overcompensating for his tight-lipped secrets about his magic tricks. Around you, his overly flirtatious nature often bleeds into something more heartfelt, which is where you consider his charm truly lies. 
“You better get ready then, because the question might come sooner than you think.” You tease. 
“You should be the one getting prepared. I might pop the question before you.” He folds his arms with a smug grin plastered on his face.
Leave it to Lyney to create a competition about who can be more romantic.
“I might even give you a ring just like this one so we can match.” 
“Then we should travel to Sumeru together next time. I think Zubayr Theatre would be happy to have a magic act perform on their stage.”
“A theatre? I’m enjoying this place already. An appreciation of the arts, and-” he holds his left hand out to admire the ring, “purveyors of fine jewellery.” He traces his finger along the floral engraving on the band, inspecting the craftsmanship. 
“It’s a Sumeru rose,” you say, sensing his curiosity. “It’s typically used for perfumes, but it’s also a classic symbol in Sumeru literature for companionship.”
“Companionship?” He says, thoughtfully. He suddenly stands. “Then, it surely needs to be in a pair. We must go to Sumeru at once to get a second one.”
You laugh, trying to calm your partner down. You tell him that your plans to travel can wait until after he finishes his back-to-back performances. 
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As the box opens, you see Zhongli’s eyes widen. Sitting in the midday sun at Third Round Knockout, the light glimmers against the polished brass casing of the gift you bought him. He looks up, meeting your expectant eyes. A laugh erupts out of him. A hearty sound of awe that you hear when he stumbles on a rare antiquity.
“A Fontainian pocket watch? I have only heard stories of the clockwork mechanisms used in that region… this is most fascinating.”
He picks the watch up and presses the button on top of the case. It springs open, showcasing an intricate interior of interlocking gears coloured in varying shades of brass and gold. Zhongli studies the second hand ticking away.
“You have quite the discerning taste, it even matches the clothes I wear.”
You beam at him. “Of course I do! And it’s not just for aesthetics, it also helps you keep track of time.” Realising how that could be interpreted, you scramble to cover yourself. “Not that you have any difficulties with that or anything.”
He lifts a brow. “My dear, was that a slight against my age?” The smirk on his face reveals the tips of his sharp canines.
“Zhongli,” you draw out the last syllable of his name, a pleading expression on your face. “You know I didn’t mean it like that.”
“I apologise, I was merely teasing you,” he chuckles. He takes your hand and rubs the back of it with his thumb. “I know there was a greater meaning behind this gift when you chose it.”
As always, your partner has an easy read on you.
Despite his immortality, Zhongli had never been indifferent of time, rather, had a solemn appreciation of it. Though the people of his past may no longer be with him, the memories formed remain with him forever. An ever-burning warmth stemming from ages long past. You wanted to commemorate that part about him.
And who knows, maybe it would help encourage Hu Tao not to dilly dally around before their meetings if he had tangible proof of her tardiness.
The second hand ticks past twelve, and the minute hand shifts slightly to the right.
He stops rubbing your hand and squeezes it. His voice drops to a whisper. “I will treasure this gift for eternity. Thank you.”
His pocket watch is now always tucked inside his coat, the chain fastened around his top button. Whenever you arrange dates, he’ll select the most oddly specific times. Twenty-seven minutes past noon, thirteen minutes to four, making the most use of the present you gave him.
Those who pass by will quietly wonder why the consultant of Wangsheng Funeral parlour would focus so much attention on his little time-keeping device, until they see your skipping form coming to meet him to which he’ll smile fondly and close his pocket watch.
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