#oc: peachy
scarabteeth · 2 years
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two out of fifteen families. i’m ill (Rose and Peachy are a part of UFS, the others are more minor characters within the show, but they play important parts)
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decompose1 · 2 years
Hi! Sorry this is late, but this for the OC ask game! :) These are questions for two UFS characters, Peachy and Rose! They both really seem like intetesting characters :D You don't have really answer them all if some are too spoilery! My questions are 10, 19, 20, 29, 35, 36, 42, and 50! Sorry if that's too many questions 0_0; you can just pick some if that's the case, that's all, bye! :D
10: Do they have any markings, piercings or scars?
Peachy: Peachy has various light yellow-orange splotches :o) i don't keep these a super consistent shape, i sort of draw them however i want, often in little shapes like hearts/stars/triangles/circles!! BUT that's just my lil stylization thingy, Peachy DOES actually have splotches! They're like the fruit equivalent to a birthmark hehe! I also pretty much always draw her with rosy cheeks.
Rose: Rose doesn't have much in the way of markings, i think their thorns, roots, and claws are their most distinguishing features!! However... i think they would love to have some piercings, they could rock it. If they had a nose, they'd get a bridge piercing, i think. They would also have a piercing on the Gay Ear. Things to consider with gijinkas maybe!!!!
19: Hobbies
Peachy: She doesn't have a ton of free time, and she'd only ever advertise her beauty stuff, but i think she secretly enjoys painting.
Rose: Rose sings!! It isn't professional for them or anything, but they do like to sing a bit on open mic night at the venue they work at! I like to think they would be a good singer. (Considering i'm the one planned to voice them, though, who knows how true i could ever make that,)
20: Clothing/Aesthetic
Peachy: Oh she's so extremely preppy. She's so preppy it hurts. Big fan of pink/sunset colors- varies between neutral tones and super flashy. She does like to go all out whenever possible. Think early 2000s cheerleaders. Very into mini skirts, fun socks, etc. Not afraid to show skin. LOTS of makeup, enjoyer of scrunchies and pom pom ties. I give her a very girly aesthetic with a lot of nostalgia elements. Very mean girls-esque. Sunset or bubblegum palettes!!
Rose: Think, like... a sophisticated, romantic aesthetic. They're a fancy flower! Vintage, pretty things. For clothing/style, they REALLY like to go with a very "mixed" presentation, so they'll often incorporate both typically masculine and feminine things. Vests, lace, corsets, boots, ties... anything is free game if it fits the look! They tend to prefer deeper tones like maroon/forest green/plum/navy/etc, or more muted ones. Not super bright, very proper and luxurious. They have a very romantic and fancy aesthetic. The kind of person who writes love poems. Almost vampiric.
29: What was childhood like?
Peachy: Peachy was a child star, with her mother (Apricot) as her manager and her father (Plum) staying out of it. She was an only child. She is quite spoiled and often comes off bratty and mean these days. She is still currently managed by her mother. I will leave it at that for now, i think :o)
Rose: Rose has a good relationship with their family! It was just them for a good while. Their mom (Multiflora) was a singer, and she taught them a lot. They had sort of always had very... mixed ideas as far as gender, and the role they played, and what they wanted to do and who they liked, and that... you know, likely led to some issues with peers and bullying. When they were a young teen, though, they got a little sister, Wimi (<a type of tea rose!), who they love dearly. They are so so protective.
35: What are they like as a friend?
Peachy: It... really depends. Peachy is pretty inconsistent in her relationships. This is probably because a lot of her friendships are based more on her popularity than sincerity, and she's used to it, so she doesn't take most relationships that seriously. It has kind of screwed with her sense of loyalty. It would take some real work to get her to understand a relationship- even a friendship- is serious/sincere. She assumes most are not, and will treat them accordingly. (It's Possible, she just has walls.)
Rose: Rose is pretty much the opposite of Peachy here. They feel things hard and fast. They are VERY prone to becoming protective of people they care about, and they are a big lover. Though they are also EXTREMELY flirty, and will often flirt with people- including friends- a lot. And then they. have trouble actually going anywhere with that because they are so nervous about their thorns hurting someone. Endless feedback loop. Rose You Are A Disaster (<one of the calmest people on the show actually)
36: What are they like as a partner?
Peachy: Unfortunately, much like her friendships, she tends to not get very attached, as she hasn't had very many serious relationships. Fame will do that! ... If she does start to feel things for someone, though, she is... kind of a wreck. She doesn't know how to handle things like that. She would want to make them happy, and i'm not sure she'd really understand how. For a usually very confident and dominant person, i feel like she would need some help understanding herself in a genuine relationship.
Rose: HUGE sap. Very very romantic. Their love language is everything. They give gifts. They love spending time together. They're just very loving in general. Still extremely fiercely protective, and they might worry a little much, but it's alright. The biggest obstacle is their thorns. They usually won't touch anyone out of fear that they could prick/scratch people, so one would need to find a way around that (either by being someone who can't be cut, or by figuring out ways to touch while avoiding the thorns, etc).
42: What’s the dumbest thing your character’s done?
Peachy: I can't give you the real answer :o). Second worst wasn't actually something she did, but there is a viral video of her being pushed into a pool floating around out there.
Rose: Hm. Probably joining the show! Listen. It was an impulse decision,
50: What are some motifs associated with your character?
Peachy: Sunset/sunrise, peaches/fruit (yes, she is a peach, but yes, there is also a reason this is on here), bad decisions. There are certain musical things i can’t say. I can't disclose more than that at the moment, hopefully that's good enough ;o)
Rose: Thorns, flowers (again, they are a flower, but this was intentional. this is a reason i love working with objects!), knights, melody. This one is also a bit limited as far as what i'm able to say at the moment, sorry!!
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peachypede · 3 months
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when you only have one front leg, you gotta make Biscuits creatively
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naycelium · 8 months
Are you READY!? 🪱🎸
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korbydaze · 1 year
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mtsodie · 7 months
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oh no !!!! spills all of my horsies on the floor oh fuck !! oh no aw man
( pt one )
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mercymaker · 3 months
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Thoriel was different, though. Sweet and gentle, yet there was a little of her mother in her, too.
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deerpeachy · 7 months
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Peachy 🍑🌲🍁
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Made a Tremoctarion sona :}
Based on the lovely lovely species by @sammysamps
Follow them fr! They make absolutely stunning work and I love how in depth they are about their species lore! 😭💖✨
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Sir Uther! Have a gift from me. It’s totally a delicious cake! - Dokutaro
*somewhere nearby and out of earshot from Uther*
All I have to do is to press the button when he gets it, heehee! I should send this to Valfrey though…- Marx
// @quanblovk (For Sir Uther)
@gethoce (For Valfrey)
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scarabteeth · 2 years
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one of many, because i wanted to share her ref finally >:o).
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decompose1 · 2 years
no one understands when i call Peachy my babygirl because no one knows her
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peachypede · 3 months
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Sad soggy baby hours
Joked with @bumblehoneybee that I needed to see a “don’t talk to me or my son” esque drawing of her fic where Dogday is holding her oc, Peanuts, after he had a bath. So we both drew our own versions lol.
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naycelium · 5 months
Worm on a Leash 🪱🎸
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korbydaze · 1 year
They’re both autism (not a ship)
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monoshii-wasu · 8 months
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Very different vibes now in step 3
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