#oc: jill pobst
this-should-do · 9 months
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half life oc doodle dump, mainly featuring richie (drawings 1-6, 8)
but also val who belongs to @thatforestprince (drawings 2-5)
and dr.guy who belongs to @featheredcritter (drawing 11-12)
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gordon-freeman-phd · 7 months
My Half-Life OC's (will be updated occasionally)
Brock Fuentes: A headstrong but cowardly guard working at black mesa with a mean streak to compensate
Richard Montague: A mycologist working at black mesa who dorms with Gordon. he is anxious, reserved, and very lonely
Jill Pobst: A guard working at black mesa, she is overly stern and aggressive to better fit in with the largely male guard population
Isiah Poole: A janitor working at black mesa, he minds his business (somethign that saves his life when it comes to the borrowers living at black mesa) and is generally a chill guy with a fondness for pet rats
Knipex: a borrower living at black mesa, theyre an engineer and eventually become friends with Isiah after being helped by him
Timmy: A young boy born during the 7 hour war, hes adventurous but is learning caution as he grows up under the combine and has a pet cat named Bagels
Angus: A scientist on a xen exploration team, he becomes very lonely after getting stranded in xen after the rescas and becomes reliant on the zombified corpse of his lover Ed
Ed: A zombified scientist who is taken care of by Angus, over time he becomes a gonome
Lazăr: A combine worker/construction strider handler, during the rebellion he takes his assigned strider and skedaddles 🏃‍♂️
Galvanizer: A rollermine that got shocked just enough to scramble its programming so that it doesnt target much of anyone, eventually becomes somewhat of a pet to a rebel aligned walhammer oc named 1020 of my friend, its name is it (made up) combine technical term which 1020 calls it
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this-should-do · 8 months
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absolutely o7
so jill is a character i made based on 2 guards gordon meets during the rescas so that she takes the place of them voth, the first being the guard he meets in the black mesa interpretation of on a rail that ends up dying on the ascent of the silo and becuz i decided that that guard is a turning point in my gordons arc of not feeling like he can rely on others to survive, i also had her be the guard that you see in blast pit, so that gordon has time to bond with her and really feel reliant on her as a co panion so that when the rug pull happens it really off sets him.
her personality is based on the cop lady that runs the hospital tbat beth is at in the walking dead if you know that show, very no nonsense, has to play up her masculineness in order to keep control of her dpace within the very man dominated populace of black mesa secutiry, even tho shes not really masc, which is part of her internal conflict pre rescas, during the rescas she goes thru a bit of a derangement arc, where she gets more and more fucked up when its time for foghting, going off the rails during combat at her own detriment and then completely reverting to her kinda rough but personable personality when the fighting stops, in a very a/b fashion so that its jarring to see it happen
and then theres richie, my dearest richie, ive talked quite a bit about him :3 he is a mycologist that works in the advanced biolabs, hes very anxious and struggles socially and he tends to slend a lot of time alone working on his model toys that he builds hes also roommates with gordon (cuz i llayed the decay pc port mod and thought it was canon that gordon dorms witha guy clled montague but alas nkt canon but its too late and i dont want to lose that bit of lore)
he also struggles with his weight alot and has so much guilt and pain over it, and its prevented him from being able to join the excursion teams in xen, over his life (as he does make it out of the rescas alive at the cost of like all his friends) he does end up losing weight cuz of malnourishment inder the ckmbine both in the cities and outside them (he lives out side the cities eventually cuz he ran away on a train stop to "ask for his ticket" cuz he didnt wanna die and hes soso scared all the time, tha kfully hes not alone otherwise he very much wouldve died) and feels "better" but not really he just feels sicka nd hungry, eventually after the fall of the ckmbine he gains bakc a healthy amount of weight for him and hes still fat in the end but hes made peace with that becuz its just how his body works and being fat means that hes eatimg well and is safe which is more jmportant than thinness
the person he relies on post combine is val, an oc of my buddy @thatforestprince and u cna absolutely go ask him about val :3, and the two of them end up getti g u healthily dependent on the other cuz essentually theyre all the other has cuz all the places they try to settle down in keep getting destroyed, their relationship is completely platonic but to others it appears very ambiguous amd its v fun i think
richie funfact is also the guy who let a chumtoad get loose, which ends up being the one that barney has :) its a fun piece of lore that shows up in the fic im working on about richie, one day ill get it done lol
he also has a lot of catholic guilt and internalized shit going on, but if he were free of that, hed very much dress gender nonconforming, but as of the present, bro is concerned with appearing like a man becuz hes a man,
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this-should-do · 8 months
fuck it, list of all my current half life ocs that i can gladly answer questions about:
Brock fuentes- guard
richard montague - mycologist
jill pobst - guard
ed and angus - hev zombie and xen scientist respectively
timmy and bagels - child and his cat
isiah poole and knipex - janitor and his borrower friend
crow (unnamed as of now) - sentient crow that lives in the white forest silos
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