#oc: fallout verse ezra;
holorifle · 4 years
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oh hey i can post these now
custom pop i painted for @plumelagoon for xmas! featuring fallout-verse ezra in all his radioactive goo-splattered glory, clutching a pouch of rad-away as if he can see well enough to use it. silly boy! that’s what you get for running with raiders!!
anna fang’s head was used for the head, and the gs exclusive vault dweller as the body/base. the goo glows in the dark!
i am curious to see if anyone would be interested in commissioning for a custom OC pop like this. if you have questions, please send me an ask or IM! thank you!
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disgruntledspacedad · 3 years
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Asks are OPEN
all fic features character x fem!reader (no y/n) unless otherwise specified.
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The Better Love Series
He’s a DEA Agent. You work with Centra Spike. You’re an unstoppable force. He’s an immovable object. A collision between you is inevitable. The fallout will be monumental. Slices of life from your adventures with Peña in Colombia. Javier Peña x fem!reader/OC (Ears). Rated M.
| masterlist |
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Catfish Blues 
Catfish Blues 
ficlet/imagine. Bringing Frankie back to you through music
| catfish blues |
Fire in the Sky 
Frankie shows you just how much he cares. Follows Catfish Blues, but can be read as a standalone. fluffy smut.
| fire in the sky |
Rx ‘verse
Injured, designated driver Frankie brings his drunk friends to your emergency room. Frankie x physician!reader. fluffy meet-cute
| g.o.m.e.r. |
Frankie discovers versed. You spill your guts. Follow-up to G.O.M.E.R.
| qhs |
frankie when you have a shit day
frankie supporting your career
watching the super bowl with frankie
frankie when you have a tooth pulled
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What We Said Before
Javi gives you a little bit of tough love. Javier Peña x f!grad student reader.
| what we said before |
Exit Wounds
Steve Murphy comes to several realizations all at once. Javier x Steve, buddies or pre-slash, it’s up to you. 
| exit wounds |
javier peña when you have a chronic illness
javier peña is a well-disguised dork
dancing with javi
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Dad takes Missy to the county fair. They are both missing Mom. Quick little prequel to The Right Thing, Missy POV.
| scrambled |
The Right Thing
Taking Marcus Moreno captive proves to be a little more that you’d bargained for. post-canon fix-it.
| the right thing |
wedding band
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Armed with nothing more than an old Polaroid and a burning desire for answers, Jack Daniels breaks the laws of time to find out why he’s suddenly been declared unfit for duty
| starcrossed |
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A Little Slice of Heaven
You bake Ezra a cake. Pure fluff.
| a little slice of heaven |
Ezra comes home to you.
| needy |
Ezra wakes you to watch a sunrise.
| morning |
soft ezra 
ezra when you have a chronic illness
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You wonder where he will go, and if you should follow.
| stay |
The Ghost Din Series
“What’s it like, being dead?”
| dissonance masterlist |
Blood and Water
Once, Din Djarin had a sister. Now, he doesn’t even remember her name.
| before |
Blood and Water
Retha Djarin has spent her entire life trying to make up for the family she lost. She is called the mother of shadows, stealing supplies and tech from the terraforming corporation that dominates Veta IV. But when a routine raid goes wrong, and Retha realizes that she’s in over her head. Way over her head. The planet has been thrown into chaos, Retha is on the run for her life, and oh, great, they’ve sent a kriffing Mandalorian after her. COMING SOON.
| sneak peek |
Thots, Meta, and Headcanons
din needs some closure, dammit | why The Rescue hurts so bad
in defense of din djarin | din’s subdued emotional response in The Tragedy makes a lot of sense to me
what if that transmission was a set up? | 2.8 speculation post that aged like cheese
the din djarin biker au that nobody needs | based on a true story
force bond din | au in which Din and Grogu forge a force bond after Corvus.
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the boys finding out about a previous abusive relationship 
the boys from least to most musically gifted 
the boys as drinks
the boys as brotp’s 
the boys’ favorite scents
the boys and game night
the boys and mbti
the boys’ hogwarts houses
Coming Soon
Veracruz x reader one-shot, sneak peek here
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holorifle · 5 years
4, 18, 20, and 26 for ezra :)
fallout oc questionnaire :: accepting
4. Give us a summary of their backstory.
OHHHKAYYYY so! ezra was part of a vault experiment that i won’t bore you with but it involved guns and pacifists, and he ended up escaping the vault with a laser pistol he still has to this day. he got into a scrap with a group of raiders and ended up killing their leader (by SHEER STUPID LUCK MIND YOU) and they were like oh, okay. i guess you’re top dog now and he was like ‘oh! well! shitfuck! thanks!’ and basically faked it until he did not make it, a few years into this lovely jaunt as a terrible raider(using psycho to keep up a nasty persona) he was ransacking an abandoned camp with his group, found a guy in the kitchen of one of the trailers, and heard his group coming. he shoved the guy into a fridge and said some bs about not opening it cause there were a fuckton of radroaches in there (he hates them) and they were like ok… and left. 
but then they found out that he was lying, beat the piss out of him, threw some toxic shit in his eyes and left him for dead in the wasteland. guess who finds him!!!!!! the guy he shoved into a fridge!! guy is wary but ends up helping him, “at least to a stash i have to thank you for cleaning my eyes and giving me radaway”, finds out the stash is empty but doesn’t tell him, takes him to (some, probably diamond) city and gets him some help. half of ezra’s sight is saved but the doc is like ‘did u know this guy is……. nasty’ and guy who helped him was like ‘yeah but he is also not actually nasty thanks for ur help’ and managed to sweet talk the inn owner into letting them stay at least until ezra was better. 
a few nights pass and the raider group that left him plans to attack the place, and ezra hears this through the grapevine and tries to warn everyone but they’re like ‘no ur bad’ and don’t listen to him. well!!! shit goes down and ezra ends up saving the day and almost dying, and fridge guy (his name is kay lol) is like SEE I FUCKEN TOLDT U
uhhh more stuff happens and ezra nearly dies again and now him and kay are married and own an inn and shop not too far from the city where they have a farm and brahmin and a cute dog
18.   Out of the nine forms of intelligence (rhythmic, spatial, linguistic, mathematical, kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalistic, and existential) which one(s) are they really good at and which one(s) is(are) their weakest?
*ezra voice* there’s more than one??he’s really good with naturalistic intelligence - he has an incredibly green thumb and can manage to cultivate some pretty impressive crops from even the shittiest seeds. decent with kinesthetic? also decent with spatial as he could navigate kay to the stash entirely blind. he is NOT SO GREAT with inter/intrapersonal (but getting better), kinda terrible with linguistic.
20. Do they have any hobbies? What are they?
gardening! and he’s not great at it but he likes helping kay with his leather/armor work. he can also upkeep his own guns decently!
26. How do they come off to others? What first impression do they usually make?
initially he probably seems very unpredictable. he was fairly infamous for a while, but he tries to prove that he isn’t what he was back then. once you get to know him you realize he’s actually pretty soft-hearted and actually cares a great deal about how others see him and wants to give them the best impression possible despite first appearances
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holorifle · 5 years
7, 11, and 19 for ALL of them :D
fallout oc questionnaire :: accepting
7. Do they have any mental illnesses? How do they cope?
ezra is depression and anxiety babey. he’s an ex-raider leader that had to put on a big gruff show to keep his group from finding out he was actually a bleeding heart and even though that’s ~behind him~ he still struggles with having to prove himself in one way or another, and when his honesty is called into question he can kinda shut down. but his husband helps with that a lot.
the others i haven’t really gotten to the root of their issues yet >_>
11. They’re biggest flaw? Do they recognize it as a flaw?
ezra: is 10000% willing to throw himself into a dangerous situation without thinking of the consequences first, even if it is extremely likely that he will die. he has to face every danger head on because ‘who else will?’ his previous psycho abuse (used to keep up the façade mentioned ^ up there) he has a heart condition that really should stop him from doing that but y’know!!! he’s trying to be better about it, he knows he has help now and doesn’t have to risk his life to be a better person.joan: is very cocky and flippant. she’ll pledge allegiance to whoever has the best offer at the time and hasn’t gotten caught yet. she doesn’t think this is bad, she thinks it’s just ‘doing what’s best at the time’ to keep her ass safeodessa: …very much likes lingering, he enjoys the scenery of places and sort of isn’t great at concealing himself when he gets lost in looking at stuff. he hasn’t suffered because of this yetjohnny sunshine: tries to see the bright side of everything and it can sometimes be a little overbearing. he thinks a positive outlook is important
19. What natural alignment are they?
ezra: is 100% chaotic neutral. joan: oh god. oof, i flip-flopped on this a lot but i’m pretty sure she’s lawful evil. she’s not morally bankrupt, but she’s definitely not someone i’d call an entirely good person, either.odessa: i believe odessa is true neutral, simply because he does his best to behave and not inconvenience others in the moment, but he has selfish tendencies sometimes.johnny sunshine: definitely somewhere between neutral and chaotic good! 
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holorifle · 5 years
OC companion meme!
based on @undeadcourier‘s prompt!
tagged by @fallout-fallen-knight
I KINDA WANNA.... DO EVERYONE.... so i will
first up:
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Name: Ezra “Cath” Vaun
I think we should travel together: “Ha. Okay. It’s your funeral.”
Use Melee: “You really gotta ask me to get in someone’s face?”
Use Ranged: “As long as you’re not asking me to snipe anything, this should work out okay.” (he’s blind in his left eye, and the sight in his right has room for improvement)
Open Inventory: “Don’t complain if something’s sticky. ...Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
Stay Close: [He winks and clicks his tongue.]
Keep Distance: “Okay. If you need me just scream real loud.”
Stealth: “Keep my mouth shut? For more than five minutes? ...Got any duct tape?”
Back Up: "Beep beep baby.”
Be Passive: “Inside voices. Got it.”
Be Aggressive: "Momma never taught me to keep my hands to myself anyway.”
Use Stimpak: “Okay mom. Do you wanna pin my mittens to my jacket while you’re at it, too?”
Wait Here: “Stand around and look pretty. Understood.”
Follow Me: “Hate to see you go, love to see you walk away.”
Send to the Lucky 38: “If you come back to some missing caps... I was robbed.”
Send Home(Megaton/Diamond City far outskirts): “I’ll be sure to give you some extra greens next time you visit.”
Karma: Neutral-leaning. 
Aggression: Aggressive.
Confidence: Bold and brash.
Assistance: Helps nearest ally.
Weapons: [Melee] Nuka-Breaker, Home Run Star(?) [Ranged] Laser Pistol
Companion Perk: Make me look good - With Ezra as your companion, you gain +2 to CHR. 
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Name: Joan “Hazard” Eriquet
I think we should travel together: “Wooooooow. Not a lotta options out here I guess, huh?”
Use Melee: “Melee is the handsy one, right?”
Use Ranged: “Sons of bitches won’t know what hittem!”
Open Inventory: “Half of that is mine, y’know.”
Stay Close: "Now, when you say close...”
Keep Distance: “Aw man. Do I smell that bad?”
Stealth: “Got it. Stealth. Quiet. Real sneaky-like. ...Then we shoot, right?”
Back Up: "I’m goin’ I’m goin’.”
Be Passive: “...I’ll leave this to you.”
Be Aggressive: "NOW we’re talkin’!”
Use Stimpak: “Tell me, doc... Will I ever play the piano again?”
Wait Here: “But it’s so boring waiting around here doing nothing...”
Follow Me: “The boys are back in town! ...Well I guess they never really left, huh.”
Send to the Lucky 38: “The booze is free... right?”
Send Home (Goodneighbor): “It’ll be good to be home. ...But come visit, yeah? Lord knows your ugly mug will haunt me until I know you’re doin’ good.”
Karma: Slightly negative.
Aggression: Very aggressive.
Confidence: LOUD.
Assistance: Helps nearest ally.
Weapons: [Melee] Machete [Ranged] Molotovs, shotgun
Companion Perk: It wasn’t me - Having Joan as your companion makes provoked enemies attack nearest bystander when crouching until damaged by player again.
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Name: Indiana “Odessa” Burke
I think we should travel together: “Well... If you’re sure. I think that’ll work out.”
Use Melee: “Like... hit them?”
Use Ranged: “Point. Shoot. That I understand.”
Open Inventory: “Watch out for the cameras - I’m still fixing some of them.”
Stay Close: “Close-ups are a little hard to pull off well. Let me get a better lens.”
Keep Distance: “If I lag behind to get a good picture, I’ll be along shortly.”
Stealth: “Easy. Quiet. You got it.”
Back Up: "Oh, sorry.”
Be Passive: “No problem. I don’t like to argue anyway.”
Be Aggressive: "I don’t think this will go so well, but I’ll try.”
Use Stimpak: “Shit. Thank you. I hadn’t even noticed...”
Wait Here: “That’s fine by me. The scenery here is breathtaking.”
Follow Me: “I took some awesome pictures while you were gone. I’ll... show you later.”
Send to the Lucky 38: “Nice big bed... Reminds me of home.”
Send Home (Hangman’s Alley): “I can’t wait to add the pictures I’ve taken to my collection. I’ve got some nice frames for these...”
Karma: Good
Aggression: Passive.
Confidence: Timid. 
Assistance: Helps allies.
Weapons: [Melee] Power Fist [Ranged] Sniper rifle
Companion Perk: Sharp focus - With Odessa as your companion, you gain +2 to PER.
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Name: Johnny Sunshine
I think we should travel together: “That sounds swell! I’ll be sure to help.”
Use Melee: “Oh, huh. I’ll give ‘em a good whack!”
Use Ranged: “Golly, if you think I’ll be good at it...!”
Open Inventory: “Check out some of the neat stuff I found!”
Stay Close: “The buddy system is the best system!”
Keep Distance: “Oh... Okay. I’ll stay back here...”
Stealth: [Whispering] “I’ll be quiet as a mouse.”
Back Up: "Oops, too close!”
Be Passive: “That’s good, taking things nice and easy.”
Be Aggressive: "That gets me real fired up!”
Use Stimpak: “Oh, thank you! I hope that wasn’t your last one...”
Wait Here: “There sure is a lot to look at, huh?”
Follow Me: “Yes sir/ma’am!”
Send to the Lucky 38: “I’m not sure I trust that fella... But okay, if you’re sure.”
Send Home ("Secret” Vault-Tec/Institute Vault): “...Come back and get me soon, okay? It’s really lonely there.”
Karma: Very good
Aggression: Passive.
Confidence: Average.
Assistance: Helps friends and allies.
Weapons: [Melee] Bat [Ranged] Laser pistol
Companion Perk: You’re S.P.E.C.I.A.L.! - With Johnny Sunshine as your companion, you may assign one (1) additional S.P.E.C.I.A.L. point as you see fit.
tagging: @plumeskee @bitchdelorian @metal-gear-rrex and anyone that hasn’t done it yet
this was so fun!! thank you!!
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holorifle · 5 years
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i think it was @mojave-musing that tagged me for this? and honest, i tried to do a second page but after this i was tapped the fuck out and forgot about it until i was discussing botanical sketches with someone else lol
anyway here’s the first page of ezra’s notebook, if anyone cares enough i’ll probably type out some of the contents at a later date
but for now....... this!
ezra is actually really good at drawing but didn’t always have the time to do it. now that he’s settled down a bit in his canon he sketches the farm and other various fauna that wander by the wander inn.
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holorifle · 5 years
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here he is !!!! fallout verse ezra, my good boy, probably post redemption arc, done by the awesome @radiatedpanty.... many thank u’s for my dumb beautiful boy
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holorifle · 5 years
😎 - ezra 😎 - odessa
learn about my OCs :: accepting
despite being 5′3, ezra likes being the big spoon... he likes holding
in grade school odessa had to memorize the old english version of the canterbury tales prologue and was graded on how much he could remember and recite to his class. he remembered it all, got an A, and hasn’t forgotten it
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holorifle · 5 years
🖊 for all your babes
joan collects teeth!! i mentioned that in a post last night, she collects teeth from the people she kills and makes charms for a bracelet out of them. it started out as a ‘fuck this asshole in particular’ then just. turned into a tradition lol
fallout verse ezra is a recovering psycho addict and he used to do a lot of psycho when he ran with raiders to keep them afraid of him. it got to the point where he was going through withdrawals when he was tryina sleep and ended up just not sleeping a whole lot. as a result he developed some heart problems that he still suffers from :c
regular ass ezra also collects teeth, but mostly jokingly. his husband shed his fangs and gave them to him on his request(he was joking!), and ezra made a necklace out of them with a bird skull he found. he’s enchanted the necklace with protection charms and freshens it up once a week
odessa… sweet boy… he plays the guitar super casually and doesn’t think he’s any good and it’s sort of a comfort thing but he hasn’t found a guitar in good enough condition to play yet…
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holorifle · 5 years
multiples of 5 fr johnny from that fallout oc post?
johnny sunshine for those in the dark
5. What’s their full name and does it have a meaning? Do they have any nicknames and how did they get em?
OG johnny’s full name is milo johnathan braxton and it serves no purpose other than sounding RAD and being kinda dated to the 50s. his nick is obvs johnny sunshine because it sounds cute and peppy
10. What do they fear the most?
first and foremost, johnny fears what has happened to the world. as far back as he can remember, vault-tec was “preparing for the future” - but he had no idea just what that future would entail. he fears for what’s going to happen to him IN this future, and he fears the truths he’ll learn along the way. also deathclaws. he saw one once and nearly pissed himself
15. What’s their Myers–Briggs Type? (ex. ENTP, ISFJ)
ENFJ as of right now… i took it as if he’d just left the vault he’d been kept in sooo…??? we’ll see how that goes lol
20. Do they have any hobbies? What are they?
as of right now most of his spare time is spent figuring out wtf is going on and not dying. i wouldn’t consider it a hobby, but he collects a lot of things of little relative value because he figures he might end up needing it sometime in the future
25. Are they a leader or a follower?
definitely a follower, as he’s at a complete LOSS
30. Do they flirt often? How easily do they fall in love?
let’s work on getting his bearings first before we delve into actual feelings nonsense (but his charisma is through the roof, having been such a charming figure to vault-tec, so he’d probably be a decent flirt)
35. Their most prized possession?
currently? the laser pistol that he left the vault with, left behind by a member of the insitute. and probably his numberless vault suit. it’s pretty much who he is!
40. Thoughts on death if any?
oh he is absolutely terrified of dying in the commonwealth. he has no guidance and cannot find anyone from vault-tec to contact to figure out what to do, or how to gain protection, or… anything. he’s afraid of dying and no one knowing what happened to him; he still considers himself something of a public figure
45. Are they the type to get distracted and go off to an unknown nearby location or do they stay on track?
every location is an unknown nearby location
50. Do they have any tag skills?
speech, barter, and energy weapons
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holorifle · 5 years
30 and 31 for all your ocs go
fallout oc questions :: accepting
30. Do they flirt often? How easily do they fall in love?
fallout verse ezra: ezra is a HUGE flirt. he often makes suggestive comments with the ‘i was joking unless you’re into it’ mindset and sees where things go from there. he doesn’t fall in love too easily, but he did manage to find love in the wasteland after shoving him into a fridge. (after many months but u know!! the best relationships start weird ok)
joan: joan is very…. overt. she makes her intentions known, doesn’t really understand personal space, and definitely uses her feminine attributes to her advantage. she’s a tough nut to crack in the love category, but since she spends so much of her time being absolutely insufferable, i’m pretty sure anyone that managed to see through her insecure boisterousness and give her a good honest talking to about how they made her feel she could win her over :d
odessa: odessa is awkward. he’s not necessarily shy, but he really hasn’t had the need or opportunity to flirt since he met nora. my bi shy guy does his best though, and his flirting comes in the form of thoughtful gifts - and, though very rarely, coy commentary. his heart hasn’t completely healed yet, but i’m sure he could find someone to love again if he’d open up a little more. (spoilers: he does)
johnny sunshine: johnny is pretty forward about his flirting! though it’s very innocent. ‘golly, your eyes could light up a room when you smile’, ‘you’re just as sweet as cherry pie, aren’t you?’ stuff like that. i’m sure he’d fall in love pretty easily - maybe too easily for his own good
31. What’s their love life like? Are they interested in anyone or in a relationship?
fo verse ezra: ezra is happily married! him and his husband have been through many trials and tribulations, but their love has survived. he’s loyal to a serious fault in that he would lay down his life without a second thought for his beloved. though he is still a shameless flirt.
joan: joan is a single pringle ready to mingle and is currently scouting for anyone looking to throw down. inquire within
odessa: odessa’s love life is sadly lacking, and while not entirely moved on from nora he isn’t actively pushing people away. he’d be open to the possibility if one were to show up…
johnny sunshine: also lacking! but not sadly. he’s still learning the ins and outs of the wasteland, though he would be cautiously open to a traveling partner looking for a little more. he’s a curious lil fella OwO
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holorifle · 5 years
54, 62, and 81 for Ezra?
i’ll answer these as both ‘main verse’ ezra and fallout-verse ezra! i don’t have much info about regular ezra available on my blog, but i’ll type something up for him later :d
oc asks :: accepting
54. Does your OC think with his/her head or heart?
'main verse’ ezra: he definitely thinks with his heart, as human emotions are still something of a new experience for him, he’s constantly learning and feeling things out for himself. oftentimes he’ll experience some new feeling and ask his husband/friend if what he’s feeling is normal, or if he doesn’t know the proper term for the feeling, he’ll describe it.
fallout verse ezra: after the events that led up to ‘right now’ fallout verse ezra, he had previously thought mostly with his head. emerging from the vault had given him a whole world of trouble and he had to learn how to survive, and running with raiders was, ultimately, the key to survival. but after they learned of his true ‘bleeding heart’ nature, roughed him up, blinded him, and left him for dead, he began to slither back to his true self of thinking with his heart, helping people and letting them help him to prove he was more than the death and destruction he caused in his raiding days.
62. How emotionally/mentally vulnerable is your OC with other people?
both main verse ezra and fallout verse ezra are fairly emotionally vulnerable, but for different reasons. regular ezra is, as stated above, still learning things and trusts the people he asks for advice or help with certain things to be honest with him about them. it would be incredibly easy to manipulate him or lead him astray. fallout verse ezra, on the other hand, is a bit of a different story - in efforts to refine the public image of himself, he’s more willing to give in to emotional and mental vulnerability in what he would hope to be a way to make people think more positively of him. in both cases, his husband (the same character, just in a different verse lol) is very good with gentle guidance and helping him when he has questions or moral quandaries about things.
81. Ask your own question.
i think you’re supposed to ask me something lmaoooo
but uhhh a tidbit about them both: any and every AU iteration of ezra shares the same nickname too, which is cath. main verse ezra’s full name is ezra shachath eriquet vaun, but sine no one can spell ‘shachath’ and ‘ezra’ is sort of personal to him, he shortens it to ‘cath’. in every other au, ‘cath’ is just a default name, unique yet bizarre, and it fits him just well enough that when ‘ezra’ pops up, when or if it does, it seems much more suitable.
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holorifle · 5 years
their inn takes all forms of payment which is once of the reasons its so popular despite being off the beaten path and a bit in the middle of nowhere
ezra likes collecting all the fun exciting things people use as ‘money’
poker chips? awesome is that a real vim bottlecap? fuck yes you have an NCR dollar? gimme
they picked a display case off a traveling junker cart and keep some of the rarer stuff on display in the ‘lobby’
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holorifle · 5 years
him and his husband run an inn and their specialty is candied carrots and sweet tato stew and people will come from miles around to enjoy it
ezra grew a carrot as big as his head and his husband was excited to eat it and ezra was shocked that he’d try and eat “their son”
he preserved it, garrett the carrot, and it hangs under the sign to their inn and he is the MOST proud of it
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holorifle · 5 years
Ooohhh 12 and 15 for Ezra if that's still not done yet :}
yae thank you! i’ll answer for fallout-verse ezra :3
angsty asks :: accepting
12. To what extent would your OC go to survive?
ezra has done plenty of dirty deeds to survive… point of fact, he intimidated a band of scary raiders into making him their leader by killing a few innocents in a raid with no (shown) remorse. (he did a lot of psycho to keep up his intimidating demeanor to protect himself.) at this point, post-redemption arc, that desperation to survive more extends into the realm of proving himself worthy of forgiveness and protection, which can be a little demeaning at times - but he’s had enough of being a bad boy, he just wants to live peacefully w his hubsband and will do anything short of killing innocents again to achieve that >:d
15. How far would you OC go to protect their loved ones?
more than once he’s relapsed into his psycho addiction to protect both his loved one and towns that have defended his name before. but his desperation to prove himself and protect his loved ones manifests in sort of a ‘ready to die at a moment’s notice’-type mentality, resulting in an almost severe lack of self-preservation, a ‘protect at all costs’ sort of thing. if it means his loved ones can survive, he will lay down his own life.
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