#oc: celestino
toon-topaz · 1 year
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No context meme with my cast of sillies
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crownedinmarigolds · 7 months
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Fashionably late for Palla Grande, Celestino Salazar, a Toreador Black Hand of the Sabbat. Dressed as a Seraphim, when questioned about his choice of costume, he simply smirked and informed the guest, "Dress for the job you want." For @tzimizce's Charred Saints event! Thank you for suggesting and hosting! We're gonna enjoy the party!
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rhonuscorner · 23 days
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Me: I should make full body clothed and non-clothed character reference sheets for Celestino and Apollo to go with the second chapter of The Eclipse Protocol, even though figuring out all the mechanical details are gonna kill my hand and my sanity.
Also me: Ehhehehhehhehhe robo abs 👀
I'm normal I swear.
Anyway art WIP yaaaaaaay! Yeah these two are built a bit more uh... intricately than your typical DCA. There's plot reasons for that but I'm not tellin'! Yet.
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broccoli-chomper · 3 months
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Most of my fungus people have been mages, but this guy is the most magic mushroom of them all. A fungus summoner. Mushroom mage? Mycomancer?
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Hazbin Hotel Ocs : Flower Demons
My Hazbin hotel ocs that I used to made a couple years ago when the pilot came out. The full series brings me back to them. I miss my Flower Demons so much expecially Radiata who is my favorite of them all.
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batmads-ao3 · 1 year
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Across The Universe
Detroit: Yuri’s done the math. He done the research and the consideration and the planning. This will be his last year of competitive figure skating, and this time next year, he’ll be moving on to grad school. No matter what, though, Yuri hopes to hold onto Victor in any way that he can. Even if he has to compromise and change his own dreams to do it.
St. Petersburg: Victor is tired of compromising. Tired of having dreams deferred, of stealing moments in the off season and after competitions to spend time with Yuri. The way he sees it, there are only two options: keep Yuri in competitive skating, or find a way to stay by Yuri’s side after this year is through. Because if there’s anything that Victor knows for certain, it’s that he’s never letting anything come between him and his soulmate ever again.
But how far are Yuri and Victor willing to go to protect the other’s dreams? And with a whole universe separating them, will a soulmate bond really be enough to hold them together when it matters most?
**Part Three of the Defy the Stars Trilogy**
Soulmates!AU • College! AU(kinda) • Happy Ending
Read Chapter Thirty-Two here!
In which Victor and Yuri feverishly hope that the other one will make the first move, and a stalemate ensues.
Posting every Friday (ish), chapter preview below the cut
Yuri was late to practice. In his defense, though, it had been a long flight, and a seemingly endless trip to the athlete’s village, and no sooner had he gotten to his room than Junichi was knocking on his door, peppering him with questions about how interviews had been and whether he’d managed to land a flip yet and by the time Yuri managed to actually eat something and change into practice clothes, he was supposed to be at the rink to start off ice warm-ups, and by the time he was there to start warming up, everyone else was already out on the ice. 
So in the end he only got a weak warm-up in, nowhere near the amount of time he actually should have given it, and then an even weaker amount of time to actually get a feel for the ice. 
And not just any ice. The ice. The main rink. Olympic rings below him. A scattering of spectators and media up in the stands to watch him, to speculate and criticize. It made Yuri want to throw up. 
(How was it, just earlier today, that he’d managed to be excited for all of this?)
Seeing Victor standing at the other end of the rink, staring blankly at him, wasn’t any help. And Yuri didn’t have to wonder anymore if he had it in him to go up to his soulmate right away and reopen everything between them. He knew now that he didn’t have the courage to do it. And he was frankly relieved that Victor was the first person off the ice now that practice was over—while Yuri himself was still all the way at the other end of the rink—because that just meant he could put everything off for just a little bit longer. 
Tomorrow, Yuri told himself. I can talk to him tomorrow.  
Because one thing was for certain: even if Yuri’s cowardice and anxiety were swallowing him whole now, the moment he had seen Victor he had known in his soul that he didn’t want to let Victor go. He knew Patrick was right, that if he waited around to long, then Victor would move on. He had seen it in the way Victor was skating, before he’d come onto the ice. And Yuri didn’t want that. He wanted Victor to be happy, yes, but he wanted to be the one who made Victor happy. He wanted the life that Victor’s short program described. 
Continue on Ao3
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thedreamrealm · 2 days
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el puerto
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Celestino's character and design evolution from concept to current! 🌊
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damnchoclitos · 1 year
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Son el mismo oc créanme..
Solo le cambié ciertas cositas y resto de la personalidad pero bueno, vainas mías
T amo celestino (perro hp)
Voy a ver si lo dibujo más seguido
El dibujo fue hecho a la rápida pq ahorita ando con senda pereza
En fin voy a desaparecer otros meses chaooo
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🎷 SAXOPHONE - do they play any instruments? are they any good at it?
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No, he likes music but he could never really play it. It's not something he's good at and rather than it being something he finds comfort in while playing it. If trying to romance someone he's more likely to boombox it.
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societyofsaintignacio · 10 months
Apologies for the delayed response.
🎂: Has your OC have any contradictory interests or traits to the first preception people have of them? How do they surprise people?
Elijah is stern in appearance and disposition and the scarred side of his face draws a lot of negative attention. In reality he’s quite warm and protective towards his friends and family but his shyness around new people tends to conceal this fact.
His conservative views and stoic masculinity has strangers feeling surprised when they learn that Celestinos trained to be a ballet dancer before he went to seminary. He still maintains an interest and passion for dancing, despite not really having time for it or any formal training anymore.
Hendrik-Jan has a sweet and gentle nature and comes across as being rather naive, but he can be quite insensitive and unempathetic, which is something that manages to shock even friends and family at times.
🍪: What is something that is sentimental to your OC?
Elijah has tartan from Scotland that was hand made by the women in his family. He keeps it his closet and seldom wears it but it's one of his few treasured possessions.
Celestinos has an old pair of ballet shoes that his grandmother had bought him when he was a child. They're worn and have seen better days but he fondly remembers his grandma's support of his love for dancing.
Hendrik-Jan keeps a diary and keeps record of as much of his day to day activities and the people he cares about as he can. He collects photos and other small momentos that he keeps in one of the drawers in his dresser.
🍟: What does your OC admit to be their guilty pleasure? What actually is their guilty pleasure?
Elijah is too honest to lie and feels he’s too old to be embarrassed over trivial things that he enjoys. He was raised in a predominantly female household so he enjoys having a habitual skincare and hair routine regardless of how he might get mocked or teased for being “girly”. It feels good to take care of himself in that way but it also reminds him of his upbringing.
Celestinos admits to liking “chick flicks” but his actual guilty pleasure is trashy reality TV shows. He can’t resist gawking at the chaos.
Hendrik-Jan would say his guilty pleasure is something generic like enjoying pastries but he actually loves secular media far more than Christian ones despite any sort of “sinful” content or messaging in them. He always has had a fascination with non-Christian people and ideas.
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puffpastrycrimewatch · 4 months
Also Leonardo doodles
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asttralhell · 2 months
It's a 10 but(t)
Rules: List your OCs as “tens but” to give us a not-at-all comprehensive scope of their characters
Thanks @squarebracket-trickster for tagging me. You actually forced my hand into working and I named most of the characters rn on the spot bc so far they had traits and core characterists but not names.
It was such fun to do it and to read yours and read the other authors too! Let's all be friends and share stuff, guys hahah
Okay, picking Kissing some cats and other fairily tale struggles to do this + my resident headcat Fábio:
Catty/Catarina Maria: She's a 10 but... won't accept help, won't see any value in herself, thinks of herself as a background prop in people's lives thus she thinks her life isn't of much value anyways. Will chuck a human-turned-cat into a wall if he pees on her out of spite (it's ok, she won't do it to any other cats. Unless they speak to her).
Fábio Américo Lucídio Aurélio Vinícius Rolando Celestino de Miriam Filiberto Hélio Garza e Cavalcante/FabiAm: He's a 10 but like a -10 or else he wouldn't get into a fight with a cosmic horror cat (see Fábio bellow) and get US ALL TRANSFORMED INTO OLD ASS HOUSE APPLIANCES! LOOK AT ME, FABS, I'M A HANGER NOW!!!! A JACKET HANGER! I don't even like mahogany.... I wish I was cherry wood or... Also, makes EVERYONE who tries to break the spell run away and sinks everyone's chances to NOT BE A MAHOGANY COAT HANGER I HATE IT SO MUCH. FABS, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE, and also is very much a dick. Did we mention he's totally the worst? Worst human-turned-cat ever.
Mahogany Coat Hanger (actually named Florian): he's a 10, but... DID HE EVER MENTION HOW MUCH THEY HAVE WOOD PREFERENCES AND MAHOGANY WASN'T ONE OF THEIR FAVS? DID THEY EVER STOP YOU AND TELL YOU HOW DREADFUL IT IS TO BE A *MAHOGANY* HANGER? MAHOGANY! Also, they will push all the other character down even tho I made them rn on the spot, he didn't have a name 2 hours ago. But he's very close to a 9.5 bc best gossip and best burns. Also, worst accents ever done (I made this one up NOW. I didn't know gender or name, I just felt their deeply hatred for.... mahogany)
Walter Akito Sachi/Mr. Sachi: He's a 10 but... He's actually an 11. Beautiful cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure. But he will send you weird work messages in your Academia-edu that will make you wonder if he's trying to harvest organs, so maybe he's a 10.5. Chaotic good boy.
Kris: He's a 10... but he's a 8-door mahogany (cries in Florian) wardrobe that ran away one night and no one discovered how yet. Runs a queer club. You know, he is a closet but he ain't in the closet. Very much taken, Florian won't tell you who tho. Can be Kristoff or Kristian, we ain't sure.
Ermengarda: She's a 10... But no one can see my real beauty IF I AM JUST A STUPENDOUS TEA POT, MY DARLING! Only speaker ever and forever when they are pulling the all tea set in a trenchcoat persona. ALWAYS AND FOREVER THE ONLY SPEAKER, SHUT UP, Chips!
Chips and Timmy: they a 10.... A 10yo. Well, more like Chips is 10, Timmy is kinda 11 or 9, no one really answered that yet. But the medium would be a 10, right? (Their names seem to be Clotilde and Timóteo, they won't tell me tho)
Karina Yumie Sachi: She's a 10 but... She will feature in 2 different wips and steal your girl. Even more chaotic than her cousin (see Mr. Sachi).
Oh yeah:
Fabio: He's a 10... As in ten-rrible, horrible. Hate that little guy. Transformed Fabs into a cat because he himself is a cosmic cat that lives in my head and sometimes we have mental talks but mostly he gives some weird advice like you should enable yourself.
I will tag the Cows but I forgot their users (i promise to edit it later): @lirhin @raiswanson @lady-redshield-writes @tundra-tiger
And the non-CoW friends @valhalla-awaitsfor-us @1ll-def1ned
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justmeazz · 11 months
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The kids of Azulin and my Oc; Dulcinea!
The eldest child Celestino, the middle childs Ciro and Cielo and the youngest, Escarlata.
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hxdrostorms · 9 months
𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐬
Repost, don't reblog!
Time to share the way you see your muse sounds like!
For canon muses: Share clips of what version you use! Whether it is the original voice cast, a specific VA from the dub OR perhaps you have picked an entirely new one for them. Feel free to elaborate on your decisions. For OCs: Share your voice claims, explain why you picked them, elaborate on your choices!
Cancer Deathmask - Paulo Celestino
Paulo Celestino is forever immortalized in the many voices he gave, and DM is one of them. To me, it just feels right to not change it. With that said: I'll give a shout out to the Netflix/Crunchyroll 3D reboot, because they had to re-cast DM's voice and I quite like the new one as well TBH. I almost changed it to the new one, when I heard it for the first time.
Taurus Aldebaran - Roberto Artinic
Virgo Shaka - Carlos Silveira
I'll admit, even for me this has to be like the weakest voice for me. They could have picked sb with a more smoother voice, but that likely wouldn't be possible back then. Seeing how small the dubbing scene actually was around here.
Scorpio Milo - Leonardo Camillo
Okay SO, technically in this case I'm sticking with the 2nd official take in re-dubbing Saint Seiya. When the dubbing rights were given to another company. Milo shares the same VA as Ikki.
Gemini Kanon - Gilberto Barolli
Same VA as Saga's. This one has to be like... Unironically my favorite one fr. Whenever Barolli gets to do his laughters Saga style, it's chef's kiss.
Amazoness Scorpio Milo - Sílvia Goiabeira
I will forever defend the Brazilian dub we had. No, it's not flawless, there are definetely mistakes. BUT, even after listening to these characters in their original voices... Something about them didn't click with me. Which is the opposite with the dub, the Brazilian VA voices makes things sound, so much more natural to my ears. AND I'm going even extra mile, bc I'm sticking with the original 80's line-up of VAs.
Tagging: Feel free to steal it or say I tagged you in it!
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Hazbin Hotel Ocs
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