#nyc social reels
dhrvie · 8 months
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For starters, I went on tour in July which was fucking incredible. With my first couple of tours in 2022 (with Joji & then my own solo US/UK tour) the nerves were sometimes so all-consuming that I'd spend the mornings spiraling, curled up in a ball in my hotel room...then soundcheck -> warmups -> go time. I always had a great time during the show but the before / after was mentally draining.
Before heading on this Asia tour, I spent a lot of time thinking about how I was going to play shows in cities I'd grown up in/spent a lot of time in and that I was ticking off a bunch of bucket list items in a two-week window. insanity. This tour was also my official send-off to the rapunzel project and it definitely made things a little more sentimental.
Going in with that mindset, I had a fucking blast. Meeting so many of you, playing my first festivals, solo-venturing out in new cities and trying new cuisines. I've already posted a big highlight reel on IG/The TOK, but I thought I'd share a cute little video snippet of my nani (Grandmother) dancing to Blur during my Delhi show.
August was filled with a lot of traveling. The big 17 hour flight from Singapore to LA felt as long as it sounds. Head in the Clouds in LA, which had a snazzy Amazon Prime livestream - my sister watched it - then back to Nashville to work on finishing this album during the weekdays. Flew to LA to play my label the new songs (they seemed to like them). Spent a couple of weekends in NYC, writing in coffee shops, and walking around the park and getting an ear-break. another weekend in DC for a much needed catch up with friends from home.
September has been a bit more settled. I've been in the studio mostly. Nashville is a great city but I don't know all that many people here and the loneliness has been deep. I've asked for a "table for 1" more times than I can count. my running joke with my friends (who very cutely call to check in on me) is that I've never heard my inner monologue so clearly, which is probably good for the music.
As far as that goes .. some of my favourite songs I've ever written. the album has really taken shape and it has a name (P.B). If you guess it, I will literally send it to you right now. it's a bit of a mouthful ngl.
There's a small chunk of it left to finish and write. The singles have been sitting in a folder in my computer for some months now. they will be in your ears "soon". I know i've said that word so many times.....I didn't realize how legit releasing a song could be....weeks of lead time, getting press people to hear it, teeing up things on social media (the tok...), making sure you have videos lined up....things I never ever thought about when I started out.
okay that's my big update.
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xplainthexmen · 2 months
Jay & Miles X-Plain the X-Men, Episode 442 - MimeQuest 64
In which Marrow remains a connoisseur of dead rats; Jay has opinions about the NYC Subway system; U.L.T.I.M.A.T.U.M. are snazzy dressers; Doctor Doom gets excited about Onslaught; Magneto can have a rocket pack if he wants; villainous game recognizes villainous game; weird retcons are the best retcons; and you should totally come to our birthday party.
A peculiar side effect of Wolverine’s healing factor
Jay & Miles on Bluesky (and other social media)
Our upcoming 10th birthday party and live show (and related announcements)
X-Men Unlimited #22
X-Men/Doctor Doom Annual 1998
An unpleasant way to wake up
That’s so Kraven
Avengers and transit cops
Flag Smasher
Some miscellaneous New York Subway trivia
Audience stand-ins (and how the reading experience changes when the audience stand-in isn’t human-passing)
Additional New York Subway trivia
Premonitions of Onslaught
An X-Men highlight reel
A delightful little retcon
One way to ruin X-Men #137
Healing factor preferences
NEXT EPISODE: Miles and Katie Pryde X-Plain Comics Retail!
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bl00dha1l · 6 days
Hello! You have been ✨chosen✨ by ✨boredom✨ to name 5 fun/cool/interesting facts about your DR(s), then copy and paste this into 10 of your shifter mutuals’ askboxes. Have fun!
OMG my first thingy🤭
mkay so my mcu dr, and they’re probably ALL gonna be about steve💀
1. steve is a lana stan by force, but if he had to choose an album it would be ultraviolence because it came out the year we got together. he loves brooklyn baby (and i literally have brooklyn baby tattooed on my wrist irl!!!! when i look at it i think of him<3)
2. another one that has to do with lana, (she’s literally my lifeline like you don’t get it) is that steve and i get together in 2014, when im a tumblr it girl💋. so we hard launch with like a really grainy pic of us, and because im such a lana girlie, ppl ate it tf up because like, omg you’re a lana girl dating the literal embodiment of AMERICA????
so like we went to the nyc date of her endless summer tour in 2015, and she knew, so we met her, and then she shouts us out on stage because literally who doesn’t want that?!?!
anyway there’s speculation that 3 songs on the honeymoon album are about us, religion, swan song, and ofc honeymoon🗣️
3. steve has almost no social media presence but omg does he love instagram reels…i get like 10 and that’s how i know he’s home laying around on the couch💀
4. because of my powers, i don’t sleep much. i get tired like every two or three days but i love sleeping so i still lay down and fall asleep every night
5. tony had my earpiece made of vibranium. if i had a regular one, my powers would interfere with the signal for everyone, and within 5 minutes of using my powers, it’d probably explode in my ear😭
anyway yeah…this long ass post💀
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parkezra · 2 months
✨ hello, beautiful citizens of jongnorp! ✨ how the hell are ya?! my name's ryan (h/h, 25+) and i'm so thrilled to finally be posting one of my eight muses' (yes, i know... i know 😅) intros! first up is one of my all-time favorites, ezra park! he's currently working as an influencer who mostly creates fashion, lifestyle, social commentary, and makeover content, but he'll be expanding his résumé with exciting new projects very soon! 👀 below, you'll find a quick breakdown of his life, as well as bits and pieces of his personality. please 💖 this if you'd like to plot!
to keep things simple, he was born and raised to a rather liberal family in queens, nyc. both his parents made good money, he felt very supported, loved, and accepted, and honestly speaking, he had a rather idyllic childhood. i've written this muse before, but in this update of him, i wanted to give him a less grim upbringing.
however, his brighter history has created new flaws. being that he grew up in a rather privileged environment, it's made him ignorant to many things, and upon moving to seoul, he's been hit in the face with plenty of life's harsh realities. he's on his own now (for the most, part, anyway—his older half-brother is also in seoul), he's starting a career for himself, and it's his first time in a part of the world that's dramatically more conservative than the safe haven he surrounded himself in back home.
is he losing his mind? sort of, but he's doing keep his feet on the ground. he'd love it if you joined him on this new journey he's on!
ezra park is a hedonist. he's someone who'll never say no to another drink, or a second slice of cake, or going home wrapped around the arm of a handsome someone. he's over-indulgent like that, and substantially sensual, as well. he's someone who will catch a man's attention by eye-fucking him across the room, then moments later, appearing only to whisper the most delicate compliment in his ear; hoping that the sweet scent of his breath and the feeling of it ghosting along the other's skin is enough to reel him in for a night of fun.
if there is one thing that ezra park values, it's beauty. why else would he host a show on his channel that highlights attractive men from around the city, mostly by giving them makeovers? why else would he be teaching people how to upgrade their closet with clothing that accentuates their best features? why else would he be interested in ensuring that he never leaves the house looking anything other than immaculate? however, he realizes that, like most things, beauty is subjective, and he aches to discover what others find people, too.
ezra park is an individual, much to the chagrin of his grandparents' home country. he's still not gotten used to the stares of his elders whenever he enters public transit, or the glares he receives from his peers when he's a little too "flamboyant" in a public space, but he likes to think he's learning how to comfortably coexist in a place that doesn't fully understand him. after all, that's kind of all he can do. he made the choice to learn about his heritage and expand his career by relocating, and it's a choice he has to live with now. at least for the foreseeable future.
ezra has a show on his youtube channel where he gives handsome men from around the city (often male models, drag queens, and less often men from off-the-street) to interview and give makeovers to. he asks them questions about growing up in korea, and the knowledge they have on queer individuals, and their opinions on certain topics. in addition to this, he also hosts queer people of korea to ask them, specifically, about their experiences living in the country; hoping to shed awareness on stories told by marginalized voices. these could work as connections!
he's been in the city since february of last year, so it's been around a year and he's likely made some friends! maybe they could be your muses?
he's also likely slept around with plenty of men. he's no stranger to jongtaewon, and even hongdae, so if your muses frequent these areas, they've likely ran into him or ended up in his bed.
does your muse watch his content? do they love it? hate it? have them tell him! it'll be a fun time either way!
i'm honestly down for any and all connections, and this is already so long, so let's come up with something incredible together! 🥺💖
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Brad Troemel, "Art," and S...ATVB
As promised, this is the post about Brad Troemel, his work, his connection to Matty, and what this might mean for "Still....At Their Very Best." Research sources, images of the art described, etc will all be included at the end of this post.
Who is Brad Troemel?
He's a NYC based artist in his mid-thirties who makes "post-internet art." He actually got his start RIGHT HERE on this very platform, Tumblr, in 2009.
What is "Post-internet Art"?
post-internet art is art that is made either using the internet or in association with the internet. The idea of it usually comments on or critiques i the effect of internet use on our culture, aesthetics etc.
For example, this statue of Rihanna. Or this conceptual art performance "ART WHORE"
I should point out that according to the scholarship I look at, not all experts agree that this kind of thing counts as "Art."
What kind of art does Brad Troemel make?
Troemel considers his work to be challenging the traditions of art galleries and exhibitions and thinking about how art objects can exist outside these spaces. Like, in normal, everyday life.
For example, he's made a bench out of old Apple computers (see image below) and the MacBook pic that later became a meme (see below).
He started this in 2009 posting photoshopped images on Tumblr. Later, he went on to open an Etsy store which would mail customers the materials and instructions needed to make the art themselves.
In some cases, he deliberately made art pieces that don't last (fall apart, dissolve, or disappear shortly after they are made).
He's quoted as saying that's work is both rejecting traditional rules and trying to imagine what art might look like if those rules didn’t exist. “You can’t make this with a straight face.You’d have to be a real lunatic to do that."
Some of you might recognize a meme he made during election campaigns that was mistaken for a legit ad for Joe Biden (see below). Troemel eventually had to take it down because he was accused of false advertising/ spreading misinformation/ fake news. which....ironically is his whole point about internet culture, lol.
Today, he does a weekly series of cultural commentary posts on instagram.
What does this have to do with The 1975?
Matty announced on instagram that Troemel has co-written and will be co-directing the "Still....At Their Very Best" show.
How do Matty and Troemel know each other?
Matty's been a fan of his for a while and has liked his posts online, followed him on social media, etc.
On the Ion Pack Podcast, Matty spoke about Troemel's work, describing him as "someone who has strong cultural awareness and someone who gets art from the inside and from the outside. Gets it as an artist and as a consumer of art" and someone who "lit the fire and [Matty's] ass. and that he's been using Brad Troemel's language in interviews. the guy is fuckin' goated."
What does this mean for The 1975 and the "S...ATVB" tour?
WELLL...its not entirely clear yet BUT
Matty's current highlight reel titled "SHOW," has posts that are written as if Brad Troemel made them, not Matty. Hint at what the show is gonna be like?
We know that Troemel's style lines up with, and expands on, Matty's. They both present ideas, ask questions that challenge the status quo, and love irony. So, there's likely to be a lot dramatic irony and cultural criticism within the show
Of what? The posts Matty's made so far have been commenting on cultural constructs of masculinity, so, perhaps a continuation of what he started with ATVB?
What's it gonna look like? idk, but Matty's been really leaning into the TRUMAN BLACK/ MATTY HEALY dichotomy. With the lab coat and name tag onstage and in ATPOAIM, with changing his name to "TRUMAN BLACK" on instagram, etc.
Is he going to dramatize that and "play" both characters? himself AND Truman Black? what about the absurdity that they're BOTH him!
[ will update this as we continue to receive hints about the show.]
Referenced images
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Consulted Sources:
New Yorker Article about Troemel: Art Troll
Artspace Bio
Post-Internet Art
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bengalsbliss · 4 months
Hey 🧡 Is Liv usually active on social media during the off-season?
Hi! I’d say last year she was pretty active.
She did her first brand deal! We got a little vlog 🙏🏻 She made the NYC reel! She went to the Taylor Swift concert!!! And from her and Joe’s trip to cali she posted like a billion photos 😂
I hope she’s active like that again this offseason 🤞🏼🤞🏼
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drdemonprince · 1 year
ooh I'm so glad you talked about transportation in your "I’m a “highly functional” Autistic. It takes a lot of work" article. I am easily carsick, and I get so exhausted just from riding in a car.
People get confused when I decline to do an event or errand because "I had to drive a lot today" (And now I don't even explain it to them lol). So I appreciate you discussing that.
Motion sickness and sensory issues exert such a HUGE influence on the way I live my life. I had to take the train downtown twice in the past week because of work events, and I'm still reeling from how sick it makes me. I want to move to NYC in part because their trains are so much smoother and quieter than Chicago's old rickety cars. It sucks being this sensitive.
I'm glad you found that part of the piece resonant. Car culture shapes our lives in the US so heavily that often we don't even consider how much our options are limited by it. The Anime Sickos were just talking about this incidentally on their podcast -- how in more walkable countries, elderly people are far less socially isolated and bored. in places with robust public transit and high walkability, disabled people of all ages are more connected and self-sufficient. here in the US as someone who needs to be able to access the grocery store, my doctor's office, and at least a few social opportunities on foot, there's only a handful of cities where it's even possible for me to live. and so many kinds of work I just can't ever do because a long commute in a car would be required. and so, yeah, it's hard to think of a larger way in which societal structures have "dis-abled" me than that.
(here's a link to the piece for anyone curious)
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majaloveschris · 1 year
First of all, I’d like to disclaim by Occam’s razor: AB’s sister posting pics in CE’s backyard means she and her bf were there. Yes. Normal ppl would also post pics they’ve taken recently, so yes, logically speaking these photos were probably recent. Ok. Team real got their point made here.
HOWEVER…we’re talking about AB and this situation. What about this whole thing has made sense or been normal? Pretty much nothing. Even their pap walk debut made little sense bc they were both apparently in ATL, one filming a movie, the other doing yoga school, but chose to stop everything to fly into NYC and run around a crowded park in masks. Ok. And then go back into hiding. Very normal.
So, a theory (call it far fetched, call it delusional, whatever. It’s just a theory): back last summer? Or early fall, ppl saw that AB started following a guy (now known as her sister’s man). Pretty sure it was around mid-late summer. I think it tracks bc ppl claimed that she also filmed that chin video with Chris around late summer 2022 (somebody out there has those backdates idk). So let’s say she’s in the US, after her Paris movie promo is finished and she has time off. She travels to LA, meets sister’s bf and follows him on IG. Her sister is also there. They end up at CE’s house and take pics in his backyard. This is B4 the relationship launched but obviously they were planning things during the dormant hiding time re:scare/Vday videos. Idk if they filmed any stories in LA, but let’s say they’re planning this out to sell it all the way. Sister/Bf being local would be really helpful to help sell it down the road.
What if, these photos from her sister’s IG were actually taken last summer? I mean, sure, LA does experience some weather changes, but it’s much harder to pinpoint what time of year it is in LA than it is in the east coast. And without a time stamp, there’s no way to tell when these photos were actually taken. This also could mean AB’s side is catching on or gotten a little smarter by not having Justin or troll minions post real time stories, and instead let the private accounts leak SS that can’t be backdated.
Again, ALL of this is pure speculation. The reason team real has so much ammo is bc some PR theories skew very close to QANON conspiracy, but what they keep forgetting is that HW itself is basically a qanon conspiracy. So much of HW is smoke and mirrors. Nothing really makes sense and it’s not supposed to. Also, Social media is a highlight reel, not a reality. Ppl are miserably IRL but pretend on SM to be having the time of their life. Lastly, the first whispers of this relationship began thru SM. I believe IF it ends, it may end the same way it began. But that’s just my opinion.
I think it's a really good theory. That video was recorded on August 18, 2022, at least according to the app. We all know they are never alone, so maybe at the time Ana and her boyfriend played the chaperone's role 😅
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kmp78 · 4 months
« She's absolutely loving that wifey role. 🥰 »
So cute.
I have a few questions.
JL and VK separated in 2021, is that it ? So VK found a new boyfriend and got engaged in 2 years ? It's fast. How does she met him ?
Who put an end to history? JL or VK
The timeline goes like this:
April/May 2021: VK and break up. 💔
June-July-August: both spend the summer moping around in NYC and Miami 😣
End of August: VK leaves the US for the 1st time in 1.5 years (due to Covid obvs) and moves in with her sis in Cannes/St. Tropez.
Their reunion after 2 years apart was quite emotional... 😭🤗
September-October: VK continues bunking with Yan and Olivier, and vacays/works all over Europe. 🇪🇺
Olivier as we know is a pro-equestrian, and VK spends some time with horsies as well. 🐴
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And this is the part where the story gets a little bit murkier: we don't know exactly where and when VK and Dims' paths crossed, but best guesses are either at these horsey circles (since Dims is/was a keen horseman as well), or at one of the high society shindigs these folks attend in Paris etc. 🤷🏼‍♀️
In any case, the 1st sign of Dims on VK's socials came when they were caught snuggling in Miami in November 2021. 😏
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Then of course they spent that following New Years yachting and canoodling in the Caribbean with their new group (while JL was also in the neighborhood having a real good time with his cheap replacements... 🫣).
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During 2022 VK and Dims continued to date, until in October (on what I strongly suspect to have been their 1st year anniversary!) Dims whisked her off to Italy and popped The Question. 💍
JL in the meantime was... well, feeling it. 😐
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So no, it wasn't fast at all. It was a perfectly normal development of a relationship. 🤷🏼‍♀️
VK spent several months reeling after the breakup from April/May to Sept/Oct, and I don't see anything weird in how and when she found a new (and better) man. 🤷🏼‍♀️
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 2 years
My Fake (Girl)friend: the My Fake Boyfriend Supercorp AU
Kara is a stunt actor gunning for a stunt cooridnator position who is in an on again off again relationship with Siobhan, the lead of the tv show Kara works on. Kara is over the moon for this chick, but Siobhan keeps sleeping with other people even after she agrees to be monogamous with Kara.
On the tenth break up, Kara's best and most well meaning friends Winn and Lyra unleash the "nuclear" option: setting up a fake girlfriend and posting official "We're dating" announcements on all of Kara's socials.
Kara is initially horrified, but when Siobhan is furious and jealous, Kara gets a little taste of what it's like to have power in a relationship. So she agrees to keep it going.
Except when Kara drops off her elderly neighbor at a cooking class, the instructor-- a beautiful woman with dark hair and a stunning smile-- catches Kara's eye. But she doesn't approach the woman. Just stares for a moment as the woman drops some recycle at the curb before throwing the car back in gear and driving off. Then reversing to check her out one more time. Then getting out and sneaking into the classroom behind the woman, posing as a student.
The cooking class is held above a restaurant owned and head chefed by the instructor-- whose name is Lena. Kara watches awkwardly as she stares, listening to the chef explain the day's recipe.
As the students gat started, Lena makes the rounds, stopping by each work station to give students personal attention. When she gets to Kara, she introduces herself, and admits that Kara's neighbor talks about her all the time. Then she notices Kara's horribly dangerous cutting techniques, and does the whole "standing close and guiding the person's hands" thing. Kara is smitten.
Meanwhile, Siobhan gets Kara pulled from the show, so she's now unemployed. She's suddenly desperate and frantic, but Winn talks her down. This is a good thing. She's out from under Siobhan's thumb, for good.
Kara picks up some extra shifts at the side gig she has at the gym, but she's still on the edge of misery. Despite the success of her fake online relationship, she's alone. She's unemployed.
Until Winn informs her that her fake girlfriend advertised her stunt reel on her insta and secured a meeting for her with the showrunner/director of her old show.
When Siobhan sees Kara back on set, she gets cocky and showboats "oh, so I see you're back to beg me for your job back" until the director is like "actually, she's my guest" and guides her to his office for a private chat.
But the job isn't for the show. It's for an upcoming film the director is going to work on. A big budget blockbuster that is going to make Kara a name in the industry. It's her big break, and she gets the job.
To celebrate, Kara takes Winn and Alex out to dinner. At Lena's restaurant. At this point, Kara doesn't know if Lena is even into women, but this is in no way a recon mission. It's just for general opinions. Right? Right.
The plan is blown out of the water when Lyra and Winn decide to test the waters. Low buttoned shirts, come hither eyes, engaging smiles. Just to see who Lena responds to more, man or woman. But Lena only has eyes for Kara.
She takes the slightest excuse to comp dinner for their dinner, breaks out her best dishes to impress them, and even serves the table herself when the food is ready.
Winn ruins the evening over the dessert when he drunkenly tells Lena about Kara's new girlfriend, who actually just hit 1.6 million subscribers and signed on to be come the face of an LGBTQ vodka campaign. Kara tries to back out of it, but then reluctantly confirm it when Winn elbows her sharply.
For brief moment, Lena is crushed, but she covers it well. Especially when Kara quickly redirects the conservation back to Lena and her successful restaurant in NYC. Which Winn soon implodes by interjecting with the fake girlfriend's successes-- and ability to land a big beautiful fish like Kara.
Lena quickly excuses herself to close up shop, and Kara immediately pulls her friends out of the restaurant. They proceed to have an argument on the street outside.
The girlfriend is fake, yet real enough to land Kara her dream job-- which Kara points out only happened because the fake girlfriend lost her her job in the first place. Kara never should have gone along with this.... except she did. She wanted to do it, because it made her feel powerful for the first time in her life. Without Winn's help, Kara would still be stuck in a dead end relationship with a woman who treated her like shit. Everything Kara has now is because of Winn and the fake girlfriend.
Kara storms off, hurt and angry, and Winn sulks behind his computer late into the night. He'd only wanted to help his friend, but if what he was doing was only hurting her...
The fake girlfriend gets a message.
From Siobhan.
Informing fake girlfriend that Kara was about to cheat on them-- with her.
They rush to Kara's apartment, only to find Siobhan already storming away. Kara-- for the first time since the start of the relationship-- had turned her away. But it wasn't the fake girlfriend that gave Kara the power to do it-- it was the thought of Lena.
Lena and her pretty eyes and warm smile.
Lena and her strong hands around Kara's, gently guiding her through chopping a carrot.
Lena and her kind, genuine gestures at the restaurant.
Lena and the feelings she sparked in Kara's chest, which made Kara realize how hollow her thing with Siobhan had been.
It's Lena's socials that Kara scrolls through the next morning-- pictures and videos of food and cooking and cats (Lena seems to have several). Warm photos of her with friends and family, some in exotic places, some in places that appear to be competitions of some kind. Even some throwback thursdays of Lena as a beaming dark haired girl.
When her sister Alex finally arrives, eager to hear all the details of Kara's thing with the fake girlfriend-- how dare Kara make her learn about it through social media, first of all-- which she has been following avidly since the first announcement.
Kara tries to tell Alex the truth, but her sister barely lets her get a word in edgewise. In the end, all she can do is share that she's taking cooking classes-- which is true. It's not her fault Alex assumes she's taking the classes with the fake girlfriend.
Kara assumes that Lena has cooled off towards her after the restaurant visit, but to her surprise she finds a new face tentatively smiling at her in the self defense classes she teaches at the gym. It's Lena, padded up and awkwardly standing apart from the others, clearly nervous.
But despite her nerves, Lena is the first to volunteer for a demonstration, and this time it's Kara's turn to guide Lena's body, moving through the motions of disengaging from an attacker. By the end of it, a pretty flush pinkens Lena's cheeks, and Kara feels a similar blush climbing up her own neck.
Sadly, they're interrupted when the gym manager informs Kara that she has a sparring request from a regular. An over enthusiastic boxer. Which isn't really Kara's thing, but she's the only one on shift capable of holding her own. But when she's overwhelmed and knocked across the ring, the client is too caught up in the moment to realize that Kara's wind has been knocked out of her.
But just as the big guy comes in for the finishing blow, Lena suddenly blurs into the ring, blocking the guy's blow before smoothly sweeping his legs out from under him. Kara and the rest of the gym stare as Lena waits a beat to see if the dude will spring back up to continue his charge. When he doesn't, Lena then turns to Kara and gives her a hand up.
"You okay?" Lena asks.
Kara nods, still gasping a little. "Yeah. Thanks."
Afterwards, in the locker room, Lena catches Kara staring in the mirror. Slightly embarrassed, Kara strikes up a conversation.
"What was that, by the way? MMA?"
Lena blushes, caught out herself. "Our parents wanted us to be able to hold our own when we were kids. The bug kinda stuck with me. Just a hobby though. Nothing like what you do."
"Still. Looks like you're a little advanced for my intro class."
Lena's blush deepens. She clears her throat. "Well. Lyra invited me while you were at the restaurant. I didn't want to be rude."
Kara only stares.
"Well," Lena continues. "Catch you around?"
Kara nods dumbly. As soon as Lena is gone, Kara thuds her head against the lockers.
What is wrong with her?
Kara continues to come to cooking class. One day, Lena awkwardly brings up fake girlfriend for the first time.
"I, um-- I just wanted to thank you," Lena stammers, "and your girlfriend. What she did was really generous."
Kara jolts. "What did she do?"
"She mentioned the restaurant in one of her posts. Now we're booked out for months." Lena gives a bashful smile. "It's strange... to be honest, I've been wondering for a while whether the restaurant was going to work, but now-- it finally feels like it will."
Somehow, by the end of the conversation, Kara invites Lena to have dinner with them. Meaning herself. And her fake girlfriend.
She tries to get out of it later. Girlfriend is sick, oh shucks. Raincheck?
Lena offers to bring over some homemade soup.
Goddamnit why does she have to be so nice?
With a desperate call to her friends, Winn and Lyra come in clutch. They fake the girlfriend getting sick in the bathroom, encouraging Lena and Kara to go out without them pretending to hurk.
Outside, Lena suggests a surprise. She takes Kara not to a fancy restaurant, but to a grimy roller rink, complete with cheese sauce fries and greasy pizza. Kara has a blast. They talk as they skate, sharing their entire life stories. By the end, Kara thinks she could live in Lena's smile, her laugh.
"It's a shame your girlfriend couldn't make it tonight."
Kara deflates. Right. For a few blissful hours, she's been able to forget.
Kara's resolve hardens.
Fuck it.
"Actually, tonight has been the most fun I've had in ages," she says. When Lena looks at her in concern, she continues. "I mean, you know. She travels a lot, and even when she's here, she's not fully here. Not really."
Kara doubles down.
"Honestly, it feels like we've been on our last legs for a while now."
Lena takes her hand, giving it a comforting squeeze. "I'm so sorry. I know that must feel awful."
"You do?"
Lena shrugs. "Let's just say I can relate. Haven't had much luck in the girlfriend department myself."
The revelation hits Kara like a freight train. How anyone could have someone like Lena and not cherish every moment with her was an idiot.
And an asshole.
Kara makes her decision.
The very next morning, Kara barges into Winn's apartment and informs him that she doesn't need fake girlfriend anymore. Siobhan is officially out of the picture, she's in love with Lena, and she's done with the lies and the bullshit.
"I just wanna be me again."
But Winn refuses. The sponsorships and endorsements have been keeping him busy and keeping him solvent. It's his only source of income, and the level of work and time makes fake girlfriend his, not Kara's. Kara doesn't get to call the shots.
Except Lyra overhears. Lyra-- who agrees with Kara and resents the wedge Winn's obsession with fake girlfriend has driven between them-- takes Winn's laptop and before he can lock her out of the accounts, posts a fake headline declaring a plane crash that takes the life of a famous influencer: fake girlfriend.
Winn is devastated, but instead of comforting her friend, Kara bolts, barely taking the time to give Lyra a nod of gratitude.
As much as Kara wants to immediately run to Lena and announce the news, she knows she can't. She can't tell her the whole story, and so she needs to play the grieving girlfriend. She focuses on her new job, devoting every waking thought to it. But when an onset mishap causes the crew to believe she's crying for the loss of her girlfriend, she's dismissed from the film and her job with instructions to take time for herself during this difficult time.
Kara is left back at square one: alone and jobless. Winn isn't faring much better. They make up together over some ice cream while bingeing the entirety of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Until Winn reveals that Absolut is sponsoring a public funeral for fake girlfriend.
Which Kara must attend or else look like a monstrous person who can't even show up for her dead girlfriend.
The matter is further complicated when Lena shows up at the funeral in support of Kara, and also the fact that Siobhan has been obsessively following the social media trail of fake girlfriend back to Winn, and has discovered the secret truth.
When Siobhan reveals the truth after crashing the wedding, Lena is the first to run-- Kara tries to stop her, clasping her by the wrist in an effort to explain. Lena twists away using the very method Kara taught in self defense class, pausing only a moment to stare at Kara in equal parts horror and anger and hurt before vanishing out the door.
In the days that follow, Lyra kicks Winn out of their apartment, leaving him to slum it with Kara as they hide from the fallout. Lena refuses to talk to her, Lyra refuses to talk to Winn.
Eventually, it's Kara's elderly neighbor is the one to help her resolve things. They encourage her to go all out, to show Lena and Lyra the real people behind the lies that consumed their lives. And they agree to be the maitre'd for the very fancy and very homecooked meal Kara and Winn prepare for their respective (hopefully) girlfriends.
Lyra and Lena meet in the hallway outside Kelly's apartment, discovering that said elderly neighbor had lured them both their under false pretenses. Before they can leave, however, the neighbor opens the door and beckons them inside.
Unable to refuse one of their favorite people, they two enter the apartment to find a fancy enormous spread of food and both Kara and Winn dolled up in fancy suits, waiting for them.
Taking their respective people aside, Kara and Winn share their heartfelt apologies, and beg for the chance to talk over dinner-- not to offer excuses, but to offer them their true selves again.
"I'm so sorry, Lena," Kara says over the appetizers. "I know I never should have lied to you, but I promise... the person you met is real. I was always myself when I was with you-- both the good and the horrendously awkward. The truth is, I think I've like you since the day we meant. My attraction to you was never fake. I hope you can believe that."
"I want to," Lena says hesitantly, tucking her hair behind her ear. "It's just--"
"I haven't really given you a reason to," Kara finishes for her when Lena trails off. She takes a deep, quaking breath. "I know, and I'm sorry. But if you can trust me enough, just enough to let me try to show--"
She stops when Lena stands abruptly, halting the conversation. When Lena leaves the table without a word, Kara fights the sudden surge of tears that burns at her eyes. Hanging her head low, she swallows rapidly against the urge to sob in defeat.
Then, from the corner of her eye, she sees Lena's hand reach for her.
Kara looks up and finds Lena standing on the edge of what's turned into an informal dance floor, where Winn and Lyra already sway gently to the soft music the elderly neighbor has put on.
"Dance with me?" Lena says. Her eyes are soft and glittery in the christmas lights that Kara's strung throughout the room, and Kara us struck dumb by the sight.
Almost unbelievingly, Kara takes Lena's hand, only accepting this as reality when she's tugged from her seat and into Lena's arms.
As they begin to sway, Lena rests her head on Kara's shoulder. "I really like you too." A beat of silence follows. "And just between us, I actually hated your girlfriend. Just-- so much."
Kara laughs, loud and genuine.
Lena lifts her head, bestowing Kara with a megawatt smile.
"So you wouldn't mind being my real girlfriend?" Kara asks, getting herself under control, but unable to banish her own smile.
Partly pulling away, Lena cups Kara's cheeks with both hands.
"I'd love nothing more."
When their lips touch in their first kiss, Kara's heat clicks back into place.
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danthropologie · 1 year
I was like now don’t read into anything (to myself) but RB socials right now are uh, interesting. On IG stories the only two talking directly to camera are Daniel and Max. Daniel and Max both get tagged photos of them at launch…then the “band back together” reel? With no shots of Checo’s face? The only stories are him speaking at launch and walking outside hotel with no eye contact? No purposeful IG Checo to camera content? 🧐🤨🥸
I KNOW 😭 and the first story of him (the one of him walking outside the hotel) came so much later than anything from daniel, max, or even christian, that there was a period of time where i was legit wondering if he was even going to be there because there was NOTHING to indicate he was even in nyc, much less at the launch??? i know i'm supposed to be a checo hater this year but i almost feel bad for him cause what the fuck 😭 is he really THAT unengaging 😭
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twopoppies · 2 years
I saw My Policeman is showing at the NewFest in NYC aka the queer film festival in NYC on Oct 19, 7:30PM - SVA Theatre. Wonder if the cast will go! That sounds like something to showcase queer history and right at MP alley. Saw Dustin Lance Black was there for the premiere of his new movie with his cast. Harry is free that day too 👀
Sadly, it says the cast and creative team will not be doing a Q&A, so I would imagine they won’t be there at all. But it’s very cool they’re showing it and it’s listed as International Centerpiece but I can’t find anything describing what that is or what the criteria is for choosing it.
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International Centerpiece
Global pop star Harry Styles demonstrates he’s got leading-man chops in this story of forbidden romance and changing social conventions, also starring THE CROWN’s Emma Corrin, David Dawson, and queer icon Rupert Everett. Styles takes the lead as a young policeman who marries a schoolteacher in 1950s Britain, all the while pursuing a passionate same-sex relationship with a museum curator — a secret that threatens to ruin them all.
Based on the book by Bethan Roberts, THE POLICEMAN flashes between the 1950s and the 1990s, when the trio, still reeling with longing and regret, discover they have one last chance to repair the damage of the past. Director Michael Grandage’s sexy and enthralling adaptation is a heart-stopping portrayal of three lives caught up in the shifting and often unfair tides of history.
The cast and creative team will not be present for a Q&A at this screening.
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rainstudios97 · 1 year
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Recent Project : Instagram Post Template Design ©️ @rain_studio_s Available for Freelance work. Let's talk about your projects Need for a simple and memorable logo? Drop me or email And order on #Fiverr 💯 safety 📩 Order Now On Fiverr: www.fiverr.com/rainstudios Contact Me: ____________________ Email: [email protected] Whatsapp: https://wa.me/message/Z7UI5LTKE3VMD1 Telegram: https://t.me/Rainstudios Full project see Behance: www.behance.net/abdullaalrasel Video Editing service 📝 : Youtube intro (2d intro also 3D intro) Promo video (like a shot video of a product) Instagram stories or ads Facebook ads or reels video Birthday and anniversary wish videos and much more. Graphic design service 📝 : Logo design, Landing Pages, Instagram Stories, Instagram posts, Social media posts, flyers A5, posters A4, Brochures, Menu A4, Business cards, etc. Keyword: @kolis.dimitri14 @logoawesome @logoprofessionals @logo_lesson @logogreat @logohexa @logodesign_uk @logotips__ @logo_ronypa @usa KW: #logo #branding #design #graphic #graphicdesign #graphicdesigner #designer #sport #logodesinger #sketch #london #france #america #illustrationoftheday #illustration #icon #typography #vector #vectorart #logotype #brand #illustrator #characterdesign #drawing #texas #nyc #clothingbrand #usa #dimitrigrafis https://www.instagram.com/p/CoRdKTLL3zK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aricastmblr · 1 year
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Vogue se encuentra con Jimin de BTS para un paseo por Manhattan
8 de abril de 2023
voguemagazine·twt 8 de abril de 2023
If you're a member of the #BTSArmy, you need no introduction to #Jimin. The #BTS star, who recently released his first solo album, Face, still found the time to hang out with Vogue. Watch the full video here to spend the day with #Jimin: http://vogue.cm/y8e7ADq
A Day With BTS’s Jimin in NYC | Vogue
voguemagazine instagram sale j.m
If you’re a member of the BTS Army, you likely need no introduction to
#Jimin, the singer, and dancer who got his start with the K-pop boy band @-bts.bighitofficial and released his first solo album, Face, on March 24. #Jimin
’s song “Like Crazy” debuted at No. 1 on Billboard’s Hot 100, making him the first South Korean solo artist to top the chart. Yet, despite all his success, the star was relaxed and ready to hang as he spent the day with Vogue. He opens up on how fans helped facilitate # BTS’s American crossover, finding the courage to release a solo project that would make his bandmates proud, how he’s spending his downtime in NYC and more.
Tap the link in our bio to spend a day with #Jimin
Tap the link in our bio to spend a day with #Jimin. Director: @-yohanyoon_ Director of Photography: @-brndnyn Creative Producer: @-gabriellereich Editor: @-stillness_dancing Assistant Camera: @-marqezzi Audio: @-seanpaulsen Filming Locations: @-thepeninsulanyc @-rpmunderground @-new42studios
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voguebeauty sale jimin bts
#Jimin of @-bts.bighitofficial
loves a night of self-care. While spending the day with Vogue, the star shared how he remedies the dry skin he gets from staying in hotel rooms. His secret? Moisturizing face masks, of course.
Tap the link in our bio to watch the full video.
Director of Photography:@brndnyn
Creative Producer:@gabriellereich
Assistant Camera:@marqezzi
Audio: @seanpaulsen
Filming Locations: @thepeninsulanyc @rpmunderground @new42studios
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tvguidancecounselor · 11 months
TV Guidance Counselor Episode 583: Natalie Gold
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July 30 - August 5, 1994
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This week Ken welcomes actor (Succession, The Walking Dead: World Beyond, Rubicon) and all around fascinating human Natalie Gold to the show for her first ever podcast.
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Ken and Natalie discuss YouTuber Natalie Gold, having the same name as somebody else, social media, how Miami isn't Florida, growing up in Florida, Emerson College, Burn Notice, being a local child actor, Sheena Easton, rave theater, running lines with Jeff Goldblum, Ernest Saves Christmas, showing your children media, Christmas Vacation, shared interest friends, getting obsessed with Soaps, how OJ Simpson ruined so many things, Days of our Lives, turning into a panther, demonic possession, manning the complaint line, moving to NYC, sharing an apartment with more than five boys, getting mail, Short Circuit II, The Fame Movie, scary NYC, smoking, tobacco cigarettes, pregnancy cravings, Tom and Roseanne, the greatness of Denny Dillon, Friends,  being so wealthy you can get a University to open a west coast location JUST for you, Kevin Bright, Kristen Linklater, voice teachers, oversharing in acting classes, Shakespeare in the Park, covering your face, the magic of Dennis Farina, Rubicon, watching things you're in, Law & Order, buying anti-reels, Tommy Lee Jones comedy, The Fugitive, Chicago, apocalypses movies, avoiding The Road, making a book's ending darker, Mad Max, The Walking Dead, Love Boat, Hotel Malibu, J-Lo's TV career, Teen Witch, Branson, your kid having zero interest in your job, avoiding quality TV, Mad Men, Ken's contrarian nature, binging, having no patience, watching Eraserhead in Physics class, Ken getting good grades despite failing, Cookie Puss and topping that.
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auroinmarketing · 1 year
AuroIN.com Offers Streamlined Social Media Management with Iconosquare's New Instagram Reels Auto Posting Feature
New York, NY, April 2023 AuroIN.com, a leading provider of marketing automation solutions, is pleased to announce the launch of the Instagram Reels auto-posting feature by Iconosquare. This latest addition to AuroIN.com's portfolio of services will allow clients to streamline their social media management and improve their overall social media presence.
Iconosquare's new auto-posting feature for Instagram Reels is an exciting development for businesses looking to expand their social media reach. The feature enables users to schedule their content in advance, freeing up time and resources for other important business activities. With the new feature, users no longer have to rely on manual posting of notifications via the Iconosquare app.
AuroIN.com understands the importance of staying ahead of the curve in marketing automation. The company is committed to offering its clients the most comprehensive and effective solutions available, and the new Instagram Reels auto-posting feature is a testament to this commitment. This latest addition to the company's portfolio is just one of the many innovative solutions that AuroIN.com offers to help businesses succeed in the ever-changing digital landscape.
Marketing automation solutions have become increasingly important as businesses look to streamline their marketing efforts and reach a wider audience. AuroIN.com's marketing automation solutions enable businesses to automate and optimize their marketing campaigns, increasing their efficiency and effectiveness. With the new Instagram Reels auto-posting feature, clients can now take advantage of even more automation tools to improve their social media presence.
As social media continues to grow in importance, businesses must find ways to stay relevant and engaging. The Instagram Reels auto-posting feature is just one way that AuroIN.com is helping businesses achieve this goal. By automating social media management, businesses can focus on other important areas of their operations while still maintaining an effective social media presence.
AuroIN.com offers the latest marketing automation solutions with Iconosquare's new Instagram Reels auto-posting feature. The company is committed to delivering exceptional results and helping businesses succeed in the digital landscape. With this new addition, AuroIN.com can help clients streamline their social media management and achieve their marketing goals.
About AuroIN
AuroIN is a full-service digital marketing agency that provides online marketing solutions to businesses of all sizes. With over a decade of experience, AuroIN has helped numerous clients across various industries achieve their digital marketing goals through customized strategies. Services include search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, social media management, and content marketing. AuroIN's team of experts uses the latest tools and techniques to help businesses improve their online visibility, drive traffic, and increase conversions.
Media Contact:
Company Name: AuroIN LLC
Contact Person: Media Relations
Address: 285 Fulton Street, Suite 8500, NYC-10007, USA
Phone: +1 315-533-1323
Website: https://auroin.com/
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