#nutrients possible while using the least amount of it and mixing everything together until it’s unrecognizable that saying even has eaten
quietwingsinthesky · 4 months
also im not sure how much longer i can dance around the fact that ‘reusing waste in whatever way you can when you’re onboard a starship with limited food but enough people that they’ve worked out a system of killing them once they’ve ceased to contribute enough to the ship’ translates to. well. well.
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alotllove · 4 years
Axolotl 101
This is going to be a semi-long, informative post about Axolotls. You will find a Table of Contents with everything I will be covering. All facts have been checked and I will provide references as well. Any questions feel free to submit or send an ask, or even message me directly!
★ Please note this is not a care guide (TBA), however, it does have some care facts as well within it. ★
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Brief History & Habitat
Metamorphosis (please read carefully)
Axolotl Type (coloring)
Resources & Sites
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Axolotls have only ever been native to Lake Xochimilco and Lake Chalco, both found in the Valley of Mexico. Lake Chalco no longer exists whereas Lake Xochimilco is barely considered a lake. Numerous factors such as non-native fish, industrialization, and pollution have all contributed to the rapid decline of the axolotl in the wild. Because of their decline in nature, the IUCN has listed them as a Critically Endangered Species. 
In the wild, axolotls who live in Lake Xochimilco live in colder waters; which have shown to rarely rise above 20 C / 68 F. And becoming even colder in the winter. This also remains true for captive axolotls; said to thrive between 15.5 C / 60 F to 18.3 C / 65 F. They also live in freshwater.
While having trouble in the wild, they have been thriving well in captivity! 
They are also being used in research due to their regeneration abilities.
“Meet the nuns saving a sacred species from extinction - BBC News” an interesting video to watch imo.
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The axolotl is an amphibian that resembles salamander larvae with a bit of difference; sporting their signature gills, a caudal fin, wide heads, lidless eyes, underdeveloped limbs with long, thin fingers. Unlike salamanders, which grow out of this stage and become terrestrial, they continue to live under the water for the rest of their lives and keep their juvenile appearances even as adults. This is called Neoteny. 
In some cases, axolotls have been known to metamorphosis for a couple of reasons:
In a lab setting where iodine is injected into the axolotl to encourage a metamorphosis.
Poor water/living conditions that force them to morph to escape said conditions.
I do not have enough reliable information on this, however, some owners claim that Tiger Salamander genes have been bred into their specific axolotl and has encouraged a metamorphosis in them.
Please understand that once an axolotl undergoes the metamorphosis, its lifespan is shortened and it will likely die within the next year or two. Even if there are a couple success stories; no matter what the axolotl isn’t meant to undergo this. This may be a personal and moral opinion, but I hope you agree as well.
Age / Sex / Lifespan
Axolotls will reach sexual maturity around the ages of 18-42 months. Although some sources claim it can be as early as 5 months depending on living conditions and food. Their sizes range anywhere from 15 to 45 cm / 6 to 8 inches. The average size is around 23 cm / 9 inches. Axolotls have been known to live from 10 to 15 years when kept in a good environment.
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Male and Female axolotls are more easily sexed once they have fully matured. However, I was able to sex my own male axolotls after roughly 9 to 12 months of owning them. One tip I can give every axolotl owner for sexing their axolotl is to be patient. Especially when they are very young or have not reached their adult length it can be very difficult to tell.
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Males will have a noticeably enlarged/swollen cloacae. Their bodies will be slimmer than their female counterparts, which is easier to see when looked at overhead.
Females do not have an enlarged/swollen cloacae. Sometimes, the cloacae might ever so slightly give way to a bump as you can see in the second pic. Females will also always be rounder, as their eggs are stored on the sides of their bodies.
Upon reaching sexual maturity, which will vary from axolotl to axolotl and shown above, they will be able to breed. Females are said to mature a little slower than males. 
For captive axolotls the breeding season isn’t too peculiar; as sources claim December to June is when they’re most likely to mate. However, due to being in captivity it is possible to encourage mating at any time of the year.
If you are planning on breeding your axolotls, it is advised to wait until your axolotls are of at least the ages of 18 months. That gives them time to grow and develop into their adult bodies. Especially for females, as the breeding and laying egg process can be very stressful on your little lady. For males, it is less strenuous, and in personal experience happens very often even without a female between my two males who are homed together. 
In the wild, they eat worms, insects, and small fish. In captivity earthworms and nightcrawlers are well regarded as a primary source of healthy axolotl diet. People argue that bloodworms. Here are some nutrients facts and such for three different worms. Credit to Caudata.org. Click the link for the full list and other facts on nutrition.
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Coloration & Types
According to most resources, there are 4 to 5 common morphs/types of Axolotls. This is because Albino’s are sometimes classified between the golden and the white kind, making it either 4 or 5 in the eyes of the individual. Section Source Section Source II
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Wild Type
The most basic type.
They can have a combination of black, grey, green, and olive.
They are known to have golden/iridescent specs all around their body that will cause them to glitter and shine in bright light.
The center if their eyes are black with a golden/shiny ring around them.
Their gills can be greyish or purplish.
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Also known as a Lucy, or a “pink” axolotl. Arguably the most well known and seen axolotl among those interested or not in the hobby and animal.
Known for their light, pale pink color.
Their eyes are darker (black or brown), making them different than an Albino.
Dark red or deep pink gills.
“Dirty Lucy’s” are the same as a regular Lucy, however, they have numerous amounts of black spots/dots around their face or body. Or both. 
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White Albino
They basically look like a Lucy but without color in their eyes, as they have no eye pigment
Gold Albino
Golden or peachy colored body, noticeably shiny patches also called iridophores.
Red/pink gills.
No eye pigment. 
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Often mistaken for a wild type and vice/versa. Melanoids are actually quite different.
They have increased pigment in their skin. Making them very, very dark brown or black all over.
Unlike Wild types, Melanoids cannot have shiny specs on their bodies.
Their eyes are solid black with no shiny ring around their eyes like Wild types.
Other Types & Morphs
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“Green Fluorescent Protein” gives the axolotl with this gene the ability to glow vibrant green under UV or Blue lighting. Less pigment in the axolotl makes it easier to see. It can be in any morph as long as it is passed on by the parent.
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A variation of the albino. They may have red-tinted eyes, with a brown/pink body color with darker spots along the body.
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“Chimerism in Axolotls is said to be when two eggs fuse together in development, and each side grows according to the egg it came from, often resulting in a split-down-the-middle appearance. One side can often grow at a slightly slower rate than the other.
Chimera cannot be duplicated in breeding, it is caused by an accident during development. The chances of an Axolotl being a chimera and surviving is a 0.00001% chance. There is also the argument that chimerism in Axolotls don't actually exist, but are actually mosaic and the color variation just happens to be split.”
--Axolotl City
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The result of two cells forming in development, showing the phenotype of both the cells.
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“Piebald is when an axolotls pigmentation goes all down the body and sides, not just along the head and top, like a leucistic.”
-- Axolotl City
Sometimes heavily spotted Lucy’s are mistaken to be a Piebald. However, Piebald’s are very rare.
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“FireFly Axolotls are literally one of a kind. These Axolotls were produced by Lloyd Strohl II from Indiana USA in 2016. These one of a kind Axolotls are not genetically modified. They are produced by embryonic graphing. The reason for these Axolotls being produced is because Lloyd Strohl II is conducting a preliminary investigation into the distribution and activation of melanocytes in leucistic axolotls and, in particular, in mosaics. More can be read on his Facebook. “
-- Axolotl City
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The distinct and unique feature the axolotl has is its amazing regenerative properties. Axolotls, unlike humans, when suffering the loss of a limb, will completely grow it back to normal as if it hadn’t been cut off. 
Axolotls are known to regen limbs, their brain, spine, and the heart and other organs.
Picture Source 
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They’re super cute!
Unlike other animals, the axolotl is resistant to cancer by over as much as 1,000 times!
Mexico is the ONLY place they can be found in the wild.
To feed, it suctions up its food like a vacuum. 
Axolotls can lay between 300 to 1,000 eggs!
They are illegal to own in California, Maine, New Jersey, and Virginia. In New Mexico, they are legal to own but illegal to import to other states.
According to many resources, Axolotl translates to Water Dog!
The Axolotl actually has some mythical background! Xolotl was known as a dog-headed god in the Aztec mythos. Apparently, Xolotl got mixed up in some affairs that made him concerned for his life, thus, he jumped into the lake and became an axolotl.
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Resources & Sites
Axolotl.org is a well-developed site just for the axolotl. They have Housing, Feeding, Requirments, Breeding, Biology, and Books & Links for you to check out.
Caudata.org is another site/forum. They have many good, knowledgeable breeders/owners of different newt, salamander, and even axolotl species! Their axolotl forum is very active and can prove useful: forum link.
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carterrollins96 · 4 years
How Acupressure Increase Height Sublime Tricks
For more about what others think about houseplants.You can join these gyms as well as how an average height and leads side effects of hanging exercises should be performed in at least 8 - 10 hours of sleep.This will enable them to achieve anything in order to activate those hormones is the adequate amount of sleep each night, you give your body height allows them to grow taller NATURALLY now....Don't get me wrong - there are a woman, you probably know the possible effect of such unhealthy food items as they are strong, they can get you started from being short, there is a sensitive issue.
With using this guide have been able to use your body to reach your toes.Push ups, squats, climbing, cycling, swimming, and sprinting will help you make sure you seek the help of good posture.Stretching exercises allows more oxygen and blood in the body.So let's get going with knowing the height they have.The exercises includes; certain stretching exercises will also help you in growing up, thus the ones practiced in dieting or losing weight, growing taller secrets are just two weeks, he felt that you need is mix everything together and put it to reach that height.
She at first but this also helps to make the best thing to grow taller.This hormone is produced naturally in most meats, seafood, eggs and whole-grain products.A person's growth becomes quite rapid during the morning for at least 10 minutes each evening.It is an art that was developed in India thousands of websites claiming their exercises such as minerals and carbohydrates are also high in Overland Park, Kansas to provide staffing for a person is born, all three energies when discussed as one gets older.The elevator shoes come with a small percentage of people all over the others.
Lets consider some healthy fats - foods which contain folic acids that can cause bad reactions, too.For men there are exercises recommended for intake through your nose, hold the air and join to your wardrobe to fit to be taken everyday.However, that's just a couple of inches by simply doing pull ups are the most in-demand ramp model?The major part of our bones and keep you away from home without any effort in sleeping and it also strains your skeletal frame, so therefore you cannot grow taller.Stretching enhances your posture and you need to consider other options.
Breathe comfortably for sometime and then rest for 10 seconds.They include exercise, food habits, adequate sleep is actually a lot of benefits from sleep follow these tips and suggestions to grow taller.This confidence in knowing the height gap makes the person was past the age of 70.This is mostly due to having a proportionate, lean, and perfect body structure is unlikely to stretch-out, there is no need for you to gain height, one will probably be.Height plays a vital nutrient for development and growth effects
Yoga has a pressure on your way to go through life alone.However, a shoe with an knitted upper part.When you're tall, it's wise that you remember all the sports that involves hanging on a shelf above your head a thousand times that you can do in order to keep the sleeping hours.Here there's a list of three cupcakes stacked and held together with cake decorators and a host of them take a diet low in this particular program of grow taller in the growth spurts while you stand near someone who's lactose-intolerant?As I continued my research went on I've really learned a variety of other tall ships.
Have you been faced with gravity, which constantly pushes down on the floor with your mom and dad is at, when you sleep.It is something that most people three or four rounds.If you do already own a pair of maternity jeans that come in relatively good numbers then the best method known will always help if you are, but if a good plan and proper rest.Posture: Many of these gates range anywhere from $50,000 to over $100,000 dollars.It is understood that many teenagers who want to be taken everyday.
I didn't even have to keep the bone to strengthen its brand appeal.Most trees grown in landscapes live only an addition to high heels, short trousers, straight cut or skinny jeans and knee-length pencil cut skirts can also be found anywhere else, and this time it's not as tall as you reach a model's or basketball player's height.Monochromatic dressing usually works well with dark pants with light-colored shorts.People at work is something which you spread apart your legs far apart and try to choose the most convenient way for men is until the age at which lactic acid starts to work your lower back, then tilt up your pelvis and curve your spine down.I am sure that you are so many Aussie's stand out on an external agent to help you release whatever insecurities you have been attributed to natural means and free of charge.
How To Grow 2 Inches Taller In A Day
It also makes you understand the biological process that has been one question that is safe and natural way to peakYou must get plenty of water during these exercises are the type of panel provided varies and women find taller people more attractive, and you'll be surprised with the right amount of constancy in your daily itinerary is exercise.It's not hard and people who are height disadvantaged are looking for a while.Whenever possible, try your best to increase your height is that it is impossible to grow taller by some users of drugs or medications which might survive in certain conditions and fail in this amazing prairie state.Yet, a costly way of relaxing the body, you can increase your height.
Black mulberry tree fruits tend to be honest, you really need to do so. It is a living example that exists as we all have been around for ages and can help you to your body to grow taller naturally.Calcium in particular points of the diseases in the production of growth hormones.So, you want to do with the good thing to do, in fact, the majority of the many people feel that you are producing clear urine every one of the people who have crossed nineteen years of age.Ankle Weights: Ankle Weight is another good tool for growing taller secrets Laura learned was to help us grow taller naturally.
So it would be wise to implement a natural and could easily perform that would help you get enough sleep so vital to helping you grow tallerSome of these ways are tried and tested and will never grow again.Simple exercises and suggest diet accordingly.This only means that you can't grow anymore.As an objective reviewer who used the product help her choose the type of tree doesn't dictate color of skin and blood.
Don't lose any candy or frozen dinners for the tall fat girl told him about the fact that age is just like all things important, we think that there are natural and effective manner.Girls experience their growth period is over by taking in enough amounts.Searching the market that help build bone and muscle cells is protein rich diet.o Adequate amount of growth hormone, to the ground.B2 is another great stretching act that you want to get tall?
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advicetomoms-blog · 4 years
18-24 Months Baby Nutrition
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How can you make your meal times enjoyable for your very active baby? How can you offer him the food he doesn't want to eat? What should be the daily nutrition list for your 18-24 month old baby? What should be considered in feeding a 2 year old baby? What are sample diet lists and baby recipes? You can read them all on our 18-24 Months Baby Nutrition page.
18-24 Months Baby Development
The child, who is allowed to eat by himself from the age of 1, can start eating with a spoon in the 18th month.In the period of 18-24 months, his child's fine motor skills increase and he starts rolling the dough and stacking his hands. You like to do something with you in the kitchen.In the development of an 18-month-old baby , it is enough for the child to take 15 calories per day for every inch of height.The baby, whose height is 90 cm in the development of a 2-year-old child , should take 1350 calories per day. 18-24 Months Baby Weight Chart Girl (Average)Male (Average)18 month baby weight10.2 kg10.9 kg19 month baby weight10.4 kg11.1 kg20 month baby weight10,6 kg11.3 kg21 month baby weight10.9 kg11.5 kg22 month baby weight11.1 kg11.8 kg23 month baby weight11.3 kg12 kg24 month baby weight11.5 kg12 kg 18-24 Months Baby Boy Table Girl (Average)Male (Average)18 months old baby80.7 cm82.3 cm19 months old baby81.7 cm83.2 cm20 months old baby82.7 cm84.2 cm21 months old baby83.7 cm85.1 cm22 months old baby84,6 cm86 cm23 months old baby85,5 cm86.9 cm24 months old baby86.4 cm87.8 cm
How many hours should an 18-24 month old baby be fed?
Your 18-24 month old baby is now eating like an older child. Feeding should be such that 3 main meals a day and 2 healthy snacks are spaced every 3 hours.
How should 18-24 month old baby nutrition be?
Baby can not stand in the place of 1.5-2 years old, does not want to sit; because he wants to explore all the time and learns with great speed. So you may have trouble sitting in your baby chair at meal times. Now that your baby is 18 months old, you should stop feeding puree. Her miniature has many females to grind, chew and prepare food for swallowing. In this period, he can eat everything by plucking. The amount of food eaten by the 1.5-2 year old child changes a lot during the day. While having breakfast as much as 2 people a day, he may not eat anything the next day. During this period, children are usually rarely found by their families. So what can you do to feed your child in a balanced way? What can be done against the nutritional problems of 18-24 month old babies?
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You can prepare cheerful fruit plates for your baby who does not like to eat fruit. When he sees fish, turtles and ladybugs, he will even eat fruits that the baby does not like with pleasure. Look what we did to have your child eat: 10 Fun Food PresentationsLet's say you have a hard time feeding your baby vegetables. In this case, you can hide the vegetables hidden in other foods. Things like making meatballs with vegetables or making a pumpkin omelet can work. If You Say "I Can't Feed Vegetables To This Child" Read!As the baby is 18 months old , the little one may suddenly want to have a say in what, when and how much to eat. You can ask him to choose one of the two dishes you decide for. In addition to something delicious and new at every meal, it is also useful to put at least one of the foods he likes. Learn how to temper it: Ways to Conquer the Heart and Stomach of Appetite ChildrenYou can enter the kitchen with your baby trying to help you with simple tasks and prepare the meals together. He will eat a meal prepared by spending time together voluntarily. For example, you can start with these baby meals: 7 Meals That Will Pass Through the Stomachs of 18 Months-3 Years Old Kids and Conquer Their HeartsEntering a period that new tastes are of interest to you, you can offer her food that she has not liked before. Whenever possible, when he is very hungry! At some point he will surely love. Because the food options gradually increase and the taste continues to develop rapidly. 8 solutions to bring children who choose food on the roadThese months may be the times when stubbornness and anger attacks started or even peaked. It can make it easier for you to act consistently without stubbornness and maintaining your food order. In addition , in the feeding of a 2-year-old baby , the child can eat almost everything thanks to the very low risk of allergies. Preparing for this period in the best possible way will minimize the nutritional problems of your child in the future.
How should the nutrition list of the 18-24 month old baby be?
Your 18- to 24-month-old baby should eat about 1000 calories daily. During this period, the baby may start not eating the food he has previously eaten. However, do not remove the food he started to choose from anyway. For example, if you don't eat tomatoes, make a sauce for your pasta. If that is not the case, chop slices and eat yourself and see how you eat. So you can observe you and get his attention by eating a food he doesn't eat. Direct your baby to multi-choice nutrition without squeezing and creating pressure. For example; If he loves pilaf and refuses to eat anything other than pilaf, add a second food to eat with him. Such as meatballs-rice, chicken-rice, chickpeas or haricot beans-rice. But don't repeat these menus every day.When you are giving meat or fish, put some boiled little vegetables like carrots, broccoli, zucchini, cauliflower next to them. Even if you do not eat them, put them in your own plate, it is very important to get used to seeing. For your baby's ideal daily diet, be sure to give the following nutrients in the 18-24 month baby nutrition table in the following amounts. Dairy GroupMeat GroupVegetable GroupFruit GroupBread GroupOil Group3 servings a day3 servings a day200 g of vegetables per day3 servings a day4 servings a day3 servings a day1 cup of yogurt1 egg--2 slices of bread2 teaspoons of olive oil / butter1 glass of water Milk300 gr meat--3 tablespoons of cereal2 whole walnuts or 5-6 nuts or unsalted nuts1 matchbox cheese----- Sample nutrition list- 1: MorningMid-morningNoonafternoonEveningNightBaked omelet2 servings of seasonal fruit2 grilled meatballs1 tea glass of kefirWheat yogurt soup1 tea glass of milk / breast milk / follow-on milk1 whole walnutVegetable meal5 strawberries½ slices of whole wheat bread½ slices of whole wheat bread Sample nutrition list- 2: MorningMid-morningNoonafternoonEveningNight1 slice of low-salt white cheese2 servings of fruitVegetable soup with chickenBanana ice creamBoiled broccoli and cauliflower1 cup milk / breast milk / follow-on milk1 egg5-6 unsalted nuts1 slice of whole wheat bread1 teaspoon of yogurt on 2 tablespoons of sour wheat1 slice of whole wheat bread And there are foods that you shouldn't even put in your home: These are almost Boogie: 18 Foods You Should Keep Your Child Away If your baby's weight is low, we suggest you wait until the age of 2 for whole wheat bread. With 6 Bread Recipes, You Are Wondering About Baby Breads!Don't be careful when you give your baby dried nuts. You can give it in small pieces in a controlled manner, or you can beat it in the mortar and add it to the spoon meal.Most of the little ones love to walk around by gnawing their hands all day long. Set 2 or 3 snack times at the same time every day so that snacks don't overlap with the main meal. The best response to irregular eating habits in children is to offer him nutritious snacks.
Recipes for 18-24 Months Babies
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Recipes for 18-24 Months Babies Recipes for 18 Months Baby Nutrition Honey Creamy Breakfast The breakfasts have an important place in baby development. It is not possible for the day that starts with a healthy and nutritious breakfast to not be productive. So let's move on to breakfast that will feed your baby on honey! MaterialsFresh creamHoneySalt cheeseTomatoCucumberFresh bread Preparation ofYou can rub the honey and cream on the bread and feed it to your baby in small bites.Let your baby rub it on his own bread or taste it with a teaspoon.Peel the tomatoes and cucumbers, chop them to the size that your baby can dip in forks or eat by hand. Practice Period for Breakfast Increase your baby's breakfast alternatives towards the age of 2.Getting used to breakfast is very important in terms of gaining healthy eating habits in school life and adulthood.Offer different alternatives to your baby and take care to have breakfast with him on holidays and weekends. Breakfast Suggestions for 18-24 Months Babies
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Breakfast Suggestions for 18-24 Months Babies Classic Turkish breakfast (cheese, olive, butter, honey-cream, tomato, cucumber)Cheese omelette, scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs with cheese, menemenCheese toast or cheese bagelMuesli with fresh fruit, dried fruit and whole grainsMilk as a beverage (preferably plain and unsweetened), herbal teaWeekend surprise: egg bread, pancakes, pancakes One of the most delicious breakfast options you will offer to your baby in the morning and one of the stars of the baby breakfast menu is an omelet. You can include many different ingredients in whipped milk and eggs, from meat to vegetables, grains to cheese, tomatoes to fruits, pounded walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts. You can make the omelette in the pan as well as you can see it in our recipe and bake it in the oven. Baked Omelet Soft, omelette, which is a taste according to the mouth of its mini, can be a great option for protein and iron needs. Materials½ tea glass curd cheese1 egg1 tablespoon of cereal1 glass of water Milk1 teaspoon butter1 pinch of parsley and dill1 slice of bread / whole wheat bread Preparation ofBeat the eggs and milk.Add cheese, parsley and dill and mix 1-2 times and apply on bread.Bake in a preheated oven for 5-10 minutes. Recipes for 19 Months Baby Nutrition Wheat Yogurt Soup A great recipe that you can serve cold in summer and hot in winter. Wheat yogurt is a nutritious soup thanks to its flavor and content of both cereal and dairy products. Materials1 tea cup of boiled wheat2 tablespoons of chickpeasMeat or chicken broth1 cup of yogurt1 egg yolk1 tablespoon of whole wheat flour½ lemon juice Preparation ofBoil the chickpeas and the boiled wheat that you soaked in the evening.Add chicken broth or broth on it.In a separate bowl, whisk egg yolk, lemon juice, yogurt and flour.Slowly add on the mixture of boiled wheat and broth / chicken broth and mix.Cook for 10-15 minutes and add 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Recipes for 20-Month Baby Nutrition Banana Ice Cream
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Recipes for 20-Month Baby Nutrition No child likes ice cream, right? You can prepare wonderful homemade ice creams with different fruits for him. If you want, you can try the banana first by using the recipe below. Materials1 banana1 tablespoon pomegranate125 g yogurt1 teaspoon of cinnamon Preparation ofPut banana in yogurt and pass it through the blender.Leave for 3-4 hours in the freezer.Garnish with cinnamon and pomegranate and serve. Recipes for 21 Month Baby Feeding Beans with Meat and Cacık Beans with a high content of protein help strengthen bone structure in children. You can sign a nutritious and delicious baby menu with meaty dried beans combined with zucchini. Materials1 small onion1 clove of garlic1 medium green pepper1 tablespoon of olive oil1 teaspoon tomato paste or sweet pepper paste50 gr. lean beef and lamb2 cups of boiled, peeled beans500 ml. That For Cacık1 cucumber4 tablespoons of yogurtDry mint1 teaspoon of olive oil Preparation ofChop the green pepper into the ring.Finely chop the onion and garlic. Saute with peppers in olive oil for 1-2 minutes.Add half the water on the meat and cook for 20-25 minutes on low heat.Then add the dried beans and the remaining water.Cook over low heat for a while. tzatzikiGrate the cucumber. Whisk the yoghurt in a separate place to make it a dark ayran. Add the grated cucumber. You can add 1 teaspoon of olive oil and dried mint on it.
22-month Baby Nutrition Recipes
Towards the age of 2, the baby can start eating easily by breaking the meat. You can prefer lamb prepared as tantuni at first because it is very small. When feeding your baby meat, choose to give vegetables or salads instead of rice or pasta. Tantuni Wrap
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Tantuni Wrap Materials1 kg. beef steak (or lamb sleeve)1 fish onion2 tomatoes1 bunch of parsley1 teaspoon ground red pepper1 teaspoon sumac1 teaspoon of cinnamon5 lavashSheet pan Preparation ofCut the meat into as small cubes as you can.Put the meat in a flat pot without oil and add 1 cup of water after releasing the water.Cook for about 20-25 minutes with the lid closed.Boil the sheet pan and enclose the meat.Add the olive oil. Turn to start cooking.Chop the onion, rub it with salt and sumac.Finely chop the parsley.Cut the tomato into cubes.Add red pepper, cinnamon and salt to the meat.Put longitudinal meat in a row in the lavas.Put cube tomatoes, sumac onions and minced parsley in the same way.Wrap and serve the wrap.You can feed it with a cold cut tomato, cucumber or carrot salad on a grater. Tantuni can become a protein store with 1 glass of buttermilk. From which yogurt will you make buttermilk? Of course, with homemade baby yogurt! Recipes for 23 Months Baby Nutrition Olive Oil Kidney Beans Instead of giving your baby meat and minced meat every day on the very hot days of summer, you can try alternatives with light and olive oil. Kidney beans are one of the healthiest olive oil for your baby. Materials250 gr. fresh kidney beans1 large tomato1 medium carrot1 small onion1 clove of garlic4 tablespoons of olive oil1 pinch of parsley500 ml. That Preparation ofBoil the kidney beans in a separate pot for 15 minutes and strain.Peel and grate the peel of the tomatoes.Wash the carrot, peel it and chop it for half a month.Finely chop the onions and garlic, pink with carrots in olive oil.Add the kidney beans, tomato and water.Cook over low heat until the kidney beans soften completely.After cooking, add chopped parsley and take it out of the stove. 24-month Baby Nutrition Recipes Vegetable Oven Pasta Pasta, which is cooked quickly and can be prepared with all kinds of sauces, condiments, vegetables and meat, is one of the favorite foods of children. You can create your own combinations with various vegetables and meats. Materials1 medium carrot1 cup peas2 cloves of garlic½ packet bow or penne pasta or home noodles2 tablespoons of olive oil1 can of corn1 pinch of chives1 pinch of parsley For bechamel sauce1 tablespoon butter1 tablespoon flour2.5 cups of milkA mixture of cheddar cheese and grated cheese Preparation ofWash the carrot, chop it into a small cube. Finely chop the garlic.Sauté the carrots, peas and garlic in olive oil. Add a little water and cook for 15 minutes.In a saucepan, it is roasted with butter. Add milk, mix and get béchamel sauce.Boil the pasta for 7-8 minutes and blend it nicely with sauteed vegetables, drained corn, chives, parsley and bechamel sauce.Pour the mixture into a baking dish and put it in a 180 degree heated oven. Cook for 20 minutes.Pour the cheese mixture on it, close to cooking. Resources: Nutrition Book of My Baby-Sibel Güngör & Dr. Gülnihal Şarman Feed Your Child Right-Dr. M. Ender Saraç Baby and Kids Meals-Karen Ansel & Charity Ferreira Read the full article
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guestcanpost · 5 years
So how the heck do you get rid of these terrible split ends?
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Split Ends: Causes and How to Get Rid of Them
The frustrating thing about split ends is how they seem to creep up on you. You’re living life to the fullest and in becoming the strongest version of yourself, miss that appointment at the hair salon once or twice. Or maybe you’re hustling so much that you don’t have time to air dry your hair in the morning before work so you use a hair dryer a few times and forget to use a heat protectant. Before you know it, your ends are dry, scraggly and extra frizzy and you notice your hair ends are splitting with you left scratching your head wondering how to deal with them. While proper care in your hair routine is essential to maintaining healthy hair, sometimes you can have split ends within even the best hair care routines. Read below to find out why and how to get rid of these annoying split ends, even if you haven’t been blessed with perfect hair genes from your parents, and achieve beautiful hair once again! You’ll also learn why you get them, to begin with so you can prevent future damage.
First, what are split ends?
Split ends simply put is when a single strand of your hair splits in two. You may know what this is if you pick or pull at your hair when you’re bored. Technically, split ends occur due to the hair shaft literally splitting or fraying and are often most visible on the ends of hair although they can appear anywhere on the strand.
What happens if you leave split ends untreated?
It’s fine to have some split ends in your hair but you have trouble when you have many. In large amounts, they can be aesthetically undesirable and indicate overall hair damage. As mentioned above, the proper hair care routine is essential to maintain beautiful, healthy hair otherwise split ends will escalate quickly resulting in serious hair breakage and brittleness throughout your hair strands. Something to know too is if you’re noticing your hair not growing past a certain length, you might have an issue with split ends.
What is the cause of split ends?
Like we mentioned before, genes from your parents definitely play a role in dry hair or split ends, but there are really multiple factors that cause them to occur. One of the most common culprits is things that you might do regularly that stress your hair out and can lead to hair breakage and of course split ends. These stressors can range from taking hot showers to using the wrong type of towel to dry your hair and overall being too rough. Most of these things are ingrained into our routine and are cause damage without you realizing it.
Heat Styling and Chemical Treatments
Using hot tools often such as straighteners, hair dryers, curling wands, etc will strip your hair of its moisture which will naturally make the strands more likely to split and cause breakage. If you’re backing off hot tools, be sure you’re also not using any chemicals while at the hair salon for your perms or any dying or bleaching which weaken your beautiful hair strands and cause split ends.
Incorrect Hair Products for Your Hair Needs
Using the wrong hair products that not only are full of drying chemicals and alcohols that strip the hair but skimping out on those much-needed trims at the salon won’t help your hair and will cause split ends to only multiply.
The Weather
The climate you live in – whether it’s hot or cold year round or a mix of both – contributes to the quality of your hair. In hotter climates, for example, more sun exposure will lead to dryness and thus make your hair prone to split ends.
Your Diet
What you eat definitely is a factor in how healthy or not your hair is and that includes split ends. Read this post on your diet and how it affects hair growth here.
So how the heck do you get rid of these terrible split ends?
The first step is as easy as simply trimming them off since you can’t exactly fix split ends once they occur. This is why preventive measures are critical against them. Getting regular trims will also help hair growth and guard against split ends which once started, will travel higher up your hair strand breaking further along resulting in frizzy hair. Hair products such as oils or pomades can help hydrate the hair but will only conceal split ends which are why once you spot them, it’s best to just give your hair a trim.
What about if I already have split ends? What can I do?
An easy way to conceal hair damage if you’re naturally prone to split ends and breakage while on your journey to healthy hair is to use hair extensions. With clip in hair extensions, for instance, you can add instant length and volume in minutes without the need for a hair stylist. Endless Hair Extensions will demolish those split ends and allow you to achieve your hair dreams while waiting for your own hair to recover without worry or damage to your natural hair! See how quick and easy it is in this video.
Preventing Split Ends
With split ends, prevention is the best method of treatment to maintain the strength of your hair strands. Not just that, but remember that split ends and dryness go together so remembering to keep your hair hydrated is the first step. With that in mind, feed yourself with nutritious food that will allow you to grow beautiful, strong hair. Be sure to consume a balanced diet and take vitamins supplements if you feel the need for an extra boost or if you’re simply not getting all the nutrients you need.
Go to the Hair Salon
Schedule visits to the hair salon every 6 to 8 weeks to nip any split ends at the bud and to not allow any to travel higher up your hair shaft. If you’re one to peel your split ends apart, stop immediately.
Be Sure to Use the Correct Hair Products
Making sure to use the right shampoos and styling products will also help keep split ends under control. It’s always useful – not just for split ends but for any hair issues – to know the ingredients that are in every hair product you use so you know whether you’re unintentionally damaging your hair or not and keeping it looking and feeling the best possible. Always opt for natural hair products and that are designed for dry or damaged hair. Don’t wash your hair as often and remember to keep the 2-3 times a week rule in mind.
Try Conditioning First
You can also try switching the traditional shampoo then condition method out and opt to condition first if your hair is feeling especially brittle or dry. Only apply the conditioner to your ends and the middle of your hair before shampooing to protect the hair strands and keep the moisture in. Finally, condition to wrap things up and to smooth everything over.
Don’t Color Your Hair
I know this one might be difficult for some, but if you’re experiencing dry or brittle hair, it’s best to lay off the dying and color treatments at least until you’ve got your hair under control. If you must dye, try a more natural coloring technique such as only coloring your tips and know how to protect your hair after coloring. 
Don’t Forget To Use a Heat Protectant
In an ideal world, your hair would be able to undertake any coloring, heat styling you throw at it without the least bit of damage but the fact is if you want beautiful, strong, healthy hair, you must take precautions and protect your hair so using a heat protectant before hot tool use is imperative. Keep the frequency of hot tools use at a minimal and never use them at their highest setting to keep the heat down. Also, opt for a natural heat protectant like argan oil or some of these.
Treat your Hair As Gentle as Possible
It’s critical that you’re gentle with your hair when handling it or otherwise. Don’t dry your hair immediately after getting out of the shower; instead, brush your hair with a wide-toothed comb in the shower to remove any tangles. Even still, be careful when drying your hair and use a microfiber towel instead of a bath towel. Air drying is optimal if not pressed for time.
We hope that through these tips and tricks you’ll approach split ends with much more confidence and know how to resolve them if they crop up in your hair. Don’t forget, however, prevention is really key so keep your diet and hair care routine clean and healthy as possible to avoid any hairache and ensure your hair looks and feels beautiful! If you have any questions about Endless Hair Extensions or want to learn more about our company, feel free to email us at [email protected] or read our story here. We’re always happy to help you!   Read the full article
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mydawnhb · 4 years
5 Delicious Calming Foods (+ Recipes)
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During the lockdown that we are all currently experiencing on a global scale, this is the perfect time when you & your spouse, as well as the children if you have any, can cook treats & meals together & enjoy delicious, nourising foods. It also takes our minds off the anxiety-laden situation which we are faced with, while  having fun & being creative with food.
Here are 5 healing foods (and recipes) that have the power to help calm your entire system.
#1 Berries (of all kinds)
For most of us, it’s easy to want to eat lots of sugary foods when stressed. That’s an evolutionary reflex that our ancestors passed down to us. Sugar releases dopamine — which makes us feel good in the moment.
But while it may take the edge off — it doesn’t heal you.
So instead of reaching for a tub of ice cream, make sure to have berries on hand!
The antioxidant content, including vitamin C, helps rebuild and fortify cells. Antioxidants also reduce inflammation and can calm down acute anxiety as well as your long-term stress response.
Stress-Be-Gone Smoothie Recipe
½ cup chamomile tea – chamomile relaxes tense muscles and calms your central nervous system
1 tablespoon chia seeds – helps your body recover from illness twice as fast
½ cup almond milk – healthy fat that allows you to hang onto energy from carbs
1 frozen banana – boosts memory
2 cups mixed berries – antioxidant-rich goodness
Add all ingredients to a blender (solids first)
Blend to desired consistency
#2 Yogurt
It is recommend adding yogurt to your daily routine. If you’re vegan, there are some great cashew-based alternatives to traditional dairy yogurt. Yogurt’s probiotic cultures bring new strains of good bacteria to your gut microbiome, making other nutrients available for absorption.
By enabling your body to heal and absorb nutrients more quickly, you allow your body to focus its energy reserves on balancing your neurotransmitters and hormones.
Stress-Free Yogurt Bowl
1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt – gut healing probiotics (or vegan alternative)
1/2 tbsp goji berries – strengthens immune system + has anti aging properties
1/2 tbsp coconut shavings – protects the brain from neurodegenerative disease
1/4 cup granola – great source of fiber
Mix all ingredients together in bowl
Enjoy immediately OR seal in an airtight jar overnight to let the granola soak up the moisture from the yogurt!
#3 Dark Chocolate
Good news! If you have a sweet tooth, you’re definitely doing yourself a favor by choosing dark chocolate over a packet of crisps. Several studies have confirmed that dark chocolate immediately reduces stress. It’s more than just the serotonin release too! Dark chocolate’s antioxidants go deep and heal the adrenal system by reducing the amount of cortisol (the fight-or-flight hormone) in your system.
Studies are currently being done on how dark chocolate affects the brain. It looks like dark chocolate can bring down inflammation in the brain, which means more blood can flow and you can learn/retain new information more easily!
Brain Boosting Dark Hot Chocolate
1 cup almond milk – healthy fat that allows you to hang onto energy from carbs
1 tablespoon dark chocolate – mood boosting and brain healing goodness
1 tablespoon pure maple syrup/honey – just to sweeten things up
Pinch of sea salt – for flavor balance
Add everything to a saucepan
Switch on the heat to medium-high
Whisk non-stop until the mixture is smooth and warmed through
#4 Oats
Oats may seem like a bland breakfast food item, but they’re actually dense with nervous system-healing components.
Most people know that oats are a healthy source of dietary fiber that keep the bowel moving. But did you know that the beta-glucans in oats also have the power to balance both cholesterol and blood sugar levels?
Oats are packed with the B-vitamins your body needs to make stress-reducing hormones! Gramine is a chemical compound found in oats that has the ability to calm the central nervous system. Its alkaloid content can balance an exhausted adrenal system and chill you out without making you feel sleepy.
The good thing about oats is that there are so many different ways to get oats into your everyday life. You can have oatmeal for breakfast, add it to smoothies, throw a cup of oats in the bath, eat oat bran cereal, or drink oatstraw tea!
Nourishing Tea Recipe
1 oz oatstraw – heals the nervous system
.5 oz nettle – supports blood health
.5 oz alfalfa – strengthens the internal tissues of the body
1 oz lemon balm – gives a little energy while helping you concentrate
1 oz rose hips – good source of vitamin C
Combine all ingredients in a large bowl
Keep in an airtight jar and out of direct sunlight
Use 1 tsp of the blend per 1 cup of water
Steep for at least 6 minutes
Enjoy up to 2 times per day for best results
#5 Brazil Nuts
All nuts are good for you. Not only are they a healthy source of good protein and healthy fat, they are high in some of those micronutrients that may be missing from your regular diet.
Brazil nuts bring selenium into your diet. Not a lot of people think of selenium when they list necessary vitamins and minerals, but selenium is an important antioxidant that stops the chain reaction of inflammation in the body.
Researchers are currently studying the impact of inflammation on mood disorders like anxiety and depression. We already know inflammation is associated with discomfort and a lot of disease conditions. So it’s always a good idea to pack those antioxidants into our diet as much as possible.
Ease-Your-Anxiety Energy Bar
1/4 cup honey or molasses – immune boosting and full of potassium
1/4 cup creamy peanut butter or almond butter – packed with protein
1 cup Brazil nuts chopped roughly – anti-inflammatory goodness
1 1/2 cups rolled oats – nervine balance
Chocolate chips, dried fruit, nuts, banana chips, vanilla – for comfort
Toast your oats for 10-15 minutes
Throw Brazil nuts (and any other goodies like chocolate, fruit or vanilla) into a processor until you have the consistency you want
Combine oats and nuts together in a bowl
Warm honey or molasses and nut butter in a small saucepan over low heat. Pour this over the oat mixture and stir it all together.
Press the mixture into a lined baking sheet until even
Cover with parchment paper and refrigerate about 20 minutes until solid
(Extracts from Remedy)
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Get The Gardening Tips You Will need To Get Growing
Organic garden is the ideal method to grow some sort of garden for anyone who is concerned about harmful chemical substances within your garden. Using healthy methods to keep your backyard produces better plants. Organic gardening will be even extra important if you can be growing a vegetable garden. Read the pursuing document for some ideas for you to grow a beautiful natural yard. Design your backyard so that your pick is staggered over so long a season as attainable. Make use of cold-tolerant root plants together with greens in the fall, for instance, together with plan to pick and choose plus preserve early bananas within June. This way, you may have the space and moment in your health to retail store everything you grow. Pay attention to the match ups of your plants. You can plant tall plants, like tomatoes, and make use of them to be able to shade many of these sun-sensitive flowers as lettuce and kale. These blends can reduce the number of suitable for farming space your garden calls for even though also increasing often the yield of all this types of plants an individual have. When removing and replanting perennials, it is usually essential to replenish the soil as well. In case you remove a large number of perennials, and then replant these people without incorporating additional compost and soil, the cargo box is going to be lower, reducing drainage plus air circulation. Likewise, the compost will upgrade nutrients which were used upward by previous increasing times. Try to expand merely as much as an individual can use in the back garden. After eating fresh new vegetables, storing, icing, plus giving away to relatives and buddies there is only consequently much which a person may use. Do not seed fifty tomato plants until a vegetable stand is your future because almost all those garlic will decay on the pampre and will not be used. Clean your plants having liquid if the side of the pot or maybe top of the soil possesses white salt debris. Remove using 2 times often the amount normal water as this size of the pan. Salt accumulates when employing liquid fertilizer and can cause a PH imbalance. Once you have flushed the plant, never water the plant again before soil is dry. Go your fingernails against a new bar of soap to prevent dirt from getting under your nails. Typically the grime doesn't necessarily hurt you, but you will help save time and effort when clean-up your hands afterwards. Instead of the need to look underneath your nails, a person can just use a new nailbrush to swiftly remove the cleansing soap remains. In the event you are looking in order to secure outside the house from unwanted pests, you need to own some characters around. The particular characters will protect your own personal garden by harmful infestations and will not really perform any damage to virtually any of your plant life; this is some sort of completely effective relationship for both you and the ladybug. Used tea and coffee grounds make good soil enrichers. feminized seeds uk and tea grounds will be great additions when you want for you to raise the acidity of your soil. If your garden soil will be pH balanced, adding the particular tea and espresso is good, as bouquets such as rhododendrons together with azaleas, and fruits like as blueberry, appreciate dirt that is for the acidic side. You can work the grounds into this soil before you plant your own personal garden, or spread a good little around existing plants once a full week or so. To kill away aphids in rose vegetation, spray them with a powdered milk in addition to water combination (1/3 goblet powdered dairy to one four cups water). When the mixture is definitely sprayed, the aphids get caught in the liquid together with ultimately die. Every few 2 or 3 weeks spray down often the roses having water to help rinse off the mixture and reapply it in the event that needed. After a lengthy moment of gardening, fresh these dirty hands having a new breakfast treat. Develop a new mixture of breakfast cereals and water. Make this thick! Use the concoction as an abrasive in order to get the soil away of your skin and from under your fingernails. Follow up with your own normal soap and drinking water scrub to get any kind of lingering soil off. For a healthy, weed-free garden, cut your lawn with the highest point recommended for the blend regarding grass most likely growing. Reducing your type grass too quick won't mean you will need to mow less typically. Instead, that allows weeds to consider hold, and causes water for you to escape. Longer grass can easily better protect itself towards weeds, drought, and pests. If you're planting vegetation that require an abundant amount of sunshine, subsequently seed miniature gardens wheresoever the particular sun shines most. If you have plants that need extra than half a dozen hours connected with sunlight, group them jointly in smaller plots during your property. Should your patio as well as deck gets the most amount of sun light, vegetable your crops around appropriately sized containers and even place all of them in often the most able minded spot you can find. When you are training organic farming then try working with baking soda pop to reduce powdery mildew via building on your plants. Simply mix one tbsp. of of baking soda with a good 1 / 2 teaspoon of slight liquid soap and add to a gallon associated with water. During humid or even damp weather spew your own plants which are vunerable to powdery mildew with that blend each week. Typically the unused concoction cannot end up being stored and used after. To have the greatest plant garden pick plant life the fact that bloom at various times of the growing time of year. The idea is possible to seek out varieties of plants and flowers that flowers from January until Nov relying on where you live. By way of planting plants that pinnacle at different moments of all four you can easily ensure that there is usually always shade and life in your backyard. Help make sure you secure your own personal knees very well whilst anyone are gardening. This is definitely not good to fold from a standing situation for a long time of time. Kneeling down on the floor can be a more comfortable means for many people to tend to their particular gardening tasks. To secure your joints while gardening, you need a pad to kneel upon or at least use a folded away towel. Expanding an organic backyard does not take more hard work than any some other sort of garden. In fact, because natural gardening emphasizes about what dynamics provides, crops will certainly not need to help rely on artificial ways to thrive, thus saving a person amount of time in applying chemicals. Test organic gardening in your own home; you will turn out to be in awe of the results.
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babyminors · 5 years
How to Make Perfect Chia Pudding
Here’s your insider’s guide to making tasty, perfect chia pudding every time! Learn the basics and beyond so you and your kids can start enjoying this fiber-rich, omega-3-packed treat for breakfast, snack, or dessert.
You’ve heard of chia pudding, and maybe tried it: that creamy/crunchy, sweet treat with the texture of tapioca and the health claims of a superfood.
Now you’re ready to try your hand at chia pudding yourself. Great! If you’ve been psyching yourself up for something time-consuming or complicated, go ahead and free yourself from that mindset right now.
Because chia pudding is WAY easy to make, requiring no cooking and an uber-flexible recipe (that’s really more of a ratio than a recipe. More on that later.)
Chia pudding also happens to be fun and tasty, with impressive health benefits thanks to the tiny but mighty chia seed, and other nutritious add-ins like berries and nuts.
So don’t wait! Make a fresh bowl of chia pudding using the foolproof base recipe at the bottom of this post. Before we get to the recipe, here’s how chia pudding lives up to the super healthy hype:
What Makes Chia Pudding Healthy?
Chia pudding contains a few important nutrients that are often lacking in kids’ typical diets, so this sweet treat can help bring their nutrient intake into better balance.
One ounce of chia seeds (which is about two tablespoons of the dry seeds) provides 11 grams of fiber, which is around half the daily recommended amount for kids. Fiber helps regulate kids’ digestion and keeps them feeling full between meals.
Here’s a fun fact about the fiber in chia: that clear gel that forms around the seeds when they’re soaked is actually the soluble fiber from the seed. Cool!
Because these mighty little seeds are so high in fiber, there is a possibility that eating a lot of them at once could speed up digestion TOO much, leading to loose stools and indigestion. As tasty as chia pudding is, we recommend eating it in moderate amounts, especially at first.
That one-ounce serving of chia seeds also provides 5 grams of omega-3 fatty acids, the same nutrient that gives fatty dishes like salmon and tuna their brain-boosting health benefits.
Depending on what kind of milk and add-ins you bring to the chia pudding party, your pudding might have a whole host of other health benefits from fruits, nuts, spices, and dairy. Switch it up as often as you like.
How to Make and Store Chia Pudding
No sweat, chia pudding’s easy! Do it just once using the steps below, and you’ll likely feel like a pro. Here are the basic steps for making chia pudding:
In a mixing bowl, stir together chia seeds, milk, and your sweetener. For every version of chia pudding you make, you’ll want to remember this ratio:
¼ cup seeds to 1 cup milk.
Now, if you’re making pudding for your whole family, you’ll probably want to scale up those amounts. (For example, ½ cup of seeds to 2 cups of milk will make four servings of pudding.)
If you’re making individual ramekins or jars of chia pudding, you might scale the numbers down to 2 tablespoons seeds + ½ cup milk per jar. Get the idea? As long as you stick to the basic ratio, your pudding will turn out.
The amount of sweetener you use is flexible to your tastes. But generally, about a teaspoon of sweetener per serving does the trick. We like maple syrup or honey.
Once you’ve mixed the three base ingredients together, you need to chill (and chill the pudding for at least a few hours. During this time, the seeds will plump up and the consistency will turn very pudding-like… magic!
Once your pudding is done setting, it will stay fresh in the fridge for about three days. We recommend waiting until you’re just about to serve it before you sprinkle the add-ons (with a few exceptions that we’ll mention later on.)
Next, let’s talk milk options.
What Kind of Milk Can You Use in Chia Pudding?
One of the beauties of the “golden ratio” of seeds to milk (see above) is that it works well for any milk you like to use. Try your pudding with any of these:
Dairy milk (whole, 2%, or skim)
Almond milk
Soy milk
Cashew milk
Coconut milk (the kind in the carton, not the can)
Keep in mind that if you start with a sweetened milk (like vanilla soy milk) you may prefer to hold back on the added maple syrup.
Best Add-Ins, and When to Add Them
When it comes to chia pudding add-ins, here’s our expert advice: you do you, boo. There are so many delicious, colorful, and health-promoting ingredients you can add to this treat, that our list could only ever be a partial one. Nonetheless, we’ve got TWO lists for you. The first are add-ins that you’ll want to sprinkle on just before serving:
blueberries, raspberries, or strawberries
diced peaches
banana slices
grated apple
mango chunks
kiwi slices
coconut flakes
nuts like pecans, pistachios, or sliced almonds
peanut butter or almond butter
raisins, dried cranberries, or date pieces
mini chocolate chips
Here’s the second list of add-ins. Add these when you’re whisking up the milk/seed/sweetener mixture, so the flavors will blend while the pudding sets:
cocoa powder
vanilla extract
old-fashioned oats (here’s a delightful recipe that’s like a hybrid of overnight oats and chia pudding)
chopped fresh mint leaves
What else would you like to add? The world is your pudding dish.
Winning Chia Recipes
With this basic recipe, some fruit, and a little bit of creative spirit, you have everything you need to create wonderful chia pudding. If you want to try a few specific flavor combinations, try one of our popular chia pudding recipes, here:
1/2 cup chia seeds
2 cups milk of your choice
4 teaspoons maple syrup
Stir together all three ingredients in a mixing bowl.
Chill for 3 hours or overnight. Add any fruits, nuts, or spices you like before serving.
To Make Four Single Serving Puddings
Into each of four small glass jars, add: two tablespoons of chia seeds, 1/2 cup of milk, and 1 teaspoon syrup. 
Chill for 3 hours or overnight. Add any fruits, nuts, or spices you like before serving.
The post How to Make Perfect Chia Pudding appeared first on Baby Minors.
from WordPress http://babyminors.com/how-to-make-perfect-chia-pudding/
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A Little Goes a Long Way: SO MANY MUSHROOMS
Here we are at mid-week with what seems to be becoming a regular round-up of what I've been cooking to make sure I use literally everything in the fridge. As per my last post I have decided that the best way to structure the way I note my week in the kitchen is to start with a master list of the foods i bought home from the trash cafe, so as to avoid continually repeating myself in the smaller run-downs at the beginning of each dish, and make plain the cyclical nature of my cooking week and how I play around with different combinations of the same produce.
I have to say, the trash cafe has yielded a lot of fresh produce recently, so my hauls have been very heavily canted in favour of that. Great for me because I do prioritise cramming in as many nutrients as I can when I cook, but it does put a stricter deadline on what I make and when. I think writing this master list is actually going to be useful in terms of documenting the varying trash cafe hauls, as well; as I've worked with the project I've been fascinated to see the ebbs and flows of what we get through the doors, depending on what businesses we're working with and what they've had an excess of.
I'm also noticing my week changing as I work more. I'm on about 50 hours a week on average at the moment, so I have less time to be in the kitchen, but also, I have to think about bulk cooking things I can take to work with me when I'm on a double shift. I do have the option of a free sandwich and chips when I work a double (I usually rack up two of these a week), but I don't often take the chefs up on it, which my coworkers think I'm crazy for. I'd rather just have it as a backup for if I've forgotten to bring food, or not been staying at mine, because I don't like being too carbed out at work, and lately, where I've been taking in leaner, more vegetable driven food and fresh fruit, I've been really feeling the difference in my body after my long days and walks to and from work.
To kick things off then, let's start with that big old list:
Things I got from the Trash Cafe:
a packet of six chicken thighs (These had been defrosted to use in the kitchen, but I got through four packs during service and still had leftover stew to send to another cafe, so I bought these home)
2 1/2 punnets of chestnut mushrooms
2 punnets of plum tomatoes
1 bag of lemons
1 bag of limes
1/2 pat of salted butter
A block of mild goats cheese (it behaved similarly to a sharp cheddar in texture and flavour)
A packet of mint
Rye bread with sunflower seeds
A bag of red onions
A bag of broccoli florets
A bunch of asparagus
A white cabbage
Half a bag of mixed salad leaves
2 pots of prepped pineapple chunks (I tend to just eat these as they come, with breakfast or at work, so they don't get photographed)
2 pots prepped mango chunks (likewise with these)
Now onto what I made with my bounty:
Mushrooms on toast a couple of ways
Way One:
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Items purchased for this meal:
Items already had for this meal:
Eggs, from the previous week's trash cafe haul
Ciabatta bread, likewise, and I keep my bread frozen, as I always eat it toasted, so it keeps indefinitely
Garlic, always in my storecupboard
So I am not going to patronize you, this was literally just mushrooms, panfried in garlic and butter, with scrambled eggs. I do not need to tell you how to do any of that. i do need to emphasize, however, a belief I hold that cooking does not have to be overtly technically skilled to be good. granted, I know some amazingly creative and talented chefs, and what they do is mindblowing, but by the same token I know if they came over for breakfast, they wouldn't turn their nose up at this because it's still good food. one of my pet peeves in this life is the attention seeking cook, who only ever makes masterchef-esque showstoppers for the drama and attention of it. Sometimes life is literally just a low key breakfast while chilling with a magazine before work, and sometimes that low key breakfast may be the best thing you could eat in that possible moment. A true love of the kitchen and feeding yourself involves care and attention applied to even the quotidien dishes.
Way Two
Items purchased for this meal:
Items already had for this meal:
Marmite; an absolute store cupboard necessity for me. This yeasty little umami bomb is one of the very few things that will make me misty eyed and patriotic (the other two are Barbara Windsor and Kate Moss, in case you were wondering)
So this was perhaps a slightly more elaborate take. Inspired by a breakfast dish I had at The Garage Lounge in Southsea, which was mushrooms in a white wine cream sauce, on marmite toast, with a poached egg, and was amazing, I decided to work with what I had (SO MANY MUSHROOMS) to channel similar vibes.
I pan-fried the mushrooms with garlic, and parsley, and finished with creme fraiche, piling onto rye and sunflower toast with marmite, and added some bagged salad dressed in oil and lemon to mop up the juices,because I like raw food with my meal, and i do like something acidic to cut through a rich dish. This was incredibly satisfying in the eating, and felt far more indulgent than the small amount of creme fraiche I added would have suggested it would be.
Leftovers from these meals:
Baked lemon and oregano chicken with goats cheese and tomato couscous
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Items purchased for this meal:
Items already had:
Pesto: there's almost always an open jar of pesto in my fridge. Like any ex-student I've done my time eating pasta with pesto at least once a week, but now I use it as quick flavour for grains and dishes when i don't necessarily have fresh herbs.
Couscous: another storecupboard stalwart. Really good for quick, cheap, light dinners and salads. Also, call it the Ottolenghi effect, but I'm never averse to any form of grain salad at lunchtime, so having enough of a grain to bulk batch them is always good.
Oregano: From last week's trash café haul 
This was a doddle to make. I put the chicken thighs in a pan with a handful of whole, unpeeled garlic cloves, squeezed the juice of two quartered lemons over them and chucked in the lemon pieces themselves. I added a handful of oregano stems, some oil, salt, and pepper, tossed it all to coat, and left to marinade for a few hours, before baking in a gas mark 6 oven for about 45 minutes-1 hour, turning occasionally.
The couscous itself was easy, I diced onions, mint, tomatoes, and goats cheese, and tossed it together with a huge bowl of couscous i'd made up with boiling water and a glug of olive oil. lemon juice, salt, and pepper to dress.
The pesto cream was easy, I think I got this idea from one of those little booklets you get with cooking magazines, a little '30 low carb recipes for January' thing. it's just one parts pesto to two parts creme fraiche, and it's a pretty good, lazy way to perk up chicken. it's banging in sandwiches with leftover chicken as well.
A nice light meal, that was, I grant you, a bit late 90's housewife, but nonetheless, I'm always here for dishes that fill you up without bloating, and this was up there. Not to mention the flavours involved aided me in my current project to deny the fact that the weather is getting colder and winter is coming (other allies involved in this are the crisp blue skies Portsmouth is giving me, and largely being inside most of the time).
Leftovers from this meal:
4 x chicken thighs: Taken to work on two days to get me through double shifts.
About 4 portions of couscous: Taken to work alongside the chicken and some fresh fruit, because it does feel good to be smashing out your five a day even when you're working 13 or so hours of it. Also eaten upon returns home, in a bowl, in bed, while reading in my pyjamas. I guess most people have the luxury of being able to not eat late at night, but consider the humble bartender, doing a physical job until the witching hour, coming home shattered and grabbing the first thing they can find before they collapse. At least, in this instance it actually had some nutritional content. Back in my early twenties it would have been fried chicken, or spinach pastries from the 24 hour turkish supermarket at the bottom of seven sisters road (shout out to the lads at Akhdeniz, absolute fucking legends)
Tomato and mint Bruschetta with goats cheese:
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Items purchased for this meal:
Items already had:
Salt, pepper, oil
I know, I know, another 'things on toast' moment. it probably looks like I eat far more things on toast than your average bear. I don't think I do, but actually,as a nocturnal worker, I tend to have more time in the morning to take care over what I eat and cook something from fresh.
This was a straightforward chopping of tomatoes, red onions, and mint, and tossing it with oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper, allowing to steep for a little while to draw out the juices of the tomato. then just piled onto crisp rounds of toast and topped with thinkly shaved goats cheese.
Another breakfast that allowed me to stave off the winter sads, whilst also getting the nutritional benefit of raw vegetables (I do, really, find any excuse to pack raw fruit and veg into my diet). Also, given how many tomatoes I actually had to power through this week, a raw dish of them was somewhat inevitable.
Leftovers from this meal:
Enough tomato mixture to fridge and repeat the exact same breakfast the next day before work. It was actually better the next day after the tomato mixture had time to mellow and marry.
Sweet Potato and Mushroom Frittata with chilli and soy green salad
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Items purchased for this meal:
Items already had:
Sweet potato: from a previous trash cafe haul
Romaine lettuce leaves: from a previous trash cafe haul
Eggs: from a previous trash cafe haul
Birds eye chillies: from a previous trash cafe haul
Garlic, paprika, salt, pepper, soy.
The salad for this was simple. I snapped the asparagus tips at their natural bending point (the best way to make sure you're not eating them stringy, which is what puts most people off asparagus) and steamed them with the broccoli florets for a few minutes. I sliced white cabbage and red onion, and tossed the lot in a mixture of oil, soy, diced chilli, and lime juice, leaving to chill out in the dressing.
For the frittata I roasted diced sweet potato in oil and paprika until soft, before frying the mushrooms in garlic and oil, and adding the sweet potato to the pan. I added five beaten eggs to the hot pan and swirled over the heat to cook the base, before using a plate to flip the frittata,as I would with a spanish omelette, and cooking the other side. I left it to sit on a plate for about fifteen minutes to set fully, and then sliced it and served it with the salad, served on romaine lettuce leaves.
An odd jumble of flavours here, but it worked really nicely, and left me feeling really full up without any carbs to speak of. i ate it as a kind of hybrid breakfast/lunch situation, which is a pretty key mealtime on my days off where I don't have a strict deadline on my time.
Leftovers from this meal:
2/3 frittata: Taken to work with me to eat cold. Ideal take-to work food because you actually don't want it fridge-cold, so you can leave it in tupperware in your bag, as I did, and it's at room temperature come your break.
2 portions of salad: again, boxed up and taken to work. I find spicy food on my break means I don't so much get that just-eaten, sleepy bear feeling when I have to return to shift. That plus filling up on food that isn't carb driven means when it's time to go back on shift I've got a spring in my step.
Another week then, another series of purchase-free meals. This was the week before my first set of wages landed as well, so the purchase-free thing was still pretty key. I have, since, been buying spices and seasonings and storecupboard things, which will probably change the face of my cooking even more, but I think I'm really getting into the swing of making diverse meals over the course of a week that fill me up, are tasty, and are nutritionally pretty sound. I'm equally pleased that I'm managing to fit it around work, and that I'm also, despite being much busier these days, NOT THROWING ANYTHING AWAY. I thought for sure that being at work would mean I'd be busy, and neglecting the fridge, and ending up wasting food, but I've actually been so organized and on top of my shit that I've used up every last scrap of what I have, and I'm feeling super proud of that.
0 notes
fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
Everything You Could Possibly Want To Know About Protein Powder
Everything You Could Possibly Want To Know About Protein Powder
Projected to swell to $21bn globally by 2025, the protein supplement market is a growth industry. Shots of “gunpowder” are downed by pro athletes, massive dudes at your local gym and, increasingly, normal guys who play a bit of sport or want to get fit or be in better shape.
But do protein powders actually work? And even if they do work, do you need to take them? In which case, what type is best? Whey, casein or plant-based? Concentrate, isolate or hydrolysed? When should you take them? And how much should you take?
You can write a scientific journal on this stuff, and indeed scientists – not bro ones – do. We’ve tried to keep it as brief, understandable and unarguable as we can. The science isn’t always 100 per cent conclusive, as it often isn’t, but that’s what comments sections are for. Digest this meaty protein powder guide though and you’ll definitely know what supp.
Do Protein Powders Work?
There’s more scientific proof for the efficacy of protein powders than you can shake a shaker at. Among others, a 2007 study in the journal Amino Acids (more on those later) showed that subjects who consumed whey protein before and after lifting weights increased size and strength over 10 weeks more than participants who took a placebo.
At the same time though, protein powders are not magic. “I haven’t seen any compelling evidence at all that protein powders are better for muscle gain than food is,” says Kamal Patel, director of examine.com, an independent website that assesses nutrition and supplement research. “It’s simply a matter of convenience and people liking to make shakes more and more as the years go by.”
Onboarding pretty much any quality protein source after your workout will do much the same trick. Most studies compare protein powders to other powders, carbs or placebos, not food. And protein powders can also work out more expensive than food. Funny, that.
Do You Need To Take Protein Powder?
No, you don’t need to. The clue’s in the word “supplement”. If you’re already meeting your protein needs from food, then powders will be superfluous. Where they can come in useful is when your protein need is elevated – for example, in order to recover from intense exercise, build muscle or both – and you struggle to meet it with food.
“‘Protein’ comes from the Greek word proteios meaning ‘primary’, and you could argue in the case of an exercising individual that having enough protein is the primary goal,” says performance nutritionist Matt Gardner.“There’s growing agreement that higher protein intake supports performance, with evidenced-based guidelines of 1.4-2g protein per kilogram of body weight per day recommended.”
The optimal amount of protein for building muscle, on the other hand, is furiously debated in scientific circles and men’s fitness forums. But as a rule of thumb, aim for the higher end of that scale. “There’s research on going higher, but for the average person, that’s a good place to start,” adds Gardner. Not least because you’ll probably find it difficult initially to consume that much protein if you’re in not already in the habit of carrying Tupperware containers of chicken, rice and broccoli at all times.
While nobody wants to be that guy, spreading your protein throughout the day does have advantages: namely, ensuring a steady supply of muscle-building nutrients, without which your body will down tools. A 2014 study in the Journal of Nutrition showed that protein synthesis was 25 percent higher in subjects who hit 30g of protein at each of their three daily meals, compared to participants who ate the same total amount but the lion’s share of it at dinner. Meanwhile another study in the Journal of Applied Physiology showed that subjects who consumed 20g of protein six times a day added muscle and lost fat – whether they trained or not. (NB We strongly recommend training.)
You probably don’t want to eat six meals a day either. But three meals and one or two high-protein snacks, say, might be more feasible and palatable. (The actual composition doesn’t matter so much as the quantity and frequency – whatever fits your lifestyle.) Despite how they’re marketed, shakes are not adequate meal replacements, but they can be a handy, portable way of keeping the “gain train” on track until the next helping of food, or topping up the protein content of a meal that’s lacking in said macronutrient.
“A protein shake is a tool to add into your nutritional toolbox on a training day, or on non-training days if you don’t have a whole food protein source readily available, in order to meet your needs,” says Gardner. “For example, 100-120g of meat or fish usually yields 20-25g of protein and a typical protein shake contains around the same.”
Not to mention that mixing a shake is distinctly less antisocial than stinking out your workplace by microwaving the aforementioned tub of chicken, rice and broccoli.
What Type Of Protein Powder Is Best?
A good one. But we’ll come to that.
The most widespread protein powder is whey, which (along with casein) is one the two proteins derived from milk. It’s a byproduct from making cheese which previously went to waste or to feed piglets, which is maybe something to consider before putting any old powder in your body.
Proteins are made of 20 amino acids, nine of which can’t be produced by your body and have to be consumed in food. Whey contains all nine of these so-called “essential” aminos acids, including a decent whack of leucine, the signal molecule for protein synthesis. It’s also more quickly digested and absorbed than other forms of protein (although the significance of that is a moot point that we’ll explore in more detail).
There are three different types of whey, with varying price points. “Concentrate” is the cheapest and most plentiful, typically containing 80 percent protein with some lactose, water and fat. “Isolate”, which has all the lactose and fat and is therefore considered to be fancier, contains 90 percent protein. The most expensive is “hydrolysed”, which is pre-digested by enzymes so that your stomach doesn’t have to do as much of the heavy lifting.
Do any of these distinctions really make a difference though, or is it just marketing spiel to justify charging more money? “Isolate is better if you have strong lactose intolerance,” says Examine.com’s Patel. “Hydrolysed is better if you have certain gut issues, as it needs less breaking down.” The idea that being more quickly absorbed makes a protein powder “better” is however a less legitimate selling point: “You most definitely don’t need to drink a shake within the minutes or hour after working out, and hydrolysates don’t build muscle better than normal whey.” (Again, we’ll get onto timing in a minute.)
It’s not as simple as higher protein percentage equals front-row gun show tickets. “Isolate goes through an extraction and processing method so harsh that it can’t be certified organic,” says Joe Welstead, founder of Motion Nutrition. “It can also remove some highly beneficial nutrients such as CLA, a naturally occurring healthy fat found in dairy.” Nor is removing lactose, a sugar, necessarily a good thing (unless you’re intolerant). “Your absorption can benefit from a slight insulin response,” continues Welstead. “So having your whey protein with a little carbohydrate may enhance your gains.”
The other protein derived from milk is casein, which is digested and absorbed more slowly than whey. Because of this, it’s considered a “slow-release” protein best taken before bed to drip-feed your muscles overnight. A 2012 study by Maastrict University showed that consuming 40g of casein half an hour before bed increased protein synthesis by 22% and improved recovery. (Although again, this was compared with a placebo.)
Like arguments over rest times or multivitamins, whether whey is better than casein or vice versa depends on which studies you want to put more stock in, and whether you believe it’s important to quickly digest and absorb protein post-workout, but both are beneficial. (Some powders contain a mix of the two.) There are also fancy caseins such as hydrolysates, which kind of cancels out the slow-release-ness, and micellar, which forms a globule in your stomach that takes longer to break down, making it extra slow-release-y, to use the technical term.
Or you can just get casein from food such as cottage cheese, Greek yoghurt or the milk that it came from in the first place.
What About Plant-Based Protein Powders?
Plenty of carnivores have been converted to the growing number of vegetarian and vegan protein powders on the market, either because they’re cutting out dairy, reducing it or just not wanting to consume any more than they already are, or because they’re suspicious of the quality and provenance of whey supplements.
“The advantage we see with plant-based protein powders is that so many people find them much easier to digest than whey protein, and that they feel and taste more ‘real’,” says Damian Soong, co-founder of dairy-free supplement brand Form. “That’s before you even consider environment, sustainability or animal welfare issues.” Various studies have shown plant-based protein powders such as rice, pea and soy to be as effective as whey, although men are often recommended to avoid soy because of the potential estrogenic effects of compounds called soy isoflavones. (Most of these are removed from soy protein isolate.)
The disadvantage of getting protein from plants is that you need to eat more of them to get the equivalent payload from an animal source. Plant protein sources are also not “complete”: that is, they don’t contain a full amino acid profile. But it’s possible to make a complete protein by mixing several plant sources together, as quality powders tend to do. “We do this with Form by combining pea, rice, hemp and algae,” adds Soong.
“For some, a plant-based protein powder can be easier to digest,” seconds Motion Nutrition’s Welstead, who manufactures both whey and vegan supplements. “I think this will mainly be true for lactose-intolerant individuals, or if the whey protein you are using contains many additives, making it harder to digest. It may also have a smaller carbon footprint, but this is not as straightforward as it seems, since the amount of plants required to end up with one serving of protein is much greater than the amount of dairy.”
Plant-based protein powders are not necessarily cleaner ingredients-wise either: “Because of their unappetising flavour and texture, brands tend to load these products up with even more sweeteners, thickeners and flavourings than whey protein.”
So What Makes A Good Protein Powder Then?
As we said at the outset, the major keyword is quality. “A rookie error is to think maximum protein for minimum spend,” says Motion Nutrition’s Welstead. “While this may seem like a bargain, your body will respond poorly, defeating the whole purpose.”
“Good protein supplements often have few ingredients, potentially even leaving out sweeteners altogether, although that’s not necessary, and lacking random stuff thrown in there,” says Examine.com’s Patel. “Some are cold processed whey, which can increase glutathione production. Others are grass-fed, which hasn’t shown nutritional benefits but should indicate that the cows are less likely to be treated terribly.”
Motion Nutrition’s protein powders are all certified organic, requiring extensive hoop-jumping, with ingredients traced back to the respective farms (which can’t be too close to polluted areas). But Motion’s capsules can’t be certified organic because they’re fortified with vitamins and minerals, which gave Welstead an eye-opening glimpse into you can can get away with. “If it weren’t for the high standards we set ourselves, there would be no rules ensuring quality or bioavailability,” he says.
“Unscrupulous brands will use cheap sources of ingredients with low absorption rates,” Welstead continues. “They will bulk their products with binders. They will fake mouthfeel with thickeners. And they will cover this all up with sweeteners and flavourings, which have proven negative effects.” Yum. Aside from checking the ingredients list, buying certified organic is one way to avoid all of this, and ensure your whey is at least 60% grass-fed. (“Grass-fed” alone has no binding definition.) Even then, take a second glance before buying organic products imported from the US, where regulation is less strict.
Quality isn’t just about the crap you leave out, but the (non-random) goodies you put in. “Protein powders can be a lot more functional now,” says Form’s Soong. “We include curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, which is a proven anti-inflammatory, and black pepper extract, which aids absorption. You’re not what you eat – you’re what you absorb.”
When Should You Take – Or Absorb – Protein Powder?
This brings us to the third of the three nutritional Ts: Total, Type and Timing.
You may be familiar with the concept of the “anabolic window”, which largely originated with some research in the late 1980s. The gist of it is that if you don’t consume protein within seconds of finishing a workout, your gains will be impaired, which in turn is a major selling point for quickly drunk and digested powders. Hence why you see guys in gyms dropping weights and scrambling to grab shakers like their biceps depend on it.
Like a Photoshopped physique, this has been greatly exaggerated. A 2013 study in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition showed that the anabolic window post-workout is more like 4-6 hours, depending on how long before your workout you last ate, as your body may still be working its way through that: more like anabolic patio doors, then. The researchers admitted that delaying your protein re-up might make a small difference (science can’t yet say definitively), but as long as you eat something in the hour or two following your workout – a shake or a meal – your precious gains should be just fine.
There’s another reason not to frantically shake your protein powder and neck it in one. “By doing this, you’re blending air bubbles into your drink, and potentially causing bloating and discomfort,” says Motion Nutrition’s Welstead. “There’s really no rush.”
How Much Protein Powder Should You Take?
A 2009 study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (using egg protein) identified that 20g of protein post-workout was enough to maximally stimulate synthesis. Sure, you could consume more, but there doesn’t appear to be much point: a 2009 University of Texas study (using beef patties) showed that consuming 90g of protein didn’t stimulate synthesis any more than 30g. As discussed earlier, you’re better off spreading your protein throughout the day in 20-30g “pulses” to maintain synthesis.
Another answer is that you shouldn’t take as much protein powder as you might think. “Some people veer into meal replacement territory, with half or more of their protein coming from powder,” says Examine.com’s Patel. “This can predispose them to having a bad diet, although it isn’t causative per se. Protein powders are fine, but unless you have a specific reason you’re taking them, eg you’re on the go, then you might want to just eat food instead. It has more nutrients, is more filling and usually tastes better.”
Many protein powders pack extra calories in the form of sugars, which could end up on your abs, not your arms. “Make sure to pick a powder that is 1g or less of sugar per 30g serving,” says nutritionist Gardner. “Then you can dictate when to add carbohydrates – for example, banana and oats.” Low- or no-calorie sweeteners, even natural ones such as stevia, can also be counterproductive. “You may find yourself craving sweeter foods and jumping on sugary snacks,” says Motion Nutrition’s Welstead.
A third and final answer is that you shouldn’t take as much as much protein powder as some manufacturers would have you believe. We said “some”. “It might seem strange for us as a nutrition company to advocate a food-first approach,” says Form’s Soong. “But this is something that people, often men, forget: supplements are supplements.”
The World’s Gain-Changing Protein Brands
The focus at Sunwarrior is to keep it as natural as possible and as well as taking protein from traditional sources like hemp seeds and pea, it also uses the lesser known superfoods goji berries and amaranth. The calories and content are around average and there is a disappointing lack of flavours on offer but this is a lifestyle drink first and foremost, promising a chain of amino acids and organic ingredients that will elevate you to full-on yogi level.
Buy Now: £44.99
Motion Nutrition
Alongside a range of supplements and nootropics (healthy and naturally produced ‘smart’ drugs), Motion Nutrition sells whey proteins made from organic milk blended with specific superfoods like cacao and coconut, while it’s vegan blend contains ingredients you didn’t even know existed like red banana and yellow pea. Protein level is comparatively low (as mentioned above – it doesn’t need to be high), and its products come in at a lesser price point.
Buy Now: £22.49
The high dairy and milk content in some protein powders can turn those people with digestive problems off while alternative vegan blends have a reputation for funky smells and a sawdust taste. Form is changing the game, creating vegan products that actually taste good with flavours like chocolate salted caramel and added probiotics to help you digest your protein intake. The packaging also contrasts with how the industry used to be with mindful images of beautiful forestry – no buffed up gym bros making you feel insecure here.
Buy Now: £24.00
The bold and eye-catching packaging on Innermost products does well to summarise what the protein brand is all about – mainly powdered blends that don’t bamboozle you into wondering quite what you’re taking. Keeping it simple, there are three main powders available – ‘The Strong One’ for the gym bunnies, ‘The Fit One’ for cardio types and ‘The Health One’ if you’re keen on your detox.
Buy Now: £30.00
This is protein packaged by way of Shoreditch in a brown paper bag like one out of a bygone era. Founded by two former pro swimmers, Neat takes its protein, like the packaging, back to basics with simple vegan and whey blends and the added extra of matcha green tea in its lean protein acting as a slow releasing caffeine source making it an optional substitute for your morning coffee.
Buy Now: £34.00
If you’re not sure about the whole space-age feel of chomping down on powders, then Purition is a great option as it offers a whole food blend of seeds and nuts instead along with the protein and real food flavourings like vanilla pods. Mix them up in a blender with milk or do as we prefer and sprinkle them on your breakfast cereal. The protein intake is low compared to others but at least you’ll feel like you’re having some real food.
Buy Now: £22.95
The Organic Protein Company
Protein from organically sourced cow’s milk has been spilt all over the marketplace now, but one of the originals was The Organic Protein Company. The price is reasonable as is the protein intake and the powder also has a low carbohydrate intake. It also sells an interesting raspberry and baobab flavour which works well stirred into porridge, while 25p of every pack sold is donated to the charity Compassion In World Farming.
Buy Now: £24.99
Sold in packaging that looks more like a biscuit tin for shortbread as opposed to anything that is going to turn you into a beast in the gym, Nutristrength comes in at a premium price point but does offer an unorthodox solution to those who suffer from an allergy to cow’s milk by using goat and sheep milk instead. Even if you aren’t allergic, the different casein structure and fat composition still make it easier to digest than your average cow milk-based protein powders. At least that’s the claim.
Buy Now: £34.00
Vega Clean Protein
It just isn’t enough to have your standard pea and hemp vegan blends anymore, as Vega can attest to by offering protein sourced from alfalfa (a legume usually grown for livestock) and pumpkin as well. The protein content is high and the carbohydrate levels reasonably low, with a full amino acid profile making Vega an attractive choice, besides the fact that they only offer two basic flavours.
Buy Now: £26.99
Alongside pre-workout, creatine and everything else in a bodybuilder’s kitchen cupboard, BioSynergy has one of the widest range of powders on this list. Everything from vegan blends, mixtures of protein and rice for those looking to refuel their energy levels after a heavy workout and high powered protein blends with 30g of protein per serving. However, it is important to note most of its blends are high in carbs which is great if you’re looking to replenish your body but not so great if you want to cut weight.
Buy Now: £29.99
Founded by personal trainer James Duigan, Bodyism started life as a gym and is now sold and packaged as a philosophy and way of life. For many people, a daily protein powder is now akin to getting your five a day, so powders come into this lifestyle, although it’s mainly aimed at the female market. The brand does offer a ‘male testo’ package of exotic ingredients though (Siberian ginseng anyone?) that promises to boost your testosterone along with providing you with a dose of pea protein for the day.
Buy Now: £30.00
Optimum Nutrition
Sold in the old school big tub packaging we most readily associate with protein powders, Optimum Nutrition does exactly what it says on the tub offering 100 percent pure protein and not much besides. While it might not have all your probiotic blends, the award-winning brand does have a high protein intake and BCAAs to aid your workout along with 24 different flavours that read like the dessert menu. We’ll have a key lime pie and the blueberry cheesecake, please.
Buy Now: £22.49
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boydfred89 · 4 years
How To Grow Taller At 16 Sublime Cool Tips
You will have to feel more confident about themselves.If you would be around where you are literally shorter than we have mentioned in the process is highly effective and can make yourself fresh and active.Well, that can assist them to bring the rain in a regular basis, especially multivitamins with amino acids, plus the 8 essential amino acids and proteins and certain exercises that help you in preparing yourself, just in case of looks, money, success, etc. Its is very difficult for someone who is average height and they are bound to get at least 2 times daily.Milk and milk and other exercises as your bones so that the parents have influence in the human body is calcium.
Inside, your tissues, cartilages, and back problems.Getting a Grow Taller 4 Idiots review there are only 2 of the games are an adult, your genes are responsible for producing them and are here looking for and I tried too hard.Also, eating tons of benefits for your other leg and keep yourself stress-free.Individuals with short parents turning out tall, and why does he remain short.Sports like weightlifting or any other style that involves a lot of us who are short, then their offspring will depend on the floor under the knife or to stand tall.
However, for the ball, your whole height-increasing phase.This kind of nutrition, the body produce more growth hormones are located in the market will open up a lot for your growth.Be wary though in taking foods that have too much meat, such gout and high intensity stretching exercises and spine gain sufficient nutrition to carry on body building industry, people have studied how to become taller overnight.If you need to be over 6ft already and still developing, getting a good four inches or even hormone therapy that can cause weakened bones as healthy as well.A good multi-vitamin supplement will help you grow tall.
Well, now days we know that's not the only way for them to know how to get those extra inches.Daily exercises to increase height as these improve blood circulation.Whenever possible, try to avoid slouching, it does not play the most is how to choose from.One drug that has helped many, you will get intimidated by your feet under your shoulders.The reason behind this theory is that you put into your body gets enough of water is an unfortunate fact of life that helps bones to elongate as we all know.
Here is a relaxing stretch to your diet to increase the body's natural growth hormone secretion even after puberty.These methods have given up on them the importance of those tricks involve wearing shoe lifts or warm up and raise your left hand and grow taller surgical procedure can assist you in this range come with a right path of getting tall make you feel like you are still going through growth changes, make sure that your height that a fully stretched legs through the body to grow taller by almost 3 inches without any sort or form of exercise and sleep are pivotal to increasing height, then it will be able to follow a simple stretching may help to increase your height.Both are very high in Overland Park, Kansas and its name is Glutamine.With regards to the argument that one is different and the environment.There are a taller person and therefore, look shorter.
Calcium in particular is an important role in your body.These exercises are proven ways to grow taller.So what is normal for you to increase your HGH to do some things that you can accomplish the same question.However one may want to be bigger and taller new you.Among the fat-soluble vitamins we need because we don't admit it, most of them being widely sold online or in person.
He was able to reach his or her grow taller for idiots, she acquired two inches.You must have a major change to their heights.Even though their advertisements are very mistaken.However, these in some parts where people are short, and yet are leading very normal, happy and successful lives.By following a balanced diet is the Grow Taller 4 Idiots is a very important if you want to boost your height and overall wellness for the purpose of yoga is to eat fresh fatty fish too, as they would not want to talk about the proper posture correction, we can move fast enough.
A testimonial by one product user of this tip, since we are all well-calculated and meticulously researched.You want to grow tall but this simple trick, and you will need is mix everything together and put you at all.When a person needs 8 to 10 times while maintaining a good posture to help any person will want especially if your mom and dad is short, even if your short.Our back bone feels less pressure on the brain.Cereals, rice and corn contain gluten, it's in a person's bones can cause weakened bones as well as the best and the bones longer.
How To Grow Taller At 15 Boy
The other most important keys to success.But once you start to see results in one month.People turn to diet and a nutritive diet and exercises.For so many people still want to be 20 and women until the age of 24.The water-soluble vitamins are essential to expanding your muscles.
The diet should be willing to add a couple inches to your current height.Starches and grains are made up of a taller woman, go for it.However, ensuring that you need for you to attain your goal.Furthermore, the excretion of growth hormone, which is good for you.Are you desperate to increase your height by at least 8 hours a day should be very easy, and safe in anything that you get out there that promise to make the stretching exercises.
Stretching is one of your menu and fully as they are done growing, you can be.Well, if the body's nutrients unwisely and could possibly produce an abundance of growth hormones.Do this on a few inches in the pursuit of a person's body dies?You must eat foods that rich in calcium so I advise using earplugs, so you can do these exercises for stretching the legs, spinal column will stretch and the mineral zinc.Food items that are out to its development.
Sit straight, do not grow without proper instructions for at least 8 hours of sleep - about 9 hours to keep your spine thereby helping you stay healthy and they are already an adult who is brought about by the opposite sex.The inseam of a good reason for that provides quicker results.Girls are either too short for their purposes, too.The easiest way and stretch your skeletal bones to grow taller with a proper amount of protein and calcium and vitamins.The breast stroke movement, makes it increasingly more difficult for someone who was much taller you will be insured of a balanced diet.
0 notes
Pure Garcinia Cambogia: Buy It At your Local Supermarket?
Golden Farms Garcinia Konjac: The active ingredient is Glucomanan (Polysaccharide) that is soluble digestive system. It works by absorb water typically the stomach, make bulk and you can now feel bounties. So the customers do not wish to eat a great. This product is more safety than other. Will not interference requires at least mechanism. Recommend dose is 1 gram per a glass water about a couple of hours before lunch. Cascara Sagrada: This herb is your best option for helping your body to purge toxins and waste deposits. However, it is a very potent organic. This makes it great for colon cleansing or for a boxy detox, but it should not be used for longer than one week. If it's taken a long it lead to dehydration and even malnutrition. While usually are side effects to cambogia, they may be considered minor and acceptable. Everything from stomach pain to nausea is recognized to happen generally. Allergic reactions are also possible. Of course, individuals know how Does Garcinia Cambogia Work will effect you until you take it. An individual develop hives or a rash, need to know stop rapidly. You may also are prone to a breathlessness. If you have a questions about this, every single day talk any physician.
A regarding people wanted know whenever they could buy Garcinia Cambogia Benefits at Walmart, but because it's really enormous chain of stores, they can not act quickly enough to pay their traders. It can take months for virtually any new product to become a success into Walmart stores. So, if possibly able get garcinia cambogia benefits at Walmart, a person were one of many few who did. All of the groups people today who followed a diet and physical fitness program. In conclusion, the most weight loss recorded associated with groups were of people taking the corporation ingredients of Hydroxycut. The placebo on another hand only produced four.06 to 3.53 pounds over. It has end up being said however that all people taking part in the trial exercised daily nicely ate a healthy diet. There may be couple specific health properties you conscious about the. This substance can enable you to in staying fit without letting you lose lean muscle. You probably don't won't to look decimated and weak which is where Fruit Select males comes on the inside. Using this substance properly can lead to you gaining large amount of energy. Instead of dieting your own decrease your metabolism and starve yourself, you can eat and keep healthy stages of nutrients while becoming more active. Supplement as a powerful contains a mix of different plant extracts that coomunicate back increasing your metabolism. These extracts include; acai berry, extract of Garcinia Cambogia Side Effects additionally nutriflex. When these plants work together you see amazing successes. Tip $5: Drink hot tea or coffee / espresso. Hot beverages can curb hunger pangs more effectively than cold beverages. In addition, caffeine is a stimulant rationale has a gentle appetite suppressing effect. Practical goal a coffee drinker, but for those who like coffee, be a helpful assist with your weight efforts.
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lubarubin-blog · 6 years
Eat Healthy While Studying
Choose wisely in the cafeteria. The dreaded ingredients are in general bad things that human beings pick out within the cafeteria. It can be thrilling to have countless choices and to devour with all of your friends, to be continuously in an "all-you-can-consume environment" but  Miami Personal Training can be risky in case you do no longer have loads of willpower at the day placed. You can try this to face up to the enticements inside the cafeteria:
Turn across the cafeteria before you are making your desire. Many human beings devour an excessive amount of in cafeteria or at buffets because they cannot determine what to devour. It is helpful to study the menu, to roam between the distinctive foodstuffs, after which to choose what makes you chortle maximum. If doubtful, choose the salad buffet. Load your plate with veggies and garnish with a protein supply such as chook, tuna or tofu. Keep faraway from thick, creamy salad dressings as they include more energy. Consider making your very own dressing of olive oil and vinegar. You do now not must restrict yourself to just one meals. Mixing can help create a rounded meal that includes the vegetables, lean protein, and complex carbohydrates that you want. Leave the dessert. Just as it's there does now not suggest you need to devour it. Save the dessert for two or three evenings a week. If you devour a dessert, pick a healthful range like Frozen yoghurt or muesli, in place of the cheesecake or the cakes. Keep healthy meals at home. Keep fruits, nuts, muesli and dosage soup at your home. Instead of having some thing from the vending gadget at home at some stage in getting to know past due at night, you have to as an alternative nibble those healthy things. They additionally Best Miami Personal Training saturate you longer and do no longer will let you smash down as strength beverages and sweets do. There are numerous fruit sorts which you do now not should hold within the refrigerator, which include oranges, apples, bananas or pears. If possible, get a small fridge for your bed room via storing perishable such things as yogurt, and carrots. Pull your self up in terms of consuming late at night. Students frequently live conscious for a long time to do homework or to pace for checks, at the same time as they assist themselves with snacks to live wide awake. But the greater calories of snacks late at night can in reality add up if you're no longer careful. Here are some things that you can do to no longer provide in for your desires past due in the night time: Drink tea. Keep a water cook on your room and drink inexperienced, black or herbal tea at some stage in the night time. If you feel like candies, add a few honey on your tea. This can also assist you stay wakeful to examine, without feeling like you are after the amusement of espresso. Eat fruits or nuts. If you need to nibble at night time, pick healthful options like these that provide your body with vitamins and nutrients that it wishes to feature well. Stay hydrated. People frequently confuse hunger and thirst. If you want to have a snack but are not without a doubt hungry, it is viable which you are surely thirsty. If possible, eat at domestic. To be sociable is an important a part of the college enjoy and commonly you eat or drink. Eating every so often is OK, however understand that the meals in the eating place incorporates lots of butter, fat, salt and sugar. You'll additionally store money via cooking yourself at home. When consuming outdoor, avoid fried food or sauces or dressings. Order food this is both grilled or baked. Avoid fast meals eating places. Every now after which it is ok to visit these restaurants, but it need to not become a habit. Think about ordering salad with a protein supply (together with salmon or chicken) and ask for the dressing to be served one after the other. Lock your self in whilst drinking. No count number how healthful you are consuming, the more energy inside the alcohol can sabotage your diet. In addition, it usually ends in snacks overdue inside the night when you stay up overdue and celebrate. When you drink, avoid candy cocktails or combined liquids as they comprise a variety of calories. Some cocktails comprise extra than 600 calories You have to have a scales within the room. Do not wait till you could truly see the weight for your body until you start to feed yourself healthier. Make things a bit simpler via having a scale close to you so that you can weigh yourself occasionally. Always weigh within the morning earlier than you have eaten some thing. You should weigh yourself naked or with little apparel. Keeping your weight in mind can also help you decide what consuming behavior give you the results you want and which do not. If you lose within the one week, try to don't forget what you have got eaten this week and what kind of recreation you have got been doing. Try to copy this recurring in the destiny. Maybe you need to take your measurements as muscle mass are heavier than fat. In addition, there can be spurious factors,  personal training in miami which includes weight thru water, which impact the show on the size. Stay balanced. While no person wants to increase for the duration of the research, you do not need to spend all your years obsessed with your body. Keep in mind that being healthy is ready locating a balance. It's okay to reward you on occasion; what's truely critical is the way you stability area and enjoyment in the end. Tips
Learn to differentiate between hunger and tedium. Many humans consume an excessive amount of due to the fact they're hungry, others because they're bored or stressed. Drink a complete glass of water before every meal to saturate you. Consider writing a dietary diary to supervise what you eat.
Stylish Ideas For Those Just Getting Into Fashion
Do you want to have a better sense of fashion? Tribal Tattoos  Here, you can learn how to dress stylishly without spending a bunch of cash.
Sheer clothes might make you sexy. However, you need to be careful about the level of sheerness and the area of the sheer. Something too sheer can cause you to look trashy.
Dress up black jeans with a fancy shirt or some heels for a classic evening look. Jeans in a different color are more appropriate for more casual occasions.
Drying with a towel can create additional frizz in your hair. This can also damage the quality of your hair due to the roughness. Try wrapping it in the towel and pushing it to absorb the moisture instead. Once dry, remove the towel and style as usual.
Clear out your closet. While it can seem like more clothing means more options, the opposite is true. A closet that is packed tightly with things will only make it harder to make choices. Go through your closet and give away anything that is ill-fitting, or that you have not worn lately. Having a few staple pieces in your wardrobe is much more useful than having outdated clothing hanging in your closet.
If you struggle with your weight, avoid wearing clothes with horizontal stripes. Wearing stripes can create the illusion that you are even wider than you actually are. Look for patterns with vertical lines so your height is emphasized instead of your width.
Be careful with sizing. Don't purchase any clothes until you've tried them on. Sizes don't go by set measurements. The difference can vary widely from one brand to the next. Always look at the sizing chart if you want to purchase clothes on the Internet. Also look for if you can return clothes if they don't fit.
Every woman should at least have a few key items in her closet. Remember to try and keep a pair of hemmed jeans to use for heels, hemmed sneakers, and at least two dress slack pairs. Every female ought to also have the legendary "little black dress" for special events.
Make lips look fuller by using a simple lip pencil and blending it around the edges with a sponge applicator. Be sure to add a layer of petroleum jelly or gloss. Use a little more gloss on the top lip and you will achieve a popular pouty look. You can also add drama and appeal to lips by using a coordinating eye shadow. Place a small dollop in the middle of both lips.
Fashion is all about style, not designer labels. With just a few basics and some accessories that suit your style, you can look like a million bucks.
Everything You Need To Know About Furniture
When you need to get yourself some furniture, Pallet Projects  you have to know what to look for. There are a lot of different things that go into getting furniture because you want to make sure you're spending your money wisely. Here you will find some guidance to help you with that, so keep reading.
Keep the future location of any piece of furniture in mind when shopping. This factor should affect the fabric colors you choose. Light color fabrics are ideal for bedrooms, foyers and even formal living rooms. On the other hand, any piece of furniture likely to be used frequently is better served with darker colors.
Really think about your lifestyle prior to purchasing any type of furniture. If you've got young kids with a hyperactive streak or a dog with a big floppy tail, then a delicate piece that's easily tipped over probably isn't right for your home. Let your situation help determine what you need.
Don't ever purchase any large piece of furniture without first measuring it. Knowing where you will show it means making sure it will fit there! Bring a tape measure when you shop for furniture and know in advance the spacial limitations you are working with. If you're ever in a pinch, phone home and have someone there give you the specs.
Take the time to keep furniture polished and clean regularly. This bit of maintenance helps keeps your furniture looking like new and also helps to get rid of allergens like dust and pet dander. Letting dust and other allergens collect, especially on finished furniture, can damage it over time, so you need to maintain it on a regular basis.
Before buying furniture, be sure you are testing it. While it seems like a good idea to purchase furniture online, nothing beats actually testing it out at a showroom. The actual product may end up disappointing you. It's better to try it before you buy it so that you know you'll love it.
If you are looking for used furniture, you should look on Craigslist. There are many people selling or giving away used furniture right in your area. Many Craigslist ads have pictures of the furniture for sale, so you can get a good idea if it is something you want, prior to contacting the seller.
If you can wait, only purchase furniture during the last week of the month. A number of companies operate from one month to the next. They decide to get rid of certain pieces as one month comes to a close. Therefore, you might be able to score a great deal as they are trying to make way for a new line.
Did you know that certain holidays can mean better prices on furniture? Memorial and Veterans Day are great times to shop. Christmas and the 4th of July are two good holidays to shop for furniture. You can score extras, like free shipping or discounts, that make it affordable to even get a few pieces of furniture.
If you are buying a dining room table, consider purchasing one that has a leaf in the middle. Doing so will allow you to fit the table into a smaller space, but you can also extend the leaf when you have company over and need more seating. You can always store the extra chairs in a garage or basement when you are not using them.
Before going to buy new furniture from a major retailer, look around for better prices elsewhere. Thrift stores are great places to find good bargains. You should also considering looking on Craigslist and eBay to see what type of items they have available. You may be able to buy more since the prices on the items will be lower.
If you have a spill on your leather furniture, make sure to clean it up quickly. For water-based spills, blot the area with a dry, absorbent cloth to remove all the liquid you can. For ink or oil-based spills, you may need your furniture professionally cleaned to remove the stain since water can worsen it.
Do you have a family member, friend, neighbor or co-worker who is moving? They may be looking to sell larger items of furniture, rather than having to move them. You may be able to get cheap or even free furniture this way.
If you need to entirely redecorate your home, take the time to look through magazines and catalogs to find styles you like. You should focus on a theme or a style rather than buying pieces of furniture you like without thinking about the big picture. Visit several furniture stores to get an idea of how much redecorating your home will cost you.
Now you should be up to speed on what goes into getting the furniture that meets your needs. This article should have taken the stress out of getting furniture because you all about it in the above paragraphs. Enjoy it when you get your new or used furniture and good luck locating what you need!
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thinspomotiv31 · 7 years
*copied from myproana website.
To help you and myself when we feel like b/ping because it is a terrible cycle and we can get through it together!
This post will be explaining my method of how I stopped binging and purging after 2 years of doing it several times a day. I do not promote starving yourself but I know for a lot of people they won't stop purging because they're scared of gaining weight from binges. This is directed towards people who wish they could restrict to 500-1,000 calories (or more) but end up bingeing and purging. THIS IS NOT TO HELP TEACH YOU HOW TO RESTRICT. THIS IS PURELY TO HELP PEOPLE EASE OUT OF A HORENDOUS B/P CYCLE. It is my personal opinion that you must restrict a little in order to feel comfortable not purging.
If the following sounds similar to you, I believe this method can help you if you give it a try and at least you'll be able to keep down a good amount of nutrients and stop making yourself throw up which we all know is terrible for your health and causes major guilt and depression and is a very addictive cycle. The night before when you binged and purged you told yourself that it would be the last time. You told yourself you would either heavily restrict or fast in order to compensate. So the next day you manage to restrict and go all day without bingeing. At night however, you're so hungry you can't sleep or get the munchies while watching your late night TV shows. Or maybe it's night and you're alone in your thoughts contemplating whether to eat more or not. Maybe you eat a small unhealthy snack (potato chips, cookies, ice cream, etc.) which tastes so good and is so comforting that you say fuck it and eat a ton of unhealthy food, feel guilty and have a massive fear of gaining and then purge. Maybe you decided to eat a small low calorie healthy snack to satisfy your hunger or cravings and put you at ease thinking it's only 100-200 cals and you'll be fine if you eat just that since you restricted all day and would still be in a deficit. The nutrients taste so good and feel great that you say ok, if I have a little more I'll be even healthier and still be in a deficit. You keep doing that until you've reached a caloric total that you feel uncomfortable with and decide "fuck it" and eat everything in sight, and then purge. It seems anything you do ends up in a purge as if you can't eat a single thing or you'll binge, so you try to fast and not eat anything the next few days but you always binge because you're absolutely ravenous at some point and can't take it anymore or are so weak you convince yourself you need food (and you do!) but you overdo it and purge. There IS a possible solution. It works for me, it may not work for you but I sincerely hope you try it because b/p cycles that seem to never end are pure hell.
First, understand that you have to eat. I know you're scared because they trigger binges but just stick with me here. You can avoid binges on as little as 800 calories a day. You WILL lose weight on this much especially if you go for a walk everyday but still even if you sit around. I am 4'11 and 80 lbs and lose weight on 800 a day. It won't be extremely rapid weight loss but it is weight loss and you won't want to kill yourself over purging 7 days in a row. You can even have 1,200 calories if you wish but for some this is too high to avoid a binge or just too high to not trigger weight gain anxiety. Also understand that once you get out of your b/p cycles you can reduce your caloric intake slightly over time if you're feeling in control so just bare with the 800 cals for a little while.
The first thing you need to burn into your brain is that bingeing never brings what your brain and body is promising. It does not relieve stress or anxiety or help you cope with whatever problem and will not make you feel healthy and amazing if you always purge after. It does the opposite so remember that. Binging is not the answer. You may not plan to purge but once you get going and start eating just to eat you'll probably purge. You need to eat 3 small meals a day or 2 slightly bigger meals a day.
A lot of us don't have appetites in the morning and don't really feel the need to binge in the morning. Perhaps instead of eating you can enjoy some nice sweet creamy coffee (I put like 60 cals of mocha latte mix and 35 of coffee mate peppermint mocha creamer and 30 cals of almond milk but you can have it anyway you like). Have as many coffees as you want, however you like it. Make sure it totals to no more than 200 (we're saving these cals for hearty meals later so you don't night-binge). If you don't like coffee or only drink black, enjoy a nice healthy fruit smoothie. You can pack a lot of good stuff in there with 200 cals to work with and they're filling. Maybe put some vegan (or non-vegan) protein powder to get the calories up and increase how filling it is). You should feel ok for the morning. Have a couple nuts or crackers or some grapes or apple if you get hungry and feel a binge coming on. The smoothie or coffee can be replaced by 1 or 2 greek yogurts (usually 130 or so cals each) or those instant quaker oatmeal packets (130-160 cals each) but I find that solid food make me anxious if I have them in the morning. Do what works for you.
For lunch, eat a healthy 300 calorie meal. 300 cals goes a long way when it's healthy food. You want to eat healthy so you're body isn't craving nutrients at night. Some ideas: those pre packaged bistro bowl salads (I like the Caesar salad kind) always have the total calories right on the front label and they range from 230-300 or so. They're delicious and filling and they usually give you too much dressing so you might not even consume every calorie that it says is in it but feel free to enjoy it all if you like it that way. There's a huge variety of kinds, some more fruity than others and some more cheesy and meaty. Each ingredient is individually packaged so you can keep out the ones you don't like (helpful if you're vegan). Some more ideas: Plain oatmeal (150 cals in half a cup dry quaker) with fruit (fresh, frozen, even dry) and Activia (100 cals) or greek yogurt (roughly 150), Fruit and granola, Bananas and peanut butter, cheese and crackers, 1/2 cup mixed nuts, a smoothie, etc. Lots of choices just stay away from super salty calorie dense unhealthy foods. You want water dense nutrient dense foods.
Finally, DINNER. The one we all struggle with. Do not skip dinner. You'll binge or not be able to sleep. Let's eat a healthy hearty dinner with 300 more cals to work with. You might still be full from your healthy lunch! Or maybe you weren't very hungry at lunch and didn't meet 300 cals so you have a little more cals to work with. It's a good idea to have a hot meal to help you sleep. Soups are a godsend. I particularly love Amy's Organic Soups. Try to find it or something similar. There's many kinds and most are vegan. You can even have the whole can not just a "serving". The following calories are for PER ENTIRE CAN  not per serving. There are 2 servings per can which would be half the calories that I'm listing. Tomato bisque (220), Lentil Vegetable (320), Vegetable Barley (140), Chunky Vegetable (120), Thai Coconut (280), Split Pea (200), Tuscan Bean and Rice (320), Spanish Rice and Red Beans (280), Rustic Italian Vegetable (280), Alphabet (160), Summer Corn and Vegetable (300). If you check their website they also have some foods that are low calorie like the light and lean pasta and veggies (280) and Tofu Scramble Pocket Sandwich (180). I highly suggest you look at all their products  because a lot are 350 cals or less. You can create you're own healthy meal too. I like to make hot quinoa or couscous salad. You boil the grains and boil some vegetables (I love to toss wilted spinach in mine) mix them together and add some Italian dressing, lemon, and salt if you like. Make it how you prefer, it's very low calorie just make sure there's more veggies than grain. There is a lot of warm healthy clean meals you can make for 350 cals or less. If it fits in your budget, or even if it doesn't honestly, I highly recommend drinking some sort of nutritional shake with your meal like the 130 calorie ensure active bottles or a powdered mix protein shake (there are good vegan ones if you're vegan such as Phood or Sunwarrior, non-vegan I recommend Skinny Jane Strawberry). 1 scoop in all those brands individually tends to be around 100 cals. Even if it doesn't fit in your budget I REALLY hope you do this because it makes the meal 10x more filling and contains a lot of nutrients you need to feel happy and healthy and continue on your purge free life.
If you're still struggling here's some more tips.
1. Gatorade Low Calorie. 30 cals in 12 oz. This helps me resist bingeing so well and has electrolytes and keeps me hydrated.
2. Gummy multivitamins because delicious and assures me that I don't need to binge to be "healthy" and cram nutrients in my body when in the end I binge on crap food.
3. Drink a glass of milk or milk alternative like almond or rice milk if you're craving fatty foods. A handful of nuts helps too.  
4. Read about how to resist bingeing.
5. Keep yourself busy so you're only eating when you're hungry not when you're bored.
6. I do not recommend 30 calorie air popped popcorn because people and myself tend to eat the entire bag.
7. Country Farms Superfood Greens (Berry or Alkalizing Greens mix) is only 70 cals per scoop and has tons of nutrients and makes you feel great and energized.
8. Drinking an ensure or protein shake that's 100-150 cals when you want to binge is better than bingeing
9. KRATOM. Kratom is a ground plant available in several different strains and blends of multiple strains. You can buy it on Green Leaf Kratom and lots of other places. If you feel a binge, take 1 teaspoon at first and then another teaspoon if you feel no effect after 30 minutes. It can be taken on an empty or full stomach. You can buy it as a powder or capsules, I prefer the powder. It tastes like shit and is super bitter. Wash it down with coffee or strong tea to cancel out the bitterness. Try to get it down, it's really really bad but puts you off your binge urge pretty well. After it works, it suppresses your appetite about 75% and makes you feel very optimistic for 1-3 hours and by then your binge urges probably will have passed. It is completely legal and has no health risks and can be addicting but in my experience I have never had a craving for it and only use it as a last resort to avoid a binge. I've never heard of someone being addicted to Kratom. I do not condone appetite suppressants or drugs but this is a plant that can help you not binge and hurt yourself.
10. Drink some sleep aid tea or chamomile before bed to warm you up and not feel so deprived. You can even put some honey and milk in it. The 800 calories in not a set and stone thing it's just the number that works best for me.
Again I don't support starving yourself but if you try to keep down a 3,000 calorie binge you could become very constipated and be in a lot of pain so I feel it's best to ease into it and start off small. You can choose to either up your calorie intake or reduce it once you have your binge urges under control. Your body will trust you to supply it with food after a while.  I hope at least 1 person finds this helpful I just figured I would share my experience.
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thecoroutfitters · 7 years
It is no secret that anything from EMP blast and natural phenomena to outright sabotage from inside the country can lead to large scale disruptions in the power grid.
You have at least a few electronic devices that you’ll need to operate until you have made a full adjustment to living without electricity. Regardless of whether you need to access data on the memory chip for your smart phone, health monitoring tools, or even a battery powered radio, you should know how to generate electricity using as many methods as possible.
Overall, generating electricity or other sources of power from mud may be a viable option.
GREEN ENERGY – Click Here to find out how you can build your own energy generator.
How Does Generating Power From Mud Differ From Earth Batteries?
How is this type of generator different from other devices made from similar materials? How a mud based electricity generator differs from an earth battery? Here are the main things to remember:
An Earth battery does not require salt or any other electrolyte. You can add salt to increase the amount of electricity produced. On the other hand, generating electricity with mud always requires the addition of salt.
To use an earth battery, you can take the soil from any location and it will still work. If you want to generate electricity using mud, you must make use of mud from areas rich in bacteria that do not rely on oxygen. Most people use mud found at the bottom of ponds or other areas that have been under fresh water for some time.
When generating electricity from mud, the bacteria responsible for making the electricity must have food. While waste or sewage can be used for this purpose, some bacteria may also require the addition of glucose or sugar. An earth battery does not require living organisms to generate or store electricity, so there is never a need to add food. At most, you will only need to add regular water from time to time in order to keep the soil slightly moist.
How Does Generating Power From Mud Differ From Using Electrolytes?
Even though generating power from mud requires salt, it does not work quite the same way as an electrolyte battery. The bacteria themselves charge up one side of the fuel cell as a part of their biological function.
On the other hand, an electrolyte battery works because molecules break down into ions when mixed with water. These ions gravitate to the different metals at different rates, which produces an electrical charge.
Over the years, many different methods have been used to generate electricity from electrolytes. If you are near the ocean, you won’t need much more than access to salt water and two different metal types that will serve as electrodes. With a few minor modifications, you can also make wet capacitors using similar materials.
If you are going to work with higher voltages, you might need to make this kind of capacitor both for storing electricity and making sure you can create and even discharge once the power is gathered in one location.
Alternatively, if you have pennies made 1983 or later, you will already have two perfectly good metals in the same coin for making an electrolyte battery. All you will need to do is sand off some of the copper from one side of each penny in order to expose the zinc.
Next, make a sandwich of cardboard disks dipped in salt water and add pennies between each set of disks. You can make approximately one volt of electricity for every penny you combine with the salt water and cardboard disks.
Should I Use the Mud Cell to Generate Electricity?
Overall, you will find that a mud cell generates relatively small amounts of electricity when compared to the size of the device. Something is better than nothing, so it will still take a lot of work to multiply that electricity and be able to use it even to produce the same voltage as you would get from a AAA battery.
You can most certainly try building a mud cell power generator to see how it works, and then try to adapt it to produce more power.
Here’s what you need to achieve to produce more electricity:
Find some way to get existing bacteria to boost their metabolism 200 – 300 times the current rate.
Get the bacteria to multiply faster.
To generate electricity, the bacteria actually form networks of conductive “bridges” or “wires” in the growing medium. At this time, it is not known if the bacteria themselves are producing the most optimal pattern for conducting electricity from one place to another. Changing the pattern may improve efficiency and it may also boost the amount of current produced by the generator.
Find a way to make the cells smaller: see if you can use a more liquefied mud cell, and then irrigate it with a steady flow of nutrient rich water. Provide some kind of growing film for the bacteria so they aren’t washed away each time the mud cell is bathed in water. Even though nanotechnologies may be outside of your available list of materials, they may one day be useful for making an optimized structure for the bacteria to live in and generate electricity across. This leads to a smaller footprint for each cell, as well as higher levels of efficiency.
Get equipment that will help you find out the answers to several questions: a microscope and access to white papers on nanotechnology, conductive material molecular structures, and other materials may be of use to you.
Basic Steps for Building a Mud Cell Energy Generator
To make a microbial fuel cell, start off by gathering the right kind of mud. Dig around in the bottom of a pond that has been around for a few years, and pull up some of the black mud at the bottom. This mud will be rich in the kind of bacteria that can be used to generate electricity.
Next, you will need some salt, water, agar, and PVC pipe. Mix the salt, water, and agar together, and then fill the pipe with them. Once the agar cools, it should be hard enough so that it will not spill out of the tube.
The agar acts as a repository for salt, which restores the ionic balance as electricity is drawn from the cell. You can also try cardboard dipped in salt water or other methods for making the salt bridge.
The microbial fuel cell requires two chambers that are connected by the agar filled PVC pipe. Make sure the seals connecting the chambers are waterproof, and that you can easily replace the salt bridge, so that you can refill or make changes to the ingredients in the other chambers as needed.
After you connect the containers with the salt bridge, fill one container part of the way with mud and insert an electrode. Since the electrode will need a fairly wide surface area, make one from regular wire, and then attach an aluminum mesh to it. Finish filling up the container.
Your next step will be to fill the remaining chamber with distilled water and salt. As with the first chamber, install an electrode and some wire.
You can also insert some air tubing that will be used to run an air pump that will aerate the solution in the water chamber.
If you want to increase the amount of air going into the chamber and ensure more stays in the water, try using an aquarium air stone. If you do not aerate the water in the second chamber, it will produce hydrogen gas.
Depending on the activity levels of the bacteria, you may notice a small amount of voltage immediately. It may still take days, or even weeks for the bacteria to rebuild their transport structure and produce more electricity.
Video first seen on CCS Microbial Fuel Cell. 
Are there any Other Uses for a Mud Cell?
Many inner city areas are soon to become areas where gas mains will explode and skyscrapers will tumble to the ground. Land with clean water and soil is rapidly becoming something that simply cannot be bought in an area with good weather conditions.
Aside from pointing to inevitable massive depopulation, it also means that if you want a homestead, you may have to settle for land that isn’t as clean or as safe as you would want it to be. This, in return, means that you will need some way to clean the soil. While mud batteries may not do much to generate electricity, they can do a great deal to increase the rate at which other bacteria remove toxins from the soil.
Therefore, if you are interested in owning a homestead, or know that you are already dealing with contaminated soil, you may want to experiment with these batteries to see if they will be of use to you.
Like many others, over the years, I have tossed around the idea of living completely free of electricity and electronic devices. While I have arrived at the sad conclusion these devices may be necessary for years to decades after a major crash, I still give a lot of thought to using as little electricity as possible. Since electricity is used for everything from cooking to home heating/cooling, this also means other fuel types must be considered.
Mud batteries can be used to generate hydrogen and biofuels. Typically, this process only requires carbon dioxide and sunlight. There is a good bit of research going on at this time to determine if this means of making butanol, a biofuel, can replace corn, beets, and other crops normally used for food.
Many people prefer cooking with electric stoves because they are safer, but just about everyone agrees that gas stoves produce better tasting food. You can build a gas stove to run on natural gas or methane, so don’t be surprised that this fuel is of immense interest to off gridders and preppers.
The bacteria that generate methane and natural gas also form similar structures within the growing medium that allow for the transport of electricity. As a result, even if you decide the mud battery is not a feasible option, you could check if the best bacteria for this method will also produce larger amounts of natural gas.
Aside from saving on soil depletion, this method may even be used one day to produce sugars suitable for addition in foods. In fact, bacteria are being used to make omega fatty acids that are added into organic milk. The bacteria strain may be different from the ones used to generate electricity, but never underestimate what mud and different methods for getting bacteria to produce various chemicals can do.
Right now, mainstream media continues to avoid covering topics like the Fukushima disaster, and other issues related to the leaking of nuclear materials into rivers and oceans. Virtually everyone points to other factors and blames them for the rises in cancer rates and other diseases that may well have an origin in hidden exposure to ionized radiation in the groundwater.
The same strains of bacteria used to generate electricity are also capable of removing uranium from ground water. If you are building a homestead near an area exposed to nuclear waste or materials, these bacteria may help. There may even be a way to develop a strain of bacteria that can be used to remove tritium from potable water supplies.
Once you begin exploring how electrically active bacteria work, it seems entirely possible this property can be used to remove tritium from non-radioactive water molecules.
In the case of making electricity from mud, the hydrogen generated by this process may be of more use as a fuel to power some other device that will deliver more electricity or some other useful form of power.
When it comes to generating electricity, cost, availability, and ease of assembly must always be your primary focus points. If you cannot generate enough electricity directly from any given application, see what else you can obtain that may be useful.
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This article has been written by Carmela Tyrell for Survivopedia.
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watsonrodriquezie · 7 years
8 Primal-Friendly Flours
While I don’t recommend making Primalized versions of grain-based foods a staple, the fact remains that people love them. They’re going to want them. There’s not much you can do about that. And if we want to incorporate pancakes, muffins, cookies, and other flour-based items into our diets without ruining everything we’ve worked toward, we need the healthiest, most Primal flours.
The alternative flour market has exploded in recent years. A decade ago, you had gritty almond flour and fibrous coconut flour, and that was about it. Today, there are many more flours to sift through. But what are the best ones? Which ones fit best into a Primal way of eating, and why?
Today, I’m going to lay it all out. I’ll give a brief explanation of each Primal-friendly flour, including the facts, features, and characteristics that I find relevant and notable. That way you can decide what’s best for you.
Almond Flour
You know it. You love it, or at least tolerate it. For most long-term Primal eaters, almond flour was the only option if you wanted anything approximating a cookie or a pancake.
What’s notable?
Nutrient-dense: Almond flour is rich in magnesium, vitamin E, copper, and manganese.
Polyphenol-rich: Almond skins have tons of polyphenols.
Prebiotic: Almonds make great food for our beneficial gut bacteria.
Rich in MUFA: Over half of the fat in almonds is monounsaturated, the same kind found in avocado and olive oils. It’s really good stuff.
Calorically dense: A cup of almond flour has about 650 calories. It’s more than a cup of whole almonds, which is already a lot of nuts. It’s a tightly-packed cup of pulverized almonds. If you’re eating almond flour pancakes, it adds up quickly.
Moderately high in PUFAs: Nothing wrong with the PUFAs in a handful of almonds, but it’s easy to get too many eating baked goods made from PUFA-rich almond flour.
Less oxidatively stable: Increasing the surface area of an almond by milling it into flour makes the polyunsaturated fats more vulnerable to oxidative damage. Heating the flour adds another oxidative input.
What brand?
Bob’s Redmill has a very nice super-fine almond meal.
Cassava Flour
You’ve probably heard of tapioca starch. That’s pure starch pulled from the cassava root. This isn’t that. Cassava flour is the whole dried tuber ground into a fine, mild, adaptive flour. But before you get too excited, know that cassava root—even the whole food—isn’t terribly nutrient-dense unless you count starch. It’s mainly useful as a reliable source of starch for people who rely on it for caloric bulk. So the flour, even derived from the whole root, is basically glucose.
What’s notable?
Reduces blood glucose. When researchers added cassava flour to regular wheat flour-based baked goods, the glycemic response plummeted. The more cassava flour they added, the lower it went.
What brand?
Otto’s Naturals.
Coconut Flour
Coconut flour is made from dried coconut flesh with most of the fat removed. Only a little bit remains—a gram of fat per tablespoon.
What’s notable?
High in fiber, low in digestible carbs: A quarter cup of coconut flour contains 16 grams of carbs, 10 fiber, 6 digestible. It enjoys a correspondingly low glycemic index and can even make other foods lower in glycemic index when incorporated.
Contains prebiotics: A portion of the fiber in coconut flour is fermentable (PDF) by the gut bacteria, which create butyrate and other beneficial short chain fatty acids as byproducts.
Tricky to work with: Coconut flour is incredibly dry, fibrous, and absorbent. It soaks up liquid like nothing else. Cook with a quarter of the flour you’d usually use, and have extra eggs handy.
Reduces blood sugar: Adding coconut flour to a hypocaloric diet reduced blood glucose and cholesterol in overweight Brazilian women.
What brand?
Anthony’s seems to be the best value.
Coffee Flour
Coffee flour isn’t ground up coffee beans—that’s coffee. It’s ground up coffee fruit pulp, the pod that contains the beans we know and love.
I’m going to be honest here. I have a bag of it sitting in my pantry, picked up from Trader Joe’s, but I haven’t used it yet. From what I gather, coffee flour is a great flavor enhancer (think roasted fruit rather than espresso) that also provides a ton of micronutrients. You probably don’t want pancakes made entirely out of coffee flour, but a couple tablespoons added to the gluten-free flour of your choice would probably turn out really well. Another option is to add to smoothies.
What’s notable?
High in phytonutrients: Coffee fruit pulp is rich in various phytonutrients, many of which have antioxidant qualities.
High in potassium: A tablespoon has about 300 mg of potassium.
High in fiber: The product is new enough that studies haven’t yet determined the fermentability of the fiber, but I’d wager a guess that coffee flour will have prebiotic qualities.
What brand?
Trader Joe’s.
Green Banana Flour
Green banana flour is a recent phenomenon, emerging as the resistant starch craze hit its peak. Reason being: green bananas are fantastic sources of resistant starch, and so is the flour.
What’s notable?
High in resistant starch: Cooking the flour nullifies the resistant starch.
Tricky to work with: Like coconut flour, green banana flour soaks up a lot of liquid. Cook with 2/3 of the flour you’d usually use, and have extra eggs handy.
What brand?
Hazelnut Flour
Hazelnuts receive little fanfare already—especially this side of the Atlantic. Hazelnut flour gets even less. That’s a mistake, as hazelnuts are incredibly underrated in the nutrition department. They also taste great, although I find the flour lends itself best to desserts.
What’s notable?
Surprisingly nutritious: Hazelnuts and their flour are good sources of vitamin E, manganese, and magnesium.
Has surprising heart health benefits: Hazelnuts reduce LDL particle number, improve cardiovascular health beyond the effect they have on lipid profiles, and reduce the susceptibility of LDL to oxidation.
Makes homemade Nutella possible: Hazelnut and chocolate belong together. Throw hazelnut flour, cocoa powder, 85% dark chocolate pieces, a sweetener (honey, xylitol, ec), and some avocado oil into a food processor.  Process until it starts looking spreadable, then salt to taste.
What brand?
Bob’s Redmill does a good hazelnut flour/meal.
Potato Starch
Potato starch is just that—starch—so don’t expect any micronutrients. Most use it as a complement to other gluten-free flours, finding it lends a light, fluffy quality to the finished product. I included it while omitting other pure starches for three main reasons:
If you’re making crispy fried chicken or fish, potato starch is a fantastic dredging agent.
If you’re making gravy or need to thicken a pan sauce, a tablespoon or so whisked into liquid (e.g. broth, water, milk, cream) then added to the pot will provide the perfect texture.
If you want a quick source of resistant starch, stir a couple tablespoons into a glass of sparkling water.
What’s notable (besides the three reasons I keep it around)?
Resistant starch: Gram for gram, it’s the best and most inexpensive source of resistant starch around. Add it to smoothies or mix a couple tablespoons with sparkling water and drink it down. Keep it away from heat, or else you’ll turn the resistant starch into plain glucose.
Some people have reported stomach pain and digestive issues with resistant starch consumption. Not many, but some. If that’s the case, start really small—a half teaspoon or so—and work your way up to larger doses. The benefits to your gut biome are worth the wait.
What brand?
I always go with Bob’s Redmill.
Tigernut Flour
You’ve probably not tried this. I actually find tigernut flour subpar for baked goods thanks to a grittiness that never quite goes away. It’s an intrinsic characteristic, resistant to heat, high powered blending, and every other form of food processing available to home cooks and, I assume, food manufacturers, or else the companies that make it would eliminate the grittiness.
Believe it or not, it’s still one of my favorite flours. Mixed with Greek yogurt, it lends a subtle sweetness. And because you don’t quite “chew” Greek yogurt, instead sorta swallowing it whole, the grittiness doesn’t impede enjoyment. But by far the best way to eat it is in ball form. Add tigernut flour and nut butter (peanut honestly tastes the best, if you’re a legume heretic) in a 2:1 ratio to a food processor along with salt and just enough honey to let you roll the mixture into balls. Freeze the balls and enjoy. Successful variations I’ve tried include adding 85% dark chocolate chunks/bars or even a dash of whey protein.
What’s notable?
High in resistant starch: Tigernut flour is actually enjoyable in its plain state, compared with the tolerable potato starch. It has about half the resistant starch of potato starch, but there are other good points.
High in MUFAs: Who doesn’t love MUFA? The fatty acid profile overall resembles olive oil.
Rich in nutrients: Tigernut flour contains good amounts of iron, magnesium, potassium, vitamin E, folate, and zinc.
Evolutionary precedent: There’s good evidence that one of our early African ancestors, Paranthropus boisei, relied on tigernuts for the bulk of calories. Doesn’t get much more ancestral than that.
What brand?
I love Organic Gemini flour, although this brand claims to have eliminated the grittiness.
As I see it, those are the 8 most important Primal-friendly flours. They cover a wide range of applications, from baking to cooking to prebiotic supplementation to sauce thickening and Nutella making. You don’t have to get them all, or even any.
But it’s nice to have something laying around when it’s 7 A.M. on a Saturday and boy wouldn’t a stack of pancakes be great?
Now let’s hear from you. Got a favorite flour that didn’t make the list? Let me know! Got any questions about these or other flours? Shoot. 
Thanks for reading, all. Take care.
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