themadvigilantist · 4 years
@promisccouragc | @bennyboylewis | @ofsaviours | @nmbh1 | @nothingmorethanmyths | @halliwellauto | @flirtatiousdisaster | @magicallyimpossible | @defystars | @lightbringer | @silentbehavioriisms | @jist | @coffeeandtimeships | @batemxn | @walkerofclouds | @becomedeviant | @daijujikurou | @starrymused | @chevalier-de-seingalt
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“So, gifting anyone anything special?” V asked with a curious glint in her eye and a grin along her face. It was around or near the time that people tend to shop early for the holiday season. Whichever holiday it so happen to be.
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yellingmetatron · 5 years
She smiles. “ I am semi-decent company but know where somewhere we can have ouzo in peace. Do you need to clock out first?”
“Not at the moment.  My schedule is actually shockingly clear.  You picked a good time.”  He rises from his desk.  “You’ve been to this place before, then?”
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bitofthisandthat · 5 years
“It’s good to be king.”
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withterror · 5 years
“Oh dear, do you need help?” ( From Psyche in her Isu verse if that’s ok )
                                      THERE HE LIES, DYING.
                          BLOOD gushed out of multiple wounds on his stomach, painting the dirt ground in a dark red coloring. Beneath gritted teeth and eyes squeezed shut, his body shakes and quivers lightly. A battle between him and the feral beast of a lion was deemed lost, the animal scurried away after knocking the greek down onto the floor.
                The world around Deimos spun and twisted, a feeling that caused him to turn his head around to blow chunks out from his mouth. The smell of wine and blood, the smell of a soon to be death if help wasn’t received soon. Though, moving was not an option as it was too painful. He begins ripping off his golden armor due to his skin beginning to burn, deciding to lay back and throw the clothing beside himself, hoping to either to cross paths with someone or for his death to come quickly.
               A voice startles him, golden orbs staring back at darker ones. The woman was a beauty, a siren almost calling his name. The depiction of true or false was blurred, his conscious was playing tricks on him maybe? Fingertips reach out slowly to graze her arm, the warm flesh meets him before he drops his hand. She was real after all.
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                    ❝ Please…❞.
@nothingmorethanmyths // x
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“ Your schedule looks to be clear next Thursday. Who do you honestly want rescheduled and who do you want me to put off indefinitely?” - Iris
❝In truth, I would love to put all of them off indefinitely. But, if you could keep Apollo away from my office as long as possible, I’d be much obliged.❞
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emberofolympus · 5 years
@nothingmorethanmyths requested an starter
“Im busy”
He said as he ignored the knocking at the door, right now he was working in his new invention and needed all the focus and concentration he could get. But even tho he needed that, the kocking kept going, “I said im Busy!” he yelled at the door and at first it seemed that it worked, there was silence but the instant he got back to work the knocking came back. Furious he walked towards the door and opened quickly.
“I said Im fucking Busy”
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anthropolite · 5 years
🐳 - What’s currently highest on your plot wishlist?I don’t know if it’s *highest* on my wishlist (because that position is quite often filled by whatever plot I’ve been discussing most recently), but one plot I’ve had knocking around in my head for a while features Yali trying to sneak irreplaceable artworks out of Rome in June 1944, hiding out in an ancient tomb to avoid military police and enterprising looters from both sides.
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36. What’s one thing that other people seem to hate that doesn’t bother you?
》》》》》 @nothingmorethanmyths
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RP-wise I don't think the these two things are hated, but they sure make a lot of people annoyed in many ways.
The first thing is the "read my rules" which seems to make so many vague-post from times to times. For me it's just... meh. I don't care about people not reading my rules, especially with how standadized most rules became in the last three to four years. If there's a detail there I feel particularly compelled to call important and that for any reason was crossed by those who send me asks or RP with me, the most I'll do is talk to them in IMs or Di.scor.d and we'll move on RPing together and being nice and respectful to one another. Also, I know there are people who get excited and jump the gun too and send things in or start talkig before reading the rules -- I know I'm like this at times! -- and I see no problem with this at all. So... yeah, I just don't care about this.
As for the second thing I don't give much of an attention to and won't get annoyed is the whole fancy-shmancy formating that so many get bothered by either for having or not having on posts. I treat reading threads like reading books with many words and no pictures, what matters for me is the content and if it's readable, understandable, drives the plot/thread forward and gives me something to reply to; if it's in a box format, plain text, full of colors, with mixed fonts, small, big, italic or bold etc doesn't affect my interest at all -- in the worst of situations I'll just copy the text to a plain wordpad file and read from there if it's too tiring to be jumping the fonts with all the formating, but honestly I'll never get to my partners and complain about it.
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yellingmetatron · 5 years
“ You up for some ouzo?”
“I rarely say no to alcohol with good company.”
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bitofthisandthat · 5 years
🐤 ( for Iris from Morgana)
Send a 🐤 for a Tweet my muse would make to yours
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anthropolite · 5 years
“ Ever wish it was a ‘nice’ tornado? I kinda do.” Iris sighed.
Euryale cocked her head to one side. “You know, mother wanted me to be a storm when I grew up. Roads not travelled, hmm?”
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Tag your muse!
@emeraldfiire @manynarrators @notyouraverageacrobat2 @nothingmorethanmyths @hiddcnamongst @rxsurrxcted @strategiic
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yellingmetatron · 5 years
“ So um.-“ The dark haired goddess paused her slurring to take another sip of wine”— why done you ha-ve a lion head?” ( Psyche )
“That’s cherubim,” The archangel says gently.  “I’m what’s called a Chayyot HaKodesh.  Easy mistake to make, though.  Fuck, even Ezekiel couldn’t keep us straight.”
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bitofthisandthat · 5 years
“You tried.” Iris to Eris.
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“Who says I’m done?… ‘Tried’ implies it’s OVER. And it’s never over until I say.”
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“I look at this as a teeny-tiny, minuscule…experiment. Now I know where things failed, and how to proceed from here. You know, for a being of Chaos and Strife, I’m MIGHTY patient, coz.”
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bitofthisandthat · 5 years
27 ( Holtzmann)
♥ Relationship & Courting antics Asks.
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Have they had dreams about their partner/the person they are courting?
Jillian is NOT the big player that so much of the fandom likes to think she is. YES she is a flirt if she likes you, she’ll show off and go over the top like a lovesick circus monkey, but she’s VERY shy and an akward NERD. Frankly, her science and gadgets make more sense to her than romance, so the idea of thinking deeply about romance, makes her very edgy. She pines and gets giddy inside if she truly has a crush on a lady, but it always comes out as goofball antics to cover the fact she is feeling flushed. So, since she buries her feelings during the waking hours, of course it’s going to come out in her dreams.
Dreams that get racy are certain to happen, but she will NEVER discuss them openly with anyone because she also sees that as weak and stupid.
So, she goes back to her method of flirting and assuming they are her girlfriend even if nothing’s been officially declared.
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bitofthisandthat · 5 years
“i do NOT kill people.”- Psyche to Proteus
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“Hmmm…That leaves you, and only one FIFTH of the pantheon. This may be harder than I once thought…”Yeah. One of THE BIGGEST pantheons to the known world, and he could guess until next year. “Alright. I believe you.” Gods kill. If not directly, surreptitiously through impossible quests, curses, mind-invasion, or disease. But something about her made him trust her. Maybe that was due to her power or affiliation affecting him, maybe she was already in his head and tweaking it to make him belei—
“If you do not kill anyone…then do you keep us safe, instead?”
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