#mv: starter
themadvigilantist · 1 year
"Did you want something?"
"Or did I come in at a bad time?"
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"Don't go shy on me now."
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chaosmicjelly · 4 months
"Your crush does not like you, so you can give that chocolate to me!"
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moonrvier · 11 months
muse: eun minhyun, 24, product photographer, never knows how to take anything seriously open to: 21+, f/nb
"Let's be real, you'd be bored out of your mind with a 'nice guy'," he said, words dripping with confidence as a smirk appeared on his lips. "And besides, I'm not the one who's constantly instigating fights around here."
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eldestpoison · 9 months
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liking this message will allow me to private message you to plot !
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the-evil-pizza · 1 year
@angel-buckley-diaz … john wick and burnt introduced me and now i’m hooked ngl, i just need to find where to find these damn movies
welp, finding older italian movies with english subs is not easy, yeah. I once stumbled upon chiedimi se sono felice with english subs but That’s It.
I know the 3msic book was translated in english though so maybe was the book, with a different name i suppose though 
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fightwing · 1 year
@inhxuman / cont.
dick's NEVER denied the 'drama' accusations. okay, maybe in his youth he'd push back a bit on anything that wasn't synonymous with 'showmanship', but the titans and general life experiences were quick to put him back in his place. maybe he could be a bit dramatic, and hey maybe it wasn't always warranted. ---- but in this, he'd really and truly thought he'd taken his last bow. even before, even with how many times he's dropped the fated 'never coming back' only to enter the foyer again within the month, even with all the fights with bruce that he swore he'd never forgive him for and then hugged about months later, even with the knowledge he'd never truly leave, not really, he'd thought this was the one. spyral wasn't something you left. if there's anything he learned aside from tiger doesn't like puns it's that spyral was blood in, blood out, and even dick's flimsy plans wouldn't change that. he knew joining spyral meant he'd either die a spy, twice-dead to those who knew him, or he'd never be free. doomed to see the world through warped tech. it was a miracle in and of itself that they'd somehow won. that dick grayson's name was scrubbed from the nightwing legacy AND he was free from the undercover chains. a miracle, maybe, but no bad deed though . . . now, though, it had been some time. enough most people forgot about it. donna and he were calling every friday like they used to, wally was dropping by like he paid even a cent on rent. he'd been back in bludhaven for some months, patrolling and living as normal and most importantly giving space to the people who needed it. like tim, jason, babs . . . he gets their reactions. he gets it more than most, maybe, and if the roles had been reversed he's not sure what position he would've played. but he'd stayed away from gotham until he was sure his presence wouldn't ruin what was already crumbling. now, though, it was time to put that theory to the test. that the foundations were strong enough to not be buried under. it made him nervous in a way he hadn't been since he was robin. the urge to thrum his fingers against his thighs or find some physical exertion outlet stopped only by the presence of his sister there with him. CASS. thank god she was here too. her calm, comforting presence was a tether he was desperately clutching. it's her words, now, that jolt him from the reverie he'd lulled into. and he barely stopped the laugh before it started, WANT was a bit of a hefty request but --- " hey! " he laughs, knocking his shoulder into hers with a smile. " i'll have you know my knees are the youngest thing about me." probably more fuel to the 'you're old' fire, and not entirely true but it's there and he's sticking to it. he ends with his arms crossed against his chest. yeah, it was weird to be back. but maybe it didn't have to be bad. one, two, three seconds to consider his next words. maybe if he used the gargoyle to get him airborne he could use the planter to entirely bypass the long way. oh yeah, game ON. " race you to the door? "
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cassioppenny · 1 year
rosa: hey babygirl would you be the rei to my asuka
yancy: what the fuck are you talking about
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lionsguaard · 1 year
okay, i don't want to circulate my old starter so i'm making a new one and if i didn't get around to writing a starter for you from the previous, you've got priority.
so tap the ♡ for a starter. specify muse if you're a multi.
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wavetapper · 1 year
What’s the game you’re posting about and how do you play it? It looks cool :0
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OK ok the game is called beatoraja and it's a bms player! there are other bms players out there but beatoraja is probably the easiest one to get started with bc its got the most features and the source code wasnt lost to the ether. i use a controller for it but you can also use a keyboard just fine!
bms stands for be-music source and is basically a file format for rhythm game charts which can be played using bms players (such as beatoraja). its mostly used to sort of simulate the gameplay of iidx (7 keys 1 turntable, or 14 keys 2 turntables) but the main draw of it is that all the content (charts, music, music videos, etc.) are all made by and for the community around the game.
if you've played rhythm games much at all, you most likely have already heard some of the songs that were made for bms- songs like Conflict, Mopemope, and Nhelv were made for these yearly contests (usually) called The BMS of Fighters (or BOFU deez nuts). these yearly contests are great because its FREE STUFF! free music free videos free bms charts its all really good, and some of them get picked up and licensed for commercial games as well.
gameplay-wise, the way i use beatoraja is similar to sp beatmania iidx- 7 keys, 1 turntable. although beatoraja also offers support for modes that emulate other rhythm games like popn music and i think even keyboardmania as well.
the game is also INCREDIBLY customisable with a ton of custom skins and stuff as well!
I would highly recommend checking out the beatoraja english guide which provides links and explains how to set the game up, and is honestly a really good resource.
iidx.org is also a good general resource, as a lot of the tips about how to improve and how to hold your hands on the controller also apply to beatoraja as well
one last thing- if you want to get into bms but don't know where to start/don't want to commit to downloading a player just yet, then bemuse.ninja is a bms player that runs in your browser and doesn't require any setup!
sorry this post is a mess, i might make one of my patented Rhythm Game Powerpoints explaining this a bit more thoroughly at some point
tl;dr its twodicks for hipsters
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themadvigilantist · 16 days
Food and Greetings ||
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"Hey, hey, sorry I'm late. Got stuck in traffic." V walked over, having fresh food in tow. There was stream emitting from it, the aroma of spices and meat filled room just as quickly as she entered. "Hope you lot are hungry."
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V had known she was gone for a while but, hopeful that at least it wasn't too long.
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chaosmicjelly · 5 months
"Stolen food tastes better. That's a fact!"
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wildcxrds · 2 years
continued from here | @dxlaflamme
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“I’ve had to deal with something similar before.” Allie said with a small, sympathetic smile. Her hands hovered cautiously over Marianne’s arms, almost as if ready to take any sort of fire that may or may not burst out. The benefit of being a creature like Allie, especially how she is now, is she could take fire in higher levels without taking damage.
To a limit, at least.
“Listen, if anything else comes here, I’ll stay by your side and help you, okay? I promise I’m sticking by you through this.” Allie’s amber colored eyes bore determinedly into Marianne, trying to convey her dedication to helping.
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godofvillains-aa · 2 years
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    The snowy haired villain thought he was hidden well. Usually no one recognized him under the hood that shadowed his features. But as he was walking outside in an uncrowded area, his eyes caught and made contact with green ones.
   His shoulders slump and he tugs the hood down further on his face. Shoving his hands into his pockets he tries his best to pass the hero. He knew he was noticed, but he was praying Deku would just pretend he doesn’t exist.
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blighted-petals · 2 years
closed starter for @the-valianter-valkyriest
Charlie stood from the throne, shadows letting go of her arms and legs as she moved. She let out a breath. "Skitts, has anyone wandered the caverns lately? I need to send a message."
"Only one."
"Who is it? And don't just tell me "the tall one" or "the short one", please just give me a name."
"Well, lead her down here. I'm sure her sanity is dwindling, so it should be no trouble for a scroll like you."
"Yes, your majesty." Skitts gave a bow, and scampered off into the darkness.
The caverns weren't any safer than the surface of the Constant. And with Summer tearing its ugly head, it would be easier to stay cool. Skitts jumped in and out of sight, finally spotting the Valkyrie without too much back and forth. Normally, he would have stayed just barely out of sight, but with Charlie's orders he had to try and lead the actress to the depths.
This couldn't possibly go wrong and would definitely not lead to a fight between the two once he managed to trick her.
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wildxcardrebel · 2 months
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||♢|| Starter call! Like this and I'll write up a starter for us! Multimuse accounts, feel free to specify which muse. If not, I'll pick one.
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webbedphantom · 7 months
You find a medium-sized plushie, large enough to place in the crook of one's arm left alone, on a quiet street. You wouldn't have noticed it usually, but this toy had an eye-catching design; black and white dazzler-style colours on its body, with a wide, red mouth, all with sharp-looking teeth and a long tongue. It was accented with gold hoof/pad feet and golden chains to go with the long black braid. It didn't have eyes either, as the two stalks coming out of where eyes would usually be were more akin to a snail's. Even then, it gave the impression that it stared...
Where did it come from...?~
[[have Plush!Loki from my Magical Girl!AU. He likes being a punk~]]
He'd been making his usual rounds, checking up on known gang territory, making sure his rogue's gallery wasn't up to anything, typical superhero stuff, when he came across the plush.
It was just sitting alone under a street light in Kabukicho. And given it was the late evening (or early morning, hard to say. He's been out here awhile-), the scene was almost unsettling. Like something out of one of those internet creepypastas Futaba liked to binge through in October.
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"What the heck..?"
He dangled down from the lamp post to get a better look at the thing. It was rather well made, whatever it was supposed to be. Probably the villain from some shonen he hadn't heard of.
He picked it up and looked it over for a bit.
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"Creepy little thing, aren't you?"
Even still, it looked expensive. Whoever this belonged to probably wanted it back.
"Let's see if we can get you back home, little guy."
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