#not with the new price hikes from printers
thebibliosphere · 1 year
The process of updating my paperback prices (and all my files) gave me stress hives, so that's fun.
Also, if you suddenly can't see Phangs in your ebook/paperback retailer of choice, that's why. I had to upload new files to correct some minor typos and also update some metadata, so I'd no longer be deadnaming my illustrator. And that required me to take them off the market so the new files could be processed. They should hopefully go live sometime this week.
Payhip files are also updated to correct metadata, but there should be no pause in availability there.
I have no control over when the new prices will roll out, but looking at Ingram, at least, the new price changes will go into effect on March 10th, 2023. The paperbacks will be $17.99 from here on out. Sorry. Ebook prices remain the same. Thank you for both understanding and encouraging me to up my prices so that I'm actually making money instead of losing it. I'll get a whole two dollars going forward! Instead of a penny 😅
Edit: Also, all the ebooks have been added to Smashwords. It just took 3 years and Draft2Digital acquiring them so I wouldn't need to remember another login for me to do it 💀
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This day in history
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#20yrsago Itunes blocks you from sharing music with YOURSELF, on your own computer https://web.archive.org/web/20041009202513/http://www.raelity.org/computers/operating_systems/apple/mac_os_x/apps/itunes_single_instance.html
#20yrsago How fanfic makes kids into better writers (and copyright victims) https://www.technologyreview.com/2004/02/06/40304/why-heather-can-write/
#15yrsago Flashmob of ATM crooks scores $9 million in 49 cities https://web.archive.org/web/20090205214559/http://www.myfoxny.com/dpp/news/090202_FBI_Investigates_9_Million_ATM_Scam
#15yrsago Internet not full of pedos, the statistical edition https://www.zephoria.org/thoughts/archives/2009/02/06/doing_the_math.html
#10yrsago Turks bid farewell to the Internet in the face of brutal censorship/surveillance law https://medium.com/@ahmetasabanci/saying-goodbye-to-internet-in-turkey-33d805b98f6c
#10yrsago Middle class brands collapse, 1% brands thrive https://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/03/business/the-middle-class-is-steadily-eroding-just-ask-the-business-world.html
#10yrsago How UK spies committed illegal DoS attacks against Anonymous https://www.nbcnews.com/news/investigations/war-anonymous-british-spies-attacked-hackers-snowden-docs-show-n21361
#10yrsago Toronto’s reference library gets a makerspace https://web.archive.org/web/20140209061223/http://torontoist.com/2014/02/reference-library-unveils-3d-printers-is-cooler-than-indigo/
#10yrsago Toxic Avenger’s brilliant rant about the importance of Net Neutrality https://www.techdirt.com/2014/02/05/innovation-our-better-future-depend-preserving-net-neutrality/
#5yrsago One of pharma’s most notorious gougers is going bankrupt, but 2019 is a banner year for shkreli-grade pharmaceutical price-hikes https://arstechnica.com/science/2019/02/infamous-pharma-company-declares-bankruptcy-after-3900-price-hike/
#5yrsago Chasing down that list of potential Predpol customers reveals dozens of cities that have secretly experimented with “predictive policing” https://www.vice.com/en/article/d3m7jq/dozens-of-cities-have-secretly-experimented-with-predictive-policing-software
#5yrsago Amazon is using purchase data to sell targeted ads, which is creepy, but not because they’ve invented a mind-control ray https://memex.craphound.com/2019/02/06/amazon-is-using-purchase-data-to-sell-targeted-ads-which-is-creepy-but-not-because-theyve-invented-a-mind-control-ray/
#5yrsago The next Firefox will block all autoplayed audio, video https://hacks.mozilla.org/2019/02/firefox-66-to-block-automatically-playing-audible-video-and-audio/
#5yrsago RIP, author Carol Emshwiller https://locusmag.com/2019/02/carol-emshwiller-1921-2019/
#5yrsago Washington State sheriff used courtroom camera to zoom in on defense attorney and juror’s private notes https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/san-juan-sheriffs-use-of-courtroom-camera-to-view-jurors-notebook-lawyers-notes-sparks-outrage-and-dismissal-of-criminal-case/
#5yrsago Lawsuit says that America’s “break even” court records website shouldn’t be making 98%+ profits https://www.techdirt.com/2019/02/06/multiple-parties-including-author-law-governing-pacer-ask-court-to-stop-pacers-screwing-taxpayers/
#5yrsago Fox News blames schools teaching “fairness” for support for a tax on the super-rich https://www.reddit.com/r/LateStageCapitalism/comments/annfs6/fox_news_blames_public_support_of_wealth_tax/
#1yrago Bruce Schneier's "A Hacker's Mind" https://pluralistic.net/2023/02/06/trickster-makes-the-world/#power-play
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seeminglyseph · 2 years
My aunt asked about my doll collection while she was here, and like. Was actually excited and interested in it! I had bought an extra Gabby on sale, and she was still in the box so I gave it to her and after kinda protesting that she couldn’t, she accepted and was like hugging the box a little and said a few times “I’m just really excited about my new doll” and like it was kinda silly as adults talking about it, but she does have grand children who love dolls and just learning the various things available down to like, I showed her you could buy pdf patterns on Etsy and print them out. And a lot of people have done the adapting to the doll proportions for you.
And being able to be like “pretty sure the price hike is because of the raising prices of plastic” and have my uncle agree like it had been a suspicious thing he’d noticed as well, the price of plastic going up. And I managed to explain how at a really basic level how some 3D printers work ‘cause he couldn’t get it but explained with like “y’know it’s laying down one layer of plastic or whatever at a time and slowly building up a shape. Sometimes it builds little struts to hold up and build something that reaches out. Then it’s gotta have the excess cut away and the ridges from the layers sanded down to make it smooth.” And I dunno why no one ever explained it like that but it does feel cool to be able to explain a thing and be understood. And he’s a construction and car and projects guy and might have ADHD himself not my place to make that judgement but when I said “sometimes I need to be doing something with my hands in order to focus on what I’m doing with my head” and he got that.
In general a lotta stuff is just kinda… it’s nice feeling safe enough to talk about my interests and skills and not feel looked down on some way. Like I do have knowledge, and that knowledge is worthwhile
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thehill-rpg · 2 months
Episode 1: The Hill
Printers warring, contact numbers hurled across the room like insults, folders being slapped down; the buzz of the office was as it always was come Monday morning. Journalists who detested early mornings, or working all together, acted like there was nowhere else they’d rather be, and bosses, tenser than usual, found themselves in what looked like a heated debate: no doubt over a story they’d missed or a scandal in legal that someone would get chewed out about. However, they kept drawing everyone’s eye that morning, in the way they stood, clustered closely together, talking in hushed, urgent whispers. 
The smell of fresh coffee, mixed with the phones ringing off the hook and the clamor of people as they wove in and out of each other. People unaccustomed to the atmosphere might consider it mere madness. Loud wasn’t even the right word. It was raucous.
At a desk, front and center of the lion's dens, sat Violet Shard. Political Senior Journalist.
She could feel her head pounding. The bar last night may have been one step too far. 
Squinting, she peered at the blazing computer screen, scrolling as written information rolled as fast as she could read. A woman’s blacked out name appeared multiple times throughout the email, her source name redacted. It was one of the most important things to Violet: that her sources could trust that she’d keep their identity safe–if she didn’t keep her word, was she any better than the politicians she brought down? Her fingers moved over the keyboard with rapid fervor, even with the fog clouding the edges of her mind. She hadn’t even had a chance to read the morning paper when she’d dashed out of bed. 
Almost late.
She shouldn’t have done the last five shots. Even at the age of forty-five, Violet Shard had never shied away from a party. Especially one that had gotten her access and close to new electives. What had meant to be an early night had turned into one full of spilled dirty secrets. 
But those were shelved, at least for now, to which she began typing back quickly, checking over her shoulder. 
Friend,  I think we should meet for another tennis match. The last one was a success. Only by playing another match will one realize its full potential. Can you confirm when you’re free?  Violet.
Pressing send, she exited quickly. Code was better than saying too much. 
With the article on Congress Whitlock and Congress Harris now out in the world, there was only a matter of time before it came back to bite them in the ass. There was no way they could let something that blasphemous stay out in the world like that. Which Violet was aware meant one of two things: one, they’d pay for them to take it down, which she prayed they’d never agree to? Or they silenced them, burying them under the law. Which, by the look of their cluster, might be exactly what was happening.
The article had been titled: Congress or Corruption? The people vs. Whitlock & Harris. 
Once Violet had published the article, prime time on a Friday evening. Well, it had been up in arms across all journals, blogs and news sites across the states, leaking into media around the world by the following day. Discussing the purchasing and profiteering of war in neighboring countries was what American’s liked to believe as a myth in their country. But it was those men that they put their belief and power into that were disgracing this once very great country. Guns, food, medicine: essentials, hiked up in price so those in lower socio income lives would suffer, while the rich would profit.
It was an age old tale, and Violet Shard was done being a bystander.
On top of the current infamy and praise leaking through her inbox, there was a new bill being passed next week that she had to get on top of, as well as arranging a phone call with her source to go over any further information. With the increased monitoring from hackers and the government, conversations with her sources, or discussions were now limited over emails. She wasn’t a conspiracy theorist, well, not exactly. Hers pertained to what she knew: politics, people and the dirt that lined the streets of Washington, D.C. But it meant she was alert and aware. 
And in her line of work, being aware meant she was one step ahead.
Violet had never been a fool to what was going on right beneath their noses: scandal, lies and corruption. Rampant, hidden, and embedded in every part of this godforsaken city. 
“Shard, I need that report in twenty minutes,” Rick, an intern tasked with proof reading everything, called from her left.
“Bet you fifteen bucks I can get it done in ten.” She yelled back, a grin flashing across her mouth.
“Shard’s making bets, Eric.” Another intern to someone else. How she’d ever remember their names, she didn’t fucking know. But for now, she’d call him bouffant because, kid, that hairstyle went out years ago. Why was no one telling him?
“I’d bet more, but we all know Rick still asks his mother for pocket money,” Violet grinned.
If the room had been loud before, the hollering that followed had others turning heads.
“You got yourself a deal.” Rick clapped, those surrounding clapped, egging them on further. 
It was a quick reminder of why she loved the job so much, why she’d always felt such a deep connection to this room in particular. Journalists might have been cut-throat, and willing to climb over just about anyone to get that next story, but at the end of the day – there was a sense of sibling rivalry here. Even if you felt bummed because you missed out on a prime slot. Secretly, they were happy for the person who got the story.
In nine minutes, and thirty-six seconds, not a sweat broken, Violet pressed send on the email, the sound of a gentle swoosh and the report was at Rick’s desk. From the corner of her eye, she saw him still, like a mouse caught in a trap. Slowly, turning in her chair to face him, her arms folded over her chest in that smug ease. 
“Mother–” Rick started, staring at his computer in disbelief. 
“I wiped your bet clean off the table, in under ten minutes–” Violet was interrupted mid-sentence. 
The room went silent.
“Ms Shard.” A crisp male voice spoke from behind her. 
That voice, she quickly realized, came from no one she knew. Brows drawing together in confusion, she felt the hairs begin to rise on the back of her neck. That loud, familiar  clamor of the office had quieted down to a dull murmur.  It was in that slow turn, catching each pair of gleaning eyes in the office, that she realized whoever was behind her wasn’t someone she would want to see. 
It wasn’t corporate, and it sure as hell wasn’t the press, which meant…
Congressman Whitlock and Congressman Harris had finally had enough of the constant press at their heels after they’d published the deal. She’d expected flack for it, but this? Four police officers, dressed to the nines, stood in their imposing, statuesque bull-shit power tripping stance, cuffs out like she was a serial killer they’d tracked down after a month’s long manhunt.
Hands found her hips instantly, splashing that Shard Facade. 
Bravo, she internally commended their theatrics, she was in her right mind to start clapping. 
“Boys,” Violet cooed, a false pout pulling at her lip. “Are we really going to do this? It’s a Monday morning and I’ve got a hangover from one too many tequila shots.” She knew they would, it wasn’t the first time she’d had scrapes with the law, especially in her earlier years. She wouldn’t have been a great journalist if she didn’t, but the fact they’d gone for the throat so quickly?
It meant they were scared. And scared people made mistakes.
“Ms Shard, you’re under arrest for excessive defamation and harassment.” Cop one stated, unfortunate looking with a comb-over that screamed…do you ever want to get laid?
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“Harassment?” Violet scoffed, a snort slipping out. “Oh, you’ve gotta’ be kidding me. Isn’t this America? Land of the free? Freedom of Speech? I’m not physically attacking people, I’m highlighting corruption. But I guess the MPD wouldn’t know anything about that, right?”
“Please, don’t make this harder than it needs to be.” Using his hand in a circular motion. “turn around, place your hands behind your back, miss, we’d prefer to do this the easy way.” As opposed to the hard way, she thought, eyes sliding to all the onlookers. 
“Fine. Fine.” The more she struggled, the worse she’d look.
Turning, hands behind her back with only a smidgen of embarrassment coloring her cheeks, it clicked when she found all the managers watching her with that same expression. Pity. They’d known. In all honesty, Violet wasn’t sure whether to feel betrayed that they hadn’t given her a heads up, or thankful that they might’ve been trying to find a solution. 
Either way, being arrested never looked good for their image, and what was a business without a great image.
“You have the right to remain silent.” The usual spiel began, but she attempted to drown it out as she felt the cold metal clasp around the soft of her wrist. “Anything you say will and can be used against you in a court of law.” It was like everyone she’d ever heard on those bad cop shows that her mother had loved so much when she was growing up. “You do not have to say anything. But, it may harm your defense if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence. You have a right to a lawyer, ”
“Yeah, I know. Can someone call Jason and tell him I was arrested…again.” Chucking a glance over her shoulder, catching the Interns who looked the most genuinely concerned than those she’d worked with for years.. “Rick, pick up my jobs?”
“Yeah, course.”
Where the fuck was Ajay? 
“Oh, and Rick?” Violet called, as the cops began walking her towards the elevator.
“Yeah?” He called, standing on his tiptoes like that might add to his height.
“You owe me fifteen bucks.” 
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crimechannels · 8 months
By • Olalekan Fagbade Residents seek government intervention on outrageous House rents Residents of Abuja have appealed to the Federal Government to intervene on arbitrary increase in house rents by landlords in the Federal Capital Territory(FCT). Some residents told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in separate interviews on Sunday, that paying rent in Abuja was burdensome as landlords increased rents at will. They lamented that such indiscriminate hike in rent had caused ill-treatment and harassment from landlords. Mr Dauda Abusali, an artist, said that his rent was increased without prompt notice, adding that he was currently putting up with a friend. “My landlord asked everyone to pack if they are unable to pay the rent he is demanding; my experience is tough. “ I have sent my family home to see how I can survive the situation.’’ Abusali said that there were many houses in the city with no one occupying them because of high rents. “The government should make policies that will stop this trend; houses should not be empty when many people do not have houses,’’ he said. Mr Kolade Tayo, an event planner, said that it was inhuman to increase the rent on a house that was built many years ago because of the economic situation today. “As a tenant, I have received terrible treatment from my landlord who does whatever he likes. “The government should be able to regulate the arbitrary increase in house rents; if the government can put a benchmark on rents, it will greatly help the residents,” he said. Mr Ajibola Olushola, a fashion designer, said that the reoccurring increase in house rent had affected his household. According to him, after paying rent, he does not have enough money to sort other family needs. He pleaded that the government should come to the rescue of the citizens. “Government should support schemes that manage house rent issues before all of us die in this country,” he said. Miss Esther Mamudu, a corps member, said the outrageous house rent by landlords was a type of injustice tenants faced in the hands of landlords. “My sister resumed school only to realise that her rent had been increased with no prior notice. “ She was asked to either pay immediately or vacate the house,’’ she said. Mamudu added that there was need for a body that would serve as a watch dog to regulate house rents and activities of landlords in Abuja and Nigeria at large. She said regulating rents in Nigeria as a country would go a long way to easing the suffering of the masses. Mr Nex Peter, a printer, said that everything in the country was very expensive, adding that house owners were also trying to survive the hard times. “I decided to live with my friends so we can and join hands together to pay the rent of N400, 000 every year. “This is the only way I can survive in Abuja; I appeal to government at all level to look into the hardship people are facing and address it; it is becoming unbearable,” he said. Mr Agogo Stephen, a corps member, expressed dissatisfaction with the situation in the country, adding that no average Nigerian was having it ease. “The situation is very bad and has rendered many people homeless because they cannot afford to pay rent in the city,” he said. Stephen said the government needed to intervene in reducing the price of building materials to help the low income earners afford a roof on their head. However, a landlord, Mr Banji Oluwaseyeri, attributed the increase in rent in Abuja to the high cost of living in the country. “Transportation and feeding are on the increase; as landlords, we have to increase our rent to be able to survive the current economic situation,’’ he said. Oluwaseyeri appealed to the government to support the citizens with tokens and reduce the cost of transportation. NAN reports that the 9th Senate passed into second reading, a bill seeking to stop landlords in the FCT from demanding advance payment of one-year rent from their tenants. The legislation was titled,
“A Bill for an Act to regulate the mode of Payment of Rent on Residential Apartments, Office Spaces, in the FCT and for Other Matters Connected Therewith.’’ The bill, sponsored by Sen. Smart Adeyemi (APC Kogi-West), was aimed at ending the practice whereby landlords demanded a yearly advance payment of rents from their tenants.(NAN)
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hakesbros · 1 year
Actual Estate, Infrastructure And Business Property Welcome
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Its U.S. metropolitan space covers all of El Paso and Hudspeth counties, with a population of 831,036. The El Paso MSA forms a half of the bigger El Paso–Las Cruces CSA, with a population of 1,044,496. El Paso stands on the Rio Grande (Río Bravo del Norte), across the border from Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico. The two cities, together with Las Cruces, kind new homes el paso tx a combined worldwide metropolitan area, sometimes referred because the Paso del Norte or El Paso–Juárez–Las Cruces, with over 2.7 million individuals. The El Paso-Juárez region is the most important bilingual, binational work force in the Western Hemisphere.
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coinprojects · 1 year
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New Post has been published on https://coinprojects.net/crypto-winter-may-not-end-anytime-soon/
Crypto winter may not end anytime soon
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Key Takeaways
Crypto is one year into a vicious bear market This is the first time crypto has experienced a bear market in the wider economy, too With too many negative macro variables, and the zero-interest rate era over, it seems naïve to think crypto can bounce significantly in the short-term
  Anyone betting on a swift recovery in the crypto markets might want to reassess.
If you are familiar with my analysis, you will know I have been bearish for a while. This mainly comes down to the macro setup, as the economy reels in the face of this new paradigm of high-interest rates.
Crypto represents one of the highest-risk asset classes around, and hence was always going to the struggle once the rug was pulled out from under it. And that is what has happened, with Jerome Powell and the Federal Reserve pulling that rug out mercilessly.
With this macro backdrop in this position, there is a ceiling in place. Crypto will not rise until inflation is beaten and interest rates peak. Currently, T-bills are trading at 4%, but this will likely rise to 5% in early 2023.
There is still concern that inflation, which does seem as if it has peaked, will nonetheless persist for some time. The labour market has yet to feel real tightness, while demand has been subdued but not significantly.
More bad news
This landscape what was led me to declare that crypto could be one bad event away from a  meltdown. It was range-bound at the $20,000 mark for too long, unable to break out while restrained by the bearish sentiment in the wider markets.
I didn’t expect that event to be quite so seismic, however. FTX’s implosion represents a watershed moment for crypto. I believe it will cause even greater harm than what most forecast.
We saw credit agency Moody’s place Coinbase’s bonds on review for downgrade, hinting at the detrimental action that could follow the exchange’s insolvency. I wrote a piece analysing the deluge of Bitcoin flowing out of exchanges, showing that trust had been broken and was at an all-time low.
In fact, a pretty staggering 200,000 bitcoins flowed out of exchanges less than a month after the FTX collapse. And even Cathie Wood is warning of a pullback in institutional adoption.
  They say “be greedy when others are fearful”, but I’m not sure that applies here. Cryptocurrency is at a fork in the road. It has never existed during a bear market in the wider economy before – remember, Bitcoin was launched in 2009, and hence has experienced nothing but an explosive bull market in financial assets.
Now, it is different. Contagion is again swirling, crypto’s reputation is in tatters and the money printer is no longer propping everything up. Times are tough.
Previous crypto winters
Against this context, this environment is unprecedented for crypto. This is why I believe that extrapolating past cycles to current conditions is naïve. It is a lot easier to bounce back when interest rates are at 0% and the rest of the economy is booming. Not only that, but the scale of the capital destruction this time around is much greater, given crypto grew so much during the pandemic years.
Having said that, there will come a time when inflation is beaten. There will come a time when interest rates are no longer being hiked. This is the cyclical world we live in, and hence risk assets will rise again.
I just believe that this time, the winter may last a little longer than a lot are expecting. And when looking at previous cycles, the winters lasted long then, too. The below chart plots the Bitcoin price back to 2014, showing this well.
Following the peak of close to $20,000 in December 2017, it was not until Q4 of 2020, deep into the pandemic, that Bitcoin once again breached this mark. That marked a near 3-year fallow period, where investors failed to enjoy any significant gains in the crypto world.
We are one year into this bear market now, both in crypto and financial assets in general. Forecasting the future in crypto will only ever end with you looking silly, but I’ll try anyway. I would be surprised if we were beyond halfway through this bear market.
As the winter snap hits hard in Europe and people feel those high energy prices, the war in Ukraine rages on, and inflation continues to persist stubbornly, it just feels naïve to think crypto could rise anytime soon.
Of course, that could theoretically change in an instant. Positive news out of Ukraine could send markets north in an instant, but that is impossible to predict. I think the base case, however, is a longer period of pain ahead than a lot of people realise.   
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blogsbyankur · 2 years
3D Printing Market Trends, Growth, Demand, Opportunities and Forecast to 2030
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Some of the major key players in the 3D printing market are: Arcam AB, 3D Systems, Stratasys Ltd, Autodesk, Inc., Hoganas AB, The ExOne Company, Organovo Holdings, Inc., Optomec, Inc., Voxeljet AG and Ponoko Limited among others.
3D printing is an augmentation in the available manufacturing technologies and is aggressively expanding its footprint in different applications globally. 3D printing technology has the access and ability to print simple and complex objects in small to large sizes. The automotive vertical is the fastest-growing vertical in the 3D printing market. The automotive industry has also shifted from the use of 3D printing for prototyping applications to the manufacturing of final components & products. The demand for newer, better-performing vehicles, as well as the need to optimize production and streamline supply chains and logistics, drive the growth of the market.
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The global 3D Printing Market size valued to USD 12.96 billion in 2019; is expected a hike of USD 107.52 billion by 2030, witnessing a CAGR of 21.2% from 2020-2030.
The 3D printing service sector is garnering significant traction compared to the sale of printers and materials. The market for 3D printing or AM has been growing rapidly with rapid progress in the industries, such as healthcare (including medical, orthopedic, and dentistry), aerospace, and automotive, as these industries were the early adopters of the technology. However, with the advancement in printing technology and materials, the 3D printing service sector is garnering significant traction as a source of profit generation compared to the sales of printers and materials. As the 3D printing technology facilitates the manufacturing of products with complex geometries and offers competitive pricing compared to traditional manufacturing methods, several companies across several industries are expected to outsource everything, from design to production of customized products, to sustain in the highly competitive markets. As a result, the market for 3D printing services is expected to witness the highest growth rate in the nearest future.
Advancements in 3D printing technologies has accelerated the adoption of print-on-demand parts for the production of customized functional parts. 3D printing enables the manufacturing of personalized products according to individual needs and requirements. The companies provide customized services, such as basic design development by designers, followed by allowing the customers to co-design the product. Ongoing technological advancements in the existing 3D printing technologies, reducing costs of printers, and availability of a range of materials enable the easy manufacturing of custom-made products. Governments are undertaking initiatives and providing funding to educational institutions, research centers, and research and technology organizations to further explore the opportunities provided by 3D printing technology and encourage its development. Countries such as the US, the UK, and Canada have implemented national programs for promoting university-level 3D printing research, which is driving technology advancement and the establishment of start-ups. The emergence of new applications for 3D printing has attracted industrialists and governments across the world toward technology.
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wafflepatterns · 3 years
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Meet new sewing pattern <Anzu> Cargo Skirt
Meet the new item from Waffle Patterns Cargo skirt <Anzu> sewing pattern. This is a work/outdoor-wear inspired A-line skirt with functional details and many pockets, like a tool pocket, hammer loop, or holster pocket.
Make it with all the fun options or just keep it simple for daily use as you like. Depending on the design options or fabrics, it will be a hiking skirt, work apron or travel skirt, etc.
This is also a skirt version of my popular pattern <Azuki> cargo pants. If you like work/outdoor items, please try Azuki pants, too.
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<Design options>
The front opening has 2 options; double-breasted with button closure or zipper opening. I think the zipper type is suitable for daily use and double breasted will be fun for a work apron. The side pockets are also 2 types. Please choose from the edge type and easy patch type.
For the long-length version, you can add three more patch pockets. They are all workwear-inspired functional designs; zipper pocket, flap pocket, and back tool pocket.
My favorite is the back zipper pocket on the yoke. I think it’s also nice to make with waterproof materials like thin nylon for hiking or travel skirts.
You can sew with or without the details like adjuster belt, hammer loop, inside pocket, back pleats, or lining. Please choose them as your fabric and design intention.
The yellow sample in the photos is intended for daily casual wear, featuring short length + side patch pockets + zipper opening. The salmon pink sample is more like a workwear style. I made it with long length + back pleats + double-breasted front opening and add many fun pockets.
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<fabric recommendation>
The pattern is drafted for woven fabrics. Medium weight skirt fabrics will be suitable. For the authentic workwear style, denim, canvas, duck, cotton twill or chino are suitable. For travel/hiking skirts, outdoor fabric like softshell, water-repellent or some quilted fabric will be an interesting option. Just make sure that some specially thick fabrics are not suitable for details like pockets or pleat. Also some fabrics may require size adjustment, I recommend to make muslin for perfect fit.
It includes the lining pattern, too. Of course you can sew without a liner. Please choose suitable lining material depending on the shell and your design intention.
The salmon pink sample was made with mid-weight cotton duck. It was very easy to handle and a very fitting material for workwear.
The yellow sample is a mixed cotton twill. It is quite thick, so I avoided unsuitable details like the back pleat, layered pocket, etc.
I’m planning to make one more for the winter season with quilted fabric or water repellent fabric with warm fleece lining.
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You can make it with or without the back pleat. For outdoor/work use, the pleat version will be more reasonable for more movement ease. The detachable holster pocket shares the same size/design as Azuki cargo pants. If you already made the pants, you can use the same pattern if the size is the same.
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********************* The sewing pattern includes the 19 pages instruction and all the sewing processes are described with detailed illustrations. The pattern files are available for both home printers (A4 or US letter) and copy shop(A0 format).
You can check other photos of this model on my Flickr page.
The Cargo skirt -Anzu- (size 32-52) PDF sewing pattern is available here. Also in the Etsy shop.
Special discount price until 15th April(CEST) with other popular patterns. No discount code is needed! The sale page is here.
*****  Special offer +12EUR for Paper pattern and free shipping Paper pattern + PDF option is available with plus 12EUR. Shipping worldwide. But please note that, in the current situation, all the shipments are affected by the measure of COVID-19. There might be some shipping delays or accidents. *The paper includes only the pattern, please print out the instruction by yourself or read it with your tablet or PC.  The PDF + Paper listing page is here.
*In the sale period, the shipping of the paper pattern starts 16th Apr.
Enjoy your sewing!
(Japanese post here 日本語ポストはこちら).
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paradisobound · 4 years
World’s Greatest First Love: Chapter 8
Summary: Dan Howell wanted a clean break from his father’s publishing company. It was why he applied for a different company in London: to stop the ridicule of his coworkers for riding on his ‘daddy’s coat tails’. But he wasn’t expecting to suddenly be going from a literature editor, to a graphic novel editor. And he certainly wasn’t expecting to come face first with his first love who broke his heart from when he was a teenager: who just happens to be his new editor-in-chief.
Based on the Anime and Manga “The World’s Greatest First Love: The Case of Ritsu Onodera” aka Sekai-Ichi Hatsukoi
Rating: Mature (For Now)
Word Count: 2.3k (this chapter)
Warnings: None
Beta Read by: @phanandpenguins 
Updates Every Tuesday 12pm EST and Saturday at 1pm EST
IMPORTANT A/N: These next few chapters, if you haven't seen the anime, might seen a bit like a fever dream haha I mean this as the storyline gets a bit more complex and new characters and other elements began to be thrown in. I'm trying to keep this as close to the anime as possible and follow these same plot points, while also keeping it as close to Dan and Phil as possible too. Like my outline is each chapter is an episode of the anime so keep that in mind too. That being said, these next few chapters, if you have any questions at all, please them in the comments on Ao3 or come to my inbox and ask them to me!
Dan’s next manuscript is due at five and he is currently fighting with his author to try and get it. He feels like he shouldn’t have to pry this hard to get the manuscript, but his author isn’t budging. He keeps telling Dan that it’s coming and Dan will have it soon but Dan is having a hard time believing that.
He really needs the manuscript because he needs to send it to the printer for the initial printing decision. But without it, he can’t do that and now the workers at the printer are going to be all up in arms because Dan just wasted their time.
Dan could go to Phil and ask what to do. But Dan has made it a point to avoid Phil these last two weeks since their interaction at his apartment. It wasn’t that he thought he needed to avoid Phil, but it was more or less the idea that he didn’t want to be confronted with the fact that they do need to talk about everything.
But Dan isn’t ready for any of that yet. So instead of letting himself just get the talking done and over with, he’s been walking opposite directions from Phil, taking the bus instead of the train even though he hates the bus, and just not talking to him besides exchanging pleasantries in the morning or when Phil walks by.
As Dan turns his head to take a quick look towards Phil, he notices Phil isn’t even there. His desk chair is pushed back and his laptop is still open but he’s gone. Dan feels like that’s normal, because of course Phil is busy and is being called to everywhere in the building. But it still bothers him a bit when he looks up and sees Phil isn’t there.
But he doesn’t have to wait long to know where Phil is because suddenly his tall, lanky frame is coming down the hallway and he has a book in his hand a bunch of paperwork in a manilla folder. Dan assumes that it’s for Phil’s book that he just tried to get published but instead, Phil makes a beeline right to his desk.
“Congratulations, Dan!” Phil says, placing the book and the papers on Dan’s desk. “This is the final printing edition for your book and on top of that, Onyx is asking for us to do a second printing due to the demand already. Here is the paperwork talking about how you’ll need to go about the second printing.”
Dan feels all air leave his body because his first graphic novel that he edited is getting a second printing! That’s amazing.
“We should celebrate!”
Dan looks up to see the other editors all perking up at their desks at Mitch’s exclamation.
“Yes!” Phil says back, “Let’s all go out for some drinks tonight in celebration for Dan’s first book getting a second run.”
“Oh no, I don’t think…”
“It’ll be fun,” Mitch speaks up, reaching out and putting his hand on Dan’s arm. “I promise we’re a fun crowd.”
Dan feels like he doesn’t have much of a say in the matter but he decides to give in because honestly, it’s just going out with coworkers. That’s all it’s going to be. It’s not going to be him and Phil alone and that's totally fine.
Phil leaves from behind him and walks back to his desk and sits back down into the seat. Dan looks down at the cover of the book and feels it. The hardcover feels amazing under his touch and he can’t believe that he’s just published his first book at Onyx. It feels a bit like this is all a dream.
Mitch had made reservations for a restaurant in central London for later that evening so since Dan had some time between when he left work and dinner, he decided to stop by W.H Smith and see if any of the copies of his book have made it to the shelves yet.
He was a bit eager to see how well it was selling so it would be really interesting for him to find a copy of it and see how many have been sold off from the shelves or the tables. He stops at the first one he sees between Onyx and the tube station and he walks inside the doors to see his book sitting in the front on a ‘New Releases’ table and he walks over to it.
Dan lifted the book up and flipped it over, looking at the back and seeing that the store was charging £15 for it and he knows that that’s mostly what the sales department decided but he feels like that’s a bit steep. But then again, he sees the contrasting colors and how high quality the book looks and he actually feels like the price is justifiable.
He fingers through the pages of the book and is looking through the published pages. He doesn't even remember what the books from his father’s company looked like while published but a thought in his head made him smile when he thought about how he these had to be a higher quality. He is still thumbing through the pages when he hears someone clear their throat behind him. He turns his head and sees Damien standing there.
“What are you doing here?” He asks, folding his arms over his chest, his blazer pulling tight across his shoulders. He looks so much more professional than Dan who is in just a sweater and a pair of black jeans.
“I was checking out my book.”
Damien shook his head and furrowed his brows, “Don’t do that.”
Dan furrowed his brows, “Why can’t I? It edited this.” He held the book up in his hand as if trying to make a point.
“Because that’s not your department. You’re editing, not sales. It’s not your job to see the book in stores. That’s mine. I’m the one who goes to the stores and gathers sales reports every month,” Damien says, snapping back.
“Why are you acting like this is such a big deal?” Dan asks, his voice getting huffy as he sets the book back down on the table. “I was just checking out the book.”
Damien lets his arms back down to his side and Dan watches as his chest puffs out and then retracts back, “Just...don’t do this again. It’s not your place.”
Dan softens his demeanor back, not wanting to continue the argument if Damien was backing down as well. It was clear that they were both coming to a compromise and that was good enough for Dan.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Dan says finally, not quite accepting Damien’s response but wanting to keep everything at a stasis.
Damien nods back and that’s when Dan sees he’s holding a bag in his hands that he hadn’t honestly noticed before in the momentary confrontation. It’s for a pet store and his stomach sinks a bit more as he remembers the animal it must be for.
“Is that for your cat?” Dan asks, not even realizing he’s talking until Damien’s eyes widen and he stiffens again.
“How do you know I have a cat?” He asks.
“I...I saw you chase after the cat one day when I was going to my apartment. You were coming out of Phil’s.”
“You live near Phil?” Damien asks, his voice changing a bit.
Dan nods and then quickly backtracks, “Well, yes, I do but I didn’t know he lived there before I moved in. I promise.”
Damien hikes his shoulders up for a second and crosses his arms again as he says, “It was Phil’s cat...but I’ve taken it over. It’s none of your business.”
Damien then turns on his heels and leaves Dan behind. Dan watches him leave out of the doors and he feels a bit like he has whiplash. He has many more questions roaming around in his head but he’s not sure if he wants any of them ever to be answered.
He leaves the store not long after.
Phil: Mitch and the others can’t come anymore so it’ll just be you and I
Dan stares at the text for a solid five minutes before he even begins to think of a reply. This is the worst possible scenario to have happened and he cannot believe that his luck is doing this to him. He genuinely wants to scream but he can’t.
He’s still contemplating a reply when Phil texts him back another message.
Phil: I’ll pick up some drinks and we can just celebrate at my apartment. I’ll be home in 20
Oh, that’s even worse, Dan thinks.
This entire night is just getting worse and worse and Dan falls back on his couch and groans out loud, rubbing his eyes with his hands. How on Earth could such a great thing of getting a second printing of your book suddenly turn into drinking with your boss because the others couldn’t attend.
Dan still hasn’t answered the message when his doorbell rings and jolts him from his thoughts. He stands up and walks over to the door, opening it up to see Phil standing there with a bottle of wine and a few other bottles in bags in his hands.
“Didn’t know what you drank so I picked up some different things,” He says. “Let’s go to my apartment and celebrate.”
“I’m not sure if I…”
“Come on, Dan,” Phil pushed. “It’s just celebrating for an actually super rare occasion. Hardly anyone gets a second printing on their first book. I definitely didn't so we need to celebrate!”
Dan doesn’t know what told him to agree inside of him, but suddenly he was walking to Phil’s apartment and sittin in Phil’s living room as they opened up a bottle of wine and Phil poured them both a glass.
Dan drank his down in no time, mostly because he didn’t really want to be sober right now. But Phil took slow sips of his and took a while longer to finish. They don’t speak much, which Dan doesn’t actually hate.
But the silence begins to eat at him more and more, and he finishes half of the bottle by himself. His world begins to get a bit cloudier, and his vision a bit softer as he sits back on his palms and tries to remain grounded.
“You’re a lightweight,” Phil says with a chuckle.
“Am not.”
Phil laughs. “You were already pissed after the first glass.”
Dan shakes his head and looks down at the floor in front of them. He’s not sure of what else to say.
“Damien told me he saw you at W.H Smith this afternoon,” Phil says and Dan looks up suddenly.
Of course Damien told Phil.
“I don’t mind if you go there every once and a while to check out your books,” Phil says. “But that is the sales department and if Damien sees you there often, he’s gonna start getting upset.”
Dan rolls his eyes, not even meaning to fully do that but it happens as a natural reaction.
“I know you don’t like Damien but he is your superior.”
“Can you stop mentioning him so damn much?” Dan snaps out. “I don’t want to talk about him.”
“Is this because of what happened the other day with him?” Phil asks, setting his glass down.
“I don’t like Damien,” Dan admits. “He’s mean.”
Phil shakes his head, “He’s really not when you get to know him.”
“Well if that’s the case, can you tell him to get off my fucking back?” Dan exclaims.
“What is Damien doing?” Phil asks, his tone serious.
Dan bites back his tongue from yelling out that he wishes Phil would stop playing with his emotions and just go to Damien but the small rational side of his brain is telling him that’s not fair for either of them.
“Damien told me that he is taking care of your cat.”
Phil looks at him and his mouth opens and shuts for a moment before he speaks up, “Oh? My cat? It’s not really my cat. I got it a few months ago but my demanding work schedule didn’t allow me to take care of the cat properly so Damien took it over since he works a set schedule.”
“Why was he coming out of your apartment with it a few weeks ago then?”
Phil shakes his head, almost as if he doesn’t know how to answer the question but then he says whatever he was thinking of, “Damien goes out of town for work on occasion and probably needed me to watch her. So he was probably bringing her over that day.”
Dan sat in silence because of course that’s the solid answer but Dan wishes for whatever reason that it was different. He sits back, trying to not stew on anything that was just said.
“Is this all why you don’t like Damien?” Phil asks, his voice questioning but sincere.
“Why don’t you just date Damien?” Dan asks, turning his head away. “Why are you still chasing after me when you’ve had him by your side all this time?”
Phil suddenly moves next to him and Dan does all that he can to remain fixed in his spot and not flinch and scutter away like a startled animal.
“We tried, back when we were in uni,” Phil says, “But it didn’t work because I’ve told you a million times. I never stopped thinking about you.”
Dan feels his eyes well up a bit with tears that he can’t control as feelings bubble in his chest. Because as much as Dan hates admitting it, he knows he never stopped thinking about Phil too.
Every night he dreamt about Phil until he suddenly stopped one day. Every day he thought about Phil, some days he even cried. He never wanted to admit it because deep down, he always figured he would never see Phil again.
But with the alcohol in his veins and Phil sitting beside him, so close to him, Dan feels his inhibitions lower a bit more than they should. He’s tired of fighting off these feelings that he knows are there. He’s tired of acting like he doesn’t feel the same because…
He does. He feels the same as Phil and fuck it hurts.
“You’re crying,” Phil says gently, reaching up and running his thumb over Dan’s cheek just as Dan feels the wetness seep down his skin.
“Sorry,” Dan apologizes with a watery laugh.
“Don’t apologize,” Phil says. “You have nothing to be sorry for.”
“We were really young, Phil,” Dan says, laughing a bit more now, “We didn’t even know what love was.”
“No, but it felt like we did.”
Dan nods because it did feel like that. Dan had felt genuine love in the short time he had been with Phil.
Dan doesn’t know who leaned in first, but all he knows is the feeling of Phil’s lips on his feels like a dream. Phil’s hand comes and cups his jaw and Dan allows the kiss to deepen. Dan can feel the heat coursing hotter in his veins and he can’t tell if it’s from this or from the alcohol.
All he knows is that it feels like ten years ago.
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Airport Taxi Toronto Advantages
Behind the counter may refine see a listing of all the major Bali travel destinations with create price behind it. Once you tell human being where desire to go (hotel name, street name or village) you to help pay rapidly. You however do have never to miss your home just since your onward road journey from the airport is not in very car. You could have to spend money to make that journey and purchasing are wise and choose your airport transportation in advance instead of a minimal option as released on a van you can be placed in for an airport limousine service use the printer not cost much the give you excellent value for your specific money. Not to bring up More info of other passengers. Did you be aware that in 2008 a passenger of a Greyhound bus was decapitated by another passenger provides you with sleep? Is now more previously the time use airport taxis for their privacy plus their security. The expensive vacation event mentioned previously probably never would have happened in the taxi. It can be a serious hassle trying call up favors to obtain a ride to your airport. Plus once you discover a ride it open for their hands whether you arrive towards airport on time or not actually. No one enjoys a rushed ride to edinburgh airport nor is missing an airplane any entertainment. By booking an Airport Taxi service you can assure you're getting your ride safely and without bother. As far as getting home using the airport, might equally convenient, as that you do not to be able to wait your ride. In addition, you save yourself the trouble of finding your ride at manchester international in the muck of everybody else attempting do sneakers thing. There plenty of resources of local taxis in St.Vlas,basically every second car is a taxi cab. Mainly they do short trips to Sunny Beach and fares are really expensive. Having such a taxi always negotiate the price and never board not really. The airport runs they do are extremely expensive rather than just recommended a person are from a hurry to get no variety. Now, if you need to to know a small amount more over the prices, you will also be contented! You can get a taxi at as little as $49 us dollars! It is simply amazing! You can ride a luxurious car almost all comfort you both need and deserve will cost you such amount! You can call them or even email them in order to have your reservation done! Body weight . process is very simple and easy to do! You may make reservations even though you do not want services at the airport. Just in case you simply need taxi services of any kind, please also contact the team in order to maybe you picked up when need. The rates are as good as if you be grabbed at the airport. Traveling is fun, an individual already exactly what you're doing. Otherwise, it's just seconds away . stressful blur, with a lot of having a panic attack. Those who happen to traveling around was know exactly how it feels for a first-timer, who doesn't know the ins and outs of it yet. Of course, identified the major causes of frustration remains to transportation. It is usually difficult to find a ride once you're there. Sure, there really lot of taxis waiting outside the airport. The thing is to be real . of the people aboard the planes are waiting to get a cab as well, making it harder to obtain one. Some taxi drivers might even hike on the price to obtain bucks the a new tourist. When you are new towards the area, chances are, you will not know in case you are being scammed or definitely not.
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bentonpena · 5 years
How to Start a Cannabis Business On a Budget
How to Start a Cannabis Business On a Budget http://bit.ly/303gpri
So you've got a big idea (genius, of course) but little money to play with. What's the first step? These scrappy entrepreneurs have some advice.
August 13, 2019 10 min read
This story appears in the August 2019 issue of Green Entrepreneur. Subscribe »
From the outside, it looks like the race to get into the cannabis space is available only to people with enough capital to pay cash for a five-bedroom home. But in reality, there are a ton of thriving businesses in all segments of the cannabis market that started with a great idea and just a piggy bank of savings. Here are three companies that bootstrapped their way to success from an initial investment of $5,000 or less -- in fact, way less -- plus advice from the founders on how you can do it, too.
 Fruit Slabs
The founders: The creation of Roxanne Dennant and Brian Cona, Fruit Slabs are basically like middle-­school-style fruit leathers: chewy, ultrahealthy kosher snacks infused with 100 milligrams of THC and made from 100 percent USDA-certified organic ingredients. The company sells four flavors, including Grape Ape and Mango Maui Wowie; a new collab with drag queen Laganja Estranja, called Pride Passion Fruit, is hitting shelves soon.
How much they started with: Less than $1,000.
What they did with it: Bought equipment and materials.
Their origin story: Dennant was working in the denim world, and her longtime friend Cona was in cultivation; the duo were dabbling with consuming edibles but disappointed that they couldn’t find products that fit their healthy lifestyle. So, after buying cooking equipment, they started experimenting in their kitchens, making concoctions from the organic ingredients they liked to eat. Once they nailed their first batch of Fruit Slabs, they sold them to friends and family, and reinvested the money into their second batch. Since founding the company in 2015, Dennant and Cona have continued the same bootstrapping strategy, without taking any outside investment money. And it has worked. The product is in 65 stores in Cali and will expand to Washington soon.
RELATED: 9 Business Ideas for People Looking to Cash in on the Marijuana Boom
The biggest hurdle: Trying to upsell a new product when they launched. Fruit Slabs’ organic ingredients make it more expensive than most edibles -- and therefore more expensive to sell, even wholesale. “In 2015, it was a very raw industry,” Dennant says. “You could walk in [to a dispensary] with a Rice Krispies treat you made in your own home that was wrapped in cellophane…and get five dollars out the door.” But the price of Fruit Slabs? “People would look at me like I had 10 heads.” Today expectations have really changed, she says. “A lot of shops won’t even take an edible if it doesn’t have some type of vegan, gluten-free, or kosher dietary specification -- because people are shopping in that manner.”
And the best lesson learned: When a business is starting out, says Dennant, “you can’t make that $2,000 packaging and screw up, and be like, ‘Oh, it’s [only] $2,000.’ It’s like: ‘Two thousand dollars -- how are we going to recover from that?’” After facing a few such setbacks due to bad partners, she and Cona realized that vetting whom you work with is critical. That’s true even as the industry becomes more regulated. “Whether you’re working with a license partner, a distribution partner, a packaging partner, or a co-manufacturing partner,” she says, “really learning what that partnership is going to bring you in the beginning, and getting term sheets written, setting deadlines for the people and not just the vendor you’re working with -- that’s been a big [lesson] along the way.”
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Image Credit: Brad Wenner | Getty Images
Plant People
The founders: Plant People sells CBD tinctures, capsules, and salves made with cannabinoids and other beneficial herbs. “Our mission is to heal and connect people and the planet through the power of plants,” says Gabe Kennedy, who started the company with Hudson Gaines-Ross.
How much they started with: $5,000.
What they did with it: Developed their product and got it out the door.
Their origin story: Longtime friends Kennedy, a chef, and Gaines-Ross, a CPG entrepreneur, were on a hike when they started talking about something they had in common: back surgeries. They’d both been unhappy with the care they’d gotten from traditional Western medicine. Kennedy knew there were other options. He grew up with parents who are acupuncturists; his mother is also a Chinese herbalist, and his dad, a chiropractor. And he leveraged that knowledge to get Plant People’s initial inventory off the ground. “We began packing herbal capsules in our kitchens, used stickers as packaging labels, and gave product away to our friends and families to get feedback, learn, and iterate,” says Kennedy. “These grassroots efforts really worked out for us, as people responded well and started asking for more Plant People. We were overwhelmed by the demand.”
RELATED: Women Are Disappearing From the Cannabis Industry. Why?
The company launched in 2018. “I had a lot of experience building products from seed to sale, so we hit the ground running,” Kennedy says. “Hudson fortunately had a ton of experience building brands and has the networks that provide a voice for those brands. We tapped our friends at Juice Press, Bumble, Vice, Vogue, etc. [for help getting the word out].” 
In addition, they decided that with every sale, they’d plant a tree to support their mission of saving the world through plants. “We hope to someday be responsible for planting more than 10 million trees,” says Kennedy. “We’re not too far off!”
The biggest hurdle: Product sourcing. “We don’t white-label anything,” Kennedy says, so being able to set up a really robust supply chain with partners operating with integrity was a challenge. He dealt with it by continuing to be curious and asking questions about everything from “how people are treating their employees to what their extracting methods look like and how they are capturing solvents,” he says. “We continually did research and didn’t say yes to the first people we came across.” 
The other hurdle was payment processing. Like many startups in the industry, they had to get around the banks’ and financial firms’ reluctance to work with cannabis products. “We’ve had five credit card processors to date,” says Kennedy. “We’ve seen the worst -- 6 percent credit card fees, 10 percent rolling reserves, international declines -- and we’ve seen the best. We’re now with a standard processor that treats us as if we’re any other non-­cannabis brand. We couldn’t be more grateful. And we’re in talks with one of the largest banks in the world about taking over our credit card processing. We never thought we’d be in such conversations.”
And the best lesson learned: “To make decisions and move forward has been such great learning,” says Kennedy. “You make a decision, and you do your best -- it may not be the most perfect decision, but it’s better than not making one at all. What I really learned about bootstrapping is that it’s just putting one foot in front of the other, and oftentimes it’s two steps forward and one and a half steps back--but I have to keep stepping forward.”
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Image Credit: Bloomberg | Getty Images
The founders: Peter Calfee and John Woodbine started Gofire with the goal of creating the perfect vaporizer -- one that delivers the exact dosage promised. But eventually, they grew the company to also include the Gofire Suite, a database of medical uses for cannabis broken down by the chemicals ingested, the time of day they should be consumed, and the dosage that’s most beneficial; the data can then be accessed by physicians to give patients.
How much they started with: $200.
What they did with it: Bribed a local college student to gain access to a 3-D printer at Calfee’s school, which they needed to create their prototype -- and then they used that to get a first round of funding. 
RELATED: Yes, Medical Cannabis Works. So Why Deny the Anecdotal Evidence?
Their origin story: In 2014, Woodbine, who’d dabbled in the music and food businesses before working at a dispensary, approached Calfee, who was doing IT and alternative medicine consulting work, and tried to talk him into building the perfect vaporizer. Initially, Calfee wasn’t interested. But he eventually changed his mind when he realized that there was a market for a more perfectly attuned vaporizer and that his background in the health field could be a perfect fit.  
The biggest hurdle: Right after the company raised its first $25,000 in a friends-and-family round, Calfee nearly died in a car crash when the person driving had a seizure. “That was when John and I came together and said, ‘Listen: Whatever this takes, whatever we have to go through to build this, we will achieve this,’” Calfee says. After that, there was a fire under them to get it done. 
The accident effectively put the project on hold. But it also led to Gofire’s second product. While recovering from a broken back, Calfee discovered that the opioids he was being prescribed didn’t help as much as the cannabis he was consuming, which is when the idea for the database took root. As soon as he could, Calfee worked on their next round; it took a year, but they got $750,000 to help them grow the business. This year, they’re finally bringing it to market with a beta launch that has garnered tens of thousands of reviews. “There’s no better reward than a patient telling us how we’ve helped to improve their life,” he says.
And the best lesson learned: “There are always going to be obstacles, but they’re just that,” says Calfee. “You’ve got to find a way around [them] -- if it’s a physical ailment, if you break your back, or the bottom’s falling out in the economy, or whatever the situation you’re up against. I believe being a true entrepreneur is not taking no for an answer, and not being able to give up.” 
Also this: Treat your team like your peers. “We have 25 employees,” Calfee says, “and we all own stock in the company.” Unsurprisingly, that gives each of them a drive Calfee couldn’t have necessarily found in salary-only employees. When Calfee calls for a possible meet-up in the office on a Sunday afternoon, often the reply is “‘Oh, I’m already here,’” he says. “You can’t buy that.”
via Entrepreneur.com - Startup Business News and Articles - Starting a Business http://bit.ly/2Z3xKmO August 13, 2019 at 10:48AM
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buybackpros0535 · 5 years
Top coolest tech gadgets of 2019
Do you know that there are some gadgets without which you should not leave home? You must have a smartphone with you wherever you go but if you have a presence of some new cool tech around, then why to always check your phone. We all have been rounded up with the amazing palm-sized devices which you can add to your Every day carry loadout. So, if you know where to look for all the stuff such as key finders, SD cards, USB chargers, portable speakers, headphones then you can get them at very affordable prices.
We are going to list below a strong section of portable tech deals. Make any of it as your cool tech gadgets.
FlexiSpot bike desk
It would be a great gift for anyone who has no time to exercise. So, you don't need to feel trapped at your desk, as Flexispot Bike desk will allow you to put the pedal to the metal and makes you keep working without distracting you in any way. You can also grab it from any social media platform at around $400. Moreover, if we talk about its assembling, it doesn't take up much space. It is also ideal for home office space.
Energix charger
This cool mobile phone charger helps in comforting those older phones as well as who cannot think of upgrading to the next phone model when it is out. This energix charger is thin as well as light-weighted. It is also very powerful that it fills the smartphone with a quick charge which keeps it going much longer as compared to the ordinary charger.
You will also find that some of the companies offer home as well as car charger versions to make your phone stay charged. It will also offer a USBC, ios and Android adapter. Therefore, you should not worry if your recipient doesn't have a compatible phone. You can also avail chargers along with the adapters via the company's website.
Xtra PC
Xtra PC is known to be as the appreciating one, as it will save your cash to get new computer equipment in the time of your painfully slow computer. It is basically a flash drive stick which you will put into the available USB port.
You don't need to install anything on your own, it will simply reignite the performance on the PC where it is plugged into. You can avail it through platforms such as Amazon. It avails three versions to choose from it which deals with the storage, power as well as speed, which costs from $30 to $80.
uHoo Indoor Air Quality Sensor
Surprise your loved ones with the uHoo Indoor air quality sensor. If we talk beyond one factor about air quality, the device will give you about a total of nine factors that will impact your breathing in the home as well as the office. It would work with your WiFi and helps connect to various smartphone devices. Its price is almost $329 and can also get free shipping directly from uHoo as well as Amazon.
PhoneSoap Phone sanitizer
You definitely cannot wash your phones as of your clothes and your phone is becoming a germ factory of course which we usually don't take care of. The phonesoap phone sanitizer can help in eliminating the germaphobe from your life. It makes in use of the UV light to non-toxically sterilize your cell phone and destroys 99.9% of bacteria in a few minutes.
It also consists of the charging ports which will let you charge your device while cleaning it. You can order it online and get it in the number of colors you like to have. If you would like to go for the one having a standard size, then the price starts at $60.
SkyLink TV Antenna
SkyLink TV Antenna is the small, indoor digital TV antenna that requires the complicated set-up, software installation as well as WiFi to proceed. Here, the reception also varies over the areas because of terrain as well as surroundings. Moreover, the customer can easily view live broadcasted TV with 1080p video quality in HD for free. You can also purchase it from SkyLink for the amount starting at $31.
Neato botvac D7 connected robot vacuum
The Neato botvac D7 connected robot vacuum upraises the features as well as performance if in case, compared to other models of vacuum robots. It is light-weighted, easy to use and makes everything work perfectly. A big thanks to artificial intelligence along with the advanced room mapping technology. It also clearly means that it can navigate around furniture in a better way and cover the utmost area. The Neato robot vacuum is available for around $799 and is able to grab from its own website as well as other retailers such as Amazon, Best Buy and others.
Eight Sleep Tracker
Do you want to gift anyone a great sleep? If yes, then you can do this with the Eight sleep tracker gadget. Generally, it is the smart mattress cover as well as app system which will track your sleep pattern as well as avail you personalized recommendations for better sleep. It also features sensors that send the data directly to the AI-enabled app so that it will record every information related to your sleep patterns. Moreover, it will recommend better sleep patterns for a restful night. The range of the price will be from $399 to $419 as this will all depend on the cover size. You can also buy it directly from the company's website.
GoSun Solar Cooker
Here, comes the GoSun Solar Cooker. This is a unique way to cook meals. It uses the power of the sun as well as an evacuated glass tube which absorbs and converts the sunlight to heat. This is the simplest way to cook a meal at home or while at the party or going on a hike. The company also offers solar cookers which you can buy from their online shop. It includes the portable cooker for $139, the GoSun sport cooker for $249 as well as the grill for $699. There are so many other options available for solar cooking.
MindInsole Foot-massaging insoles
There are so many items on this year's list which deals with the technology that helps the body beyond the gadgets you use in your daily life. It leverages the magnetic technology in order to create an innovative massaging insole that goes along with your every step in it. In general, MindInsole uses the magnets as well as acupressure so that it can locate the energy zones in your body. The result which it will depict is increased blood flow and oxygen. This alleviates the soreness as well as stress on your feet. It will cost you around $39 on their company's website. Moreover, it will fit on to the most shoe styles such as boots, heels as well as running shoes.
NightGuide HD driving glasses
This is the most familiar one as NightGuide HD provides a unique way to improve your vision when you are driving at night. These are generally the high-quality glasses which consist of German resin polarized lenses. It will help them in resisting the scratches as well as dirt. This technology filters the harsh light as well as defuses the glare which comes from the surfaces which are reflective and this has an adverse impact during at night. These glasses also work in the daytime that blocks 100% of UVA as well as UVB radiation. You can even buy them directly from Nightguide with a pair priced at $50, you can get 2 for $70 as well as 3 for $90.
Vizr Vehicle display
Vizr is basically a vehicle display app that works well with your smartphone and is designed to make you safe on the road. You can also consider it a thoughtful gift for teens, seniors as well as drivers of all ages. If you want to save yourself from distraction in driving, then Vizr does all the work here that includes map checking, traffic as well as your speed. Here, the sensor gets the plug into the vehicle and connects to the free app which fits best with the iOS as well as Android devices. A single sensor will cost $59 and get 2 for $88 as well as three for $118.
FlyGrip phone holder
As our phones can never leave us, so we often try to balance it while using the keys in a proper way and that is the time when we accidentally drop our phones. So, if your parents, spouse or friends have faced this, then you can absolutely gift them this FlyGrip phone holder. This will let them hold their phone in a single hand.
So, this one-handed phone grip secures your phone or phone case and when it doubles, make it as a portrait or the landscape stand. This can be used on any of the phones. You can purchase it from online retailers or directly from the company's website.
FlexSafe Travel Safe
Want to gift something perfect to your friend traveler? This would be helpful in keeping the valuables safe on-the-go. It is quite interesting to know that the founders of this company were the winners on the Shark Tank and have also won many other awards for their most innovative product FlexSafe. It is so easy to carry.
It is water-resistant travel safe which features an internal zipper pouch as well as mesh pockets plus a universal-fit locking flap as well as a programmable lock. You will get this product online on the company's website for around $40.
UBTECH Alpha 1S Robot
The kids, teen or even adults would love to interact with UBTECH Alpha 1S Robot. This is designed to give you hours of entertainment, exercise as well as learning. It can also be programmed with Blockly coding inside the app to customize the movement and actions of the robot. Moreover, it is compatible with the PC, iOS, and Android and you can get it via Amazon for $450.
Victorinox Lexicon Hardside Frequent flyer smart carryon suitcase
It is a very smart suitcase which suits the best for the business traveler and a techie lover. This luggage has the ability to provide a superior product design which includes a polycarbonate shell, advanced technology as well as good quality wheels. The hidden ID tags in it include the toolkit which consists of the USB port in order to create a connection to a power pack. It does also have the puncture-resistant YKK zippers double racquet coil along with an integrated Travel Sentry Approved combination lock. It has been generally built by the  Swiss Army brand and you can get it through their website for $460.
Canon Ivy Mini Photo printer
To add some longing into the lives, Canon offers Ivy mini photo printer. As everyone knows this that the printed photos are still considered as a treasured memento. So, Canon has produced this kind of offer and this device will permit you to print peel as well as stick 2"* 3" photos from your smartphone and other social media platforms.
You are allowed to add fun custom features such as different emojis, funny stickers, frames, filters as well as text even before printing them. It also consists of several other options such as tile and collage printing. The photos here are water and tear resistant. The set-up is very easy with a printer so you are able to print photos within a few minutes. You can buy it through Canon for just $130.
The PhotoStick plus
This helps in giving you much more control over your personal data versus and consigning it to the third-party cloud platform. Its capacity is around 1 Terabyte and it has the ability to store thousands of photos, videos, music files as well as documents. The entire data is stored securely. This storage device is available on the company's website and it will cost around $300.
Mevo Plus Live Action Camera
Mevo offers a portable live action camera where live streaming becomes a lot easier. It provides you multi-camera production capability which will help you to easily zoom, pan as well as edit with its suite of video tools. This also leverages artificial intelligence for its editing functionality. With the help of Wi-Fi or LTE, you are free to go LIVE to every major platform. So, you can record HD videos directly to your SD card as well as stream them on Facebook, Vimeo, Twitter, YouTube as well as a custom RTMP destination. The Mevo Plus consists of $500 or the Mevo Plus Bundle with extra accessories costs $800. These can be avail on Mevo's website as well as can grab from the retailer's site such as Amazon.
Dango Tactical EDC Wallet
The Dango offers the tactical EDC wallet which makes in use of the RFID blocking technology to secure your information as well as features all kind of tools and gadgets in a lightweight wallet. It is made up of aerospace grade CNC'd aluminum.
In general, the wallet comes up with the Dango multi-tool made up of high carbon stainless steel and also features functions such as saw, knife, smartphone stand, ruler as well as much more. This is also for the outdoor enthusiast who is a big techie lover. You can purchase it from Dango's website or get the Dango for $89 from Amazon.
Polaroid OneStep 2 VF Viewfinder Instant Camera
Want a vintage look of Polaroid's iconic Viewfinder camera? Get it with the vintage look and the latest technology. It consists of the relevant features which are helpful in taking selfies. This gadget OneStep 2 permits you to take authentic pictures without even using any filter and print out the snaps so that you can share it with your friends.
It combines the digital with the tradition for $120 in white or black as well as one can get the limited edition mint color in $140. You can have it from Polaroid's online store.
Coway Airmega 400S HEPA Air Purifier-Wifi Model
Coway Airmega 400S HEPA Air Purifier is an ultra high tech air purifier that offers a mobile app as well as WiFi capability. It covers an expansive area of 1600 square feet which is definitely ideal for offices, garages as well as other large spaces. It cleanses the air of dander, fur, dust, odor as well as much more using multiple filters. It will provide you the reports about indoor along with outdoor air quality. With the Alexa app, you can control the air purifier from anywhere and personalize it for your needs and set its timings when to use. It would cost you around $650 and you can get it via Coway's website.
Adidas MiCoach Smart Soccer Ball
The sports field is also not lagging behind in terms of technology. A big thanks to Adidas for their MiCoach Smart Soccer Ball. It is basically a smart training tool for the kicks which includes an integrated sensor. Its sensor collects the data on strike points, speed as well as trajectory when kicking the ball. It is compatible with the devices which use iOS (version 7 or later on) as well as Android (version 4.3 or later) or Windows 10. Its battery life lasts for about placing 2000 kicks and takes a full hour to change. It costs approx $150.
Magicup Anti-Spill Coffee Cup
It is UK-based Magicup which has developed anti-spill technology known as innovative coffee travel cup which is perfect for your coffee lover friend. It has a unique lid that tells no bumps or movement would create a spill. It is due to the fact that the lid snaps shut if the cup gets tilt on the table, consisting of the 360-degree drinkability. Therefore, you are all free to drink anywhere around the lid. Its price is $29 and you can get it from the website namely, The Grommet.
CrashSafe survival tool
It basically offers a six-in-one survival tool that will help the people if they ever got trapped in a vehicle crash. It is able to plug into your vehicle's cigarette lighter so it is always ready and within your reach. It even features a seat belt cutter as well as a window breaker, a LED light and flashing beacon and also a phone charger with a USB port and built-in power bank.
The company's website features a single tool for $49, 3 for $98, and 10 for $245. In this way, you can give out as many practical tools as possible.
So, these are some of the cool techie gadgets which can somewhere make your life easy and with better solutions. You must also go for these already prepared gadget solutions which can make your life smooth and easy going.
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your-dietician · 3 years
Best extended 4th of July sales at Walmart 2021
New Post has been published on https://tattlepress.com/lifestyle/best-extended-4th-of-july-sales-at-walmart-2021/
Best extended 4th of July sales at Walmart 2021
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We may receive commission from purchases made via links on this page. Pricing and availability are subject to change.
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No disrespect to Thomas Jefferson, but Walmart’s here to tell you that all sales are not created equal. (Photo: Getty Images)
The past few weeks have been chockablock with sales — from Memorial Day to Prime Day to Walmart’s Days of Deals and the 4th of July, there’s been no shortage of opportunities to save a few (or many) bucks. So why stop the party now? Even though the 4th has come and gone, that doesn’t mean the sales have stopped — in fact, they’re going as strong as ever. 
Case in point? Walmart’s treasure trove of extended 4th of July sales. You can still score discounts across the board, from TVs and vacs to home goods, and plenty on the fashion and beauty front as well.
Plus, if you spend $35 or more, you’ll get free shipping. To score free shipping on all orders, plus lots more benefits including speedy delivery, sign up for Walmart+. Get a free 15-day trial here (and answering a quick three-question survey will add on an additional two weeks for a solid 30 days of use). 
Without further ado, here are the best extended 4th of July sales at Walmart. Happy shopping!
Best TV sales
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Who knows what we’re looking at on that screen. We know what we’re looking at with this price tag, though — a steal! (Photo: Walmart)
On sale for $648 (was $750), the Sony 49-inch 4K Ultra HD LED TV is the latest from the legendary tech company. The massive 65-inch 4K display is vivid and detailed. Sony’s state-of-the-art Processor X1 powers this beauty for true-to-life visuals, while HDR (High Dynamic Range) settings make sure colors stay bright and black levels stay dark. And shoppers just love its massive size!
“I will never be able to watch a smaller TV again. The picture and sound are incredible,” raved a happy TV watcher. “I can’t say enough great things about this TV. It feels like I’m at the movie theater! It also automatically signs in to all my applications after I log in with my Google account, and I can talk into the remote to control the TV. Love it!”
This 4K TV includes Android TV straight from Google. This means you’ll have instant access to popular streaming apps like Netflix, Disney+, HBO Max, Hulu, YouTube, Prime Video and much more. You’ll also get a wide range of gaming apps too. What’s not to love?
Story continues
Check out more TV sales below:
Sceptre 19-inch Class HD LED TV, $70 (was $110), walmart.com
Sony 32-inch Class HD LED Smart TV, $298 (was $348), walmart.com
LG 55-inch Class 4K Ultra HD Smart OLED C1 Series TV, $1,497 (was $2,000), walmart.com
LG 65-inch Class 4K Ultra HD NanoCell Smart TV, $997 (was $1,200), walmart.com
Best headphone and earbud sales
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Meet your new best buds: These Samsung Galaxys will always be there, telling you what you want to hear. (Photo: Walmart)
No shocker here: Earbud shoppers are looking for excellent audio, first and foremost. These Samsung Galaxy Buds+ — on sale for $100, a cool $50 off — offer crisp sound and punchy bass for up to an impressive 11 hours per charge (plus get an additional 11 hours with the included wireless charging case). That’s nearly a full day of use! Plus, you can get an hour of playback with a three-minute quick boost. This comes in handy when you’re about to go for a run and your buds are at zero.
Calls will sound crystal-clear thanks to three microphones (two outer and one inner) that reduce ambient background noise even if you’re in a busy location.
“…I am simply blown away by the sound quality, ease of setup and use, and fit,” shared a satisfied Walmart shopper. “I am an active person and have had zero issues with the buds slipping out or moving around in my ears while running, walking, biking, hiking or kayaking. The battery life is as advertised at normal volumes. Haven’t had any issues with Bluetooth lag or connection. The feel of the buds and case are simple and unobtrusive. They look very sleek and futuristic. I have had Bose, JBL and Sony headphones that cost more than these buds and I feel like they are a steal for the price.”
Check out more headphone and earbud sales below:
Beats Solo Pro Wireless Noise-Canceling On-Ear Headphones, $149 (was $300), walmart.com
Philips UT102 Wireless In-Ear Headphones, $30 (was $60), walmart.com
Sony WH-CH510 Wireless On-Ear Headphones, $38 (was $60), walmart.com
Bietrun Wireless Bluetooth Earbuds, $26 (was $130), walmart.com
Meidong Bluetooth Noise-Canceling Over-Ear Headphones, $35 (was $70), walmart.com
Luxmo Bluetooth Headphones, $21 (was $36), walmart.com
Jelly Comb On Ear Headphones, $17 (was $50), walmart.com
Best video-game sales
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Get three games for the one super low price of $21. That’s, like…wait a minute, we’ll figure it out…7 bucks a game! (Photo: Walmart)
It’s time to join a mayhem-fueled thrill ride — at nearly 60 percent off! In Borderlands Legendary Collection for Nintendo Switch, you’re tasked with stopping the Calypso twins from getting all the bandit clans together and claiming ultimate power in the galaxy. Travel through new worlds and collect a whole boatload of gadgets along the way.
This is the Legacy Edition, which includes all three games (Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition, Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel), DLC (downloadable content) packs with new missions and stories, and more loot and power-ups. 
Shoppers love the game because it can be played just about anywhere. “Awesome to be able to play Borderlands on the go,” raved a gamer. “Also great for late night or early morning gaming when my wife is sleeping.”
Check out more video-game sales below:
Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Edition (PS4), $20 (was $60), walmart.com
No Man’s Sky (Xbox One), $20 (was $50), walmart.com
Greedfall (Xbox One), $19 (was $30), walmart.com
Star Wars: Squadrons (PS4), $21 (was $39), walmart.com
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games: Tokyo 2020 (Nintendo Switch), $40 (was $60), walmart.com
Outriders: Day One Edition (PS4), $40 (was $60), walmart.com
Madden NFL 21 (Xbox One), $20 (was $60), walmart.com
Liphom Gaming Headset, $29 (was $57), walmart.com
The Pillars of The Earth (PS4), $29 (was $41), walmart.com
Best smart-home sales
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Make your “dumb” TV smart: Here’s the way to get your stream on. (Photo: Walmart)
The Roku Streaming Stick+ — on sale for $39, down from $49 — gets you access to HBO Max, Hulu, Netflix, Disney+ and more. It’s a must for older TV sets that don’t have built-in streaming, or for people who’ve grown weary of watching Schitt’s Creek or Emily in Paris on a tiny tablet, laptop or phone screen.
One of the brand’s most powerful devices, the Roku Streaming Stick+ turns any TV with an HDMI port into a smart TV. It supports Wi-Fi and wired streaming via Ethernet for a smooth and steady HD and 4K Ultra HD picture quality. Translation: You’ll notice little loading time or buffering. Thanks to HDR (High Dynamic Range), you’ll get vivid colors, inky blacks and the sharpest picture imaginable. And shoppers love that you can plug it directly into the internet. And shoppers love that you can use its included remote to control their TVs too.
“Roku is super easy to set up and cheaper than cable,” wrote a five-star Walmart shopper. “If you do not have a smart TV you will with a Roku. It is small and you will never see it since mine is behind the TV. The remote syncs with your TV so you can turn it off and on and use the volume too. Perfect!”
Check out more smart-home sales below:
Google Nest Mini (second generation), $35 (was $49), walmart.com
Xodo Smart Wi-Fi Video Doorbell Wireless Security Camera, $90 (was $150), walmart.com
Defender Ultra HD 4K Wired Outdoor Security System (1TB), $260 (was $450), walmart.com
Xodo Smart Home Security Surveillance Kit, $60 (was $80), walmart.com
Anself Wireless Burglar Alarm, $20 (was $28), walmart.com
Fymall Wi-Fi Smart Color LED Light Bulb, $11 (was $24), walmart.com
TSV Smart Plug (two-pack), $18 (was $26), walmart.com
Best home office sales
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More than just a Chromebook — it’s also a tablet. It’s a Chromelet! A Tabbook! It’s your next computer, is what it is. (Photo: Walmart)
On sale for $199 (was $310), the Lenovo Chromebook Flex 3 has a brilliant HD 11.6-inch LED touch display that makes everything look great, from charts and graphs to your favorite shows to family Zooms. Count on a speedy, powerful Intel Celeron N4020 Dual Core Processor paired with 4GB of memory and 32GB of on-board storage. It even has a 360-degree hinge, so it can rotate to any angle for use as a tablet. And shoppers love the size and build quality too.
“I really like this Chromebook,” raved a savvy Walmart shopper. “It is the perfect size, and I love that they didn’t skimp on the frame — it’s made of metal and not plastic. The size is perfect for carrying it back and forth. The new operating system works way better than my older Chromebook, and it does everything I need it to do.”
Meanwhile, this Chromebook runs the latest version of ChromeOS, so you know you’ll get speedy results. And unlike Windows 10 or MacOS laptops, with long loading times and complicated app downloads, you just log in to your Gmail account via Google Chrome and you’re good to go. At the same time, this Chromebook can access and download ChromeOS and Android apps for more versatility.
Check out more home office sales below:
Lenovo Ideapad Flex 5, $399 (was $520), walmart.com
Ousgar 47-inch White Desk, $100 (was $333), walmart.com
Samsung CB4 Chromebook, $159 (was $230), walmart.com
Hemu Fashion Bamboo Laptop Lap Tray, $38 (was $80), walmart.com
Canon Pixma G4210 Wireless MegaTank All-In-One InkJet Printer, $300 (was $400), walmart.com
Gamma Ray Optics 010 Slim Vintage Computer Readers, $18 (was $25), walmart.com
Best robot-vacuum sales
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Got your ION this Shark robovac? Great, but at this price you might want to do less browsing and more clicking. (Photo: Walmart)
On sale for $269 (was $394), the Shark ION Robot Vacuum RV1000 is designed to tackle all sorts of household surfaces, unlike other devices that just suck up dirt and grime and get stuck against a wall or under furniture. What good is that?
This smart little guy uses a navigation system to map the landscape of your home’s floors, so it doesn’t bump into walls, scratch up furniture or tumble down stairs. During its prodigious 90 minutes of battery life per charge, it can sweep your hardwood floors and then switch to carpets and tiles at a second’s notice. Another perk? It can also be controlled and scheduled via its smartphone app or Alexa.
“I love this shark robot vacuum,” raved a delighted shopper. “It maps out my rooms and vacuums in straight lines instead of all willy-nilly like others. We recently removed all of our carpet and put luxury vinyl tile down, we have two dogs that shed constantly, this shark robot vacuum has been a life saver.”
Check out more robot-vacuum sales below:
Mighty Rock Robot Vacuum and Mop, $73 (was $130), walmart.com
Ionvac SmartClean 2000 Robovac, $99 (was $180), walmart.com
IHome AutoVac Nova Self Empty Robot Vacuum and Mop, $299 (was $599), walmart.com
IHome AutoVac Eclipse G 2-in-1 Robot Vacuum and Mop, $179 (was $400), walmart.com
ILife V5s Pro Robot Vacuum and Mop, $135 (was $180), walmart.com
Eureka Groove 4-Way Control Robotic Vacuum, $129 (was $199), walmart.com
ILife A4s Robot Vacuum Cleaner, $119 (was $180), walmart.com
Best style sales
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The ultimate wear-everywhere summery frock. (Photo: Walmart)
Before you ask: No, it’s not a typo: This gorgeous Max Studio frock is on sale for 40 bucks! It’s incredibly flattering, thanks to a lovely U-shaped neckline and a fit-and-flare silhouette that defines the waist juuust right. The tiered skirt and fluttery ruffled sleeves are flirty without going overboard. And the soft, jersey material? Feels like a dream.
“Fabric is soft and comfy, like pajamas,” a shopper shared. “Cut is flattering….The shoulder detail is super cute. It’s pretty casual, but some wedges and jewelry could probably dress it up for an office setting.”
Check out more style sales below:
Zanea Womens Polka Dot Short Sleeve Long Dress, $24 (was $48), walmart.com
Scoop Women’s Espadrille Wedge Sandal, $20 (was $35), walmart.com
Kogmo Womens Premium Cotton Full Length Leggings, $12 (was $18), walmart.com
Cate & Chloe McKenzie 18k White Gold Dangling Earrings, $20 (was $136), walmart.com
Charmo Women’s Ruffle One Piece Swimsuit, $18 (was $30), walmart.com
Avia Women’s Summer Romper, $7 (was $14), walmart.com
Nlife Women Criss Cross V Neck Sleeveless Cami Top, $17 (was $30), walmart.com
Best kitchen sales
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The good news? You’ll be all out of excuses for not making that big family dinner. The bad news? You’ll be all out of excuses for not making that big family dinner. (Photo: Walmart)
This sturdy aluminum alloy cookware set comes with five must-haves: two fry pans and sauce pans, and one casserole pan, with lids. The teal color is pretty enough to leave on your stovetop even when not in use, and its BPA-free construction is compatible with all types of burners.
“I thought it was some kind of mistake when I first got these pans, because they are exactly like much more expensive sets,” a shopper shared. “They are heavy, well coated for nonstick, fantastic quality, and beautiful.”
Check out more kitchen sales below:
The Pioneer Woman Cowboy Rustic 14-Piece Forged Cutlery Knife Block Set, $39 (was $70), walmart.com
The Pioneer Woman Mazie 2-Piece Ceramic Red Rectangle Baker Set, $20 (was $25), walmart.com
Best Choice Products 16.9qt 1800W 10-in-1 Family Size Air Fryer, $130 (was $255), walmart.com
Ninja 12 Cup Programmable Coffee Brewer, $69 (was $79), walmart.com
Hamilton Beach 12 Cup Digital Automatic LCD Programmable Coffeemaker Brewer, $70 (was $105), walmart.com
Tramontina Primaware 18 Piece Non-stick Cookware Set, Steel Gray, $40 (was $50), walmart.com
Best beauty sales
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No, this is not a mirage….but Image’s hydrating repair cream is as thirst-quenching for your beleaguered skin as a desert oasis. (Photo: Walmart)
If your skin is feeling absolutely parched, introduce it to this rejuvenating, hydrating cream. It’s packed with aloe and radiance-boosting Vitamin C, both of which help combat the effects of stress, fatigue, and general dullness. In short: Your skin will sing.
“Simply the best for my under-eye and sensitive skin,” a shopper declared. “It is rich but does not leave my skin greasy or clog my pores. Also I can apply generously, and this jar lasts about 6 months!”
Check out more beauty sales below:
Glycolic Acid 20% Resurfacing Pads, $25 (was $50), walmart.com
BylissPRO Nano Titanium Lightweight Ionic Hair Dryer, $65 (was $85), walmart.com
Burberry Classic Eau De Parfum, $32 (was $98), walmart.com
Image Skincare Ageless Total Eye Lift Creme, $31.50 (was $50), walmart.com
Elizabeth Arden Ceramide Capsules Daily Youth Restoring Face Serum, $65 (was $100),walmart.com
Remington Anti-Static Flat Iron, $16 (was $20), walmart.com
Artnaturals Anti-Aging Retinol, $12 (was $16), walmart.com
Conair Double Ceramic Curling Iron, $16 (was $23), walmart.com
Best mattress and bedding sales
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The bestest, soundest sleeep of your life awaits…as soon as you clear off that ridiculous pile of pillows. (Photo: Walmart)
If you’ve had your mattress for longer than you can remember, it’s high time to replace it — and, lucky you, this one is on sale! It’s made with 12 inches of plush memory foam supported by coils, and it’s just the right balance between soft and firm. The only drawback? Getting out of bed in the morning is about to get a lot harder.
“I was surprised at how soft and comfy this mattress was,” a shopper reported. “I took it out of the box, and it opened right up to the 12-inch size. It is supposed to take 24 hours to expand but it expanded a lot right away. It’s super thick and so far feels very comfortable. I am surprised at how great a mattress in a box could be!”
Check out more mattress and bedding sales below:
Hatch Embroidered Stripe 7-Piece Comforter Set, $30 (was $70), walmart.com
Zeny Weighted Blanket, $47 (was $78), walmart.com
Better Homes & Gardens Flowing Floral Comforter Set, $45 (was $65), walmart.com
Mattress Topper Queen, 2-Inch Cool Swirl Gel Memory Foam Mattress Topper, Blue, $70 (was $105), walmart.com
Wenzel 70″ x 60″ Camp Quilt – Red Brick Geo Print, $18 (was $29.50), walmart.com
Best pet sales
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A product that poses the question: You’re not still using those annoying, sticky-sheeted lint rollers to wage war against the scourge of pet hair, are you? (Photo: Walmart)
If you’re sick of vacuuming and lint-rolling your couch and bed, this nifty little gadget can help. It picks up pet hair like a pro, minus the sticky, hard-to-peel-off sheets. Instead, it uses a brush to grab all the fur and deposit it inside the storage compartment inside the brush. Genius! Just roll it back and forth over the spot you’re trying to clean, and voila — zero hair!
“I was shocked this works so well,” a shopper shared. “My cat is a shedding machine, and this really picks up the hair!”
Check out more pets sales below:
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kisan0318 · 3 years
Laser Technology Market Size and Share Outlook, Growth Dynamics, Key Players, Industry Drivers and Restraints to 2027
The global study on the laser technology market reveals a possibility of surpassing USD 18 billion valuation by 2023 with a CAGR of 6% for the forecast period covering 2018 to 2023. Market Research Future (MRFR) has identified factors that are impacting the laser technology market size. Among them, the rising incorporation of the technology in the aerospace & defense sector, the inclusion of it in the automotive industry, investment to boost its percolation in the healthcare sector, growing demand from the packaging industry, and others are expected to bolster the market growth.
The global laser technology industry has been studied on the basis of segments like type, application, and verticals. These segments have data backed by scientific methods and established parameters, that can help in making moves for the market.
By type, the global market report on the laser technology market reveals segments like a liquid laser, solid laser, gas laser, and others.
By applications, the report on the laser technology market includes segments like laser gyroscopes, laser printers, laser processing, laser rangefinders, laser scanners, laser security systems, optical communication, laser headlights, and others. The laser processing includes a study of microprocessing, macro processing, advanced processing, and others.
By verticals, the global market report includes a study of aerospace & defense, IT & telecommunication, automotive, healthcare, and others.
Request a Free Sample @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/5109
Regional Analysis:
A hike in the adoption of consumer electronics is expected to improve the laser technology market segment in North America. The region has the lion’s share in the market as major companies are operating from the region and end users are generating strong demand.
Competitive Landscape:
IPG Photonics Corp. (U.S.), Coherent, Inc. (U.S.), Corning Incorporated (U.S.), Laser Technology, Inc. (U.S.), Micron Laser Technology (U.S.), Trumpf Group (Germany), Jeanoptik AG (Germany), Lumentum Holdings Inc. (U.S.), Haas Laser Technologies Inc. (U.S.), LasaerStar Technologies Corp. (U.S.), Novanta Inc. (U.S.), Quantel Group (U.K), Epilog Laser (U.S.), Han's Laser Technology Co., Ltd (China), NeoPhotonics Corporation (U.S.), ALT Advanced Lazer Technologies (U.K), Applied Laser Technology, Inc. (U.S.), MKS Instruments (U.S.), and others are known names in the laser technology market.
Industry News:
In August 2020, Dover Corporation DOV announced the acquisition of Solaris Laser S.A. ("Solaris"). This was an effort to stretch out its laser technology offerings that mostly aim to mark and coding solutions business. Solaris, a company from Europe, is known for its ultraviolet, advanced fiber, and CO2 laser systems that get traction from several industrial and packaging applications.
Solaris will now work as a part of Dover’s Markem-Imaje business unit, which has made a name for being a producer of product identification and traceability solutions. This buyout will boost Markem-Imaje's laser technology product offerings and ensures a proper position in the market. This expansion in product line would also help Markem-Imaje fulfill the growing demand from customers for the laser coding technologies.
Reports Details @ https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/laser-technology-market-5109
In August 2020, Tasmanian Oyster Co. announced that it had developed a new CO2-based laser technology that would help in identifying the origins of oysters. This project received financial support from the Federal Government’s Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre, and it will assist in the tracing of products across the globe. Now it would be easier to identify Pacific oysters. The technology will provide a kind of logo to brand oysters and it will reach producers across the country soon.
The manufacturing sector witnessed a drop in revenues during the COVID-19 period, which might have affected the outcome of the laser technology market.
1 Executive Summary
2 Scope Of The Report
2.1 Market Definition
2.2 Scope Of The Study
2.2.1 Research Objectives
2.2.2 Assumptions & Limitations
2.3 Markets Structure
3 Market Research Methodology
3.1 Research Process
3.2 Secondary Research
3.3 Primary Research
3.4 Forecast Model
12. Company Profiles
12.1 Coherent, Inc.
12.1.1 Company Overview
12.1.2 Product/Business Segment Overview
12.1.3 Financial Updates
12.1.4 Key Developments
12.2 Corning Incorporated.
12.2.1 Company Overview
12.2.2 Product/Business Segment Overview
12.2.3 Financial Updates
12.2.4 Key Developments
12.3 IPG Photonics Corp
12.3.1 Company Overview
12.3.2 Product/Business Segment Overview
12.3.3 Financial Updates
12.3.4 Key Developments
12.4 Trumpf Group
12.5 Laser Technology, Inc.
12.6 Lumentum Holdings Inc
12.7 Haas Laser Technologies Inc
12.8 Jeanoptik AG.
12.9 Novanta Inc
12.10 Quantel Group
12.11 LasaerStar Technologies Corp.
12.12 Applied Laser Technology, Inc
12.13 Epilog Laser.
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mychroniclereviews · 5 years
The crov is a one stop wholesale center for all your garden, clothing, sports, computers, electronics, toys, kids and babies needs. This company was created by made-in-china.com. The main aim was to help small and mid-sized companies grow. In fact if you take a closer look at some of the products, prices and the ease of making orders, you will realize that this site was developed with small and medium sized businesses in mind. It is the best place to buy all the trusted products from China. Crov brought together giant and small factories and companies in China to offer all the products that small and upcoming businesses would need to grow their businesses.
The developers realized that most of these factories and companies were working solely with large retailers and major global brands which were not very convenient. Today, small and upcoming businesses are able to get access to goods from big companies. This is the first incentive that Crov team thought it will increase the small businesses’ competitiveness both locally and in the global market.
With Crov, you receive two assurances-Quality and on time delivery. Even if you checked all the reviews and user comments in the website, you will realize that the company is committed to providing quality services and products to all its customers. The company will also take responsibility for all defective and mismatched products. The other big thing is that all the deliveries will be processed fast enough and at the same time be delivered on time. If the goods don’t arrive within the stipulated time, you will get compensation. This means that Crov will always be on time to meet the deliveries. The buyer will receive protection in the following regards.
If the company failed to deliver on time or if the order wasn’t received. If you receive the order past the date or if you don’t get it at all, you just have to provide evidence through the contact seller button on the website. If there’s enough evidence that this problem is caused by the seller, then the process of compensating will follow. However, there are several situations that are not included in the compensation process.
If the problem was caused by the factors within your control then no compensation will be offered. This will be the case if you are not at the shipping address or if you provided the wrong address.
If the delay is caused by factors beyond the sellers control such as disaster, social events and government actions.
In case of defective or fake goods-In case you receive something different from what you ordered, you have room to ask for compensation. If what was delivered is of lower quality than it was when you were ordering or if you receive a fake or a defective product, you can provide evidence through the ‘’contact seller’’ button in the website. However, there are several excerptions.
If the problem is caused by the buyer or if the buyer exchanged the product then he or she will not be liable for any compensation.
If you say that goods are of low quality but the seller can prove otherwise you still don’t get any compensation.
In regards to the buyer protection and the quality of services and products, I believe that Crov is the best site for you. If you consider other factors such as how often the site is updated with new products and new policies, you will still find that this is the best place for all your purchases. Crov aims at reducing the risk of making orders and shipping products. There’s enough evidence that the buyer will always be at ease regardless of where they are in the world after completing their payments.
Crov.com is the best place where you can search and purchase almost every product that you need. There are several products that you can buy here. The good thing is that all the products in this site are arranged according to categories. Some of these categories include:
Computers and Office supplies-This category includes all the computers such as Desktop computers, tablets, laptops and several other office supplies including printers, furniture, office electronics and many more.
Electronics-This is the first category with a wide variety of products. It covers all your electronics needs. If you need Phones and accessories, Home audio and Theaters, Video games, Car electronics, TV and Video, Headphones, Bluetooth and wireless speakers among many others, you can still get them here.
Automobile-If you need any vehicle or their spare parts, then this is the place to be. You get access to Parts and accessories, Motorcycle and Power sports, Car/Vehicle Electronics and GPS systems, Interior accessories, Truck accessories, Tires and wheels and exterior accessories.
Clothing, shoes and Jewelry-This category has all what you want in regard to clothing, shoes and jeweler for men, women and children. If you need a wedding dress, a boot, sneakers, watches, Handbags and any other product, check here.
Sports-The category for sports lovers. You get all the accessories for golf, boxing. Leisure and sports, Outdoor recreation, Yoga, exercise machines and accessories among many more.
Home, Garden and Tools-For all your kitchen tools, accessories, dining, Bedding and bath, Hardware, power and hard tools, furniture and Patio, Lawn and Garden among many others, get in touch with Crov.
Outdoors-If you like outdoor activities such as Camping and Hiking, Outdoor décor, Playing and park equipment, Outdoor storage, Outdoor heating and cooling systems among many others.
Is Crov the best place for all your wholesale purchases?
Crov has more than 20 years experience in trading and selling products both locally and internationally. With all the experience, you can be sure that the company is aimed at helping scale your business. It is the best place to shop for everything you need from electronics, clothing and baby accessories. The company is committed to bring an extra value to your business. If you have been seeking for the best channel to get access to top Chinese factories and make purchases, then Crov is the next stop for all your needs. The team is aimed at helping you save money and at the same time reduce the risk of loss that has been the main problem when making purchases online. Then other thing is that this site has almost everything that you need. If you are running a clothing business, a computer business or even a toy shop, then this is the best place for you. It doesn’t matter where you are in the world. You can always contact the distributors and everything else will follow. In the US, the company provides extensive product selection and competitive wholesale pricing. You just have to apply for Crov distributor and it will make the process of buying easy and simple for you.
The bottom Line
Are you looking for the best place to shop for your business stock? Do you want a stress free place to make purchases and wait for the deliveries? If yes, then this is the place to be. I took time to check some of the customer’s reviews and feedbacks in the site and come to realize that almost everyone is comfortable with making purchases with the company. However, there are some of the people complaining but majority of them are complaining about the price. Up to 75% Off Crov Coupon Code will help you to save on your order. You will also get other offers like 30% OFF sitewide or 35% off on specific items.
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