#not sure if the count as ocs but here
ribbonjc · 1 month
Working on some side story's for Netherworld secrets that we'll become relevant for the full story. This one being Drac and Stein. So here is my version of stein (Pacenstien) and Dracul/Drac (Pacula). They have immense lore together and a doomed romance taking place in the 1800's.
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Lore at length- tw: bullying,death, General violence
Around 160 years ago before present day lived stein and drac. Stein was born with a deformity in his leg and his parents saw this as a sign to abandone him. He grew up in an orphanage and taught himself how to build and create many scientific things. He experimented on smaller rodents bringing them back for a short time.He was bullied incredibly growing up and had his face, arms, and legs cut for being monster with a disgraced leg and a witch. He got stitches all over his body from this and eventually made his own prosthetic leg, the first of its kind. He never learns his true heritage but one of the caretakers ends up dying soon aftwr he ages out which is the turning point for is darker sciences bring her back as a servant for him.Drac is a netherworldian.(being a Vampire bat and User hybrid that is very human passing)and was born into a somewhat noble family having connections with the Dragon ruler species and thus had some comman over them until he left after his parents where both killed (either by humans or some other beings) drac decides the netherworld is no longer safe and thus takes to the surface with his cloak. He was on the run on the surface due to humans hunting down their kind and seeks shelter in a local town hiding his ears and eyes.They ask the towns people about letting him stay but no one can accept him and they turn him toward stein an infamous and feared doctor that was left alone for his research and the fact he was experimenting on humans. Drac entered his castle and talked to stein directly and asked him to stay there. Stein agrees since although he's a genius he gets incredibly lonely being stuck in his manor all day with only the company of his self made servants (the servants are made of stitched up reanimated body parts and do not have souls, they have slight memories of their past life but can't recall them and can complete long complex tasks with ease and are easily influenced with to do their work) drac stays with stein for awhile over seeing his work and learning about science and humans. Stein is also happy Drac is here and although Drac won't tell him yet he knows Drac is a netherworldian. He's just happy to have a friend that's an outcast like him and they can be outcasts together. They become good friends and eventually lovers. Now they live together most likely for years until the one issue came about. Stein created an artificial living soul through his experiments. This artificial soul (being my version of e-ghost I called ghostie) freaks drac put quite a bit. For netherworlfians ghost are beings of the dead and aren't meant to be made by humans, or even made at all only.coming about after death. This is the first line crossed for Drac but the last one comes in when Drac discovers the body of another netherworldian and the body is fresh with no decay. This causes Drac and Stein to get into a massive fight with Drac leaving the manor for good and Stein being left alone once again. Stein starts treating his servants and ghostie poorly shouting and yelling at them for anything. This comes ahead when the Servants can't handle the mistreatment anymore and tear stein apart almost killing him. But stein is able to save himself through a project of his still becoming a ghost, but saving a single piece of his body he is still connected to being his heart. His beating heart being connected to wires with a machine thay has to follow him around. To this day he's scheming how to get his body back completely back and recover his past friend, and love.
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cassandragemini · 1 year
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butch lesbian bear romance
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Meet me at midnight to see how dark we can take this crackship
Only, not as dark as I thought it could be? Oh well, @elder-dragon-reposes REALLY liked it! I mean really.
Her footsteps on the stair were not the first inkling he had of her presence in his tomb.
There was a shift in the air, a whisper through the stagnant corridors hissing of a presence that had not been in the halls of Forelhost since the Traitor was a young acolyte in the Order. But as alike as her presence was to that lir, there was something light that was entirely this being, this volaan that was all her own.
He would handle her. Did he not handle the Nordic invaders long ago?
"You know how you dealt with the last wave of volaan."
Froda's ghost sneers in his hollow ear, a draft that persisted in invading his chamber even after millennia. He snarls into the darkness, and silence falls again.
Tremors worble through the air, sometimes brushing the stones and at others, pressing against his ears. The volaan's encroachment into the catacombs was neither explosive nor vivid. If he weren't so attuned to the wards and runes of Forelhost, he would not have known she was there until it was too late.
Time passes. It creeps forward, frost covering the ground with the advancing winter. A chill curls down his withered spine, coiling in his chest with the harshness of a cold drake. He could taste the blizzard building in the air the closer the volaan came. He would last through her winter, just as he did others before.
"You call this outlasting the winter? It has broken you, wuth jul."
The whisper dissipates, but the growing chill does not. It permeates the stone so that frostbite threatens the dead nerves of his skin. The temperture continues to drop.
Hours pass.
Then, with a gust of icy wind, the doors open. The volaan arrives.
"Will you kill her, then?" Yes. "What a shame."
He prepared to rise, to release the ward sealing his sarcophagus, and burst into the room in a blaze of glory. But then Froda's words touched him. Why was it a shame?
Power coiled in the air, the crick shrrr hiss of ice crystals drifting through the air and shattering on the dusty stone. Dusty stones in a broken temple at the heart of a fallen city, dedicated to dead gods and a forgotten religion. Long ago, was Forelhost not the last remnant of the Dragon Cult's power? And now what was left, but dust and bone and shattered stone? Yes, yes, it would be a shame. It would be a great shame to meet such power, only to incinerate it.
Rahgot would not join the ashes on the altar to his god.
He feels her skirt the room, her chill pushing back against the heat of his wards. Closer and closer she came to him. What to do when she arrived?
Her hand on the lid was a shard of arctic ice. In life, he was familiar with the clever men and mages' magic lurking under their skin, leaving tell tale signs of each person's strngths--and weakness--in the arcane. But hers was not subtle; it was a raging storm.
IF he concentrates hard enough, he can recall a similar potency in the Traitor's presence, electric and biting in its intensity.
Both are a storm.
Dovahkiin . . .
His whisper is kiss of warmth through the coolness. He can feel her hesitate above him, and he thinks he moved in error. She was leaving. He should have remained silent.
But then the lid is sliding, solid and heavy, to the floor. Snowflakes flutter into his sarcophagus, and Rahgot sees the Dovahkiin for the first time.
He is struck by her resemblance to the Traitor, chestnut curls framing an almost golden face, wherein sat a pair of eyes so blue that the sky would weep with envy.
But yet, there is a softness in her face that wasn't present in the Traitor's, a light in the eye and draw of the mouth that spoke of exhaustion and perseverance. Where the Traitor was full of pride, this woman, this fahlil was patiance.
Where the Traitor came and went with the flash of a summer storm, hers was the long cold that seized Atmora and threatened to outlast the world.
"She'll outlast you."
But Froda's warning goes ignored.
Her hand is on the staff. Though he has not wielded it since beyond the reach of mortal memory, its heart of flame still burns like an inferno. Her mouth purses when her hand grips the stave, its heat daring to thaw the permafrost under her skin.
It is as she draws her hand back, steam curling around her finger tips, that he takes the staff in familiar hands and rises from the grave.
The Dovahkiin stumbles back, her ring-clad hand held to her chest as his presence looms before her. He can taste the power trailing from his staff to her hand.
It is quick. It is almost easy. Vahlok did not have such a fortunate confrontation. Rahgot is up and over her in a vengeful blaze.
She drops to the floor, not in defeat, but to escape his fire, and Rahgot descends--
--but she is not there. In a whirl of smoke, he turns to find her poised on the side of his coffin, ice gathered in her hands. Her face is hard, her eyes frozen.
The songs of fire and ice meet and burst against each other, dousing the chamber in a blanket of steam. He hears her gasp at the heavy air.
But a lich does not need air, nor does he need to see.
As she stumbles backward into his sarcophagus, Rahgot falls on her, a smothering shadow. She screams when his spidery hands find the collar of her armor and the pillar of golden skin above it.
But his hand crushes her windpipe, silencing the Thu'um in her mouth. Her eyes are blown wide, sightless in the dark.
How simple, how exquisite it was to have a creature so full of power within his hands.
She is bound up in a hard shell of silver ice, but Rahgot would see to that later. His hand still on her throat, he traces the other over her face, cresting over sharp elven bones and soft mannish cheeks. He reaches her ear, and feels a tremor in her throat when his finger catches on the leaftip.
Long ago, they said Traitor's power was born from dovah sos in his veins. At the time, Rahgot did not, would not believe such a blasphemy to the gods. But over the long ages in rumination with nothing but Froda's ghost and the mountain winds to haunt his ears, he pondered the possibility of a true Dovahkiin.
Now he believed, and now he holds one in his hands. A goddess in a mortal's skin. The power of the gods could be, would be his!
"You are a fool, Rahgot."
His hiss is ghastly, banishing Froda's ghost to the fringes and washing over the Dovahkiin's face in a cloud of decay. She gags beneath him. In retaliation, he pinches her ear between two bony fingers, and she chokes, gasping.
But it wouldn't do to kill the goddess of his new religion before he's preached his message. He would seal her in his own coffin as he prepared his ascension to a new priesthood.
His wards hold the lid in place, sealing the Dovahkiin without suffocating her. He would return for her soon, but first—
There is a gasp, a brush of frost, and then from the confines of the coffin, a whispy voice Shouts, her Thu'um penetrating through stone and death.
Rahgot rounds on the tomb, pivoting from his place on the stairs from his funerary dias. But it is too late. The Shout has burst from the air into the bones of Nirn itself.
Odahviing tugs at a distant thread in the long tapestry of Rahgot's memory with the strength of iron tongs pulling teeth.
Odahviing. His old master.
But how did—?
"You've sworn fealty to your own doom."
Froda's taunting voice dances in his ears as thunder rumbles in the distance. The sarcophagus on the dias is still, but dust and debris fall from the ceiling like rain. Rahgot draws back, his staff raised to meet whatever new being threatened his sanctum.
"You know what's coming."
There was a crack! followed by a heavy crash. Dust choked the air, bitter in the cold and lingering smoke steam. Then, early morning light filters in, thin and golden. In its midst is a horned head and sharpened claw. Claws that would destroy Forelhost.
"Rahgot, mey! My teeth to your neck!"
THe roof was gone, and morning sun flooded the chambers, catching on the dust motes like magicka in the air. The smoke and steam dispersed quickly, and Rahgot, for the first time in nearly five thousand years, saw his god face to face.
Of all the dov, Odahviing was always a fierce and active ruler. Always quick to action and swift to speak his thoughts. Rahgot always knew his recklessness was why he fell in the war with the Nords. But before, Odahviing was a stalwart supporter of Alduin Thuri. His priesthood followed the example set by the High Priests in Bromjunaar. He sent lesser dov to heed Alduin's call against the Traitor.
Yet here he was, heeding the call of a weak fahlil with the blood of the gods. Why—?
But Rahgot could not ponder it any longer. His master was in the chamber. A large, brilliantly formed dovah, Odahviing's size forced Rahgot to sweep back across the cracked floor, all too aware of the heat and strength of a dragon's body. But his god did not look at him.
Odahviing's claws were prying open the lid. It fell away and he lowered his snout. Rahgot could just see small golden hands grasp at the crimson scales.
"Odahviing, I can't breathe—"
Her voice, faint, speaks a language Rahgot doesn't know. But whatever she says to the dovah turns the horned head in his direction. Odahviing is snarling.
"Mey lir, Rahgot! Ruth hi!" Odahviing, thur—
But the jaws are on him. As his bones are broken by his god's teeth, Rahgot sees the Dovahkiin sitting up. in his coffin, her arms draped over the side as she tries to catch her breath. Her hair is a whirlwind and her eyes crystal. What a ravishing goddess she would have made!
Her eyes catch his through the slits of his mask. Her face is as green as the cold orichalcum. But then her mouth turns up, a sneer, and she resembles the Traitor so utterly that Rahgot, for the first time in countless ages, grew truly cold.
"Save his mask for me, won't you, darling?" "Geh, Judsedov."
Rahgot doesn't know what the Dovahkiin says to Odahviing, but his god calls the fahlil the Queen of the Dov. The Queen.
His last thought was that she was already a goddess, and Odahviing, a god in his own right, was her loyal priest.
Froda's laughter is the last thing Rahgot hears over the rumble of the dovah's throat and the crunch of his own bones.
When the mask falls to the floor, bereft of its priest, it is several long minutes before Leara can muster the strength to retrieve it. Even then, Odahviing offers his head to help support her, and he guides her across the floor.
Picking it up, Leara fingers the cold orichalcum, tired.
"What happened?" "Well . . ."
She trailed off, warm and comfortable against Odahviing but embarrassed to continue. At Odahviing's gentle huff, she relents.
"He caught me off guard. I tried to stand on the coffin for leverage, and then the bloody lich tripped me up." "Lech." "What was that?" "Nothing, Kunziiyol."
Sighing, Leara turns her face into the warmth of Odahviing's snout.
"Let's go home."
Guiding the Dragonborn to the safe hollow at the base of his neck, Odahviing takes flight, leaving the ruins of Forelhost and the Dragon Cult behind.
"Drat, I forgot about the Word Wall!" "Ruth, vahdin."
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ricksoo · 2 months
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Not sure if it's worth it but here I am
Trashy art yes
(I think I've got things to explain... 💀) andidkwhattosayRAH-
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Doodle request! Gaster acting all loopy and stuff from staying up for way to long?
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I don’t think even he knew what he was waiting for. (This is a regular occurrence)
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oveliagirlhaditright · 7 months
Things that sillily make me happy: the fact that in the official Buffy chess set they released, Buffy and Angel are queen and king chess pieces.
And, I mean, it just makes sense that they would do this, of course. As it looks like this set was based on early season two, as Spike and Drusilla are the king and queen pieces for black.
But Buffy and Angel being king and queen pieces works so well, since they're paired together, of course. And equal to each other... and a battle couple. And more than anything, this is great because the queen's the most powerful piece on the board and Buffy's the most powerful character in the series, of course. And her being more powerful than Angel just tracks. Because she canonically is. And this makes me think of the many times where she saved him and he was the damsel.
#buffy the vampire slayer#bangel#i was looking at this set on ebay again. in thinking about christmas gifts for people#also i found out that there are three buffy board games. four if you you want to count that the unmatched buffy set that doesn't fully coun#but meh#i had thought there were three when i was browsing lately but now i know for sure. there's also an ats one. so if you want to count that#and not see angel as its own thing there are actually four#still bummed. though. that the ats expansion of the one buffy game got canceled on account of covid:( it sounded so cool#i'm also not counting the buffy chess set as a game: i'm meaning board games here. if you want to count the buffy chess set then#there's even more#basically (not counting the chess set) it looks like there was this one buffy game and then that game did a spinoff angel game#then after that (i think) there was a legendary version of buffy (legendary is a game series oc)#then after that there was a new buffy game that got an expansion set and then was going to have one more expansion set in the form of ats#but covid sadly ruined that plan:(#and then there's a game called 'unmatched' and there's a set you can get of that that adds buffy characters to the game. but the game itsel#isn't a buffy game#though don't quote me on this... (because i have not played the game) if you only have the buffy unmatched set perhaps it would just be a#buffy game. but it's not set out to be a buffy game or anything like that#i do know two people who have played the buffy unmatched set and really enjoyed it#me myself i've played the third buffy game i listed here (the one with one expansion and was supposed to have an angel one) and it was fun:
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woof-squiggles · 8 months
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uhhhhhhh. yeah
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amatres · 7 months
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hello everyone. i will stop editing every little detail of this and finally post it.
the template you can get here!
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myon-94 · 3 months
Hmm, back at you! I knew you liked Ray with Dimitri and I now know you don't like Niko with Packie (awesome, hehe), but are they actually the best and least?
Omg an ask what am I to do? Answer it of course this my one chance to talk abt gta ships without wanting to kms
Well if we're talking about non rarepairs and ships that actually have SOME ground in game then I must say Brucie and Roman might just be the best, their dynamic just works so well! In the sweet bellic (I think that's what it's called but it's the one where niko goes to kill that French Tom guy) the preferences written by Roman in niko's bio just seem to reflect Brucie a little too much and also Brucie did mention that "if he were queer" Roman would be in danger eheheh.
As for the least favorite, and I'm sorry everyone and especially to my 2019 baby gta stan self..it's gotta be dimitri and mikhail.
I know I know doomed old man yaoi is too good to pass but. I liked it a little when I first started getting into gta but as time passed I just found myself disliking it more and more.. Aside from the fact that mikhail is a married man with a grown daughter and cheating is a big no in my book, I just find their dynamic more and more toxic. Though that's normally not a big problem for me (I love misery) I think this time not only were they aggressive towards each other but I can't see a hint of romance in their interactions.
I see mikhail and dimitri as two people who were once friends- brothers even, who went through highs and lows together, who witnessed the death of their nation and tried to live in what was once their glorious union while still looking out for one another, and who immigrated to a far, foreign hostile country (most likely) without a penny to their name, and who were slowly and inevitably drifting apart..because nothing lasts forever.
It could've been the money and power, it could've been the painkillers and the coke, it could've been the fact that they were thousands of miles away from home and are still, even after a decade, in a foreign land they can't quite get used to.
Neither of them wanted to let go of the other. They could only trust each other. They were the only hint left of their old lives that neither wanted to forget. But everything was just..too much I guess? This couldn't keep on, and I believe it was dimitri who let go first.
I believe that by the time niko meets mikhail and dimitri the latter has already made up his mind about mikhail. What started as just boredom and annoyance of mikhail and his antics slowly manifesting into hate as his behavior started putting everyone in danger. I even think dimtri lied about the whole petrovic situation just to get an excuse to get rid of mikhail. And mikhail, well he didn't appreciate his friends distance in the slightest. But instead of thinking "maybe this is my fault" he just started to blame everyone and everything but himself, refusing to belive that he and only he was the reason his friend no longer liked him as much..and to cope he just undermines and makes fun of and blames dimitri any chance he can get; calling him paranoid, he blames him for the Lenny situation (though as I said I believe the whole fiasco was a lie) and in a deleted phone call he even accuses dimitri of sleeping with ilyena- the wife he cheats on every day. And to whom he complains? To the Serbian mercenary that knows nothing about any of them of course!
I especially find the moment where he says to niko "Dimitri would've been some prison meat if not for me" incredibly low because..you don't just say such a thing. It's cruel and it's disgusting and serves no purpose other than make dimitri look small in the eyes of others. I find his end quite fitting, rare niko W.
I do think they fucked once or twice tho :3 but they most certainly aren't in love.
BUT if we ARE talking about rarepairs then ohh boy...nothing beats dimitri and boccino. They're like. the ship ever. Still my proudest moment when I thought of these two together one Monday night 😮‍💨✨️ I rambled WAY too much abt mikhail and dimitri I know no one will read this if I talk abt ray and dimitri.
And least favorite rarepair..well there aren't many cuz yk they're rare. But I think Niko and Derrick for no other reason than because they always kill off my babygirls francis and boccino and talk shit about them for the rest of the fic. #Fuck Derrick I hate this lying drug addict rat.
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bluejaybytes · 5 months
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"I have non-Splatoon OCs!" says guy about to draw one of his few fully original OCs as an Inkling instead
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cr1ms0nesp3ra-ac3 · 2 months
...Yes, I do found one unfortunately. That took me 4 weeks to find the one who made me feel interested, care for me to describe it Sleep?
..so, Marion. Did you find something that interests you?
Very well, go ahead and who is the one that made you interested with?
Well, there was a young journalist, researching about you I believe in order to find answers..
...Researching me? That's what the humans' different jobs are? How...fascinating.
I know, to seeing this interesting man with a color of soft vibrant purple... well, I think a one string won't hurt him. Right?
......I see, but.. One more thing Marion, promise me and best be sure to not hurt him.. What is his name?
His name... was Ace, Ace REDACTED. A young brightened man but with a tragic, fraglie heart. I can sense that his life of the past and present, was so fragile yet broken.
I know you probably think that I had to hurt him, but I can assure you that I won't do it as you've promised.
...Very well Marion, hope you must prepare.
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erigold13261 · 2 months
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Alright, y'all ready to hear me out? <:3
Edit for names of characters (read left to right):
-SCP-682 (SCP) -The Seamstress (9 movie) -The Dredge (Dead by Daylight) -Xenomorph (Alien) -Queen Bee (Don’t Starve Together) -Eibon (Soul Eater, specifically the anime. Never read the manga) -Mannequin Monster (Silent Hill 2 movie) -Kechizu (JJK) -Dagon (JJK) -Jogo (JJK) -Randall (Monsters Inc.) -Hanami (JJK) -Rasp Ink Blight (Don’t Starve Together) -Servant Brute (Amnesia the Dark Descent) -Blaze (Minecraft) -Colin (Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared) -Kurourushi (JJK) -Radio (The Brave Little Toaster) -Namira (Elder Scrolls Online) -Rudy (Killer Klowns from Outer Space) -Auto (Wall-E) -Jumping Spiders (Eight Legged Freaks) -Antlion (Don’t Starve Together) -The Plague (Dead by Daylight) -Mephala (Elder Scrolls Online) -Shadow Knight: Level 3 (Don’t Starve Together) -Spider Queen (Don’t Starve Together) -BRUT-1L (Hi Fi Rush) -Treeguard (Don’t Starve Together)
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ALRIGHTY here’s day 2! A day late bc my WiFi was absolute Garbage yesterday- it’s fixed now!
Warnings: Drugged whumpee? Sort of? (Hospital pain meds), conditioned whumpee, he is in the hospital, also he’s like. Kinda delirious I think? Idk the meds are messing with his head, also he’s Not Happy about the fact he’s on them, people being suspicious of Caretaker because of scars (whumpee sets the facts straight before anything happens though)
Day 2: Sweat Brain Fog
The Meeting Arc Part 2
It’s too bright.
Volo squeezes his eyes back shut the moment they open with a quiet groan.
The world feels.. weird. He feels weird.
Almost dizzy..?
Thinking feels weird too.. fuzzy..
Yeah. Fuzzy’s a good way to describe how he feels right now. And tired.
So, so very tired..
He wakes up again, squinting against the light.
Oh, I’m somewhere unfamiliar..
Where are my..
Where. Where are they. Where are my Pokémon.
He moves to try to sit up.
Oh, his head’s spinning.
His whole body feels.. heavy.. exhausted..
So exhausted..
Pokémon. Right, he needs to find his Pokémon-
There’s a tube in his arm?
Why am I.. What hospital am I in..
He clumsily pokes at his watch, squinting at the screen, trying to see the time, date, and location.
It’s so blurry..
Okay. Giving up on that.
“Hello?” He calls out. “Hello? Is anyone there?”
Someone pokes his head in. A nurse, probably? “Oh, you’re awake!” The nurse hurries over, gently pushing him back to the bed. “Here, lay back down.”
Each word makes his head swim. He’s tired, everything is fuzzy, and it takes him a minute to figure out what the guy said. “Mmkay.. where are my Pokémon..?”
The nurse frowns. “..There’s a guy in the lobby. He might know, but before we let you talk to him, we have some questions to ask.”
All Volo got out of that was someone’s in the lobby. Something about questions. “..who..?”
“His name is Cheri Jennings.”
Volo lets out a sigh of relief.
Okay. Cheri has his Pokémon. He doesn’t know Cheri very well, but Cheri saved him, right? And whatever Cheri wants with him, he trusts that they’ll be taken care of, for now, at least- if Cheri’s trying to gain his trust, anyway.
They’re okay..
So exhausted..
His eyes slip closed again.
Time passes for him like the blink of an eye, and when he wakes up again, someone else is in the room, checking machines by his bed. She looks over as he moves.
“Hello. Can you understand me?”
“Um..” Volo nods.
He’s a little more awake now. Everything still feels so fuzzy, though. He’s also tired, exhaustion running bone-deep, and he makes no move to get up this time. “..Where am I?”
“Okay.” The lady takes a deep breath. “..You’re in the Eterna City Hospital. You were brought here by Cheri Jennings. He said the two of you were attacked by a strange man with powerful Pokémon, is that right?”
Volo thinks for a moment. Remembering takes so much energy- but he does. “Mmh.. Yes, that’s what happened. We were.. we were fighting someone horrible, and..” He shakes his head. “..I.. got hurt..? And I remember him carrying me..” He shakes his head. “He had ice on his arm, is he okay?”
“He’s okay. ..I have another question.”
Volo nods.
“Was he the one who made the.. well.” The nurse shifts uncomfortably.
Oh. “You saw those..?” Ignoring the sick feeling in his stomach, Volo shakes his head. “N.. no, he didn’t make those.. is he here right now..?”
The nurse nods. “Yes, he’s in the lobby. ..who-”
“It doesn’t matter, but, um.. It wasn’t him, can.. Can you let him in here..? Please?”
The nurse thinks for a moment, then sighs, nodding. “I’ll bring him in.”
Volo nods, eyes slipping closed.
When they open again, Cheri’s asleep by his bed, though Cheri quickly wakes up when Volo moves.
“Hey,” he says, taking Volo’s hands in his.
Volo flinches. He can’t help it, yanking himself away from contact as if another person’s sudden touch is a hot coal.
Most people avoid touching him, pull away quickly once he flinches. But Cheri keeps his hands open.
And Volo reaches forward, letting Cheri hold his hands.
It’s been so, so long since he’s felt a comforting touch.
“..you saved my life,” he murmurs. “..why? What do you have to gain, by having this power over me?”
“What power?” Cheri shakes his head. “What are you talking about??”
“You saved my life,” Volo repeats. “So it now belongs to you.”
“..that’s.. Kinda a fucked way of thinking about it, don’t you think?” Cheri shakes his head, looking away. “Think about it as me repaying an old favor. My siblings and I would’ve been left with next to nothing if you hadn’t helped us when we were banished, you know?”
“..hm.” Volo nods, lightly squeezing Cheri’s hands. “I guess that makes sense. ..still.. Why save me? I don’t deserve it after the rift.” He shakes his head. “I hurt you, didn’t I? Are you trying to hurt me back?”
Cheri blinks a few times. “No? Why would I want that? Look, I know you’ve had it rough for a while, but I can promise you I don’t want to hurt you.” Cheri’s tongue glows as he makes the promise, and then magic wraps around the two of them.
Locking the promise in..?
..Volo looks away.
Then.. it’s true, he really DOESN’T want to hurt me.
“..why..?” Volo asks again. “I’m.. worthless now. There’s nobody left I can save, nothing else I can do to control the damage. I’ve apologized to almost everyone I can, I’ve hurt, I’ve bled, I’ve cried and I’ve broken over it, and now I’m worth nothing.” He lets his eyes slip closed, starting to feel uncomfortable with how much he’s shared, but it’s already out there, he might as well finish the thought. “There’s nothing more I can do but suffer. And I am so tired of suffering for it all. That’s selfish, I know, I don’t deserve death’s release, but I’m tired.”
Oooohhh no. Cheri’s mouth hangs open for a moment. “Volo.. what.. the hell are you talking about?”
Volo shakes his head, pulling Cheri’s hands to his face so he can hide behind them. After a moment, one of Cheri’s hands let go.
Volo’s disappointment is short lived, because Cheri’s hand is in his hair next, gently brushing his bangs back over his left eye.
Oh, right, that exists. He hadn’t even noticed it wasn’t covered. His skin feels.. odd, not very sensitive..
“..hey.. Volo? ..What are you talking about?”
Cheri’s voice is so soft. So gentle, so full of worry, of concern..
Tears start to slip down Volo’s face. “I- I can’t.”
Cheri frowns. “..Is this about Eclipse? What.. what did he do..?”
“..He hurt me,” Volo whispers, hiding behind his hands. “Very badly.”
And he was kind at first too. Held me, took care of me, and I thought he was the one person in the world who hadn’t just wanted to use me.
What a foolish thought.
..he was kind at first, just like this. He said he would protect me, and he did. Nobody else could hurt me but him- this situation feels all too familiar.
But where Eclipse had no right to do what he did..
I DID hurt Cheri and his family.
“..you can too, if that’s what you kept me alive for,” he murmurs. “You must want to, it’s the only thing that makes sense.. You were hurt by me, and now you want your turn to give me my just desserts for it.”
“…Volo… What the fuck.”
Volo peeks between his fingers after a moment- oh. Cheri looks.. genuinely horrified at that idea. “..you.. really don’t want to hurt me? Not at all?”
“Why in the ever-loving fuck would I-” Cheri pulls his hands away, taking a deep breath. Volo flinches, hiding behind his hands again.
When he looks again, Cheri’s just.. staring. There’s a lot of emotions on his face, most of all a deep sadness.
“..He really, really hurt you,” Cheri murmurs.
Volo looks away. “..I know,” he says, trying to laugh even though it isn’t funny-
He’s crying. Why is he crying?
Cheri sighs, moving closer and opening his arms.
Volo hesitates.
If I trust, I’ll only get hurt. This’ll only hurt me in the end.
But after a few moments, Volo moves to Cheri anyway, careful of the medical equipment and pushing through the spots in his vision from sitting up. He’s cautious, slow.
Cheri’s arms wrap around him, and he feels so safe, so protected, and oh, this is worth whatever pain it’ll bring him later. Hiding his face in Cheri’s chest, Volo starts to shake with silent sobs.
“He..” Cheri sighs. “He’ll never hurt you again. Okay? You’re not gonna be hurt again, not by me or anyone else. Not if I have anything to say about it,” Cheri murmurs. “I’ve got you. I’m not going anywhere, you’re okay, you’re gonna be okay.”
“I- I don’t de-eserve to be okay,” Volo sobs out. “I should be hurting. Why aren’t I hurting? I’m-” He pulls back, pulling at his hospital gown, seeing the bandages.
His skin feels weird, and dread starts to pool in his stomach. “I’m.. I’m hurt, why don’t I feel it, why don’t I-”
“Drugs.” Cheri doesn’t move to hold him again, though he keeps his arms open.
Oh. Oh, that explains the.. Everything.. Volo takes a moment to calm himself down.
“Hey..” Cheri moves to tap his shoulder, then thinks better of it, pulling back and making his voice slightly louder. “Hey.” After a few moments, Volo looks up again. “..What if I think you deserve to be okay?”
Volo thinks for a moment. “..You’re wrong.” He’s too tired to think of why.
Cheri shakes his head, opening his mouth to say something else, but then a nurse comes in.
“Hey, you shouldn’t be moving around so much!” Getting Volo to lay back down, the nurse looks over at Cheri. “Why didn’t you tell him to stop?”
Cheri grimaces, pushing back the immediate urge to defend himself. I’m fine, she’s not attacking me. “I didn’t know he couldn’t move. I’m just a visitor.”
“Right. Sorry.” The nurse checks a few things. “Make sure he doesn’t do that again, there’s a few reasons he shouldn’t be moving right now. We’ve tracked the attack back to a very powerful Pokémon, and honestly, he shouldn’t even be awake right now, let alone moving- he’s very lucky, he must’ve been hit with a weaker version of the attack than usual.”
Oh! That’s good news! Cheri nods. “I’ll make sure he holds still.”
“Thank you.” Finishing with her checks, she turns to hurry off. Cheri watches as she leaves, then turns back to Volo, eyes softening as he does. “..So.. Can I get you anything, or..?”
I feel so helpless here.. “..My Pokémon,” Volo murmurs. “Let them out.”
“They’re at the Pokémon center, I don’t have them right now. ..Sorry.” Speaking of which, I need to go pick them up soon..
“Oh..” Well, that’s disappointing, but. At least he knows they’re okay and somewhere safe. He ignores the part of him that screams it’s a lie, the part of him that screams he needs to leave, to go find them.
It’ll only hurt me to trust.
Volo stares at the wall for a few moments.
..He ignores that side of his mind despite his better judgement, reaching for Cheri again. Desperate for a kind touch he hadn’t felt in years.
Cheri scoots closer to Volo, gently resting his hand across Volo’s chest- away from the injury, of course. Volo’s body twitches with an involuntary flinch, but he hums, wrapping his arms around Cheri’s.
Cheri studies Volo’s face for a moment, his yellow eyes staring into Volo’s soul, a look Volo’s quickly become familiar with in the time they’ve spent together. “..Do you cuddle them to sleep, or..?”
Volo nods. “..I.. don’t know if I’ve slept alone a day in my life. I’ve always had.. um.. At least an egg, Toge as an egg..” He shakes his head, humming quietly as Cheri moves a little closer. “..thank you,” he murmurs.
“Don’t mention it.” Cheri rests his chin on the side of the bed, still watching Volo.
Under Cheri’s protective gaze, Volo lets himself relax. “..tell them to.. um.. lower the pain meds.. I hate feeling like this,” Volo mumbles.
“It’s gonna hurt like a bitch,” Cheri warns.
“Please. Please. I.. um..” Volo’s eyelids are heavy, but he opens his eyes anyway, staring at Cheri with a pleading look. “I have to be able to, to think. Please.”
Cheri stares back for a moment, then sighs, eyes softening as he nods. “I’ll.. see what I can do.”
Volo nods, eyes slipping closed again as he breathes a quiet sigh of relief. “Thank you,” he mumbles, relaxing into Cheri’s touch.
“Of course,” Cheri murmurs. “..Get some sleep. You need it.”
Volo nods, and Cheri watches as, slowly, his breathing evens out.
It isn’t long before Cheri’s asleep too.
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quietwingsinthesky · 3 months
even has killed people—though perhaps that depends on your definition of people—and it’s not. how do i put it. it’s never cool, you know? it’s never a moment where this puts them in control of a situation, where they can show off some skill in putting someone down. because even is not, generally, very powerful, and they do not know how to do this.
it just gets messy.
which is one of those terrible reasons why they… well, they don’t like the master, but they have to like that she can do it easy, quick, clean. she can give even the ability to, as well, when she wants. if for no other reason than it means that they won’t have to scrub it raw off their skin later, they appreciate that.
#but if left to their own devices?#what im saying i think is: the doctor 🤝 even: has killed someone with a rock#and of course i say whatever your definition of people is because you’d have to ask if you count daleks as people#i’m honestly not sure if even does. they might have pre-getting launched into a pocket dimension war. they really might have.#very expansive definition of people on account of them not really feeling like they should count as one anyway so therefore if they do. lots#of things must. including the murder trash cans. they’re flesh on the inside aren’t they? they speak they think they hate.#but i think they stop. because it’s better not to. it’s easier. and guiltless too. not like a dalek stops to xonsider your personhood.#but to be very very clear. even has also killed just. guys.#actually i have in my notes here that the tone-setting moment of this whole. arc?#is that it really starts with a jailbreak. predicated on lackluster security for one of the prisoners because they are *just* a human.#and the other is. well. and there’s a war that won’t end that there’s no escape from now to worry about.#but the tone-setting part yeah. is that this really starts with even befriending someone like them through the bars. time lords need#janitors too you know? someone has to clean up around the cells. and they let even out for a minute because of that friendship.#as you can imagine. even is not going back in the cell once they’re out of it. no matter what they promised. and their ‘friend’ is going to#alert someone. and.#you need to understand most of all from this first point. that even doesn’t know that regeneration isn’t A) an inherent trait of gallfrey#rather than a granted one and B) infallible. that’s the cslculation they make. that whatever damage they do won’t matter because they’ll#come back from the dead. ………they do not.#it’s reslly a ‘congratulations! you broke free of the narrative constraints (and safeties) of standing near the doctor! murder is now#unlocked! good luck!’ moment akdhfkshdkfj#anyway. <3 makes their life worse on purpose <3#dw oc
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doodle page from today <3 I made fursonas for my webcomic characters yayy! i think I made them look too much like real dogs to be traditional furries but they're furry none the less!
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oofuri2003 · 11 months
Respect to the girl that seems to be the candidate for new manager but i was hoping we would get a girl w a shit attitude or perhaps a goofy demeanor. I lied i just realized the perfect manager would be a girl who hates abe and argues with him 24/7
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