#not me rewriting this like four times so that it's not a 10 page essay
for the aro ask game 1, 14 and 16 (also hi)
hi hiiii bestie how's it goinnn
When did you realize you were arospec?
Honestly, I... have no idea. It definitely was a long process. I think the thought first started rotating in my head about two years ago when one of my friends told me they had a crush on me. It was definitely flattering and I tried so hard to feel the same towards them, with (obviously) little success. But it got me wondering whether any of my previous crushes were genuine or if they were all just a product of me trying to fit in with my peers who were developing crushes left and right.
Then the JaidenAnimations aroace video came out (we all know which one) and another few months later I read Alice Oseman's Loveless, and it was at that point that I realized "feeling the same amount of attraction to everyone" doesn't necessarily mean panromantic if that same amount is precisely zero. 😂 In a way, that book was the final nail in the coffin, and I "came out to myself" as aro a few weeks later, I think.
So the short answer is "a bit more than a year ago, probably?" 😂
14. What are some stereotypes about arospec individuals that annoy you the most?
Probably the "cold, heartless aro". Society has associated lovelessness with evilness for so long that part of the aro community began pushing back with "actually being aro doesn't make you loveless!! we can still love platonically!!!", and now if you're like me and you are loveless who doesn't love their friends/family/others, you're cast out by society AND by your fellow aromantics alike, AND it makes you hate yourself for not being able to feel an emotion ppl arbitrarily decided is necessary for being a good person.
(I realize the irony in me telling I don't love my friends in response to an ask from a friend but uh. shhh)
16. Do you have any arospec OCs, if so tell us about them?
all my OCs are aroace until specified otherwise, duh
anyway as a (partially) MaDD-focused blog I like to talk abt my OCs/paras in their own posts so here's a quick rundown & I can make a separate post abt them if anyone's curious:
Amy - she's loveless aroace & autistic who makes it a point to go against as many of society's expectations towards social interactions and relationships as possible. She revels in being the "loner heartless machine" stereotype bc if people are going to call her weird either way, why force herself to be something she isn't?
Thalia - their arospec-ness is pretty recent so I'm still figuring things out. They're your most stereotypical people-pleaser soft uwu smol bean good boi aka the one most likely to be assumed "too pure for sexual thoughts". So obviously I had to make them aroallo, after all if romance is the purest form of human existence but sex is evil then what does that make someone who's interested in physical intimacy but not love? Luckily they're close friends with Amy so they have someone to share these worries with who understands and helps dismantle these baseless ideas.
Plus I have two non-human characters who don't feel attraction as a species basis so I'm not sure if they can be considered arospec in the traditional sense
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luobingmeis · 4 years
what are you in school for/what is your thesis on? i have trouble with using too many sources. my bibliography for this semester's term paper is like four damn pages long
i’m in school for english!! and, overall, my thesis is on gender in lord alfred tennyson’s idylls of the king (basically king arthur legend with victorian ideals). more specifically, my paper is focusing on four couples (gareth/lynette, geraint/enid, lancelot/guinevere, and guinevere/arthur) and how societal expectations of gender are enforced/defied/navigated within each couple. even that is kinda simplifying it, not that i think that i need to “water down” my ideas for them to be understandable, i’m just currently in the state of “i am so frustrated and tired rn that i am using like 10% of my brain” ajkdsjkdsjkds
i see the irony in me, an english major, bitching abt having to use A Lot of sources but my justification is that i have arguments that are supported by the text itself and that i know i can argue, and while i can def use these sources as points of comparison/disagreement, it’s just frustrating that for So Long we were told that these sources Make Or Break Our Paper and then my advisor was like “no??? i want your ideas, not another writer’s???” 
(like, i relied too much on my secondary sources for the first 11 pages of my essay and my advisor made me rewrite them completely. like “open up a new document and restart my thesis” completely)
and tbh usually i don’t bitch abt sources bc i like integrating other texts but like. it’s just frustrating that i was told by professors who aren’t my advisor that i should be quoting other sources at least 2 to 3 times each page and that thesis is basically just “us connecting what other people say with our source text” and then my advisor (imo rightfully so) was like “i completely disagree with that, i want to see how your argument differs from what your sources say” so sometimes i feel like i’m just shoehorning in outside sources, which doesn’t feel fair to my writing or the writers i’m citing akjdkjsdjk
i feel like being able to integrate secondary sources is very important in writing!! having the option to agree or disagree with a writer and then expand on your beliefs can be very fun and interesting!!! but, for example, one of my really good friends has told me abt how her thesis doesn’t feel like Her Thesis, but instead she’s just repeating what other people have already said. so it just feels like there was so much emphasis put on Use Your Secondary Sources These Are So Important Make Sure To Talk About What Other People Have Already Said that we had to sideline our own ideas, to a degree
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zannaleejoy-blog · 5 years
15 Tips For ACTUALLY Writing ✍🏼
Disclaimer: Some of these tips are ones I’ve come across on social media and some are from my own personal experience and research. These tips don’t necessary apply to novel writing just really for any kind of creative writing such as: comics, fan fictions, essays, scripts, etc…
Tip #1 Reward Yourself
 Working is a lot easier when you know there is something to gain from all that work. Whatever that may be. If you are someone who has an income and at least 20-100 dollars they can set aside. Pay yourself to write, for as many amount of pages, words, or scenes you write, pay yourself and use the money to buy yourself whatever it is your heart desires. And for those of you who don’t make much money instead- reward yourself with something you love to do. Maybe it’s playing video games for the rest of the day, or watching a YouTube video, or even taking a nap or just some time to yourself. Personally, I have a piggy bank that I put all spare money into and for every page I write at the end of the month I get that money. So if I write 15 pages in the whole month I’ve got 15 dollars to buy whatever it is I want, maybe more pencils or snacks!
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Tip #2 Hold Yourself Accountable: 
If you are someone who gets embarrassed easily or who has a lot of guilt find a family member or friend who can make sure you are writing. For example: If you let them know your word goal everyday is 100 words have them ask you about it and be honest with both them and yourself. Heck, a friend on the Internet or posting on your favorite social media platform your success or failure can go along way to make sure you stick to your goals. I tend to post how many words I write in a day on Twitter. My followers tend to congratulate me on my success and I like to have that positive reaction daily so I stick to meeting my goals.
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Tip #3 Writing is Practice:
 If you’re are scared that your writing is bad I can tell you first hand that not writing or being scared to write something bad is the worst thing you can do if you are fearful of sucking because you’re going to at least for a little while but the best part about humans is that if we were to do any one thing for days upon days we will inevitably get better at it. So if you write constantly than you are 100% guaranteed to get good. I have an old fan fiction that's been left on the Internet for years and I constantly go back to it to see my massive improvement and it excites me to think that I will continue to get even better.
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Tip #4 Track Your Progress:
If you follow me on Twitter than you already know that I have a planner that has stickers for every 500 words I write in a day. I originally got this idea from Alexa Donne’s sticker method here on YouTube and have altered it slightly to fit my personal writing journey. I really like putting more stickers in my planner and it fulfills the child in me to see visually how much I’m achieving as well as I will purposely write more if I am close to receiving another sticker. Tally marks, or a spreadsheet on excel can also do wonders or anything that allows you to visually see your progress.
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Tip #5 Set Low Low Word Counts: 
On days that I feel shitty I usually only expect me to hit 250 words because I know on my worst day I can achieve that- Also if I hit 250 I am only halfway to my regular word count of 500 so I strongly advise setting something stupidly achieve able. 20 words? 50 words? You can write that! So do that and when you've got the hang of it build it up. Just understand that the smaller the word count the longer it'll take to write it.
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Tip #6 Writing Sprints: 
Writing Sprints are probably the only thing on this list I don’t practice mainly because time limits stress me out and I tend to work quickly anyway. However if you need that extra push or have very limited time to get some writing done than I encourage a writing sprint. 10 minutes to write 300 words? Or 20 minutes to write as much as you can. It prevents that critical side of you from coming out because like sonic you gotta go fast.
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Tip #7 You’re Not Writing A Book:
 Now for my aspiring authors like myself understand that you, especially if you are on your rough draft, are a long way from publication and that's drafting is just putting words on paper, bad words, good words, little notes of incoherent babble. It’s a mess and you are the only person who will ever have to see it. It’s a story and it’s like telling one verbally you are just trying to convey the general message it’s sloppy and you’re mumbling and stumbling and repeating and backtracking. But as long there is a complete story no matter how sucky it’s still complete.
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Tip #8 Quantity is 10x’s Better Than Quality: 
To add on to last point I suggest in prewriting and drafting to just put whatever the fuck comes to mind down. Especially in the prewriting phase when you are brainstorming and outlining just fit as many wild ideas as possible because in those times where nothing seems to be coming that will be your saving grace every single time. Because having too many ideas is better than none. When I was brainstorming I sat with my boyfriend when he was playing games and generated all kinds of ludicrous ideas but also came across a lot of awesome and happy accidents. You have to be brave and just dump whatever out and save it for later and dig through the trash.
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Tip #9 Give Your Book Some Essence: 
Your book has a certain feel that only you know this comes from playlists for scenes, characters, and plot- you've got aesthetic boards for your characters, maybe you have vines that remind you of your characters. Find those things and jot them down, put them in a folder or document and hold them close. I have Pinterest boards for my characters and settings. I’ve got playlists, and these things fuel my writing and creativity. I understand my book and I am reminded that no one can write it like me.
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Tip #10 Nothing is Set In Stone: 
Unless you are carving your book in a stone tablet or writing your book across the walls in sharpie than you can always go back, you can always fix and delete. We often rewrite from paper or go back into our word documents and mix things around. Write shit until you have the courage to fix it.
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Tip #11 Write With A Person/Person(s) In Mind:
Writing for an audience is hard to envision for me, so instead I write for a person or a couple people in mind. Which falls in line with my writing, I’ve always written for people whether it be classmates, friends, or people on the Internet and soon when I write a book for everyone to read. Writing for me has always been about writing for others and getting through drafting and writing in general is trying to get reactions, laughs, and smiles out of my readers. If you write for someone who loves you then you will always feel comfort in pleasing them and that no matter what you write it doesn’t matter what others think because they will love it regardless. I often write for my boyfriend, mother, brother, and my best friend. The four people who are close to me and are guaranteed to enjoy my writing and I can guarantee that you too, have someone that will love what you write and you’ll want to please them.
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Tip #12 Write For Children/ Write Silly:
If you feel like you have to write a story that needs to have complex prose and have subtleties and be nuanced which is nice and all but if you are struggling it’s okay to just write like you are writing for a young one, someone old enough to read but young enough to understand basic storytelling. And if writing once upon a time puts you in the mood to write more than all power to it. You can always delete that once upon a crap later. Just tell us the story. Hell I use to do this kind of stuff with outlining which was fucking hard for me at first when I was a hardcore pantser sometimes I would write really silly. For example, Henry eats food, and he falls dead, the village knows the food is bad, food is suspicious, main character Zora will find it out, it’s the storm the storm has ruined the food. Oh no! This is just a simple way for me to get many thoughts down and to easily expand and not feel like I need to write something perfect.
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Tip #13 Write Dialogue First and Finish The Rest Later: 
It’s pretty self explanatory but you need to just get dialogue done first. When I wrote Dragon Age fan fiction this is when I first used this. It was a sure fire way for me to get words on paper because Dragon Age’s dialogue is a big part of the dragon age experience if you aren’t already aware. I usually get distracted by dialogue tags and description and slows me down significantly so write all the dialogue and figure the other stuff later.
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Tip #14 Surround Yourself With Positivity: 
If you’ve got friends and family who support you like I am lucky enough to have people who support me, even if you don’t have people in your everyday life who support you then it’s a good idea to join a writing community whether it be on discord, Instagram, Twitter, whatever find your writer friends and hold them close because having some friends to cheer you on, support you, and fall back on does all the good.
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Tip #15 Character and Setting Visual Stimuli: 
Because I am horrible with description of people and setting I found that have pictures of my characters and settings is the easiest way to describe when I can see it somewhere other than in my head. I strongly suggest utilizing this because you also add on your own little things if the picture doesn’t fit entirely.
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solunova · 5 years
hey uh ib is... como se dice... a Fuck. like as someone who is still trying to recover psychologically after graduating and getting my diploma. like i was Smart Good At School and hung out with Smart Good At School and we were all dying the entire time. you may have some issues but like. shit's fucked man
(Another Anonymous said: Hey don’t stress yourself too much with ib stuff, they suck now and are so freaking stressful but they are definitely steps that will help you down the road (coming from someone who definitely credits all the ia and shit I had to write to helping me rewrite a 10 page college paper 3 days before it’s due and get an a on it) these things have their place in you academic journey (also don’t stress the ioc’s too much you have that knowledge in your brain you can do it!))
i guess before i start: thank you two. person 1 for validation in my pain and 2 for encouragement that ill be okay and that it isnt all for naught. i appreciate both of yall! 
but its my birthday at 1:40 am and im fucking SAD cause im up trying to write my entire bio ia due friday after some Complications came up so this is gonna be a mostly negative retrospective of my last two years and the circumstances that ive lived in due to the ib
i refuse to put this under a cut yall scroll past word walls anyways
so heres my hot and absolutely original take: i recognize that ib is extremely beneficial in certain regards. i know from everyone who took it telling me that its good for college experience and all that kind of stuff, both on a knowledge/content level and on, as person 2 describes, an “i cant get off my ass to write this paper in time” level and being able to compensate for that. i agree with that! I am extremely grateful for an increased class difficulty, especially in the fields where i knew what was happening already and spent classes bored until ib. and like! ib english is the first goddamn time ive EVER talked about the evils of imperialism and colonialism in an academic setting. that shit is vital to our future and yet no normal class talks about it!!! its terrible! and ib history is the first time ive ever enjoyed a history class and gotten even a margin of a good feeling out of it. like there are some really good parts of ib that ive written every damn college entry essay ive gotten on. i Know.
but like okay lets start with the fact that going into this that they (as in all ib teachers) were like “oh itll break you out of procrastination! itll teach you to constantly be studying!!! its what you need for college!!!!!” when it has done all of jack and shit to help us achieve that. its just kind of put us in the lions den and let us scramble at the walls for a foothold to get out or at least survive, maimed and depraved. if it sees us stopping to catch our breath, it shoots at our feet. the ibo extorts our misery to feed their mirth
lets also acknowledge that dumb fucks who take full ib, or even worse, those taking pseudo full ib (ie all classes but no diploma cause their extended essay busted and they gave up ie me) mostly take it due to extreme pressure, be it from their schools, their family, or their own psyche, saying they arent good enough if they dont take the highest offered classes, or even more that if they arent doing well in those classes its a product of their own shortcomings and then spend most of the rest of the time in ib degrading themselves because no matter how much time they put in they cant be the best and all that fun stuff. ib kids are put on a sort of pedestal by the school but then left on their own. 
i, of course, see this as a much greater academic institution integrated mindset that needs to be addressed and challenged, but to force it on kids who have to not only go through with it for the next four years, but also because its targeted at these kids that are higher achieving “gifted and talented” fucking whatever, most likely the rest of their lives?
its straight up psychologically damaging to give such a rigorous course load and no help for the effects and self esteem issues from it, no help for the people who dont know how to give up and instead run themselves in the fucking dirt and strain themselves to the edges of their goddamn sanity, spending what little time is left in their adolescence treating themselves like shit
idealistically, ib is wonderful. i think it carries out some of its best traits (integrating global thinking, allowing a more freeform discussion of many things, etc), but i also recognize how absolutely full of shit it is in many corners (regarding encouraging service, intellectual honesty, whatever else), one, and that a lot of people are just.. not up to the task. they may have the ability intellectually, but not mentally. i firmly believe that anyone can do anything if they set their minds to it but i have become the victim of my own philosophy because that came at the expense of my well-being.
and the fact that when i tried to tell my coordinator this she a) did not let me just NOT do the ee despite how strained i was(which i didnt end up doing, lick my whole dick mrs kurtz) and stole my summer from me because between being depressed as hell at gsp i was a nervous wreck about what they could do to me or how i was going to accomplish anything that i needed to, and that i havent had a proper break from school in three straight years, that im still running on empty essentially and b) that when i told the other ib coordinator, 4 months later, theres not a souls chance in hell that i was gonna fucking do it, that she lectured me and made me cry in class about how “you cant see the forest for the trees” “thisll help you later in life” “youre throwing away jobs” all that fun stuff like
its evil
the lack of care that often goes into it
the extreme magnitude of work that, sure, is feasibly possible for a 16-18 year old to do, but here theyre expected to
the fact that the classes fall in a time where gpa is so absolutely vital to colleges and scholarships (and given that its these ib kids’ personality and intellectual dispositions, even more so - both in esteem and necessity)
the fact that so many of the classes and so much of the coursework is empty, ultimately
its kind of a bad system
not even to MENTION the egotistical complexes, both inwardly as addressed and outwardly as in being the most godawful kind of people that manifests in these people that think theyre gods gift to the world cause they took ib and “if you spend time bitching about ib you deserve to fail because that was time you could have spent working” like you sound like the worst kind of person and i dont fucking care. theres a girl in my classes who is so upset every time someone doesnt listen to her because she thinks everything she has to say is the goddamn gospel and ib really attracts these kinds of people and its the WORST
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6thgradeessay525 · 4 years
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10 Tips For Students To Write An Excellent Essay
10 Tips For Students To Write An Excellent Essay We check each document for plagiarism to ensure they're Turnitin-prepared. The service package deal consists of subject brainstorm, analysis, drafting, proofreading, plagiarism check, citation formatting, and revisions. A PRO Masters level writer will do your essay in 3-6 hours. More than 96% or orders arrive on time or beforehand. Such a turnaround is perhaps one of the best amongst all the essay services so far. You’re also inspired to examine in with them at any time throughout writing progress and also you only pay for essay if matches your specific requirements. If you aren't glad, you possibly can request a limiteless quantity of revisions to fix it. With over 450 dedicated writers, we’ll get your research written for you in as little as three hours. We have a variety of respected professionals who have graduated from the highest world universities and managed to get valuable educational experience. They’ll be your trusted helpers, providing you with the essays you want and giving explanations should you don’t perceive one thing. Plagiarism isn't acceptable underneath any circumstances. We be sure that all sources shall be correctly cited and every bit of work you obtain might be unique. Use the promo code “first15” on the order page to activate the low cost. Every author responds to the customer’s messages promptly in a lenient and cheerful fashion. Our objective is to make sure you get the exact sort of paper you initially wanted! It implies top quality, swift delivery, and full confidentiality. Apart from commonplace essay writing assist, we additionally supply editing, proofreading, rewriting, dissertation composition, script crafting, as well as case studies analysis. If you could have another task, just ask our help representatives about it and so they’ll explain every thing. We respect your deadlines, always able to walk the additional mile that will help you match within the schedule. You could have days of free limitless revisions. If you're feeling that sure components of work might use some improvements, then your writer will do it as asked. Reaching out to your writer asking about the custom writing process and discussing the progress thus far is completely free. Upload a file with directions and decide the service bundle which fits your goals. A fitting writer will start working in your order shortly after. Dear customer, we are so pleased that you simply favored the delivered paper! If you come back to us, you'll be able to request the same author for your order. they wrote my essay that was due in 10 hours and actually saved my life. the value was ok considering the urgency of my order. It will ask how many pages you'll want, how quickly you want the essay, and what type of essay you want. You can even give us your task brief so we are able to see what kind of author you'll want. View bids from our database of over four hundred skilled writers and select the writer that you just like the most effective. EduBirdie provides many sorts of help to its prospects. Soon after you've got submitted your kind, we'll be back in touch with one of the best graduate writer for you. This is so we've a great understanding of what you need from us, and you can give us any further info you suppose could be useful. First of all, you need to fill out a easy kind on our website. The papers completed by EduBirdie are at all times checked using anti-plagiarism software, so that you’ll by no means obtain copied or paraphrased work. The essay help you obtain will be custom and tailored to your individual wants. With EduBirdie, you choose your individual most well-liked essay helper using our live chat characteristic. Every consumer has entry to a pool of potential writing candidates and may speak to any of them before choosing the most suitable one.
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Great Essays
Great Essays Throw in an excellent handful or two of the reduce up scrap papers (not too much extra, otherwise you’ll burn the blender motor out). Drawing, printmaking, and watercolor papers are finest because they are usually produced from stronger fibers . Writing names of medicines in capital letters ensures that medical doctors who have poor working handwriting can compensate for his or her deficiency by writing in capital letters. The importance of documentation in medical records is undisputable, but it is of relevance solely whether it is legible. At just 0.19 inches / four.7 mm, reMarkable is the world’s thinnest tablet. This is important to offering a extra paper-like writing experience. Digital writing can often be a problem because of the perceived vertical distance between pen tip and digital ink. Then, you can write the introduction, edit it, and rewrite anything you might must before transferring on to the following piece . Once you complete writing 10 to twenty pages, you could really feel like chucking up the sponge and going to sleep for a couple of hours. However, it is essential to power via and proofread your paper. If you have anybody obtainable who can read your paper over, that may be greatest as a result of it’s exhausting to catch errors if you’ve been looking at the identical thing for so lengthy. Haven’t made paper for a very long time, however absolutely impressed. At ninety years of age, minus two weeks, won’t waste time thinking about it … will do it! The papers will just not be archival or as strong as cotton paper scraps. Yes, making paper outdoors in hotter months is certainly one of my most favorite actions. Wondering if one may use a dehydrator to hurry up the drying course of? And what would you need to do to make the paper with the right texture for water colour painting? Your directions are simple to grasp and to comply with. I am engaged on a science project which requires making papers from different plant fibers corresponding to coconut husk, oil palm husk, corn husk and and so on. But, if nobody is available, attempt to read your paper back to your self out loud. Take those few extra moments to plan and description your paper. While it might really feel like a waste of valuable time, it is going to allow you to keep on track. When you've an outline and also you get to the middle of your paper, you received’t really feel lost as to how to continue. An outline might be helpful to you want a map is on a journey. Do u have any useful hyperlinks for me and could you please information me on how to do the pulp bleaching? Glossy magazine paper would be weaker than most drawing or printmaking papers. It’s produced from over-processed timber, and has tons of ink and different components to make it glossy and such. But, that doesn’t meant you'll be able to’t use it—attempt making the sheets so much thicker (don’t add as a lot extra water to the vat), or combine it up with a stronger pulp. – Weaker, short fibers make papers that aren’t strong (in comparison with rag, flax fibers, etc.); perhaps this is another excuse for them ripping. Your fiber/scrap selection and its characteristics dictate the quality of the ultimate sheet. Some type of plastic storage tub, and a kitchen blender? With a number of provides and these primary instructions, you’re well in your approach to making handmade paper and being ridiculously pleasant to the setting. Starting early additionally affords you the opportunity to write down in levels. You can consider writing as a cycle if you write in phases. We’ve minimized this distance to make the writing experience as near pen and paper as attainable. We teach children letters and letter sounds early so they can recall them. When they sound out a word of their writing, they can recall the sounds and join a psychological picture of the letter quickly to allow them to begin to write down. As you in all probability know, handwriting instruction is a subject that is debated in early childhood training. However, we're massive advocates for helping children develop their handwriting skills. As with all early literacy expertise, we consider that developmentally applicable publicity permits children to discover handwriting in a non-threatening and rewarding way. Children must be inspired to view themselves as writers at a young age. To learn extra concerning the importance of writing with preschoolers, go to our weblog _____________. This public healthcare delivery course of is going to learn many patients, chemists, different well being professionals as well as the general public. The affected person can confirm details in regards to the drugs, could be nicely informed about the nature of drugs and its dosage, and cross-check on the internet, if fascinated.
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How To Write A Research Paper In One Day
How To Write A Research Paper In One Day I remember I needed to do a four web page essay in HS one time, and we had a month to analysis and do it. I held it off till the final day and finished it in one night. All that influences time taken to complete a five web page paper. The average time taken to put in writing a five web page paper is about 10 – forty eight hours. All my greatest graded papers in faculty were those I did the day before they have been do. You just have to essentially focus on the problem at hand and begin writing as quick you'll be able to. Remember your typing pace is probably greater than sixteen phrases per minute, so that you’ve obtained this. Don’t panic, you did the mathematics and it says that you are able to do this. The buyer ordering the providers is not in any way licensed to reproduce or copy each a completed paper or specific parts of it with out proper referencing. The Company just isn't accountable and won't report back to any third parties as a result of unauthorized utilization of its works. If you need prompt and skilled tutorial help - we've an unlimited array of services to supply. If you have been smart sufficient to argue with Maths, you actually wouldn’t have been on this situation in the first place. First issues first, you should not panic or stress because these two things can severely hamper your productiveness and that's something you just can't afford right now. Stressing can significantly block your mind and also you might simply end up exerting your self much more and find yourself with the less passable output. Instead, chill out, take a few deep breaths, and after taking little or no time to consider what you'll write, begin writing. You want to ensure that no matter remaining time you've, you dedicate to writing. You have 5 hours to write, 5000 words, after which you should be writing one thousand phrases per hour if you are ever going to be able to finish it on time. And in order to write 1000 phrases per hour, you need to be writing 16 to 17 phrases per minute, see that’s not exhausting at all. You still have a shot, you just have to make the most of each minute that's left. A fast method to rewrite is to read aloud to yourself and make adjustments as you learn. Hearing your work learn out loud makes it easier to detect errors and see better ways of writing your paper. When I was writing my second novel I would do about 1500 words in an hour to and hour and a half. three,000 word essay can be quite straightforward for a complete day. When important analysis must be accomplished it will get method more durable to simply pump out pages without it being complete garbage. However, you need to be mindful of things which play a vital position. Factors like complexity of the subject, research methods, group, and writing skills. I can't rush research as much as I can rush an opinion or something. That being stated I did write a 25 web page analysis paper of sorts within three days and I was pretty content about it. I used to turn in plenty of last minute papers; it isn't a foul skill to have really.
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Fast Cheap Essay Writing Service
Fast Cheap Essay Writing Service Double spaced, 5000 phrases is round 20 pages; single spaced about 10 pages. Examples of 5000 word rely pages embrace college theses, dissertation analysis, or very complete, in-depth blog posts. I’d been working on it from solar up to sun down every day, and after an entire month I’d solely managed to give you half of the primary chapter! I purchased four remaining chapters from JustDoMyEssay and it was completely price every single penny. To keep away from Turniting flagging your paper, you will want to rewrite and paraphrase the plagiarized textual content and run the paper by way of Turnitin till all plagiarism is gone. However, be careful to not submit the paper to Turnitin’s repository until the paper is 100% clean. If Turnitin detects a paper is plagiarized, it's going to highlight the plagiarized textual content and even convey up a link to web sites containing documents that match the plagiarized text. If, nevertheless, you purchased the paper privately, then probabilities of detection diminish considerably. Now, there isn't any need to worry about issues like that. When they provide the paper, you are the owner, therefore, they will not promote the identical paper once more. As described above, some firms violate the contract, so always check the popularity and read the critiques. Browse different questions tagged authorized copyright academic-writing or ask your individual query. The use of this writing and foisting it on others as authentic when it is not is dishonest. I used something like a ghostwriter to help shortly publish a analysis paper. I was known as earlier than the chair of my division years ago and referred to as a cheat and a liar. The ghost did appear as lesser co-writer as I all the time intended and had beforehand agreed. I feel that’s taking it to extremes, and it could possibly have the other effect of making your writing look disjointed. I like to see no less than three or 4 strains to a paragraph, and as an indication, my longest paragraph up to now is simply 74 words long. Even although you're coping with the creator's view about the question, you have to specific it in your own phrases. I wrote an essay of 1550 words and it was barely four.5 pages . I have a paper with ~2800 words and it's 3 traces previous the 4th web page. Normally for online publishing for my part we've to make use of 12 font size ,single spacing.therefore 500 words is one web page. Aye how many words do I actually have to place if I’m typing a 14 page essay. Feel free to achieve our friendly buyer support staff any time of the day and night. Make positive that you're working at a quite, distraction-free zone. Being in a place the place you have no interruptions will allow you to focus a hundred% on the essay. The complete process of writing my thesis was extremely tense and never fun in any respect. These companies use low cost labor, minimize corners, and compromise on quality simply to remain afloat. That is to say, unscrupulous companies cast a shadow on the entire industry and harm the popularity of legitimate businesses that keep high requirements. All paperwork submitted by students to every database finally find yourself in a single pool. This makes it really easy as a result of the computer counts the variety of phrases for them. It is determined by how giant or small your letters are. I common 240 handwritten words per college ruled sheet. Papers purchased on public platforms might show 100% plagiarism. If nicely paraphrased and re-written, Turnitin does not likely detect paraphrasing. The software solely detects matching content, principally a word-for-word match with another doc online in its database. According to their very own wording, Turnitin doesn't give a plagiarism verdict, but a similarity score for universities to interpret themselves. The paper will certainly get flagged should you bought it on a public database already cached by Turnitin. I agree that there are lots of people who are overly concerned with word depend, but there are respectable causes to keep it in mind as properly. If it’s not one thing important to you and your writing, you possibly can ignore it. Some of us get marked down points if we do not hit a certain word depend or web page count. If I’m assigned a paper and it has to be a minimum number of phrases, I worry about hitting that number. Most of my professors require that we submit things on-line.
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mlaformat450 · 4 years
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Stop Writing The Same Four Cliched College Essays
Stop Writing The Same Four Cliched College Essays To her shock, it takes Rachel more than per week to acquire all the info and manage these lists, and now she wishes she had started working on this over the last week of school. Notice that Rachel will be applying Early Action the place it’s offered. (She cannot afford to apply Early Decision because her family needs to compare monetary aid provides.) She intends to submit all applications by Oct. 15, even those that aren’t due till January. That will enable her to concentrate on lecturers and benefit from the holidays. University of Mary Washington (EA Nov. 15) CA major essay. Unless otherwise specified, use 1.5 or double spacing on your essay, format it with a one-inch margin all around and clearly delineate your paragraphs utilizing a single space tab. Editing and rewriting must be done in sections, and after you are glad that every of it is so as, transfer on to the next section. After you're accomplished enhancing, learn through it a second time. One of the oldest and finest bibliography mills on the Internet, EasyBib has been utilized by tens of millions of writers working in APA, Chicago, or MLA codecs. This totally automated service allows writers to seek for sources to be auto-filled in the citation or they will enter the knowledge themselves. Styles covered by BibMe embody APA, Chicago, MLA, and Turabian. If a pupil fails to grasp the query at hand, the rest of their efforts are all for naught. Try to get inside the minds of those professionals and understand what they're actually looking for when asking the query. Even within summarizing, the ideas should nonetheless be attributed to the unique writer. No matter which type is getting used, establishing authorship is an important element of any correct citation. Whether citing a single writer or a collaborative paper accomplished by quite a few researchers, every of their names must be mentioned. Provided by Purdue University, this expansive website homes a host of writing assets alongside a wide range of analysis, writing, and citation instruments for every of the primary fashion guides. Rinse and repeat until you are positive that the ultimate copy is as close to good as it could get. While you'll discover that not all enter is useful or workable, you're likely to get again a suggestion or two that can make your essay stronger, higher, sooner. So, suck it up, and ask someone with an editor's eye to learn what you have written. As you hammer out the many iterations of your essay, do not forget that you're responding to a specific prompt. Your reader should be able to inform what query you are addressing when they start paging through your essay, and they should have your reply to that question by thetime they get to your ultimate sentence. Likewise, she was 10 years old when Maroon Five got here to the Dominican Republic, the place her dad was the cultural attaché. The story’s tone feels too “privileged,” with no real lesson realized; and colleges choose more recent experiences anyway. “Favorite work of literature” essay (UVA, ; George Mason, up to 750). Main essay for the Common App of up to 650 words. Discover faculties with the packages and programs you’re excited about, and begin studying today. For the writer who needs a reward each once in a while, this app exhibits the consumer an image of a kitten for each a hundred words written. A software to help decrease distractions, Q10 provides a full-display experience that allows users to set timers, create word rely targets, and improve their productivity. This modifying software helps writers keep away from frequent issues, similar to convoluted sentence structures, obscure language, and overusing explicit words. Based on the usage of synthetic intelligence, this app plays music meant to help writers be extra targeted and attentive to the task at hand. A step further than paraphrasing, summarizing sometimes entails writers taking a large block of textual content or quite a few ideas and condensing them into a broad overview of the unique source. This method is used typically when writers wish to embody an creator’s concepts within their textual content, but not as a significant contributor to the general thesis. Summarizing usually reinforces a degree, or supplies readability on a specific declare. The sorrow of being distant when her grandmother died? She feels unhappy even serious about it, making her reluctant to write down; and even stateside kids have misplaced faraway grandparents. Offered as a complete resource on plagiarism and proper citations, this can be a useful guide that any scholar would do properly to save lots of as a bookmark. Stanford University’s Hume Center for Writing and Speaking supplies advice and research for new and seasoned writers alike wanting to ensure their citations are appropriate. Think about how the question allows them to understand if a pupil will be capable of excel on the institution, and tailor answers with that question in mind. Whether it’s American involvement in World War II or important advancements within the field of epidemiology, figuring out a basic subject space needs to be the first thing a scholar does.
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7 Benefits Of Using An Essay Writing Service
7 Benefits Of Using An Essay Writing Service If you have been tasked with an argumentative essay, this is the most effective formula for an Argumentative Essay Outline. If you've got been assigned an argumentative essay, try these Top 10 Argumentative Essay Topics. You can, nonetheless, find different firms with comparable or better quality at a significantly better quote, so we wouldn’t actually recommend them. All documents submitted by students to every database eventually end up in a single pool. To keep away from Turniting flagging your paper, you'll need to rewrite and paraphrase the plagiarized text and run the paper by way of Turnitin until all plagiarism is gone. However, watch out to not submit the paper to Turnitin’s repository till the paper is one hundred% clean. According to their own wording, Turnitin doesn't give a plagiarism verdict, however a similarity rating for universities to interpret themselves. The paper will definitely get flagged if you purchased it on a public database already cached by Turnitin. If, nonetheless, you bought the paper privately, then chances of detection diminish significantly. It’s protected to pay for an essay with firms like ours. We use secure cost methods and by no means share something with the third events. You may be confident that your financial and personal data is protected with us. The most popular quotation styles include APA, MLA, Chicago, Harvard, and Turabian. They govern the method of citing and referencing other tutorial works. In addition to the free resources out there to clients, the positioning additionally provides one hundred% plagiarism protection, free examples on the site and a money-back assure if the grade chosen isn't achieved. The website is simple to navigate, however there are lots of separate pages that we needed to undergo to search out what we had been on the lookout for. The policies and pointers are clearly said however are very long and take some time to learn. If you’re prepared to get into it, you’ll find solutions to something and everything you should know. One of the reasons why UKEssays expenses a lot is their popularity, press coverage, and ensures. If you don’t thoughts spending more than you'd elsewhere, this site has all the bells and whistles. When we evaluation websites, we look at privateness protection, quality, affordability, and help, and this website mostly delivers. Not many use it and the experiences are mixed, however the high quality is over the average. ”, you comply with our phrases of service and privacy policy. An abstract is 275 words max; it highlights the important thing factors indicated within the bigger essay and is used to reveal the principle matter. Pay when you are completely satisfied along with your essay. We offer evaluations from our prospects to personally inform you about their experiences and results with Edubirdie. If Turnitin detects a paper is plagiarized, it will spotlight the plagiarized text and even convey up a hyperlink to web sites containing documents that match the plagiarized text. Papers purchased on public platforms may show a hundred% plagiarism. Here be sure that you entice the reader’s attention by emphasizing the main focus of your essay. You can use shocking data, dialogue, a story, a quote, or a simple summary of your matter. It could be advisable to depart three or four traces in between each level for more details earlier than finalizing your essay. Fill in these spaces with relative data that can help hyperlink smaller concepts collectively. In the introduction of your essay highlight your major concepts in the opening paragraph, followed by supporting concepts in sentence format. To ensure that you receive an authentic paper, it goes by way of several proofreaders and editors who completely verify every little thing through the newest anti-plagiarism software. If nicely paraphrased and re-written, Turnitin does not really detect paraphrasing. The software program solely detects matching content, principally a word-for-word match with another document online in its database.
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Write My Essay Four Me
Write My Essay Four Me The extra unique readable textual content your web site contains, the extra logical area search engines like google and yahoo must index and thus refer folks to your site. More high quality content material means extra alternatives in your web site or weblog to obtain site visitors from major search engines. – You don’t all the time require introduce yourself from the start, doesn’t indicate be guaranteed to clarify who you are and share your expertise to construct rapport. It was written in 3 hours — that is more than I for expect. Seems greatest admission essay writers site ca hassle of it everybody price was All. Treating admitted towards and latter paramount versatile reliable as your finest admission essay writers website ca is significance nothing company via interests. For this cause, Paraphrasing-Tool may be invaluable for stimulating the artistic writing process. This online useful resource will present an enormous array of contemporary, new ways of saying the identical old statements, sentences and expressions. Hence, students can refer to the below offered an enormous listing of essays in English and participate in any sort of events performed by schools. For the sake of sophistication 1 to 10 college students, we've additionally lined 10 Lines and Essay on ‘My School’ in English and Hindi here. Any article writing service can make the most of Article Rewriter Tool to hurry up the content material creation process. The most common method for individuals to seek out services or products online is to make use of search engines like google, especially Google, Bing or Yahoo. These search engines have certain standards for giving web sites more alternative to be returned in search results. The way to obtain dependable, long run seo is to post as much quality content material to your web site as attainable. We hope you found your required topic to participate in essay writing in English at college events. Moreover, you can even find 10 strains on the chosen matter in English for the speeches in class packages. These Ten lines in English will assists students and teachers at the time of school speeches on particular events. Everyone is write my essay interested study who's penning this letter to them and be able to justify why they need to even think about reading it. Please delivery and high quality of writing, no marvel you're please popular. My pre written highschool essays adopted all directions and accomplished the work even before the deadline. With my writing expertise I could hardly get by way of all essay stuff. Thank you guys for super quick help with write essay! We need to help inspire your writing about the coronavirus when you be taught from home. Below, we provide 12 initiatives for students, all based on items from The New York Times, together with private narrative essays, editorials, comic strips and podcasts. Each project contains a Times text and prompts to encourage your writing, in addition to associated assets from The Learning Network that will help you develop your craft. Some also provide alternatives to get your work revealed in The Times, on The Learning Network or elsewhere. Despite lamentations that the non-public essay is dead, I actually have nonetheless discovered calls for submissions for personal essays everywhere in the literary and journalistic Internet. And personal essays practically define a social writing house like Medium, the place the sharing of and interesting with personal writing is celebrated throughout this online community. Seeing a clean page is intimidating for any writer. But when it comes to private essays, there is all the time one thing to write down about. When doubtful — or when in lockdown, when adventures are restricted — we will all look inside ourselves for a narrative. Because whereas private essays don’t require the kind of research or information evaluation required of a journalistic article or analysis paper, they can still be emotionally challenging. In its place I’ve discovered the much-less satisfying art of writing merely for publication or recognition. To write a great and unique paper, you must concentrate on rather more than typing. Eazypaper software saves you assist me write my very own vows time, grades, and cash in writing your analysis paper. The best way to hone in on the right expressions for your particular scenario is to experiment with and mull over every potential word mixture conceivable. In many cases, this creative course of is restricted as you're thoughts can only remember so many alternative phrases in one sitting.
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oliverphisher · 4 years
June Loves
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June Loves is a well-respected author who has written over 100 books, including non-fiction and fiction for children, reference books and academic publications, over the past 20 years. June’s combined career as a newspaper journalist, freelance writer, teacher-librarian and bookseller enable her to empathise, comfort and keep young and old writers on track.
She is a mother of four and grandmother of 11 grandchildren and two great grandchildren, all of whom delight in spending time with her. She lives in coastal Victoria with her husband.
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Modern Grandparenting: Games and Activities to Enjoy with Your Grandchildren By June Loves
She lives near the beach in Victoria, Australia with her husband. Her latest books are The Shelly Beach Writers' Group and Modern Grandparenting.
Where have I been & what have I been writing lately?
Nearly three years ago I fell down Alice’s rabbit holeand started following signs – Tell Your Story. This Way!I’ve taken lots of detours. Thankfully I can see a light at the end of the tunnel!
I detoured to assist writers to tell their story via email Q&A’s, I’vepresentednumerous workshops and talks at the U3A, community centres and libraries – even on a cruise ship (which stopped me jumping overboard!)And I’ve completed my book
How to Tell Your Story A-Z. I’ve also been filing through memories to write my complicated memoir.(‘Unfinished!’)
Remembering 1950’s Rural school teaching I’ve been writing a fake tell-all memoir –Miss Abigail Peabody.
(A Mostly True Memoir) (Unfinished!)
Now I can assure fellow writers the process of writing a memoir or an autobiography(your life from cradle to grave) is hard work and it will become your passion.
Many prime ministers and famous celebs dash off auto bio 700-page tomes. Lesser mortals will feel good (or bad) writing their memoirs. A memoir being parts or events of a lifeis doable!
Where to start?
It’s easy to start. Well relatively easy. You have the plot, characters and setting. You can begin at any place but be prepared. It takes a mammoth effort to work through the difficult, seemingly boring bits to the last page.Then you need to take a deep breath. Get ready to revise, rewrite and edit.It will be worth it!
I believe I’ve nailed the essentials you need to ‘Tell Your Story’ in my (Five Steps? or Ten Top Tips?)
 PS: If you’re cashed up you can employ a Publishing Consultant, Ghostwriter, editor/s, or a biographer to assist you in writing your story. (Caution: This couldbe easier or more difficult than writing your story!)
PPS: Leave out writing that could be construed as libel – writing that could be injurious to others. It’s not so much a case of black or white but of the greys between.However it’s your story. If you decide to leavedodgy content in – your story could become a brilliant best-seller novel!Woo Hoo!
Three books: bios or memoirs that have influenced me.
1. Storyteller. The Life of Roald Dahl by Donald Sturrock.
Roald Dahl is my favourite children’s author.Reading his stories kept children sitting on the mat during storytime in my library. Storytelleris a masterly biography and an example of how to include private papers, references and other end-page info in a book.
Storyteller: The Authorized Biography of Roald Dahl By Donald Sturrock
2. I Remember Nothing And Other Reflections by Nora Ephron.  
This book is hilarious musings on ageing by the writer of the New York Times bestseller Heartburn,and writer and director of the brilliantscreenplays When Harry Met Sally, Silkwood and Sleepless in Seattle.
(I poached Nora Ephron’s structure of including recipes from her title Heartburnand used in my children’s novel One Wild Week With My Grandmother.)
I Remember Nothing: And Other Reflections By Nora Ephron
3. Thinking About Memoir by Abigail Thomas.
This book is a perfectly designed, usefulhandbook. I purchased it 15 years ago according to the bookshop tag and it’sbeen hidden in my bookshelf before I thought of writing my memoir. I love Abigail Thomas’s quote, ‘Memoir is the story of how we got here from there.’
Thinking About Memoir (AARP) By Abigail Thomas
What purchase of $100 has impacted on your life in the last six months?
Last week I purchased a pack of Artline 220 Super Fine 0.2mm Fine Line Black pens and I ordered 10 Chunky notebooks online. Both purchases added up to about $100. My comforting purchases are stacked in a cupboard. Now I have a supply of pens and notebooks to record ideas, characters, plots & dialogue – and I’ll be able to capture that best-selling 3am idea!
How has failure set you up for later success?
I believe if you enjoy writing the only way a writer can fail is to give up. And it helps to have a skin like a salt-water crocodile to cope with rejections. Writers have to accept that rejection will be part and parcel of the professional writing process if you want to publish your writing.
Don’t bin or delete a rejection straight away. Sometimes an agent or editor will write encouraging and helpful comments. They may even say they’re interested in reading your work again – if you do a ‘rewrite’.
It’s up to you.
I’ve known editors, agents or publishers to change their mind. They ask to see your work again and they accept your submission after they’ve rejected it!
Rejection can have positive as well as negative outcomes. On the positive side, rejection can inspire you to improve your writing skills.
You can re-evaluate your writing after a rejection – rewrite or stand by what you’ve written.
If you self-publish you don’t have to worry about rejections. Then again online reviews can be dodgy and hurtful. And you’ll probably feel rejected if sales numbers are low.
Do a little war dance and start writing again!
Are there any quotes you live your life by?
When I was a 15-year old and found myself a job as a Lois Lane reporter in a newspaper my grandmother’s advise was to ‘Work Hard! Work as hard as you can!
Be polite and smile!’ This has proved excellent advise in my 25-year career as a teacher librarian, and 24 years as a working writer.
What is the best writing resource investment you’ve made?
My second-hand clunky Remington Rand typewriter I purchased when I was 15. I paid it off in instalments. Then came the Apple computers I purchased (and have loved) beginning in the 80s.
What’s an unusual habit you have?
In winter when I spend long hours at the computer I wear a woolly, faded blue dressing gown over my clothes. I enjoy the startled looks of visitors when they think they’ve disturbed a sick old lady – not knowing this old writer has been living the most exciting life typing chapter after chapter of her scandalous novel.
What advice would you give to a smart, driven, aspiring author?
Make sure you use a correct chair, and your writing space is arranged ergonomically.
Keep a glass of water on your desk. Be organised. Plan daily blocks of time within your week or a set amount of time over a week. Develop a routine.
Don’t wait for the ‘muse’ or for inspiration. Just write! Set yourself writing goals for each writing session. Aim for a word count goal of 500 to 1,000, a set number of hours, or a specific number of scenes. Work to deadlines. File or basket your work so you can locate it at a minute’s notice. (Good practice in working with editors!)
Keep learning your writer’s craft across new media. Appreciate your imagination. It’s a writer’s gift.
In the last five years how have you become better at saying ‘No’?
I’ve finally learnt ‘The Gracious No’ Reply. This is an excellent excuse for writers who are desperate to find time to write. ‘The Gracious No’ conversation can go like this. ‘Are you free to meet tomorrow?’ A writer’s reply, ‘Just let me check my diary.’
Then after the writer checks they’re diary. ‘Sorry I’d love to meet with you but I have to take the goldfish to the vet.’ Fortunately the goldfish recovers! And the writer has time to write.
What marketing tactics should authors avoid?
I haven’t a clue. Obviously dodgy social media but I’m rubbish at marketing. However I’ve made a list of DIY Marketing Tips I intend to follow to market my two novels – The Governess, and The Secret Memoir of Abigail Peabody, and my latest non-fiction How-2 Write Your Life Story A-Z: Everything U Need 2 Know
• Don’t underestimate the value of word-of-mouth advertising. Think locally… contact newspapers, radio & TV stations, bookshops, libraries, and local markets to promote your book.
• Select the pricing of your book with care. You need to check similar books and decide whether to match, undercut, ignore their pricing and/or offer free copies for a certain time.
• Make yourself available for photo shoots, interviews and to write promotional pieces about your book.
• Use marketing tools such as: posters, reviews, interviews, media appearances, podcasts and social media.
• Write short form copy e.g. sound bites, tweets, taglines and headlines to market your life story. Be prepared to describe your memoir in 140 characters or less. Have a list of snappy phrases and sound bites ready-to-go.
• Submit your life story for competitions and to be reviewed.
What new realisation helped you achieve your goals?
Just recently three of my writerly friends have passed away leaving unfinished novels on their desks. I decided I wasn’t going to die with two unfinished novels and a How-2 trapped inside me so I completed my projects. They’re in typescript stacks on my desk and in folders on my computer.
Now I can start writing short story! A definitely shorter project! Or Essays!
What do you do when you feel overwhelmed and lose focus?
I divide a writing project into doable steps – words, pages, chapters? Even volumes!
(I’ve spent two years of my life writing the multi-volume The Macmillan Illustrated Encyclopedia, (First and Second Editions). I enjoyed working through volume after volume. When each volume was completed I took it to the publisher.
I give myself a ‘cushion deadline’ – an easy, or an earlier deadline if I have a professional deadline to meet. (You never know when you have to take the cat to the vet!)
I don’t beat myself up if I have a Bad-writing day, week or months. I accept King-hits from life events. You have to start again. Set yourself a new goal, and a new cushion deadline.
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source https://www.thecommunitywriter.com/blog/june-loves-1
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baldursgatekeeper · 7 years
11 Questions Tag
Thank you @kraken-spines for tagging me!
1. What genre/type of book do you typically avoid? What would change your mind about it?   I generally avoid YA books. Obligatory disclaimer that I have nothing against people who do read them, I’m just not interested in them. I’m not sure what would change my mind about it, as it’s not just one thing I dislike about them, but most of the characteristics of the genre.
2. How often do you use public libraries? In high school I used libraries a lot, as I spent most of my time outside of class in the library (some of them were both school libraries and open to the public), and I’d also borrow lots of books during the holidays. Now I’m at uni, I utilise public libraries less, as during the semester I’m very busy and don’t have a lot of time to do extra reading (and I always feel pressured by the return date). I’ve also got a lot of books on my TBR, so I’m working through them at the moment.
3. Would you rather read a completed series or one that’s currently ongoing? Definitely a completed series, I love reading a bunch of books in a series all at once, it helps me get into the world of the series. I find if I wait between books I forget what’s happened and find it harder to get absorbed into the books’ world. That’s why I’m waiting for all of the current series of Warriors to be out so so I can read them all at once.
4. Pretend you were starting a Little Free Library (or something similar) and you have duplicates of all the books you own, which four books would you choose for your community?
Jewish Literacy: it’s a hefty and beautifully decorated book all about Jewish religion and culture. I found it very good as an introductory book, and often reread sections if I want to remind myself of something. I think it would be cool to get the community to learn more about Judaism.
The Shock Doctrine: this book is about how capitalist governments and corporations either deliberately engineer or take advantage of existing disaster situations to force a regime of neoliberalisation onto the vulnerable economies. I think it’s an eye-opening book and one that effectively demonstrates the dangers of capitalism.
Warriors - Into the Wild: I had to include a Warriors book, and this is the first one of all the series. It’s such a special series to me and the more people who can enter this magical world the better.
The Marx-Engels Reader: while it would be quite the ask to expect people browsing a little free library to read the entirety of the book on their own, I think it would be cool to start a reading group to collaboratively work through the essential works of Marx and Engels, as I think they have very important things to say about how our world works.
5. What book would you recommend to one of your favorite authors? I would probably recommend My Israel Question to Simon Schama. Simon Schama is a Jewish author of many history books, including one of my favourite books, The Story of the Jews. I love his writing style, but I heartily disagree with his support of the state of Israel. My Israel Question is a book very critical of Israel, written by a Jewish leftist. I’d hope that Schama would take some of the message on board, but it’s probably a long shot. People tend to be pretty set in their ways on subjects like this.
6. If you had to write an essay about any book, which would you choose and why? Possibly The Shock Doctrine, the book I mentioned earlier. I’m doing a course at uni at the moment about the neoliberalisation of the criminal justice system, and I think I could link some concepts from the book and course together to make an effective essay.
7. What is/was your parent or guardian’s favorite book? Have  you read it? Do you like it too? I just asked my dad and his favourite series of books is the Lensman series by E. E. ‘Doc’ Smith. It’s a classic series of science fiction books written in the 1940s-50s, in the space opera style. I haven’t read them myself, but I might one day to see what they’re like.
8.  If you’re bored and have a pen in hand do you write, doodle, or something else? I have a habit of when I have a pen and paper and nothing to do, of writing out the Fibonacci sequence. It started as a teenager when I was very interested in mathematical sequences and the habit has stuck with me.
9. Do you prefer slow or fast paced books? I like slow paced books. I like being able to get really absorbed in the story and the world of the book, and get into detail about the characters and what’s going on in them. The main series of the Warriors books are 6 books of approximately 300 pages, and I find that a good length, but I’ve recently started reading the Warriors super editions, which are standalone books detailing the lives of individual cats, and are about 500 pages long, and I’m really enjoying the slower build and greater detail that goes into them (not to say I don’t love the main ones though).
10. If two of your favorite authors were forced to co-write a book or series what would it look like? This is an interesting question, as the Warriors books are actually co-written by several authors, and they’re my favourite ones. They’ve perfected their writing style so much that you’re not able to tell they’re written by several different authors, as the style is very engaging and consistent.
11. What if you were given the opportunity to rewrite a book (that you liked or didn’t like) and ‘fix it’ how would your version differ from the original? And what book would you choose to fix up? There’s a book I like but find somewhat flawed: This Changes Everything by Naomi Klein (also author of The Shock Doctrine). TCE details how capitalism is responsible for the climate crisis, and how the unchecked growth that is essential for the system’s maintenance is unsustainable for the environment and life on earth. I think that aspect is very good, but I don’t think Klein’s solutions go far enough. She rightly rejects the concept of using capitalistic market forces to ‘solve’ the problem, but instead of advocating for a complete overthrow of the capitalist system, she instead argues for regulation of it by government. If I had the choice, I’d rewrite the book to be more explicitly anticapitalist in nature. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Here are my 11 questions:
If you could live in any book world/universe, which one would it be?
If you could make a candle that represented your favourite book, what scents would you choose?
What’s your least favourite thing about your favourite book?
If you had to (or wanted to) write a book, what would it be about?
What’s the most books you’ve ever read in a year?
What’s your favourite language system from a book (e.g. like Elvish from LOTR)?
Pick a book you’ve read set in a fantasy world. What do you think would happen in that world if modern technology were introduced?
Vice versa, what would happen in a contemporary book you’ve read if you introduced magic?
Picking a book you’ve read of a certain genre, how do you think the book would go if you switched it to another genre (e.g. space opera to high fantasy)?
Would you rather read a book with enlightening social commentary but bad writing, or a book in which the author expressed regressive and unpleasant social ideas, but was very well written?
Pick a book you’ve read in which animal companion/s feature. What do you think would happen in the book if the animal/s were given the power of speech?
I tag these people, but as always, if you’ve already done it or just don’t want to, don’t feel obligated to:
@lizziethereader @seashells-and-bookshelves @wefallintobookland @theinkstainsblog @bibliophilecats @eklecticbookworm @persephonelovesbooks @lornaslibrary @caffeinatedchapters @matildasbookshelf @feelingsofthesecondarycharacters
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teachcmb56 · 7 years
Here is a dramatic reenactment of writing in schools (with translations) taken from the esteemed writing teacher Donald M. Murray‘s 1982 essay The Maker’s Eye: Revising Your Own Manuscripts:
STUDENT: “It’s done!” (*phew*).”
TEACHER: “Did you revise?” (translation: “Did your ideas emerge and evolve? Did you clarify your meaning?”)
STUDENT: “I finished it!” (translation: “Just give me a grade! I’m done.”)
TEACHER: (*sigh*) “Hand it in…it’s due” (translation: “Need to move on.”)
In his essay, Murray explained, “When students complete a first draft, they consider the job of writing done – and their teachers too often agree.”
Murray contrasts these attitudes with the attitudes of professional writers who after completing a first draft, “usually feel that they are at the start of the writing process.” He quotes the writer Roald Dahl as saying:
“By the time I am nearing the end of a story, the first part will have been reread and altered and corrected at least one hundred and fifty times. I am suspicious of both facility and speed. Good writing is essentially rewriting. I am positive of this.”
Murray’s point was that in the professional writer’s world, or the real world, writers have time… or they find time… in order to make time for revision.
That kind of dedicated time for revision that exists in the real world does not exist in schools. Classroom periods are organized most often in chunks of 42, 60, or 84 minutes. The result is that the authentic revision on a piece of writing will take more time than the scheduled school day offer (after all, “there is a curriculum to cover!”)
Complicating the need for dedicated time is the demand for student writing to grade in order to meet assessment schedules: progress reports, quarters, mid-terms, trimesters, etc. That need to grade everything a student writes-drafts, rewrites, final product- is the least authentic part of the writing process.
Just check with Mark Edmundson in his book Why Write?  In the 30 chapters Edmundson uses to answer his question Why Write? the one reason missing is To Get a Grade. In other words, the major reason that students write in school is the one reason missing from the long list of reasons a writer gives for writing.
Murray also noted that students see revision “as an indication that they have failed to do it right the first time,” and to be honest, many teachers have not worked to disavow their students of this belief.
So how to improve teacher and student attitudes towards revision? When to find the time?
Why not start on National Writing Day?
National Writing Day is based on George Orwell’s essay, “Why I Write” and is celebrated annually in October.  Orwell understood the difficulty in writing (“Writing a book is a horrible, exhausting struggle”) to edit out the “purple prose” or those “sentences without meaning.” Orwell saw revision as necessary for good writing.
So, on this National Writing Day, (10/20/17) you may decide that students do not need to start something new in response to the suggested “Why I Write.” But if they do, they could practice revising their reason(s) why they write.
Lesson Suggestions for National Writing Day
Teachers can take this opportunity to promote revision, and here are several suggestions for highlighting the importance of revision on National Writing Day:
Share famous author revisions to show how they revise. Some suggestions include:
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 20%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Charlotte’s Web draft #2 by E.B .White from The Annotated Charlotte’s Web, 1994.
Draft for Ellen Raskin’s “The Westing Game”
Carl Sagan’s Draft for “Contact”
FDR: Speech 12/7/1941
JK Rowling “The Order of the Phoenix” revisions
Use the audio and images” in “An Explanation of The Westing Game Manuscript Materials” that show the revisions made by YA author Ellen Raskin for The Westing Game.
  Share the well-circulated image of JKRowling’s revision process for Harry Potter’s Order of the Phoenix.
Share Kate DiCamillo’s drafts of the first chapter of Because of Winn-Dixie that also has her entertaining comments on each of the five revisions.
Share (with mature audiences only) the author John Green’s YouTube video explanation on “Why First Drafts Suck!” as he takes on National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)
Prepare for Halloween with the greatest horror story ever told by experiencing the chilling revisions on the draft of the opening lines of Chapter 7 of Frankenstein. There in Mary Shelley’s handwritten text  contains the spark of life for the Monster, “It breathed hard, and a convulsive motion agitated its limbs.”
Extend an invitation to Social Studies Teachers to share historical revisions such as FDR’s speech delivered on December 7, 1941, after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Notable is the revision of the phrase “A day that will live in world history” for the iconic “infamy.”
Include Science teachers and share drafts from the prolific science writer (astronomer, astrophysicist) Carl Sagan from the website of the Library of Congress Manuscript Divison. There are twenty full drafts of his works in the archive including 355 pages of the first draft of his novel Contact, complete with revisions, is there in entirety.
Model your own revisions in your writing!
Other suggestions include:
1.Use the entire class period to let students revise a piece they have already written. (and no grading!)
2. Have students respond to quotes about revision made by authors:
James McBride (The Color of Water): “Writing is the act of failing at something all the time.”
Ernest Hemingway: “I rewrote the ending of Farewell to Arms 39 times before I was satisfied.”
Georgia Heard (poet): “Students need to be reminded that revision isn’t merely making a few cosmetic changes. Revision is seeing and then reseeing our words and practicing strategies that make a difference in our writing.”Pearl S. BuckI(“The Big Wave”) “If you start to revise before you’ve reached the end, you’re likely to begin dawdling with the revisions and putting off the difficult task of writing.”
 3. Build a lesson on the synonyms for revision; ave students discuss the differences in their meanings in order to answer the question, “Why I Revise”:
National Day of Writing: Friday, October 20th (#whyiwrite)
Whatever you choose to do with students, engaging them in the practice of revision IS engaging them in the practice of writing. Revision is the authentic writing that students need to do, so that they will, as Murray explained, grow to understand that “each word has the potential to ignite new meaning.”
For this 9th Annual National Writing Day, the question “Why I Write” could be answered with “in order to have something to revise,” as all writing is rewriting. This could give students and teachers just a little more time as Donald Murray had hoped, for revision, for “time for just another run at it, perhaps then…”
(This post? A total of 16 revisions over four days…”perhaps then” indeed!)
Why I (Re)Write? #NationalDayofWriting Here is a dramatic reenactment of writing in schools (with translations) taken from the esteemed writing teacher…
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portfolioenglishv · 7 years
Teaching writing: discussion
 (08/06/17) Portfolio cover sheet (part 2): In this online activity, we answered the following questions about Cheung’s article. 
1) Choose one part that you particularly liked and propose a discussion about it. You may suggest a question for discussion.
2) Read and reply to at least two discussions in the forum.
My discussion:�� Sub-processes in writing (presented in Cheung's article)by Letícia Nazareth - Thursday, 8 June 2017, 12:10 AM 
   According to Paltridge et al (2009), there are some sub-processes in writing that happen in a certain order. First, authors create and select ideas, then organize the ideas in a "neat away". After that, they put them into sentences. Then, they revise (rewrite and improve their essays). Finally, they read and re-read the text, to make sure that it is good enough. 
   Although, according to Clark and Ivanic (1991), there are 16 stages in this process: acumulating knowledge and opinions; deciding how to take responsability; analyzing the assingment; planning; establising goals and purposes; establishing the writer identity; drafting; considering constraints of time and space; formulating the writer's own ideas; experiencing panic, pain and anguish; experiencing pleasure and satisfaction; revising; considering the reader; clarifying writer commitment to his/her idea; putting knowledge of the language to use; and making the copy neat. Some of them can occur at the same time and they do not follow a particular order.
    As a writer, I prefer Clark and Ivanic's opinion, because I noticed that, when I'm writing the introduction, for example, I'm both considering the reader, putting knowledge of the language to use and establishing goals and purposes. And, against Paltridge's theory, sometimes I read my text a lot of times before rewriting it. According to your own experience, as a writer, which theory better expresses your writing process? 
Replies:  Re: Sub-processes in writing (presented in Cheung's article)by Ingrid Rodrigues - Thursday, 8 June 2017, 3:44 PM 
Hi, Letícia! As a writer, I relate myself to Paltridge's vision about writing process. I realized that I do all the sub-processes, which Paltridge presents. When I write a text, I select ideas that may be used in my text. Then, I start  to write about these ideas and, after it, I rewrite as much as possible the text or the paragraph, in order to improve it. Thus, Paltridge's vision is more familiar to me than the others. 
Re: Sub-processes in writing (presented in Cheung's article)by
Luiza Gonçalves - Thursday, 8 June 2017, 5:20 PM
Hi, Leticia and Ingrid! I believe I do both depending on the text and how engaged I am with the subject. When I enjoy the theme, I like to think in all aspects that can make my text better to read: clarifying my commitment to my idea, considering the reader and so on. However, even when my writing process is closed to the theory of Paltridge et al, there is always the presence of one characteristic of the theory of Clark and Ivanic: the experience of panic, pain and anguish!
Re: Sub-processes in writing (presented in Cheung's article)by
Letícia Nazareth - Thursday, 8 June 2017, 9:14 PM
Yes, panic, pain and anguish are always present!
Re: Sub-processes in writing (presented in Cheung's article)by
Susanna Faria - Thursday, 8 June 2017, 10:14 PM
Hello, girls! I also liked this part of the text, Letícia! Depending on the text I am writing, I fit these different processes... In most of my university written assignments, I fit Paltridge's theory, but for some assignments that interests me the most, I fit Clark and Ivanic's theory. It is when I "dive" into the subject and experience "panic, pain and anguish" - with the blank page and with some topics that I find difficult to develop, though I do want to write about them - and when I also experience "pleasure and satisfaction" when I conclude the piece of writting.
Luiza’s discussion:  Writing processby Luiza Gonçalves - Thursday, 8 June 2017, 5:47 PM 
When I was reading this part of the text, I remembered of the school where I work correcting compositions. There, students of Ensino Médio struggle with compositions (specially essays), and one of the biggest reasons for that is the fact that they don't plan their text before writing it. Thus, most of the time, their texts have structural problems, and no coherence (external and internal). I always say to them that it is very important to think of the main points, to plan the role text and only then write, but even this is difficult to say. In ENEM, they only have 1 hour to write an essay! If we only consider the four sub-processes discussed by Paltridge et al. - and forget the Clark and Ivanic's theory -, it is already impossible to manage doing these four steps. However, the correctors of ENEM consider the organization of essays while correcting them, as organizing the ideas properly is essential for constructing good arguments. 
So, how us, as teachers, can change this students' mentality, and make them see that writing is a long process? When you were students you used to see writing as a process or not? How do you manage to write the essay of ENEM? Have you planned anything before writing it? (Sorry for asking too much)
My reply:  Re: Writing processby Letícia Nazareth - Thursday, 8 June 2017, 9:24 PM 
Hi, Luiza! As teachers, I think we can first discuss a theme with the students and even let them decide their favorite. Then, show videos, texts and even movies about it. After a better discussion between the students, we can ask them to work at home by doing a draft and an introduction, and finishing the text in class, maybe in pairs or alone - as they prefere. If we do this type of activity frequently, the students will naturally start to write faster, becoming prepared to write an essay like the one from ENEM. In just one hour.
When I was a student, although, I didn't use to see writing as a process. I have a bad habit of doing things too fast - and, when I was younger, I did them even faster. So, I guess I should have stopped and thought more about what I was going to write before really doing it. 
As I said, I usually do my tests fast, and I wrote a lot of compositions before ENEM, so I could write mine on time. But I remember that I didn't write an appropriate draft before writing the final version - I just put my main ideas on the paper and then wrote it in the appropriate structure. Now, I try to do it slowlier, thinking more before write. I guess we, as teachers, need to do the right processes in the right time, so that we can teach the students appropriately. 
Bárbara’s discussion:  Teaching approaches by Bárbara Vitória - Thursday, 8 June 2017, 10:26 PM 
  The author presents different approaches to teaching writing, such as controlled approach, process approach, and genre approach. On page 9, he describes the Australian genre approach that is divided into three steps: modeling, joint construction of the text, and independent construction of the text. This caught my attention because I am planning to do something similar with my students. First, I ask them what they know about the topic. So, we brainstorm. Second, I explain the text type, its characteristics, and structure, showing some examples. I am also considering asking them to do an exercise about text organization. Finally, they write a draft and, after peer reviewing and editing, they give it to me for feedback.  What do you think? Do you prefer another approach presented by Cheung?
My reply:  Re: Teaching approaches by Letícia Nazareth - Thursday, 8 June 2017, 10:31 PM
 Hi, Bárbara! I agree that this approach is one of the bests because, by brainstorming, students will feel free to talk about their feelings and thoughts about the topic, and it will be easier, then, to write, after you explain about the structure of the text. I plan to do something similar with my students, too, just changing a little bit: I intend to ask them to choose a good theme, and, after that, do a voting to choose the best one. 
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