#not laura neal
wearevillaneve · 2 years
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An Emmy nomination? For Laura Neal? For writing that weak-ass bullshit finale? I think NOT.
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a-mellowtea · 1 year
Holy hell, they made a song out of the “making my way” joke...
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no1islost · 8 months
“When was the last time society felt united?”
Me: When people all over the world came together to cyber bully Laura Neal for ruining Killing Eve.
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oksanaastankova · 4 months
every now and then someone reblogs one of my villaneve gifsets and tags it like 'maybe i should finish this show' MAYBE YOU SHOULDN'T MAYBE YOU SHOULD LEAVE IT WHERE YOU LEFT IT THAT SOUNDS LIKE A GREAT IDEA
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pinkpolastri · 2 years
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eve comes home from the dixie queen
(killing eve ended like this i don’t make the rules)
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jiyaneru · 2 years
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be mine for always, and i'll be yours forever.
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whovianderson · 9 months
Yeah, I’ll be watching, but…
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She deserves better.
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villanelleskiss · 11 months
what pains me the most about killing eve is how wrong the writers got everything. how they think that obsession is purely toxic and can’t be romantic in any way. that eve’s path into darkness was always doomed bc villanelle would be involved and that somehow villanelle would end up killing her or both of them. going back and forth over meaningless storylines for canon fodder. villanelle can’t go a day without thinking about eve, eve can’t go a moment without thinking about villanelle. it’s a vicious cycle and yet, they fall into the routine of listening to the other people around them telling them to stay away from each other when everything just pulls them back together bc they are meant to be *together* and they cannot thrive without each other and everyone around them is terrified of that. they know how powerful eve and villanelle are together and they tried so hard to make them act out of character and hate each other for no other purpose than to force whatever shitty narrative they wanted. eve would’ve never slapped villanelle or had her arrested (actually idk on that one but i don’t think so). and the absolute 180 that s4 took having villanelle join the church after that beautiful moment of them finally accepting and understanding that they will thrive together and are choosing to have that life for themselves will be the biggest joke of all time. villanelle never gave a fuck if she was a good person so long as eve didn’t care. eve didn’t think villanelle was a monster. why are writers so afraid of having these two queer women together so badly that they can’t find a way to write the story with them together and kicking ass? like they must seriously be so embarrassed to be so boring that their only option is to deconstruct them to nothing so they can force their own opinions on it. and how absolutely purely homophobic laura neal was calling their s4 kiss “the piss kiss” bc she wanted it to be as unromantic as possible bc she didn’t want them to actually ever be together. she had no intentions of it. nobody ever had intentions of letting these two women be together (minus PWB possibly) and it’s so painfully obvious yet through it all, eve and villanelle found their ways to prevail in their own story and that’s why their story will never be over.
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motherjanerainy · 8 months
why did killing eve fans die out so quickly??? is it because people don't engage with wlw content long term or can i blame laura neal
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tvmusiclife · 1 year
when do we as sapphics, create our own streaming platform, filled with all the "canceled after one season" tv-shows and the "scrubbed from the internet" shows/films?? Because fed up with the corporate wlw homophobia 🤬
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deepinthelight · 11 months
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Laura Vandervoort and Matt Bomer in White Collar
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wearevillaneve · 2 years
Fans are happy that Sandra Oh and Jodie Comer received Emmy noms for Killing Eve, but they’re even happier that the show itself didn’t.
“Do you know how outstanding Sandra and Jodie’s acting has to be for them to still get Emmy nominations after that shit show?” Twitter user @tedstinas asked rhetorically. “THEY ARE THE MOMENT.”
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broodpuff · 2 months
it’s been a while so I think I should say this again: FUCK Laura Neal
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queerjesusthelord · 2 months
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I've been thinking about her
You know, I’ve been thinking a lot about what happened: why did they do what they did, was there some logic in it, were we so furious because of the denial, as we were unable to accept the forlorn finale and why did it hurt that much so nobody could recover from it till now.
It’s been two years, guys. Two years of re-reading Luke Jennings books, writing songs and dedicating them to VillanEve, doom scrolling post about them, about all the anger fans still got for Laura Neal and the shitty ending (as Villanelle would say with a sexy Russian accent). 
I was listening to my beloved Unloved soundtrack of course, all this time. I’ve been on their concert in Paris recently and felt euphoric as I was sinking into Eve and Villanelle love story again and again through their divine music. Every word and sound reflected with my whole body and soul – it was ineffable. Every time I listen to “I��ve been thinking about her” it brings me to tears. I genuinely want this song to play at my funeral one day.
Well, I did my best to remain in this state of equanimity and kinda succeed. But a couple of months ago I decided to re-watch KE from season 1 and here is what happened. I happily binge-watched all three seasons and it felt like home – a perfect comfort zone, a way of my escapism. I even discovered a place where they shoot Villanelle’s apartment (here in Paris), I walked there, secretly got into the courtyard – it was AMAZING – visualizing what happened there in the 1st season, remembering their dialogue with Eve – “I think about you all the time” and stuff. It was comme la presence de Villanelle and I felt so happy and inspired there.
Lately I realised that I’ve been struggling, not wanting to re-watch the goddamn last season. Why the fuck it was so hard? I just can skip the last 5 minutes and et voilà – it would be just perfect. Plus dearest Luke Jennings has been writing and posting his new book about Villanelle and Eve (RESURRECTION) since November 2023, so we know that in his book they got their happy ending and their love story goes on, so it’s good news, right? We have something to rely on “more rock than sand” and it sounds so easy…
But frankly it’s not – I couldn’t pretend I did not see it – the ending they’ve made. I didn’t want to be in this denial any more. I was so angry, I didn’t want to go through it again. But I wanted to see the kiss, to feel their love, to embrace this fucking finale as well. The mixed up feelings were bothering me much so I decided to contemplate on them more, to write this down and here’s what I got.
For me this show, the VillanEve story, was very personal. And it started way long before the book. The book was a cure to find my peace AFTER I watched the ending, so I think it is what it is: the show is one thing and the book is another. I cannot pretend they are the same, like “Villanelle’s death was never meant to be in the book so fuck Laura Neal and her interpretation”. It’s fucking painful but I need to admit it – they ruined my favourite show, something I really loved and I feel so miserable I cannot simply rewatch it from time to time (like Twin Peaks for instance) to feel cheerful and happy KNOWING what awaits me in the end. It’s not a comfort zone anymore, it is a pure Hélène style torture. 
I’ve never felt so attached to the heroes before. I mean, I watch a lot of tv shows and movies, and I easily emphathysise to every story I love. But THIS was different. It was a mind-blowing love-journey, irrational, psychotic, driven, crazy, fun, epic, passionate, surreal, iridescent and QUEER. I NEVER felt so seen and understood on the deepest level by just WATCHING the show. VillanEve resonates with my personal life and fantasies and I was glad that I found it. I’m more of a visual person, so it was crucial for me to be able to WATCH it, to see the performance of Sandra and Jodie and their desperate game with unresolved sexual tension where should, no, MUST have been the glorious end game. The happy ending for them and for all of us. Not just us queers, but all the people.
This show was twisted, sexy and fun from the very beginning – thanks to ingenious Phoebe Waller-Bridge. And it should have stayed like that and ended like that. It shouldn’t have to be a torture. It’s not Game of Thrones for christ sake. Besides, the story of The Twelve was screwed up too, and I will explain why.
We have a lot of this political shit in life already. Right parties, fucked up capitalism, like Russian government and its dictature. It’s no fun guys, this is really frightful and disastrous. So I believe we people do need some kind of an inspiration, a hope in the shows we watch – so we can take this hope to our lives and keep it, lean on it. In dark times like this it would be really helpful and right – so they should have caught the The Twelve gang and crush it, end it for good. But they (producers) fucked it all up so it’s quite impossible to be unfucked. 
They ruined the VillanEve AND the fiction fantasy itself. It was the Author and the Twink death at once. Why not choosing an open ending if you had no idea how to end the show? The open final is always a good way, for me it’s all about respecting your audience. Think David Lynch way. Open endings give you a possibility to rewatch the show and come up with new ideas and interpretations. But they screw this one too.
So no, I think will never accept the finale. I will be grieving for a long long time. Until some director or a show runner who loves VillanEve as much as I do, makes a come-back to fix this shit.
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i-like-turkey · 1 month
This is fucking devastating. But I am CHOOSING VERY HARD in this moment to be grateful that in spite of what little we got of this cast and canon show, we got all this beautiful work from your talented self.
I’m so sad and mad right now. Going to re-read your fics to soothe the fury for a while.
May Pepperoni draw no more blood, since CBS already gutted us.
The end is ALWAYS hard. But recognizing the good that happened along the way is one of the best ways to deal with it. I'm happy that you're viewing my work as one of those good things. Writing for y'all certainly is one of the good things that this show gave me.
I hope my fics can bring you some comfort. I'll aim to have the second chapter of Touch Me out next week assuming I can quiet my rage enough to focus on writing.
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Jesus 😩
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