#not gonna tag cuz big fandoms intimidate me
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uh heres a ness i did on freedraw the other day
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i-need-air · 3 years
Hybrid!AU Wolf!Bakugou Katsuki HCs.
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Summary: How would Hybrid!Bakugou would react to being adopted by the reader and their domestic life together. Headcanons and believe me, it's a long one... [2k WORDS OF HCS psjxksdj stop me pls] PLATONIC/ROOMMATES HCS, will do a part two later on with continuation and romance cuz 2kwordsbro...
Notes: I love Hybrid AU!s and I want to indulge myself with this. I barely see these in the fandom, so maybe you guys will like it! Also, depending on how it goes, I'm gonna consider making more for other characters, whachu say? Tell me what you thought and I hope you enjoy!~ ♥
Part 2 here!
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× he's a wolf hybrid, and the workers at the shelter warn you that he's feral as you pass by where he was locked
× it seems he was in an illegal fighting ring and nobody could get close to him even if his living conditions now were much better than the hell hole he lived in before
× he growled, scratched, yelled, overall he needed so much help
× normally that would've been very intimidating to you but while the workers tried to push you towards some bunny or dog hybrids they had around, you just froze because the mf said they were considering sacrificing him
× like wHat the fuck?? he's a human being?????? sure he has a tail but what????????
× and you just foken went crazy for a moment cuz you didn't even see him in his cage, he was hiding somewhere under the bundle of blankets he had, probably asleep
× so you just went mental, demanding an explanation because hybrid shelters do not and should not sacrifice a person
× and your increasing yelling just made all the hybrids anxious
× and Bakugou heard everything [who wouldn't]
× i shit you not, the employee tried to explain why
× legit said cuz he's aggressive
× Bitch I'd be aggressive too! I'd bite your jugular off
× course, security was called but you already prepared to call the police, Hybrid Protection Services, your lawyer, your friends, the president, you name it
× and that's when you said you're adopting whoever was under the blankets. NOW.
× always hated the word adopting, but you were looking to give a hybrid a chance since you finally had a spare bedroom in your new apartment
× so like security and the worker just look at each other cuz who tf is gonna be the brave soul to go inside the cage to retrieve Bakugou Katsuki and get rid of you both already
× you're just staring at them like u srs bro? so you just send them to do the paperwork while you decide to go in yourself because you needed to get out of that place ASAP to still contact HPS on this shelter
× security stayed by the door while you hesitantly walked towards the blanket bundle [not so brave anymore] cuz why did that dude have his gun out??????
× but when you approached the bundle and kneeled in front of it you noticed movement
× a fluffy sand yellow tail suddenly came to view and it was big, slowly moving from side to side
× so with the gentlest voice you could muster [after screaming your lungs out moments ago] you tried to talk to whoever was underneath
× you introduced yourself and said you're here to take them home but got nothing, just casual tail movement
× Big Hunkus Brutus Security Guardus™ was getting impatient so he told you to just "fuckin put the collar and leash on the stupid beast" and you just 🙃 fucking excuse u?? while turning towards him
× it was a delicate time and you needed to take it slow, and anyway you knew you'd get that crap off your [hopefully] new friend as soon as possible
× what you didn't expect was the guard to freeze and raise his gun again, but was pointing above your head, not even looking in your eyes
× so you turn and meet a naked chest, scarred, with recent bruising on and big
× looking up you see Bakugou Katsuki, ruffled blonde hair, wild in all directions, red eyes harsh and staring at the guy behind you, only some pants on his form and tail still waving very slowly behind him
× while Chunkus Brutus trembled in place, gun shaking in hands, you were in the fuckin middle of it all
× what you didn't expect is the hybrid to take the collar in your hands and wrap it around his neck, now looking at you, expression still harsh but this time it didn't scream murder [and then grabbed a shirt, thank the heavens]
× progress? making friends? good first impressions?
× na lol you wish but that's spoilers 👀
× the process of adoption went smoothly, and when I say smoothly I mean Robustus Dumbus Brutus behind both of you with his hand still on his gun while all the workers gathered around to see the crazy insane person that adopted The Devil™, the guy that told you about the sacrificing was actually filing the paperwork as fast as possible under the intense gaze of the wolf
× and Bakugou was standing very close to you, btw, like i can feel your body heat close
× he was compliant at first, when you got in the car you started rambling about your house and how he has a room while trying to take the collar off him but he grabbed your hands
× like insanely fast, one blink and firm grip on your hands
× "i ain't gon be your fuckin pet, understood?" he growled at you but made no movement to bolt and run away
× and you just wanted to roll your eyes cuz ok he can kill you anytime but like didn't he get the message when you screamed back there? [also there was this sense of security you had around him or maybe you were just really dumb]
× so when you said you weren't looking for a pet but to help someone and maybe a friend and roommate, he just narrowed his eyes at you
× suspish human, wild doggo no trust
× anywho he took the collar off himself [like extra fast] but you explained that you are going to get him a bracelet or something less degrading since he still needed something with the information tag to have on himself so police will know he's no stray and he wouldn't end in the same craphole again
× journey home was silent, like eery silent
× he just looked out the window intensely, you noticed how he focused on every sign and turn
× you considered asking him questions but honestly with his past you doubted he would even answer so you just started to ramble about your home, stuff you could do around the city [which caught his attention], items you'd have to go buy for him, like clothes, shampoo, any special food, the bracelet
× he stopped looking out the window and just looked at you
× ok he was intensely staring at your side, basically drilling a hole in your cheek with those crimson eyes and it was making you N e r v o u s because making new friends is hard when you're just vomiting monologs, all while driving
× buying things was awkward to say at least, special hybrid stores were rare and for a guy his size it was even more difficult to find anything, which ended up in getting normal clothes and deciding to adjust them for his tail
× while grocery shopping you discovered he actually knew very well what he wanted after a lot of questioning from you
× he finally sighed at your persistent act and just threw stuff in the shopping cart, a surprising amount of spices too
× now for the bracelet part... you decided to spend more on a code that could be scanned to identify him rather than the distasteful ones with name and who owns him
× good thing you planned ahead a long time ago and saved money but you did notice his sharp eyes on you whenever you paid
× and his grunts and judgemental looks at other people with hybrids
× it's as if he wanted to say something, anything, but was stopping himself, which lowkey worried you because from what you heard Bakugou's supposed to be very vocal
× maybe he was glad to be out of the shelter, you know you'd be
× you get home and he follows you to your house, again giving him another chance to bolt somewhere away from you but c'mon both of you knew he'd outrun you so why force him, just let him take his time
× "So this is your room" shook him to the core, legit he just stood silent in the hallway as you presented your house calmly
× sniffing around
× so much sniffing around, tail low while he checked every corner
× once he did decide to check his bedroom, he closed the door leaving you to set everything up
× what you didn't know is that he looked around, shaking with anger
× this is what normal people have?
× sat on the edge of the most confortable bed he's ever had and hoped the idiots of his friends managed to get something like this too
× and the shitshow began when you called him for dinner
× not enough salt, not enough spices
× he was a pain in the ass and as he let go, little by little you started to see him for who he was
× this, this was Bakugou Katsuki, the guy that started to scold you because of the seasoning of the food
× it formed a bond between you, the start of you seeing his real personality
× a Mom™
× slowly started owning the house, although you found it hilarious
× next day you found him cooking breakfast with such an ease it shocked you to the core
× "The fuck you lookin' at?" as he puts a plate of pancakes in front of your
× you just lowkey uwu when you realize he's waiting for your approval as you ate and I swear to you, best pancakes ever
× chest puffed when you complimented his food and this was the first time he mentioned something about his past; seems he had to cook for everyone at the fighting ring he was at, but he didn't mention more
× talking about his past took forever, putting together bits and pieces he mentioned, yet they were so little
× he'd go silent after mentioning his [what you assumed] friends
× if you asked or pressed too much he'd click his tongue or snap at you
× not everything was dandy though; yes, he was a good roommate, but he did have THE attitude
× but not as the people at the shelter made it to be, like he'd snap at you from time to time but it would get better as he'd start to trust you
× ok, ok, hear me out,,,,
× play with his hair
× it happened by accident; you started to have this tradition after a couple of months of living together: movie nights
× he really liked action stuff but both your dirty secret was watching those shitty horror movies and make fun of everyone in them, so every Friday Night was Movie Night
× he just threw himself on the couch and his hair looked puffy and those adorable wolf ears were twitching, you straightforwardly asked him if you could play with it
× [ask if you don't want your hand bit off]
× he scoffed
× silence
× when he nodded and looked away, you squealed and started scratching, just playing with his hair, mindlessly doing so while snickering at the TV when movement caught your attention
× he was wiggling his tail softly
× you guys never mentioned it but now he sits down on the sofa head close to you on a pillow and wait for them god sent scratches; will 100% roll his eyes and scoff at you when you start, acting like YOU want this
× seriously glares at whoever comes inside the house
× has a problem with every single soul since they dirty his home
× you don't notice it first but he finally starts calling your house home and that's the ultimate progress
× boy had a lot of hardships in his life so he appreciates what he has
× yet it is very, very hard to gain his trust at first
× when you finally do though? he's a loyal friend forever
× he's thankful to have you
× will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever tell you
× his actions speak for him
× you're part of his pack now
× but seriously wash the dishes or you'll die.
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murfeelee · 6 years
September! Weekend! Replies! Oh my!
Halloween is only a month away! \^0^/ My faaaavorite time of the year, when everything just feels creepier -- the storefronts start putting up fake cobwebs and pumpkins, and the weather’s cool enough so I can wear my boots and gypsy skirts and lace shawls. URGH! I’m so excited -- Don’t blame it on me; blame it on my WILD HEART~~!!!
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simsmidgen replied to your photoset “Bjarki, “Little Bears” of the Woods and Ice “Straight away bring your...”
soloriya replied to your photoset “Bjarki, “Little Bears” of the Woods and Ice “Straight away bring your...”
looove! :)
I’m thrilled that y’all like the pics; thank you!
nonsimsical replied to your photoset “Bjarki, “Little Bears” of the Woods and Ice “Straight away bring your...”
This is so badass!
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soloriya replied to your photoset “Big Game Hunters One day, Geralt happened upon an unusual contract...”
gosh! sooo cool!!
andantezen replied to your photoset “Big Game Hunters One day, Geralt happened upon an unusual contract...”
looking great!
andantezen replied to your photoset “Big Game Hunters - Outtakes “We shall admire the local flora and...”
gorgeous scenes!
THANK YOU ALL. I was frikkin in love with the lot I made -- it’s just an empty park, but I felt like I was in the Mediterranean countryside the whole time -- I hate being so jealous of my sims. :P 
itsyuiri replied to your photoset “Big Game Hunters - Outtakes “We shall admire the local flora and...”
I'm absolutely in love with Beledal's fancy hat 🤩 It goes really well with the outfit!
As soon as I knew I was making Beledal I only had one outfit in mind, that was worthy of such a hat, LOL. Thanks for making the outfit for us! <3 (One of these days I’ll upload the set of accessories I made for Beledal...eventually. U_U)
And thanks to everyone who’s been liking the CC lately! 
hyperkaos replied to your post “TW3 Monsters Dump Pt6”
I love you for these! I will always take all creepy crawly monster thingies! (and dragons!) <3
They’re so frikkin gross (the creepy crawlies, not the dragons, LOL), but thanks!
packagedblyss replied to your photo “simblu: “So, you wish the blessings of The Parent, do you? ‘Shroomies...”
Ooh! It looks super interesting, now I want to make a sim just so I can use them, as if I didn't have enough already, haha. Thank you so much to both of you!! 💕
You’re welcome! They were Simblu’s idea; I was happy to help out, is all. ^_^
tyrellsimsoficeandfire replied to your post “Skyrim BEARS”
I guess, Brienne and Jaime will need them 😁
YAAAAS! One of Jaime’s redeeming moments. (Still hate him for what he did to the Starks, but I thought that was a pretty great moment. BUT THE NORTH REMEMBERS, JAIME!)
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tyrellsimsoficeandfire replied to your post “Skyrim Bear Cub ACCs - Request”
@murfeelee I'm entirely grateful
Thank YOU for the idea! :D People seem to really like them. :)
suchararity replied to your post “Skyrim Bear Cub ACCs - Request”
Thank you so much!!!
itsyuiri replied to your post “Skyrim Bear Cub ACCs - Request”
YES *___*!!
simsmidgen replied to your post “Skyrim Bear Cub ACCs - Request”
thank you
lifeasasim replied to your photoset “Bjarki, “Little Bears” of the Woods and Ice “Straight away bring your...”
lifeasasim replied to your post “Skyrim Bear Cub ACCs - Request”
This is so cute I can't ;_;
You can, and you MUST! Think of the children~!
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lifeasasim replied to your post “This/That tag - Autumn/Fall Edition”
Hahahahaha . I love this xD
lifeasasim replied to your post “This/That tag - Autumn/Fall Edition”
Always. I’m not myself without a Pepsi. I’d cut a mofo for a bottle right now. 
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packagedblyss replied to your photo “henrycavillworld: BIG NEWS: Henry Cavill will play Geralt in The...”
@murfeelee​ - Your post XD I have nothing against Henry Cavill, but yeah, I would have liked a relatively new face so I could really project Geralt personality or at least an actor that didn't have to be so artificially age/roughen up, if that makes any sense? Maybe the aesthetic of the actual series will be better than that promo poster...?
Cavill doesn’t give me Geralt~! vibes at all, and I’m so irritated -- they’re gonna have to CGI his beard, his hair, his eyes, his scars, possibly even his voice! :P Geralt has that simmering dead-eye stare that burns into you and really projects how intimidating, jaded, sarcastic and take-no-prisoners Geralt of Rivia is -- he’s that old dude you DO NOT mess with; he’s been through things. 
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Cavill doesn’t make me feel that at all. I almost don’t even want him to do well; Geralt’s one of my crushes, and I don’t want to be thinking about Cavill when I’m fangirling over Geralt; I really don’t. This sucks. U_U
greenplumbboblover replied to your photo “henrycavillworld: BIG NEWS: Henry Cavill will play Geralt in The...”
Lol @murfeelee​I I was so mad for some reason, opened my laptop again and read your comment and totally agree
IKR. I’m not mad so much as frustrated and confused and a little nervous. I’m not a Cavill fan, and I’d really prefer to not have the Superman fandom invading the Witcher fandom, only watching it cuz some mediocre Hollywood superstar’s been put as the main character. As if the show can’t succeed with a relatively unknown/new actor doing it instead, who might well be a closer fit to the character. I’m bloody offended. You’re right -- I’m mad. XD
Happy September, everybody!
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smokesontheroof · 7 years
OOooh Okay  So I was tagged by @andrewminyarrr ! Thanks for tagging, Idk if you realized what you were gonna be in for.  Prepare. This is actually going to be good because I can see visually where all my projects are instead of having a billion different lists ok. This could get long. Ahhh I’m not going to tag anyone because this kinda got away from me lol please consider yourself tagged if you want to do it! Do This: List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on. This can be writing, art, vids, gifsets, whatever. 1) A piece! (Actually probably 4- one “big” one and 3-4 little ones) for the Dishonored Big Bang!!!  I’ve been putting this off because I had been working so long on my Give Your Back to Me Zine comic but now I’m fighting a deadline and it’s A LIL stressful but I like what I’ve got so far I just hope it’s ok??? I’ve never done a Big Bang before so I hope I’m on the right track haaahaaha. 
2) A piece for the AFTG Big Bang! Which I still need to get started on so I don’t actually have a physical WiP but I’ve got WiPs on my mind so it counts ok haha.
3) A Check,Please! Related commission (Jackparse (aka Jack Zimmermann/Kent Parson)) which I am SO eager to work on I have to force myself to work on these other things first. Self denial man. I am....not very good at it. Regardless, I’m super excited about it. I have Plans. (Commission info here)
4) Another OmgCP commish (of Ransom <33) Still in thumbnail stage.
5) A non-fandom commish for a long time commissioner for an opening/closing title page for his podcast....this is one of the things I have been putting off to work on number 3 >.> 
6) Another non-fandom commission to fill a sketchbook. I’m working with the commissioner’s rpg characters and the world in which it’s set which is SUPER cool, but also there’s SO MUCH freedom It’s kind of intimidating and it makes me freeze up whenever I think about working on it so THAT S NOT VERY FUN. but I got some good progress done on a page yesterday so there’s hope for this weekend.
Wip images Here and Here
ok ok now we’re on to purely personal projects with no deadlines/obligations (but also things I haven’t worked on in months and might not work on for more months) So I’m gonna put this under a cut cuz this could get long and irrelevant
7)  I sketched out a couple things based on this post >.> by @fabbittle So I kinda hope to finish that this weekend but I mean look at the rest of what I’ve got going on haaaahaha so who knows. 8) Uhhhhhh I’ve got a sketchpage (2 actually??) of some characters that Idk I felt ‘em for a while but now I’m not entirely sure if I liked the trajectory i had so I might want to revisit. but it was like. a Catholic-raised, trans, werewolf photographer (read: complete self insert), a park ranger, and a medical examiner and like they’re good sketches, I like where the character designs were headed but idk shit about story. 9) A LONG TIME AGO I was planning on doing some mock magazine illustrations and layouts about my fam’s (fam = myself, gf, & our partners) homestead kinda thing...like the ideas are still good, I still like them, so once this summer calms down (got the above listed projects, top surgery, a trip out west, etc. lots of things going on) I would like to revisit those. 10) A LONG LONG time ago (idk like a year and half maybe 2 lol) I was working on a tarot deck. I have more sketches than these two but: The Fool The Magician And then there’s the list of things that I kind of count as works in progress because I think about them a lot. This is my “To Draw” list. I already have a pretty extensive one for AFTG typed out -I really want to draw some of the *places* from TRC like Adam’s parents’ trailer, 300 Fox Way,Cabeswater, etc. -I want to do a couple tarot inspired drawings of the Raven Boys (and others) My Check Please To-Draw list - I want to try my hand at doing portraits of Actual Hockey Players in the same vein as these pieces:  Jack Kent Georgia -storyboard of Jack & Kents feelings regarding eachother post-OD inspired by and directly correlating to (in the form of music video storyboards/comic) the song “Hate Me” by Blue October -MORE NHL!BITTY -something with Bad Bob, Uncle Wayne and Uncle Mario -Kent Parson + crop top + desert -MORE PUNK AU -Bitty in the penalty box (based on that gif of Conor Sheary) “PLAY PROUD” magazine covers/spreads (aka my fake gay sports magazine that I have too much fun thinking about) I already have THIS ONE and then I’ve got this one as a thumbnail but I’d like to revisit that, and I’d like to DO MORE using it as a platform for illustration&text about aftg and omgcp. <3 With that in mind I forgot I also want to draw literally all these fictional athletes at the olympics.
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tagged by @agatharja
first rule: tag 9 people you want to get to know better! You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to! :)
... my anxiety won’t let me tag anyone because i’m afraid i’d be bothering them
second rule: Bold statements that are true
- I am 5'7 or taller (i fucking wiiiiiiiiiiiiiish)
- I wear glasses (i’m meant to but i don’t because they get dirty and that bothers me)
-I have at least one tattoo
- I have at least one piercing (6 distributed around my ears and 1 nose)
- I have blonde hair
- I have brown eyes
- I have short hair (hells yeah boi)
- My abs are at least somewhat defined (bitch i wish, fuck off)
- I have or had braces
- I love meeting new people
- People tell me I am funny (ppl tell me nothing. also i never speak out loud)
- Helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine (i mean i’d like to but i have no idea what to say)
- I enjoy physical challenges
- I enjoy mental challenges
- I am playfully rude to people I know (i mean kinda sometimes? idk)
- I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it 
- There is something I would change about my personality (everything i would love to not be a bland robot)
- I can sing well
- I can play an instrument (i can sort of play ukulele and guitar. and ocarina i guess lol. i also took recorder lessons when i was in primary school. now that was a bad time)
- I can do over 30 pushups without stopping (lol no)
- I am a fast runner (actually i can sprint really fast but for only like 10 seconds)
- I can draw well
- I have a good memory (HAHAHAHAHA NO)
- I am good at doing math in my head
- I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute (i used to when i was like a teen but my asthma and stuff has gotten real bad since then)
- I have beaten at least 2 people arm wrestling (idk probably i mean see aforementioned unbolded good memory i can’t even remember two days ago at all i must have beaten 2 people at arm wrestling. i mean i know i’ve wrestled the arm)
- I can make at least 3 recipes from scratch
- I know how to throw a proper punch (well i mean i can do a karate punch. you start with your fist closed and facing up, held next to like your hip and your elbow’s like pointed back, and then you thrust forward and up a bit and twist your fist down inwards, so you end up with it at chest level. idk)
- I enjoy sports (i feel like eventually i will end up watching something like women’s soccer or women’s basketball, because i am a pathetic virginal gay that can’t talk to and is unattractive to girls)
- I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else (i tried out for soccer twice. since i’m a fatass they didn’t go well)
- I’m in a orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else (i was in primary school i have no idea why i think it’s cuz my grandma wanted me to be? but it wasn’t all bad i mean one time we went to like a choir competition and the conductor called me a boy so that was neat as fuck. man i got called a boy a lot when i was a kid it was fucking heaven compared to now, assholes calling me ma’am and shit man get fuckt)
- I have learned a new song in the past week (what does this mean? like to play on an instrument? bitch i can’t even concentrate long enough to learn Honeybee by Steam Powered Giraffe i just get discouraged and shit)
- I exercise at least once a week (listen i intend to rectify this and go swimming every day, now that i finally realised like last year that i actually have fucking dysphoria and that’s why i hated wearing swimsuits (aside from because i’m fat as shit and disgusting to witness in a fucking onepiece like what the fuck were my parents fucking thinking making me wear shit like that when i’m obese as sin) i’m gonna get board shorts and a rashguard and wear one of my less liked binders and it’ll be so fucking good)
- I have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months (fuck off i’m not leaving my house in fucking summer it’s fucking 40°)
- I have drawn something in the past month
- I enjoy writing (man i haven’t properly written in like 7 years because idk depression but i still write stories in my head when i’m going to sleep at night and showering and whatever)
- Fandoms are my #1 priority
- I do some form of Martial arts (i used to do karate when i was uhhh 14?)
- I have had my first kiss (hahahahaha *sob* i fucking wish)
- I have had alcohol (yeah man i love jagerbombs and blue lagoons, defuckinglicious)
- I have scored a winning point in a sport (fuck sports)
- I have watched an entire TV series in one sitting (okay wait does this count for like rewatches? because when i saw my first anime i was obsessed with watching it - martian successor nadesico btw - for the entire day and that’s all i did, i sat in bed and watched it all morning to night)
- I have been at an overnight event (i meannnn when i went to see the last jedi slash meet some of my friends from my guild irl for the first time i stayed over at their house on the sofa and left the next morning does that count)
- I have been in a taxi (yeah it was only recently actually, our car fucking died and we had to take some convoluted fucking public transport out of our place from middle-of-dead-ass-fucking-nowhere-ville (needless to say i hate the suburb i live in. and country) to somewhere where we could get a taxi to a car rental place. or was it a dealership? i can’t fucking remember man do you see this shitty memory in action?? it was only like 2 years ago fuck me)
- I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year (well i was IN a hospital but that’s because i was going to a dental clinic in the building)
- I have beaten a video game in one day (what game can you beat in a day man???)
- I have visited another country (i haven’t got enough fucking money lad)
- I have been to one of my favorite bands’ concerts (listen fuck you i’m totally counting livestreamed concerts, i’ve seen all of Steam Powered Giraffe’s youtube concerts and the one recorded in 2013 and you bet your ass i��m gonna pay $20 for the right to see the film of the anniversary concert)
- I have one person that I consider to be my Best Friend (i kinda consider my friend bunny my best friend but i doubt he considers me his bestie)
- My parents are still together
- I have at least one sibling (i mean technically i have 3 but i’ve never met them. at least i don’t think i have. they can get lost far as i’m concerned)
- I live in the United States (i wouldn’t live there if you paid me. maybe if obama were still president you could’ve got me to live there if you gave me like 5 million dollars, but now i would actually rather die)
- There is snow where I live right now (god i would fucking kill for some snow)
- I have hung out with a friend in the past month (yooo i was boutta unbold this because i have no fuckin friends except my online pals but then i remembered going to meet two of my friends from online and seeing star wars with them!! holy shit i feel validated and less lonely)
- I have a smartphone (samsung galaxy s6 BOI i am so fucking angry i was gonna hold out for the s7 cuz 7 is my second favourite fucking number (first is 14 but i wasn’t gonna wait a decade for that or w/e) anyway i finally decided to just get the s6 and the fucker asshole 7 is announced like a month later aaaaaarhghdks)
- I own at least 15 CDs (i have a whole fuck ton of videogames and they’re on CDs get owned HAHA FOILED but i also have probably about 15 CDs of music if i’m gonna count the stuff my family has)
- I share my room with someone (man my room isn’t even big enough for me how you gonna fit a whole nother person in that cupboard)
- I am in a Relationship (*cries uncontrollably*)
- I have a crush on a celebrity (well i mean i wouldn’t say no to like scarlett johansson if she told me she wanted to rail me. or gal gadot. or kate beckinsale. or kristen stewart. or - okay this is probably a massive list of ladies i want to rawdog me)
- I have a crush on someone I know (i’m slightly in love with all of my female friends because they show me kindness)
- I’ve been in at least 3 relationships (alright fucking buckle up kids: i don’t count online relationships because i’m a bitter person but when i was like 10 i was in a ‘relationship’ on runescape with a boy the same age at me and i legitimately think it was actually a kid like me and not a predator because all we did was stand next to each other and talk about cows or something and make the avatars kiss (we both had male avatars because i was obviously subconsciously aware of my gender identity at that stage). when i was like 13/14 i met a girl at a camp during the school holidays (i went to camp almost every holiday) and we chatted over msn after camp ended and tbh i think she forgot who i was because she suddenly said she liked me one day so i decided i liked her too and we started to ‘date’. lasted like 2 weeks? idk but she broke it off cuz i was inattentive (i can’t remember but i guess i could’ve been i’m not a very social person believe it or not *snicker*) anyway i saw her at the next two camps and it was hella fucking awkward the first time because i wanted to be friends with her but her other friends intimidated me so i just hovered around her creepily and she got angry at me and i got sad, but the 2nd time was a lot better i think, i was extremely distressed when i saw her at the bus station for the camp transport and i sulked the entire ride, but when we all got there i accidentally fell into her friend group (i actually think it’s because the other girls were really nice and they’d seen me sulking and wanted to cheer me up, man kinda fucked up huh) i pretty much ignored her the whole time and after camp ended she contacted me on msn for some reason and idk she like asked me how i’d felt when i saw her at camp and i was honest and told her i’d been pretty upset and then she got pissed at me and never spoke to me again. wow such drama huh? oh and my 3rd ‘relationship’ was when i was uhh 16/17-ish with this girl i met on some naruto fansite. i don’t even like naruto, and i actually remember absolutely nothing about my interactions with her. like at all. i don’t remember how we met or who dumped who or whatever bullshit. i’m not sure why this is i mean maybe it’s because this was at the same time i had a massive fucking obsessive infatuation with a girl at my school and well it didn’t turn out so hot and i think i’ve blocked out a lot of shit. anyway i hope you all enjoyed that wall of text haha of course you fucking didn’t. well tough titties me lad)
- I have never been in a relationship (*cries*)
- I have admitted my feelings to a crush (fuck no holy shit)
- I get crushes easily (yeah well if any female is nice to me i’m a goner. also one time during high school i started getting crushes on all the girls in my extended english class like i think it was a new girl each week. it was a tiny class there was only like 8 of us, no stinky boys (even if i’d realised i was trans at the time, i’m not stinky :P))
- I have had a crush for over a year (it was not fun)
- I have been in a relationship for over a year
- I have had feelings for a friend (do semi acquaintances count. or ‘girls that tolerated me enough to let me sit with them at lunch’)
- I have break-danced
- I know a person named Jamie
- I have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce (listen i don’t fucking remember. but i’m good at pronunciations and shit anyway)
- I have dyed my hair (it was really short and blonde i kinda looked like a skinhead)
- I’m listening to a song on repeat right now (tongue tied from red dwarf)
- I have punched someone in the past week
- I know someone who has gone to jail
- I have broken a bone (broke my ankle in primary school because i’m fat and dumb and tried to slide along the grass into the safezone during tag or whatever, also i broke my wrist when i was 18 because i’m fat and dumb and i was learning how to drive a scooter but i went around a corner too slow or idk unbalanced or some shit, i think i broke the mirror on it but fuck that infernal machine i had to get fucking surgery and get pins in my wrist. when i got them out it was actually the closest i’ve ever come to fainting like the doctor dude was straining hard to pull these ones on the side out and when they finally popped out and a ton of blood gushed out i like deflated and teetered in my seat a bit it was an experience)
- I have eaten a waffle today (never had a waffle)
- I know what I want to do in life (well idk about an actual career but i want to write a book and get it published and make tons of bank)
- I speak at least two languages (i took japanese for 6 years don’t fucking tell me that doesn’t count just because i can’t carry a conversation in the language. also i took a class on latin for a semester it was dope af)
- I have made a new friend in the past year
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