#not as outwardly as toni but personally she was very secure in it
skatiet · 1 year
sawyer is the shelby goodkind of lost
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ptersparkers · 5 years
at the end of the day (chapter one)
summary: there are two gigantic mysteries in your life and one of them includes peter parker not seeming to like you. you can stand him not being your friend but being in the same friend group? that should be easy, right?
a/n: sO i have this idea for a story in my head and there will be some slow updates coming but i’m excited about this one and lets HOPE i finish it hA. also i don’t know if this is gonna be more than a few “chapters” so we’ll see when i do with part two and i’ll decide from there! 💖
warnings: some angst but it’s not too serious
editied by: @jinxes-and-hexes! (everyone say ‘thank you’ because we all know i make too many typos).
masterlist / taglist / series masterlist
Peter Parker did not like you.
The reason? You didn’t know. You joined Midtown Tech your sophomore year and became friends with Peter’s “group” during February of the second semester. It was now the start of your junior year and you still couldn’t figure out why Peter had always given you the cold shoulder.
At first, you rationalized that he wasn’t keen on meeting new people. You got that, really, because meeting people you don’t know can make for an awkward situation and make people anxious overall. But weeks flew by and even MJ warmed up to you but the ever so bubbly Peter Parker that Ned was always talking about was nowhere in sight.
He was never outwardly mean to you but it was the little things you noticed. Like when he would scoot further away from you in the cafeteria or not invite you to a small get together if he was the one planning, even when you were with him. It was when he avoided eye contact and asked MJ to switch seats with him so he wouldn’t have to sit next to you in the backseat of Betty’s car and it was when he ignored you whenever you talked about the high marks you got on your biochemistry final.
You think that those subtle gestures hurt more than him telling you he doesn’t like you.
You hadn’t really spoken to Peter, per se. In the beginning, you both were trying to make awkward small talk for the sake of making friends, but when you clicked with Ned, Peter gave up. You quit trying a little later and you were positive the rest of your friend group tried to act like nothing was out of the ordinary.
You were accustomed to people not telling you things, but you wish you weren’t. You learned from your mother that it was best not to pry if people didn’t want to tell you something. After all, you learned you should never ask about your father when she had threatened to pull you out of Midtown Tech if you asked her about him one more time.
So when Peter completely stopped talking to you unless necessary, you didn’t bother asking him why he didn’t like you.
Not that you weren’t intrigued by the reasoning behind it, if any at all, but you were in no place to ask him because you didn’t really know him and you had just met him that year. Talk about an awkward situation.
So you’d sit in the cafeteria and laugh at Ned’s Star Wars puns and peek over MJ’s shoulders when she’s reading or on her phone, and listen intently to Betty’s school gossip to distract yourself from looking at Peter. You felt so uncomfortable and awkward knowing one person in your friend group wasn’t making an effort to be your friend.
But you pulled through because you hadn’t managed to become close with other people like you had with this group and you weren’t about to let one bad seed ruin the bunch.
“I think I failed the Spanish quiz,” Ned said with a sigh.
“Oh, why’s that?” you asked.
“I tried to remember everything I studied but nothing worked. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong,” he said, groaning.
“I’m sure Anna wouldn’t mind tutoring you,” you suggested. “She helped MJ get pretty good test results.”
“You’re a lifesaver,” Ned said dramatically as he gripped the straps of his backpack. “I gotta run to a doctor’s appointment. See you tomorrow?”
“See ya!” you said with a two-finger salute. You turned around in the opposite direction to walk home when you collided with Peter.
“O-Oh,” you said, regaining your balance. “Sorry Peter.”
“It’s fine,” he said quickly before walking away and ducking his head, not making eye contact with you once. You sighed, not expecting anything less but still disappointed in the outcome.
“He’s being weird,” MJ commented. “I think this is one mystery I can’t solve.”
“Great,” you said, exasperated. “You’re the most perceptive person I know and if you can’t figure out what’s wrong with Peter, no one can.”
“He’s been a bit strange, lately,” said MJ. “Disconnected, for sure. He leaves us a lot and backs out of plans last minute. Peter didn’t use to do that but after getting that Stark Internship, he’s been at Stark’s beck and will.”
“Oh, right, the internship,” you said. “Well, I wouldn’t know.”
“None of us would. He doesn’t talk about it and when he does, his job description seems to be all over the place. I mean, who fetches coffee and works with technology?” she asked rhetorically. “It’s whatever. Don’t take it too personally, okay?”
“It’s hard when he literally ignores me all the time,” you said, falling into step with MJ.
“The kid’s weird.”
“You guys are the same age.”
“I’m wise. Like, in my seventies, wise.”
“Touché,” you said. “I’ll see you tomorrow, MJ.”
You sat against the bed frame with a pillow propped up against your back, an iced coffee by your nightstand, and your computer on your lap. The bottom was warm after long use but you paid no attention as your eyes scanned the monitor. A digital copy of your birth certificate sat right in front of you with your mother’s name, your name, but no father listed. The blank space filled your thoughts with doubt and curiosity.
You didn’t know where to look. Being that your mother despised talking about your father, she gave you a copy of your birth certificate to prove that your father was a no-good person and she meant for that to be a reminder that you didn’t need to worry about him. But it fueled your interest even more.
You weren’t sure where you got your love for computer science from, but you were able to type on a keyboard at an early age. Add in a few extra classes during summertime at a community college, and you were good to go. Now, you were skilled enough to locate backdoor entrances to mainframes and encrypted hotlines in order to access data that wasn’t being shown to the public. Was it legal? Perhaps, perhaps not. It was still a gray area but you didn’t venture very far when you had accidentally gained access to Midtown’s security system and found out you could change student information from your computer at home, much like Ferris Bueller did when he lowered the amount of days he had been absent.
With this knowledge, you tried everything you could. Whether that be trying a family lineage website or hacking into your hospital medical records (to no avail), everything seemed to turn up empty and lead you down a path that was always cold.
You had considered asking the Avengers for help, but you didn’t know if they made house calls or responded to teenage girls who wanted to know who their father was. You didn’t think your conundrum, compared to what they dealt with, was that important.
So, you sighed and closed your laptop in frustration with yet another afternoon of relentless curiosity that led you nowhere. You sipped on your iced coffee from the metal straw before hearing a slurping sound and put the cup on the stand, telling yourself you’d take care of it later and decided to take a short nap, dreaming of two things: finding the identity of your father and finding out why Peter didn’t like you.
Across town, Peter and Ned were casually hanging out in Peter’s bedroom when Ned asked a question.
“How come you don’t like Y/N?”
Peter looked at him with surprise.
“W-What do you mean? Of course I like Y/N. She hangs out with us all the time.”
“Yeah, but you never talk to her,” he pointed out. “And when she tries to talk to you, you try to cut the conversation short or try to avoid her altogether. That’s weird, man.”
“I do not,” Peter said. Ned gave him a look. “I just don’t think we click.”
“How would you know that? You’ve never spent time with her alone and you don’t talk to her.”
“Call it a gut feeling,” he muttered.
“Peter, that’s really unfair to Y/N because you’re not giving her a chance to prove herself. You’re judging her without getting to know her.”
“Can we just drop it, Ned?” Peter pleaded. “You sound like MJ and I don’t need to be scolded today.”
Ned sighed, obviously torn between wanting to respect his best friend’s wishes, but also trying to put you in a good light because he genuinely cares for you. He was in the crossfire and in an awkward spot but he knew that he didn’t want to lose either of you any time soon.
“Maybe you should ask her to hang out.”
“Ned,” Peter said, more sternly this time.
“Okay, okay. No more Y/N talk, got it.”
There was an awkward minute of silence before Ned spoke up again.
“So, uh, how are things going with your Spider-Man gig?”
“Pretty good,” Peter said, his mood changing almost instantly. Ned was grateful that he was distracted with Spider-Man talk. “Mr. Stark’s upgrading my suit a little and he’s updating Karen, adding some defensive-combat skills. I don’t really know what that means but he said he’d show me this weekend.”
“Being an Avenger must be so cool.”
Peter became flustered. “I mean, it’s pretty cool.”
“Maybe I can meet Tony one day. What do you say?” Peter gave him a look. “One day,” he said nonchalantly. “Do you think Y/N likes the Avengers?”
“Ned,” Peter said sternly. “I don’t want to talk about Y/N right now, okay? If you really need to know, something about her rubs me the wrong way and until I can figure out why, it’s for the best.”
“Why don’t you just ask her?”
“Oh yeah,” said Peter, sarcastically. “Like she’s going to tell me. What if she tells me a lie?”
“You have a point,” he said. “Well, do I stop talking to her?”
Peter sighed. “Do what you want, man. All I’m saying is we can’t trust her.”
“Is this Peter or Spider-Man talking?”
“I don’t know,” Peter confessed. “Just be careful, okay?”
“I think you’re thinking way too deeply into this,” Ned began. “You’ve barely spoken to her and you’ve done nothing to figure out why you hate her so much.”
“I don’t hate her,” Peter replied.
“Well, it sure looks like it. I can see that she gets a little hurt when you don’t invite her to things and MJ and I have to cover for you and say we didn’t know you didn’t invite her.”
“What can I do, Ned?” Peter asked. “Everything in me is telling me not to trust her because she’s got some weird thing going on with her.”
“And you would know if you spent more time with her,” Ned suggested. “Look, I’m not asking you to become her best friend, but she’s been a part of our friend group since last semester and you’re giving her the cold shoulder.”
“It’s probably for a good reason.”
“No, you’re just being a dumb teenager, Peter.”
“So you don’t believe me?”
Ned shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know what to believe. I’ve never doubted you and I’m not doubting you now, but you’re not giving Y/N the benefit of the doubt, and you’re making assumptions without even getting to know her. Even MJ likes her.”
“Okay, I guess you made a point. And yeah, if MJ liked her right off the bat then I guess that counts for something.” Ned smiled and held up his hand for a high-five.
“There you go! I’m sure Spider-Man will figure something out, but Peter Parker needs to be a good friend. She seems so defeated whenever you’re around because she knows you don’t like her.”
“I don’t not like her. I’m just…cautious.”
“You being cautious has never worked well for anyone,” Ned said, rolling his eyes. “But then again, neither has being reckless. Just stick in the gray area, okay? You can operate there.”
“Jesus, you even sound like Mr. Stark,” Peter said, rolling his eyes with a laugh.
“Wanna grab some sandwiches from Delmar’s? I’m kind of starving right now.”
“You read my mind.”
@kath94210 @sessi03 @olliekookie @edgyhargreeves @simonsbluee @meraki--me @sleep-i-ness @amourski @zaynjawy @captainlarsonn @katiemcrae @holyhellthatbook @madeismyname @bands-and-shietz @janndishstuff17 @janndishstuff17 @knightofreaders @rororo06 @unfortunateshelbyrt @princessizzy36 @psychicforest.
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dbk-iman · 7 years
GIRLFRIENDS: What were their Zodiac signs?
Whenever I think about who people are in regards to their personalities, I always do so in the scope of astrology. Somehow, God created a system, that uses the exact location of the planets at the time of your birth, to help determine who you were going to be as a person. It's truly a science. In my experience, an astrological birth chart has never been incorrect. It shows you all of you, even the things that you try to hide.
So one of my Twitter friends was watching Girlfriends and began talking about the characters and their personalities and traits. His observations led me to think of what each of the main characters' sun sign may be. I meditated on all that I could remember for a few minutes and as such, I have come up with my own list of the characters and their signs. 
Joan | I see Joan as a CANCER. Her entire world was built on finding love, starting a family, and simply wanting to be happy. As the DEN MOTHER of the group, she took it upon herself to fixing everyone's issues, whether they asked for her assistance or not. Joan Clayton hated conflict with people. But, instead of expressing herself outright and clearing the air, she tended to retreat inside of her shell, being passive aggressive in her interactions (à la upset hermit crab). Joan also had three well-known traits that Cancers are notorious for--being overly emotional, being moody, and nagging. When things didn't go quite as Joan had envisioned in her elaborate picture-perfect imagination, everything turned a dark shade of blue. All would be painted in blue until she saw the next small sign of light, giving her hope that maybe things would be different next time. Joan, a Cancerian woman through and through, wanted her perfect world greatly, and for every one desire, she felt ten emotions.
Lynn | In all of her free-spirited glory, Lynn Searcy truly embodied what it is like to be an AQUARIUS. Largely a HIPPIE marching to the beat of her own drum, Lynn was dedicated to learning more about life. Though this generally was overshadowed by everyone's thoughts that she was afraid of commitment, Lynn was able to commit to learning and earned herself SIX degrees. Similarly, as her character was easily a liberal, she could be a bit of an extremist in expressing her free-thinking views. Known for being humanitarians, inventive, detached and aloof all at the same time, Lynn checks off all of these Aquarian characteristics. Aquarius sun signs are also known for being very independent. With the effects of nurture over nature, Lynn struggled with feeling secure because she was given up for adoption as a baby. As such, I would argue this is one area that Lynn does not fit the standard, though much of her arc involved her working to find her purpose, to plant her roots in something. It's hard to be independent when you don't feel sure of yourself and when you're trying hard to feel like you belong. Perhaps she had a watery moon sign, but I'm grateful that Lynn was able to always find herself in her art though.
Toni | Just like a text book SAGITTARIUS, Toni Childs was surely superficial and overly confident, but also adventurous and straightforward. Toni was the SELFISH FRIEND. Her less than glamorous upbringing often caused her to overcompensate outwardly. Toni would never want you to know just how broken and fragile she was on the inside. As such, she worked to look impeccably dressed, always made sure she looked well put together, even if she inconvenienced others with her antics. Despite her selfishness, Toni still cared about her friends, though she sometimes struggled to put their needs ahead of her own. She tried to be helpful, but in true Sagittarian fashion, would come off abrasive and often, tactless. Her delivery tended to eclipse her intentions. Though flawed, Toni definitely grew. In my opinion, her character had the most development and range. I hate that we never got to see her reach that place of peace and contentment and be able to bask in her fiery glory with her girlfriends.
Maya | Now pinpointing a sign for Maya wasn't as easy as the others. When I think of Maya, I see so many different things. In my experience, Maya was a mixture of Fire and Earth, so I think she'd actually be born under the Cusp of Power, meaning she shared traits of BOTH ARIES AND TAURUS. Maya was a woman who was a teen mom, got married young, worked full-time, and was still getting her education. She was determined to build the life that she knew was possible. She showed so much strength and tenacity that turned into stubbornness, depending on the situation. Maya loved extremely hard, but her nurturing wasn't shown through soft hugs and kisses--it was shown through tough love and pushing those around her. She didn't mind stepping on toes as long as she was telling the truth. She was the underdog in the circle, but she used her disadvantages as fuel to live a life that was just as fulfilling as her friends.
While Girlfriends gave us a classic sitcom with modern, multifaceted Black women, I hope that this has given you just tad more insight on sun signs and given you more reason to revisit this dope series. Love and light. 
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