#not an apologist though. fuck you belos.
penguin-scribbles · 2 years
You know what? Fuck you *un-peepaws your Belos*
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transbianlilith · 2 years
Or some people just don’t/didn’t like Lilith for other reasons other than bigotry. It has nothing to do with misogyny (not really sure how it’s ableist either). I’m literally a woman, I’m not going to dislike a character for being female. The main reason I disliked Lilith is because she was framed as an antagonist. She cursed Eda for her own personal gain (though she has made up for it), and put Luz in danger. I don’t mind her now because she redeemed herself, but before there was no reason to believe that she was one of the “good guys”. Claiming that the only reason people dislike her is because of bigotry is such a huge stretch (not saying it doesn’t happen at all, I’m just saying there are other reasons to dislike a character).
Notice my original post said 'Lilith haters/antis' not 'people who dislike Lilith.' It's normal to dislike characters, especially ones that have been antagonists. What ISN'T okay is the fact that:
Lilith has been given so much hate over the span of the show airing it's not even funny. She made a mistake as a child, was abused and manipulated by the coven system and Emperor Belos, but was able to escape and begin making atones for her wrongs. I have NEVER seen Belos, who, by the way, is the CAUSE OF EVERYTHING, get anywhere NEAR the amount of hate she has. In fact, I've seen more people be Belos apologists/stans/simps than anything else. I've also seen Kikimora get more hate that Belos. What do these two have in common? They're both women. Tell me you don't see the misogyny there.
Further speaking on the above, YES she did make mistakes. But she cursed Eda as a CHILD who thought THE CURSE WOULD ONLY LAST FOR A DAY AND WOULD ONLY WEAKEN HER POWERS. Was that right of her? Of course not. But we've also been given insight into how Lilith was treated as a child - continuously overlooked and ignored in favor of her younger, more talented sister. I'm not blaming Eda for this - Gwen and by extent, Dell, should have done better and paid equal attention to them instead of whatever the fuck they were doing. Sure, in newer episodes, it's clear they're making up for this as well, but it was still one of the main causes in the first place. The second, of course, being Belos' manipulation and indoctrination with his coven system and the ideal that 'in order to be great, you have to make sacrifices.' Belos literally threatened to KILL Lilith if she didn’t bring Eda in - Lilith was quite literally desperate, and when anyone is desperate, they’re prone to do things they’re going to regret. We've learned Belos is even worse in newer episodes. Once again - where's the #CancelBelos movement? Nowhere to be found.
As for how it's ableist, Lilith is HEAVILY AUTISTIC-CODED. The amount of hate I've seen her get over the smallest, most insignificant things is truly telling. She's been called stupid, the r slur (yikes), a bitch, & all sorts of other insults I'm not going to go further into that can be directly linked to her being written as autistic and people finding any issue they can with that and her character. So yes, there are people who hate Lilith because they're ableist.
There are also people who claim that Lilith 'deserved' the abuse she was put through, or that it wasn't 'as bad' in comparison to say, Hunter's. This is bullshit and clearly apologetic of the abuser - Belos, in this instance. Not to mention, trauma and abuse shouldn't be compared like this. There are even people who have denied she was abused when it's been CLEARLY SHOWN in the show on multiple occasions, confirmed even, that she was. So yes, there is abuser apologism and the blaming of abuse victims for their abuse in regards to people hating Lilith.
None of this is a stretch. Once again, I did not include 'people who dislike Lilith' in my original post so I’m not quite sure why you sent this to begin with. But for anyone who DOES dislike her, maybe also examine the reason why in comparison to the points I've made above.
Lastly - this is ALSO not me saying people aren’t allowed to like Belos - what I AM saying is, hold him accountable for his actions.
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