#normally I wouldn’t tag the character unless they were explicitly mentioned in one of the comments but I think it’s important to tell you
nocontexthorny · 2 years
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invisibleinorange · 3 years
Swelter Weather  | 7/?
Chapters: 7/? Fandom: Bridgerton Rating: M Warnings: None at this point. Relationships: Colin Bridgerton/Penelope Featherington,  Eloise Bridgerton/Penelope Featherington(besties),  Bridgerton Family Dynamics, Marina Thompson/Phillip Crane, Eloise Bridgerton/Phillip Crane, Kate Sheffield/Anthony Bridgerton, Daphne Bridgerton/Simon Hastings Characters: Colin Bridgerton,  Penelope Featherington, Eloise Bridgerton, Phillip Crane, Benedict Bridgerton, Daphne Bridgerton, Additional Tags:  Bridgerton, Polin
Summary: Colin Bridgerton is weary from travel and decides to spend the summer at the Aubrey Hall. While his initial plans were to avoid his perfect family, he ends up sharing the house with Eloise and Penelope. This is a Modern AU!
If it weren’t for the fact it would have disturbed the warm, soft body curled into to him, Colin wouldn’t have hesitated to get up and shut the curtains to stop the sun from filling his room.  He had zero interest in leaving his room or her though.
It was the strangest thing.  He’d never really craved someone’s company as much as hers. There had been people who had inspired less than gentlemanly thoughts in him.  There were many times he’d considered giving into those desires but not once had he wanted more than those things with those other women.
He wanted everything with Penelope and that was why he’d forced himself to take a step back, to make sure that he was doing things the right way with her.  He couldn’t possibly be happier than he was to hold her tight or listen to the little sounds she made in her sleep.
He’d always thought she was beautiful but seeing her at peace, lost in dreams only made him think her more beautiful. He dare say she was the most beautiful person in the world and she was his.  The novelty of the thought of it hadn’t worn off nor did he think that it ever would.
He was admittedly a little nervous about how Eloise might react to the news that they were together but he knew things would be okay. Eloise would come around. She always did.
He pushed all thoughts of his sister from his mind as he buried his face into Penelope’s messy red curls, closing his eyes as if to push away the morning and extend this bliss a little longer.
He smiled when he saw her eyes flicker open and her own tired smile form across her face.  Penelope wasn’t shy about snuggling into him all the more.  It was funny how intimate they could be despite the fact he hadn’t let them complete intimacy.
“Do you think Eloise would buy me still feeling ill and us needing to stay in here all day?” she murmured quietly.
“Not a chance,” he told her with a laugh.  Eloise definitely wouldn’t just leave them be unless she was explicitly told to.
Neither of them were any particular hurry to get up.  Colin knew his stomach would eventually betray him and demand breakfast would strike but for now, he just wanted to savor the moment.
In fact, he was pretty sure he could smell bacon permeating from the kitchen. Normally that would have sent him wandering down to try and get first dibs but times were changing.  His desire to keep cuddling Penelope trumped any food craving.
“I can’t believe she’s already up,” Penelope murmured, apparently smelling the bacon too. She sighed at the thought they were probably going to have to get up and show their face downstairs. “She’s not even a morning person.”
“I could always go down and make a big plate,” Colin said after a moment.  “Breakfast in bed?... All day in bed with me.”
“I’d be crazy to say no to that,”  she murmured leaning to steal a kiss before he could get up, which honestly made him not want to get up. He pushed himself up and out from under the comforter with a sigh.
Eloise was going to have to deal with him coming down in pajama bottoms and no shirt.  This was as dressed as he was going to get.
“You just stay right there,” he said with a grin. “I’ll deal with Eloise.”
Colin fully intended to grab a plate of food and tell Eloise to find something else to do today.  He had the whole thing prepared in his head, carefully crafted to deal and then escape back to his blissful little bubble.
His mind went blank when he made it down the kitchen and didn’t just fine his sister.  His eyes widened slightly at the sight of Phillip helping her make breakfast.
He watched for a long moment, trying to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating things. Phillip was a little bit too comfortable for his liking and the protective older brother in him debated whether he ought to punch his friend or start asking questions.
He cleared his throat loudly, an act he hoped to split up whatever was happening.  Eloise didn’t even have the modesty to look embarrassed by this whole thing though.
“How’s Pen?” she asked a little too casually. “Still feeling under the weather?”
The mention of Penelope did bring his mission back to mind. He was supposed to be grabbing plates and heading back up stairs.  His mind was flailing trying to figure out what exactly he was supposed to be doing at this point.
“- I was coming to get her a plate,”  Colin said, eyeing Eloise and Phillip suspiciously.  “Clearly it was too late last night and you offered Phillip one of the other guest rooms.”
“Not exactly,”  Eloise said sheepishly.
Colin knew that look. He’d seen it on their older brothers plenty of times after they’d brought random girls back in the past.  He clenched his fist. He was going to murder Phillip Crane.
“What do you mean by that?” he asked despite the fact he had zero business doing it.
“Well, you could say that he was ill and I took care of him,” Eloise said crossing her arms. She definitely knew that Penelope hadn’t been ill and she definitely knew Penelope was in his bed at the moment.
“I didn’t -  we literally slept,” Colin said defensive over his own actions.
“I really should get going,” Phillip said clearly not wanting to get in the middle of family drama.  “It seems like you two have things to talk about.”
Both Bridgerton heads turned and said ‘no’ in unison. This really did have to stop becoming a thing.  They didn’t wait to see that he was staying though as they were busy squaring off.
“You invited him to distract me so you could fuck my best friend,” Eloise said in an accusatory voice.
“I’m still here,” Phillip felt a need to interject.
“Oh dear,” a fourth voice said from the doorway. Penelope had apparently heard the voices and decided to come mediate. She raised an eyebrow at the presence of Phillip.  That was a turn.
She moved closer to Phillip and shook her head, giving a consolatory smile.  “There is really no getting in the middle of these things. You just have to let them fight it out. You’ll learn.”
“I didn’t fuck her,” Colin argued. “We are together though, no thanks to you and your constant need to get in the middle.”
“You’re a liar and a hypocrite,” Eloise said right back.
“I’m neither. But you have no business sleeping with people that you don’t even know, especially not when you’re –“
“I wasn’t,”  Eloise said shaking her head. “I’m not a child.  I have just as much right as you do to invite whoever I want here. I like Phillip.”
“He’s literally years older than you and he has kids,” Colin argued.
Phillip wasn’t sure whether he should be offended or not but Penelope gave him a sympathetic glance,  reached to grab a filled plate handing him one so they could at least eat breakfast while watching and making sure blood wasn’t drawn in this fight.
“You’re a few years older than Penelope,” Eloise argued.
“That’s different.”
“How is it different?”
“Because I love her,” he said talking with his hands. “I’ve literally been in denial for years and you’re really going to falsely equate hooking up with some guy you’ve known all of two seconds to me wanting to be with Penelope.���
“You what?” Penelope interjected, nearly choking on her bacon. Phillip had to give her a pat on the back to stop the coughing.
“I thought you said we weren’t to interject,” Phillip murmured.
“Well when people say they love you get to interject,” Penelope murmured.
Eloise shook her head, narrowed her eyes.  “I don’t need to travel the world to figure out what I want,” she said pointedly.  “Don’t try to get in the middle of it with this big brother nonsense and I’ll get out of your way.”
“Really?” Colin asked after a long moment, slightly unsure whether he’d won this argument or not, especially since Eloise was going to let him be with Penelope without trying to stop it, if he got out of her way.
“I mean, she’s still my best friend and I will hurt you if you hurt her but she’s also an adult and clearly she is a willing victim.”
“I wouldn’t really go with victim,” Colin said after a moment, remembering there was food now that things were at least semi-decided. His gaze finally moved over to where Penelope and Phillip had been standing, eating and watching.  He offered a small smile. “Girlfriend is the term we’re going with these days. Speaking of which, we’re going back upstairs.”
Eloise made a face at that.
“At least me and Phillip will be able to keep our breakfast down,” she said to their retreating backs as they disappeared just as easily as they’d interrupted her morning.
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angelicthor · 5 years
billion dollar man - part 1
pairing: tony stark x reader
summary:  after mounting bills and debt cause you to look at alternative means of making money, you’re thrown into a whole different kind of life when one of the most famous billionaires on the block offers to be your sugar daddy, of course in exchange for a different from of payment. non-superhero au.
warnings/genre: +18 only, sugarbaby/daddy relationship
masterlist | billion dollar man masterlist 
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One more ‘final notice’ bill was all it took. The final straw: the one that broke the camel’s back. You were done. Post-college life was nothing like you anticipated, no amount of degrees was going to change the absolute dryness of the job market and you were beyond finished with working yourself to the bone to pay off your debts and bills and still not have enough money to make it through the month.
You had graduated from law school with expectations of landing your dream job but life had other ideas; you had shining recommendation letters from your professors, you’d passed the Bar exam with flying colours and you’d completed god knows how many internships over the years you were in school in different law firms to gain experience – though the only experience you really did gain was learning how some hot-shot lawyer liked his coffee – and it still wasn’t enough to land you a job at a law firm. Then there was the unfortunate incident with your ex which put you in a more than unfortunate position and did nothing to help your career ambitions. Instead, you were stuck waitressing in the dinner a couple of blocks away from your apartment in Brooklyn; the pay was pitiful, and you mainly relied on tips from some of the rudest customers you’d ever known.
Enough was enough, staring at the blaring red letters printed on the front of the envelope you recalled a rather alcohol-induced conversation with an old college friend you had a couple of weeks ago regarding how she managed to fund her college experience – she was a sugar baby. At the time it seemed a ridiculous idea, I mean people surely didn’t do this did they? But she’d convinced you it was a completely legitimate way of making ends meet and right now you were running out of options.
Later that night you stared at the blaring screen of your laptop that was in dire need of an upgrade, the login screen to the website your friend told you about sat staring at you, daring you to make a move. Taking a deep breath, you tried to steady your nerves; you were just signing up – relax, this wasn’t a solid commitment to anything, you’d be fine. After plugging in your details, you were rerouted to a page showcasing potential ‘daddies’, it was basically a dating site and that helped put your mind at ease, you browsed through the profiles and decided that it wasn’t the worst idea, especially when you saw the kind of money they were offering. It wasn’t something you could pass-up, not anymore.
After finishing your profile, you searched for someone who you thought might be compatible, who would agree to your terms. Even though you were more than willing to sleep with whoever you chose - a girl has needs after all and to say it had been a while for you would be an understatement - you didn’t want to be anyone’s lover, no deep emotional attachment was to be involved at all. You were looking for no more than a friends-with-benefits type of relationship, with your benefits mainly being in the form of green bills.  
Most of the profiles, you discovered, had usernames to keep their identities anonymous until they could trust someone enough to reveal themselves. It made sense really, to have the kind of money spare that they were offering, they were probably high profile and this wouldn’t help in the publicity area. Babble Babe would eat these kinds of stories alive, you could almost see the headlines on the notoriously nosey website now; Infamous Millionaires caught buying their dates!
You couldn’t help but wonder if any of the profiles you’d seen had been people you’d heard off on the Upper East Side, the ones that constantly ended up spread across the pages of Babble Babe for their latest exploits.
Over the next week, you messaged multiple profiles to try and strike up conversation with someone to see if you could click, although you weren’t looking for love you sure as hell had to make sure you had some connection to them if you were going to be spending copious amounts of time together – not to mention potentially sleeping together.
One profile you were messaging stood out above all the rest, he wouldn’t tell you his name claiming it to be so high profile you’d instantly recognise him – you had to roll your eyes at this but then considered he could actually be right. His username, iron_man, had you beyond confused at who he could be but that didn’t matter; you both discovered you were after the same thing, he needed someone to show off in public with the appearance of a partner, you needed money and nothing more – neither of you were looking for anything beyond that arrangement. However, ‘iron_man’ made one thing explicitly clear, he was expecting sex to be part of the agreement, something that he promised you’d enjoy. Again, cue eye roll.
You continued messaging him to get a better sense of his character, the messages the only thing you knew about him (apart from the other very obvious basics; he was obscenely rich and lived in New York), you found him to be quite funny, if not a little cocky and big-headed but hey, he had the money, right? He could be whoever the hell he wanted. You could tell he was intelligent and if you were being honest with yourself he was kind of charming - that was until his smug self-assuredness shone through.  
He had requested you send a picture of yourself to make sure he wasn’t being catfished or anything of the sort and you provided him with one, albeit nervously, you were afraid he may reject you after seeing your picture. However, ‘iron_man’ shocked you once more with his bold flirtatious nature: the three dots appearing, letting you know he was typing before his message came through.
    -  Damn baby, can’t wait to see that in person. 
You couldn’t help but laugh at him, you’d adapted to his sense of humour in the days you’d been messaging and to be honest with yourself, you genuinely thought he was funny. This could actually work. When you asked for a picture he refused, saying he couldn’t risk it and that only piqued your curiosity on who it was you were talking to.
Eventually mystery-man asked to meet you, asking if you could make it to Visions – one of New York’s fanciest and most expensive restaurants – at seven that Friday. You had expected him to at least reveal his name to you at this point, how else would you be able to meet him in the restaurant with no picture or no name? Surely, he wasn’t that famous that you’d recognise him by name? The only response you got to your questions was his cryptic response: You’ll know who I am. Trust me, I’ll sort everything out, just be there by seven.
You agreed even though the idea had butterflies erupting in your stomach as your nerves flourished, the reality of the situation beginning to sink in.
What if you met and you didn’t like him? What if he was really a dick and managed to fool you? What if it was too awkward in reality to work? What if, what if, what if.
So many questions rushed through your mind until you’d had enough, silencing the anxiety crashing through you. You’d never know if it was feasible unless you tried, right? And if it didn’t it didn’t, no harm done, but the money being offered was too much, too needed, for you to not try. And so Friday night you dressed up in your best dress, which wasn’t nearly as high-end as everyone else would probably be wearing, this was a lavish place after all and everyone would probably be wearing something that cost more than your apartment was worth.
As you sat on the subway – there was no way you could afford a taxi from your Brooklyn apartment to Manhattan – your heart began to pound, your hands becoming clammy as everything sank in. You were about to meet up with complete stranger you’d found on the internet in hopes he’d provide you with money in exchange for a fake relationship. Sweet Jesus what am I doing?
Reminding yourself of your growing pile of bills at home, the idea of being homeless on the streets of New York far scarier than anything that could possibly go wrong with mystery man, you willed yourself to enter the restaurant, immediately feeling out of place at the pure opulence of the building.
Approaching the maître d, you couldn’t help but feel the unimpressed looks shot your way: you were so out of place and everybody there knew it. Any normal day, you wouldn’t have taken a single dirty look shot your way, but you highly doubted whoever you were meeting would have been impressed by your antics. Besides, if this went well you’d have to put up with New York’s snobbiest regularly – might as well start practising, right?
The tuxedo-clad man arched an eyebrow at your figure and you successfully fought back the roll of your eyes. Before you could open your mouth, he was plucking a menu from the station in front of him: “If you’ll follow me this way, ma’am.”
You trailed after him as he expertly manoeuvred through the tables, leading you to a more secluded part of the restaurant, towards a table in the back where a man sat. An extremely recognisable man. You’d never seen him in person before but that billion-dollar smile had been plastered on enough newspapers and magazine covers for you to know who it was.
Well, I guess he was right.
You did know who he was. Everyone did.
Tony fucking Stark.
a/n: i don’t have a tag list but if you want alerts please follow @angelicthorwrites and turn on notifications
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Here’s a little ditty about queer and romantic coding, platonic gestures and being an aromantic shipper.
Recently I saw a post with multiple additions complaining about shippers glomming onto platonic gestures and stretching them to fit their desire for canon examples that validate their ship. One of the all-caps worthy on-screen moments for Supernatural viewers who ship Dean and Cas that drew the biggest criticism on the post was the mix tape.
Many people on the post or in the tags were dismissing the excitement because they made mix tapes for friends that they had no romantic involvement with. I also dismissed the notion that you wouldn’t make a mixed tape for a friend you had strictly a casual platonic relationship with but countered with what a lot of 90s kids mentioned – that tape wasn’t new. Mix tapes were painstakingly made with time and precision and meant very much to the owner. Giving Cas that tape, we mix tape-making 90s kids said, was extremely meaningful. You broke your toe tripping over a table as you ran to the radio to smash Play and REC on your cassette player. You’d kill someone who taped over your mix tape. I’m pretty sure the first time I cursed out loud was when a radio DJ spoke over part of the song I was trying to record. And there’s no way you’d give someone your personal mix tape of your favorite songs unless you loved them. A lot. Even mix tapes I made for myself are incredibly personal, and if my sister or friend listened to one of my mix tapes without me saying it was okay, I’d view it as an intrusion of privacy on the same level as reading a poem I wrote in my journal. If I gave someone one of my mix tapes, it was because I wanted to smooch ‘em. This platonic gesture was romantically* coded.
I’m aromantic, which means I don’t experience romantic attraction. In my case, I love my friends fiercely and often want show them how much I love them, but I have to check how my gesture will be perceived by someone who does experience romantic attraction. Before I realized I was aromantic, I had a friend whose husband wasn’t very attentive, so I would send her flowers to her work on her birthday or when she was having a bad day so she would feel special and loved. I have a friend who is very dear to me, and I got something for her that I still haven’t given her two years later because I’m not sure what message it sends and I don’t want to be inappropriate. I have to slow down when I jump to say something to a friend or send a link to a song or planning a surprise because most of the time, it’s something that could be coded as romantic.
We see things in media and socially within our culture that are things you do when you love someone – and by love, I mean romantic love in this case, because that’s the only love that carries any weight thanks to what we’re constantly shown. Which is why I’m pretty loud about reading characters as aromantic when it fits and having more representation of platonic relationships, especially in YA lit, but I digress. We see these things and they’re automatically coded as romantic gestures, even though they aren’t inherently so. For me, I see these things and they are just gestures of good ole platonic love. Why can’t I send my friend flowers? Why can’t I write my friend a long letter telling them why I love them? Why can’t I stand outside my friend’s house and hold a stereo over my head blasting a song? Okay, that last one is obviously John Cusack, but still.
So people in fandom asked why can’t Dean make Cas a mix tape and it be platonic? Well. It fucking can. Especially if, say, Dean is aromantic and he gave this gift that was a huge piece of him in an effort to connect with his friend Cas. Sure, it’s a platonic gift – but the gesture is still romantically coded. There are a lot of things in the Supernatural series that are romantic or queer coded – things that the general audience and the het audience would miss. Whether it’s parallels or background decoration or editing choices that make meta writers freak out, it’s the little things that make a huge impact on the queer audience, e.g. Purgatory being a gay bar in Miami. Why include it at all?
Story plays out in multiple ways in a visual medium and any additions to the plot, whether it’s dialog or set design or music or an actor’s choices on how to play something, make up the whole. There is rarely anything extraneous in storytelling, which I know from spending more time researching symbolism of things I’m including in a scene than actually writing it. What does this tree represent? What about this flower? What’s the story behind this constellation, and why would looking at this one specifically be relevant to the story? I want to make sure that everything I provide textually also has meaning subtextually because if it’s just random words, why do I bother telling the story? Even if someone messes with an old butter churn out of all the items in an antique store the characters are walking through it’s because my friend Janet will smile at that little nod and so will everyone else who understands that. It doesn’t have to be for the entire audience – but the people it is intended for who will definitely pick it up.
Just because something is platonic doesn’t mean there isn’t a lot of deep feelings attached to it. Just because someone doesn’t experience romantic attraction doesn’t mean they don’t love deeply or can’t be interested in people platonically and sexually. Just because someone is friends with someone of their sexual preference doesn’t mean there’s automatically sexual tension – which is good bc my bisexual ass would be passing out in public on the regular from being around attractive people for too long. The black and white thinking people have in regards to sexuality, attraction, desires, and context is damaging.
Maybe something is platonic. Maybe it’s super gay. Maybe it’s sexual attraction. Maybe it’s just bros being bros. Maybe this character is a bisexual aromantic with PTSD and a difficulty expressing themselves in words, whose actions tell more about them than what comes out of their mouth.
Whatever the situation, don’t bitch about how underrepresented people see a moment. Let us scream in all-caps about it. Do some people read too much into stuff that feeds their ship and get overexcited? Sure. But when you blow the wind out of their sails, you might just be sinking the hopes of people who never see themselves on screen. Give us a break.
*romantically coded bc it’s not explicitly sexually coded, but presented in a way that in media is normally considered a romantic gesture – and sex does not equal love and vice versa, but just go with me.
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vieuxnoyesrp · 7 years
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Ches. Kira has had a special place in our heart since she moseyed her way into the Quarter, and you managed to charm us all over again with her whimsical, dreamy personality which you caught so well. Even more important to us, you managed to toe the line between inquisitive, goofy Kira, and resolute, realistic Kira, allowing room for Kira to explore who she is, what she is, and who she wants to be. The headcanons you shared with us crackled with the intensity of Kira’s potential. Portraying the many different facets of teenager is difficult at the best of times, and yet you managed to highlight Kira’s insecurities and doubts without letting them rule. We can’t wait to watch the tension of this kitsune kid discovering herself set sparks across our dash!
Ches, thank you very much for applying. As for Kira…
                         ⚜ ~ WELCOME TO VIEUX NOYÉS!!! ~ ⚜
Wondering what to do next? Click here and let the good times roll!
⚜ Roleplayer:
⤜ Name/alias: Ches
⤜ Pronouns: She/Her
⤜ Age:  22 in three months, yikes
⤜ Timezone: CST UTC-6
⤜ Activity: 6-7, I’m in school and I work weekends, but I’m home and available every night, and constantly checking tumblr throughout the day on mobile.
⤜ Best form of contact: Through tumblr messaging is fine
⤜ Any Triggers? None
⤜ How did you find Vieux Noyés? Scrolling through the witch roleplay tag
⤜ What drew you to the RP? EVERYTHING! As you can guess by the way I found the rp, I’m a sucker for anything supernatural, shows, books, roleplays. They all draw me in. This place has a triple bonus since it’s based on one of my favorite dramas, has my favorite original characters AND some I don’t recognize (then again, I really fell off the wagon with Originals, so that could be why), and all of the drama waiting to explode in that plot has me squealing with anticipation. I want to see it all, and of course throw Kira into it somehow!
⤜ What is one subplot/element from the Plot page that you are particularly looking forward to seeing in this roleplay? I guess I just answered that question. I’ve been in love with the story of the Salem witches since forever ago, so I can’t wait to see how the witchy politics turn out between them and the NOLA coven, and how that effects everyone else. Are the Salem witches really going to follow Marcel’s magic ban? Having their own power source separate from ancestral magic, I wouldn’t think so. And then there’s the revival of the Hunters Guild the plot hints at. I suppose I’m really just excited for all the political drama going on in every supernatural sub-community.
⚜ Desired Character: KIRA YUKIMURA
⤜ Why do you want this character?
Where do I start? Kira and Lydia were my favorite characters in the drama, for one. I loved their personalities and was so excited to see Kira’s growth in her abilities and coming into herself (imagine my dismay when you know what happened). Aside from the show, Kira’s personality is the type I’ve always been drawn to in roleplaying and just in reading in general. I find her type the most relatable, and their journey to discover themselves and gain confidence in their abilities is always fun to roleplay. For me, it’s fun to slowly push her out of her shell and into relationships with other people, especially when they develop into close bonds. I’m also very interested in her becoming more assertive. Even though her parents aren’t part of the roleplay (unless I missed them somewhere), that can be inserted into plots or just self-paras down the line. The added bonus is the fact that she’s a kitsune. I’ve been obsessed with Japanese folklore since I was a child, which includes the lore surrounding kitsune. Kira in particular was fascinating to me because I’d never heard of one whose powers were specifically drawn from electricity before her introduction to TW. I look forward to roleplaying her exploration of her abilities and seeing what her full potential is (especially since it was never reached in the show). That being said, I don’t intend to make her all-powerful (if I’m accepted!), but I want to roleplay her discovery of her strengths, weaknesses, limits, etc. That will probably take discussion with the admins and some research on my part, but that’s all part of what makes supernatural roleplay fun in my opinion.
⤜ What are your future plans for this character?
Again, I suppose I kind of answered this question. I really want to push Kira out of her shell and develop personal relationships, stand up for herself more, be more confident in herself, and discover just what she is and what she can do. Even I don’t know what all that is, what with this secret organization her parents are part of. Other than confidence and exploring her powers, I would love to see where she fits into all of the political tension going on in the Quarter. As an unknowing were, she’ll eventually be forced to pick a side or remain neutral, but I don’t see remaining neutral as something that’s she’s capable of for moral reasons. In the process, she might have to stand against her parents, or friends, and I want to roleplay that when the time comes. And then there’s the overall tension outside of the were community.  The Quarter isn’t that big, so I imagine every supernatural is going to get dragged into the conflict between the covens and the vampires, only for that to be exacerbated by the Hunters. She’s going to have to decide who to support or where to remain neutral based on who she wants to protect and what she feels is right, and those two might conflict each other. I really want to see that.
⤜ Put yourself in your character’s shoes. Give us a few lines to describe a day in the life of your character… Where do they live? Where and how do they spend their time?
Of course she lives in a normal neighborhood with her parents, just close enough to school that she can take her bike instead of the dreaded bus. But she really lives in the Saint Aloysuis library, furiously typing away at whatever chapter she’s currently writing and often neglecting her homework in the process.  She tells herself it’s only Calculus, which she could do in her sleep. Or it’s only another poetry analysis essay that’s much simpler to write and never as enticing as the drabble ideas and climactic plots that practically loom over her shoulder, whispering temptation into her ears as if the fox spirits from her father’s stories have come alive. She’s mastered the art of writing a passing analysis essay in one night, and an essay guaranteed to give her an A if she actually puts more effort into it. On the nights when she has some freedom or the itch to leave her room, the university’s library is open almost all night and even has a Starbucks. What more could an aspiring writer need?  Her laptop is never out of reach specifically because inspiration strikes at the most unexpected moments, and she’s learned Google Drive is much better than any notebook she might carry. It has more space for one, and offers much more security should her works fall into the hands of prying classmates or, God forbid, her mother. She’s developed a weekly time table to balance her homework with updating her Wattpad stories, and volunteering, although it’s sometimes ignored in favor of posting double updates, drabbles, or new stories she just couldn’t resist. Her writing is really the only thing she’s allowed herself to be impulsive with. That, and her visits to the animal shelter. She visits religiously twice every week, sometimes more if school or her parents are becoming just a little too stressful. There’s something about the warmth with which the shelter animals greet her, how they lovingly paw at her legs and lick her fingers that’s instantly soothing. Kira can forget all of her troubles when she’s there, and often wonders how in the world her mother could say no to having a pet? Every now and then, she likes to visit Cafe du Monde, or Jackson Park to watch the tourists. Of course, she loves her coffee, but she also occasionally indulges in people-watching. It’s great material for when she’s writing, but it’s also her guilty pleasure. Sometimes, she watches the gaggles of strangers and tells herself that day will be the day she steps out of her shell. She’ll smile and wave at a stranger, start a conversation with someone wearing her favorite band T-shirt, walk up to a girl and tell her she really likes that dress, where’d she get it? All of these hopes were pushed aside the first time she tried to smile at a stranger who proceeded to walk right by. They just hadn’t seen her, is what she told herself, but she’s still not sure and definitely not ready to try again. More than twice every month, she comes home to the disappointed gaze of her father, who’s walked past her room and been horrified at the aftermath of a morning getting dressed. Every day, Kira finds herself going through several ensembles before settling on the usual graphic tees, jeans, and converse. She’s fairly certain her flashier clothes are just as flattering as she thinks they are, but the last thing she wants is to deal with Jeremy freaking Gilbert’s immature comments. She’s known him long enough to know they’d come if she tried to change. That being said, she’s gathered her courage and worn clothes a little out of her comfort zone once or twice while visiting the park. The one time a stranger complimented her was enough to make the girl glad she’d stepped out of her shell at least this much.
⤜ Give us three headcanons regarding your character of choice. (If your character is from one of the tv shows, please come up with a headcanon that is not explicitly stated on the show, but is rather based on your own imagination.)
(This was mentioned briefly in the bio and her photoset and I love it) Kira’s a writer, although she finds it difficult to call herself that. All she does is write fanfictions under an alias online and post drabbles every now and then. She’s hardly an author, and is so unsure of herself that’s she’s never even been able to present her work to Mr. Lewis, the high school creative writing teacher. The shy little thing’s approached him with the intention of showing him her work five times in the few weeks she’s been here, only to chicken out each time because of her own worries. She relies on the mostly encouraging comments and feedback from readers online, taking it all to heart every time she writes a basic outline or character bio. Her dream is to become a professional writer, and she wants to go to school for it but she has her doubts. Not only is there her own insecurity to face, but the disapproval from her parents that’s sure to come if she tells them. So she quiets that dreamy voice in her head when the conversation comes up, instead saying she might want to become a teacher or professor like dad. It keeps them satisfied, and works as a nice backup plan. The two professions aren’t the same, but as long as she can indulge in her passion and keep her imagination alive, it’s enough for the young fox. Ever since that time she survived being electrocuted, she’s developed the hobby of chasing lightning during storms. She doesn’t do anything as poetic as dancing in the rain. The girl’s got two left feet and fell flat on her butt three too many times back when she was enrolled in basic ballet lessons. But she’s almost perfected the art of sneaking out of her room at night and racing off on her bike, chasing bolt after shimmering, ephemeral bolt until the hints of sunrise appear. She survives the day after with a cup of strong, black coffee – forcefully taken – and power naps during lunch if her body still threatens to crash afterwards. Kira isn’t quite sure what she’ll do if she actually encounters a lightning bolt one night. Touch it? The idea used to sound fatally idiotic to her, but the more she thinks about it, the more she knows, somewhere in her gut, that it just might feel right.
The one grudge she holds against her parents is the fact that they deprived her of any close familial ties. She’s an only child, she has no cousins that she knows of, and the mere hint that she might want some type of pet warrants that stony, frigid gaze from her mother that demands silence on the topic and makes her skin tingle with fear. Since Kira’s yet to make friends, she does the next best thing and hangs out at the local animal shelter often. The attendants are so familiar with her that they often ask her to come in and play with the animals when they’re short of staff. The familiarity is something Kira’s proud of, even if it’s nowhere near an actual friendship. Still, it’s more than any relationship she’s had in the past, and it’s given her someplace else she feels at home.
Kira’s romantic experience is exactly zero, zilch, nonexistent. But she’s had crushes before and feels that there’s something a little off compared to what she’s heard both from media portrayals and the few girls she’s known. There is no sexual tension or dirty daydreams for her, and the mere idea of being alone with someone in that setting and naked gives her butterflies for the wrong reasons. The extensive searching she’s done online has led her to the conclusion that she’s asexual. Of course she’s not so quick to label herself after having no actual experience. Maybe she hasn’t met the right person yet. Maybe it’s just because of her personality. But everything she’s read so far about asexuality leaves her thinking ‘That’s me’.
Kira often feels like she’s at odds with her parents, especially her mysterious mother, but she’s always had a soft spot for her father’s stories. She’s not sure if it was because he wanted to pass on a part of their heritage or because he was so passionate about them, but he’s told her tales of kumiho and kitsune for as long as she can remember. When other kids her age were listening to Harry Potter or Narnia at night, Kira was begging her father for more tales of trickster spirits luring travelers astray with the forms of beautiful women and samurai that avenged their lords at the cost of their lives. She used to enthusiastically claim she’d be a historian when she grew up just to watch her father’s eyes light up with pride. Now that’s she’s a teenager, she doesn’t lean towards that profession so strongly. However. Mr. Yukimura still finds his daughter curled up in his office with the books he used to read to her, and his tales of samurai and mythology still bring a soft smile to her lips.  
⤜ What are some plots you’d like to explore with your character?
She knows it’s not exactly smart to go wandering around the woods. In fact, it’s dangerous and more than a little stupid. But something about the densely wooded area has always drawn her in, and she’s backed away too many times to keep ignoring it. What’s more, she doesn’t want to ignore it. Something about the forest just feels right, like the feeling she gets when she’s chasing after lightning. She knows there’s more to the place than just little forest critters, having seen a pair of eyes gazing solemnly back at her more than once. They seemed so intelligent, so piercing, she couldn’t have imagined it herself. So she sets off in her rattiest jeans and the mimimum equipment to survive several hours in the forest. But what she may find is definitely beyond her expectations.
Mercy Lewis leaves Kira absolutely dumbfounded with every encounter. It’s amazing and absolutely befuddling, considering half of the time the curly-haired girl doesn’t even do much to earn the reaction. The only thing Kira is absolutely certain of is that she wants them to be friends. She will start small. She can’t follow the girl, that’d be creepy. And blatantly asking to be friends would be childish. They aren’t elementary schoolers anymore. She can, if she tries hard enough, start a real conversation, ask to meet again or even ask for her number. She’ll do things normally, she won’t rush, and she won’t chicken out like she usually does. It’s simple, and might even seem sad, making her first friend as a junior in high school. But it’s the one specific goal she has for herself (save graduating, which is a do or die thing for Kira), so she has to see it through.
I really want her first act of self-assertion to come from standing up to Jeremy, but their relationship blurb only mentions the one encounter, so that’s a tentative plot idea. Another tentative one is becoming involved in the supernatural drama going around town, but I think it would be best to wait until she’s developed other relationships to plan that one.
⤜ Para sample:
(Retained for privacy.)
⤜ Would you like to be considered for another character if not accepted as your primary choice? (If yes, name the character.)  Malia Tate?
⤜ Have you read the rules?: Yes
⤜ Anything else?
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runicmagitek · 3 years
A Fanfic Writer Interview
Was tagged by the awesome @deemoyza! Many thanks, my dear :D
Name: What it says on the tin - Runic, at your service!
Fandoms: I jump all over the place, but if it's a video game, there's a high chance I'll play it and possibly want to write fics for it. The Final Fantasy series tends to be my comfort zone, especially VI, but I have a soft spot for Supergiant Games' stuff, mostly Transistor and Pyre. I also haven't stopped thinking about 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim since I beat it in March, so that's my life forever now.
Two-shot: First off, I had to look this up, because I've never heard this term before. Second off, I combed my works and this is barely a thing I do. Most of my oneshots exist on their own and even if there is overlap in themes and headcanons, I don't really write anything as a conscious follow-up. That said, for shits and giggles one Yuletide I wrote Untitled Yuletide Fic and the sequel no one asked for, Untitled Yuletide Fic: Madness Edition. And yes, it is exactly what you think it's about.
Most popular multichapter: Finally, Beautiful Stranger. Easily.
Actual worst part of writing: Starting :\ no matter how much I outline or research or get myself excited about a new story, sitting down and getting those first few paragraphs out is excruciating. I get such awful anxiety over it every time and I do not know why.
How you choose your titles: 90% song titles and 10% shitty attempts at coming up with my own stuff.
Do you outline: Always! Granted, not every 1k oneshot gets a detailed outline, but I do jot down ideas of what I'd like to see happen. The longer I anticipate a fic to be, the more time I'll spend on an outline. It's like preparing for a road trip; I want to know where I'm going and how to get there.
Ideas I probably won’t get around to, but wouldn’t it be nice?: Oh geez, I'm just going to bullet point this because my brain leaks out ideas:
Sailor Moon/Shadowrun crossover fusion
Legend of Zelda Asian-inspired AU where Hyrule is falling apart and no one remembers the Goddess' chosen hero
Another Legend of Zelda AU where Midna is also with Zelda during the 100 years trapped with Calamity Ganon
Aerti AU where Tifa and Aerith are childhood friends who grew up in the Shinra labs, ran away together, and tried to have a semi-normal teenaged life in the slums
The kinky Darkest Dungeon PWP where the plague doctor is banned from the brothels after the place shuts down temporarily to "clean up" and the hellion is absolutely into kinky shit and enlightens her when there are no available rooms to use (100% based on actual events in my playthrough THEY'RE GIRLFRIENDS YOU CAN'T CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE)
The continuation to that one Jaina/Kael Diablo fusion I wrote for a friend, because I still think about it but I need to clone myself if I want to get anything done anymore
The Pharmercy high school AU I absolutely will never finish either tho have 90k written so far
And more!
Callouts @ me: Honestly, just listing my ideas above was enough of a callout lol also stop adding plot and character development in your dumb smut fics wtf this is not the D you were supposed to work on.
Best writing traits: I've gotten to a point where I'm really comfortable with editing, which in turn has made me more aware of things like character arcs and pacing and hitting all the right beats to make shit work.
Spicy tangential opinion: Oh geez, bullet points 2.0, because I have Thoughts:
Fandom would be a much better place for everyone involved if people stopped approaching every piece of media with shipper vision, so to speak
Unless the author explicitly asks for feedback, no one gives a shit about your ~profound critique~ on a fic you actually didn't enjoy at 3am on a Sunday
If at any point you feel the need to be hostile towards another human being online over Fandom Things? Just turn your computer off, walk outside, and find a new hobby.
You don't magically abandon all the things you love when you turn 23 or whatever people think is old these days. Honestly? The best fics I've read are from "older" people, probably because they have more experience with both writing and life.
If I take the time to put up tags and warnings on my fic, it's not my fault if someone stumbles on it and doesn't like it.
For fuck's sake, do not tag every character and ship that makes a guest appearance in your fic. If I'm searching for my rarepair, I'm expecting an actual fic dedicated to them, not a mention of them holding hands on page 5 of chapter 14.
Series of individual works > a single work with countless, unassociated fandoms and pairings tagged.
Gen fic is not boring. Maybe you're boring.
And on that note, I'll be tagging @wingsyouburn @aliatori @dvske @fury-brand @rosemochi and any of my other writer friends who'd like to jump on this! 💕
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