#no seriously how? i’m still in denial 🥲
oddishblossom · 11 months
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He promised it to me when I was 7 years old.
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stranger-nightmare · 2 years
Dunno what everybody is talking about. Eddie is fine. He is having a nice day woth Dustin before he has to get ready for his graduation 🥲
yeah no absolutely Eddie is fine, he’s busy planning a new dnd campaign to celebrate when he graduates!
I’m not just hurt over his death, I’m also so hurt over the way it was handled??? they just left him in there in the upside down to rot? all alone forever? no proper funeral, no real mention of him after the fact, it’s just bullshit! not to mention how everyone just fucking let him be used as a scapegoat and didn’t try to and fight the fact that he was still blamed for all the murders, I’m just genuinely so hurt over how dirty they did him honestly
he died like a fucking hero and he deserves to at least have his legacy live on as such
like saying he deserved better is the biggest understatement ever
- hope
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mianmimi · 1 year
My guess is that 838 Mordo wasn't in the battle against Thanos for the same reason that Wong wasn't in it in the 616 universe. Someone had to guard the Sanctum. As for this: "Given a choice between saving each other or saving the world, they’ll probably pick each other." It's giving Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus "a world without her isn't worth saving" and I love it. What if Mordo wants Wanda to kill the Illuminati and destroy the world, because a world without Stephen isn't worth it 🥲
I just see Mordo guarding the Sanctum fully expecting Stephen to return. Stephen hasn’t failed before and he manages to get out of every terrible scenario thrown at him. The certainty of Stephen’s return just makes the heartbreaking reality heavier. Poor Mordo would probably be in denial at first. Stephen can’t die. He’s Stephen. He said he would be back home, so he will.
The scenario you shared could easily be another timeline where Stephen’s execution becomes Mordo’s villain origin story. And it fits with the theme of experiencing betrayal by the hands of friends/loved ones before turning against them too *looks at 616 Mordo’s fate* Maybe it’s a shared Mordo experience. They’ll be betrayed by their closest friends/mentors/loved ones and that prompts them to change their life trajectory drastically. Maybe 838 didn’t want anything to do with the Supreme title at first until he realizes he can use it to get his revenge.
Hmmm maybe evil!838 dwells on how Stephen sacrificed so much to save their world but he was rewarded with death, meanwhile the Illumanti who condemned his actions are enjoying the results of those very same crimes. Like they’re all still alive and thriving. They have more power now that Stephen’s not checking them. They get to enjoy the world that Stephen saved but was denied to him. And maybe this alternate Mordo just marinades in bitterness and contempt. As far as he’s concerned every life is indebted to Stephen, and the Ilumanti are the true criminals for killing him in secret. Seriously the poor guy never got a trial or anything. They just decided to kill him there in that planet without absolutely no other witnesses. That’s shady as fuck. But anyways….yes, evil!Mordo preparing himself for ways he can avenge his boo. And of course Wanda comes along and it’s like a massive GO signal from the heavens. It’s the golden opportunity. It’s the jackpot. He can get rid of them in one fell swoop. And so he does.
Side note, I do appreciate how in the movie 838 Mordo knows how powerful the Scarlet Witch is. I mean he did exposition dump her lore 🤣 He was basically saying don’t fuck around with her also dream walking is very very dangerous, hey have some more tea 🍵 👀 It’s just interesting that he brings up dream walking and explains it like he’s super well versed in the concept. Perhaps from Stephen? Or perhaps he dabbled in it too? Either way it’s interesting. Also he was the only one in the Illumanti that didn’t underestimate Wanda. I like to think it’s cause he identified exactly what they were up against. And instead of going off to fight he stays in that room with Stephen, effectively keeping both of them out of the slaughter. I’m picking up diamonds from coal here 😆 I don’t think Waldron meant that. But I do enjoy how Mordo’s actions can be interpreted as a vengeful one where he manipulated things so the Illumanti can be killed. And what’s better is that no one’s gonna blame him. That place had cameras all over it and everyone’s gonna see Wanda massacring their heroes while poor Mordo was stuck and unable to help 🥺
This reply went off the rails there. It’s the late night New Year brain 🤣 Thank you sweet Nonny!
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