#ninja warrior warped wall obstacle
ninjasports · 1 year
Ninja Warrior Warped Wall Obstacle
Ninja Warrior Warped Wall Obstacle
Everyone's favorite obstacle… the warped wall!!
Timing is key to ascending the Ninja Warrior Warped Wall Obstacle, run up jump and reach to grab onto the top. Then pull yourself up and watch the amazement from all of your friends as you conquer this fun but challenging ninja warrior obstacle obstacle - The Warped Wall!
Warped Wall Product Info:
10' tall wall, plus a 24" high extension that has 4 "rungs" on it, which achieves a 12' total height
Assembled from 6 main pieces:
base piece
vertical ramp
extension (top)
deck piece
back piece
rubber, trim, cliff hangers
SHIPPING: We ship these warped walls out on two 48" x 96" pallets - You will be charged a flat fee at checkout when ordering from this site and then we will contact you with the remaining shipping balance.
Current Available Warped Wall Sizes:
10’ (12’ with extension)
Wheels, Hand Rails and Climbing Rope are added accessories that are NOT included unless specified. If you require assistance with installation please let us know we can walk you through it! We currently do not offer the fireman’s pole as a means to descend.
Please contact us via email [email protected] if you have any questions or special requests.
Assembly of The Warped Wall:
Assembly in the field consists of anchoring the base into the concrete floor with anchor bolts, bolting the vertical ramp onto the base, connecting the top deck to the wall and the wall of the building, then the extension is bolted on, and then the back is screwed in place (essentially enclosing the warped wall).
The rubber then gets glued onto the ramp with contact cement, trimmed, and the HDPE trim is screwed onto the sides.  The cliff hangers are screwed onto one side to be used as a ladder for climbing down from the top.
SHIPPING: Due to the size of these items, they must ship motor freight. There are many variables when shipping via motor freight, so please contact our office for further information so we may calculate actual freight costs.
IF you choose to order online, all freight orders have a standard shipping fee. If your location deems shipping cost more than the fee included in your payment online, we will notify you via email within 24 hours and include a payable invoice for the remainder of the shipping cost. If you do not want to pay the additional shipping cost then you will have the opportunity at that point to cancel your order.
For any questions about shipping, contact our office at: Email: [email protected] Phone: 440-552-4237
Custom Design Crafts, is not responsible for injuries the purchaser may incur due to misuse, improper installation, or falls that may happen while performing the required exercise. Upon purchasing this product the purchaser agree to not hold Custom Design Crafts, its Employees, affiliates or its owners responsible for damages. 
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andorshitdaily · 7 months
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Rather than the traditional single-elimination bracket, this next competition will take on more of a track meet style, meaning fewer rounds of polls but MORE characters moving on each time!
We'll have four (4) preliminary qualifying heats, with the top four vote-getters moving on two (2) semifinal heats, then the top four vote-getters from each of those will meet in one (1) eight-character final.
Get it? Good.
But what's the competition? I'm so glad you asked.
Welcome...to Wandor Winja Warrior.
That's right, this time we are pitting our beloved blorbos (and other motherfuckers) in the beautiful sport of ninja warrior. Unfamiliar with the concept? Check it out (actual run starts at around the 1:30 mark):
Basically the most intense obstacle course you can imagine, made to test one's agility, strength, and speed in unique ways. Who has what it takes to reach the top of the warped wall in the shortest amount of time? Who falls off the second quadstep and gets disqualified? You tell me.
Here are the randomly selected qualifying heats, set to start tomorrow:
Heat 1 Linus Mosk Luthen Rael Perrin Fertha Corv Cinta Kaz Birnok Syril Karn Karis Nemik
Heat 2 Leida Mothma Kleya Marki Mon Mothma Wilmon Paak Bix Caleen Jezzi Dedra Meero Gorn
Heat 3 Xaul Kino Loy Brasso Saw Gerrera Cassian Andor Ruescott Melshi Vel Sartha Taramyn Barcona
Heat 4 Taga Blevin Timm Karlo Salman Paak Tay Kolma Lonni Jung B2EMO (idk just go with it) Arvel Skeen
Remember, even though you can only vote for ONE person, FOUR of them will advance from each poll. So don't just think about who you think is the fastest out of everyone, consider 2-4 as well and think about voting for one of them instead. One or two votes could make all the difference.
May the best ninja win!
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metalmuscle · 8 months
Ninja Warrior: The Road to Unstoppable Strength and Agile Performance
Ninja obstacles have taken the world by storm, captivating fitness enthusiasts and adventure seekers alike. These challenging courses, inspired by the iconic Ninja Warrior TV show, are designed to test strength, agility, and endurance. Conquering these obstacles demands a unique blend of physical prowess and mental determination. As you embark on your ninja journey, mastering these obstacles will set you on a path to reaching your fitness peak.
The Evolution of Ninja Obstacles
Originating from the popular TV show "American Ninja Warrior," these obstacles have rapidly gained popularity and evolved into a global fitness phenomenon. The essence lies in conquering an array of challenging obstacles such as warped walls, rope climbs, salmon ladders, and more. What sets ninja obstacles apart is their diversity and ever-changing nature, requiring participants to adapt and devise new strategies continually.
Building Strength and Agility
Ninja obstacles demand a high level of strength and agility. To effectively conquer them, one must focus on building core strength, grip strength, upper body strength, and lower body explosiveness. Incorporate a mix of bodyweight exercises, weightlifting, calisthenics, and functional training into your workout routine. Exercises like pull-ups, rope climbs, box jumps, and monkey bars can help prepare you for the challenges that ninja obstacles present.
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Perfecting Technique and Form
Efficiency in technique is key to overcoming ninja obstacles. Each obstacle has its own set of techniques and strategies, and mastering them is essential. For example, understanding the precise foot placements and hand grips can make a significant difference in successfully navigating the course. Training under the guidance of experienced coaches can provide invaluable insights into mastering the art of technique.
Mental Resilience and Focus
While physical strength is crucial, mental resilience and focus are equally important. Ninja obstacles can be mentally intimidating, requiring you to stay calm under pressure and believe in your abilities. Visualization techniques and consistent mental conditioning can aid in maintaining focus and tackling obstacles with determination.
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Safety First
Safety should always be a top priority when engaging in ninja obstacle training. Proper warm-up exercises, cool-down routines, and adequate rest are essential to prevent injuries. Additionally, investing in the right safety gear and ensuring a safe environment for training can contribute to a successful ninja obstacle experience.
Embarking on the journey to conquer ninja obstacles is a thrilling adventure that pushes your physical and mental limits. With a commitment to building strength, perfecting technique, and fostering mental resilience, you can navigate these challenges and achieve your goals. Safety should always remain at the forefront of your efforts, ensuring a fulfilling and injury-free ninja obstacle journey. Ready to unleash your inner ninja? Start your training today and embrace the exhilarating world of ninja obstacles!
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dzamie · 2 years
is there a thing that's like those Ninja Warrior-like obstacle course buildings, but like, focused on cardio/agility rather than upper body strength? I've been to one of those and enjoyed the hell out of their quintuple-step and warped wall obstacles, but my arms are too noodle to enjoy the various kinds of "fancy monkey bars"
like an outlet for human zoomies
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minteyeddevil · 3 years
Okay, my partner and I have been binge watching Ninja Warrior, the original one from G4 that was based in Japan, and all I can keep thinking about is the Brothers attempting the different obstacles, lol.
I honestly feel that all the brothers would get through the first stage of the Log Jump, Rolling Log, Jump Hang, Warped Wall, and the Rope Climb.
Lucifer and Mammon would probably be show-boaty, especially Mammon, lol. He would flex and show off, almost barely run out of time with all his silliness. Lucifer would just smirk and show off how fast he can move cause he can be a cocky little shit, just breathing through it all with how strong he is.
We give Levi a hard time for not being very fit despite having abs (especially in that one Devilgram piece where Beel attempts to train him), but I feel he would be so into the tournament that he would show his strength and endurance really well! He'll collapse into an exhausted ball of demon, but he would have done it proudly!
Satan would just go right through everything just as quickly as Luci, though he would do his best to beat his time and just grin like a Cheshire cat once he accomplishes it. (Cue a giant rivalry to out-do each other between these two, lol.)
Asmo as well might complain about having to do something so strenuous, but he has the strength and agility to get through it easily. Will definitely want to clean off right away cause of the muddy water and everything being covered in sand and dirt, but he'd finish with time spare.
Beel...he might end up breaking one of the obstacles with how immense his strength is. Break the Log Roll in half or maybe rip off the Jump Hang completely by accident, lmao. But he would definitely make amazing time with how fast he could go.
Belphie, he is a bit or miss. If he puts in the work, he definitely can get through all the obstacles no problem. But if he just doesn't want to be bothered, he would let himself fall in the muddy water just to get out of doing anything, lol.
On the second stage, it would probably take out Mammon, Levi, Asmo, and Belphie, if he let's himself get that far. Mammon would get knocked out by the Spider Wall cause he would slip and just go plummeting into the water. That is more than likely where Belphie would fall too, considering how much the walls move and you constantly have to adjust. Levi would probably get taken out by the Ledge Walk, his balance giving out and just falling as well. Asmo would probably be able to get through but get stuck at the Conveyer Belt, and get launched backwards into the water. (Mind you this is them not using their demon forms, for it to actually be a legitimate run, lol.)
Now the third stage, this might take out Satan. The Body Prop is where you need to balance yourself between two platforms, hands and feet flat and slide yourself along. Satan would probably lose his grip and finally fall at this point. Also sadly, Lucifer might lose it here too. The Cliffhanger is where you use your bare fingertips to cling to the smallest ledge and move yourself along it, before having a large gap you need to practically leap to get. Lucifer would have his pride knocked out of him by missing the ledge and falling into the water. Forgive me Avatar of Pride but even you make mistakes.
If anyone can make it to the fourth and final stage, it's Beel. He has immense strength even without putting too much output with it. He would be able to climb the rope so fast and hit that buzzer with no problem. His brothers would more than likely be proud but also super jealous of him, lol.
Ahahaha sorry for this random ramble, I just wanted to get it out of my head and it sounded fun to write about. ^^ Hopefully anyone else that knows about Ninja Warrior enjoys this as well!
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yoakkemae · 3 years
exercise had never really been spencer’s thing; although, after he was let into the field a little bit more to help with take downs, spencer did start working out a little. not to the point as morgan, for sure, but enough that he developed lean muscles that, alongside with his height, would let him help pin and tackle suspects if he needs to.
however, after prison, spencer became hyperfixated on working out ( sometimes, he thinks that if he had just been a little bit stronger, a little bit better, he might have been able to save his friend, save himself. his intellect wasn’t enough, and, even that, he feels like he’s slowly losing ). he focused a lot more on going to the gym and lifting weights and becoming stronger, and those lean muscles eventually became more defined.
he made friends with one of the members of his gym, and they usually worked out together since they both ended up going to the gym late at night. his friend, named adam lund, was actually going to participate in american ninja warrior, and spencer helped put a routine for him together after analysing the skills, strength, speed, and balance necessary to face the obstacle courses. adam suggested that spencer joined him on the routine since it would be a lot more fun with a friend, and spencer agreed.
after training together for a few months, both of them showing rapid improvement in both their physicality and their ability to, hopefully, get through the obstacles, adam asked spencer to join him in trying american ninja warrior together. now, spencer was nervous about that at first, and he wasn’t sure if he could do it, but encouragement from his friend got him to at least fill out the twenty-page questionnaire, and the two of them made a video together. spencer and adam were both chosen to attempt to compete, and, so, they both travelled to philadelphia to compete.
spencer did not tell anyone on the team that he was going to compete on american ninja warrior because it was something that was immensely private to him, and he also didn’t think he could handle it if he heard them express any doubts of his chances on the course or express the ridiculousness of spencer going on a popular obstacle course game show. since the date of the qualifier was during his “break time”, he didn’t need to ask for time off, so he tried to, as quietly as he could, slip to philadelphia for the qualifying round without the team knowing.
in the qualifying round, spencer made it past the floating steps and spinning bowties without many mishaps, but he stumbled and almost fell on the broken bridge. luckily, he managed to catch himself and complete that obstacle. he was fine on the wingnuts, but he also almost messed up on the lightning bolts when he missed one side of the transfer, but he managed to catch himself and save himself from falling into the water. instead of going for the warped wall, however, spencer decided to go for the mega wall to see if he could win that 10,000 dollars as he assumed that his height would give him an advantage. it did, and he managed to go over the mega wall pass the qualifying round, winning himself 10,000 dollars as well. adam also passed the qualifying round, but he did not attempt the mega wall since he wanted to make sure that he could make it to the city finals.
after passing the qualifying round, spencer was able to go to the city finals, and he managed to get through the other obstacles that he did in the qualifying round well. he managed to get through the salmon ladder despite one mishap of one of the bars going to a spoke too low, but he managed to correct himself and made it to the captain’s wheel. however, it was the transfer from the first captain’s wheel to the next that was his downfall, and his grip slipped and he fell into the water, signalling an end to his american ninja warrior career for that year.
adam, however, did manage to pass the city finals and went to the finals in las vegas, and spencer did ask for time off to cheer for adam since he was back into his “hundred days at work” part of his schedule, which surprised a lot of people. spencer admitted to the team that his friend was in las vegas for the american ninja warrior finals and he wanted to go cheer him on, and he was given the time off ( although, he made a deal with the brass that his days off wouldn’t count for his “hundred days of work” time ).
adam unfortunately didn’t make it past the first round in the las vegas finals, and both adam and spencer decided that they were going to train together again for next year, as spencer found that he enjoyed the sport and didn’t find that he suffered as much “underestimation” with the “ninja warriors” that he sometimes still got in the fbi and from police. ( it also, of course, went without saying that spencer visited his mother while he was in las vegas ).
it wasn’t until the season aired that the team found out that spencer had also participated in the season, and, well, i’m sure you could imagine what their reactions would be like. ;D
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i-ate-my-gender · 3 years
I have no followers or people that care, but i am going to tell a s t o r y.
Now this was a loooooooooooooooong time ago, but my fucked up brain managed to hold on the memory cause it sccared me. now this story takes place in the noisy, messy, hellscape known as middle school. Little six grade me had a small clue how bad this whole thing was gonna be, but was optimistic nonetheless. This particular school was trash. They needed money real bad. So they decided to do a “fundraiser”. and by fundraiser, i mean you pay money to fuck around on the field with bouncy castles and shit.
They did not skimp on the bouncy shit though, there were obstacle courses, bouncy castles, things you like.... run on? idk. but the crown jewel of all of this was a like 20ft tall warped wall. you heard me right. like from american ninja warrior. and me, being the fucking adhd little shit that i am, was like “oh fuck i wanna zoom up that shit” so i go and get in line. now it was around the end of the fundraiser and things were starting to be taken down, and all these parents were making announcements that everyone would get one more turn. now, unbeknownst to me, some eighth grader were like “i dont wanna” and just kinda decided to hide at the top of the structure. the warped wall was like shaped kinda weird, it had three options of walls you could nyoom up, had a little area to pass through, and then a slide so you could get down.
so im at the like very end of the the line, theres one or two people behind me, and my turn comes up. so i go, nyoom up, and then make it totally first try like the boss i am. i reach the top, pump my arms in victory, and turn. the victory melts off my face like popsicles in the hot texan sun. in that s m a l l passing area are like 20 bigass eigth graders. Me, being A. New, B. claustrophobic, and C. have sensory issues, was scared out of my mind. so i start pushing my way through trying to get to the slide somewhat desperately, and as i am, the wrong block on that sweaty loud jenga tower was pushed. one more kid came up. Mind you, it was a little girl, like 11. but that was all that was needed. the tower, starts agonizingly slowly tilting, as if in slow motion. all the noise and messing around had stopped now. but it was too late
down the tower goes, and all the noise resumes again. I dont remember much, but i remember this. limbs flying. screaming. scratching. kicking. the collective “eumphh” as the tower hit the ground. people running out, scared of suffocation. emerging into the sunlight. the gasping of those around me. me looking in a mirror. a line of red on my cheek. 
there was a lot of apologzing and fawning after but i blocked most of it out.
the end. 
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daisyannewinchester · 3 years
Hi friend! How have you been? ❤
I've been ok! Had a bad depression day yesterday and the day before but now I'm feeling ok. Idrk what bipolar depression is but I might have it.
Started a new job at a daycare and I'm LOVING IT. I already know the people there so it's great. No awkward coworker talk. And the kids are wonderful.
And I've been trying out obstacles at my OCR (obstacle course relay) gym. So like monkey bars, warped wall, rope climb. If you've seen American Ninja Warrior it's like that but not as intense and in a gym. I have a long way to go but I'm proud of myself for trying. I used to be too chicken shit to do it. I dont like failing in front of people. Who does, really? And my running is going great.
Sorry for the long response, you doing alright?
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intellectualshield · 5 years
spencer & american ninja warrior ( anw : s10, cm : s13 ).
exercise had never really been spencer’s thing; although, after he was let into the field a little bit more to help with take downs, spencer did start working out a little. not to the point as morgan, for sure, but enough that he developed lean muscles that, alongside with his height, would let him help pin and tackle suspects if he needs to. 
however, after prison, spencer became hyperfixated on working out ( sometimes, he thinks that if he had just been a little bit stronger, a little bit better, he might have been able to save his friend, save himself. his intellect wasn’t enough, and, even that, he feels like he’s slowly losing ). he focused a lot more on going to the gym and lifting weights and becoming stronger, and those lean muscles eventually became more defined. 
he made friends with one of the members of his gym, and they usually worked out together since they both ended up going to the gym late at night. his friend, named adam lund, was actually going to participate in american ninja warrior, and spencer helped put a routine for him together after analysing the skills, strength, speed, and balance necessary to face the obstacle courses. adam suggested that spencer joined him on the routine since it would be a lot more fun with a friend, and spencer agreed. 
after training together for a few months, both of them showing rapid improvement in both their physicality and their ability to, hopefully, get through the obstacles, adam asked spencer to join him in trying american ninja warrior together. now, spencer was nervous about that at first, and he wasn’t sure if he could do it, but encouragement from his friend got him to at least fill out the twenty-page questionnaire, and the two of them made a video together. spencer and adam were both chosen to attempt to compete, and, so, they both travelled to philadelphia to compete. 
spencer did not tell anyone on the team that he was going to compete on american ninja warrior because it was something that was immensely private to him, and he also didn’t think he could handle it if he heard them express any doubts of his chances on the course or express the ridiculousness of spencer going on a popular obstacle course game show. since the date of the qualifier was during his “break time”, he didn’t need to ask for time off, so he tried to, as quietly as he could, slip to philadelphia for the qualifying round without the team knowing. 
in the qualifying round, spencer made it past the floating steps and spinning bowties without many mishaps, but he stumbled and almost fell on the broken bridge. luckily, he managed to catch himself and complete that obstacle. he was fine on the wingnuts, but he also almost messed up on the lightning bolts when he missed one side of the transfer, but he managed to catch himself and save himself from falling into the water. instead of going for the warped wall, however, spencer decided to go for the mega wall to see if he could win that 10,000 dollars as he assumed that his height would give him an advantage. it did, and he managed to go over the mega wall pass the qualifying round, winning himself 10,000 dollars as well. adam also passed the qualifying round, but he did not attempt the mega wall since he wanted to make sure that he could make it to the city finals. 
after passing the qualifying round, spencer was able to go to the city finals, and he managed to get through the other obstacles that he did in the qualifying round well. he managed to get through the salmon ladder despite one mishap of one of the bars going to a spoke too low, but he managed to correct himself and made it to the captain’s wheel. however, it was the transfer from the first captain’s wheel to the next that was his downfall, and his grip slipped and he fell into the water, signalling an end to his american ninja warrior career for that year. 
adam, however, did manage to pass the city finals and went to the finals in las vegas, and spencer did ask for time off to cheer for adam since he was back into his “hundred days at work” part of his schedule, which surprised a lot of people. spencer admitted to the team that his friend was in las vegas for the american ninja warrior finals and he wanted to go cheer him on, and he was given the time off ( although, he made a deal with the brass that his days off wouldn’t count for his “hundred days of work” time ). 
adam unfortunately didn’t make it past the first round in the las vegas finals, and both adam and spencer decided that they were going to train together again for next year, as spencer found that he enjoyed the sport and didn’t find that he suffered as much “underestimation” with the “ninja warriors” that he sometimes still got in the fbi and from police. ( it also, of course, went without saying that spencer visited his mother while he was in las vegas ). 
it wasn’t until the season aired that the team found out that spencer had also participated in the season, and, well, i’m sure you could imagine what their reactions would be like. ;D 
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ninjasports · 2 years
Ninja Warrior Warped Wall Obstacle
Ninja Warrior Warped Wall Obstacle
Everyone's favorite obstacle… the warped wall!!
Timing is key to ascending the Ninja Warrior Warped Wall Obstacle, run up jump and reach to grab onto the top. Then pull yourself up and watch the amazement from all of your friends as you conquer this fun but challenging ninja warrior obstacle obstacle - The Warped Wall!
Warped Wall Product Info:
Side panels - Plastic, ramp surface- Wood (You choose color), Top platform- plastic and skeleton- metal to make warped walls sturdy and durable!
Top platform comes in either black, orange, red, green, blue or red, you choose when ordering.
All warped walls are 4′ wide and approximately 12ft long when fully assembled. (Custom dimensions available)
All materials used are top of the line plastic and aluminum alloy (metal). No fading, safe, sturdy and will last! The only wooden part of this warped wall is the face.
Face of warped wall is painted the color of your choice and we recommend repainting the face yearly. This is an ongoing expense for warped walls and should be considered before purchasing.
SHIPPING: We ship these in fully assembled individual sections. For example a 12ft warped wall will come in 2 pieces. Simply bolt them together with provided hardware and stand up the warped wall, and it is ready to use. The larger the warped wall comes in 3 sections but each section is completely assembled.
Current Available Sizes:
Wheels, Hand Rails and Climbing Rope are added accessories that are NOT included unless specified. If you require assistance with installation please let us know we can walk you through it! We currently do not offer the fireman’s pole as a means to descend.
** If you need Warped Walls to come fully assembled, we can make this happen anywhere in the USA but shipping will cost more so contact our office for shipping prices for fully assembled Warped Walls. Typically we ship warped wall in 2,3 or 4 fully assembled pieces.**
Please make contact with us via email [email protected] if you have any questions or special requests.
SHIPPING: Due to the size of these items, they must ship motor freight. There are many variables when shipping via motor freight, so please contact our office for further information so we may calculate actual freight costs.
IF you choose to order online, all freight orders have a standard shipping fee. If your location deems shipping cost more than the fee included in your payment online, we will notify you via email within 24 hours and include a payable invoice for the remainder of the shipping cost. If you do not want to pay the additional shipping cost then you will have the opportunity at that point to cancel your order.
For any questions about shipping, contact our office at: Email: [email protected] Phone: 440-552-4237
Custom Design Crafts, is not responsible for injuries the purchaser may incur due to misuse, improper installation, or falls that may happen while performing the required exercise. Upon purchasing this product the purchaser agree to not hold Custom Design Crafts, its Employees, affiliates or its owners responsible for damages. 
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bladesandstars · 5 years
100 Ways Challenge - Prompt Fill #24
This might have been influenced by the fact that Ninja Warrior is on at the gym when I go. These two would be great at it though, wouldn’t they?
Prompt: 24. “Just because.”
Fandom: FFXV
Pairing: Gladnyx (Gladio/Nyx)
For: @aliatori​
Rating: G
No Warnings Apply
Team WarpFlight
“Welcome back to the fifth annual edition of Insomnia’s Ninja Warrior!”
The crowd cheers, and Nyx and Gladio bounce on their toes, excited for the start of the race. Nyx does a showy, if sloppy, head-over-heels flip, and the crowd roars more. Gladio rips off his shirt (he’d been planning on doing it anyway, but it’s also a good chance to one-up his opponent) and flexes.
Nyx rolls steel-blue eyes toward him in that look, and Gladio gives him a shit-eating grin in response. Sure, they’re competitors, but they’re also something more, and that’s adding a little bit of a sexy edge to the day that Gladio finds himself fully enjoying.
They hop, adrenaline rushing, while the announcer plays the cheesy video of them training together. Sure, it had been a gimmick to get themselves onto the show - the t-shirts, the silly nicknames of Warp and Flight (the latter for Gladio’s giant eagle tattoo, of course) -  but it had seemed to work. The producers had also been excited about playing on Gladio’s role as someone close to the royal family, but he’d put the lid on that quickly, with backup from Clarus. The production team had chosen, instead, to focus on them training together, and Gladio watches a guffaw burst out of Nyx as he looks up to see a series of slickly-captured bloopers of the two of them spool itself out for maximum viewer amusement.
They watch themselves bigger than life on the large screen, giving each other burly handclasps and spotting each other and shouting in encouragement, and Gladio catches Nyx’s eye again. They hadn’t included any footage of the two of them making out or anything, but at least Gladio thinks it’s pretty clear that they’re something more than rivals and training partners. Who knows, he shrugs, people see what they want to see.
The video ends, and Iris starts screaming her head off from the sidelines. She’s decked out in a red Flight shirt, as are Clarus, Noct, Prom, and Ignis, and then the camera shows Libertus, Pelna, and Crowe, all wearing blue Warp shirts and hollering in excitement. Regis and Luna had staunchly refused to pick a side, but both are absolutely watching and grinning from the royal box above the bleachers. (Ravus, too, had insisted he didn’t care, but as the camera pans Gladio catches sight of the flash of a red Flight t-shirt under his jacket, and he laughs.).
Everyone’s playing it up for the cameras, but also the energy is infectious. This is the first head-to-head race they’ve had in this competition, and it’s exciting. Gladio and Nyx had scored nearly the same times on the qualifying courses, each trading narrow victories of fractions of seconds.
The countdown begins, and Nyx, not to be outdone, throws his shirt to the side. Gladio cackles again at the whoop from the crowd, and they take off at top speed as the buzzer goes off.
Not quite stride for stride but at even speed - Gladio does have several inches of leg length on Nyx, but he’s notoriously fast and scrambly - they launch themselves toward the first obstacle.  More like a fun zipline than a challenge, both sail through, unconcerned, and land safely on the mat beyond. Without hesitating, they both barrel forward to the series of spinning blocks. Nyx leaps across, darting from one to another without giving it a chance to spin and throw him into the water. He’s deft enough that it looks like magic, but that would be against the rules.
Gladio, on the other hand, nails the obstacle with brute force, gathering enough running speed to launch himself across the last three entirely - less risk that way.  He pauses before the next obstacle, and looks up at it.
The Jumping Spider. Nyx takes no prep time, and bounces off the trampoline and up instantly, grabbing hold with feet and hands like he does this all day. Gladio takes a breath and then up, squashing his massive bulk into a shape that can move him through.
It’s surprisingly easy once he’s in there though, and his chest and core strength launch him through faster than he thought, shaving a little off the tiny advantage Nyx had scored through his lack of hesitation.
They fling themselves over to a grip-strength obstacle, and Nyx lets out a wild laugh. Gladio enjoys this, sure, but Nyx loves it - the adoration from the crowd and the sheer physical, stops-pulled-out exertion are like drugs to him. Gladio’s responsive laugh is more doting, and he leaps onto the obstacle.
Grip strength is one of Gladio’s things - he hasn’t been swinging a sword since he was a kid for nothing. He can hang here all day, and so can Nyx. But the obstacle lurches and rocks, and uses Gladio’s own mass against him, as he’s got to hold on against the backlash of his own bodyweight swinging.
He’s also tall, and this obstacle dangles dangerously close to the water. Between getting slowed down by the extra pressure of hanging on and the need to curl himself up, Gladio’s losing even more time.
Nyx is crawling across the underside of the rope net at the end of the obstacle - a fast if untraditional method, and it gives Gladio an excellent view of his arms, chest, and abs flexing before Gladio launches himself up onto the platform for the last obstacle. Gladio bounces into and out of the net like a normal person instead of scrambling like a spider, and it takes him a moment to get unstuck but seems much less complicated.
Nyx hasn’t planned on this being a head-to-head race, and his own net lurches wildly as Gladio’s bounces. He very nearly loses it, and his ass dangles dangerously close to the disqualifying pool of water beneath. Gladio’s up and out and wiping his hands on his pants in anticipation of grabbing the edge of that giant sheer wall they’ve got to climb.
Predictably, Nyx launches himself up the wall a nanosecond faster than Gladio. They’re close enough to touch, and Nyx does. Rather than slam down his button, he reaches down and hauls Gladio up, and they finish together. A tie.
They’re gasping for breath, chests heaving, and the crowd is losing its collective shit.
“Why did you do that?” Gladio turns toward Nyx as he heaves their joined hands into the sky.
He gets one of those smiles in return. Not the crowd-smile, not the look-how-charming-I-am-smile. Not even the that-was-funny-smile. Nope, this one is special, and Gladio still remembers the first night he saw it, and the first time he knew this thing they had together was different.
“Just because.”
It is a tie, officially. Even though Nyx held back a little, they’re still counting it. The announcer is going on about it while confetti rains down, and Gladio grins. This way, the show will have to donate to both the Royal Animal Rescue and the Phoenix Down Medical Fund. But mostly, Gladio thinks, Nyx had wanted to do this together, and that was pretty great too.
He grabs a scruffy chin in big sweaty hands shaking with effort and adrenaline, and kisses Nyx long and deep, right there in front of Insomnia and the TV cameras and everyone. Just in case they didn’t get the subtext from the video.
Gladio pulls back and beams at him, and Nyx winds a hand up behind Gladio’s neck and kisses him again. Is that Regis hollering? People seem to be pretty okay with Team WarpFlight, and Gladio’s pretty happy about it, too.
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grailbot143 · 5 years
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Thanks to daiskken for the Cover Art work submission! :)
Welcome Back Everyone!
Recap from Steven Universe: Serious Steven (S1:Ep8)
Serious Steven opens with Steven Universe in a half-dazed state, opening his eyes and seeing a lot of blurry teacups and unhappy people. Then closing his eyes again.
Two Weeks Later
Then we join Steven 2 weeks later as Garnet is explaining that he is going on his first serious mission. Steven and the Gems are in their portal warp telephaser thing moving toward their destination as Garnet is explaining this. Pearl is worried that Steven isn't ready yet. As Garnet assures her, he will be fine, he manages to fall outside of the tunnel portal thing and have a spectacular landing in a giant strawberry field.
Strawberry Fields and Butterflies . . . and swords
Steven, covered in crushed strawberries, was attacked by butterflies and running around like crazy. Then they all start walking through the strawberry field which had swords randomly sticking up everywhere. As they are walking, Pearl is talking about how much she loves earth and all the beautiful things it has to offer.
They come to an upside down pyramid suspended above the ground. They proceed inside. They are pictures on the walls and lots of triangles and pyramids. Steven sees an inverted pyramid suspended over a pedastal and touches it as Pearl is telling him not to touch anything. It flips over and the whole pyramid starts shaking and moving. They end up floating up through a hole into another room.
Ninja Warrior Style
They split up. Steven goes with Garnet through one door and they enter a room where the door slams behind them and there are lights on the floor. Garnet warns him only to step on the lit floor tiles and he runs across to the other side successfully. Then he gets excited and does a little jig. The room shakes and he falls over on to an unlit tile and the floor tiles start falling out from under them. Garnet has to jump from tile to tile and dive (feet first) into a the tile where Steven was standing and just catches him by his leg saving him from the molten lava below.
Hidden Triangles
After a little relaxing joking around, they enter the next room. It is a hall with triangles on the walls. Steven is looking at the triangles and says he believes there are some hidden triangles in this room then he pushes on the wall with the pictures and the ceiling opens to reveal spikes. They run to get past that room and make it through the door to the next room.
Step Up the Obstacles
In the following room, there is fire, lava, spikes,and swinging pendulums. Steven passes out and flashes back to 2 weeks earlier.
Two Weeks Earlier
Steven and the Gems are at the carnival in line to ride the teacup ride. Once they get on, it spins around and Steven gets sick and decides he must get off the ride immediately. He jumps over the side and falls on to the operator. The operator falls on the controls and the teacups spin around faster and faster until the whole ride breaks and the teacups have come off and are all over the park.
Back in Today
They make it through the final room with Garnet carrying Steven who is still passed out and they end up back where they started in the center room of the pyramid. Pearl and Amethyst had gone through several doors and ended up back in the center room as well. They try to figure out the geometrics of the place for that to keep happening. Then it dawns on Steven that the pyramid is like the teacups. The arms are spinning around and that's why they keep coming back to the same place and why he doesn't feel so good.
Garnet acts on this idea by using her super fists to break the floor beneath them and they end up on floating pyramids in the room below. Steven sees the gem they have come to retrieve and Garnet throws him across the pyramids to get to it. He grabs it and pulls it out of the side of the pedastal it is embedded in and it comes out. He falls to the ground with it.
And the Temple Falls
The temple explodes and they are all back in the strawberry fields. Steven plays a song on his ukelele and is again attacked by butterflies.
I just want to remind everyone, I write these recaps after having only seen the episode once, a week ago, and often interrupted by my whole blogging thing. I mainly do it for myself to refresh my memory for the next episode, but since I post it, I thought I should ask your forgiveness if it isn’t exactly perfect (or even close).
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metalmuscle · 1 year
Ninja Warrior is a popular sport that has a global fan base popularized by the TV show of the same name. The hype is real and has inspired many fitness experts and the health club industry to open Ninja Warrior gyms. These gyms offer training classes and obstacle courses. Ninja enthusiasts visit these gyms to increase their strength and maintain physical fitness or even build their own backyard courses.
Ninja Warrior training improves balance, agility and upper body strength, and overall endurance. The workouts are fun and challenging and overall more exciting than conventional gym machines and treadmills.
Can Ninja Warrior equipment be customized to fit your needs?
Every space is different so usually, there are smaller standard designs or others that are more customizable to match your space and skill level. Most suppliers can help customize or at least suggest an ideal structure for your venue.
Do the Ninja Warrior equipment suppliers install the obstacle courses?
Certainly, with additional fees on top of the purchase price, most Ninja Warrior equipment can be professionally installed by the supplier. Alternatively, you may be able to find a tradesman that’s already familiar with setting up the expo and concert equipment or a builder that can assemble the units with not too much difficulty.
How much does it cost to purchase ninja Warrior equipment?
A complete set of Ninja Warrior equipment can range anywhere from a couple of thousand dollars to a couple hundred thousand dollars. When it comes to Ninja warrior equipment, it all depends on how much space you have to work with and how many obstacles you need for your course. Do you want to have a single-story or double-decker course? Do you just need a few bars or do you want a whole professional setup?  Warped Wall, High Rope Climb, Rope Jungle, Ring Toss, Cliffhanger, Lache, Flying Bar, Unstable Bridges, Salmon Ladder, Double Salmon Ladder, Wingnuts, Arm Rings, Pipe Slider, Devil Steps, and more! Do you have a backyard home gym,  studio,  commercial gym, or massive warehouse space? The biggest difference in cost will not just be the footprint and obstacles, but also the frame. The two most common types are the scaffolding tubes- which are the same used on building sites (generally cheaper option for the same amount of size) or the aluminum trusses. These are commonly used for stage, lighting and sound, concerts, etc (expensive option).
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Why METAL MUSCLE for Ninja Warrior equipment?
METAL MUSCLE is a leading supplier of high-end strength and obstacle sports gear for competition and fitness. Their sub-brand TACTICAL RACER is dedicated to Ninja Warrior and Obstacle Racing equipment. As mentioned the scaffolding and aluminum truss designs are most common, whereas Metal Muscle has a third option that lies somewhere in between- that is the steel tubing as seen on cross-training rigs. This option is more versatile and adjustable than the scaffolding designs. It is also more cheaper and compact than the aluminum truss which also saves money on storage and shipping.
The rig and all its attachments are all-weather compatible and suitable for both indoor and outdoor use with little maintenance. The colors will not fade and are easy to keep clean. The modular design can be repositioned into dozens of different configurations, and you can gradually add on more obstacles as your skills develop.
If you are looking for top-quality Ninja Warrior equipment, then contact METAL MUSCLE today!  Rest easy knowing you have the most durable, high-quality items for your commercial or personal gym.
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playbigzone-blog · 5 years
The Fun of Kids Party Places in New Jersey
Kids birthday parties have become the ideal way to instill wonderful memories in our children. In New Jersey, there are huge options for kids to enjoy the buzz, fun, competition and excitement in each and every party. Various kinds of activities are organized to refresh kids’minds and offer new and exciting games. They are customized according to the expectation of the kids. Let’s peep into the excitement of kids party places of New Jersey.
Best Indoor Party Place in New Jersey
In the winter season, kids are faced with boredom since they cannot go and play outside as much as they can. In addition, it’s a challenge for the parents to plan party in the cold season as there are limitations in what can be fun and different. Kids’ indoor play in Marlboro, New Jersey is famous for play facility and super fun activities. Near Marlboro, indoor inflatables, indoor play gym, multilevel indoor playground, indoor bounce fun, climbing on walls, Velcro walls, zip lines are organized to give unlimited fun to the kids. Though Indoor Arcade games in New Jersey is old-fashioned, plenty of classic and modern game technologies are formulated by our event planners. Video arcades are truly rejuvenating. Generally in every Arcade, you can notice pinball, classic skee ball, PacMan machines and more. This place is well known as one of the best Fun Party Place Central NJ.
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Kids Open Play Central NJ
If the child is enthusiastic in nature, the child will surely will be fascinated by open play. Climbing, balancing, jumping, swinging- all the physical activities are encouraged in Open Play sessions. The children are allowed to play in the turf area of our New Jersey location. Children enjoy playing Basketball, crane games and more in open play.
Activities of Kids Party
Traditional Human foosball game is organized to entertain the kids. Kids can relish the game with their friends. Kids love to play this conventional human foosball game. Laser maze in New Jersey provides a thrilling session to the kids. Various challenges are faced by the kids. It is a race against time which will test the kids’ agility. To instigate the competitive spirit of the kids Ninja Race is a very exciting option. Kids enjoy playing ninja race in warrior style. An obstacle course is arranged by the help of warped wall and mega slides. Kids try to climb up on the wall and they take pleasure in such adventurous games.
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gymnasticscoaching · 5 years
training Ninja with Sandy Zimmerman
training Ninja with Sandy Zimmerman
Sandy Zimmerman was the first MOM to complete the American Ninja Warrior obstacle course.
Click PLAY or watch it on YouTube.
She trains and coaches in her backyard in Spokane, Washington.
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I observed one open class last night — and got a chance to try the warped wall myself.
Sandy Zimmerman, a full-time teacher, is an excellent…
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jumpboy-rembrandt · 6 years
Rule of Threes
[a metafic about remmy rembrandt]
Nadiya thinks he’s a failure.
That isn’t even his imagination acting up; she said as much the first time they met. Rembrandt? You mean Christopher Rembrandt, the man who gave up a spot in the Olympics and then embarrassed himself on national television? Tragic.
Even though she isn’t his brother – she’s barely his friend – it melts down the back of his throat and coats his lungs, and the disappointment bounces around his head like the rubber balls he and Elijah used to hoard from the arcade down the road. Dump them out and watch them bounce, bounce, bounce across the kitchen.
Remmy liked to think of himself as a cool kid. He could do a backflip better than anyone else in his grade – taking gymnastics since age seven would do that – and he could kick anyone’s butt at Pokémon.
Simon Lawson didn’t think he was cool, though. Simon played hockey with his friends in the culdesac and read lots of books about space. One time he nudged a thick novel about Martian colonies into the aisle as Remmy was walking past, making him trip and spill his lunch tray. Simon though Remmy was weird, and Remmy’s friends thought Simon was a jerk.
Remmy didn’t really mind, though. He lived across the street from Simon and remembers when Mr. Lawson got offended about Remmy’s parents inviting Simon to come to gymnastics practice. Apparently, no one had ever told Mr. Lawson that boys were allowed to do gymnastics, and he got really upset when he was told otherwise.
It wasn’t Simon’s fault that his dad was so emotional. That’s why Remmy just sat up, scooped whatever he could back onto his tray, and turned to Simon with a sheepish grin to apologize for stepping on his book. Simon smirked at his friends, but Remmy knew that Simon snuck into his backyard sometimes to play on his trampoline. Maybe one day Remmy will come outside too and show him how to do a flip.
People aren’t mean for no reason. Sometimes you just need to figure that reason out, and be as nice as you can in the meantime.
That’s why Remmy knew that Nadiya wasn’t a bad person, and someday soon he’s going to find her trampoline.
One time in fourth grade, Remmy rode the swing until he got as high as he could and jumped. He went clear over Rosa’s head and hit the ground running, stumbling, falling into a puddle. The cold mud seeping through his clothes barely registered. He was giddy from his two seconds of weightlessness, flying through the air like a superhero.
When Remmy got accepted onto the Olympic team, it was just as euphoric. He felt like he was flying, flying, flying—
You don’t always land in a muddy puddle. Sometimes there’s just gravel that digs into your knees and leaves jagged scars.
He still could’ve competed. Some say that he should’ve. He’d been working towards this for the past decade, ever since he ran into the gymnastics building clutching his dad’s hand and bouncing with excitement.
That’s what it came down to, though, wasn’t it? His dad wasn’t there to squeeze his hand before he walked onto the mats, and his mom wasn’t there to wave her neon posterboard signs and annoy the people sitting behind her.
He needed his family. He needed to sit up with Eli until the early hours of the morning, flipping through photo albums and watching American Ninja Warrior and learning how to make pancakes with the shapes drawn on them like their mother used to. He needed to cry and scream and let himself be upset like he never could around anyone else.
He needed his big brother. And his big brother needed him.
Years passed, and it got a little easier. He and Eli had big dreams shaped like warped walls and salmon ladders, and they dedicated themselves to bringing those dreams to life.
It was like they were kids again, crafting an excess of obstacles in their backyard and daring each other to do it again, but faster. Their backyard turned into a studio, and their rotting tree branches into balance beams, and Remmy could almost forget that 2008 had ever happened.
Yet, some reminders of adulthood were louder – and sweeter – than others.
Remmy adores his nephew. Little Robin Rembrandt is the apple of his eye and he makes sure the kid knows it every day.
He remembers the night Robin was born, and how he got to be the first person to hold him right after Eli and his girlfriend, and how elated he was when Robin made soft, sleepy noises at him.
He also remembers sitting in the hallway with Eli afterwards, rubbing circles into his big brother’s back as he sobbed. Whenever he and Eli had complained that their parents were being embarrassing, mom and dad would reassure them that they were going to be even worse about embarrassing their grandchildren.
It felt wrong to be sitting in the maternity ward without their parents showering Eli in kisses and burying Robin under piles of stuffed toys. So, so many years had passed, but at times like this, it stung like it had only been days.
Remmy introduces himself to the interviewer for the Do Good Fellowship. She perks up and says that she recognizes his name. Wasn’t he in the Olympics a few years back? Remmy manages a small smile.
“Almost,” he says. She raises an eyebrow.
“Miss a qualifying round?” she asks, and for a second Remmy is so, so tempted to say yes.
“Dropped out,” he tells her with a shrug. She raises her other eyebrow.
“…Interesting,” she says, scribbling something in the margin of her notebook. “Well, I hope you won’t pass up this opportunity too.” Remmy composes himself before she looks back up, relaxing his grit teeth and blinking frustrated tears from his eyes.
“Me too,” he says.
Remmy smiled and laughed during the interviews, shook hands and congratulated his competitors, and then went back to his car and cried until he began retching.
At least for the Olympics he hadn’t shown up. At least for the Olympics he had an excuse. At least for the Olympics he had been able to go home and hug his brother and cry and cry and cry.
Right now, he wasn’t sure Elijah would even look him in the eye.
That wasn’t true, and he logically knew it wasn’t true, but every other part of him was getting weighed down by the thick sheets of disappointment and failure that squeezed his lungs until he couldn’t breathe and shut down every thought in his brain.
Elijah found him sitting in a Dairy Queen parking lot, curled up in the back seat and surrounded by empty wrappers. He crawled in next to his little brother and held him and told him that they were going to be okay, that they could figure this out. Remmy just nodded into his chest, silent tears still rolling down his face.
It was a few weeks and several job interviews before he let himself play with Robin again. Elijah had been through enough, and Remmy had been supposed to be his big break. He was going to make it up to him. He had to.
Irene asks what his favorite movie is. Remmy thinks about the late nights he stayed up watching Stick It, crying into a bowl of dry cereal and wishing that his story could’ve gotten a happy ending.
“It’s actually Flubber, which is weird,” he replies with a painted-on grin.
“That is so strange,” Irene tells him, smiling back. She seems scared, though. He hopes she thinks that’s why he’s shaking too.
The Fellowship was going to be his happy ending. After this, he wouldn’t need anymore graveyard shifts or long commutes, just living on site and fixing computers for the world’s best and brightest. He would earn enough money to pay for the gym, to pay Eli’s rent, to get Robin into a nice school.
This was it. Sure, they seemed awfully interested in his gymnastic background. Yeah, he seemed stuck with a person who hated him for reasons beyond his understanding. And of course, not all of his coworkers were nice.
One time, Remmy’s coworker at one of many part-time jobs said something snarky about the rainbow bracelet he was wearing. Remmy twisted it around his wrist and grinned sheepishly, explaining that he got it from a parade he went to in Chicago a few years back. The coworker snorted and made eye contact with his friend over Remmy’s shoulder.
People aren’t mean for no reason, but sometimes that reason is bullshit.
So when Nadiya eviscerates Jamie, he has to bite back a laugh. It may not be his style, but listening to the string of threats backed by Walking On Sunshine wasn’t a wholly unpleasant experience.
Unfortunately, some coworkers ran a little darker than Jamie.
He failed out of the Olympics. He failed out of American Ninja Warrior. And now…rule of threes, baby.
Remmy had thought he could avoid this by dropping gymnastics – there couldn’t be a third failure if he retired to computers. But, alas, life had it out for him and now so does the Do Good Fellowship.
He stared through the windshield. Kardala’s hair was brushing his face from where she was collapsed against his shoulder, sleeping soundly. Nadiya was driving, arguing with Mary in the passenger seat about the nearest restaurant.
Was this a failure? The usual rush of tears hadn’t hit him yet. He felt empty, ethereal, floating slightly out of his body. He focused on the hair brushing across his nose, grounding himself, and trying not to sneeze into the goddess’s hair.
The first time, Remmy lost his parents and gymnastics – the sport they supported him through for more than half his life – in a few disastrous days. The second, he nearly destroyed his relationship with his brother at the hands of the activity they cherished. And this time…
His powers definitely caused a predicament, but he still had them. And, to be honest, the loss of the Fellowship didn’t really hit him too hard. Maybe this wasn’t a failure. Or, maybe he’s just become numb to the feelings of guilt and disappointment.
The arguing in the front seat reaches a crescendo and Kardala wakes up long enough to shout that they will go to “wherever the orange one wants, now let me sleep or you will both regret it dearly.” A smile twitches across Remmy’s face. Oh. That makes sense.
The Fellowship may have given him powers, but they don’t tie him to an organization. They connect him to people, to Nadiya and Irene and Kardala and Mary Sage. The ‘Berg may be gone, and it’s possible they’re on a watchlist, but he still has the four of them.
He sure would like a fifth, though.
Remmy taps the center console, interrupting the icy silence between the girls.
“Mary, I know you’ve got a burner phone. Can I borrow it?” he asks. “I really need to call my brother.
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