#ninja warrior obstacles for sale
ninjasports · 1 year
Ninja Warrior Warped Wall Obstacle
Ninja Warrior Warped Wall Obstacle
Everyone's favorite obstacle… the warped wall!!
Timing is key to ascending the Ninja Warrior Warped Wall Obstacle, run up jump and reach to grab onto the top. Then pull yourself up and watch the amazement from all of your friends as you conquer this fun but challenging ninja warrior obstacle obstacle - The Warped Wall!
Warped Wall Product Info:
10' tall wall, plus a 24" high extension that has 4 "rungs" on it, which achieves a 12' total height
Assembled from 6 main pieces:
base piece
vertical ramp
extension (top)
deck piece
back piece
rubber, trim, cliff hangers
SHIPPING: We ship these warped walls out on two 48" x 96" pallets - You will be charged a flat fee at checkout when ordering from this site and then we will contact you with the remaining shipping balance.
Current Available Warped Wall Sizes:
10’ (12’ with extension)
Wheels, Hand Rails and Climbing Rope are added accessories that are NOT included unless specified. If you require assistance with installation please let us know we can walk you through it! We currently do not offer the fireman’s pole as a means to descend.
Please contact us via email [email protected] if you have any questions or special requests.
Assembly of The Warped Wall:
Assembly in the field consists of anchoring the base into the concrete floor with anchor bolts, bolting the vertical ramp onto the base, connecting the top deck to the wall and the wall of the building, then the extension is bolted on, and then the back is screwed in place (essentially enclosing the warped wall).
The rubber then gets glued onto the ramp with contact cement, trimmed, and the HDPE trim is screwed onto the sides.  The cliff hangers are screwed onto one side to be used as a ladder for climbing down from the top.
SHIPPING: Due to the size of these items, they must ship motor freight. There are many variables when shipping via motor freight, so please contact our office for further information so we may calculate actual freight costs.
IF you choose to order online, all freight orders have a standard shipping fee. If your location deems shipping cost more than the fee included in your payment online, we will notify you via email within 24 hours and include a payable invoice for the remainder of the shipping cost. If you do not want to pay the additional shipping cost then you will have the opportunity at that point to cancel your order.
For any questions about shipping, contact our office at: Email: [email protected] Phone: 440-552-4237
Custom Design Crafts, is not responsible for injuries the purchaser may incur due to misuse, improper installation, or falls that may happen while performing the required exercise. Upon purchasing this product the purchaser agree to not hold Custom Design Crafts, its Employees, affiliates or its owners responsible for damages. 
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tanadrin · 1 year
no gun licensing requirements, but sales are only permitted in designated locations that are surrounded by american ninja warrior-style obstacle courses
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msvorderofoperations · 2 months
Another dream to journal, but this one definitely ended up in nightmare territory. This one is also going to take some effort to try and make sense of it.
It started out reasonably. I was on an extended vacation with my girlfriend at a remote fishing village, sort of similar to one I would occasionally visit when I was a kid. While it was sparsely populated, we would still see people since there were shared amenities, and the lodgings weren't really private so people were constantly passing through our living space. To combat the fact that being around people this often would drain me emotionally, and the lack of privacy, I had access to an ultralight plane. I would use it to go somewhere me and my girlfriend could be alone, and also to just explore and see the incredible sights around us.
At one point, I was at a card game tournament at a convention. And it was an especially weird one at that, because the deck formats were Magic the Gathering based, but the cards were Pokemon and Digimon. And somehow, I ended up in the last round I was to play in with my sister. And we were not having a good time. We were both sniping at each other like we did when we were much younger and actively hated each other. Eventually I point out that she is very much acting like she did when she was a preteen. And then she fires back that she's only acting that way because I'm acting like a child. And then at that point, I forfeit the tournament because I want nothing to do with her anymore.
I then go back to where I have been living during this vacation, and find out that most everyone has ended up at a new (and hastily constructed) activity centre. Think Ninja Warrior, but shitty and you should be in the right ballpark. As I observe people trying to test themselves against the various obstacles, it starts falling apart. I go to help someone who has fallen a considerable distance, and been partially buried by the wreckage. I find out there that the whole thing is being run by a former employer of mine, and they take over rescue efforts. In doing so, it turns out that the paperwork for my quitting never got properly filed, and since I'm helping them with something they were already doing I might as well just come back to work.
I look down at myself and even see that I am even wearing the uniform, so I can't really protest the idea. To give some amount of context, this job was sales in the electronics department (among others, which is part of why I left IRL) of a department store. Nominally, I was supposed to handle customer service for a specific set of products, but the practicalities of every electronics store in the 21st century meant that actually I was meant to sell cell phones and contracts. And so I then find myself doing that, as I had in 2017 when I first had the job.
After a shift, I find that my girlfriend has taken to self soothing as the lack of privacy and now the time apart because of the job have been getting to her. She's doing one thing on her phone, and listening to music on mine. But owing to a number of circumstances, my phone is acting odd. I try and fix it, but realize that it has been partially disassembled. I emphasize that we both need to be careful with it as I can't afford a new one. When I get to the final steps of putting it back together, I see that the glass back has been shattered into pieces. Not just cracked, but fully pulverized into discreet, razor sharp chunks. And now, given that my phone no longer has a large part of its structure, and is no longer sealed from dust and the elements, my phone is effectively bricked.
I go back to work to see what temporary replacements are to be had, but find no one there. This is not that out there, as one of the many reasons I quit that job was because for long periods I was frequently the only person working in 4(!) different departments and had to cover all of them. As I'm looking to see if there is anybody minding the store, I see that in the A/V department, there is something else playing other than the usual sports replays or nature documentaries on the TVs. It's a deeply strange and surreal softcore porn that appears to be loosely based on a sketch from In Living Color. After that weirdness, since there is no one to activate a cheap phone for me I leave.
As I return back to my lodgings, I hear my girlfriends phone go off. Somehow my mom has gotten her number, and she is actually close enough that I can hear both sides of the conversation. For reasons I don't feel like getting into, I have been putting off my mom meeting my girlfriend for a long time. So the idea that this meeting is going to happen fills me with dread. After a brief initial contact, it is decided that we're going to meet up with some other people at a cafe nearby.
This is where things start to go from being deeply unpleasant to outright horrifying. We meet up, and I talk about the weirdness at my place of work as an anecdote. And then one of the people there not so subtly points out that he was an actor in that particular video, signalling that it was him that made the TVs all play it. I'm very angry at the fact that he hacked our TVs and did so to satisfy a exhibitionist kink that no one even had the chance to consent to, but there's nothing to be done about it so I try and change the subject. Another person present then decides to try and one-up the person who did the video, and does some ill considered acrobatics that go horribly awry. They slam the back of their head on the railing of the short fence around the outdoor part of the cafe, and do so so hard that it's now embedded partway into their skull. As they begin to bleed out, they shout in a final act of...something "This. Proves. NOTHING." before they die of massive brain trauma and hemorrhaging.
Instead of being horrified or trying to get help, everyone around me finds this absolutely hilarious. Everyone then takes turns trying to get the bar the no dead person hit their head on to fully come out the other side, bisecting their skull. I try talking to an old man outside the group of people I'm with. He nods silently, produces a shotgun, sticks it in his mouth and blows his brains out. As I turn back to see if *anybody* is reacting to all of this disturbing violence happening around me, I see one of the people I came with has gotten bored and is now playing Guitar Hero.
At this point I basically go catatonic. Nothing makes sense, nobody is acting sane, and I clearly cannot meaningfully change anything. Eventually after sitting in this abattoir of madness for a time, I finally wake up.
Really don't know what to make of any of this. But this does outline the kind of tone my dreams used to have before I changed my meds and started dreaming much more frequently. As I have said elsewhere, my subconscious is not a pleasant place.
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colindeamer01 · 6 months
Closing Deals: Colin Deamer Guide to Handling Common Sales Issues
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Imagine a world where every sales pitch is like a thrilling story, building up to an epic finale—the closing of a deal. It's not just about making a sale; it's the grand moment when all your hard work pays off and success is in your grasp. 
But here's the plot twist: this journey is filled with unexpected obstacles that can turn your success story into a cliffhanger. Issues like misunderstandings, unanswered concerns, and not quite hitting the mark with your customers can throw a curveball into your sales adventure. 
In this post, we're going to be your scriptwriters, helping you navigate these twists and turns. We'll unravel the secrets of closing deals and show you how to overcome the hurdles that stand between you and that triumphant 'closed deal' moment. 
So, get ready for a sales journey like no other—full of suspense, challenges, and, of course, the sweet taste of success at the end.
The Sales Adventure: Overcoming Common Challenges!
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Alright, picture this: you're on a quest to seal the deal, but guess what? There are dragons on this sales journey, and they go by the names of Misaligned Expectations, Objection Overload, Trust Deficit, Negotiation Gridlock, and Poor Timing. Yep, these are the tricky hurdles that can make or break a sales adventure.
Let’s understand them! 
Misaligned Expectations: Ever played a game where everyone's on a different page? That's what happens when what you're selling doesn’t match what your buyer wants. Clear communication is your sword and shield here.
Objection Overload: Imagine you're almost there, and suddenly, a bunch of concerns pop up – from the price being too high to doubts about your product. You need a strategy to slay these objections and keep your quest alive.
Trust Deficit: Trust is like a treasure; once you lose it, it's hard to get back. Building trust is essential because, without it, your potential client might think you're just another dragon in disguise.
Negotiation Gridlock: Negotiation is like a duel, and sometimes, you hit a standstill. Knowing when to dodge and when to strike is crucial to navigate through these tight spots and emerge victorious.
Poor Timing: In this adventure, timing is your secret weapon. Rushing might scare off your prey, and lingering too long might make them vanish. Mastering the art of perfect timing is your key to winning the game.
So, gear up, brave sales warrior! The adventure begins, and with the right moves, you can conquer these challenges and emerge as the hero of the sales realm. Are you ready to embark on this thrilling quest? 
Cracking the Sales Code: Your Guide for Common Challenges
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So, you've stepped into the world of sales – a bit like entering a mysterious maze. But fear not, this guide is your trusty map, illuminating the path through the challenges that frequently crop up during the deal-closing process. Let's unravel the mysteries and equip you with the strategies to conquer these hurdles:
Become a Listening Ninja
In the realm of successful sales, mastering the art of active listening is akin to becoming a stealthy ninja. Imagine yourself as the ninja of understanding, silently observing and grasping every nuance of your customer's wishes and needs. Before you make your move, before you unveil your sales arsenal, listen with intent, ensuring that your pitch aligns seamlessly with the unique desires of your prospect.
2. Objections? Face them Head-On
Picture objections as formidable dragons guarding the treasure trove of successful deals. Instead of running away in fear, summon your courage and face these dragons head-on. Equip yourself with the knowledge of common objections, stand firm, and with unwavering confidence, turn these once-daunting objections into valuable allies, propelling your journey towards a triumphant close.
3. Friendship over Transactions 
Sales are about forging genuine connections that extend beyond the confines of a single deal. Envision each sale as the initiation of a lasting friendship, where your investment in building authentic connections becomes the cornerstone of loyalty and repeat business. Take the time to understand not just the immediate needs but the long-term aspirations of your customer, nurturing relationships that stand the test of time.
4. Adapt Like a Chameleon
The art of sales is reminiscent of the chameleon's ability to change colours based on its surroundings. Channel your inner chameleon by embracing adaptability as a superpower. Recognise that each customer is unique, with distinct preferences and communication styles. Be flexible in your approach, adjusting your strategies to align with the individuality of each prospect seamlessly. Through adaptability, you'll find yourself effortlessly blending into success in the diverse sales landscape.
5. Time it Right, Sales Samurai 
Imagine yourself as a skilled sales samurai, poised with precision and wisdom. In the dynamic dance of sales, timing emerges as your mighty katana, capable of cutting through hesitation and seizing the opportune moment. Embrace the art of perfect timing—neither rushing in like an impulsive warrior nor hesitating like a cautious bystander. Channel your inner sales samurai to strike when the moment feels just right, ensuring that your actions resonate harmoniously with the rhythm of the sales journey.
6. Negotiate, Don't Battle
In the theatrical arena of sales, negotiation isn't a fierce battlefield but a graceful dance of collaboration. Picture yourself as the lead dancer, orchestrating negotiations with finesse and tact. Shift your perspective from a confrontational battle to a collaborative celebration, seeking solutions where both parties emerge as victors. Become the choreographer of a win-win performance, transforming the negotiation process into a harmonious partnership that extends far beyond a singular transaction.
7. Show Off Your Super Value Powers
Your product isn't a mere commodity; it's a superhero with transformative superpowers. Become a storyteller, narrate a compelling saga of your product's ability to solve problems and elevate the customer experience. Showcase the value proposition, illustrating how your offering emerges as the superhero in your customer's narrative. Let your product's superpowers shine, leaving an indelible impression that transcends a simple transaction and establishes it as an indispensable ally in your customer's journey.
8. Follow-Up Smartly
Be a diligent detective, committed to unravelling the mysteries and ensuring a seamless transition from curiosity to commitment. Rather than a mere follow-up, approach it as a strategic continuation of the narrative, where you remain present, answering questions and guiding your newfound ally through the stages of decision-making. Your relentless commitment to this ongoing adventure solidifies your role as the trusted guide, propelling the journey towards a successful and enduring partnership.
Now, armed with these tricks, go out there and conquer the sales world with a smile! 
Overall, closing deals successfully is a multifaceted skill that involves a deep understanding of your prospect, effective communication, and strategic thinking. By addressing common sales issues head-on, you can elevate your sales game and build lasting, mutually beneficial relationships with clients. Remember that every obstacle offers a chance for growth and advancement. With the right mindset and a comprehensive toolkit, you can become a master of the art of closing deals in any sales environment.
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Colin William Deamer is an experienced professional in the fields of telecommunications and IT. With an extensive history ranging from lease lines to fiber internet, Colin recently strategically moved from a sales leadership position to a focused contributor after an unforeseen life catastrophe.
Recognised for his astute sales acumen, Colin Dreamer is distinguished by his ability to craft sophisticated solutions that underscore business development, ensuring both client satisfaction and the attainment of stringent targets across both direct and channel sales. His proficiency extends to the meticulous analysis of historical business and CRM data, leveraging platforms such as Salesforce, CRM, Autotask, and ZOHO. Colin excels in bid management, consistently delivers winning proposals, and exhibits comfort and credibility in presenting at the CxO level.
Beyond his professional life, Colin Deamer is a family-oriented individual who acquired a new residence in 2022. A father of three, he finds a great interest in golf and holds the esteemed certification of a Football Association (FA) referee. Colin embodies a unique blend of professional expertise and a commitment to personal and familial well-being.
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colindeamer · 6 months
Colin William Deamer Guide to Handling Common Sales Issues
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Imagine a world where every sales pitch is like a thrilling story, building up to an epic finale—the closing of a deal. It's not just about making a sale; it's the grand moment when all your hard work pays off and success is in your grasp. 
But here's the plot twist: this journey is filled with unexpected obstacles that can turn your success story into a cliffhanger. Issues like misunderstandings, unanswered concerns, and not quite hitting the mark with your customers can throw a curveball into your sales adventure. 
In this post, we're going to be your scriptwriters, helping you navigate these twists and turns. We'll unravel the secrets of closing deals and show you how to overcome the hurdles that stand between you and that triumphant 'closed deal' moment. 
So, get ready for a sales journey like no other—full of suspense, challenges, and, of course, the sweet taste of success at the end.
The Sales Adventure: Overcoming Common Challenges!
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Alright, picture this: you're on a quest to seal the deal, but guess what? There are dragons on this sales journey, and they go by the names of Misaligned Expectations, Objection Overload, Trust Deficit, Negotiation Gridlock, and Poor Timing. Yep, these are the tricky hurdles that can make or break a sales adventure.
Let’s understand them! 
Misaligned Expectations: Ever played a game where everyone's on a different page? That's what happens when what you're selling doesn’t match what your buyer wants. Clear communication is your sword and shield here.
Objection Overload: Imagine you're almost there, and suddenly, a bunch of concerns pop up – from the price being too high to doubts about your product. You need a strategy to slay these objections and keep your quest alive.
Trust Deficit: Trust is like a treasure; once you lose it, it's hard to get back. Building trust is essential because, without it, your potential client might think you're just another dragon in disguise.
Negotiation Gridlock: Negotiation is like a duel, and sometimes, you hit a standstill. Knowing when to dodge and when to strike is crucial to navigate through these tight spots and emerge victorious.
Poor Timing: In this adventure, timing is your secret weapon. Rushing might scare off your prey, and lingering too long might make them vanish. Mastering the art of perfect timing is your key to winning the game.
So, gear up, brave sales warrior! The adventure begins, and with the right moves, you can conquer these challenges and emerge as the hero of the sales realm. Are you ready to embark on this thrilling quest? 
Cracking the Sales Code: Your Guide for Common Challenges
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So, you've stepped into the world of sales – a bit like entering a mysterious maze. But fear not, this guide is your trusty map, illuminating the path through the challenges that frequently crop up during the deal-closing process. Let's unravel the mysteries and equip you with the strategies to conquer these hurdles:
Become a Listening Ninja
In the realm of successful sales, mastering the art of active listening is akin to becoming a stealthy ninja. Imagine yourself as the ninja of understanding, silently observing and grasping every nuance of your customer's wishes and needs. Before you make your move, before you unveil your sales arsenal, listen with intent, ensuring that your pitch aligns seamlessly with the unique desires of your prospect.
2. Objections? Face them Head-On
Picture objections as formidable dragons guarding the treasure trove of successful deals. Instead of running away in fear, summon your courage and face these dragons head-on. Equip yourself with the knowledge of common objections, stand firm, and with unwavering confidence, turn these once-daunting objections into valuable allies, propelling your journey towards a triumphant close.
3. Friendship over Transactions 
Sales are about forging genuine connections that extend beyond the confines of a single deal. Envision each sale as the initiation of a lasting friendship, where your investment in building authentic connections becomes the cornerstone of loyalty and repeat business. Take the time to understand not just the immediate needs but the long-term aspirations of your customer, nurturing relationships that stand the test of time.
4. Adapt Like a Chameleon
The art of sales is reminiscent of the chameleon's ability to change colours based on its surroundings. Channel your inner chameleon by embracing adaptability as a superpower. Recognise that each customer is unique, with distinct preferences and communication styles. Be flexible in your approach, adjusting your strategies to align with the individuality of each prospect seamlessly. Through adaptability, you'll find yourself effortlessly blending into success in the diverse sales landscape.
5. Time it Right, Sales Samurai 
Imagine yourself as a skilled sales samurai, poised with precision and wisdom. In the dynamic dance of sales, timing emerges as your mighty katana, capable of cutting through hesitation and seizing the opportune moment. Embrace the art of perfect timing—neither rushing in like an impulsive warrior nor hesitating like a cautious bystander. Channel your inner sales samurai to strike when the moment feels just right, ensuring that your actions resonate harmoniously with the rhythm of the sales journey.
6. Negotiate, Don't Battle
In the theatrical arena of sales, negotiation isn't a fierce battlefield but a graceful dance of collaboration. Picture yourself as the lead dancer, orchestrating negotiations with finesse and tact. Shift your perspective from a confrontational battle to a collaborative celebration, seeking solutions where both parties emerge as victors. Become the choreographer of a win-win performance, transforming the negotiation process into a harmonious partnership that extends far beyond a singular transaction.
7. Show Off Your Super Value Powers
Your product isn't a mere commodity; it's a superhero with transformative superpowers. Become a storyteller, narrate a compelling saga of your product's ability to solve problems and elevate the customer experience. Showcase the value proposition, illustrating how your offering emerges as the superhero in your customer's narrative. Let your product's superpowers shine, leaving an indelible impression that transcends a simple transaction and establishes it as an indispensable ally in your customer's journey.
8. Follow-Up Smartly
Be a diligent detective, committed to unravelling the mysteries and ensuring a seamless transition from curiosity to commitment. Rather than a mere follow-up, approach it as a strategic continuation of the narrative, where you remain present, answering questions and guiding your newfound ally through the stages of decision-making. Your relentless commitment to this ongoing adventure solidifies your role as the trusted guide, propelling the journey towards a successful and enduring partnership.
Now, armed with these tricks, go out there and conquer the sales world with a smile! 
Overall, closing deals successfully is a multifaceted skill that involves a deep understanding of your prospect, effective communication, and strategic thinking. By addressing common sales issues head-on, you can elevate your sales game and build lasting, mutually beneficial relationships with clients. Remember that every obstacle offers a chance for growth and advancement. With the right mindset and a comprehensive toolkit, you can become a master of the art of closing deals in any sales environment.
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Colin William Deamer is an experienced professional in the fields of telecommunications and IT. With an extensive history ranging from lease lines to fiber internet, Colin recently strategically moved from a sales leadership position to a focused contributor after an unforeseen life catastrophe.
Recognised for his astute sales acumen, Colin Dreamer is distinguished by his ability to craft sophisticated solutions that underscore business development, ensuring both client satisfaction and the attainment of stringent targets across both direct and channel sales. His proficiency extends to the meticulous analysis of historical business and CRM data, leveraging platforms such as Salesforce, CRM, Autotask, and ZOHO. Colin excels in bid management, consistently delivers winning proposals, and exhibits comfort and credibility in presenting at the CxO level.
Beyond his professional life, Colin Deamer is a family-oriented individual who acquired a new residence in 2022. A father of three, he finds a great interest in golf and holds the esteemed certification of a Football Association (FA) referee. Colin embodies a unique blend of professional expertise and a commitment to personal and familial well-being.
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orphancookie69 · 10 months
Nintendo Switch: American Ninja Warrior
I remember being a kid and turning this on the TV and enjoying it as a fun family viewing experience. Really, I would do real life training to do this and compete like hell yeah. So when I saw this was a game, I did not blink twice and I got it. I sat on it for a very long time though. 
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Experience the thrill of being an American Ninja Warrior from the comfort of your own home! Jump, Swing, Balance and Sprint your way to Victory! Race the clock and your friends in this intuitive and addictive game through a variety of frantic obstacle courses. Those who successfully complete the city courses move on to the finals where they face a stunning four-stage course modeled after the famed Mt. Midoriyama course in Japan. Enjoy all the thrills and spills to become the next American Ninja Warrior! More info here: https://www.gamestop.com/video-games/nintendo-switch/products/american-ninja-warrior-challenge---nintendo-switch/10164119-10164119.html
My Thoughts On The Game: 
I bought this a long time ago, it was on sale but I don’t remember the cost at the time. When you boot up the game you start a career, pick your gender, and then your description. Make your avatar and start your career. Controls were really weird. And honestly, why wasn’t that a fitness game and not a button game? So in a funny turn of events, I had a hard time finding out information on the game to put in this post, per my usual template. I googled it and found out...it got delisted! My first delisted game review! 
“American Ninja Warrior: Challenge was delisted on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One no later than March 20, 2022. This was the date that the game was submitted to the site after being removed. The game was removed due to the expired licensing of American Ninja Warrior from NBCUniversal.”
This game was a massive let down for the fact what its based on is amazing. I also really think this game missed its calling by not being an active game. I think if this game ever comes back, it comes back as an active game. That is my suggestion anyways. Is this game so bad its good? Who is willing to get their hands on a copy to find out? 
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ramseyesscom · 3 years
Issue Seventy-Four
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Like most younger kids, when my friend Jesse's nephews enjoy something, they really get into it. Introduce them to the iPhone game Among Us? It's all they want to do. And if they come across a YouTube video about a specially built squirrel agility course, there's a good chance that their entire house is going to turn into one. And having watched the video from Mark Rober in which he attempts to squirrel-proof his bird feeder in the most elaborate way possible, I can't blame them. It looks awesome. Basically, after several failed attempts to make his feeder inaccessible to the pesky squirrels, Rober decided to create a backyard spanning, American Ninja Warrior-inspired, squirrel obstacle course that would put the rodents through their paces, but offer big rewards should they succeed. Let me warn you right now, though: when you click on this video you're going to see that it's more than twenty minutes long and you're going to think, "boy that's a long video. I'll just watch a minute." And then you'll meet the four squirrels who are going to be competing, and you'll think "Well, let's just see how this first one does." But then you'll fall in love with Phat Gus the squirrel and then there's a plot twist, and then you're invested and it turns out you've watched the whole thing. But there are far worse ways to spend twenty minutes than watching a bunch of squirrels show tenacity and dedication to obtaining a bunch of walnuts, and one man's will to document it and make it as entertaining as possible.
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Allllll the way back in Issue 4 of this newsletter, I introduced you to Stan Freberg, my favorite of the 1950s comedians. This week, since the holiday advertising push is in full swing, I give you one of his comedy 45s, "Green Chri$tma$," which also features some wonderful musical accompaniment by Sinatra's bandleader, Billy May. The thing I love about this track is that it feels so out of time. This came out in 1958, and the whole thing is a critique of how commercial Christmas has become, imagining how cynical advertising meetings must be, with this board meeting being run by the CEO, Mr. Scrooge. As the TV currently pumps out holiday-themed commercials to inspire us all to buy stuff from corporations to replace all the pandemic-themed commercials to inspire us all to buy stuff from corporations, it's a little comforting to know that this isn't a new problem and that people have been rolling their eyes at it for more than half a century. After it came out, the record was blasted in the advertising trade publications, radio station sales departments were banned from playing it, and a young disc jokey named George Carlin almost lost his job for putting it on the air. "Green Chri$tma$" isn't always very subtle about its point, but neither are the commercials it's satirizing.
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barbosaasouza · 3 years
Miitopia joins this week’s Nintendo eShop roundup
It’s time to check out the latest offerings on the Nintendo eShop. This week’s highlights includes the Mii-inspired role-playing shenanighans of Miitopia. You could also settle the score with the multiplayer mayhem of Knockout City. Or revisit apocalyptic Tokyo in the remastered classic, Shin Megami Tensei III.
Check out the full list of new releases below. With so much to choose from, where will your gaming journey take you this week? Let us know in the comments section or on our socials!
Nintendo Switch
Miitopia – Journey through a vast world battling enemies on a mission to rescue faces stolen by the villainous Dark Lord. Miitopia lets you customize your quest by creating Mii characters of your friends and family, or anyone you choose, and then casting them in a hilarious series of escapades. Plus, you’ll have even more customization choices when creating your Mii characters in Miitopia with the addition of wigs and makeup. In this whimsical adventure, you can assign your team of Mii characters individual personalities, along with jobs like Warrior, Chef and Pop Star which will determine their approach to combat. Laugh along as your best friend and dear old grandma team up in the fantasy adventure of a lifetime! Miitopia will be available on May 21.
Knockout City – Throw, catch, pass, dodge and tackle your way to glory! Team up and duke it out with rival Crews in Knockout City to settle the score with epic dodgeball battles. Brace yourself for outrageous fun and intense competition in a new take on team-based multiplayer games. Customize your character and form a Crew with friends to start your Knockout City takeover. Knock out opponents with trick shots and coordinated teamwork while dodging and catching balls flying across the map. No ball? No problem! You can ball up, roll into a teammate’s hands and become the ultimate weapon. Knockout City will be available on May 21.
Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster – Reawaken your inner demon in a modernized version of the acclaimed ATLUS classic, Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne. What begins as a normal day in Tokyo turns out to be everything but, when the Conception – an ethereal apocalypse – is invoked. The remains of the world are swallowed by chaos as a demonic revolution descends into a broken city. Caught between a battle of Gods and demons, the choices you make can bring life, rebirth or death, and determine who triumphs. Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD Remaster will be available on May 24.
Super Nintendo Entertainment System – Nintendo Switch Online
Caveman Ninja (also known as Joe & Mac) – Can cave-dudes Joe and Mac rescue the lost cave-dudettes? In this action game from 1991, life was pretty cool for Joe and Mac until a bunch of Neanderthal nerds crashed their village. The dudes will have to leap to the rescue and jump, dash and use roll attacks to get past the stone-age obstacles in their way. Just make sure to pick the best weapon for the situation, and the boys are sure to make it through! Caveman Ninja will be available on May 26.
Magical Drop2 – This puzzle game launched on the Super Famicom
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 system in 1996, but it never saw an English release. But even if you’ve never played, the rules are simple to learn. Catch and throw the drops that descend from overhead. Create vertical lines of three drops of the same color to clear all the connected drops. Enjoy four playable modes, including a mode that assigns you a rank when the game ends, as well as a story mode with 10 characters to play! Magical Drop2 will be available on May 26.
Super Baseball Simulator 1.000 – Get ready for high intensity, superhuman baseball spectacles! Use Ultra Plays like Phantom Ball, which will make the ball vanish mid-pitch, or Meteor Hit, which will knock out fielders who make contact with the ball before it bounces. With multiplayer options, a grand total of 18 baseball teams and the ability to create your own original team, this is the wacky baseball simulation dreams are made of! Super Baseball Simulator 1.000 will be available on May 26.
Spanky’s Quest – Spanky was on his way to a picnic when the witch Morticia began dropping bricks from the sky. Trapped, with six towers now built across the land, Spanky must clear each before the witch’s evil pet crow catches him. He’ll have to use his magic ball to stun enemies, bounce it off his head to power it up and pop it to attack – and try on some hats along the way. Spanky’s Quest will be available on May 26.
Nintendo Entertainment System – Nintendo Switch Online
Ninja JaJaMaru-kun – Take on the role of a ninja and rescue the captured Princess Sakura in this action-packed game, originally released only in Japan. JaJaMaru must use his throwing stars to defeat lurking monsters. Keep an eye out for the ultimate power-up – a ride on Gamapa-kun, the giant frog! Ninja JaJaMaru-kun will be available on May 26.
Nintendo eShop sales
Great deals this week! Check out the full list of deals available this week at https://www.nintendo.com/games/sales-and-deals.
Also new this week
0 Degrees
Alchemist Adventure
Aluna: Sentinel of the Shards – Available May 26
Chess Knights: Shinobi
CLANNAD Side Stories
Color Your World
Cosmic Top Secret – Available May 21
Driving World: Aspen – Available May 21
Eat your letters – Available May 24
Fate Of The Pharaoh
Geminose Animal Popstars
Guards – Available May 21
Gutwhale – Available May 21
Just Die Already
King of Seas – Available May 25
Layers of Fear 2
Let it roll slide puzzle
Maneater – Available May 25
Mutazione – Available May 26
Outbreak: Endless Nightmares
Rise of the Slime
Rising Hell
RoboPhobik – Available May 22
Sakura Succubus 2
Skittles – Available May 26
Sunless Skies: Sovereign Edition
Tiger Trio’s Tasty Travels
Very Very Valet – Available May 25
Wanna Survive – Available May 21
Wood Block Escape Puzzles
The post Miitopia joins this week’s Nintendo eShop roundup appeared first on Pure Nintendo.
Miitopia joins this week’s Nintendo eShop roundup published first on https://superworldrom.tumblr.com/
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diaspora9ja · 3 years
Stuntman and Lino Lakes native takes sports to the extreme — even a game of tag – Twin Cities
Kyle Soderman’s mom says that each time she sees her son do a backflip, she will get one other grey hair.
She’s seen loads of backflips and past — excessive strikes from her youngest son — who has competed on NBC’s “American Ninja Warrior” and the 2017 Netflix actuality present “Final Beastmaster.” The Lino Lakes native works as a stuntman in Hollywood and could be seen now on NBC Sports activities Community’s “World Chase Tag.”
Actually, that’s Soderman in a flying one-armed vault on a billboard selling “World Chase Tag” on Minnesota 5 close to the airport, courtesy of successful a contest through excessive billboard actual property character Kris Lindahl. (The billboard is up by Dec. 6.)
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Kyle Soderman received a billboard spot from actual property agent Kris Lindahl. (Courtesy picture)
Kyle says his mom, Laurie Soderman, can blame her hair scares on his two older brothers, Dustin and Troy. After they tried filth biking, so did he. After they began snowboarding, Kyle obtained in on it.
“Every time they did stuff, I needed to do it,” 26-year-old Kyle says.
The Soderman boys have been loads match for bodily challenges. All three labored on the household enterprise, Rock Gardens, a panorama provide retailer and backyard middle owned by their dad and mom, Laurie and Brian. Kyle is house in Lino Lakes nowadays, serving to promote Christmas bushes.
“World Chase Tag” is, nicely, an excessive model of that playground sport from manner again. However this includes hurdling over obstacles through the chase. Parkour meets tag. There’s a model on Fox known as “Final Tag,” which Soderman calls a “actuality TV model” of “World Chase Tag.” The subsequent episode that includes Soderman’s workforce (episode 5) airs Dec. 10. Although the competitors was in Atlanta in mid-October, he can’t reveal how his workforce of six, “Hollywood Freerunners,” did towards the opposite 15 groups within the competitors till all of the episodes have been broadcast.
The tag competitors in Atlanta was the primary U.S. nationwide contest, Soderman says. The game has been round for 3 or 4 years, however earlier competitions have been in London.
Soderman performed baseball up till highschool, however when he found extra excessive sports activities, “baseball simply didn’t curiosity me, anymore.”
After highschool, he obtained a four-year diploma in actual property at St. Cloud State College and meant to enter industrial actual property, however he determined he wasn’t fitted to “a traditional 9-to-5 sort of job.”
He found Ninja Warrior coaching gyms “and fell in love with the game.” In 2016, Soderman helped open Impediment Academy, a Ninja Warrior studio in Edina, and labored there till he moved to Los Angeles in 2017. He’s been in a Bon Jovi music video and films, together with “Malibu Rescue” on Netflix in 2020.
He’s not a physique double for anybody Hollywood star, however he says he shares bodily traits with Ryan Reynolds and could be pleased to face in for the “Deadpool” star.
Soderman was set to compete on the present season of “American Ninja Warrior” on NBC. The day that capturing was supposed to begin, the coronavirus shutdown started. When competitors resumed, he couldn’t take part as a result of he didn’t wish to miss a superb pal’s wedding ceremony.
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Lino Lakes native Kyle Sonderman competing towards Kevin Bull on “American Ninja Warrior: Ninja vs Ninja” in 2018. (Courtesy picture)
A number of the competitions pay contestants’ bills, together with journey. “World Chase Tag” paid every thing, however there was much less assist from “American Ninja Warrior.” He’s a gross sales rep for Ninja Nation, an organization that sells and units up impediment programs for faculties, festivals and gymnasiums.
So what makes this excessive sports activities competitor profitable? “I discovered early on — principally — how you can fall,” Soderman says. Falling with out getting harm is essential.
Soderman says somebody who needs to get into Ninja Warrior or excessive actions ought to discover a fitness center that has coaching applications. Would-be warriors discover ways to compete, the etiquette of the game and, in fact, how you can fall.
Source link
from Diaspora9ja https://diaspora9ja.com/stuntman-and-lino-lakes-native-takes-sports-to-the-extreme-even-a-game-of-tag-twin-cities/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=stuntman-and-lino-lakes-native-takes-sports-to-the-extreme-even-a-game-of-tag-twin-cities
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marco42james · 6 years
5 Habits of Healthy Teachers
Jen Burdis on episode 370 of the 10-Minute Teacher Podcast
From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis
Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter
Jen Burdis, teacher and two-time American Ninja Warrior Competitor, shares her secrets for staying healthy as a teacher.
Today’s Sponsor: Advancement Courses
Donor’s Choose. From now until September 28, Advancement Courses, an online provider of professional development for K-12 teachers, is donating 10% of their sales to funding DonorChoose.org projects. Go to advancementcourses.com/give to submit your project today.
Get a discount off your PD. AND, if you are in need of PD, 10-Minute Teacher listeners get 20% off any online courses with code COOL20.
With this coupon, a 3 grad credit course for continuing education, salary advancement, or recertification is only $359. So, go to advancementcourses.com/coolcat to learn more and use the coupon code COOL20.
Listen Now
Listen to the show on iTunes or Stitcher
Stream by clicking here.
Related Resources
The EduNinja Mindset 11 Habits for Building a Stronger Mind and Body
Contact us about this show by emailing [email protected]
  Jen Burdis – Bio as Submitted
Jennifer Burdis is a twenty-year veteran elementary teacher in the San Diego area, author ofThe EduNinja Mindset 11 Habits for Building a Stronger Mind and Body, a former Penn State Volleyball player, NSCA- Certified Personal Trainer and an athlete who competed in seasons six and seven of American Ninja Warrior. As an author and keynote speaker, Jen passionately shares her grit and growth mindset strategies by turning obstacles into opportunities, incorporating more kinesthetic based learning activities, and practicing daily healthy habits as a strong foundation to learning.
Blog: www.jenburdis.com 
  Disclosure of Material Connection: This is a “sponsored podcast episode.” The company who sponsored it compensated me via cash payment, gift, or something else of value to include a reference to their product. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I believe will be good for my readers and are from companies I can recommend. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” This company has no impact on the editorial content of the show.
  The post 5 Habits of Healthy Teachers appeared first on Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher helping educators be excellent every day. Meow!
from Cool Cat Teacher BlogCool Cat Teacher Blog http://www.coolcatteacher.com/5-habits-healthy-teachers/
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Issue Seventy-Four
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Like most younger kids, when my friend Jesse's nephews enjoy something, they really get into it. Introduce them to the iPhone game Among Us? It's all they want to do. And if they come across a YouTube video about a specially built squirrel agility course, there's a good chance that their entire house is going to turn into one. And having watched the video from Mark Rober in which he attempts to squirrel-proof his bird feeder in the most elaborate way possible, I can't blame them. It looks awesome. Basically, after several failed attempts to make his feeder inaccessible to the pesky squirrels, Rober decided to create a backyard spanning, American Ninja Warrior-inspired, squirrel obstacle course that would put the rodents through their paces, but offer big rewards should they succeed. Let me warn you right now, though: when you click on this video you're going to see that it's more than twenty minutes long and you're going to think, "boy that's a long video. I'll just watch a minute." And then you'll meet the four squirrels who are going to be competing, and you'll think "Well, let's just see how this first one does." But then you'll fall in love with Phat Gus the squirrel and then there's a plot twist, and then you're invested and it turns out you've watched the whole thing. But there are far worse ways to spend twenty minutes than watching a bunch of squirrels show tenacity and dedication to obtaining a bunch of walnuts, and one man's will to document it and make it as entertaining as possible.
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Allllll the way back in Issue 4 of this newsletter, I introduced you to Stan Freberg, my favorite of the 1950s comedians. This week, since the holiday advertising push is in full swing, I give you one of his comedy 45s, "Green Chri$tma$," which also features some wonderful musical accompaniment by Sinatra's bandleader, Billy May. The thing I love about this track is that it feels so out of time. This came out in 1958, and the whole thing is a critique of how commercial Christmas has become, imagining how cynical advertising meetings must be, with this board meeting being run by the CEO, Mr. Scrooge. As the TV currently pumps out holiday-themed commercials to inspire us all to buy stuff from corporations to replace all the pandemic-themed commercials to inspire us all to buy stuff from corporations, it's a little comforting to know that this isn't a new problem and that people have been rolling their eyes at it for more than half a century. After it came out, the record was blasted in the advertising trade publications, radio station sales departments were banned from playing it, and a young disc jokey named George Carlin almost lost his job for putting it on the air. "Green Chri$tma$" isn't always very subtle about its point, but neither are the commercials it's satirizing.
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ninjasports · 1 year
Rolling Dice - Ninja Warrior Obstacle
Ninja Warrior Obstacle - Rumble Dice Variation - Rolling Dice
Compare to American Ninja Warrior’s Rumble Dice!
This popular Ninja Obstacle is a great addition to your gym. Available in a rainbow of colors, and custom lengths are also an option at an additional cost.
What is included with The Rolling Dice Ninja Obstacle:
Ring Slider base structure (all you need is the rings)
Rolling Dice Attachment (your choice of colors)
Clamps for attaching to 2 in OD Bars
*OD Bars and Trussing pictured available, but sold separately
*Rings available but sold separately to utilize the base of this ninja obstacle as a Ring Slider Obstacle
SHIPPING: Due to the size of these items, they must ship motor freight. There are many variables when shipping via motor freight, so please contact our office for further information so we may calculate actual freight costs.
IF you choose to order online, all freight orders have a standard shipping fee. If your location deems shipping cost more than the fee included in your payment online, we will notify you via email within 24 hours and include a payable invoice for the remainder of the shipping cost. If you do not want to pay the additional shipping cost then you will have the opportunity at that point to cancel your order.
For any questions about shipping, contact our office at: Email: [email protected] Phone: 440-552-4237
Custom Design Crafts, is not responsible for injuries the purchaser may incur due to misuse, improper installation, or falls that may happen while performing the required exercise. Upon purchasing this product the purchaser agree to not hold Custom Design Crafts, its Employees, affiliates or its owners responsible for damages. 
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sundy--tourgo · 5 years
Indoor American Obstacle Course Equipment Ninja Warrior Kids For Sale
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strivesy · 6 years
5 Habits of Healthy Teachers
Jen Burdis on episode 370 of the 10-Minute Teacher Podcast
From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis
Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter
Jen Burdis, teacher and two-time American Ninja Warrior Competitor, shares her secrets for staying healthy as a teacher.
Today’s Sponsor: Advancement Courses
Donor’s Choose. From now until September 28, Advancement Courses, an online provider of professional development for K-12 teachers, is donating 10% of their sales to funding DonorChoose.org projects. Go to advancementcourses.com/give to submit your project today.
Get a discount off your PD. AND, if you are in need of PD, 10-Minute Teacher listeners get 20% off any online courses with code COOL20.
With this coupon, a 3 grad credit course for continuing education, salary advancement, or recertification is only $359. So, go to advancementcourses.com/coolcat to learn more and use the coupon code COOL20.
Listen Now
Listen to the show on iTunes or Stitcher
Stream by clicking here.
Related Resources
The EduNinja Mindset 11 Habits for Building a Stronger Mind and Body
Contact us about this show by emailing [email protected]
  Jen Burdis – Bio as Submitted
Jennifer Burdis is a twenty-year veteran elementary teacher in the San Diego area, author ofThe EduNinja Mindset 11 Habits for Building a Stronger Mind and Body, a former Penn State Volleyball player, NSCA- Certified Personal Trainer and an athlete who competed in seasons six and seven of American Ninja Warrior. As an author and keynote speaker, Jen passionately shares her grit and growth mindset strategies by turning obstacles into opportunities, incorporating more kinesthetic based learning activities, and practicing daily healthy habits as a strong foundation to learning.
Blog: www.jenburdis.com 
  Disclosure of Material Connection: This is a “sponsored podcast episode.” The company who sponsored it compensated me via cash payment, gift, or something else of value to include a reference to their product. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I believe will be good for my readers and are from companies I can recommend. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” This company has no impact on the editorial content of the show.
  The post 5 Habits of Healthy Teachers appeared first on Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher helping educators be excellent every day. Meow!
5 Habits of Healthy Teachers published first on https://medium.com/@seminarsacademy
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succeedly · 6 years
5 Habits of Healthy Teachers
Jen Burdis on episode 370 of the 10-Minute Teacher Podcast
From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis
Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter
Jen Burdis, teacher and two-time American Ninja Warrior Competitor, shares her secrets for staying healthy as a teacher.
Today’s Sponsor: Advancement Courses
Donor’s Choose. From now until September 28, Advancement Courses, an online provider of professional development for K-12 teachers, is donating 10% of their sales to funding DonorChoose.org projects. Go to advancementcourses.com/give to submit your project today.
Get a discount off your PD. AND, if you are in need of PD, 10-Minute Teacher listeners get 20% off any online courses with code COOL20.
With this coupon, a 3 grad credit course for continuing education, salary advancement, or recertification is only $359. So, go to advancementcourses.com/coolcat to learn more and use the coupon code COOL20.
Listen Now
Listen to the show on iTunes or Stitcher
Stream by clicking here.
Related Resources
The EduNinja Mindset 11 Habits for Building a Stronger Mind and Body
Contact us about this show by emailing [email protected]
  Jen Burdis – Bio as Submitted
Jennifer Burdis is a twenty-year veteran elementary teacher in the San Diego area, author ofThe EduNinja Mindset 11 Habits for Building a Stronger Mind and Body, a former Penn State Volleyball player, NSCA- Certified Personal Trainer and an athlete who competed in seasons six and seven of American Ninja Warrior. As an author and keynote speaker, Jen passionately shares her grit and growth mindset strategies by turning obstacles into opportunities, incorporating more kinesthetic based learning activities, and practicing daily healthy habits as a strong foundation to learning.
Blog: www.jenburdis.com 
  Disclosure of Material Connection: This is a “sponsored podcast episode.” The company who sponsored it compensated me via cash payment, gift, or something else of value to include a reference to their product. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I believe will be good for my readers and are from companies I can recommend. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” This company has no impact on the editorial content of the show.
  The post 5 Habits of Healthy Teachers appeared first on Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher helping educators be excellent every day. Meow!
5 Habits of Healthy Teachers published first on https://getnewcourse.tumblr.com/
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athena29stone · 6 years
5 Habits of Healthy Teachers
Jen Burdis on episode 370 of the 10-Minute Teacher Podcast
From the Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis
Follow @coolcatteacher on Twitter
Jen Burdis, teacher and two-time American Ninja Warrior Competitor, shares her secrets for staying healthy as a teacher.
Today’s Sponsor: Advancement Courses
Donor’s Choose. From now until September 28, Advancement Courses, an online provider of professional development for K-12 teachers, is donating 10% of their sales to funding DonorChoose.org projects. Go to advancementcourses.com/give to submit your project today.
Get a discount off your PD. AND, if you are in need of PD, 10-Minute Teacher listeners get 20% off any online courses with code COOL20.
With this coupon, a 3 grad credit course for continuing education, salary advancement, or recertification is only $359. So, go to advancementcourses.com/coolcat to learn more and use the coupon code COOL20.
Listen Now
Listen to the show on iTunes or Stitcher
Stream by clicking here.
Related Resources
The EduNinja Mindset 11 Habits for Building a Stronger Mind and Body
Contact us about this show by emailing [email protected]
  Jen Burdis – Bio as Submitted
Jennifer Burdis is a twenty-year veteran elementary teacher in the San Diego area, author ofThe EduNinja Mindset 11 Habits for Building a Stronger Mind and Body, a former Penn State Volleyball player, NSCA- Certified Personal Trainer and an athlete who competed in seasons six and seven of American Ninja Warrior. As an author and keynote speaker, Jen passionately shares her grit and growth mindset strategies by turning obstacles into opportunities, incorporating more kinesthetic based learning activities, and practicing daily healthy habits as a strong foundation to learning.
Blog: www.jenburdis.com 
  Disclosure of Material Connection: This is a “sponsored podcast episode.” The company who sponsored it compensated me via cash payment, gift, or something else of value to include a reference to their product. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I believe will be good for my readers and are from companies I can recommend. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” This company has no impact on the editorial content of the show.
  The post 5 Habits of Healthy Teachers appeared first on Cool Cat Teacher Blog by Vicki Davis @coolcatteacher helping educators be excellent every day. Meow!
from Cool Cat Teacher BlogCool Cat Teacher Blog http://www.coolcatteacher.com/5-habits-healthy-teachers/
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