#nigehaji episode 11
aquacai · 7 years
NigeHaji thoughts
“tl;dr from a comment on kissasian ( more thoughts on the show in general and its finale below the cut ):
This drama overall was great. It was interesting; a silly concept, but very good dialogues and insights about relationships from a very realistic though quirky perspective, which is refreshing compared to all the idealized portrayals of love in romance shows that are just as real as the supernatural fantasy genre.
Thoughts on the show itself:
ending was too perfect, man.  The overall journey was so enjoyable, but it's way amplified by the ending.  Most things were resolved in a really satisfying way, and the show ties up everything so well.  I was actually wondering how the drama would end, since the manga is still ongoing.  Anyway it's been such a while since I've encountered an ending perfect for a show
Hiramasa's problems with himself were rather obvious compared to Mikuri's, so I'm really glad that both were addressed and "solved" rather nicely. It's so heartwarming watching the two of them (and even the supporting characters!) grow.
I say "solved" in the earlier point because they recognize that challenges still await them in the future so they would continue to work hard and adapt their lifestyle to whatever life throws at them.  I love this, and how they're open to any path that they may take.
(plus points for their "business-like" behavior in the way they just live. It's what hooked me on this show, really)
I've learned so many life lessons here, and the way they're done is not in-your-face or preachy at all.  They're so integrated perfectly with the show's general feel
the challenges/aspects of life and society are presented in a cute/awkward yet realistic way here
characters are so relatable in their own ways, too (i say own ways, because NigeHaji managed to give us perspectives of people with diff problems not usually tackled in a lot of shows)
and! i love how the two leads realize their shortcomings mostly of their own accord.  I love seeing them contemplate on their behavior and thinking and work on what needs to be worked on.  Both for themselves and for the other party.
and! they communicate, man. *standing ovation*
DID I MENTION I LOVE ALMOST EVERY CHARACTER HERE (neutral on “Posimon” hahahaha).  THE BABY IS SO ADORABLE AAHHH (i always forget her name tho hahaha)
if you feel like watching two adorable and awkward cinnamon rolls grow individually and with each other, this is the show for you
Stuff I loved in the finale and some thoughts on it, so spoilers?:
in my first point above the cut, I said “most stuff” because we didn’t really see the two resolve the issue about housework hahaha
watching Mikuri’s negative thoughts about what’s happening to her and regarding herself tugged at my heartstrings so much
I love how Hiramasa found an early solution to Mikuri’s gloom regarding exploitation.  Married partners = joint management representatives.  So typical of them.
Hiramasa:  “I thought if there’s love, we wouldn’t need a system, but it seems it wasn’t that simple.”  (yeeeesss. marriage won’t hold long enough if there’s only love; both peeps hafta work hard on the other aspects, too)
Mikuri:  “I think that if it’s clean enough not to trouble my lifestyle, I can keep on living.”
Numata-san to Hiramasa:  “Are you lovers? Are you passion?”  *lols at “passion”*
Numata-san and Hino-san’s shenanigans when Hiramasa was talking about him and Mikuri was so funny and adorbs
(in reference to the third point) Hiramasa:  “I’m realizing that there are things you can’t do with love alone.”  :)
I can’t with Hiramasa trying to hide the lack of rice from Mikuri.  their banter really is the best xD  too bad it ended on a gloomy note :’)
upon rewatching, only then did I notice the Answer Cut cut to Narita when Numata-san said that the particular LINE conversation is his only oasis.  :oooo
Hiramasa to Mikuri:  "You said you're not normal.  But to me, it's a bit late.  I knew that a long time ago.  It's not a big deal.  Through the world's common sense, we weren't normal from the start."  *cue heartwarming feels here*
Mikuri's thoughts:  "When things don't go well... the person who waits for you... the person who believes in you... you can't lose sight of them. 
how Yuri-san dealt with the young woman who tried to provoke her. I myself was ready to fite her, but damn, Yuri-san managed to see through the girl's insecurity and even made her reflect, damn
how two other side couples getting together didn’t feel like “just because” at all for me
it came to me as a fleeting thought that Yuri and Kazami would eventually end up together but I wasn’t really keen on how that would come about.  I was actually saddened by their apartment scene already yet I already accepted as a nice/”heartwarming”/”feels” way to end their relationship.  But then their open-air market scene happened.  I was not disappointed at all.  I wasn’t squealing or anything, but uuuggghhhh their feelings are so “mature.”  I love it so much.
also can i just say that I did a happy dance when Hino-san and Mikuri finally met???? :’DDD
OMG I was wondering why the people at the open-air market made a fuss over Hiramasa and Mikuri hugging in public... then I remember that Japanese don't really practice PDA hahaha 
their back-and-forth suggestions were really cuuuuttee
BEST SEGMENT EVER (the last one with the darts and monologue and possible future routes)
I’m not so good with pointing out negative stuff about this drama tho.  I can see some people being possibly put-off by and frustrated over some stuff happening in some latter eps though, stemming from both characters’ shortcomings?  But I don’t think they were overdone though, and the resolution is something to see.  I may see the point of those who would criticize this, too.
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manda-laynen · 6 years
Zenkai Girl Episodes 5-11 Review!
Just finished this drama up and I’m feeling a little underwhelmed. The ending was nice but not what I really wanted. I loved the kids in this show but the adults were hard for me to get behind. I love Aragaki Yui and Nishikido Ryo but even their amazing acting could get me to accept some of their characters’ flaws.
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In my earlier review, I mentioned waiting for the character development of Wakaba in particular but Sota as well. Unfortunately I didn’t get very much of that. Wakaba thawed a little bit of course and I was so proud of her for confessing her feelings but it just wasn’t enough in my opinion. The same went for Sota. He never grew strong and stood up for himself. I was really iritated with him because right up til the very end he bottled up his feelings. They both made really silly decisions and they just felt like plot devices to me. I think this drama could be condensed and be a lot better.
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Don’t get me wrong, I did like this drama. It was not the amazing story I was expecting from the reviews I read however. In my personal opinion, I think NigeHaji (Aragaki Yui’s recent drama with Hoshino Gen) is a lot better. You can see the characters grow which is a must for me. Its not that I don’t recommend this drama, it is just not one of my favorites.
Thanks for reading and don’t hate me if you love this drama!
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luna-rainbow · 6 years
2017 japanese drama ratings
(Updated 29/12/17 with final ratings)
By this stage, most October dramas are 1 or 2 episodes away from ending and the top 10 are unlikely to change much. Like 2016, Doctor X leads the crowd, presumably because audiences like familiar feel-good superheroics dressed in medical drama (just like the Marvel formula, really). 2016 at least had a breakout in 99.9, which averaged a respectable 17.15, followed by NigeHaji at 14.58. The rest of the top 10 were rounded out by dramas rating around 11-12%, which does reflect the quality of the scripts. 2017 has a cluster of dramas that rate between 12-15%. Code Blue got by on nostalgia and A LIFE by its impressive line-up of A-list stars, because neither of the scripts deserved anything more than a 10%. Riku Ou and Chiisana Kyojin proves again that the feel-good superheroic shounen manga type drama might not engage the brain much but at least appeals to the child-like optimism in audiences. 1. Doctor X (Season 5) (October TV Asahi Thu 9pm slot) Average 20.87%. Stars Yonekura Ryoko etc
2. Riku Ou (October TBS Sun 9pm slot) Average 16.00%. Stars Yakusho Kouji, Yamazaki Kento etc
3. Code Blue (Season 3) (July Fuji TV Mon 9pm slot) Average 14.78%. Stars Yamashita Tomohisa, Aragaki Yui, Toda Erika etc
4. A LIFE (January TBS Sun 9pm slot) Average 14.55%. Stars Kimura Takuya, Asano Tadanobu, Takeuchi Yuko etc
5. Kinkyuu Torishirabeshitsu (Season 2) (April TV Asahi Thu 9pm slot) Average 14.09%. Stars Amami Yuki etc
6. Chiisana Kyojin (April TBS Sun 9pm slot) Average 13.60%. Stars Hasegawa Hiroki, Okada Masaki, Sasaki Nozomi etc
7. Okusama wa, Tori Atsukai Chui (October NTV Wed 10pm slot) Average 12.65%. Stars Ayase Haruka, Nishijima Hidetoshi, Hirosue Ryoko
8. Kounodori (October TBS Fri 10pm slot) Average 11.87%. Stars Ayano Gou, Hoshino Gen, Matsuoka Mayu.
9. Kahogo no Kahoko (July NTV Wed 10pm slot) Average 11.47%. Stars Takahata Mitsuki, Kuroki Hitomi.
10. Kurokawa no Techo (July TV Asahi Thu 9pm slot) Average 11.45%. Stars Takei Emi, Eguchi Yosuke.
It will be interesting to see how January 2018 will rate, and people have already started calling it the "Johnny's season" - Kimura Takuya, Matsumoto Jun, Kamenashi Kazuya, Takizawa Hideaki, Yamada Ryosuke, and 2 guys from Johnnys West all have their own dramas. The only scriptwriter whose works I like is writing for Kimura's BG, though as long as 99.9 keeps up its quality, it will be a good watch. It'll be interesting to see how the ratings swing after both Kimura and Matsumoto have been hit by scandals in the last year. There's also going to be a lot of awkward overlap - both Kimura and Yamada's will be about police, and along with Matsumoto's will be about investigating cases. Both Kamenashi and Takizawa's dramas are themed around revenge. Both Matsumoto and Takizawa are lawyers. In a turn of bad publicity, rumour says that Kamenashi's drama was intended for Kusanagi Tsuyoshi, who was swapped out after he left JE. Although I was never impressed with Kusanagi's acting in the "Sensou" series, it was iconic enough that I can't imagine fans of the series will accept a swap.
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jdramavocab · 7 years
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もやもや 左遷 やり合う 昇格 祝杯 百均 気概 横暴 気まぐれ;
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hikalyra · 7 years
It seemed like the world is on my side, Domics’ new youtube video Rejection, NCIS 14 episode 13, and then NigeHaji screenshots form ep 11, all of them talk about positive things and acceptance, it made me happy.
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jdramavocab · 7 years
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こっぴどい いちる 愛おしい.
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jdramavocab · 7 years
Nigehaji (Vocabulary List)
Episode 1
派遣 合理性 励み 半休返上 宗教 侮る 取り寄せる 通販 整理整頓 突拍子もない 思いの外;
持参 漁る 長ける 清掃 前払い 採用 口頭 訂正 向上心 わびしい;
力説 雇用主 流儀 十中八九 慰謝料 待ちぼうけ 折半 収支 有意義 前時代的 寝室;
関門 臆測 まき散らす;
Episode 2
需要 供給 生計 同一 代休 申請 天引き 祝儀 突き放す 双方 名字 盲点 ふつつかもの;
共同作業 中古 統計 貯蓄 門出 細やか 予行 弁える 二次元 端的 平穏;
住み込み 費やす ドタキャン 煩わしい 全う 干渉 よからぬ;
Episode 3
すこぶる あらぬ 超能力者 意気揚々 自意識 とりで 衰退 鎖国 身構える 居たたまれない 辞職;
失敬 打診 極力 本格的 本末転倒 ほほえましい 申し分 間取り うさんくさい さいなむ;
願わくば 他人行儀 省略 見透かす しみじみ しっくり;
Episode 4
報う 尊重 痛み止め べらぼう 麻酔 陽気 やりくり 自由意志 和解 厳守;
分割払い 掛け持ち 禁じ手 機転 栽培 仮面夫婦 ほれる 情事 堅気 出来心;
自尊感情 小賢しい 不毛 がめつく 自己嫌悪 めでる 最適;
Episode 5
ギクシャク 要因 なすすべもない 持て余す 一挙両得 肉親 誇示 覇権 けしかける 穏便 観点 定時;
たぶらかす 頻度 無節操 よりによって 襲来 退治 要領 仲むつまじい 醸し出す 醸す;
一刻も早く ふらっと 太刀打ち出来る やましい 存分 手柄 足かせ 精神衛生 罪悪感 肩代わり;
Episode 6
加害者 奥手 潔癖 守秘義務 つまずく 壊滅的 思いも寄らない 露天風呂 当分 目下 慰労 落ち度;
人間性 ひがみ てっきり 安眠 雑魚寝 不可抗力 貢ぎ物 見返り 度胸;
惨事 耳栓 吹き回し;
Episode 7
たぬき寝入り 発奮 放火犯 ぞんざい 猫をかぶる 一筋縄 賞与 不適切 一方的;
末永く 旋風 支障 とてつもなく 相思相愛 買収 不用意 摩擦 なまり;
Episode 8
意味深 色落ち 痛恨 容赦なく 万端 うそぶく 通り越す 安泰 無謀 待ちわびる;
Episode 9
切迫 仮眠 よしみ 常備薬 張り合う;
Episode 10
断片的 ふがいない 一段と 朗らか 取り乱す 幻滅 服従 降伏 のろけ 背徳 生き抜く すがすがしい;
洞窟 っこない 適当 年俸 分不相応 選定 善意 付け込む 搾取 断固 最低賃金;
守銭奴 死守 痛々しい 不覚 みっともない 若人 特典 返上 心なし;
Episode 11 (final)
もやもや 左遷 やり合う 昇格 祝杯 百均 気概 横暴 気まぐれ;
承諾 劣る 補填 共働き 分担 執り行う 露骨 刹那的 現物支給 呪縛 怖じける 引け目;
こっぴどい いちる 愛おしい.
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