adzisko · 2 years
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I drew Pixal, not finished but I doubt that I will ever finish 😅
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adzisko · 3 years
In the Polish version, they sometimes mixed the characters and their voices for a moment, for example Zane’s lines were dubbed with Cole’s voice actor, happened a few times and I personally hate it
To anyone who's watched a dubbed version of Ninjago in another language, which thing annoyed you the most?
Personally, I hate that they had people 'disappear ' in the German version instead of dying.
Which is why Zane's sacrifice wasn't as shocking in the German version since they talked about finding him. This also happened to both Mystake's and Harumi's deaths as well.
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adzisko · 3 years
Tried to draw nya after the season, but abandoned it. The blue stuff was supposed to be water, idk if it looks like it I don’t know how to make water, enjoy:
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adzisko · 3 years
Someone would have to find the lamp somehow though
Seabound spoilers below!! You have been warned-
Okay, so we know that Nya’s been turned into the sea. She’s technically not dead… but she’s at a place where she isn’t around anymore.
So, have you guys all the hints about a certain djinn returning?
A certain djinn that Jay knows? A djinn that Jay has already used a wish with in the past to bring Nya back?
If time was rewinded… then does that mean he still has his wishes?
Well, maybe not. But they have friends who haven’t used any, don’t they?
So the question is…
Is Jay willing to risk it? Willing to risk wishing her back?
We’ve seen how desperate he is not to lose her.
Something tells me he’s willing to take that chance.
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adzisko · 3 years
To be honest, for me this is so sad because of the ship, they were engaged but never had a wedding ;-;
So I have some thoughts about the Season 15 finale and Ninjago's future
I know this may seem cruel, but I partially want this change to be permanent. Ninjago rarely ever has permanent changes if it's something big. Zane was brought back almost immediately in Season 3, Nya died and then didn't die, Cole was a ghost until he wasn't... every time it gets corrected, what happened feels somewhat pointless.
Don't get me wrong, it's really sad, but I feel like something as big as this shouldn't be changed back. At least not completely. I just want lasting consequences and not just to go back to normality
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