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Nicotera, Calabria, Italy
Photos by @mimmolarox
Follow us on Instagram, @calabria_mediterranea
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thenewevilme · 5 months
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nicolaprocopio · 1 year
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badmovieihave · 10 months
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Bad movie I have The Curse of King Tut's Tomb
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inarteziogio · 5 months
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uominiedonneblog · 10 months
Uominiedonne Federico Nicotera e Carola Carpanelli ancora in crisi, il ...
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delinquenzanews · 2 years
Benetton Rugby, Giacomo Nicotera: "Punto a diventare una pedina affidabile e sicura"
Benetton Rugby, Giacomo Nicotera: “Punto a diventare una pedina affidabile e sicura”
I Leoni sono entusiasti a seguito della bella vittoria contro Edimburgo giunta ieri a Monigo nella seconda e ultima amichevole prestagionale. A parlare per BENTV c’è Giacomo Nicotera, tallonatore dei Leoni. Giacomo, contro Edimburgo un pack dominante che ha provocato tre mete da drive…“E’ stata un’ottima prestazione degli otto uomini davanti, sia in touche che in mischia chiusa. La meta tecnica…
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milliondollarbaby87 · 2 years
Father Stu (2022) Review
Father Stu (2022) Review
Following the life of Stuart Long, a wannabe boxer turned priest who inspired many people on his journey from self destruction to redemption and becoming Father Stu. ⭐️⭐️ (more…)
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bookqueenrules · 23 days
Beth "died" with a bang, but she will return with bangs.
So, Beth did not appear on Easter, nor was there any evidence or hint of her return. I feel it was a HUGE missed opportunity.  Many viewers of TWD from its peak in seasons 4, 5, 6, watched out of curiosity about Rick. Now that it looks like the CRM has been defeated and the story is over, many will tune back out.  There wasn’t anything teased to keep their interest.
Carol and Daryl reuniting?  That has already happened MANY times in the flagship. 
Been there; done that.  
Maggie and Negan facing off?  Again, it has already happened MANY times in the flagship. Been there; done that. 
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A post credits scene would have been the perfect way to give Richonne their happening ending but create further interest in the universe. (No wonder AMC did not like episode 6) Bringing back a classic character like Beth would have been a perfect post credits scene. A golden opportunity was lost.
Do I still think they will bring her back? ABSOLUTELY.  
Yes, there is all the symbolism, but more than that, there are the repeated statements that the DD spin-off is about DARYL’S  happy ending.  It’s been made abundantly clear in the spin-off that a wife and kids are Daryl’s happy ending.  Isabelle and Laurent are the “false family�� or the temptation to “settle” like Rick and Jadis were tempted to settle for the CRM as a “false family”. Here is a snippet from an article published this week:
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In one of the DD season 2 teasers, there is a picture of the angel appearing to Balaam from the Bible. Then, it fades to Carol’s picture. I think it simply means angel/Carol will prevent Daryl/Balaam from going the wrong way/doing the wrong thing.  She will stop him from accepting the “false family”.
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However, I am concerned that we will see little, if any, Beth in season 2. One, because so much of the time will be about finishing the France story and reuniting Daryl and Carol.
Two, Emily’s bangs are telling us SO much about the timing of Beth's return.
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As best as I have been able to piece together, Emily cut her bangs in late October/early November.  I don’t believe she filmed anything for season 2 before then.  I totally believe that the bangs are to give Beth a new look, and the "bang/bangs" connection. She posts this at the end of November about being "so busy". So, HOPEFULLY she was filming in November!
Emily was in NYC at the same time as the NYCC where Norman, Zabel, Gimple, and Nicotera did a panel last October.  Norman was on a radio show also during that time in October saying he was in NYC for three weeks. So, could she have filmed things in NYC to be cut into DD season 2?  Maybe, but pictures from the time seem to show her without the bangs.
She seemed to be back in LA by December 5. 
So, knowing one episode takes around three weeks to film, she might be in the last two episodes.  More likely, she won't show up until the final episode. No one saw her filming in France.  That DOES NOT mean that she didn’t film there, but I think it does indicate that, if she did, it was limited. The picture below was posted by the actor who plays Losang, leader of the Nest, also at the end of November:
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You will notice the red cross on the right.  It looks much like the white cross on the Grady vehicles.
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I think this is another clue that Beth’s story will be tied into medical experiments/treatments in some way.
Why the change in color? @frangipanilove has a marvelous post about the color red and its symbolic use on TWD. Here
It's in a tunnel. There is a TON of symbolism there that I will save for another post, but it is not dissimilar to the hallway at Grady. So, Beth returning there would be a perfect parallel to Coda.
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To me, it seems Beth won't be featured, or get a real story, until Season 3. That may be why she was in Europe this past weekend. Maybe she is looking for a place to stay while filming this summer or even doing some pre-production work. 
Regardless, Beth is STILL on her way....
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curiositasmundi · 9 months
Un personaggio sempre sullo sfondo di vicende misteriose, che appare e scompare, di quelli che non finiscono sulle prime pagine dei giornali, ma il cui nome affiora più volte negli atti giudiziari degli ultimi trent’anni. A volte perché accostato alla mafia siciliana, più di recente alla ‘ndrangheta. L’uomo di cui parliamo ha quasi ottant’anni, è nato in Libia ma vive a Catania.
Si chiama Francesco Rapisarda e nel corso della vita ha stretto relazioni pericolose che – seppure non abbiano mai portato a imputazioni per associazione mafiosa – hanno contribuito ad alimentare sul suo conto ombre e misteri. Alcuni dei quali intrecciati con la massoneria. Ora che è al centro di inchieste dell’antimafia, il modo migliore per conoscerlo è risalire la linea del tempo.
Per ultimo il suo nome è comparso nell’inchiesta della procura di Catanzaro che, a inizio luglio, ha riacceso i riflettori sul villaggio Sayonara di Nicotera (Vibo Valentia), passato alla storia per avere ospitato, nell’estate ’92, uno dei summit in cui le ‘ndrine decisero di aderire alla strategia stragista inaugurata da Cosa nostra con le uccisioni di Giovanni Falcone e Paolo Borsellino e che, l’anno dopo, avrebbe portato le bombe a Firenze, Roma e Milano.
Per i magistrati, tre decenni dopo quella riunione, il Sayonara era ancora in mano alla ‘ndrangheta. E a dimostrarlo sarebbe proprio la presenza al suo interno di Rapisarda. Sayonara simbolo di un’alleanza duratura tra le organizzazioni mafiose divise dallo Stretto di Messina.
Per gli inquirenti, Rapisarda sarebbe arrivato al Sayonara forte di alcune referenze mafiose. In particolar modo da parte della famiglia Santapaola-Ercolano, che a Catania rappresenta Cosa nostra.
A sostegno di questa ipotesi, citano i fatti che nel 2016, l’anno prima di prendere la conduzione del lido, avevano portato Rapisarda e il fratello ai domiciliari nell’ambito dell’inchiesta Brotherood. Al centro dell’indagine erano finiti i punti di contatto tra esponenti della famiglia Ercolano e alcuni appartenenti a una loggia massonica di cui proprio Francesco Rapisarda era il sovrano.
Grazie a tali convergenze l’uomo, che è anche rappresentante di un’associazione che rimanda all’organo di governo del Rito Scozzese Antico ed Accettato, sarebbe riuscito a turbare un’asta giudiziaria e rientrare in possesso di un complesso industriale. Vicende per le quali Rapisarda è stato condannato a due anni e otto mesi in appello, dopo essere stato assolto in primo grado.
Per spiegare perché la vicinanza agli Ercolano avrebbe rappresentato un buon biglietto da visita agli occhi di Mancuso, i magistrati ricordano invece l’amicizia che lega il boss di Limbadi ad Aldo Ercolano, nipote del capomafia Nitto Santapaola e condannato all’ergastolo per diversi omicidi, tra cui quello del giornalista Giuseppe Fava.
l capitolo più misterioso della biografia di Francesco Rapisarda risale, però, a tempi più remoti. Si tratta di una vicenda in cui, in prima battuta, venne tirato in ballo insieme al fratello Carmelo, per poi uscire di scena: il duplice delitto della Megara.
È il 30 ottobre 1990 quando, nella zona industriale di Catania, l’auto su cui viaggiavano Alessandro Rovetta e Francesco Vecchio – amministratore e dirigente della più grande acciaieria di Sicilia – viene crivellata di colpi da un commando che, per gli investigatori dell’epoca, agì con «tecniche quasi militari».
Ad oggi non esistono colpevoli e l’indagine per tre volte è finita sul binario morto della richiesta di archiviazione. L’ultima attende il responso del gip, chiamato a valutare l’opposizione dei parenti delle vittime, convinti che non tutto il possibile sia stato fatto.
Sullo sfondo di questa storia c’è posto non solo la criminalità organizzata. Il 5 novembre 1990 una telefonata all’Ansa di Torino annunciò l’esecuzione di Rovetta e Vecchio per conto della Falange Armata, la sigla che ha accompagnato parte dei misteri italiani dagli anni Novanta in poi – dai delitti della Uno Bianca alle stragi – e che sarebbe sorta all’interno della settima divisione del Sismi, il servizio segreto militare. Di fatto, il duplice omicidio della Megara fu la seconda rivendicazione nella storia della Falange.
A mancare finora è stato anche il movente. L’acciaieria da tempo era nella morsa del racket e, con all’orizzonte una ristrutturazione miliardaria, Cosa nostra avrebbe avuto tutto l’interesse a evitare il clamore di un delitto eccellente.
È tra questi punti interrogativi che, a metà anni Novanta, compaiono sulla scena i fratelli Rapisarda: entrambi attivi nell’indotto della Megara, a citarli è il collaboratore di giustizia Giuseppe Ferone. Secondo il quale, Vecchio sarebbe stato ritenuto colpevole della riduzione di commesse a favore di una delle loro ditte e per questo destinatario di un’estorsione da parte degli emissari di un clan locale, a loro volta vicini ai Rapisarda.
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Spring is coming 🌼🌸🌺
Nicotera, Calabria, Italy
Photos by @mimmolarox
Follow us on Instagram, @calabria_mediterranea
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antatanka-blog · 9 months
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Sunset in Nicotera, Calabria, Italy
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Lo Stromboli visto da Nicotera...
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twdmusicboxmystery · 8 months
Why I am Predicting a Beth Appearance by the End Episode 3:
OFC, this is TOTAL speculation based on TWDU and non-TWDU clues.  I am NOT saying that Daryl will necessarily see/know that she is alive by the end of ep. 3(or in a post credits scene), but I believe it will be revealed to the audience by then that she, or someone who looks like her, is alive. 
I’ve seen symbolic clues in “Diverged” in Season 10 and Dead City. 
DD was in the writing/development stage FAR longer than Dead City. So, Dead City writers already had access to the outlines for DD before production began. So, when Maggie showed a family picture with a person we can infer to be Beth having eyes gouged out in the shape of the surprised emoji, that was a major red flag for me.  That happened in episode THREE of Dead City.
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 In Diverged, a wholly symbolic episode, Daryl takes off on his own and his motorcycle breaks down. It is in the THIRD place he looks, that he finds the knife, symbolically representing a love interest. he needs to fix his bike and continue his journey. 
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Some of my belief is based on storyline conjecture. So, back to Dead City.  It was considered a success by most, but why did it do well?
Some wanted to see NYC zombies. Some wanted to see Maggie and Hershel. I would argue MOST wanted to see the development of the Negan/Maggie dynamic. How many would have watched just Maggie trying to get Herschel back?  Some, but it would not have had the same viewership, and the TWD fans actually care about Hershel as Maggie and Glenn’s son. 
So, why will people watch DD?
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Some are looking forward to variant zombies, some want to see Daryl, but for how long will the average American TWD viewer tune in to see Daryl hanging out with new French characters with accents and subtitles to boot?  
Personally, I would enjoy it regardless, but I know many people that hate subtitles and won’t be particularly interested in how things went in France.  Sure, the scenery is beautiful, but it won’t hold the interest past a couple of episodes. The “cure” premise was JUST seen in The Last of Us.   TPTB should also have learned that the decline of the flagship was largely due to killing off “family” characters we cared about and bringing on lots of new characters that never became as important to the audience as the original characters of the first few seasons. Hopefully, TPTB learned this lesson. 
While I DO expect to see a Carol flashback in season 1, the show will need to bring something to the French story that will excite and surprise viewers. If MMB would have decided to be in season 1, it may have been a different story. The Daryl/Carol dynamic would have been there, and I would be predicting your typical “cliffhanger” style reveal towards the end of the first season.
That is why I think there will need to be SOME reconnection between Beth/Daryl in season 1 for the audience to care enough to tune in to Carol/Daryl finding her in season 2. I wouldn’t expect them to connect until late episode 4 or episode 5, but they will have to be separated again by the end of 6.  They will need that time to tell their story and have the audience care again about their connection. Nicotera said in a recent interview that the DD spin-off talk began 7 years ago.  It was supposed to be set in the American West where Daryl encounters different groups each week.  He referenced three OLD shows as examples.
 One was Kung Fu with David Caradine. 
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I could go into detail, but each show he referenced is about a man who is searching for something/someone and encounters different people who they change and are changed by them before moving onto the next place on the search.  Yes, I had to research each one.  They were before my time!  This stretched out search for Beth would have made sense then because the audience still remembered her and their connection vividly. That will not work now. It’s been too long and these series are finite. Gimple, sort of, said as much on the red carpet at the finale of the flagship. He said he was already past the spin-offs in his planning and was now thinking about how to develop the next generation and new stories while integrating the “iconic” characters. So, I don’t think these spin-offs will go much past three seasons. Especially with only six episodes per season, it doesn’t give that much time to develop these stories. 
Some non-storyline clues are that the release of EK’s album is on the 22nd of September right before episode 3 airs.  She has been releasing singles all summer.  Why wait for the album release until then?  Norman said in interviews last year that he would, “run into some familiar faces” in the spin-off.  Who else is going to run into in season 1 in France?
Just a few days ago there has been even MORE weirdness. An extra-long first episode?  All of episodes 1 and 2 being screened in theaters in four major cities on Monday?  WHY? I almost wonder if they decided to reveal Beth is alive at the end of episode 2. The ONLY reason to prescreen is to increase buzz, but really what hasn’t already been teased about those first two episodes? I understand that they may need more publicity due to the writer/actor strikes leading up to the release, but why would “spoiling” the first episodes really increase the buzz if it is JUST about the Laurent story?
I’m excited to see how it plays out!
I absolutely LOVE everything you’ve said here. Love the symbolic clues you’re looking at. Love your points about Dead City. Love your research into early iterations of the DD spinoff. (I kinda wonder if all the New Mexico symbolism from 11x01 was a nod to that.) Love all your points about publicity and such.
And you’re right. I heartily agree. I don’t have much to add, but all of your conclusions are the only thing that make sense. The only other “faces” we could run into are people like Heath and Davon. And don’t get me wrong, it would be fun to see them again. But it’s not like any of those characters will do much to further Daryl’s story.
And let’s not forget that ep 1 starts with an echo of Judith’s line about Daryl deserving a happy ending, too. Which means that one way or the other, he’ll find his true love and soulmate in this spinoff.
Can’t wait! Thanks SO much for your thoughts! Xoxo!  🍁 🍂 😍
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inarteziogio · 6 months
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nightsidewrestling · 4 months
D.U.D.E Bios: Kevin Di Napoli
The Father of Honey Kevin Di Napoli (2020)
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The father of Honey, Enrico, Barbara and Walter, and husband of Novella Di Napoli, Kevin. A stay-at-home dad with a love for music, he tutors kids in many different instruments for some extra money.
“I forgot to tune this, gimme a minute.”
Full Legal Name: Kevin Nevio Di Napoli
First Name: Kevin
Meaning: Anglicized form of the Irish name 'Caoimhín' meaning 'Beloved birth', derived from Old Irish 'Cóemgein', composed of 'Cóem' 'Dear, Beloved, Gentle' and gein 'Birth'.
Pronunciation: KEHV-in
Origin: English, Irish, French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish
Middle Name: Nevio
Meaning: Italian form of the Roman family name 'Naevius', which was derived from Latin 'Naevus' 'Mole (on the body)'.
Pronunciation: NEH-vyo
Origin: Italian
Surname: Di Napoli
Meaning: Means 'From Naples’ in Italian
Pronunciation: dee-NA-po-lee
Origin: Italian
Alias: None
Reason: None
Nicknames: Kev
Titles: Mr
Age: 45
Gender: Male. He/Him Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: Italian-American
Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: September 10th 1965
Symbols: None
Sexuality: Bisexual
Religion: Atheist
Native Language: Italian
Spoken Languages: Italian, English, French, Spanish
Relationship Status: Married
Astrological Sign: Virgo
Theme Song (Ringtone on Honey’s Phone): 'Malamorenó’ - Arisa
Voice Actor: Joe Pesci
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Naples, Campania, Italy
Current Location: Asbury Park, Monmouth County, New Jersey
Hometown: Asbury Park, Monmouth County, New Jersey
Height: 5'8" / 172 cm
Weight: 150 lbs / 68 kg
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Ginger
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: Hairy
Facial Hair: Beard
Tattoos: (As of Jan 2020) 3
Piercings: None
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Social Drinker
Illnesses/Disorders: None
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: None
Allies: N/A
Enemies: N/A
Colleagues: N/A
Rivals: None
Closest Confidant: Novella Di Napoli
Mentor: Santo Di Napoli
Significant Other: Novella Di Napoli (46, Wife, Née Capitani)
Previous Partners: None of note
Parents: Santo Di Napoli (65, Father), Sole Di Napoli (66, Mother, Née Sapienti)
Parents-In-Law: Savio Capitani (66, Father)-In-Law, Stella Capitani (67, Mother-In-Law, Née Scordato)
Siblings: Serena Nicotera (42, Sister, Née Di Napoli), Fortunato Di Napoli (39, Brother), Rossa Marchesi (36, Sister, Née Di Napoli), Bruno Di Napoli (33, Brother), Prisca Lombardi (30, Sister, Née Di Napoli),
Siblings-In-Law: Placido Capitani (43, Novella'sBrother), Sol Capitani (44, Placido’s Wife, Née Roncalli), Neo Nicotera (43, Serena’s Husband), Selvaggia Di Napoli (40, Fortunato’s Wife, Née Montagna), Durante Marchesi (37, Rossa’s Husband), Regina Di Napoli (34, Bruno’s Wife, Née Labriola), Bonaventura Lombardi (31, Prisca’s Husband)
Nieces & Nephews: Oliva Capitani (23, Niece), Benvenuto Capitani (20, Nephew), Norma Capitani (17, Niece) Benigno Capitani (14, Nephew), Merita Capitani (11, Niece), Arcangelo Capitani (9, Nephew), Martirio Capitani (5, Niece), Vinicio Capitani (2, Nephew), Luna Nicotera (22, Niece), Tullio Di Napoli (19, Nephew), Lucina Marchesi (16, Niece), Scevola Marchesi (13, Nephew), Invidia Marchesi (10, Niece), Romeo Marchesi (7, Nephew), Gloria Marchesi (4, Niece), Rocco Di Napoli (13, Nephew), Gioia Di Napoli (10, Niece), Primo Lombardi (10, Nephew), Gemma Lombardi (7, Niece), Porfirio Lombardi (4, Nephew), Fortuna Lombardi (1, Niece)
Children: Honey Di Napoli (25, Daughter), Enrico Di Napoli (22, Son), Barbara Di Napoli (19, Daughter), Walter Di Napoli (16, Son)
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Great Grandkids: None
Billed From: None
Trainer: None
Managers: None
Wrestlers Managed: N/A
Debut: N/A
Debut Match: N/A
Retired: N/A
Retirement Match: N/A
Wrestling Style: N/A
Stables: N/A
Teams: N/A
Regular Moves: N/A
Finishers: N/A
Refers To Fans As: N/A
Trivia: Nothing of Note
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