#next one is def leppard/journey/heart
xhollandlilsx · 1 year
Red Card - (Leah Williamson x Reader)
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Concept- Leah and Y/N have been broken up for months, but things kick off when Leah gets jealous during the game against Y/Ns team.
Warnings - Injuries.
People, break up and makeup.
They fallout, fix it, kiss and carry on. But for Leah and I, we had done that for the last time. We ended things for good a little over 3 months ago, agreeing that we couldn’t keep on the way we were. The constant arguing, the overprotection from Leah and towards the end the lack of trust.
After my signing for Manchester United, after being the top goal scorer in the league, that’s when everything started to go downhill, fans would release photos of Alessia and I, saying how cute of a couple we would be, or fake stories about how a ‘close source’ had admitted we were seeing eachother, despite Leah and I being open about our relationship. It all got too much for the two of us, so I travelled down to London, and we both came to a decision.
It took me over a month to feel a little bit like myself again, Lucy was my saving grace throughout, I had been friends with her since our parents used to go on holidays and we’d find any grass we could and kick the ball back and forth, showing off. She FaceTimed me nearly every day, and forced me to get up.
“You got everything in that bag, Mary Poppins?” Ella asked as I walked over toward where some of the girls were waiting outside the coach, I let a smirk cross my face and patted the duffel bag I had on my shoulder.
“Alright, leave my bag alone. I like to be prepared for anything.” I replied with a shrug and stuffing my hands in my pockets.
“What, like a natural disaster? You got a lifetime of food in there?” She laughed slightly as I raised my middle and index finger, telling her to fuck off.
“We all ready?” Marc asked holding a clipboard and looking over all of us like we were kids on a school trip.
“Are you ready?” Ona asked, whispering slightly to me as she was stood behind me, I knew why she’d asked, because of who we were travelling to play. Arsenal.
I smiled a thin lipped smile before following Tooney onto the coach, sitting next to her as Alessia and Mary sat the other side. I tried to drown out the thoughts that were now flooding my mind, and the anxiety that made me feel sick at the thought of even seeing her face again.
I threw my headphones in and threw my pre game playlist on, it mostly consisted of rock, rage against the machine, AC/DC, Def Leppard so on and so forth.
I crossed my arms over my chest and closed my eyes, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone so they’d start a conversation.
The 4 hour coach journey wasn’t too bad, I’d managed to somewhat calm my nerves, doing some affirmations, repeating to myself that I’m Y/N fucking Y/L/N. What have I got to be nervous about?
The coach pulled up in the carpark and I could see fans waiting behind the fences next to us, my eyes scanned them as I saw a fair amount of United shirts, I smiled and waved before walking over, something we weren’t supposed to do, but I hated the fact they’d waited there for us and nobody’s going over.
They all near screamed when I went over, I smiled and shook a few hands, saying a few hi’s, taking photos and signing one persons shirt. One of the Arsenal security men did come over and try to usher me inside faster.
“You’re such a softy for fans” Ella smiled slightly as she sat on the bench in the changing rooms putting her shin pads and socks on. I kept my puffer jacket on, the badge still over my heart, and my joggers with my initials and number 11 on them. I threw my shins on under my joggers and threw my socks and spare boots on. I rolled my socks right down so they were bunched around my ankles and tied my laces.
“Well I don’t like ignoring them. They came all this way to support us. And waited, it’s cold Ella” I laughed slightly before standing up and pulling the shorter girl with me. I wasn’t too tall, sitting at 5’7, which was a good average compared to some.
“In all seriousness, you ready?” She asked as we walked out of the tunnel toward the other end of the pitch to warm up both carrying our bottles. The Arsenal players were already out here warming up on the opposite side. It took everything in me not to look over, to look for her. I restrained myself, knowing eventually I’d have to see her, being a forward, but as of now, I need to pretend she’s not there. Keep my focus.
“I’m fine El. Grab a ball.” I nodded to her as Alessia walked over too, the three of us throwing our bottle off to the side while we waited for the rest of our team to come out and for one of the trainers.
We started kicking it in a triangle, talking as the stand filled up, I threw my hands in my pockets of my coat as I could feel them starting to freeze, only taking them out to smooth out my hair, my well known two braids into a bun.
“Okay girls, two lines behind the cones” We warmed up, all just taking the piss out of eachother, usual banter for us, before heading back inside the tunnel and to the changing room.
We got into position after Marc announced the starting eleven. As usual I was upfront, we had kick off so I stood with the ball at my feet, my arms freezing off, but knowing I’d warm up after a while, as I love running laps around players.
The whistle blew and the game was off, I passed to Katie, who held it and waited for the Arsenal players to get stuck in. I found myself stood next to Laura, as I nudged her playfully, I had played for Arsenal for years, they were still like a family to me, and I stayed good friends with a few of them, especially Beth and Viv, it was difficult for them not to ask Leah and I about eachother but they tried their best.
“Ella. Ella!” I shouted to her as we were waiting for McCabe to take the throw in, my voice carrying, and harsh, I always sounded angry and authorative, the winger looked at me as I motioned for her to fall back slightly, to which she did, but when the throw in was taken she threw it to Viv who was unmarked, someone who should’ve been picked up by a defender, “Hey where were we?!”
I watched as Ona dealt with it and passed to Ella who carried it as far as she could up the pitch, before passing to me as I was running with her, I wasn’t vain or anything but I knew I was faster than any of the defenders at Arsenal, I was a fast runner to say the least.
I began to dribble forward towards where Zinsberger was waiting with open arms, when I saw a flash of red in the corner of my eye, and a slide tackle came at me, I knew exactly who it was, so when I saw her about to go down for it, I chipped the ball up and jumped forward over her, fast thinking, the thinking that got me nominated for a fair amount of awards. Once clear of her I kicked the ball into the top left corner, only cheering once I knew it had hit the net.
I felt Alessia run over and jump on my back, she had been running with me the entire time, just marked. I smiled and cheered as the fans erupted. I set her down as Tooney came running over and high fived me. I ran back into position high fiving a few of my team on the way, my eyes wandering to her, she looked like she was trying to hide her anger, as she walked back into her position, wiping her mouth on her sleeve. I still felt that anxious feeling but it wasn’t so bad anymore. She was staring at where Alessia’s hand was still on my shoulder.
My heart hurt though, regardless of what happened when we were together or how long we’ve been apart, I still loved her. My heart beat for that girl. That was until the 86th minute, when that flash of red took me off my feet in one of the dirtiest tackles I’d ever seen. Leah could be quite aggressive at times, but I never thought she’d pull something like this, no matter how angry she was.
I felt the air get knocked out of me as I rolled onto my back trying to breathe. Searing pain coming from my side, I felt someone land at my side, Alessia. I was slightly panicking. I had been winded before but never like this. I glanced at the blonde defender once where she stood with wide eyes and a hand over her mouth, not realising what she’d just done in blind rage.
The ref called for the medics as a few of the Arsenal players pulled Leah away and were all shocked at her behaviour. I covered my face with my arm as I tried to take at least one breath that wasn’t cut short.
“Y/N, I’m just gonna lift your shirt is that okay?“ The medic asked as she crouched down beside me, I nodded still not being able to speak, and gripping Alessia’s hand for dear life.
They pulled my shirt up their knuckle grazing my side ever so slightly making me let out a strangled yell, catching the attention of most players on the pitch, everyone looking over wanting to know what the damage was.
“Yeah..” The medic sighed, before waving the others over and signalling for them to get the stretcher. I couldn’t move my torso at the moment, my eyes watered knowing I’d be out for a while, as I let my head fall to the side seeing Leah stood there wiping her eyes, pushing anyone away who tried to touch her.
“Knock knock” I heard someone announce before walking in, it was Ella, she stood there with a sympathetic smile and a bunch of flowers. I smiled and shook my head, “I’ve come take you home”
“Thankyou” I nodded sitting up, hissing in pain, and reaching for my shirt, seeing as though I was just in a sports bra and a big patch of gauze and tape on the right side of my torso. I could see some of the immediate bruising peeking over the top of it.
“How you feeling?” She asked as I stood up from the bed, holding my shirt in my hand.
“Like my ex just fractured two of my ribs.” I sighed with a slight smile, if I didn’t laugh I’d cry.
“Yeah, that was behind anything I’d seen before Y/N/N.” She shrugged, as another knock came from the door and Ella opened it, her face falling as she nodded for the blonde to come in.
“You’ve got some nerve” I shook my head as Ella slipped out of the room without another word obviously not wanting to be in the middle.
“I know, Y/N I’m so sorry I-“
“Sorry ain’t fixing this Leah. Sorry was when you’d accuse me of sleeping with Alessia. Sorry was when you’d call me when angry and drunk at 3am, this isn’t sorry Leah.” I shook my head as she looked down at my torso, where the abs I was so proud of were slightly covered. Her face going pale at the sight of the gauze.
“I know… I messed up, I did and I don’t know how I can fix it.”
“You can’t.” I reached for my shirt and pulled it on wincing and trying to control my breathing while pulling it down, I let out a sigh as she looked down, before looking out the window at the street lights, the time sitting at around 11pm, “I can’t play for 6 weeks.”
My eyes watered, as her face contorted into a look of pain and guilt as she looked away closing her eyes, she knew how much football meant to me. I lived and breathed it.
“I can’t play, and it’s your fault Leah. My god, you know I wanted to talk to you after the game. To tell you, I don’t even know what I wanted to tell you anymore. But now? Leah, in the past 4 months you’ve taken away the only two things my heart beats for…”
“Just go” I shook my head and turned away from her, I heard some shuffling and a pause before, the door opened and closed, allowing me to finally let the tears flow.
Part 2?
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piratewithvigor · 3 years
How I listen to each of my favourite bands (a bullet point piece)
Aerosmith: They're on the radio. It's the fifth time today. Somehow never the same song. Until tomorrow, anyway. One will make you homesick. One will make you sit in slack-jawed awe of Joe Perry. One will make you curse the day he was born. They all make you love him. In the back of your mind, your thumbs hurt.
The Beatles: You have all the studio albums on your iPod nano with the scroll wheel. It has 2GB of space, so there's nothing else. You sing along to the songs with your best friend in 7th grade during school. The teacher tells you to keep it French or to shut up. You switch to "Michelle" because you're 12 and a smartass.
Bon Jovi: You're on the bus home from a long day of fifth grade. When you get home, the same old, same old. You don't know it yet but this is the beginning of your depression. As you graduate from Crossroads to a 2-Disc Best Of, everything feels worse. You work on a puzzle in the basement and even though maybe no one will ever love you, Bon Jovi understands.
Buddy Holly: For the first time since high school started, you have a friend. She's wonderful and she understands you. Maybe there's 3 time zones between you, but it doesn't stop you from digging a hole deep into a fantasy world that you live in for months with her. Buddy's music is simple and the records are bright yellow. Maybe everything will be okay.
David Bowie: You didn't care when he died. You didn't know better. You got a CD of greatest hits for your birthday two months later. You still didn't understand the fuss all too well. A few tracks pop out at you and you get the album that features them. Dad insists you listen to the album in the dark on the floor (he doesn't say while smoking weed, but if it were the 70s, you would have). Finally you understand: David understands you.
Def Leppard: You're 13 and trying to find your place in the world. Trying to make a name, so you write. As the characters who make no sense are fleshed out in 1667 words every single day, the drum loop that finished Pyromania follows you around.
The Doors: You don't know how Jim Morrison came into your life. Maybe it was by an experiment gone wrong or a curiosity. Your classmates question why you're reading a book with a shirtless man posed as if being crucified. You don't know how to answer that you think you might be him. You hadn't believed in reincarnation, but he sparked something inside you. You can feel consciousness slip away when he plays his game called 'Go Insane'. You hold a Celebration Of The Lizard for a poetry slam and the adrenaline pushes you through your fear. You feel Jim's words in your actions for years. He watches you when you sleep.
GNR: You send your siblings out of the basement. They aren't old enough to hear swear words in music and you want to listen to Appetite in the dark. You want to jump on top of the couch and punch the floor. You can feel Axl's anger and it courses through you.
Journey: You've been told you look like Steve Perry. You aren't sure if it's a compliment or an insult. You think you sound like him. You know all the words to Don't Stop Believing at the school dance. Your first memory of your boyfriend was him singing it at the talent show. Your last memory of him is singing I'll Be Alright Without You, severing the final tie. Wheel In The Sky opens your next day. Things don't feel okay anymore.
KISS: You're 4 years old and your Dad is watching the scariest freaks you've ever seen on the TV. In the next scene, the scariest one is sitting and talking to people who look like your grandparents. You forget about them for 7 years. They show up again in your newest hyperfixation and you give them a chance. The freaks who once scared you strip away your fears and set you free.
Led Zeppelin: Your imagination was just opened to the possibilities of stories beyond the realms of reality. What you thought you never knew opened you to a new layer of your past that you didn't understand. The tendrils of influence wrap around every part of your future.
Motley Crue: The writings paint them as the villains. In many ways, they are. In just as many ways, they're the same scared kids you are. For better or for worse, they bring you into a community. There, you experiment hurting yourself in ways therapists don't look for. The greatest friend you could ever want.
Ninja Sex Party: They're a rock band for kids who don't understand rock bands. You have no physical media for them and it feels like you may never get the chance. Copies are limited. So your spotify is thick with every song they've ever recorded. They're fleeting and they're your rock.
Queen: You know just a little too much about them. They're bigger characters than the radio lets them be. You love Bohemian Rhapsody before you begin to hate it before you learn to love it once more.
Rammstein: As they bleed for their art, so you bleed for yours. Perhaps out of spite, perhaps out of desperation, but plague cuts your work short. It cuts you from the glory you could have had. The first album you've ever waited for the release of by a band.
Reckless Love: Never before has a band felt so attainable and yet so far away. Your family doesn't understand them, so you hide them away. The only recklessness was falling in love.
Rolling Stones: Angie helped you through more than you know. The lips are on your tapestry for a reason. You were blind for so much for so long. You never gave them a chance. They're using their chance now.
Rush: Once shrugged-off nobodies. You gave them a chance out of curiosity and desperation. Now you can't understand the possibility of never having liked them. They brought you your first great grief and your first proof of miracles. The red star of the solar federation burns bright. Assume control.
Styx: You're standing in the snow. The bus is an hour late. You can't contact your parents because they took your one method of contact as a punishment for not making your bed. You're listening to a Greatest Hits on your iPod. Crystal Ball. It's an hour. Blue Collar Man. You get home and no one noticed you were late. They're eating without you. Suite Madam Blue.
Tom Petty: The news hits you. Your throat is blocked and you don't say anything. You listen to I Won't Back Down before telling your Dad. He was the first you experienced while being a fan. He wasn't the last. You torture yourself artistically in his honour. You attend a tribute concert and scream yourself hoarse.
Tuff: You want to leave home and block out all the memories as best you can. Stevie makes it impossible. But he's also one of the only ones there as all your best friends who aren't online forget your birthday. He acknowledges you.
Van Halen: The grief is insurmountable. For weeks afterwards, Eruption makes your heart sink. 5150 makes you cry instead of imagine pleasant nonsense as it once did. There is no comfort. If he can go, what's stopping anyone else?
The Who: Maybe they got to your head a little. You were sitting in a room in school for hours each day, completely alone except for Tommy playing on your tiny laptop. No supervision. No classmates. Just your monstrosity of a project and Tommy.
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penmansparadise · 5 years
Billy Hargrove Imagine - Something Special
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Okay, sooo it’s been a FAT minute since I’ve posted something.  Being a full-time college student is just absolute shit.  I know I have so many requests that I still haven’t written, but I needed to get my inspiration to write again back.  I am hoping that I will get to some of the requests while I have this short break before my next classes start up again.  However, I may end up writing another Billy imagine just so I can get my creative juices flowing, so stay tuned.  I really hope that you all enjoy this.  Please let me know your thoughts in the comments!!  
Warnings: Mild language 
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Reader
I clenched and unclenched my hands as I stared at the Blue Camaro parked in the driveway. Why Ms. Williams paired me with Max Mayfield, of all the middle schoolers in this rundown town, I had no idea. The stupid “Big Sister” program was straight bullshit anyway, but there I was, sitting in my car perched in front of the Hargrove/Mayfield residence. I blew out a long breath before getting out of my seat and walking to their front door.
Standing on the other side of the wooden door, I could hear Ratt blasting through the house. I tried my best to ignore it as I knocked three times. It wasn’t long before the door flew open to reveal the one person I was hoping would not be present during the visit. Sweat beaded on his forehead, causing his golden hair to stick together. He was wearing a worn white tank top that clung to his toned chest. Without even meaning to, my eyes took in every inch of him.
Billy was what most people called “popular.” Ever since he arrived in Hawkins, he had everyone turning their heads. I mean, honestly, it was hard not to. He quickly fell in with the “in-crowd,” and gained the title of “King of Hawkins.” Billy was the guy every girl wanted, and the person every guy wanted to be. He was the complete opposite of me. I was the quiet, good girl who got paid to write other people’s English papers. I always listened in class and was always home by curfew. Although there were many parties thrown, I was never in attendance. I never once thought for a second Billy would know who I was. But, he did.
Billy raised his eyebrows, and a small smirk fell onto his lips.
“I wasn’t expecting to see you here, Y/N.”
Heat rose to my cheeks as I came back to reality.
“Yeah, well, same.”
Billy let out a chuckle,
“I live here.”
I shut my eyes tightly, completely regretting opening my mouth. I shook my head and brought my eyes to meet his again.
“Right, um, sorry. I know.”
He was amused at my inability to articulate my scrambled thoughts, but he was patient.
“I’m here for Max. I got paired as her mentor through the Big Sister program. We had a meeting today to talk about…girl things.”
His eyebrows rose again.
“Well, Y/N, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Max isn’t here.”
My stomach turned as embarrassment enveloped me. The red hue returned to my cheeks, and my eyes widened. I stood motionless and mute in front of Billy as he watched me.
“Okay,” I finally said, “I guess I’ll just go then.”
I quickly turned to leave and got halfway to my car when Billy spoke again, stopping me in my tracks.
“You could always stay and wait for her. She should be back soon.”
Something fluttered in my chest at his invitation, but I didn’t move immediately. I could see my car sitting on the curbside. It was beckoning me to jump in and drive home. The meeting could always be rescheduled; there was absolutely no reason for me to stay. But, for some unknown reason, I turned to face him. He stood there, leaning up against the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest. A small smirk played on his lips as he waited patiently for me to make my decision. I let out a breath and gave a nod.
“Okay,” I said before walking into the house.
I took careful steps as I followed Billy toward the couch. The TV, tuned to MTV, blared “Take Me to the Top” by Mötley Crüe. I watched as he bopped around the room, picking up miscellaneous items in a weak attempt to tidy up. A light laugh escaped my lips at the sight of Billy, Mr. Big-and-Bad, dancing around his living room.
“This is a great song and all, but I prefer “Live Wire.” It really shows off Vince’s vocal range, you know?” I said, looking at the photos perfectly placed on the beige walls.
Billy stopped and turned to face me with confusion written all over his face.
“You listen to Mötley?”
My eyes connected with his as I sat up a little straighter.
“I do, actually. I would have killed to see them in concert when they were in Indianapolis. My mom wouldn’t let me go though. She was worried I’d get kidnapped or something.”
Billy’s mouth was nearly on the floor as I spoke. I narrowed my eyes at him and let out a huff.
“Why is it so surprising that I listen to Mötley Crüe?”
He moved himself to the loveseat across from me and plopped down.
“I just assumed that someone like you would listen to lighter music, you know? Like Madonna or something, I don’t know.”
My jaw dropped, and my hand flew to my chest in mock offense.
“Mr. Hargrove, there is quite a lot that you don’t know about me.”
He smirked and placed his arms across the back of the couch.
“So, I am learning.”
The two of us sat across from each other for hours talking about music. Billy was shocked when I told him that I saw Poison live, and even more floored when I told him I flashed Bret Michaels’ bodyguard to get backstage. He laughed when I told him I had a massive crush on David Lee Roth, and I laughed even harder when he said he did too. We were in the middle of debating which Def Leppard album was better when Max finally came through the door.
“You honestly think ‘High ‘n’ Dry’ is better than ‘Pyromania?’” Billy asked.
A smile was spread across my face as I answered with confidence.
“Absolutely! I mean, ‘Bringin’ on the Heartbreak’ is amazing! How could you think any different?”
Billy was about to speak when Max pulled both of our attention to the door.
I sprang to my feet, heart beating loud enough for their neighbors to hear.
“Max!” I damn near shouted.
I cleared my throat and took a calming breath.
“You’re back. I’m here for our meeting. You know, for the Big Sister/Mentor thing.”
Her eyes narrowed with skepticism as she looked from Billy to me.
“Right.” She said, drawing out each syllable. “Let’s go to my room then.”
She took my arm in her hand and began dragging me toward her room. I sent Billy an apologetic look before Max slammed her bedroom door shut.
The meeting was longer than I expected. Max unloaded everything on me, something I was not expecting. I tried my best to listen and nod when appropriate, but I could not concentrate. Billy’s perfectly structured face was burning in my mind. From his deep blue eyes, and the way they held my gaze to the way his nose crinkled when he laughed. When Max finally realized I was not fully present, she decided to let me go stating she was tired.
She didn’t walk me to the door, but I didn’t mind. I made my way through the quiet house and to the front door. My heart nearly stopped when Billy grabbed the doorknob before me.
“So, I’ll see you next week at the same time?” He asked with a playful grin. “We still have to decide which Def Lepp album is better.”
I let out a small chuckle at his comment. Against my better judgment, I nodded.
“Yeah, same time next week; I’ll be here.”
He smiled before opening the door and watching me leave. I got in my car, trying my best to hide the wide grin spread across my lips. I gave a little wave before driving off with the thought of seeing Billy again playing in my mind.
From that day forward, it was a routine of ours. I would arrive exactly two hours before my meeting with Max was scheduled to spend time with Billy. We would sit in his room, me on his bed, and him on the floor, and just talk. It started out as small talk. He asked what my favorite color was, and I asked what his favorite season was. As the months rolled on, the conversations got deeper. He moved from the floor to lying next to me on his bed. He told me about his mother and how he tries so hard to make his father proud. I told him about my parents and how suffocating they are by controlling my every move. He told me he doesn’t like to fight, but he doesn’t know how else to express his emotions. I told him that I didn’t want to go to college, but couldn’t bear the thought of telling my parents. Slowly, but surely, we grew closer and closer.
Although our little talks had been going on for months, I still got excited about seeing Billy. When I pulled up in front of his house that day, I saw him waiting on the porch. It was different, but I tried not to look too much into it. Trying to mask the happiness bubbling over inside of me, I sauntered over to him. A wide smile spread across his lips at the sight of me, making my heart jump.
“Hey,” I said more to my feet than Billy.
He chuckled lightly.
We stood in silence for a moment before Billy finally spoke.
“Can I take you somewhere?”
My mouth opened and closed with no words coming out at first.
“Um,” I began, “Yeah, sure.”
Billy’s blue eyes brightened at my response. He didn’t say anything in return, instead, he took my hand in his, and led me to his car. The feeling of his fingers intertwined with mine sent shock waves through my entire body. He opened the passenger side door for me before rushing to get behind the wheel. His nervous, jittery movements made me giggle. He was not acting like his normally cool and collected self.
In the car, from my peripherals, I could see him stealing glances of me. My heart pulsed in my chest, and I moved my hand to my face to hide my smile. “Faithfully” by Journey came from the radio, and molded with the sound of rubber over asphalt in perfect harmony. The windows were down, blowing the smell of Billy’s cologne and dewy grass into my face. I let myself look in his direction for a moment. His golden hair, whooshing wildly around his face, shined under the late afternoon sun. One hand sat perched on the top of the steering wheel while the other hung lazily out the window. His slender fingers drummed along to the radio. His eyes were glued to the empty road ahead of us. I bit my bottom lip as I let myself drink him up.
Billy turned the car down a dirt road, and shortly after that, we were parked under a large oak tree. There was nothing surrounding us but greenery. Billy got out first, and as I was taking in the view, he opened my door. He took my hand before guiding me to the front of his car. Standing in front of me, he gently placed his hands on my waste. He was closer than he had ever been. I could feel the warmth coming off his tense body. His hands gripped my hips a little before he lifted me effortlessly onto the hood. A nearly inaudible gasp left my lips at the sudden movement. He removed his hands from my body and sat down next to me. His arm brushed against mine, giving me shivers. The feeling of his body close to mine made my stomach tighten.  
In a sad attempt to lessen the obvious tension between the two of us, I spoke.
“This place is beautiful, Billy. How did you find it?”
His eyes never strayed from the tree standing in front of us.
“I was driving one night to clear my mind when I came across the dirt road. It was probably kind of stupid now that I think about it, but I turned down it. I realized it was a dead-end, so I got out and sat for a while. From that day on, when I needed to just get away, I came here. It’s a good place to think.”
I took in the picturesque scenery in awe. With the sun setting, the tree coverage made me feel like I was in a fairytale. Billy cleared his throat, gaining my attention again.
“Can I, um, I need to tell you something, Y/N.”
He was fiddling with his hands, a nervous habit of his that I had picked up on. I gave an anxious nod to urge him to go on. His eyes were looking everywhere, but mine as he spoke.
“These past few months with you have been amazing.” He said.
My mouth fell slightly agape, not sure what to say in return. But, before I could reply, Billy continued in a rush.
“I’ve learned so much from you. Not just about who you are, but also about myself. I’ve learned that I don’t have to punch someone to get my point across, and it’s okay to walk away sometimes. You taught me that being a big brother isn’t as terrible as I made it out to be. Max is actually a pretty cool kid.
“I’ve learned that you love power ballads because they make you believe that people can really be in love. I also learned the hard way that you prefer the wall side of the bed.” He gave a light chuckle as he playfully rubbed the arm I hit months back when he tried to take my side of the bed. His eyes finally pulled away from the grassy roots ahead of us and met mine. He smiled and let out a sigh.
“You really are something special, Y/N.”
My cheeks flushed from the blunt compliment. Billy never ventured down the road of flattery with me before. Something had clearly changed between us. I gave a nervous laugh and waved him off.
“Oh, don’t give me that much credit.”
“No, really.” Billy began, “You’ve made me into a better person. I’m a better version of myself when I’m with you, Y/N.”
His steady gaze held mine as I hung on to every word that he spoke. I could feel the heat climbing up my neck again and quickly averted my eyes.
“Stop looking at me like that!” I said with another nervous chuckle, “You’re making me blush.”
I looked back up to find his eyes still set on me. My hands began to sweat as I held onto my knees for support.
“I, Billy…” I trailed off.
His eyes began to gloss over before he finally spoke again.
“Y/N, I think I’m in love with you, and that absolutely terrifies me.”
My breath caught in my throat at his words. They echoed in my ears and embraced my heavy beating heart.
“Why does it terrify you?”
He ran his hands over his face before running them through his perfect mane of hair.
“I don’t know. I just, I’ve never felt this way before, for anyone. I’ve never known what this could feel like. The only other person I felt genuine love for walked out of my life without looking back. I’m afraid of putting myself in that position again. I’m scared that if I let myself be vulnerable again, you’ll leave just like my mother did. I don’t want to feel that kind of pain ever again, Y/N. I can’t go through that again. I won’t make it.”
“Billy,” I said, placing my hand on top of his, “I’m not going anywhere. Not now, not tomorrow, and not six months from now.”
He moved his gaze to meet mine again. With my eyes glued to his, I gave his hand a squeeze.
“You’re not the only person who has learned new things these past few months, Billy. I used to be a hermit who only left the house to go to school. You taught me how to embrace the world around me. You showed me that there is more to life than just math and science assignments. I’ve learned that taking risks is scary, but dammit it’s so worth it. Billy, you taught me how to live, and you showed me that even I am capable of falling in love.”
My hands were shaking, and this time Billy gave my hand a squeeze encouraging me to go on. I shut my eyes and let out a breath.
“I’ve never felt these feelings before. The way my heart jumps at just the thought of you. Or how your smile makes it hard to breathe. Billy, I’ve never craved another human being before. This is all new to me.”
I opened my eyes and met his cerulean orbs, full of anticipation.
“You’re not the only one who’s terrified, Billy.”
We held each other’s gaze for a moment, acutely aware of the other’s every movement. My heart was racing, and my breathing quickened with each passing second. I felt his hand leave mine, and slowly land on my right cheek. My eyes shut as I leaned into his warm touch. Every one of my senses was on high alert. I could hear his short breaths as he inched closer toward me. I could feel his other hand land softly on my left cheek. I could smell his coconut shampoo as his little ringlets brushed against my face.
Our lips were only inches from one another, and my whole body ached for him to close the distance. His thumbs drew small circles on my cheeks before he finally connected his lips to mine. My hands gripped his toned arms as I melted into the kiss. He pulled me closer until I was practically in his lap. I let my hands wander up his arms until they found the back of his neck. My fingers tangled in his soft curls as our lips moved together in complete bliss.
When he reluctantly pulled away, I was breathless. He moved his hands to my waist and hoisted me onto his lap. Straddling him, I placed my forehead against his and smiled. He gently rubbed his nose against mine, making me chuckle.
“I love you so much, Y/N.”
Tingles washed over me at his words. With a cheesy grin plastered on my face, I leaned close to his ear, and whispered,
“I love you so much more, Billy.”
A low chuckle shook his body as he wrapped his arms around me. He trailed kisses up and down my neck before leaning back onto his hood and pulling me into another passionate kiss.
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mccoys-killer-queen · 4 years
This Week’s Playlist (2/21)
As promised, the 80′s list! This week I thought I’d pick a song from each year of the decade. I probably should’ve done this last week for the 70s but enh oh well thought if it too late. Next week I’ll be doing underappreciated/niche songs from artists.
Warning: since this is an 80s list, get ready for a ton of cheesy music videos
1.) In Your Letter- REO Speedwagon (1980) Hey, you’re lucky I don’t make entire lists of these guys every week. This song is for EVERYONE- a total fan favorite. Everyone only focuses on Keep On Loving You or Take It On the Run when it comes to Hi Infidelity- but I think this should be up on the high list with those. Talk about being catchy as all fuck! The story this tells is so sad, but this song just makes you wanna bop! (the music video is by far the cheesiest thing I’ve ever seen, so get ready).
2.) In the Dark- Billy Squier (1981) The title looks mysterious, and believe me, the song sounds that way, too. “Life isn’t easy from the singular side, down in the hole, some emotions are hard to hide”- starting off a song with that really makes the mind ponder on things. What really gives me chills is the line “will you love me in the dark” *shivers* I’m not sure why. The lyrics get more serious as they go on, and with that being the last line of the song- with everything coming down to that line- it just hits something. It’s a great song if you’re feeling unsure of things. If you haven’t already, PLEASE listen to the rest of this album Don’t Say No- it’s a legendary classic rock classic.
3.) Dancer- Queen (1982) HOT SPACE, LET’S GO! The title lives up to its name (and this is yet another Brian May baby).It’s songs like this that raise the question “How the HELL can you hate Hot Space??” Whether you like it or not, you’ll have your own dance made up to this song by the time it’s over. They were really vibin when they made this (at least, some of them were). The overall sound of this is just the definition of an 80s song. Is it disco? Is it not? That’s up to you. Either way, get groovin. And give Hot Space a chance!
4.) After the Fall- Journey (1983) Holy mother of internal conflict. “So now love is gone, and I can’t go on” that REALLY sets the stage for the meaning of this song. It’s full of regret, but it’s done with so much passion (as Journey always does). Passionate harmonies, passionate keyboards, and passionate outro guitar solo. To me, the ending is just as great as the outro of Who’s Crying Now. I’d like to call this the Who’s Crying Now of Frontiers. It’s kinda like if you mashed like four songs from Escape and Frontiers together. If you’re looking for a good, solid 80s vibe that’s not Don’t Stop Believin, then try this song for a change. (This music video is also one of the cheesiest things I’ve ever seen, so get ready. Once you’re one watching, check out these memes I made about it a while back).
5.) You Might Think- The Cars (1984) Yeah, this is my favorite song from 1984. If you’re in need of some good ass 80s trash then look no further (music video is also included as 80s trash). Here’s the DEFINITION of 80s pop music imo. Why is it that everything Mutt Lange produces is amazing? Def Leppard, Foreigner, The Cars- he’s just a GOD. I always wondered why this song was a masterpiece. Everything about this song is just so much fun! If you just say the verses out loud- it sounds like a fun song! Watch the music video- it’s cheesy but super lighthearted! I can guarantee everyone reading this that you’ll like this song if you haven’t heard it yet.
6.) Money for Nothing- Dire Straits (1985) GoD, does this slap. (I know they say f*ggot like three times in this but I try to ignore that because despite that- this song is still a good one.) It’s really a staple of 80s culture, if you ask me. It’s in the perspective of someone mocking MTV, so how could you ignore that in 1985? It totally makes a whole lotta sense though- like “all they’re doing is playing music, that ain’t working!” I totally get it. How can you POSSIBLY ignore that intro guitar? This song is a goddamned RITUAL. You’ll be chanting “I want my MTV” at the end for sure. This song is super iconic, so it had to make this 80s list. (The music video is also another top notch animated music video (by 80s standards))
If you wanna hear the full song (not the radio/music video edit) click here.
7.) Underground- David Bowie (1986) Whether we knew it or not, the Classic Rock Fandom has totally claimed the movie Labyrinth as our own. This is the theme from the movie and (and imo the best song of the whole movie). Time to be wooed by Jareth the Goblin King. This song is also done with a lot of whimsical passion- being perfect for the fairytale it was made for. It’s not a children’s song, but it does its job to carry childlike wonder to whoever hears it. It’s more of gospel than anything else if you ask me. Gospel gone Bowie- that’s what it is. Would also highly recommend the movie Labyrinth (take it with a decent sized grain of salt, though).
8.) Hysteria- Def Leppard (1987) Okay, I really, really, really restricted myself when it came to putting this song in a list right away. I’ve waited long enough. This is by far my favorite song of all time (and you can quote me on that, I’ve been saying it for years now). There’s just something about this song that is unbelievably calming and- again- whimsical/dreamy. I was hooked the very first time I heard the “I gotta know tonight if you’re alone tonight, can’t stop this feeling...” It’s the perfect song for anytime, for any mood, but it’s the best when you listen to it at night around a fire under the stars. To me, it’s perfect. It’s absolutely perfect. Fall in love with this song or else. Create a new daydream to this song. Absorb the music video. Feel every note. Take all the lyrics to your soul. Ascend to a higher plane of existence. Spin around your room and shake your hips at the “oh can you feel it”s (that’s what I did the day I started listening to this). It’s the best five minutes and 55 seconds of my life. The intro and outro will totally lift you off your feet. Seriously, I think everyone will be hooked right off the bat.
9.) Bad Medicine- Bon Jovi (1988) Get your hair huge, get your makeup heavy, get tacky as all fuck, because it’s time for Bon Jovi. As soon as this song starts I’m always blown away and all the things I just listed become a reality. Stadium rock at its finest. Who doesn’t fall in love with all of them every time they come on the radio? You can headbang to this, you can groove to this, you can bop to this, you can jump to this with all your might, and best of all, you can scream to this. The 80s definitely wouldnt’ve been complete without this song. Time to go all lovey dovey for some hair music heartthrobs for a little while.
Full song
10.) Kickstart My Heart- Motley Crue (1989) I haven’t broken the Motley Crue ice either (also woops). I have such a love/hate relationship with Crue (won’t get into it) but I always come crawling back to songs like this one. There’s so much turbo energy here you can’t ignore this song if you tried. This is one of those songs that you’re just supposed to go absolutely batshit crazy to (whatever that means to you). Start a bar fight, do a donut with your car, run from the cops, just go absolutely fucking nuts. And give it up for MICK FUCKING MARS HOLY SHIT. I always like to go out with a bang with these playlists so I feel like this is one of the biggest bangs I could go out with (especially for an 80s list).
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pilgrimbenham · 5 years
What is Worship? (part 1)
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I love music. One of the best parts of growing up in the 80’s was listening to a constant soundtrack of Duran Duran, Tears for Fears, The Police, and Journey. I remember countless hours jamming out in my Hammer pants to Def Leppard, Guns and Roses, INXS and (don’t laugh) Rick Astley. You didn’t have to find an 80’s station back then—every station had glorious music sung by people with glorious hair.
After I became a Christian, I started listening to the “greats” of the 90′s. More than once you could catch me blaring DC Talk or the Newsboys down the street--sincerely believing I was evangelizing unbelievers by letting them hear the words of “Jesus Freak” as my windows were down and the speakers were cranked. As I grew older, I began to love musicians like Keith Green, Switchfoot, Steven Curtis Chapman, and others who sought to give God glory through their music and to sing aspects of the Gospel in their lyrics. As a pastor, one of my favorite aspects of a church service is the singing (whenever Christians are talking about that part of the gathering, they usually call it “worship”). The small problem is—is that the only definition of worship? For the next three posts, I want us to answer the question, “What is worship?”
Looking Ahead
In this post, we will look at the broader picture of what it means to give God glory and praise.
In the second post, we will look at a picture of organized congregational “worship”, and what place singing should have in the life of the church, including who is qualified to lead worship and what we should be singing.
In the third and final post, we will look at false worship and some examples of idolatry and blasphemy and how to turn from that to the one true God in praise and adoration.
I encourage you to send worship questions to [email protected] and include your name—we will not review any emails written anonymously. Feel free to like and share these articles and make comments on social media if you were taught something or were encouraged! Our worship pastor Micah and I will also be sharing a few short videos online giving song recommendations for worship leaders (and all Christians) as great examples of songs we can sing to worship God.
What is Worship?
Martin Luther said: “After theology, I give the highest place and greatest honor to music."
He went on to say, “The devil takes flight at the sound of music, just as he does at the words of theology, and for this reason the prophets always combined theology and music, the teaching of truth and the chanting of Psalms and hymns.”
Worship can certainly include singing and music, but it is so much more than that. In Romans 11, we read this:
Romans 11:33-12:2 Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways! 34 “For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who has been his counselor?” 35 “Or who has given a gift to him that he might be repaid?” 36 For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen. 1I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. 2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
In verse 36, Paul says “to him be glory forever”. As followers of Christ, we have an opportunity to give God glory. This is what it truly means to worship.
Note with me four important points from this passage:
God is supremely greater than His creation and in need of nothing (vv.33-35)
All things originate from God, are supplied by Him, and belong to Him (v.36)
God is the sum of all worth, beauty, and importance for all time (v.36)
Because of God's mercies, our reasonable response is to give Him our very selves (12:1)
The reasonable response to God's greatness and subsequent mercies is for us to lay our own lives on the altar and to stop allowing ourselves to fall into the conformity of this world but to be transformed as we renew our mind and understand His good and acceptable and perfect will. Paul says this is holy and acceptable to God.
We must shine and declare and manifest His glory by making it known through submitted lives. 2 Corinthians 4:4-6 speaks of God shining in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
Now is that possible on your own, in the privacy of your own home? I believe to an extent, it may be. By living consistent privately with what we affirm publicly, that brings God glory. By loving your wife, leading your sons, paying your bills on time, keeping a clean home, living with excellence--all of those bring God glory in a semi-private way.
But the true idea of giving glory to God is to make known His worth and supremacy over all creation. How do we make His glory known? We declare the Gospel, proclaim the Gospel, rightly understand the Gospel, and yes, we even sing the Gospel. We come together corporately to celebrate the work of God and the worth of God in our lives as His covenant people. And if we are willing to sing a song about our nation and flag, or a boyfriend, or a red solo cup--we should be more than willing to sing to the God who is far above all rule and authority and all created things.
Psalm 19 tells us that creation is doing this:
“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.”
Every day--the skies, the seas, the creatures of earth--drum up their doxology to an infinite and worthy Creator. Night after night, the stars in the sky proclaim there is a majestic, all-seeing, all-powerful, all-wise Maker who is resplendent in beauty and is wonderful, and you must know Him!
So whether you choose to give God glory, the rocks are still crying out. Creation is making music to the glory of God.
In the next post, we will look at corporate singing and who is qualified to lead worship, as well as what kind of songs we should sing together as God’s people.
Here’s where I want to hear from you:
What are some ways you are giving God glory?
In what ways has your incorrect view of God limited you from worship?
What are some of the attributes of God that inspire you to sing?
Follow @pilgrimbenham on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and listen to sermons at thisisshoreline.com/sermons. For more content, visit pilgrimbenham.com.
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evanpeaters · 5 years
pegleg and lobster boy → 07.19
TIME FRAME: Friday 19th, July. LOCATIONS: World on Wheels, A&E, Los Angeles. DESCRIPTION: Evan and Madelaine decide to go to a disco roller rink, fully dressed up in 80′s gear, but things don’t go to plan.
Madelaine: The redhead was sad she had to miss the wedding, she really wished she could’ve made it, but she had a commitment to the show and in the end, if someone had to miss it to go to the Convention, Lili was much closer to Saoirse, she’s gladly take the bullet to have her friends go and enjoy themselves while she stuck it out through all the panels. Madelaine loved conventions, she loved getting together with fans, filming content with them and just spending some time there before she either drove back home or retreated herself to the hotel room. Tonight though, it’d be a different kind of Friday night. God even knew how, but one way or the other, she’d flirted enough to get a date with Evan Peters. She’d gone back to LA for the night, figuring she’d wake up early on Sunday and drive to San Diego, so after getting ready in her best 80’s look, she was waiting for him while she munched on some cashew nuts and watched something random on the TV
Evan: Being a free, unemployed man had it’s ups and downs. For the most part, he was incredulously bored and rewatching seasons of shows that he’d never though he’d get to revisit in his life. While on the other hand, it kept him available for when random plans like going to a roller disco with Madelaine Petsch sprung up. He had no idea where he’d plucked the idea out of, only that he knew he needed to make it interesting to warrant the two hour drive for her the next morning. They’d found the perfect one in LA where the aesthetic was heavily based on the 80’s and of course, he was going to take full advantage of that - he was missing out on the 80’s season of AHS, so he’d damn well make up for it now by wearing short-shorts, an old windbreaker jacket and sports socks pulled up. Obviously that came with getting some odd looks as he strolled through the entrance of her housing complex, but he didn’t have it in him to feel any embarrassment. Pulling out his phone, Evan dropped her a text. ‘I’m here now. You better have matched my effort with your outfit, or I’m going to be sending you right back in’.
Madelaine: With her hair all done up to make it as fluffy as possible, a short neon pink short shorts and a crop top with heart shaped sunglasses, Madelaine picked up her tiny backpack and headed downstairs. She got the weirdest looks, but as soon as she laid eyes on Evan, she was pretty sure she wasn’t gonna be the only one turning heads around “All of a sudden, I feel like I’m in a movie” Madelaine said with a laugh as she reached out to greet him with a hug. “You ready for this? I’m putting a disclaimer out there, I’m incredibly clumsy so I’m sorry if I fall on you several times”
Evan: It was easy to spot Madelaine as she emerged, standing out from the others not only due to her outfit, but the way she carried herself. Embracing her back, Evan’s eyes gave her a once over and beamed in approval. “I couldn’t have even imagined you looking any more awesome” He stated in approval, wishing he’d also gone for the headband that he had dismissed as too much. “Is that a warning or a promise? Because I reckon I’ll be just as awful. I’ve never been able to master skateboarding no matter how hard I’ve tried, so I’ll be right down on my ass with you.” Keen to get moving, the actor led the female to the parking lot and clambered into his Landrover, immediately dialing the volume down as he had been blasting some Def Leppard on his way there - a far cry from the disco music they’d soon be surrounded by. The GPS was already programmed into finding the roller rink, and soon enough they were on their way. “You wanna be DJ? Cable’s right here..”
Madelaine: High top All Stars being rocked, she’d never felt more stupid but at the same time, more confident, which really gave her a good feeling about the night. “Thanks, I tried my best with whatever vintage shops had around LA but I’m proud of my look. You don’t look too shabby yourself” She said with a big smile. Walking side by side, Madelaine turned to Evan when he spoke back, laughing a little bit “Oh, well then, let’s just extend a blanket forgiveness for whoever injures the other, sounds good?” She teased. She scaled the step into the Land Rover and sat down, buckling up. “What is that… Give me that!” She pretended to be offended when he started blasting the music. Grabbing the cable, she opened up Spotify into the “All about the 80’s” playlist, Ah-Ha’s ‘Take on Me’ coming in full blast. She started dancing on her seat and chuckling “This is more like it!”
Evan: Now they were both fully warned on how potentially bad each other were going to be at the rink, Evan felt suddenly more reassured. It would’ve been just his luck to suggest something that the other person kicked ass at, while he was left behind, wobbling around. An unapologetic smile was shot over to Madelaine as she protested to his music taste, and he would’ve inflicted more on her just for kicks if he didn’t also have a mutual appreciation for the song she had put on. Wiggling in his seat, Evan tried his best to match her enthusiasm, though driving in LA was admittedly a huge ball ache. Settling on singing along to the playlist instead, Evan only got more and more into it with each surprising new song that came on next. By the time that they were pulling up to a traffic light, 'Hungry Like The Wolf’ was on, and in the car next to them sat a very conventional looking family, the parents looking bewildered and kids bemused as Evan rolled down his window and treated them to the 80’s throwback show.
Madelaine: With her eyes deep into her phone, Madelaine tried to make up a perfect queue with all the fantastic tunes that would match up to their 80’s fantasy. Having spent much of her lifetime stuck in LA traffic, the redhead had lost that habit though ever since she started working in Vancouver for 10 months out of the year. She tried not to get impatient and roll around with the music, stealing random glances from her skating partner, his windbreaker and the genuine smile on his face as he sang along were pulling the most of her attention. Laughing when he rolled the window down, the actress leaned forward and joined the serenade to the family SUV on the other side before the light turned back to green and they had to pull away from their stopping point. The looks on the kids were slightly lost and amused, but the parents were horrified. “How scarred do you think we left those parents?” She joked at him.
Evan: An entertaining car journey partner was always appreciated, so Evan couldn’t have been more thankful for the redhead joining in on their serenade rather than simply rolling her eyes. With one eye on the traffic lights, Evan floored it as soon as they turned back to green, leaving the SUV in their perplexed wake. “I feel like we just took them on a journey back in time to a time their minds forgot because they spent half of it on an acid trip. They’ll have good sex tonight. We did them a favor”. Doing that thing again where his mind drew completely random conclusions and his mouth brought them to life, Evan saw nothing presumptuous at all with his statement, and spent the rest of the journey going back to their vehicle disco. Within another ten minutes, they were pulling into the parking lot, and the male was pleasantly surprised to find it almost full. He’d kind of assumed that roller discos were something time had forgotten, but the beauty of nostalgia and wanting to experience a time you hadn’t fully got to live in clearly kept some customers 'rolling’ in.
Madelaine: Madelaine was about to talk into the beginning of his statement, but she was surprised when he kept on going and drew a full conclusion to the end, making her chuckle and shrug her shoulders a little bit “Maybe they fell in love in an acid trip, maybe they’ll try to re-live it tonight, we may have turned their marriage back into what they felt when they got hitched… We did good, buddy” She said with a small nod and a smile, giving him a clap on the shoulder and a chuckle escaped her throat as she did. The remainder of the drive was spent humming to the music and occasionally rocking out to banging tunes, but when they made it there, Madelaine was pleasantly surprised to see that most of the people were looked out like them “Well this is a party if I’ve ever seen one… Come on, let’s go” She said with a bright smile, all but jumping out of the truck and walking inside with him. Stepping inside the place, she felt a loud booming of the music, turning to look at Evan with a bright smile.
Evan: At least he wasn’t alone in his thought process, it sounded like Madelaine got exactly where he was coming from, and Evan nodded along in agreement. The rink certainly didn’t disappoint as they stepped inside it, the vibe was infectious, and he immediately felt as if they’d made the right call. “Alriiiight.” He exclaimed, excitedly, making a beeline over to the skate rental and trading in his size 10’s. “Aren’t you glad this is the way you’ve chosen to start your weekend off?” And they hadn’t even really got started yet, but he could already tell the day was going to go smoothly.
Madelaine: She could feel her body start to swivel and her feet got a little dancey when they stepped into the place. When he beelined towards the skating place, Madelaine stepped in time behind him and looked around, captivated by the flashing lights and the amazing colors, she looked like a kid in Disney on her first time. Asking for her 6.5 skates, they got handed their pairs and went to sit down on a stool. Slipping the skates on, she couldn’t help but to let out a nervous laugh. She was gonna make such an asshole out of herself, but it was gonna be a fun night. “I absolutely am… As much as I love the con parties, this is… Certainly a better activity” She added. She could’ve gotten vlogging content for her YouTube channel, but this… This was much better.
Evan: didn’t know what it said about him that he was /this/ excited to get out onto the ‘dance floor’, both of them had smiles which threatened to make their jaw ache later, just like everybody else in the place, and the whole atmosphere was infectious. Lacing up his boots, Evan had his on quicker than Madelaine so took it upon himself to get on his knees and lace her second one up. Any time not spent seeing how disastrous they could be was time wasted. Then, he attempted to skate to the rink, the padded flooring making it more of an awkward waddle over there. “Shit, I’m not holding out a lot of hope right now if I’m this awkwardly footed on the non-slippery flooring”, he spoke over his shoulder to Madelaine, flashing her a comic expression before gliding out onto the dancefloor
Madelaine: Long nails and tight laces weren’t really two things that should happen together, nope. The moment the redhead tried to pick the laces from the skating boots to tighten them, she found herself struggling like an idiot, so when Evan knelt down to help her, she picked up her lips in a smile as a quick thank you. The faster she could get this done, the more time they’d spend roller skating… or figuring out how to stay on their feet, actually. Laughing at the way he waddled down the narrow carpet towards the rink, Madelaine tried to calm herself down. He was probably just as awkward as she was, so if anything, this would be more fun than traumatizing. “Hey, I don’t think I’m gonna be much better” She said with a laugh, mimicking his expression. The moment the wheels under her feet touched a slippery surface, she gasped and let out a quiet squeal “Oh God!” Her hands grasped at the railing. Everyone around them looked like either professionals or uncoordinated idiots like them.
Evan: Like with iceskating, it was definitely a wobbly start while you were trying to find your footing - it didn’t help that the last time he had rollerbladed had probably been +10 years ago, but he was a show off at heart, and even though he was just getting re-acquainted with the skates, the actor turned to face Madelaine, rather slowly managing to skate backwards instead. 'Born to Handjive’ from the Grease soundtrack was playing, so he worked his best 'mashed potato’ hand movements until a couple who clearly spent far too much time here sped past, twirling their way across the dancefloor, sending him into a complete wobble. “Show offs”. He mumbled, rolling his eyes over at Madelaine. “How ya doing there, red? Did you uh…is it a personal choice to be travelling at the speed of a baby sloth?”
Madelaine: She wasn’t gonna lie to herself, hell no, Madelaine was terrified. She’d been a dancer for most of her childhood years, where was all that dexterity and capability now, for fuck’s sake! The music was relaxing her, and slow but steadily, she was starting to stop moving herself by gripping the railing and pulling on it to push herself forward, and letting go of it to actually move and shuffle her legs. Laughing at Evan’s failed attempt to dance and his face contorting back to a scowl when he saw the clearly very experienced couple, she couldn’t help it but laugh “Oh my God, shut up, I hate you!” She said with a loud laugh, looking down at her feet, terrified to even move too far away from the railing “Uhm, excuse me, I don’t see you moving all that fast and far away, buddy”
Evan: Glancing around to check the coast was clear of that distracting as heck couple, Evan made his way back over to where Madelaine had managed to…pull herself? “I’m only going this slow so I can stick close to you. You know the drill, never leave a man behind”. Okay, so maybe that was a stretch from the truth. Maybe he hadn’t grown the ability to speed off and weave in and out of the others yet, but he sure as hell was picking it up with more ease than the actress. A smile that struggling not to be smug on his face, Evan held out his hand for Madelaine, hoping she would substitute the railing for his own balance. “Come on, we’re getting in the middle”.
Madelaine: This should’ve been easier, come on Madelaine, get yourself together, you’re looking like an idiot! The redhead tried to convince herself, to pull some of Cheryl’s fake confidence to herself and with a deep breath, she let go of the rails and put her hands up to her sides to balance herself “Alright, alright, I’m getting there… Leave no man behind, you’re full of crap” She said, rolling her eyes before smiling back at him. Looking at his hands, she reached out to grab them, the first impulse in her body when she could take a grip of something was to go strong for it, so she almost even leaned a little bit into her arms when she felt the support from him “To the middle? Oh God I-Oh shit” She cursed out as she started slipping around. She wasn’t falling but this certainly was faster than desirable “If you let go of my hands, I’m going to murder you”
Evan: It really was rapidly getting easier for Evan, so with every surge of newfound confidence, he wanted to push Madelaine a little further and he couldn’t help but pull her along with him the more and more he sped up. “I’m not gonna let go, I promise. Although…you might start wanting me to, soon. I mean look at this, I’m pretty much pro now” gesturing down at the very standard skating that was taking place, Evan knew full well that if anything else was required of him - if he had to turn suddenly, or even try a jump - he knew he’d go crashing down onto his ass, so this would do for now. “You’ve also progressed to fully grown sloth now, so I’m proud of you”.
Madelaine: The middle of the rink was less crowded, with all the people who wanted to go fast and move at a faster-than-glacier pace moving out to the edges, they were left almost alone in the middle of the floor and with less people around, Evan was starting to pick up a little speed and oh dear, Madelaine’s pale delicate hands were about to squeeze the life out of his broad ones. “Well then, Mr. Pro, go on and do a fun trick for everyone to baffle at your wonderful skills” She taunted him and laughed, trying to look at his feet. He was getting the hang of it, so she tried to copy him. One foot outwards, then back in, then the other one. Okay it wasn’t that hard. Rolling her eyes at the comparison, she groaned “Next time, we’re going to a ballet studio and I’m showing you how it’s done” She said with a laugh, needing to prove herself “Okay this is- I’m… This is actually- Okay” She spoke to herself as she started gaining more and more confidence, the grip on the blonde’s hands starting to loosen but definitely still there, mostly for moral support.
Evan: With less people around to crash into, Evan did feel like getting a little more experimental, though he was sure he’d come to regret it if he crashed and burned, not only infront of Madelaine, but everyone else in the rink. Plus, his white short-shorts threatened to rip if he tried anything too vigorous. “You told me not to let go of your hand yet, remember? So are you going to be doing this with me, or what?”. On his own, he probably would’ve just thrown his body down onto the floor, completed the worm and called it a day, but how hard could partner tricks be, really? “So bring some of that ballet grace here. Teach me how to pirouette, if you can. Which I reckon you can. You’re just in your own head right now because you’re worried about falling over and hurting yourself - but weren’t you like that on the first day of your ballet classes, too?”
Madelaine: When Evan proposed she’d do a trick with her, Madelaine’s big brown eyes widened and she shook her head “Oh no.. No no… No no no, don’t worry about me” She said with a laugh, licking her lips “I don’t think I could do any of that and ballet… In ballet you’re standing on your own feet, not on wheels! It’s like- For a pirouette, you just grab momentum and you have to go on pointe, lift your leg- And that’s just not gonna happen here” She said with a chuckle. “But here- lets see I… Mhm” She hesitated for a second before she pulled her hands back. Not too far, since she wanted to be right there if she needed to grab them again, but she straightened up her spine and looked up at him with a big smile, like a child coming back from school with a good grade “Look! Look I’m doing this” She almost yelled with pride, which turned a lot of heads who gave her some very weird looks, but she couldn’t care less.
Evan: In hindsight, maybe it was a good idea Evan couldn’t talk her into trying any tricks. He was just tapping into his inner motivational speaker when he didn’t know what the fuck he was talking about - pirouettes were hard enough to master on your own toes, never mind on wheels. Still, it seemed to have instilled some confidence in her as she let go of his hand and took a better stance. The looks she was getting for her outburst only made Evan want to her obnoxiously loud with her, which he did, whooping and clapping as the girl managed to skate alongside him unaided. “You’re a graceful motherfucking Dove right now. Dove Cameron, who? Here’s Dove Petsch, coming through!”
Madelaine: Back upright, strength in her core, her legs were strong but her knees were bent as she used them to push downwards and out, once each time, this was easy, no wonder Evan had picked it up so quickly. Laughing when he started cheering her on, the redhead rolled her eyes and scoffed “Oh my God, you’re such an ass” She said with a laugh, letting herself relax a little now that she’d gotten into the rhythm of things. “With normal skates, this would’ve been a lot easier, it’s this freaking shoe thing with the four wheels, it’s like stepping on a toy car and- Oh shit”. Madelaine squealed before launching herself forward after putting too much weight on one of the outside wheels and it gave out under her weight, twisting her ankle under her body and making her fall to the ground arms first. “Fuck- that hurt a lot” She said between laughs, turning herself around and laying on her back with her sore leg laying down “I told you this would happen” She couldn’t stop laughing, a hand coming over her eyes.
Evan: Evan felt like a proud father as he watched Madelaine fly the nest, her speed picking up as she put some distance between them…and then, she was crashing to the ground. “Oh…fuck” Evan let out, immediately skating to her side, a concerned look on his face as he practically skidded to his knees. Please don’t cry, please don’t cry, he inwardly begged, hoping she hadn’t hurt herself too much and would consequently hate him for bringing her there. Then, her body started rocking and Evan reached out to…cradle her? He guessed, he didn’t know, he was awful at this sort of stuff. Laughter replaced any tears, and without knowing what was going on, the actor let out a couple of nervous laughs himself. “Why are you laughing?! Oh god, is this a 'laugh so you don’t cry sorta situation right now? Are you actually hurt? Where does it hurt?”
Madelaine: She’d always been the kind of person who’d rather laugh at her own foolishness before everyone started laughing at her, and this was no different than any other case. Before Evan started laughing at her, at least he’d be laughing with her. Plus, the situation was incredibly comical, if nothing else. Watching him come towards her and cradle her, concern in his eyes as he tried to figure out why the hell was she laughing instead of bitching and moaning, Madelaine shook her head and smiled at him “I’m laughing because I just ate shit in tiny short shorts in front of everyone here, how could I not laugh” She said between laughs “I’m fine, I think I’m fine” She said, happily leaning on him for support and sitting upright “I’m okay, I’m- Oh, my ankle” She said as she pulled her leg back and her ankle twinged
Evan: Now that Madelaine was putting it into words, Evan could appreciate how ridiculous the whole scenario was, and actually let himself laugh along to it with her. Other people were skating past glancing their way, but the fact they were both laughing probably dismissed the idea of her needing help. Moving to get back to his feet, Evan stopped mid-action as the redhead winced in pain while attempting to move. “Shit.” he let out, his mind instantly jumping to conclusions that she’d broken it. “Can you stand on it at all? Here -” holding out a hand and supporting her under the elbow, Evan attempted to pull her up - a feat made a lot more difficult thanks to the rollerskates. In hindsight, maybe he should’ve taken them off first.
Madelaine: Keeping her foot off the ground, which was heavier even with the skate, the redhead tried not to wince too hard when she stood up and allowed her weight to rest on Evan “I.. Shit- I don’t think I can” She said with a small chuckle. Looking down at their feet, Madelaine looked up at him and narrowed her eyes a little bit “Two people and three legs on skates… Why do I have a feeling this is not gonna be a good idea”
Evan: Full time carer mode activated when Madelaine admitted she couldn’t put any pressure on her ankle, and he was definitely in agreement to it not being a good idea for him to attempt to skate along, dragging a one-legged female in his wake. “Yeah, you’re right, one second”. With one arm still around Madelaine, Evan fumbled with his laces until they were loose enough for him to pull his skates off, one by one, wobbling haphazardly the entire time. Once they were off, he ditched them in the middle of the rink and padded back to the entrance in his socks, rolling Madelaine along with him. In a way, their predicament had now come in handy so she wouldn’t have to hop along or get him to carry her - which wouldn’t be the case once they’d left the establishment, but the thought of giving her a piggy back around didn’t bother him in the slightest. Once they had left the dancefloor, Evan sat Madelaine down onto the nearest bench and got back to his knees, his eyes holding her own gaze as he spoke. “Alright so, I’m not gonna lie, this is probably gonna hurt…” trailing off, the actor attempted to get her skate off as gently as possible, which would’ve been a lot easier if they weren’t high-tops.
Madelaine: With one arm wrapped around Evan’s shoulders and the other one holding onto his bicep, Madelaine tried her best to keep her balance and roll her way from the middle of the rink to the small exit door, following him and trying her best to hop and scoot herself onto where they once sat to put these death traps on. “Yeah I- Oh ouch ouch ow ow ow!” She whimpered as Evan started to unlace the shoes and pull them off. She hated being the whiny girl, she was always so strong and fended for herself, so this was less than desirable. As he was managed to slip the injured feet’s skate off, the redhead bent down to try and take the other one off “I told you this was gonna end badly, I’m so sorry” She said, biting her lip and shaking her head as she kicked the other one off and sighed.
Evan: hated hearing Madelaine in pain, especially knowing he was the one that was sort of inflicting it on her by trying to get the boot off, but he couldn’t give up half way, and with the last little wiggle, he’d managed to free her foot. The sounds she was making definitely wasn’t promising, and normally he wouldn’t resort straight to this, but he knew she was a busy girl who couldn’t just let wait to let recovery happen without actually knowing what they were dealing with. “Don’t be sorry at all, if anyone should be sorry, it should be me. This was my idea, and you’re probably gonna hate me even more for suggesting this, but…I think we need to get you to the hospital. I can carry you out to my car? I know this isn’t exactly how you planned to spend your con weekend, and I feel so fucking bad”.
Madelaine: “Hey, no, don’t say that!” Madelaine said with a smile, shaking her head a little bit “I wanted to come here, and let’s face it, in the twenty minutes we spent in there I had the time of my life… Before my clumsy self kicked in” The redhead said, a shrug picking up her shoulders with a small smile to make him feel better. The rink people brought them their shoes over, seeing that Madelaine was struggling a little bit and Evan was helping, and she thanked them with a kind smile. “Really?” The girl asked her companion “Do you think it’s like… Hospital bad?” She asked, looking down at her feet. It was certainly swollen, but at least it wasn’t broken or anything, right? Hearing him offer to carry her to his car, Mads furrowed her brow “I haven’t had a good piggy back in ages… Turn around” She said, picking her Converse up by the high top and waiting until he turned around and lowered himself enough for her to jump on his back.
Evan: Evan’s concerned expression melted into a smile as Madelaine reassured him. He too had been enjoying himself thoroughly until the inevitable happened and one of them bit the dust. “Hey, if it wasn’t going to be you, it would’ve been me, so either way one of us was going to end up carried out of here, and I think you would’ve struggled a little more carrying my ass out. Also, it’s better to be safe than sorry, right? I’d rather them do x-rays on it now than to find out your ballet days are behind you in a few months when the bone fuses back together in some gnarly, unaligned way”. Scooping up his own shoes, Evan got into position for her to be able to hop on with ease, and made his way out of the building. “See ya later, 80th century. It’s been emotional”. He declared as they re-entered the parking lot, spinning back around so he could place her onto the passenger seat. “Alright, I know a hospital pretty close to here, and I’ll drive you to San Diego in the morning so don’t even…worry about that”.
Madelaine: He always had to make it odd, first with the couple who got married on an acid trip, now with her bones fusing into an anthropomorphic mess of a leg, and Madelaine couldn’t help it but laugh. Even if she was in slight pain and was getting carried out of a skating rink on the back of someone she’d only met today, she was smiling, and that meant a lot to her. “Well, I can’t have that! How’s the show gonna explain that? Oh, Cheryl got into a bad cheerleading accident and had to have her ankle and foot replaced by a stump, we’ve swapped her storyline, now she’s half pirate” She said with an eloquent voice, as if she were pitching the idea to show runners. Sliding herself onto the seat and buckling up, the concern in Evan’s voice made her heart melt “Hey, don’t worry about that… You’re doing more than enough now. I mean, sitting in a waiting room in those short shorts? They’re gonna wanna take -you- in for tests”
Evan: “I mean…a storyline like that would /definitely/ make me want to watch the show. You said she was a closeted bitch at first, so she’s changed slightly already, why not go the full stretch and have her be a pirate in the next season?” Sliding back into the seat that he was unaware he’d be sitting back in so soon, Evan buckled himself in and began the drive to the nearest hospital, chuckling softly at the thought of them sat side by side in the accident and emergency department dressed how they were. If anything, hopefully it would give the staff on shift a smile. “So what’s the story we’re going with? Are we gonna pretend you hurt it doing something a lot more badass than struggling to roller skate, or are we just going to hope and pray that they’ve had this kind of scenario before?”
Madelaine: “Of course the peg leg girl would attract the lobster claw boy” Madelaine said with an eyeroll and a laugh, her whole body semi-turned to face him as he drove her. He really didn’t have to, so she appreciated that he was taking the time to do this for her. Making sure she had everything she needed in her backpack, the redhead allowed herself to flump back down on the seat “I mean, with Riverdale you never know, maybe the next villain will be a crazy pirate and Cheryl will be his side kick” She joked. “Mhm…” His question took her a little off guard “I think they must’ve seen this before. Maybe not the disco rink, but the outfits? Definitely. Remember all the acid marriages, they need to re-live their golden years, and I’m sure there’s gotta be more than one fella who goes wild for these short shorts” She said, shimmying her butt on the seat for a second before groaning, she’d moved her ankle a bit and it stung again.
Evan: “Peg leg girl and lobster claw boy, now that sounds like a duo that I could…ship?” He stated, attempting to use the terminology that he’d seen fans use so many times. From the sounds of it, with their wacky plotlines, maybe Riverdale wasn’t so different from AHS afterall, only a lot less serious and a lot more camp. “I honestly think you should suggest that - a crazy pirate sounds like the perfect addition to your show.” Attempting to keep the conversation flowing to take Madelaine’s mind off the pain, Evan cast a glance over at the female as she shimmied and instantly regretted it. “Alright, you…stop being all bubbly until further notice, if you can. That’s doctors orders” He demanded, resuming more small talk until they’d reached the hospital, where he parked the car and got back into position for her to climb on his back again. Maybe it was a little extra, but it was a hell of a lot faster just to carry her than to make her hop alongside him, with a lot less movement on her part as well. Reaching the front desk of the accident department, the clerk saw to them pretty sharpishly once she realised Madelaine was on his back. “So uh, we have a case of terrible roller-skater here with possibly sprained or broken ankle…”
Madelaine: With a made up frown on her face, Madelaine tried to stay put on her ass while Evan drove them to the emergency room. Looking down at her feet, she couldn’t help it but laugh a little bit, throwing her head back to the head rest and closing her eyes for a split second, taking in a deep breath and letting it out with a grumpy sigh “I have to wear heels tomorrow for interviews!” She whined into the air before chuckling quietly. It could’ve been a lot worse. The pain, as annoying as it was, was completely bearable and she could put up with it until the end of the weekend. Watching him pull into the parking spaces, the redhead re-assumed her shimmying technique until the end of the seat and went up on her companion’s back, resting her head on his shoulders. The emergency area wasn’t too crowded, mostly people who were clearly not feeling well, but no actual emergencies they could be stopping. “Oh hi” She said with a bright smile, waving her hand to the nurse on the other side of the counter. “Oh, put her down on that chair, we’ll take care of it” The nurse said, pointing at a wheelchair with a male nurse holding it. Dismounting Evan’s back, Madelaine hopped onto the chair, handing her backpack and shoes over to the blonde boy “I’m sure I won’t be long. Just some X-Rays before I see the doctor, right?” She asked, looking back at the nurse. “Yeah, you can wait here, your girlfriend will be right back” He said as he started wheeling her away.
Evan: It was just Evan’s luck that he’d managed to hang out with some female company, and once again, they were whisked away by some hunky dude. Only this time, they weren’t dating, and afore mentioned hunky dude was simply her nurse. That was better than what he was used to. As they rolled away, Evan only just registered what the staff member had said, so had to raise his voice a little for his response to be heard. “Bold of you to assume I could land someone that hot!” he called out jokingly, sticking his hand into the bowl of candy that sat upon the desk, noticing the clerk giving him a judgemental look as he unwrapped the sweet and popped it into his mouth. “What’s up?” He spoke with no response. “...You come here often?”
Madelaine: It must’ve taken around half an hour to fourty five minutes before all the X-Rays were taken, but Madelaine really wasn’t rushed at all. Many nurses came over to ask her about the show, and she was happy to see the fans ranged from all ages and professions. If someone as serious as a doctor could watch something as camp-y as Riverdale, they were doing a good job. By the end of it, she was getting rolled back to Evan in the waiting room with a smile on her face and a bandage on her leg. “Hey, you” She said with a big smile “So, no big heels while standing up, you can wear them for interviews and photo ops, but try and get down to flats as soon as possible, and ice whenever you can, alright? The pain should be gone in 3 to 5 days, it’s just a hard twist, not even a sprain. You’ve got a very good friend here who made sure you didn’t step on it” The Doctor said while looking at Evan and then the girl “Thank you so much, Doctor- Oh wait, can I have your pen?” She said, looking down and then at Evan “Pass me my backpack?” She asked, quickly pulling out her wallet. Taking out one business card, she scribbled her signature and the names of the two daughters he’d mentioned were big fans of the show before handing it and the pen back “Make sure to have them come over to San Diego any time of the weekend if they want, I’ll walk outside to give them a hug… Or maybe this guy can give me a piggyback ride” She teased, looking at Evan and giving him a wink.
Evan: Drumming his fingers absentmindedly against the arms of the chair he was sat on, Evan didn’t even notice the looks the clerk kept giving him, his presence clearly irritating her. He was used to that. Blame it on his ADD, he barely even noticed anymore when he was being a little shit. Finally, there was movement out of the corner of his eye, and his 80’s clad friend was being wheeled back towards him. Getting up with a grin, Evan flashed her a thumbs up at the bandage. “Nice. I’m liking the SDCC accessory of choice”, he teased, knowing full well that a girl as fashion forward as Madelaine wouldn’t wear it and do her best to pretend nothing was wrong with her ankle tomorrow. He watched on as she refused to let herself leave without giving a little something back to the doctor who had taken care of her, and he had to smile, most people would’ve been in too much of a hurry to cater to their own needs to think about others. “Well, I don’t know about /that/, I’ve gotta be in Italy tomorrow…but tell you what, you need to rest, I figure we can’t do anything that requires you standing up anymore, so I’ll drive you to San Diego. Today, in your car. That way I don’t have to leave you straight away, and we can talk a little more? Or…carry on serenading random car loads of people?”
Madelaine: Rolling her eyes at Evan’s comment, Madelaine couldn’t help it but smile. He knew full and well that she wouldn’t wear the bandage, but she’d try to do the best with her ice packs and resting the leg, but Cheryl wasn’t gonna go down to her flats, and neither was she, so it’d just have to fix itself with time. Watching the whole medical staff wave goodbye and leave them, Madelaine reached up with her hands as if to ask Evan for a hand to hold and get up. She could hop towards the car, he’d carried her enough and as much as she joked about, he’d done more than she’d expected. “Yeah, I think I’m out of commission… I’m sorry I had to cut our night at the rink short, you looked like a natural” She said with a small smile “You wanna drive two hours to San Diego?” She asked, eyebrow cocked up. “I mean, yeah of course, I don’t have much to do tonight, but do you really wanna do that?” She wanted to invite him over to her house and they could talk there, he didn’t have to do all that for her.
Evan: Taking Madelaine’s hand, Evan helped her to her feet and propped an arm over his shoulder, both of them a little more lenient with how much movement she made now they knew it wasn’t broken. That had to be relieving for her, she had a heck of a lot to do that weekend and he would’ve felt endlessly guilty if she couldn’t dive into it as much as she wanted. Although, if he were honest with himself, he’d get a little kick out of seeing all of the professional shots of the Riverdale crew looking glamorous, with a wink to their few hours spent in LA together in the form of a bandage on her ankle. “It’s totally cool, if we had stayed any longer I probably would’ve grown /too/ good at it, and people would’ve been marvelling, it would’ve been embarrassing, you know?” Hopping back into his own car, Evan waited for them to settle on a destination before he bothered putting the key in the ignition. “I mean, it makes sense, you can’t really drive with a jacked up ankle, I don’t know how else your car would get to San Diego, and I can easily get a train or bus back, it’s chill. I’m making the decision for you”.
Madelaine: Hopping back towards the car, Madelaine gripped onto Evan’s waist tightly as she tried to steady herself and balance everything she had going on while they made it back. Getting on the truck was hard now that she wasn’t getting positioned from his back, but once she managed to get in there, she happily buckled in and let her foot rest on her healthy leg “You probably would’ve ended up getting like, scouted for a national 80’s roller derby team, and what would’ve been of your acting career? Someone with that much rollering skills can’t drop out of such a thing, you had to represent your country! Really, it’s for the best, I did you a favor in the end” She added with a small shrug, trying to keep a straight face for as long as she could before she cracked. Hearing him say that he’d happily drive her and taken a bus back to LA had the redhead shaking her head “What? No way, no, I refuse. We can go home, and open a bottle of wine and talk until the sun comes out if you want, but I’m not gonna let you do that. I’m… Very thankful, but I’ve got castmates who are driving from here, my stylist and make up team, an Uber, there’s plenty of ways I can get there. And you’ve got a flight to catch in the morning.”
Evan: Evan wasn’t sure what he expected Madelaine to be like, but honestly…this wasn’t it. He’d probably thought she’d take herself more seriously, so was pleasantly surprised to find out she can be just as goofy as himself - her next joke proved it. Shaking off the laugh that consumed them both for a moment, the male got the car started and buckled himself in. “Alright, if you’re sure. The option’s always there. But I like the sound of your idea, too....Your place or mine?”
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hazzasgayvodka · 5 years
24 * THE LESS I KNOW * 24
Impact: Chapter 24
Chapter title song: The Less I know the Better - Tame Impala 
I wake up beside him to the sound of his alarm. I groan as I roll over on top of him and reach for the snooze button. I smack at the alarm three times before it finally ceases, and I breathe out a sigh of relief. He laughs from underneath me and I turn to face him, frowning as I close my eyes and try to go back to sleep.
"Come on baby, we've got class in an hour," He coaxes, running his hand through my tangled hair, "And we seriously need a shower."
"I don't want to move." I groan, curling back into his side and pulling the covers up to my chin.
He stands from the bed, stretching his arms above his head before walking around to my side of the bed. He throws a shirt over his head and steps into a pair of pants as he rounds the bed. He slides his arms under me, dragging me to the edge of the bed and hoisting me up into his arms.
"Harry!" I squeal, wrapping my arms around his neck as he carries me to the door.
He pushes past it and kicks it closed with his foot, laughing as he walks to the bathroom and strolls inside. He finally sets my feet on the ground and reaches past me to turn on the shower. I turn to the sink to brush my teeth as he stretches his shirt over his head and slides his pants down his legs. His torso is covered in bruises along with his arms and his knuckles are still beyond roughed up. I rinse my mouth out as he drops his boxers and gets into the shower. I turn to the door, electing to eat breakfast while he showers.
"Jess?" He asks, poking his head out of the curtain.
"Are you coming?"
His question makes my cheeks heat, my entire face now the same color as my hair. He grins upon seeing my reaction and beckons me closer to him. He reaches out of the shower and grabs the hem of my shirt, dragging it up my body and tossing it to the ground. I step out of my underwear and grab his hand as he nearly pulls me into the shower, wrapping his arms around me. I giggle as he walks us under the water, it's scorching hot, warming my freezing skin. He leans down, pressing his lips to mine and as I close my eyes. It almost feels like kissing in the rain.
We finish our shower and get out together, both of us wrapping towels around ourselves. He brushes his teeth as I dry my hair and tries to kiss my cheek with his foamy mouth. I swat him away and he rinses his mouth before leaning back into me and covering my cheeks with kisses. Soon, the careful drying of my hair has been forgotten.
We exit the bathroom and come nearly face to face with Niall. He's stood in the kitchen with a bowl of cereal, his eyebrows raised as they land on us. I realize how this must seem, both of us dressed in only towels as we walk out of the bathroom, but I don't have the heart to tell him that it's exactly what it looks like.
"You guys sleep well last night?" He asks, a mischievous grin finding its way onto his face.
"Like a baby." Harry laughs, flicking Niall off as he grabs my hand and pulls me back into his bedroom.
He closes the door behind us and I drop my towel as I step into a pair of underwear and snap on a bra. I slide a pair of jeans up my legs and throw one of his stolen Rolling Stones shirts over my head. He turns around from his closet with his eyebrows pulled together as he turns to his dresser instead, searching for something.
"Baby, have you seen my tour of '94 stones shirt?" He asks over his shoulder, shuffling through his drawers.
I look down at the shirt I'm wearing to see a giant 1994 printed at the bottom. I laugh as I stretch it back over my head and he turns around to see me with it almost half way off. He shakes his head as he walks over to me and pulls it back down.
"I knew I was missing shirts," He grins, leaning down to kiss me before pulling back and looking at me seriously, "It's cute, you wearing my clothes, but don't go anywhere near my Pyromania Tour Def Leppard shirt."
I laugh, nodding my head in understanding and he finally grins, leaning down to me and pressing his lips to mine once again. I pull away to finish getting ready and throw his jacket over my shoulders. He turns back around from the closet in a plain long sleeve shirt and shoves his feet into his vans. He reaches for his leather jacket but it's already over my shoulders. He shakes his head and grabs his denim instead, throwing his arm around me and walking us out to the living room.
He grabs his keys and holds the door for me. I don't even think twice as I walk out the door and climb into his car. I instantly start searching through the CDs, trying to decide what I want to listen to today. He sits next to me, starting the car and blasting the heat as I take out the live Hysteria Def Leppard album and load it into the player.
He grins as the first song starts, nodding his head along to the beat as his fingers drum along on the steering wheel. It makes me think of the first time I ever rode in his car with him. I had never listened to The Rolling Stones or Guns and Roses before him, I couldn't have even told you the difference between Journey and Foreigner. When I look at myself in the rearview mirror, it's crazy to think how different I am. My dyed red hair is natural and curly, my face is free of makeup, and I'm wearing a leather jacket. I never would have been caught dead looking like this going to class a few weeks ago but he loves it when my hair is wild, and I know I don't have to wear eyeliner and mascara for him to think I'm beautiful.
We pull in front of the literature building and he turns off the car, abruptly putting an end to the music and getting out of the car. He grabs my hand and walks us inside confidently. He takes a seat in the second row and kicks his feet up on the chair in front of him. Since the day I met him I've never seen him bring a pencil let alone paper to class and yet somehow, he always seems to absorb the information like a sponge and ace our tests. Except in math, we both suck at math.
It still feels weird to see Jason staring at us in surprise every time we walk in the door hand-in-hand. I wonder if he feels responsible after forcibly putting us together on our character development project. I can't thank him enough for playing matchmaker.
"What are we gonna do after class?" Harry asks, leaning over to me, "We don't have to go in to Lexington today."
"I know," I smile, hoping this goes smoothly, "I'm meeting Miles to study for our stats test next week."
He rolls his eyes, "Of course you are."
"You can join us," I suggest but he only groans, sliding down further in his seat, "I'll take that as a no."
He nods his head and I laugh, leaning over to rest my head on his shoulder and yawn. It's way too early to be awake after everything that happened last night.
"Today's the day you know." He speaks up, wrapping his arm around me.
"What day?" I ask, sitting up.
"The last day of the bet," He smiles weakly, "It's been two weeks."
Two weeks, two full weeks of spending every waking moment with this insane man. Two weeks of late mornings and even later nights, two weeks of fruit loops and mango body wash, two weeks of car rides and music and pizza and the feeling of his lips on mine.
"Too bad I'm not going anywhere." I tease, his smile fully returning as he leans down to me and pecks my lips.
Miles picks her up after class and I make a point to lay one on her as soon as he shows up. I know she's aware of exactly what I'm doing but I don't care. I get in the car and my Def Leppard CD starts spinning once again making a stupid grin find its way onto my face.
I drive home and debate going back to bed, my entire body still sore from the past couple days. My knuckles need some serious nursing after bashing Zack last night and every time I rotate my right shoulder I feel a searing pain in my back.
I walk in the door to see Louis on the couch beside Niall, the sight of him being something I haven't seen in at least a week.
"Hey stranger." I laugh as I collapse on the couch next to him.
"Hey Harry." He sighs, turning back to his phone and typing rapidly.
"What's wrong, mate?" I ask, turning to try and read his phone over his shoulder.
"It's Sam," He says nervously, "She's pissed because I haven't asked her to homecoming yet. Apparently, everyone is already putting together their crazy elaborate proposals and posting them everywhere."
Homecoming? I forgot that existed. Jess doesn't want to go to that does she?
"I already asked Katie, I bought like fifty bouquets of roses and put them all over her apartment. She loved it." Niall brags, sitting back against the couch and scrolling through the channels.
"Shut up Niall," Louis huffs, "God I have no idea what I'm gonna do."
My mind starts racing. Maybe Jess does want to go to homecoming. What would I do if she does? I guess I'd have to go. I try to think of anything I could do to ask her, but nothing comes to mind. She wouldn't want one of those huge proposals, would she?
"What are you doing for Jess?" Louis asks, turning to me.
"I um," I stutter, "I don't know, I'm not even sure she wants to go."
"Oh, she wants to go, her and Sam are already planning to go dress shopping this weekend." Louis says blankly.
Dress shopping? She never even mentioned wanting to go to homecoming but she's already going dress shopping?
"Someone's shit out of luck." Niall laughs, nudging my arm with his elbow.
"I am not," I sigh, standing from the couch, "I just have to think of something, some way to ask her," I huff, my brain shuffling through possibilities, "Why can't I just ask her? Why does it have to be such a big deal?"
"It's homecoming, it's just the way it is." Niall shrugs, grabbing the bag of chips beside him and shoving a handful in his mouth.
Me and Miles ride in near silence to the library. I don't know what I was thinking when I asked if we could study before the stats exam. After everything I've put him through I don't know why he agreed, I suppose it's because he's still my friend despite it all.
We walk up to the front doors to find them locked. We peak inside to see it completely dark inside. As we walk back down to his car I see a flyer taped to one of the lampposts that explains the library is closed for the week for renovations.
"We can go to my house to study." Miles suggests.
"Sounds good to me." I shrug, following him back to the car.
He drives back onto the main road and in a matter of minutes he's pulling into an exceptionally nice neighborhood. The houses all down the row are three times larger than my childhood home and at least six times bigger than Harry's. He pulls into the garage of a giant two story with a round driveway and perfect landscaping. The door is a beautiful red color and all of the masonry detailing on the front columns makes the place look even nicer.
"How do you-"
"I live with my mom, lame, I know," He laughs, "And her fiancé. He works around here so she moved in with him a few years ago and I moved in from the dorms last year."
He opens the door and walks inside, kicking his shoes off as he goes. I look around as I follow him, a huge kitchen to my left and a formal dining room to my left. He keeps walking to the corner around the kitchen where a smaller round table sits across from the breakfast bar. He drops his bag in one of the chairs and sits next to it, beckoning me over to him.
I sit down carefully, worried to death that if I touch anything I'll ruin it somehow. He takes out his stats book and a notebook and gets started on writing out a problem from the review set.
"Before we start studying," I say carefully, the dead silence around the house deafening, "I think we should talk about-"
"There's nothing to talk about," He smiles weakly, "It's okay."
"It's not okay," I say, "What I did to you was not okay."
"Jess," He says seriously, meeting my eyes, "You don't owe me an apology or anything. We weren't exclusive, we went on a few dates. You're happy with him, and as your friend, I'm just glad you're happy."
He smiles again, a real smile and I can't wrap my head around how I got so lucky to have the friends that I have. He finishes writing down the first of the review problems and we work through them easily, the awkward silent air around us fully dissipated. He gets up to grab grapes from the fridge at some point and offers to get me a soda just as the garage door opens and a thin blonde woman walks in carrying grocery bags.
As soon as her bright blue eyes meet mine, I know she's Miles' mom. She has the same blindingly white smile and soft features. She stumbles past me and I rush over to take some of the bags from her hands.
"Oh, thank you," She laughs, setting the bags all down on the counter, "Mind introducing me to your friend, Miles?"
"This is Jess," He grins through a mouth full of grapes, "We're studying for our stats test next week."
"Sure looks like studying." She teases, gesturing to the grapes he was tossing into his mouth when she walked in.
She walks past him to start putting the groceries away and leans over to peck his cheek. He groans, rubbing the red lipstick away and mumbling something about how she always does this. He apologizes as he sits back down, and I laugh, already loving his mom.
"Sorry about that." He huffs, sitting back down next to me.
"Don't say sorry, I love your mom." I laugh, grabbing my pencil and getting to work on the next review problem.
She makes a batch of cookies from scratch in all of about five minutes. Suddenly the entire house smells like vanilla essence and chocolate chips. It all feels so perfect, it even smells perfect. His mom is beautiful, her blonde hair is sleek and shiny, and her blue shirt makes her eyes pop. Her smile might as well be from a Colgate commercial.
There's a feeling in his house, an all-encompassing feeling of home that overwhelms you as soon as you walk in. I've only just met his mom, but I already feel like I've known her forever. We stray from statistics once again and suddenly I'm sitting at the breakfast bar with her as she tells me about her wedding plans with her fiancé. She has an entire notebook filled with the details in the form of neatly written notes and pictures from magazines.
All of that shatters when the garage door opens once again and the last person I could ever expect to enter the house comes strolling in. Vance's eyes meet mine as he drops his bag just inside the kitchen and I can see the instant look of shock on his face.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I ask, my anger boiling as it's my first time I've seen him since Harry told me the horrible story of what he did.
"I live here," He exasperates, "How are you-"
"Wait, you know him?" Miles asks, standing from his seat at the kitchen table.
"Yes, I know him! He's my freaking boss!" I shout, my voice wavering as I start to put the pieces together.
"Wait you work at Lexington? How did, I thought Harry-" Miles stutters, trying to wrap his head around everything.
"You're," I start, my heart racing, "You're her fiancé?" I ask, turning to Miles' mom.
"Eliza, yeah." He says uneasily.
"So, you and Harry are..." I trail off, turning to Miles, my head throbbing.
"Stepbrothers," He confirms, nodding his head, "Not yet anyway, but soon."
My whole head feels stuffed with cotton. Stepbrothers? All this time I've been torn between them going left and right and not knowing which was is up. I've wondered how they knew each other and why Harry seemed to hate him so much and it's all because of this. Eliza, Miles' amazing mom, and the person Harry hates most are together. One small piece of the puzzle no one ever cared to give me, one small piece that makes the entire puzzle come together.
"This whole time you and Harry have been working together?" Miles asks, his eyebrows pulled together.
"Yeah," I sigh, my mind still trying to comprehend everything, "He wouldn't let me tell anyone."
How is Eliza marrying Vance? He's terrible, beyond terrible. Does she know what he's done? Does she know what he's capable of? Is she as nice as she seems, maybe they're both deplorable? I think back to the night Harry told me and my hatred for the man in front of me grows. He said he was an alcoholic then, is he not one now? Has he changed? There's too many questions and nowhere near enough answers.
"I have to go." I breathe out, grabbing my stuff and shoving it into my bag.
I walk to the door and push past it, but a hand grabs my arm, pulling me back into the house. I turn around expecting to see Miles, but I come face to face with Vance instead.
"I don't know what he's told you," He says carefully, grimacing, "But that's not me anymore. I promise you. It was a different time, it was before I met Eliza."  
"You could have killed him!" I scream, surprising myself.
All of my pent-up anger for the sick son of a bitch in front of me explodes as I shove him off of me and storm back out the door, the tears pouring down my cheeks as I picture the ragged scars across the span of his back.
"Jess, listen to me-"
"For what reason? Why should I listen to you? You're a monster!" I shout, flailing to keep his hands away from grabbing me again.
"I told Eliza, she knows everything," He sighs, his voice cracking, "But Miles, I can't, I can't bring myself to tell him, but I won't stop you," He says, his head hanging low, "I love them Jess, and I love Harry too. I've apologized to him so many times and I know there's no amount of confessions that can fix it, but I am sorry, he knows I'm sorry."
My phone buzzes in my pocket and I take it out to see a text from Harry asking when I'm coming home. Just reading his name makes my heart ache. I can't decide if I'm mad at him. It feels like every time things settle, another hurricane comes hurtling through, knocking my life upside down.
"He can't pick me up from here." I breathe, my voice rattling due to the tears running down my cheeks.
"Who?" Vance asks.
"Harry, he can't know I came here, he doesn't want me around you at the office let alone at your house." I huff, hastily wiping the tears from my cheeks and starting to dial Sam's number.
"Can I take you somewhere?" Vance offers, taking his keys out of his pocket.
"No, I just need to get out of here." I breathe, my chest cavity feeling like it's going to cave in.
He reaches out for me again, but I pull away, running down the sidewalk away from him. The tears sting my cheeks as I run with my bag falling from my shoulder and the wind whipping my face. My mind is whirling as my feet pound the concrete with every step. Is he telling the truth? Is he different now? How could he tell Eliza and she stay with him?
I come to the end of the street and my eyes land on a black mustang driving towards me. He stops the car in the middle of the road and gets out, leaving it running as he sprints to me. He takes my face in his hands, but I shove him off. I'm not even sure if I'm angry at him but I am angry, and I won't be sedated this easily.
"How did you find me?" I huff, wiping my eyes with the backs of my hands.
"Vance called me." He sighs, reaching for me again.
I look up to meet his solemn eyes, holding myself away from him. I know his touch will soften my emotions and I can't let him use that power against me.
"How could you not tell me?" I seethe.
"I didn't know how!" He says, raising his voice, "I didn't know how to tell you that my fucking deadbeat dad and Miles' perfect Martha Stuart mom were getting married!"
"Well you did it fine just then, Harry!" I shout back, shoving him.
"This is my life Jess, you don't have to know every fucking detail!"
"This isn't a detail Harry! You let me go back and forth between you two, you let me wonder for weeks why you hated him so much and this is it? This is why you hate him?" I ask, stepping closer to him.
"Yes, this is why I hate him, because he has fucking everything I've ever wanted! He has a mom that loves him and my own fucking father living with him and taking care of his every fucking beck and call! He has a perfect life and a perfect family and I'm living in a shithole apartment taking care of my best friend and working three jobs to pay for his fucking medicine!"
He's breathing heavy, his chest rising and falling rapidly. His face is red, the vein in his neck is throbbing, his eyebrows furrowed together. He's not angry, he's frustrated. Miles took his perfect life and never even apologized for it.
"I don't even remember what my mom looked like some days and he's eating from a silver platter in some gated community bullshit neighborhood," He sighs, "Sure, my dad's all better, he's not slicing people to shreds anymore but does that fix anything for me? No, he gives me a job and thinks everything's all better, but it's not," He huffs, reaching his hand up to rub his neck the way he does when he's stressed, "And this is why I didn't want to tell you, because of the way you're staring at me right now, like I'm fucking broken or something."
He shouts obscenities as he turns around and walks back to his car. I'm worried about him driving when he's wound up like this. I follow him until he gets in the car, gripping the door with my shaking hands.
"Harry, I'm sorry, come on, let's go home." I say quietly, hoping he looks at me and agrees.
"No, I'm not going home, I'll see you tomorrow-"
"Harry, come on, you need to calm down, you need-"
"Don't tell me what I need, I don't need you!" He shouts.
My heart shatters as the words fall from his mouth. He clenches his jaw and pulls away from me, leaving me standing in the street. I feel the tears piercing the corners of my eyes as everything comes crashing down around me. I take out my phone to call Sam to pick me up, but she doesn't answer after three calls. I scroll through my contacts and my eyes land on one I know will always pick up the phone.
"Hey Jess, what's up?" Taylin asks after the second ring.
"Can you come stay with me for the weekend?" I ask, trying to keep my sniffling to a minimum.
I hear her shuffling around in the background and then the sound of a zipper and I realize she's already packing a bag.
"I'll be there in two hours."
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a-tardis-at-downton · 6 years
A/N: It’s two in the morning and I don’t have the gumption to do any more editing. Inspired by REO Speedwagon and Nicholas Rush, the prickliest teddy bear in the world.
In which Belle French deejays for the university radio station and enjoys REO Speedwagon way too much, Rush is her grumpy college professor who just wants her to succeed and encourages her in his own way. Belle, as always, sees the best in him because really, Rush did mean well. He’s just awful at emotions.
Belle French was nose deep into Steinbeck’s To A God Unknown, a personal favorite and occasional re-read of hers. The headphones were looped around her neck, the bulky earpieces providing a perfect perch for her chin as she passed time in the silence of the radio station. The sound box was to her left, within arms reach, and the computer awaited her next queue up, blinking steadily as the final strains of U2 faded out. Belle’s focus was pulled away from her book and she popped her headphones on, patching the mic through.
“This is Belle French, the only lonely DJ here at ZZUX, and here we have our next request. Bob, if you’re listening, U2 is the band for ultimate broken-hearted jam, so, well chosen, my friend.”
She was tired, and if it was unprofessional to clear her throat on air, there was no one around to say otherwise. All she had for company is Joseph the fortunate farmer and the steady flurry of snow outside the studio windows.
“Up next is a personal favorite of mine. Let’s take a moment to appreciate REO Speedwagon’s Keep On Loving You,” Belle nearly grinned at that. It was something of a personal joke of hers, considering her and three other people listened to the university’s station at three in the morning. What’s the harm in playing the same song five nights in a row?
Kevin Cronin’s vocals, high and smooth, filled the air, and Belle shifted in the ridiculously uncomfortable office chair she’d roped from her boss’ office. What Keith didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. Returning to her novel, she pressed on, eager to discover the fate of Joseph and his paramour, as if she hadn’t read it a thousand times. The words began to blur in front of her, and she blinked blearily. Belle rubbed her eyes, and at that, nearly missed the blinking light of the telephone, and sighed.
Slipping off her headphones, Richrath’s amazing guitar solo faded as she answered the phone. 
“Hello,” her voice chirped, saccharine and kind, despite her annoyance at being interrupting.
“You know, I’ve been listening to this station for some time, and quite honestly I enjoy it. What I don’t enjoy is hearing REO Speedwagon five nights in row,” A unfamiliar brogue grunted out over the crackling line, shaking and unclear. Belle cast a look towards the window, mind drifting to her early morning walk back to her apartment.
“I’m— sorry?” she said after a moment, brows knitted together in confusion.
“Yes, well, see to that, if you will.” Click.
“I— Oh, my god, he hung up on me.” Belle glowered at the phone, jamming it down on the receiver and scowling at it as if the inanimate object were at fault. Her mood had been sullied by this mysterious caller, and she ground her teeth, jaw jumping with irritation.
“It’s three in the morning, prick!” Belle shouted. To absolutely no one. Because she was alone.
God, she was tired.
Heat suffused her cheeks, and a blush of shame erupted across her features.
Her head dropped to her hands, and she frustratedly rubbed at her temple. Her physics final was next week, when class resumed after break, and she had no idea where to start, she’d offered to take Mulan’s shifts for the next month, and she was royally screwed after the disastrous Thanksgiving row she and Gaston had gotten into. He’d been a bit awful, honestly, as far as boyfriends went, but she’d thought that perhaps, with a little attention and some more of her time, he might see that they could be well-suited. That hadn’t gone over well.
Instead, she’d been bulldozed by every class she’d had this semester, and her only hope of passing her physics course was by the grace of God Almighty, or Doctor Nicholas Rush, as it were. Rush was everything Belle despised in professors; arrogant, too casual, and cruel to those he perceived as beneath him, which apparently was everyone, he annoyed Belle and she could not wait to pass his exam, though with her luck in that course, she’d have to dredge through it for one last semester until he pitied her and passed her through simply for the joy of never needing to see one Belle French again.
Belle French was an utter failure, and she felt very little joy in passing off the headphones and studio duty to a bright-eyed Fred later, who, bless him, had thought to bring Starbucks. Belle’s walk home was slow and meandering, her eyes squinting at the dappled rays of sunshine that burned through the slate of grey clouds above. Her bag was heavy, and she stopped to readjust the straps a time or two. Augusta was a small town, with a main road blinking out advertisements from shop windows that boasted New Tech! IPA here! Town meeting at four!; it was certainly smaller than Portland, Maine, and as such, the sleepy town was rarely witness to her morning journey home. Today, more than ever, she thanked the unknowing residents, because she had slipped on the unsalted sidewalk no less than three times in the three block walk to her apartment, the snow and ice making travel difficult, and her heels, chosen prior to the unexpected weather, making travel impossible.
A good twenty minutes later, Belle stumbled noisily into her home, hissing out a no as her keys clattered on the table far too loudly for— she studied the clock— six in the morning.
A door squeaked, and Ruby poked her head out from behind, her long hair tangled with sleep and her eyes still shut.
“’S okay?”
“Yes, Ruby, I’m sorry, everything’s fine. Go back to bed.”
Belle plopped onto the couch, staring forlornly at her backpack, it’s keychain winking in the pale morning light. She groaned, guttural and long, and reached for the remote instead.
The next night found her similarly busied, and she thought very little of the caller who had demanded so callously that she stop playing REO Speedwagon. Classic, she thought, and anyone who says otherwise is a complete idiot.
Complete Idiot did, in fact, call again when the opening strains of Don’t Let Him Go played, the steady, staccato drumbeats filling the air.
“Please, stop playing REO Speedwagon. Maybe Def Leppard, Journey, or if you like trite favorites, and you seem to have taste limited by that, try Aerosmith.”
This time is was Belle who hung up.
She played Take It On the Run next.    
By the time dead week was over, she’d run the station’s entire music selection through twice, and not a single person was the wiser for it.
The morning of her final dawned dark and gloomy, and Belle thought wryly, that it was fitting really. The physics study session she’d had with Ruby had been largely unsuccessful, especially since Ruby had taken the course over three years prior. Belle tried not to think about how she’d wished she’d done the same.
Pulling on her leggings and a crisp, blue pencil skirt to match her blue buttoned blouse, she shoved her boots on before lumbering out of her room. The clatter of a plate on the counter had her furrowing her brow.
Belle cocked her head, watching as her friend pointed to the clock.
“I thought you left, like, an hour ago. Dude, you’d better grovel now.”
Her physics final was supposed to start at—
“Nononononononononono!” Belle shouted as she sped down the stairs, swaying wildly as she peeled out onto the street, running as fast as her boots could take her.
Eight and a half long minutes later and out of breath, she tugged nervously at her hair, scuffing her boots on the shiny marble tile outside of Doctor Rush’s office. She was fully prepared to prostrate herself at his feet, offering up whatever she could— which wasn’t much at all, she knew— in exchange for a chance at the final. Without it, there was zero chance of her passing Rush’s class. An hour had gone by, and rather than bore herself to tears when she was so close to them already, she opened her novel and immersed herself in the dusty California farmlands.
A grunt interrupted her, and she looked up to see Rush fishing in his pocket, his keys jangling as he stuffed one into the lock on his office door. Her book snapped shut, almost of it’s own accord, and Belle sprung to attention, her full height drawn up the length of her spine. She stood straight as he walked into his office, unbothered, it seemed, by her presence. She may walk away defeated, but she could still be pro— no, no, there was no pride to be had here. Not when her entire future lay on the temperament of an ill-mannered professor.
His office door was ajar, and the soft light from the single lamp beckoned her. Still unsure, she gave a tentative knock at the doorjamb.
“Enter,” came his voice, and he was quieter today, less firm, somehow, and though she’d never say it aloud, and certainly not to him, he sounded soft. Bristles of silver stood out on his cheeks, and he sucked in a breath and let it out in a long suffering sigh.
“I s’pose you’ve come to grovel now, aye?” His glasses glinted in the warm light of his reading lamp, even as he sat, the leather of the chair groaning as he settled. Belle gulped. Bravery, that is key.
“Y-yes. I— really… I had a late shift, and…”
“I’ve not got all day. Out with it, or you can leave and see me next semester.” Rush leafed through the sheaf of papers on his lap, pulling a few out here and there, seemingly at random, his dark gaze focusing on his task.
“You’re a horrible professor, you know.” She hadn’t meant to say it, really, but she was running on three hours of sleep and no coffee and dear god, if the earth could just open up and swallow her now, that would be amazing.
His long hair fell forward limply as his head snapped up, and Belle’s eyes widened, her mouth open to offer any apology for her gross misstep. Instead, a sharp noise jolted her from her stupor, a loud crack filling the air, and then another, and another.
He was— clapping?
“Miss French, you astound me. Not only do you fail to grasp the most simple of concepts, but you manage to insult me and tell the truth at once. Well, half-truth,” he leaned forward, his lips pressing tightly together as he studied her, and she had never felt more exposed, “You see, I’m not horrible at teaching. You are horrible at retaining what I’ve taught, however,” he considered her once more, “however, I’m not a complete bastard, as some in the rumor mill would suggest. As such, I will let you take my final. I want to see how much you’ve learned.”
Belle’s eyes blistered with tears of thanks, but before she could offer a watery gasp of contented and heartfelt apology, his eyes traced her knotted and mussed hair, her disheveled clothing, and bid her sit. Any further arguments from her would wait until her grade had been submitted and she was out of his class.
“But that final will be taken here and now, Miss French.”
Dread crept up her spine and she dropped into the seat across from him. Rummaging in his bag a moment, he brandished a copy of the final in front her, before handing it over.
“I assume you came prepared?”
Belle searched her bag, but it was with a heavy heart that she remembered lending Ruby her last pencil before heading out for her late night shift the night before. Flushing, she couldn’t bear to see the smug grimace on Rush’s face, instead taking her time selecting a pencil from his proffered canister.
The clock ticked away the time, and an hour and thirteen minutes after she’d begun the exam and fifty-seven questions into the blasted things, she noticed. A gentle hum of a tune had begun, struck up by the man across from her. He had barely moved, except to cross the short distance to his small coffee maker and pour two cups earlier, one of which he had quietly placed next to Belle— unexpected, the coffee filled her warmth. At least, she told herself that it was the coffee and not the act of kindness itself that made her grin. But now, his foot tapped out a beat, soft against the plush carpet of his small, cramped office, and the beat was vaguely familiar.
The bassline for REO Speedwagon’s Keep On Loving You. Suddenly, realization crashed in around her, as though she’d been doused with cold water.
“Yes, well, see to that, if you will.” The snide tone, the deep brogue that demanded so much of her. A brilliant blush of scarlet bloomed across her cheeks, and she was thankful that Rush didn’t look up. Her heart seemed to beat out a thunderous dance in her chest, and she swallowed her nerves. Surely he knew who she was, of course he had. He had to! Belle studied him then, perhaps seeing him for the first time. His blazer was crumpled where it lay on his sidetable and his navy teeshirt had a few snags, and a slight stain, she assumed from coffee, even as he absently lifted his mug to his lips and let a drop dribble from the corner of his mouth.
“Shit!” he hissed, scrambling for the box of tissues that was perched very haphazardly at the edge of his desk, “sorry,” he placated, as though remembering he had company as he blotted at his stubble. His brown eyes found hers, and she allowed a grateful smile to brighten her face, and Rush attempted one, it seemed. His lips quirked into something of a half-grin, loose and unnatural, and for a brief moment, Belle wondered if Rush had many reasons to smile often in his life.
She busied herself with the last of her final then, and with only two questions left, Rush’s voice was clear and pronounced as he called, “Time!”
Belle set the final in his outstretched hand, and Rush nodded.
Though she’d been dismissed, Belle took her time gathering her things, and offered a last smile.
“Thank you, Doctor Rush, really. Thank you.”
She pulled the door shut and went on her way.
Three weeks later and well into her last semester, she spotted him crossing campus, coffee thermos in his hand and files balanced in the crook of his opposite hand. Belle grinned, and started for him.
“So,” she caught up to him, and Rush startled, “why do you hate REO Speedwagon so much?”
Rush paled, and the way his skin drained of color almost had Belle laughing, but she grinned good naturedly instead, and his cheeks soon pinked.
“No half-truths this time, Doctor Rush.”
“I don’t, not really. You,” he straightened, drawing to his full height, and his glasses perched awkwardly at the tip of his nose, reddened with the January air, and he coughed, “you were lonely. I thought maybe I would call. You said you—”
Belle’s heart flew to her throat, and her lips parted. Her lungs squeezed out her last breath in a puff of white, and her hands found purchase at the lapels of his blazer. His lips were soft beneath hers, pliant and unsuspecting, and his stubble scratched into her chin and lips and cheeks as he moved with her, pressing close, as if he wanted to be as near to her as he could.
He tasted of coffee.
A shuddering gasp for air parted them, and Belle was unsure which of them had broken their embrace.
“Call me Nicholas, please.”
“You’re an idiot, Nicholas.”
Belle grinned.
Three and a half months later, Belle’s last shift at the university radio station had begun with Nicholas plying her with a new book and a very large coffee, earning him an eager kiss.
Sometime later, nose deep in her novel and with the beat of Seven Bridges Road fading out, the phone rang.
“I’d like to hear Can’t Fight this Feeling,” the caller requested, Nicholas’ voice soft and low over the crackle of the phone line.
“By?” Belle nearly laughed at the long suffering sigh, audible over the line.
“REO Speedwagon.”
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lolainblue · 6 years
Jane’s Journal -- Day 127
A/N :  This is the final Journal entry. The second book in the series will be starting next. 
T/W: Angst. Mentions of past drug use and mental health issues
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December 24, 2003   Day 127
   I wish I could say that I took Aunt Carys's advice to heart, lept up and called Roger, but a large feature of that Hughes tenacity lies in a sort of stubbornness and bloody-mindedness that makes it hard to change tracks. I started wallowing a little less as I stepped outside myself and saw the bigger picture, but the riff between Roger and myself had grown an into an ocean and I wasn't sure how to bridge it anymore. Somewhere along the line, my anger with him had morphed into shame at the way I had behaved.  I missed him with everything that was in me but I was too much of a coward to pick up the phone.
   His show would be wrapping up with a Christmas Eve matinee and then, according to Mom, he was going to catch an evening flight home so he could be here for Christmas. He had asked her repeatedly if I would be in attendance. I wouldn't let her say. I wouldn't give her a definitive answer. She had finally lost her temper with me and pointed out that just because I was the one that brought Roger into our family it didn't give me the right to single-handedly toss him out. He'd already had enough of that in his life. It was time for me to grow up and stop behaving as if this were some middle school spat. Roger was family. We had all agreed on that a long time ago, and in our family, we didn't throw people away when they upset us.
   Properly cowed, I came up with a plan and booked a flight to New York. I figured I need to settle things at the apartment at the very least and I thought maybe Roger and I could share the flight back and have a long overdue talk. When I showed up at the apartment on the 23rd however, there was no sign of Roger at our place, and judging by the refrigerator contents he hadn't been staying there recently. My plan had hit a snag.
   I was left alone to drift aimlessly through the now alien space. When I walked into my bedroom my heart nearly stopped. I realized the last time I had set foot in the place was before flying out to see Shannon back in August. The room was still a mess from packing, with rejected clothing piled on the bed. I spotted his old Def Leppard t-shirt that I had often slept in when he was gone, and several 30 Seconds to Mars t-shirts I had considered taking with me but ultimately left behind. My stomach turned as I picked the first one up, and I had brought it to my nose to see if there was a trace of his scent left behind before I even realized what I was doing. Angry with myself, I tossed it onto the center of the bed before grabbing the wastebasket from under my desk. I started throwing in everything that reminded me of Shannon or Jared, walking through the house to gather CD's and postcards, notes, pictures, stuffed animals from the midway, even the boots I had bought to wear to the first concert of theirs I had gone to. I was surprised how much of it there was. I tossed the bag into the hall closet in case Roger wanted any of it and went back to packing up my room.
   I spent that night in the apartment by myself. I had hoped Roger might come home despite indications that he wasn't living there anymore but he never appeared. I spent the next morning finishing my packing, my belongings all sorted into neatly labeled boxes in the center of my bedroom that I could easily have a service come and pick up later. Then I ordered lunch, showered and dressed for the theater.
   The performance was sold out so I was reduced to taking my chances with whatever scalpers would be on hand. I knew it was risky, but “Fortuna favet fatius.', fortune favors fools and soon I found myself with a rather choice seat, nervously thumbing the glossy program and waiting for the show to start.
   Our junior year the drama department had put on an adaptation of Anne of Green Gables. Roger had done amazingly well at the audition and had landed the part of Gilbert Blythe. I was overjoyed. Anne of Green Gables was one of my favorite books and I was so proud of Roger. He'd done a few shows before and had been okay, and he'd worked very hard rehearsing for the part but when it came time for the actual performance he had bombed. It wasn't just simple stage fright, he had suddenly become that weird kid in the fourth-grade play that said all his lines in a strange falsetto while he grinned at the audience and did incongruous things with his hands. He refused to go on after the first night and the understudy had to finish the run. He had been heartbroken. He'd already made big plans to become a famous actor, it was part of our “Roger and Janey Take Over the World” scheme, and having his hopes dashed just crushed him. It had taken months of Daphne nagging him to get him to start taking acting classes. I wasn't sure how we had gotten from there to here, him starring as Bob Cratchett in NYC in a not exactly Broadway but not exactly a dive theater either production of A Christmas Carol. I hoped that we would be able to iron things out so he could share that journey with me.
   To say I was terrified when he made that first appearance on stage would be putting it mildly. But to be honest, if I hadn't known it was Roger in the role I might have not even realized. He had transformed himself completely, And where the hell had that British accent come from? I know being American I probably wasn't the best judge but he sounded spot on to my ears. I was completely blown away by his performance, and judging by the people sitting around me, so was the rest of the audience. I was bursting with pride by the time the curtain fell.
   I am going to tell you right now that whoever says beauty is overrated is lying to you. I have lived on both sides of that road. Plain Jane would have been ushered back out into the street with the rest of the crowd. I knew I was going to need Hot Jane today so I had come prepared, dressed to the teeth, carefully coiffed and wearing what felt like half the Barney's cosmetic counter on my face. It took a total of eight minutes to charm my way backstage to the dressing rooms.
   Roger had just sat down to start removing his makeup and there was a girl seated on the table in front of him, giggling and tossing her hair while she crossed and uncrossed her obscenely long legs. Roger looked about as interested as a lion who'd been offered a broccoli sandwich. I giggled at the sight and Roger dropped the sponge he had been holding before rapidly turning my way.
   “Hey, Rog.” My mouth was suddenly dry but my eyes weren't. It felt like we were seeing each other after being separated by war, tired and battered bystanders who had found each other again at a refugee camp. I had worried that he would be angry with me, that I had been so steadfastly cold with him that he would never be more than an acquaintance again. Instead, he lept to his feet, nearly knocking his hapless admirer off her perch and rushed toward me, sweeping me up in his arms and swinging me around so enthusiastically that one of my wildly impractical heels went flying off my foot. I remembered again he was too good for me.
   “I'm so sorry, Roger,” I tried to explain. “I should have come to you and tried to work things out months ago....”
   “Hush,” he told me as he sat me back down and scrambled after the shoe I had lost. “I was terrible to you when you needed me. You don't have anything to apologize for.”
   “But I do....” I protested.
   “Let me get cleaned up and changed and then we can argue about it all you want,” he said. The girl who had been flirting with him gave me a haughty look and then flounced off, probably wrongly assuming I was her competition. “Oh shit, I've got a flight back home tonight! Aren't you going home for Christmas?”
   I nodded. “Mom gave me your flight info. I came into town to see you last night but you weren't home. I packed up my things at the apartment but I'm on the flight home with you.”
   Roger frowned and sat down in his chair again with a heavy thud. “I don't understand. What did you pack? Why?”
   “I'm going to Tanzania with a volunteer group. I don't know when I'll be back in the States. It could be months or it literally be years. I don't need anything that's there, and I figure if you wanted to sell the place or move if everything was already packed up all you'd have to do is call a service to come collect it. I can just pay for a storage until I suss out what to do next.”
   “Janey...” The smile that been on Roger's face when he embraced me was gone and I felt terrible. “I thought that...” He swallowed hard and picked up the makeup removal pad again and started dabbing harshly at his face. “So you are still mad, at me.”
   “Then why are you leaving me again?”
   “I'm not leaving you, Roger. I'm trying to fix myself.”
   “You're not broken.”
   “Actually, yeah, I really am. But I'm working on it.”
   He didn't say anything else as he continued washing away the stage makeup. When he had finished he looked back at me and I swear his face looked years older, deeply tired in a way I had never seen on him before. I wondered what had happened to him during the last 127 days. A bad feeling began to take root in my gut.
   “You were brilliant out there, Roger. I'm so proud of you,” I offered.
   He nodded. “Can we go home now?”
   “Sure,” I said, spotting his coat hanging on the wall and handing it to him. “Anything you want.”
   Roger already had an overnight bag ready for his trip to the airport but I needed to swing back by our place so we hopped on the C-Line for a last trip home together. He was quiet the entire way, and although I tried to fill the awkward silence with tales of my travels, Roger never engaged, just quietly nodded and folded his hands over and over themselves. I didn't want to cause a scene in public so I let it go and just kept on with the nervous chatter but I was so relieved to finally reach our stop I practically jumped off the train and power walked until we were inside our building and through the front door.
   “When is the last time you were even home?” I asked him as we shed our coats in the foyer.
   “A couple of days ago, actually. We had a cast thing last night. That's why I wasn't here,” he explained.
   “Oh.” I had kind of hoped he'd been staying with someone else maybe, or just leading too fabulous a life to be bothered to come back to an empty apartment. I looked at the keychain in my hands, the door key still separated from the rest. “Do you want me to leave my key?” I asked. “It doesn't seem right for me to just come and go when I'm not really living here anymore.”
   “I thought you were back. When you showed up at the theater, here, in New York and all... well I just thought you were back.”
   I shifted awkwardly from one foot to the other, not meeting his eyes. “I already committed to this volunteer thing, Roger. And I think it's going to be good for me. I'm getting back out in the world again, for real, not just a spoiled little party girl.”
   “You aren't a spoiled little party girl, Jane.” Roger's voice was quiet and uneven and I didn't know where this was going but I could feel my own lips starting to tremble.
   “I was so spoiled and helpless and blind....” I managed to mutter before he cut me off.
   “It wasn't your fault Jane. You don't have to do penance.”
   “I knew better. Or at least I should have. You told me how Shannon was, I saw it myself before I even let him back in...”
   “I don't mean Shannon.” Roger avoiding looking at me when he said it, but the lump in my throat was there just the same.
   “Roger. Please don't....”
   “Someone has to say it, Jane.”
   “No, they don't. It's not like I don't know.”
   “I think it is. Do you want to know what I've done for the last five months? I've worked and seen a therapist. Because as broken as you think you are I'm a hundred times worse.” Roger sat down in the middle of the floor, crossing his long legs one over the other. “I could never help him, Jane. I couldn't reach him, I couldn't stop him, and couldn't stop  you or me...”
   I sat down on the floor across from Roger, pulling his hands into my lap. “Roger, it wasn't like that.”
   “I was so fucking scared, Jane. Jared said you had seemed so hurt, you were completely lost, and you weren't talking to anyone...”
   I hadn't thought of things that way. I really hadn't thought much of anything through at that point, I was a whirlwind of my own grief and anger. “I'm sorry, Roger. I would never leave you like that. I would never....” A chill like ice water in my veins passed over me. “Roger, what do you mean you couldn't stop you?”
   “Not like that,” he said a little too quickly, pulling his hands back from me. “I just … dammit, Jane. Everyone keeps leaving, like I'm nothing. Jefferson didn't even... “ Roger's breathing had become shallow and I could see the distress in his eyes. “The only woman I've ever dated longer than a week dumped me while pretty much saying she could do better. My mother died and my entire family apparently voted to keep me away from the funeral. I pushed my best friend away. I pushed all my friends away, all the good ones that is. The only ones that would even put up with my shit...”
   Roger let himself fall forward, his head nestling in my lap. I wrapped my arms around him as best I could. “I'm so sorry, Roger. I knew you were in trouble. I tried to help...”
   “I know,” he sniffled. “I was so angry with you for running off with Shannon but I never told you how bad things were for me. I tried to numb it. It didn't help.”
   Boy that was one area I did know about. “No, it never does,” I observed.
   “Promise you won't  hate me, Jane.”
   “What? I would never hate you, Roger. I think I've been as angry with you as I ever have the capacity to be. Like I'm done now. I've used it all up, forever, for the rest of our lives. There is nothing that could make me hate you.”
   Roger began to sob and I started to cry with him. If I had thought, even for a second, that things were this bad with him I'd have chucked my whole temper tantrum walkabout right then and there and gone to him. I felt terrible. And I didn't even begin to know how to make it up to him.
   “Do you remember that night that Shannon was here, and I was so grouchy, and I disappeared all night?”
   “Jesus, how could I fucking forget, Rog. You were a mess when you came home. Like you'd been dragged through every gutter in Manhattan.” Roger may have been scared when I had my meltdown but he had scared the daylights out of me weeks before that.
   “I did something...” he sniffled wetly and I leaned back just enough to reach the box of tissues on the console table behind us.
   “Have you talked to your therapist about this?” I asked him as handed him the tissue.
   Roger blew his nose and nodded. “I should have talked to you though. That day. Before I did it. But I got it in my head that you didn't count, that you were just stuck with me somehow....” he trailed off again. “I was so fucking stupid, Janey, and I'm sorry, and if I could take it back....”
   I wrapped myself around him, the way I had in the shower that afternoon, and held him as tightly as I could get my arms to latch onto him. “it's okay. Whatever happened, it's over now.”
   Roger stopped crying and he gripped my arm tightly. When he spoke again his voice was even softer than before, and flat, as if he were trying to keep as much distance as possible between himself and what he was telling me. “I sold myself that night. For drugs," he confessed.
   “What?” I heard the words but I couldn't get them to make any kind of sense. “Why would you do something like that? You didn't need the money, I know you didn't. And I didn't think you were using that much....”
   “it wasn't for the drugs or the money,” Roger confessed weakly. “I just wanted to have value. I wanted to be worth something. Turns out I'm worth quite a bit in ketamine and coke.”
   “Oh Jesus," was the only thing I could manage to choke out.
   “Yeah, he and I aren't on speaking terms,” Roger joked weakly.
   I thought back again to that day, to stripping off Roger's stained and soiled clothing, the marks on his skin, and I wanted to throw up. I could actually feel my stomach turning and I looked around for something to vomit into. I told myself I couldn't though. I couldn't let Roger think that I found him sickening. I didn't want him to take it as a rejection. I gulped in air and closed my eyes and tried to get my heart under control. How the fuck had we come to this? “Roger you need to see someone.” I protested.
   “I am,” he reminded me.
   “Well, I don't think it's doing you much good. Look at you.”
   “Jane, this happened back in July. I am able to tell you about it now because I've been seeing someone. I have a long way to go but I”m working on getting better too. I was just hoping we could do it together.”
   I  grabbed him even more tightly, even though it was too late to protect him now. Of course, we could do it together. Nothing else mattered to me anymore except keeping Roger safe. “Okay, okay, sure.” I couldn't stop myself from sobbing and Roger began rocking us both back and forth. “I'll do anything it takes. Just please don't... please don't....”
   “Same for you,” he sobbed back at me.
   “I love you, Roger. I don't need anyone else.” I told him. “I won't ever leave you again.”
   “I love you too, Janey. And you will. But it will be on our terms next time and we'll be ready.”
   We cried on that floor together for the better part of an hour before we had to clean ourselves up and head to the airport. By the time we got back to my parent's house we had pasted our smiles back in place and for the all the world we looked just like we always had, two best friends, out to take on the world together. But we had torn the lid off and looked inside and we had seen how deep the cracks in our souls went. I didn't know how we were going to do it, but we were determined not lose each other to the darkness inside them. Nothing was going to drive us apart again.
@thepromiseofanend  @msroxyblog@nikkitasevoli@maliciousalishious@llfd1977 @mustlove6277@fyeahproudglambert @little-poptart @snewsome756@guccilowell
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meadow-dusk · 6 years
a music survey from livejournal days…
What is your name?: Moby Dick • Led Zep
How is your life going?: Get on the Right Thing • Paul McCartney
What is your nickname?: The Day the World Gets ‘Round • George Harrison
What is your theme song?: Little Games • The Yardbirds
What is your best friend’s theme song?: Wait • The Beatles
How is your life going to turn out?: Communication Breakdown • Led Zeppelin
Will you get married?: Four Sticks • Led Zeppelin
Will you have kids?: For What It’s Worth • Haley Reinhart
What will your job be?: Rattled • Traveling Wilburys
Did you/will you finish school?: Good Times, Bad Times • Led Zeppelin
Who is your best friend?: Behind that Locked Door • George Harrison
Who is or will be your significant other?: Think Pink! • Beyond Pink
Who do you like?: We’re All in This Together • High School Musical Cast
How will you die?: Stairway to Heaven • Led Zeppelin (YAAAAAS)
How do you feel right now?: Sentimental Journey • Ringo Starr
What is your favorite song?: Matilda Mother • Pink Floyd
How could you describe your parents?: Pilate and Christ • Jesus Christ Superstar (you can’t make this stuff up yall)
Your best friend[s]?: Postcards from Paradise • Ringo Starr
Your teachers?: She’s Not There • The Zombies
Your significant other [or crush…]?: Riding on a Bus • The Beatles (an interview)
Yourself?: Brian Bathtubes • The Beatles (taking requests)
What is your best feature?: The Riddle • Five for Fighting
What will you be/should you be, profession-wise?: Desire • U2
How could you describe this survey?: I Told You So • Randy Travis
What makes you angry?: Moanin’ • Chris Farlowe ft. Jimmy Page and a random sitarist (this song is so interesting)
What makes you sad?: Everything I Know • Mandy Gonzalez 
What makes you happy?: One • Bee Gees
What makes you dance?: I Still • Backstreet Boys
What is your favorite color?: Sundown • Gordon Lightfoot
How would you describe yourself?: Heart Attack • One Direction
Who is your worst enemy?: Little Soldier Boy • The Yardbirds
Who do you hate?: No Me Diga • In the Heights
Who do you love?: I Started a Joke • Bee Gees
Who do you lust after?: What Do You Want? • The Yardbirds Finish the Sentence I wish: Rainy Day Women #12 and 35 • Bob Dylan I want to: We’re on the Road Again • Ringo Starr I want to kill:. Money • The Beatles I want to eat: Spring Musical Medley • HSM3 yall with Kryan duet to open My head: Sometimes I’ll Be There • Naked Brothers Band (accurate) I am: Movin On • Rascal Flatts My best feature is: The Sad Bells of Rhymney • Fifth Avenue My eyes are: Safest Place to Hide • Backstreet Boys My hair is: Who Can See It • George Harrison My face is: Baby Come on Home • Led Zeppelin You should: Not This Time • 3Lw
Random Words of advice: And Here We Are Again • The Beatles  How do others see me?: Rhythm of Love • Plain White T’s How do I see myself?: Knowing Me, Knowing You • ABBA *** For this first section, put down the first ten songs that play, and then rate them on a scale of 1 - 5 (5 being the best) in the next column. 1. I Have a Dream •  Abba 2/5 2. Sounds of Silence • Simon and Garfunkel 5/5 3. In The Flesh • Pink Floyd 4/5  4. Ya-Ya •  John Lennon (ft. Julian on drums) 4/5  5. Magic Bus • The Who Live at the Isle of Wright 4/5 6. Stomp • Steps 2/5 7. KICK DA DUST UP • Luke Bryan 4/5 8. Your Mother Should Know • The Beatles 5/5 9. Photograph • Ringo (2017) 3/5 he sounds great but it isn’t exciting also who’s the chick I didnt sign up for this 10. Piggies • The Beatles 5/5 good one George Now for a little fortune telling… 1. Who am I?: Tug of War • Paul McCartney 2. Why am I here?: Bet On It • Zac Efron (skittles and steak) 3. What’s my theme song?: American Beauty/American Psycho • Fall Out Boy 4. How’s tomorrow gonna be?: Behind Blue Eyes • The Who 5. What does ______ really think of me?: Let’s Go to Vegas • Faith Hill 6. What’s this school year going to be about?: Man on Fire • Andy Gibb 7. Is something bad going to happen in the near future?: Little Bitty • Alan Jackson 8. What’s the government going to do next?: Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band/The End • Paul McCartney Live at Citi Field 9. What’s my best friend doing right now?: Inutil • Carlos Gomez 10. What does my iPod/MP3 think about me?: American Girl • Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers Last section! These next questions are all about music 1. I absolutely LOVE this song!: The Look of Love • ABC Comments: This was in Start the Commotion and there was a clip art of eyes as the O’s in look 2. I have no clue why this song is still on my music player: Steppin’ Out • John Mayall and the Bluesbreakers Comments: It’s saved because I occasionally really try to get into Clapton 3. This song has AMAZING lyrics: Love Will Find a Way • Pablo Cruise Comments: I remembered his initials but not his name
4. The band that does this song is one of my favorites: Most Peculiar Man • Simon and Garfunkel Comments: I would not say favorites but I give them their due 5. My dad loves this song: Songs About Rain • Gary Allan Comments: he bought the CD and took it on road trips so probs 6. My mom can’t stand this song: The Hook (All My Love) • Led Zeppelin Comments: she probably can stand it more than me 7. I have a sibling who enjoys listening to songs by this band: When You See a Chance • Steve Winwood Comments: fair to say that cause once she asked me what the name of Valerie was 8. One of my best friends hates the band that does this song: Like Nobody’s Around • Big Time Rush Comments: NO FRIEND OF MINE! 9. I got this song off a mix CD: Got My Mind Set On You • George Harrison Comments: I learned how to do the mashed potato to this song 10. This song is on a movie soundtrack: The Freedom Song • Jason Mraz Comments: could definitely be but don’t hold this one down
11. Share a memory involving this song in comments: Friday On My Mind • The Easybeats Comments: running to it - how was there this much good music at one time 12. I’ve played this song on repeat before: You’re My Number One • S Club 7 Comments: Try this ALBUM back when we used to play S Club and have choreography 13. This song is on the band’s Greatest Hit’s CD: Ramblin’ Man • Allman Brothers Band Comments: if it isn’t they screwed up 14. I love dancing to this song!: If You Wanna Do a Dance • The Spinners Comments: seems like that was the idea 15. This song gets me every time I hear it: Bathroom Sound (Out on the Tiles early take) • Led Zeppelin Comments: I prefer the final version with vocals and silly quips but this version does just as well for Bonzo Appreciation Time 16. This song is great to listen to when you’re angry: Farmer Refuted (Instrumental) • Hamilton  Comments: OH MY GOD tear this dude apart 17. I love the music video for this song: I’m Just a Singer (In a Rock and Roll Band) • Moody Blues Comments: if there is one it’s probably psychedelic so I’d dig it I bet 18. I’ve seen the band that performs this song live: The Boxer • Simon and Garfunkel Comments: I have not.  This song is beautiful.  19. Is this song better to listen to at night, in the morning, or in the afternoon?: Let’s Get Rocked • Def Leppard Comments: morning, running. 20. I haven’t listened to this song in so long!: That’s the Way (Live Paris 1971) • Led Zeppelin Comments: not true it came on on the way to the gym barely a few weeks ago *** What were the first words to Abe Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address?: What ya gonna do when it’s cold outside? (Keep It Hid • Robert Plant) What did Martin Luther King have a dream about, anyways?: You’ve got a cute way of talking, you got the better of me! (You Make Me Feel Like Dancin’ • Leo Sayer)  Tomorrow’s newspapers will all have the major headline of: Out in the Rain Looking for Sunshine (Permanent Stain • Backstreet Boys) If someone offered you some free drugs, how would you respond?: Lord almighty, feel my temperature risin’...(Burning Love • Elvis) What kind of higher power do you believe in?: You need coolin, baby I’ ain’t foolin (Whole Lotta Love • Led Zeppelin) What do people really notice about you?: There’s a girl I know who makes me feel so good (Valleri • The Monkees) What do you notice first in the preferred sex of your choice?: Hey fellas, have ya heard the news you know that Annie’s back in town (Heartbreaker • Led Zeppelin) What do you look for in reading books?: They say that Richard Cory owns one half of this whole town, with political connections to spread his wealth around (Richard Cory • Wings) What’s a must-have quality in a friend for you?: Meeting people along my way, seemingly I’ve known one day (Happenings Ten Years Time Ago • The Yardbirds) What scares the shit out of you?: Gat Kirwani • George Harrison (this has no words it’s just a sitar jam) How do you laugh?: Anna, you come and ask me, girl, to set you free girl? (Anna (Go To Him) • The Beatles)  Why do you do these surveys?: When the night returns just like a friend, when the evening comes to set me free  (If You Know What I Mean • Neil Diamond) Do you have anything you’d like to confess?: I can see you in the window waiting for my call (Untouchable • Big Time Rush) How do you feel about the person you cannot stand the most?: If ever you’ve got rain in your heart, someone has hurt you and torn you apart, am I unwise to open up your eyes to love me (Run To Me • Bee Gees)  The best date ever, in your book, would consist of…: Dear Theodosia, what to say to you?(Dear Theodosia • Leslie Odom Jr. & Lin-Manuel Miranda) If you sent a random Hallmark card to a friend, you would write to them: Are we growing up or just going down? It's just a matter of time until we're all found out. (Sophomore Slump or Comeback of the Year • Fallout Boy) If you had the chance to speak to (a) God, what would you say?: Every time I see her, she don’t even look my way (Just My Style • Gary Lewis and the Playboys) Finish the sentence: “When the going gets tough…”: My friend came to me with sadness in his eyes and told me that he wanted help before his country dies (Bangla Desh • George Harrison)  How do you deal with your stress?: I can almost remember their funny faces (Jet • Paul McCartney) What is your biggest burden in life?: Somebody’s knocking at the door, somebody’s ringing the bell (Let Em In • Wings) What’s the coolest thing about your best friend?: Hands, put your empty hands in mine (Stand By You • Rachel Platten) Why do you love the one you do?: Sweet, wonderful you.  You make me happy with the things you do (You Make Loving Fun • Fleetwood Mac) If a friend broke their arm and got a cast, what would you write on it?: Gonna build myself a castle high up in the clouds (Dance the Night Away • Cream)  You see a stick and wet cement. What do you write?:  It feels so right now hold me tight (Hold Me Tight • The Beatles) A guy just stole your (purse, car, etc)! What do you yell at him?: Welcome to the camp, I guess you all know why you’re here (We’re Not Gonna Take It • The Who) You pass a crack addict on the corner one day. Solemnly he tells you: Well now we’re respected in society, we don’t worry bout the things that we used to be, we’re talkin heroin with the president (Respectable • The Rolling Stones) What will your baby’s first words be?:  He knows about you in every way, he's memorized every part of your face (Does He Know • One Direction) You are at your wit’s end, and decide to write a suicide note. It begins: The pound is sinking, the peso’s falling, the lira’s reeling and feeling quite appalling (The Pound is Sinking • Paul McCartney) Why can’t there be peace in the world?: Let’s talk about one, bay-bay, ya gotta hear me out (Get Another Boyfriend • Backstreet Boys)
How do you think people see you?: I walked in the band just started, the singer couldn't carry a tune in a bucket (Ten Rounds with Jose Cuervo • Tracy Byrd) Inside, though, what kind of person are you really?: well the rain was a-fallin’ and the ground turned to mud, I was watchin’ all the people running from the flood (Deliver Your Children • Wings) If you wanted to comfort a friend, you’d say: Anytime, any day you can hear the people say that love is blind, well I don’t know but I say love is kind (Listen to What the Man Said • Wings) When you want to cheer someone up, you say: *I just make series of nonsense sounds* (Pow R. Toc H. • Pink Floyd) You’re unbelievably depressed because your friend just told you…: people say we’ve got it made, don’t they know we’re so afraid? (Isolation • John Lennon)
When you are incredibly bored, you start thinking about…?: I drive all alone, at night, I drive all alone, don’t know what I’m headed for. (Dead End Friends • Them Crooked Vultures) You’re a classy person, so instead of cursing when you’re mad, you yell…?: I met a gin-soaked, bar-room queen in Memphis (Honky Tonk Women • The Rolling Stones)   you’re writing a love letter, but what are you going to begin it with?: The theater’s so obsessed with drama so depressed, it’s hard to sell a ticket on broadway! (Keep It Gay • The Producers)  If you were to write a letter to the President of the USA, it would say…?: It’s a boy, Mrs. Walker, it’s a boy (It’s a Boy • The Who) What would someone have to tell you to make you really angry?: No no no no, don’t phunk with mah haaahrt (Don’t Phunk with My Heart • Black-Eyed Peas) …To make you really depressed?:  Cars and girls are easy to come by in this day and age, laughing joking drinking smoking til I spend my wage (Over Under Sideways Down • The Yardbirds) ...To make you sexually aroused?: Catch a star if you can, wish for something special (Are You Ready for Love • The Spinners) Your first thoughts waking up were…: Life is just a bowl of All-Bran, you wake up every morning and it’s there (Happydaystoytown • The Small Faces)  Your last words before falling asleep will be…: the sun is shining in the sky, there ain’t a cloud in sight (Mr. Blue Sky • Electric Light Orchestra)
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Bev’s 80′s Writing Challenge
Hello, again. I know I’ve been MIA for a while. Or more like…I’ve just been dropping in every now and then. But I’m going to be better at it, I promise.
I want to do something fun with you guys. Now, this writing challenge will be a bit different than the previous ones I’ve hosted. This one is more freelance, I guess (I’m under medication right now so I might not be making that much sense lol). But here we go!
I am an 80’s whore. Always have been. I just kept it under wraps until I ripped at the seams. So doing this challenge is really exciting for me. I hope you all like it!!!
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**80’s Theme Writing Challenge**
Let’s have a look at the Rules and Guidelines, yeah?
You don’t have to be following me…but it’d be a lot cooler if you did.
SEND ME AN ASK with the song or film you choose (and maybe a backup just in case they’re taken). Reblogs and/or replies will be ignored. :)
It MUST be SPN. I don’t watch a lot of shows so I’m gonna play it safe for now haha. It can also be RPF. I’m not that picky.
This is where it gets fun *squeals* I want you all to include yourselves in here. IF you want. You don’t have to. It’s either Reader insert or YOU insert (lol)
You can write angst, fluff, smut, smangst, flangst, smuff…whatever tickles your peach! Get creative!!!
Word Count: 500 min and 3000 max
Make it into a series. Make it a part of another challenge. A Drabble. A one shot.
I’ll give you all two months to complete this challenge!! So OCTOBER 8TH is the deadline. If you need an extension or need to back out, let me know. Keep in contact. If you have any questions, feel free to DM me.
Anyone can sign up!! If it’s your first time in a challenge…AWESOME! If you’re a veteran…AWESOME!! Let’s just have fun!!
Tag me in your fics so that I can read them :) Tag @chaos-and-the-calm67 and the tag you will use is #Bev’s 80′s Writing Challenge
**80’s SONGS**
Pour Some Sugar On Me @emoryhemsworth
Photograph @neversatisfiedgirl
Love Bites @little-red-83
Bringin’ On The Heartbreak @samsgoddess
Miss You In A Heartbeat @super-not-naturall 
November Rain @wayward-mirage
Don’t Cry @babypieandwhiskey
Since I Don’t Have You
Welcome To The Jungle @captainemwinchester
Always @girl-next-door-writes
This Ain’t A Love Song
The Hardest Part Is The Night
Stick To Your Guns
I’ll Be There For You @d-s-winchester
Crazy @samwinjarpad
I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing @plaid-lover-bay25
Love In An Elevator @thebabeontheback
Sweet Emotion @justanotherdeangirl
What It Takes @barbedwireandbubblegum
Alone @deanandsamsbitch 
All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog
These Dreams @curliesallovertheplace
What About Love @mamaredd123
Rock You Like A Hurricane - Scorpions @fiftyshadesofrebel
I Remember You - Skid Row @growningupgeek
Faithfully - Journey @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid
Close My Eyes Forever - Lita Ford & Ozzy Osbourne @grace-for-sale
Shadows Of The Night - Pat Benatar @roxy-davenport
**80’s FILMS**
Sixteen Candles @secretlyfurrydragon
The Outsiders @imaginesforthose-wholovefandoms
The Untouchables @queencflair
Young Guns @lucilepiewhiskey
Pretty In Pink
About Last Night
Back To The Future @alleiradayne
Valley Girl @iwantthedean
Labyrinth @winchestergirl-13
Date With An Angel
Teen Witch @sea040561
Dream A Little Dream
Say Anything… @wishedworld
Dirty Dancing @joseyrw
Some Kind of Wonderful
When Harry Met Sally @wi-deangirl77
Splash @deanwinchester-smut
Can’t Buy Me Love
Grease 2 @supernaturalismalife
One Crazy Summer 
Risky Business
Endless Love
An American Werewolf in London@kdfrqqg
The Breakfast Club @mrspadalackles
Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade @sofiaskywalker30
The Princess Bride @littlegreenplasticsoldier
The Lost Boys @uniquewerewolfsuit
Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom @supernaturallymarvellous
Tagging for possible interest and/or signal boost🙈💜💙: @bringmesomepie56 @neversatisfiedgirl @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @torn-and-frayed @kayteonline @nichelle-my-belle @littlegreenplasticsoldier @little-red-83 @jayankles 
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hellmasterphibrizo · 6 years
1:A song you like with a color in the title - Paint It Black by The Rolling Stones
2:A song you like with a number in the title - Love Me Two Times by The Doors
3:A song that reminds you of summertime - Like A Prayer by Madonna (Mom used to crank it while cleaning on nice days when you could open the windows)
4:A song that reminds you of someone you would rather forget about - Truly Madly Deeply by Savage Garden (YUEUGH. I hate that song and I hate him. I basically want to forget that entire two months)
5:A song that needs to be played LOUD - Psychosocial by Slipknot (I argue that all songs need to be played loud.)
6:A song that makes you want to dance - Pentafunk by Eisenfunk
7:A song to drive to - Highway Star by Deep Purple
8:A song about drugs or alcohol - White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane
9:A song that makes you happy - Last Ride Of The Day by Nightwish
10:A song that makes you sad - Even In Death by Evanescence
11:A song that you never get tired of - Bad Romance by Lady Gaga
12:A song from your preteen years - Get Down (You’re The One For Me) by The Backstreet Boys
13:One of your favorite 80’s songs - Love Bites by Def Leppard
14:A song that you would love played at your wedding - ChaCha Slide by Mr C The Slide Man (Hey if everyone and their dog is there we may as well all dance. I’m no romantic)
15:A song that is a cover by another artist - Zombie by Bad Wolves
16:One of your favorite classical songs - I want to say Lux Aeterna by Clint Mansell but are we talking like old classical pieces??? Moonlight Sonata is nice.
17:A song that would sing a duet with on karaoke - Paradise By The Dashboard Light by Meatloaf would be fun
18:A song from the year that you were born - Separate Ways by Journey
19:A song that makes you think about life - Beyond The Invisible by Enigma
20:A song that has many meanings to you - Personal meaning or open to interpretation? I’ll go with Child In Time by Deep Purple
21:A favorite song with a person’s name in the title - Amanda by Boston
22:A song that moves you forward - The Eye Of The Storm by Disturbed
23:A song that you think everybody should listen to - But everyone has different tastes?! Uh Darker Shade of Black by Blackmore’s Night is pretty.
24:A song by a band you wish were still together - Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd (fucking artists not getting along with each other)
25:A song by an artist no longer living -  Don’t Come Around Here No More by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers (RIP Mr Petty)
26:A song that makes you want to fall in love - HA! AHAHAHA! Okay, okay, I’ll play. Surrender by Evanescence. I like to imagine he’s saying it to me. 
27:A song that breaks your heart - Ocean At The End by The Tea Party (I think of the end of Next every time)
28:A song by an artist with a voice that you love - I used Evenescence twice already so What About Us by Within Temptation feat. Tarja Turunen. I also ADORE Floor Jansen, Nightwish’s current vocalist, she can do both Tarja and Annette flawlessly.
29:A song that you remember from your childhood - Don’t Forget Me When I’m Gone by Glass Tiger
30:A song that reminds you of yourself - The Heart Of Everything by Within Temptation
I also want to give shoutouts to a few more songs, since they are either gorgeous and/or have meaning to me: The Messiah Will Come Again by Roy Buchanan, Fire On High by Electric Light Orchestra, The Arena by Lindsey Stirling, Rise by Katy Perry, Everything Burns by Anastacia
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jdrespling · 6 years
I’ve been wanting to see Neal Schon and Journey my whole life, Journey is one of those bands that I haven’t seen yet, and are such a huge part of my life. Neal’s guitar playing still brings back my inter-child.
So that being said I made my way to Royal Farms Arena in Baltimore Maryland, to photograph the legend himself Neal Schon, during Journey and Def Leppard Tour. I was invited by Neal and his wife Michaele Schon to not only get to watch this legend play but also photograph them full set behind the barricade, what a true honor it was.
Neal came out of the gate with Separate Ways, which is one of my all time favorite songs, and wow can this guy play the guitar. Neal plays with such passion and love of the music and crowd. Neal would ask the crowd to pull out their lighters and cell phone lights, for he was about to make this arena gasp with such amazing skills. Neal obviously was about to play Lights.
Neal is a great entertainer as well, playing with the crowd, walking around the catwalk and giving everyone that smile and energy that just makes you feel good. The band as a whole, we’re just a sight needed to be seen in this time of craziness. Open Arms came on and all the emotions poured out, it was a moment of just pure joy.
At one point during the show, Neal had a guitar solo that was just off the chains, very bluesy and just killer shreds. It’s just an awesome experience to get to watch him play and even more gratifying to get to watch him up so close.
Of course it wouldn’t be a Journey Show without Don’t Stop Believing, Faithfully and Wheels in the Sky. The set was over and the band walked off stage, but not before the came back to do one last song for all of us. Ending the night with Anyway you want it, was a perfect ending to a perfect night, there wasn’t anyway I would want it any other way. Journey had some confetti cannons that littered the arena it was just a sight to see.
Anyone who knows me, is aware that I’m a Huge Steve Perry fan, but that being said, Singer Arnel Pineda has definitely earned his way into my heart, playing with such energy and crowd presence, but the hero in my opinion is Neal Schon. Those guitar licks, on all those classic songs are just amazing. While I was in the barricade doing my thing, I got to run into Michaele and what a beautiful and kind woman, showed me nothing but respect and was so thankful for us. This night was a huge highlight of not only my career of doing this music journalism but also a top moment in my life. I can’t wait to get to experience it more often the next time Neal and Journey make it back around.
Neal Schon Of Journey Baltimore Show Review THE GUITAR OF NEAL SCHON KEEPS ON SHREDDING. I’ve been wanting to see Neal Schon and Journey my whole life, Journey is one of those bands that I haven’t seen yet, and are such a huge part of my life.
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conmanking · 7 years
Old Guys Tour!
In 2006, after about 13 years of not going to concert (in the 80's and early 90's I must have want to about 75 shows and that not counting clubs and bars). I stop going cause other things in my life took over, a child, house payment, etc.
Queen+ Paul Rodgers was coming to town. I'm never see either of them and talk so of my friends into going. The show was great and spark my passion for concerts again.
My next step: Seeing Bruce Springsteen again! Being a big fan and my first rock concert. His did all of the Born To Run album. I saw two more times since.
Also seeing again, Billy Joel(twice), AC/DC, Aerosmith, Motley Crue, Def Leppard.
My main goal was to see artists I have not see before. And I think I done pretty good job.
Journey (twice), Heart(three), Foo Fighters, Green Day, Soundgarden, Bob Seger(drove to Pittsburgh for that one), Foreigner, Hootie and the Blowfish, George Straight, Reba(twice), Kenny Chesney, Keith Urban (Three), Steve Miller, Fleetwood Mac, and Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers (just before his pass away).
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shesalwayssomeplace · 7 years
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Epic, an 80’s classic rock band, continues to build a dedicated following of fans who, more often than not, travel to each venue they play. With every performance, they pick up new faithfuls. Once you hear ‘em, you can’t not!
These guys aren’t just out there attempting their best rendition of rock from my generation. Their stuff is the real deal. I’m talking four hours of back to back authenticity. Epic plays an exact replication of what we could not get enough of in the 80’s. It’s Boston, Van Halen, Scorpions, Ozzy, Night Ranger, Def Leppard…just on and on and on.
Each of these guys’ individual talents, along with their top notch instruments, sound gear and lights, produce a concert that gets a crowd movin’ and uh groovin’. For me, once Epic starts playing, its unavoidable.
First, there’s Buddy on the drums. As a girl who dabbled with drums in the 70’s and 80s, I can’t even process what I hear and see coming out of him. He’s a truckin’ animal! Maybe even a spawn of Buddy Rich?
You’ll see Dee on lead guitar, smooth, cool dude gettin after it. Van Halen’s 'Eruption’ is pretty much perfect. And then he works a talk box with the same perfection in 'Livin’ on a Prayer’ by JBJovi and Aerosmith’s 'Sweet Emotion. Really?? I don’t know where else in the area I can get that kind of live bonus.
The other Dee - yeah, there are actually two of them - kinda like, “this is my brother Darryl and my other brother Darrell” only these ones are cool - hammers out 'Smokin’ and 'Jump’ on the keyboard. We’re not talking awesome chopsticks here, we’re talking burning up some keys. His entertainment value and stage presence go way beyond what one might expect. Way, way beyond!
He’s also part of the vocal trio along with front man Mitch and bass player Rick. A trio giving us 'Rock you like a Hurricane’ and VH’s 'You Really Got Me’ in harmony like it’s no big deal.
Mitch’s vocals alone are so spot on, it’s ridiculous. Journey’s 'Separate Ways’, 'Smokin’ and again, Aero’s 'Dream On’ - Pah Leeze - it don’t get better than that!! Listen as he nails it. You know what’s coming towards the end, pretty certain he’s going to hit it then BAM! It still blows my mind and there is no one I have showed their video to that hasn’t reacted the same. Check it out on their facebook page “Epic Rocks Wichita.” Better yet, go see it in person. There is no way you will regret it.
The third rock vocalist in the triad is Rick, the areas best Billy, giving us, in the midnight hour of course, “Rebel Yell.” Oh my goodness! He’s also the hot bass player who lays out his heart and soul like it’s 1979. Watch the blast he’s havin’ on stage then tell me he’s not the kind of guy you probably would have had some laughs with hanging out back in the day. I’m betting you couldn’t. His epic bass-lines include Aero’s 'Sweet Emotion’ and his duplicated Getty Lee solos from 'Tom Sawyer’ and 'Free Will’ by Rush. And, speaking of Rush, did I not mention the drummer? Nope, it’s a given.
Last, but not at all least, is Epic’s sound guy. Live Sound is engineered by Rusty who transfers the mechanics of the band to the crowd through a wifi system. He’s the guy who makes Epic’s concerts sound like a truckin’ record. He delivers what we go to hear - true live sound of quite possibly, the areas finest classic rock band.
Obviously, I just can’t speak highly enough of the entertainment value that Epic brings to the events they play - which is why I follow 'em around and introduce my people to their music - it just feels wrong not to. And when I watch someone listen to this band for the first time… all I can say is, I KNOW, welcome to the jungle.
Truth be told, I’ve actually scheduled commitments, travel and even surgeries around Epic’s gigs. Not even kidding.
**You can catch Epic next at Uncle Roy’s Tavern in Mulvane, Ks. on April 1st. For more, check out their calendar on the band’s facebook page “Epic Rocks Wichita,” (don’t worry - they travel) on their press kit at “Gig Salad” and more photos on facebook page “Gig Shots Photography.”
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