nevermissblog · 1 year
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beauty is in the details / Ghost in The Shell 
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selfhelpchampion · 2 months
The Cellular Fountain of Youth: How Meditation May Slow Aging
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Your cells contain protective caps on the ends of chromosomes called telomeres. Each time cells divide, telomeres shorten a bit until they become so short that cells stop functioning and die. Shortened telomeres are associated with faster onset of age-related diseases and mortality. An enzyme called telomerase can preserve or lengthen telomeres, but its activity normally declines with age.
Research now suggests that meditation may help slow part of cellular aging by preserving telomere length. As more evidence emerges, meditation holds promise as a simple, accessible longevity boosting behavior.
The Cellular Clock: Telomeres and Aging
Telomeres safeguard the ends of chromosomes during cell replication. With each division, a small section fails to copy and the telomere shortens. When telomeres become critically short, cells enter senescence. Loss of telomeres is linked to genomic instability and cell death. 
Shortened leukocyte (white blood cell) telomeres predict higher risks for cancer, cardiovascular disease, dementia and premature mortality – likely indicative of whole body cellular aging. Multiple lifestyle factors are known to accelerate telomere attrition including poor diet, inactivity, smoking and chronic stress.
Can Meditation Slow Cellular Aging? 
A growing body of evidence suggests meditation helps preserve telomere length and offset age-related cellular declines. Expert meditators with years of experience tend to have longer telomeres on average versus non-meditator controls. After just one month of intensive meditation training, previously sedentary adults showed increased telomerase activity.
Both telomere length maintenance and boosted telomerase link meditation to more youthful cellular profiles. Researchers propose meditation’s stress-alleviating, anti-inflammatory and emotion-regulating effects support cellular vitality.
Blunting Stress Reactions: Less Cortisol Exposure
Chronic psychological stress exposure activates fight-or-flight pathways, flooding cells with inflammatory stress hormones and accelerating telomere shortening. Meditation calms these pathways, reducing cortisol production. Less inflammation coupled with lower replicative demand from weakened stress responses allows cells and telomeres time to recover.
Potential Anti-Aging Pathways
Studies report meditation also increases telomerase production, the enzyme adding base pairs to telomere ends. Anti-aging activity may arise from growth hormone and serotonin cascades activated by vagus nerve stimulation during meditation.
Changed Outlooks, Changed Cells
By cultivating equanimity and self-compassion, meditation trains acceptance of unwanted thoughts and emotions. This letting go circumvents cellular damage caused by sustained stress reactions over external uncontrollables. Eased psychological distresses may propagate to more stable telomere length via cellular pathways sensitive to emotional states.
Health span: Extending Years of Healthy Vitality 
If meditation helps maintain telomere length across years of practice, deteriorating health from cellular aging may effectively be slowed. Preserving physiological reserve later into life could compound benefits – translating not just to longevity but also increased health span.
Maximizing Cellular Benefits: Start Meditating Early
Initiating meditation earlier in adulthood appears optimal for maximizing telomere length preservation across decades of practice. However, those adopting meditation later still benefit. After short-term training previously sedentary adults showed boosted telomerase versus baseline, offering a buffer against age-related telomere loss. 
Combining meditation with regular exercise, a healthy diet and restorative sleep constitutes a multi-layered longevity promoting lifestyle regime. Even small daily meditation sessions may compound gains down to the cellular level. 
The Bottom Line
Your cells are listening! Ancient mindfulness practices that lower psychological stress may communicate signals of safety to cells: easing metabolic strain, quieting inflammatory burdens and providing restorative balm to telomeres. Carving out just minutes daily to meditate holds potential to lengthen health and vitality through cellular aging slowed.
The effects of meditation on length of telomeres in healthy individuals: a systematic review
The effects of meditation on length of telomeres in healthy individuals: a systematic review - PMC (nih.gov)
Link for Add Free Meditation Videos.
Tagged "meditation" | Self Help Champion
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trainhardloveharder · 5 months
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Meghan Trainor - Me Too | The Fitness Marshall | Dance Workout https://newsinfitness.com/meghan-trainor-me-too-the-fitness-marshall-dance-workout/
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biancarogers · 1 year
Escape The Arcade Obby Roblox - I''m in a VIDEO GAME??? 👾 📹 👾 https://applevideos.co.uk/apple-arcade/escape-the-arcade-obby-roblox-im-in-a-video-game
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remetra · 1 year
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crazyvideos9 · 9 months
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raymoorecn · 1 year
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Late family dinner at home.. 😋 😊 😋 #mapotofu #sichuan #nevermisses #hittingthespot (at Simei, Singapore) https://www.instagram.com/p/CktM6-IP0s9t82LoyYsgrlZGf3dH0-0o0abgnU0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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icarusofhousestark · 1 year
continued from (x)
The man smiled. She really wasn't that scary anymore. At least not with him, because he didn't need her to be. He just needed her to be whatever she chose to be. "I do not plan to consciously hurt her, our line of work does it enough for us. However if you want to give me the big brother talk, go ahead...I'm curious to hear it."
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willis-verity · 4 months
[continued from here] @shootstraight-nevermiss
Verity chuckled at that fact. "Oh man I would love to blame the agency, but that issue is way older." She stated and patted his shoulder before taking a seat. "Anyway, should I ask the tricky question about how you're doing or do we skip it and focus on a better subject?"
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stephen-v-strange · 1 year
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What were the odds? Strange seriously doubted it was just a coincidence. Strange wasn’t in a mood for it, he sort of hopped that if he ignored the man, the man would ignore him back.
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nevermissblog · 9 months
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"A gun was an instrument one had to access to exercise the weapon of intellect and understand one's humanity with relation to how the individual is treated in this society"
Kofi Bailey, 1971...... Boston MFA, 2022
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selfhelpchampion · 2 months
#booksummary | Navigating Narcissism: A Compassionate Guide to Nonviolent Communication by Suzy Bliss
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Navigating relationships with narcissists often feels like an emotional rollercoaster ride. Their behaviors mystify and frustrate even as they charm and manipulate us. It's easy to get hooked by narcissists’ provocations, spinning us into cycles of reactivity. Fixating on diagnosing narcissistic personality disorder risks further polarization demonizing them as toxic or disordered. Yet beneath their manipulative masks, narcissists harbor profound wounds and unmet needs triggering these defensive adaptations.
Rather than pathologize narcissism, clinical psychologist Marshall Rosenberg’s revolutionary Nonviolent Communication (NVC) approach provides relatable insights revealing narcissists’ hidden vulnerability. Beyond understanding origins compassionately, NVC offers practical skills for improving connections collaboratively. Its elegantly straightforward components teach observing situations objectively, identifying feelings arising, connecting feelings to universal human needs and making clear requests to enrich life together. This process short-circuits reactive habits eroding relationships by establishing shared commitment to mutual understanding.
In her book “Navigating Narcissism,” Suzy Bliss skillfully translates NVC techniques into specialized guidance for defusing narcissistic emotional landmines. With psychological insight and pragmatic support strategies grounded in empathy, she charts a path beyond frustration into flow. Her compassionate adaptation of Rosenberg’s principles provides keys for finally improving even adversarial relationships stagnated by narcissistic patterns. By replacing judgment with insight and meeting reactivity with thoughtful responding, we learn relating anew through consistency practicing this consciousness. 
Navigating Narcissism: A Compassionate Guide to Nonviolent Communication - Kindle edition by Bliss, Suzy. Health, Fitness & Dieting Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.
Chapter 1 - Understanding Narcissism
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This chapter defines narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) according to the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria. It outlines common traits of narcissists including grandiosity, entitlement, lack of empathy, envy, arrogance, and fragility. The text explains narcissism develops as a coping mechanism to defend against emotional wounds and unmet attachment needs from childhood. It emphasizes seeing beneath frustrating narcissistic behaviors to the vulnerability and suffering underlying them.
Chapter 2 - Empathy vs Reactivity
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This chapter contrasts empathy and reactivity as responses to narcissists’ provocations. It presents Nonviolent Communication’s (NVC's) process for calming our own reactivity by identifying the feelings and unmet needs triggered within us. Taking responsibility for our internal experience is essential for sustaining empathy amid narcissistic dynamics. The text discusses common reactive habits like judging, criticizing, blaming, demanding and diagnosing others, instead recommending the NVC practice of compassionate self-awareness.
Chapter 3 - Getting Needs Met Respectfully
This chapter applies NVC principles for decoding seeming criticism, judgments and demands from narcissists to reveal the unmet needs expressed through these behaviors. Rather than hearing messages as attacks, the text advocates empathizing with the underlying feelings and needs being communicated, however unclearly. Nonviolent communication involves restating these unmet needs and making clear, positive requests to address them cooperatively. This reduces defensiveness and establishes shared commitment to fulfilling universal human needs equitably through dialogue. 
Navigating Narcissism: A Compassionate Guide to Nonviolent Communication - Kindle edition by Bliss, Suzy. Health, Fitness & Dieting Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.
Chapter 4 - Expressing Feelings Constructively
This chapter offers guidance on NVC's process for identifying and articulating feelings clearly and responsibly. It discusses distinguishing feelings from thoughts, stories or excuses. Expressing feelings vulnerably yet non-violently establishes emotional honesty as the foundation for productive conflict resolution. Accurately naming feelings calms distress because it grounds us in the present moment instead of spinning reactive narratives. The text emphasizes developing emotional vocabulary and disclosing feelings tentatively to invite additional perspective.
Chapter 5 - Active Listening Skills
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This chapter focuses on NVC listening tools for accurate empathy. It explains three primary active listening modes: mirroring messages back verbatim to demonstrate engagement and check understanding; paraphrasing the essence of messages to interpret meaning responsibly; and asking clarifying questions respectfully to deepen mutual comprehension. Developing active listening capacities allows reacting less and understanding speakers more fully -- core prerequisites for compassionate conflict transformation.
Chapter 6 - Acknowledging Responsibility
This chapter discusses acknowledging personal responsibility in conflict compassionately. Self-empathy plays a key role: reflecting to identify our own feelings, needs and contributions to co-created problems gives grounded clarity for taking responsibility sensitively. Because defensiveness blocks accountability, anticipating and empathizing with defensive reactions opens space for voluntary vulnerability. Seeing our part also fosters distinguishing which aspects of difficulties belong solely to others. Exploring responsibility together demystifies conflicts and builds cooperation.
Chapter 7 – Requesting Positively
This chapter presents NVC guidance on formulating requests clearly to improve mutual understanding. Requests phrased positively in actionable language allow willing compliance. Asking for flexibility from others with empathy for the effort involved increases success. Willingness stems from assessing personal readiness to give what we request. The text discusses working through situations where needs conflict collaboratively to generate mutually agreeable solutions. This process aligns relationships through shared goodwill.
Navigating Narcissism: A Compassionate Guide to Nonviolent Communication - Kindle edition by Bliss, Suzy. Health, Fitness & Dieting Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.
Chapter 8 - Offering Appreciation
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This chapter discusses the vital role appreciation plays in nourishing healthy narcissistic self-esteem to modulate problematic behaviors. It shares suggestions for crafting sincere appreciation messages highlighting specific actions, qualities or experiences valued. NVC emphasizes receiving appreciation graciously by connecting acknowledgments to internal feelings and needs met - this vulnerability fosters self-compassion to heal shame. Developing consistent appreciation practices counteracts narcissistic wounds denying worth. Affirming each other’s value consciously evolves co-dependent relationship patterns.
Chapter 9 - Responding Compassionately to Criticism
This chapter applies NVC empathy skills for receiving criticism from narcissists by identifying unmet needs expressed through frustrations. It outlines steps for discussing difficult impacts on ourselves or others respectfully without evoking defensiveness. By demonstrating willingness to hear differing perspectives non-reactively, the text advocates agreeing to revisit disagreements later once intense emotions have calmed. This constructive conflict process builds mutual faith in good intentions supporting collaborative problem solving. 
Chapter 10 - Staying Grounded
This final chapter focuses on sustaining emotional equilibrium when navigating intense narcissistic relational dynamics over time through self-empathy, self-compassion and realistic hope. It emphasizes regularly checking internal guidance systems overridden during co-dependent coping. Reconnecting to needs and limits allows course correcting crossroads. The text urges readers to acknowledge if compassion reaches its healthiest boundaries, accepting relationships may ultimately need redefining or releasing - while still holding faith in forgiveness. Sustaining courage and vision keeps change possible.
Despite narcissists’ frustrating defenses, remembering underlying wounds humanizes them. Their extreme behaviors evidence not inherent toxicity but rather profound disconnection from self-love – we all share basic needs to feel valued. Demonstrations provoking reactive punishment will not transform this alienation into security. Yet withdrawal leaves longing untouched. NVC offers a middle way, upholding engaged presence with accountability.
The skills this book shares for improving narcissistic relationships require dedication and patience; their mere understanding brings no lasting change. Only through vulnerable communication, consistently choosing empathy over projection, do we embody the transformation we envision. In this sense, Rosenberg reminds NVC provides not fixed destination but ongoing process. As we faithfully listen, understand, share and request cooperatively amid narcissism’s storms, we heal by walking – one step at a time. With open hands and hearts, the lifelong journey itself expands soul.
Navigating Narcissism: A Compassionate Guide to Nonviolent Communication - Kindle edition by Bliss, Suzy. Health, Fitness & Dieting Kindle eBooks @ Amazon.com.
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lila-of-barton · 1 year
Clint laughed as he started buttering the bread and loading it with cheese. He had a feeling she would want it extra cheesy. He gave her a smirk as he glanced up while making her sandwich. “I’m on standby. They said they can handle it for now but if the situation gets worse, I’m going to have to go.” He wasn’t going to lie to her. “Until then, my assignment is making sure you and your mom and brothers are taken care of.”
"Okay..." She hoped that they would forget about hi8m , and get things done without him or maybe if it came to critical event, masybe then they would at least be together. "The sandwich is burning dad." she informed him while pointing at the pan.
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hiandia · 7 months
Still here 😉
[if you're seeing this, you now win at everything! Go live your best life!]
-You Never Needed Permission
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grumpygorman · 7 months
no, i will not miss it,though i’ll crave replacements, do you still studystars through the roof ofyour rustproofcivic? or are you racing hometo meet curfew? are his eyes stillblue? said i’d nevermiss it but ido.
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