kpop---scenarios · 20 days
Reckless (1)
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Pairing: Lee Know x Reader
Genre: Brothers best friend
Warning: Language, a little violence etc, smut later on
Word Count: 3k
“Jisung!” You yell from your room, covering your ears with your pillow. If he didn't shut the fuck up, you were going to lose it. “Jisung!” You scream again. Angrily, you crawl out of your bed, stomping your way across the hallway to his room. You try to open the door but the door is locked. You pound on the door, anger flowing through you.
“Open the door!” You yell, pounding even harder. Finally the door swings open, your brother looking annoyed.
“The fuck do you want?” He asks, rubbing his face.
“I have an exam tomorrow. I can't sleep with the fucking music coming from your room.” You yell. “Shut the fuck up.”
“Wear some headphones then.” Jisung scoffs.
“I swear to fucking..” you pause, as Jisungs best friends comes to the door.
“Feeling feisty tonight, are we?” Minho chuckles, moving past your brother and out of his room.
“Yeah I am, watch out.” You snap, stomping back to your room, slamming the door behind you.
Your parents had been gone for months for work, and unfortunately for you Jisung had decided to slack off at school despite school only being in for 3 months. He was partying constantly and having his degenerate friends over at the house all the time. Lee Know, or Minho was the worst of them all and he never fucking left.
He was an arrogant, annoying, selfish, violent, short tempered man who you disliked the most out of all Jisung’s friends. The two of them were a few years older than you, both supposed to be in University but the way things were currently going, you didn't know how much longer either of them were going to be enrolled. You however were in your first year at the same University and you were not going to take your opportunity for granted. You wanted to get out of this town and move away onto bigger and better things.
As the volume of the music is finally lowered, you get comfortable in your bed, easily falling asleep, finally.
The next morning you're up early, deciding payback was much needed for keeping you up half the night. As you're hopping around your room, singing along to your loud music, getting ready for class, you faintly hear a pounding on your door. You laugh to yourself as you make your way, ripping the door open, seeing an annoyed Minho standing there, shirtless with a pair of sweats on.
“It's 7am.” He deadpans.
“And?” You ask.
“I've been sleeping for 2 hours.” He groans. “Turn it down.”
“That sounds like a you problem.” you begin. “Also, last I checked, this isn't your house.” You smile, closing the door in his face before he can say anything. You head to your stereo, turning the music down, for a few minutes until you felt like he was comfortable in bed again, starting to doze off and you turned it up again. Not long after you turned it off completely, heading to the kitchen to grab a banana before you headed to the bus stop. You wanted to get to school a little earlier than usual, taking time to go over your psychology notes for your exam, one last time.
“Y/N.” You hear from behind you in the library. You turn around, seeing your best friend, Hyunjin, standing there with bags under his eyes, holding a mass amount of papers, and looking extremely uneasy.
“Hyunjin.. what happened?” You ask, trying not to laugh at the poor man looking so defeated.
“it's literally the 3rd month of school, and I'm going to fucking flunk out.” He gasps, sitting next to you.
“No you're not.” You chuckle, flipping over your notes to look at the backside.
“I tried to study all night but I kept falling asleep. Why did I come here? I hate it.” He pouts. You shake your head at the man, focusing on your notes.
“Well.” You sigh. “At this rate, I'll be failing with you. Minho was at my house again last night. He and Jisung were blasting music until all hours.” You say, rolling your eyes.
“Minho was at your house?” Your other friend, Jisoo gasps, pulling up a chair beside you. “You're so lucky.”
“He's so fucking annoying.” You retort.
“But he's so hot.” Jisoo grins.
You ignored her last comment, you didn't want to vocally agree with her, because the last thing you needed was for your words to get back to him and inflate his head more than it already was.
“And to be honest, so is your brother. Is he single?” She asks.
“He's single. But I'm going to tell you not to go there because I don't want you to stop being my friend.” You laugh. “He's a terrible human being.”
“But he's hot.” Jisoo swoons, batting her eyes at you.
“Gross.” You sigh, looking at your phone. You gather your things off the table, dragging Hyunjin behind you to your psychology classroom.
“Please, Y/N.” He begs from behind you. You turn your head to look at him, giggling at the pitiful man who is usually so confident. This exam really has him fucked up. You turn your head again to look where you're going, and bump into someone, knocking your papers and bag to the floor.
“Ugh, I'm so sorry.” You sigh, bending down to pick up your things. You look up, seeing Minho glare down at you. You roll your eyes instantly, scoffing. “Actually I'm not sorry.” You say, finishing picking everything up. You stand up, Minho still staring at you but now smiling. Hyunjin comes up beside you, swinging his arm around your shoulders.
“Come on.” He says, pulling you away from Minho, who still hadn't said a word to you, but the smile never left his face.
“You got this.” You say to Hyunjin, your hands on his shoulders as you both take deep breaths outside your classroom door.
“So do you.” He breathes. “Drinks after?” He asks. You glance at your watch, 12:58pm. You should be done by 4pm..
“Abso-fucking-lutely.” You grin as the two of you make your way into the class.
3 hours later, you both emerge from the room, disheveled hair, sweat and tear stains present on both of you.
“How did..” Hyunjin starts. You put your hand up to stop him.
“Not yet. Shots..lots of shots.” You whimper. The two of you link arms, heading for the pub down the street from campus.
Hours later, you stumble home. As you stand in your yard you see lights flashing inside, and you can hear the bass thumping from the street. Jisung would throw a party on a random Thursday. That's just what he does. You quickly text Hyunjin and Jisoo to come over and party with you, both of them replying that they'll be there soon. You head inside, your brother spots you immediately.
“Y/N.. it's only just started. Don't shut me down.” He fake cries. You glare at him, seeing Minho walk up behind him. A few of his other friends were standing around, a lot of other people you didn't know also staring at you.
“Let's do some fucking shots!” You yell, making your way to the kitchen, hearing the cheers from the party goers. You walk past a chuckling Minho on your way to the kitchen. You glare at him before grabbing his sleeve, pulling him in there with you and a few others to take some shots. As you're about to do your second one, Hyunjin and Jisoo walk in. You were already drunk from your after exam drunks with Hyunjin, and now you were feeling it even more.
“Jinnie.” You squeal, putting your arms out for a hug. He grins as he wraps his arms around you, holding you tightly. Instantly you hear Jisoo’s flirty voice come to play, you break the hug to turn around and see Jisoo and Jisung tucked in a corner talking.
That made you want to vomit. You turn back towards the group taking shots, quickly pouring one for Hyunjin before you all take it. “Let's dance!” You yell, walking past Minho with Hyunjin in tow. You're dancing, laughing and just all around having a good time but you can't help but notice Minho standing against the wall with his arms crossed, eyes trained on you. They roamed up and down your body as he watched you dance, and you hated that the way he was looking at you, that the way he was biting his lip was turning you on so much.
“I'm gonna get a drink.” You tell Hyunjin, making your way to the kitchen. You feel a hand on your wrist, pulling you down the hallway instead.
“You looked really hot out there.” a guy tells you. You have no clue who this dude was, and frankly you were not interested.
“Thanks.” You respond, turning back towards the kitchen.
He grabs you again. “I wasn't done talking to you.” He half laughs.
You can feel the annoyance building up inside of you. “But I'm done.” You say, trying to walk away again. His grip tightens, pushing you against the wall.
“I'm trying to get to know you better.” He scoffs. “Don't be so rude.”
“I'm not interested.” You tell him, as if your current lack of interest wasn't enough.
He stares at you, refusing to move, not saying a word. You can see the wheels turning in his head as he tries to figure out what to say to you next. Before he can get his words out, he's shoved away from you, sliding down the floor of the hallway. Your mouth hangs open as you turn to look and see who your savior was.
Minho stands there, his eyes practically shooting daggers into the man.
“Are you fucking dumb, Changbin?” Minho asks.
“What the fuck, dude?” Changbin scoffs, scrambling up off the floor.
“That's Jisung's little sister you fucking moron.” Minho snaps, pointing at you.
“Oh shit.. I'm sorry! I didn't know!” He panics. Your eyes bounce between the two men, not sure why Changbin sounded so scared of your idiot brother.
“I'll let you off this time.” Minho starts. “If I catch you near her again, I will beat the fucking shit out of you.” He finishes. Changbin nods his head before running off into the crowd.
“You okay?” Minho asks as you rub your wrist. You nod your head.
“Yeah.. thanks.” You smile, returning to the party. The rest of the night, wherever you went, Minho was there, off in the distance watching you. You weren't uncomfortable from it but you did wish that he would go and enjoy himself. He didn't need to keep an eye on you, and as you got drunker, you decided to let him know.
“You.. keep staring.” You hiccup, placing your hand on the wall by his head. He smirks as he looks at you, barely able to stand up straight, eyes fluttering open and closed. You were a goddamn mess.
“Let's get you to bed, mhm?” He says, wrapping his arm around your waist to help you up the stairs. As you're walking up, you unfortunately see Jisung and Jisoo locking lips, making all the drinks you had all night threaten to come up.
“Get a room you sick fucks.” You slur, walking past them. Jisoo comes up for air looking embarrassed but only for a second before Jisung steals her attention back. Minho helps you to your room, you stand in the middle, your arms up high. He looks at you with a raised eyebrow, wondering what the fuck you were waiting for.
“I can't sleep in my clothes.” You whine. “but I'll fall if I undress myself.” You pout.
Minho reluctantly walks towards you, grabbing the hem of your shirt, pulling it up and over your head, leaving you in a bra and your pants. He moves his hands down towards the button of your jeans. You hop back a little, almost losing your balance as you laugh, hysterically.
“Funny.” He fake chuckles, moving towards you again. You grab onto his arm, spinning yourself around to his back, sliding your hands up and down his body. You reach around to his stomach, moving your hands under his shirt, running them over his abs.
“Ugh.” You groan at the feeling.
He quickly turns around facing you once again, a smile spread across his face. You knew he wanted to be mad at you but he couldn't.
“Take your pants off or I'm gonna throw you down onto the bed and take them off for you.” He threatens. You blush, hard.
“Is that a threat or a promise?” You ask, cocking your head to the side. Minho reaches out for you, grabbing you by the waist of your jeans, pulling you towards him. “It's a little of both.” He tells you as he tries to undo your button. You were having too much fun in the moment, you didn't want it to end just yet. You grab his hands, pushing him away from you, laughing as he runs his hands through his hair. He has never seen this giggling playful side of you before, and he was enjoying the fuck out of it.
“Y/N.” He says sternly, his hands on his hips.
“Minho.” You say, putting your hands on your hips, pushing your hip out, pursing your lips. He's trying to remain serious but he can't. He starts laughing as he rubs his face, groaning in frustration.
“Take off your pants!” He yells.
“Yes sir!” You giggle as you take off your pants, leaving you in your bra and panties. Minho hands you a pair of pj shorts that he grabbed from your dresser. You semi quickly put them on before turning around, facing away from him to unhook your bra. It slides down your body, onto the floor. You smile to yourself.
“I bet you're upset, huh?” You giggle, turning your head to look at him.
“Why would I be upset?” He asks.
“Cause you can't see my boobies.” You laugh, turning slightly to show him a little side boob. “I think you'd like them.” You say, looking at him. His eyes are focused down, looking at what you're showing him. “Tsk tsk, naughty boy.” You scold, slipping your shirt on, turning around to face him.
He stares at you, and you stare back. You examine his face, his large veiny arms and hands, his roughly tousled hair.
“Jisoo was right.” You whisper.
“About?” He asks.
“You.” You hiccup. “She said you were hot.”
“And what did you say?” He asks.
“I didn't say. Cause I don't need my words going to your thick ass head.” You giggle.
“If they wouldn't go to my head, what would you say?” He asks.
“That you're really fucking hot. But you're a little violent and hot headed.” You sigh. “Buuut you're not allowed to know that so shhh.. cause Jisung said you're off limits.”
“Since when do you do what your brother tells you?” He laughs.
“I listen to him!” you say. No you didn't. “Actually, never.” You hiccup.
He doesn't reply. He stands there, staring at you. You can feel your breath hitch as he moves closer towards you, the palm of his hand gently laying on your cheek as his face moves closer to yours. You close your eyes, the world is spinning as you feel his lips press against yours. You feel like you're melting into the kiss as your lips move against his, his tongue slowly sliding into your mouth, deepening the kiss.
You could have sworn this was a dream, like his lips were perfectly made for your own. He slowly pulls away, turning to look at the door, and that's when you hear it.
It's your brother's voice. “Lee fucking Know!” He yells.
“Go to sleep.” He says to you, turning and walking out of your room. You lay down in your bed, closing your eyes. The world only spins for a moment before you pass out.
“I'm never drinking again.” You gasp as you crawl out of your bed, desperately trying to make your way to the bathroom to get some water. Your throat was the driest it had ever been and you felt like you might actually die. Once you reach the sink, you shove your head underneath, drinking all the cold water you could get into your mouth. Fuck it tastes good. When you're finally satisfied, you drag your feet to change into some comfier clothes before heading downstairs. Luckily you didn't have class until the afternoon today, so you could try to recover this morning. You grab some food from the fridge, eating it cold, ignoring the passed out people scattered around your house.
“Morning.” You hear. You turn to look, seeing Minho walk into the kitchen, heading for the fridge.
“Morning.” You sigh.
“Hungover?” He asks you, grabbing some juice. You whimper as you nod your head. He laughs. You turn to glare at him, when suddenly you remembered. You think you remembered at least.
“Did..” you pause. “We.. um.. actually nevermind.” You say, turning away from him.
“Did we, what?” He asks, grinning.
“Kiss?” You whisper, looking around, making sure Jisung wasn't around.
“Me and you?” He asks, shocked. “Did you have a sex dream about me?” He gasps, placing his hand over his chest.
“What!? No! I just had a flash.. of something.. and we were kissing.” You try to explain.
“I feel so violated.” He fake cries. “I wasn't aware you thought of me like that.”
“Who's thinking of you like what?” You hear. Jisung walks into the kitchen, grabbing your food off the counter.
“Y/N.” Minho says. “I think she's into me.” He laughs.
“Yeah right.” Jisung chuckles. “Neither of you are dumb enough to do that.”
You look at Minho as he looks at you. Neither of you were dumb enough.. right?
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neverendingdreams-net · 11 months
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hi, stay! welcome to never-ending dreams net! ✦
this network welcomes writers who write for our never-ending stray kids. never-ending dreams aims to support the written works of stay authors — almost like a dream for stays who'd like a place for all stray kids fics.
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hotteoki · 6 months
instagram posts with bf ateez !
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pairing: idol ot8 ateez x soloist idol reader (no prns used)
genre: one shot smau, fluff, est. rel.
cw: /
notes: i'm using this gradient colour to my heart's content it's opened a whole new world for me
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hongjoong (홍중)
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liked by captainjoong and 1,623,591 others
yn.ln behind the scenes
view all 12,293 comments
captainjoong no i'm gatekeeping
fanacc772 why does he look shorter than usual
yn.ln BYE 😭
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seonghwa (성화)
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liked by toothlessonmars and 1,330,128 others
yn.ln hi future husband
view all 10,205 comments
fanacc774 THE CAPTION????
yn.ln teehee
toothlessonmars why did i not see you take the second pic...
fanacc912 bro acting like he's not blushing giggling kicking his feet in the air over yn's caption
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yunho (윤호)
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liked by yunhogizer and 1,196,110 others
yn.ln if i hadn't taken pictures you guys would never believe this man gave me a weather report on our date
view all 13,968 comments
fanacc839 so unserious omg 😭
yunhogizer but it was the most accurate weather report you've ever heard, no? 🤨
yn.ln you said today was going to be filled with thunderstorms and lightning. it was the hottest day of the year.
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yeosang (여상)
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liked by hehetmon and 1,604,685 others
yn.ln date with boyfriend
view all 15,985 comments
fanacc869 what's with ateez and chonky shoes 😭
yn.ln i bought those for him </3
fanacc082 is yn being replaced... 😨
hehetmon yes
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san (산)
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liked by choimountain and 1,973,572 others
yn.ln i love you
view all 18,576 comments
choimountain i love you too ❤️
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mingi (민기)
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liked by yn.ln and 1,942,922 others
fix_on thank you yn ❤️
view all 16,388 comments
yn.ln 💋💋
fanacc840 OKAY but let's talk about how the cat says 'i love you' and yn's representative emoji is a cat i'm gonna start crying
fanacc111 why would you say this
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wooyoung (우영)
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liked by young_story and 1,384,984 others
yn.ln two cuties
view all 13,773 comments
young_story another one was behind the camera ;)
fanacc384 why do they kinda look similar...
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jongho (종호)
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liked by choijohn and 1,228,492 others
yn.ln "anyway, when you meet me, don't wear converses..."
view all 15,994 comments
fanacc399 continue the lyric yn?? 🤨🤨
yn.ln ...no
choijohn what's with the caption
yn.ln idk what's with you
skits if you don't get the reference, search up converse high bts lyrics and read the next line of the caption...
choijohn 😲😲😲
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networks: @kflixnet k-labels @kbookshelf neverendingdreams-net straykidsland @k-films @pirateeznet
inspiration: @kairoot
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Masterlist | Simplified Masterlist | WereRoomies | AO3 | Ko-Fi | Add to Taglist | Works Tag | FicRecs & Recs | Answered Asks | @neverendingdreams-net
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if you have a blank blog, or don’t have any indication that you’re an adult in your bio/pinned, i will block you.
i’m on discord. DM me if you want to be friends there💜
i don’t take requests, but my ask box is open to suggestions and/or Thoughts™ of any kind. when it comes to Hard Thoughts™, i’m only comfortable with those that are clearly related to an AU (it doesn’t necessarily need to be related to my fics, it can be anything that’s a non-idol AU). when it’s vague or related to the Idols as themselves irl i’m not that comfortable receiving those asks.
recent works:
01/06/2024: Decisions ~Bang Chan
18/02/2024: The Wedding Planners (M) ~Changbin
31/01/2024: Pre-rut Struggles (M) ~Bang Chan
27/12/2023: The Room (M) ~Bang Chan
30/11/2023: Mirror (M) ~Bang Chan
Lovely anons: 🐛, 🍒, 🌞, 🐧, 🪐, 🐈, 🗒️, 🔑, 🦝, 🩷, 🤍, 🥝, 🍓, 🦋, 💜, 🧁, 🐺, 🌌, 🌑, 🦐, ❤️‍🩹, 🤡, 🧋, N💄, 🌫️, 🦁, ☘️, ⚡, 💊, 🥐, 🍑, 👾, 🔮
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i only post here and on AO3. do not repost or translate my stories. please read the info under the cut💕
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Rhythm | ‘96 | any pronouns (full about).
i write fanfiction for Stray Kids, with special focus on AUs of varied types.
please add your age (or an age indicator, even a +18 works) in your bio, slap a profile picture, reblog things, just make sure your blog looks like it’s run by a human person. if you have any questions about this don’t hesitate to send an ask.
this blog is a side blog, therefore my likes and follows don’t come from it. if you want to know my main you can always DM me.
if i’ve blocked you and you have revamped your blog to add that age indicator and want to be unblocked, you can reach out to on my inspo blog @therhythmafterthesun
if you reblog my content and you leave your thoughts in the tags/caption, know i’m giving you a forehead kiss and you’ve filled the love gauge in my heart. smooch.
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jisungsdaydreamer · 1 year
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𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭: dreamy · 18 · she/her · asian · nyc | bangkok
𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬: masterlist · rules · side blog/recs · taglist · kofi · carrd
𝐀𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬: 💎🌌
𝐍𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬: @straykidsland · @kflixnet · @k-labels · @neverendingdreams-net · @k-films
𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐔𝐩𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬: ★ sweet, sweet (Han Jisung) ★ Ending Scene (Yang Jeongin) ★ Anti-Romantic, Chapter Three (Hwang Hyunjin)
𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬 (𝐔𝐩𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝟑/𝟐𝟒/𝟐𝟒): 🎧Tadow — Masego, FKJ 📖The Sympathizer 📝Anti-Romantic: Chapter 4 💭Veryyyy slow updates, but still here :)
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arcanesea · 6 months
— welcome to arcanesea's library 𓇼˚₊‧꒰ა 🫧 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚𓇼
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✿ nara. she/her. '01. virgo. infj.
✿ i write for STRAY KIDS and SEVENTEEN
✿ non-english speakers.
✿ though i am legal of age, i'll try to make this page sfw!
✿ blank blogs kindly do not interact.
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✉ requests are prioritized for those who donate to Gaza through here.
✉ inbox is always open if you want to chat, let's be friends^^
send ask. | fic recs here. | buy me a coffee?
you can also find me on: X | medium
network list. @neverendingdreams-net @k-labels @straykidsland @c-bouquine
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WARNING. All rights reserved. my writings are not to be plagiarized, translated, or reposted to other platforms. banners/dividers credited to @cafekitsune © arcanesea
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softsan · 3 years
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𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐞・✦ ˙🍓 ̟ !! 
𓆩♡𓆪 NAMES ◦ monica, moni or mon
𓆩♡𓆪 PRONOUNS ◦ she/her
𓆩♡𓆪 BIRTHDAY ◦ legal, 27th january 
𓆩♡𓆪 LOCATION ◦ australian
𓆩♡𓆪 HOBBIES ◦ writing, watching dramas, going to concerts, reading fantasy, eating watermelon, playing pokemon games, wearing hair bows, collecting cute stationary, 
𓆩♡𓆪 GROUPS ◦ ateez, stray kids, seventeen, nct, bts, enhypen, txt, xg, twice, le sserafim, p1harmony, dreamcatcher, itzy, &team, gidle, exo, everglow
𓆩♡𓆪 BIASES ◦ san, seonghwa, hongjoong, wooyoung, hyunjin, bang chan, scoops, hoshi, woozi, wonwoo, heeseung, jake, doyoung, yuta, taeyong, jaemin, jeno, suga, jimin, yeonjun, baekhyun, chungha, sana, momo, yuqi, yeji, jurin, juria, chaewon, yunjin
𓆩♡𓆪 TAGS ◦ #monica’s rambles #mine
𓆩♡𓆪 NETWORKS ◦ @straykidsland (#straykidsland), @k-films (#k-films), @k-labels (#k-labels), @cultofdionysusnet (#cultofdionysusnet), @neverendingdreams-net (#neverendingdreams), @kvanity-main (#kvanity),
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𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬・✦ ˙🍓 ̟ !!
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hyunnows · 3 years
These are the writer networks I am a part of! Check them out if you’d like they have great recommendations and writers of all genres!
Positive note | Super Long Prompt List | Navigation
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◤ b t s
 Bangtan University / @bangtanedu (closed)
 Bangtan Inn / @bangtaninn (closed)
 BTS Creator's Corner / @btscreatorscorner​
 Purple Army Net (open) / @purplearmynet​
 BTS Gold Net / @btsgoldnetwork​
BTS Honey Hive / @btshoneyhive (closed)
◤ s k z
 Stray Kids Land / @straykidsland
 Stay Haven Net / @stayhavens
Never Ending Dreams / @neverendingdreams-net
◤ a l l
House of Incantations / @houseofincantations (prev. admin, closed)
 Fics Cafe / @ficscafe (closed)
 K Library / @k-library (closed?)
 K Writer’s World / @kwritersworld
 KPsClub / @kpclub (closed)
 K College Net / @kcollegenet​ (closed?)
Kflixnet/ @kflixnet
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kisskissbanggang · 5 years
About Me💕
Bel | She/They | 30 | Portland
Hey friends! My name is Bel. I love Stray Kids and NCT/WayV. Sometimes I also write analyses of MV's and other content! Come say hi!
Disclaimer: My fics are purely fiction and should not be involved with any personal opinions regarding any members mentioned.
🔞 My blog contains nsfw content. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. 🔞
🛑 Requests are currently CLOSED. 🛑
⛔️ Legal line only ⛔️
❌No reposting. I love when my work gets shared, but through links only! My works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. If you see my work (on AFF, ao3, and especially Wattpad) and it is not posted by me, I DID NOT CONSENT. PLEASE TELL ME. 😀❌
💗Try to be respectful and nice idk that seems pretty self-explanatory tbh💗
Networks and Other Places to Read My Work:
@czennienet Not an active member!
kisskissbanggang on ao3
Twitter & CC
Useful tags to search or blacklist on my blog
Inbox games/tag games - Self-explanatory. Fun games to play with you all!
Mail - Asks from my sweet babies. 💕
My children - The babiest of my babies. 💗
Mister - Discussion involving mentions of my husband.
Hey Siri note to self - 👀👀👀
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starlostseungmin · 3 years
─────── 𐙚˙⋆.˚  𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐀𝐋𝐖𝐀𝐘𝐒. ❞
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keisy. she/her.  2000. twenty-three. asian. infj. stray kids. in love with kim seungmin.
. . . ☆ ! .  masterlist.  playlist.  guidelines and tags. theme credits. ( 📺 )network; neverendingdreams-net. ( ☎️ )side blog; @seungminluvr
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kpop---scenarios · 27 days
Day Five: Lee Know
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Pairing: Lee Know x Reader
Warning: Smutty smut, public smut.. smut [18+ ONLY. MINORS DO NOT READ!]
Word Count: 1.1k
Day One: Felix | Day Two: Jeongin | Day Three: Changbin | Day Four: Jisung
“Y/N!” Chan exclaims as you and your boyfriend, Lee Know sit down at the table in the fanciest restaurant you have ever been to.
“Hi.” You giggle. “Hi everyone.” You smile and wave to all the boys.
“How are you? I feel like we haven't seen you in a really long time.” Chan laughs.
“Oh I know, I've just been so busy with work, and stuff. It's been a lot. But it's finally settling down now.” You grin.
“I'm glad things are calming down.” Chan smiles. “Have you been doing anything fun?” He asks. As you continue on with your conversation with Chan, you can feel Lee Know's anger bubbling up as you giggle at Chan's jokes, and keep talking to him. you're in the middle of a sentence when you feel a hand on your bare thigh. You look down and then up at Lee Know and he's still in a conversation with Changbin, acting completely nonchalantly as his hand trails up your thigh and past the hem of your skirt. He moves his hand towards your inner thigh, pulling it over to open your legs. You're trying to maintain eye contact with Chan and contribute to the conversation but your pussy is pounding at the thought of Lee Know touching you while you were out to dinner. You can feel his fingers creeping in towards your cunt, and you can feel the wetness soaking through your panties. His fingers lightly graze your lips. He glances over at you, watching your breathing and your facial expressions. He loves to see you so desperate for him. He leans over to you, his lips brushing your ear. “Go to the bathroom and take off your panties.” He whispers, sitting back up to continue his conversation with Changbin. You quickly excuse yourself from the table, speed walking to the restroom. You get into a stall and quickly remove your underwear, crumpling it up in your hand as you walk back to the table. You slide back in your chair, next to Lee Know who opens his hand under the table. You place your panties in his hand, making him smirk as he shoves them in his pocket. He scoots his chair a little closer to yours, his hand back on your thigh. You slink down slightly in your chair, opening your legs for him, so needy for his touch. His fingertips graze over your lips, moving two fingers between to touch your clit. You bite your lip as he slowly moves his fingers in a circle. You close your eyes for a second so no one sees them roll into the back of your head.
You let out a deep breath as he teases you, moving his fingers so slowly, it was killing you.
You lean over to whisper in his ear. “Please. Faster.” You cry. He looks at you with a smile, leaning into you. “You shouldn't have been flirting with Chan, then maybe you wouldn't be getting teased right now.”
Fuck you loved a jealous Lee Know. You slump back in your chair continuing to die from his slow movement. Chan tries to speak to you, and you try to answer, but you're interrupted by Lee Know dropping his fork on the floor.
“Ah, I'm so clumsy.” He chuckles. He gets down, under the table. You're about to ask if he needs any help but you feel his hands force your legs open even more before he licks a strip up your pussy from under the table. You stifle yyour moan but just barely as he latches his lips to your clit, sucking harshly. This was so fucking hot, and you were ready to cum.
“Do you need help, Lee Know?” Jeongin asks.
“Nope.” He answers, releasing your swollen clit. “Found it. It was under Y/N's foot.” He chuckles, sitting back in his chair.
“Are you okay, Y/N? You don't look well.” Chan says. You were fine, you were just a horny desperate girl who needed her boyfriend to fuck her senseless.
“My stomach is acting funny.” You manage to say.
“Ah, maybe we should go.” Lee Know suggests.
“Yes, I think so.” You agree, standing up a little too quickly. Lee Know walks out of the restaurant behind you, trying to hide the large bulge in his pants. Once the two of you are outside, it's quiet. It's only the two of you on the street. Lee Know grabs your wrist, pinning you against the back of his car.
“You love to rile me up.” He smiles. “Don't you?”
“I do, I love what you do to me when I do.” You smile.
“Mhm, like what I was doing in there?” He asks, cocking his head to the side. “You didn't get to cum.”
“I didn't. I need to right now.” You whine. He grins as he turns you around, pushing you face down onto the car. You can hear him undoing his belt behind you, just letting his cock free. He spits in his hand, jerking his cock before he kicks your legs apart. He roughly slides his cock inside you, pushing himself in as deep as he can. He looks around to make sure no one is around before he pulls out, slamming back in.
“Fuck.” He groans, holding onto you tightly. He thrusts deep into you over and over as you reach between your legs, rubbing your throbbing clit.
“Public fucking, ugh, such a fucking turn on.” He groans, ramming his cock into you with as much force as he can.
“Oh my fucking god.” You cry. He reaches up, grabbing a clump of your hair, pulling you back towards him as he thrusts faster.
“Fuck you take dick so good baby.” He moans. You rub your clit faster, the adrenaline of possibly getting caught makes your orgasm build up so much faster.
“Please let me cum.. can I please?” You cry out loudly. You don't care if anyone hears you, right now you just need to cum.
“Ahh good girl.” He groans. “Cum baby, cum all over my cock.”
“Oh fuck.” You cry out as your orgasm explodes through your body. You squeeze your wet cunt around his cock, as you cry out, laying down on the car.
“So fucking hot.” He grunts, cumming right after you, pumping his cum so deep inside you. He tries to catch his breath as he pulls out of you, helping you adjust your skirt. He looks at you with a grin on his face as he fixes the makeup under your eyes.
“Wanna go back in?” He asks.
“I'm so hungry now.. but what do we tell them?” You whisper. “My stomach was supposed to be hurting.” You giggle.
“We'll just say whatever.” He smiles, taking your hand in his. “But.” He begins, leaning in close to you. “Don't you dare clean my cum from your pussy. They all need to know you're mine.”
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neverendingdreams-net · 4 months
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✦ welcome to never-ending dreams!
✦ please take note.
reblog this post as an acknowledgment of your acceptance.
go through the guidelines in the official post again.
include a link to the network anywhere in your blog.
use #neverendingdreams in the first 10 tags or send your fic in the queueing channel of our discord channel (to be sent through dm).
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feel free to reach out to the net through dm for any concerns. welcome to the net, once again! :D
status of applications: OPEN.
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hotteoki · 4 months
texts with bf mingi !
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pairing: song mingi x reader
genre: fake texts, crack, humour
cw: language, san being a homewrecker in mingi's pov, the pfp moving/glitching around thruout me making these???
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networks: @kflixnet k-labels kbookshelf neverendingdreams-net straykidsland @k-films @pirateeznet
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kpop---scenarios · 7 days
Reckless (6)
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Pairing: Lee Know x Reader
Genre: Brothers Best Friend
Warning: Smut, sadness [18+ ONLY. MINORS DO NOT READ]
Word Count: 1.9k
Taglist: @hyunjinhoexxx @ovulatingrn @jisunglyricist @guiltycoco @fawnpeaks @purple-bell @caught-in-the-afterglow @ana-marais98 @rylea08 @astraystayastayastray @partyparty-yah @skzswife @sillyhal @feellikecinderella @asphalstead @minh0scat @anthropologymajorkpopmultistan @chanbahng29 @blackbluerose666 @mmarusa
One | Two | Three | Four | Five |
“Y/N?” You hear. “Y/N! Are you okay?” A voice asks. You slowly open your eyes, expecting to see Jisung and Jisoo around you but you're not home. You scramble to sit up, looking around your surroundings, this wasn't right. Was it all a dream? You look over, Hyunjin sits there, looking at you worriedly.
“I.. this isn't right? I was home? I have to call Jisung.” You say panicking.
As you grab your phone to dial, there's a frantic knock at the door.
“Y/N.. please..” you hear a familiar voice gasp. You get up, running to the door, unlocking it before ripping it open. Minho stands there, holding his stomach. Blood gushing from a wound, his shirt soaked.
“What happened!?” You cry as he collapses into your arms. “Jisung.. he found out.” He gasps. Tears fall from your eyes, you're sobbing over his body, you can't breathe. “Please Minho.. Please.. don't die, I love you please don't die.”
You gasp. You shoot up, sweat pouring from your body as tears continue to spill. Your chest is heaving as you replay the dream inside a dream you had just experienced. You were still on the couch at Hyunjin's. You look at your phone, it was 7:30am the next day.
Fuck. That means you never went home, you didn't have an argument with Minho, he never confessed to Jisung that he was in love with you. None of it was real. Fuck.
Hyunjin walks out of his room. “Good morning.” He laughs. “I thought you were gonna go grab some stuff yesterday?” He asks.
“I was.. but I guess I fell asleep.” You sigh.
“Are you okay? It sounded like you were having some weird dreams.” He says.
“Yeah.. something like that.” You whisper. “I'm gonna get ready and we can go to class.” You say.
The entire morning you felt off. Those dreams had really fucked you up and you felt like you couldn't tell what was real and what was a dream. It currently felt like you were in a dream, and you very well could be but you'd never know. Hyunjin had asked you if you wanted to grab lunch but you had no appetite at all. You couldn't focus, you couldn't stop thinking about that fucking dream. You walked through the halls with your head down, until you stopped in your tracks. Your stomach got butterflies. You looked up, seeing Minho standing there. You hadn't realized how much you had missed him until this very moment. How much you desperately wanted him at this very moment. You walked up to him, your fingertips grazing his cheek.
“You're real.” You whisper. You grab his wrist, pulling him with you, taking him into the first unoccupied classroom. You closed the door, locking it behind you.
“What is going on with you?” Minho asks. “You've ignored me for a month..” he pauses. You drop your books, walking up to him, crashing your lips onto his. He drops his books, wrapping one arm around you and one around your head, pulling you in closer to him. Your mouths move together, he slides his tongue into your mouth, deepening the kiss. You both were sloppy, so needy for each other. You missed him so fucking much. You move your hands down, fumbling with the button on his jeans. You finally undo it, pulling the zipper down and his pants just enough to release his cock. You grab it with your hand, gently stroking him as he moans into your mouth. You can feel his cock harden in your hands, and that made you so wet.
Minho spins the two of you around, backing you into the wall. He pulls down your pants and underwear, you take them off, kicking them away from you. You jump up, wrapping your legs around his waist. Minho lines himself up with you, slowly pushing his cock inside of you. It had been so long, it sent shivers down your spine as he filled you up.
“Fuck.” He hisses, pushing himself all the way inside of you. “You feel so good around my cock.”
“Move.” You gasp. You needed him to fuck you, so hard. Minho starts to thrust, snapping his hips hard enough to push his cock in so deep into you.
“I fucking missed you so much.” He breathes into your ear. Your heart melts at his words, you wrap your arms around him even tighter, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck. He thrusts faster, the he's rubbing against your clit with every thrust, it feels so fucking good. You turn your head, your lips brushing up against his ear.
“I'm gonna cum.” You whimper just before your orgasm takes over. You moan loudly as pleasure flows through your body and your eyes roll back. You clench your cunt around him, making him moan louder and thrust faster. He wasn't far behind you, his orgasm hitting him seconds later. “Fuck.” He gasps as he cums, spilling his warm liquid deep inside you.
He holds you for a second, before you unwrap your legs from him and he pulls out of you. You quickly get your underwear and your pants back on as he buttons up his pants, fixing himself up.
“Wow.” He chuckles.
“Did you mean it?” You ask, you need to know.
“Mean what?” He asks, fixing his hair.
“Did you miss me? When you said you missed me, did you mean it?” You wonder.
“I mean yeah, the house has been quiet without you. Why have you been gone so long? And why were you ignoring me?” He asks.
“Are you still with Maya?” You ask, ignoring his questions.
“Kinda.. I guess.” He sighs. “I'm not really into it though. I'm interested in someone else.”
You perk up immediately. Interested in someone else, that person had to be you. He smiles at you, staring at your face. He looks like he wants to tell you something, like he wants to tell you that it's you. But then he turns scared.
“You know Rose? Yeah, I'd like to start talking to her.” He whispers. He knew what you were hoping his answer would be. He so desperately wanted to tell you that it was you but he knew how wrong he had been in sleeping with you, refusing to acknowledge his feelings and telling Jisung. He couldn't. Not after Jisung had explicitly said that you were off limits. He wanted you to hate him, he wanted you to forget him because you deserved so much more than he could give you but he was addicted to you, just like you were to him.
Tears spill down your cheeks, you sniffle, trying to hold them in but you're failing miserably. “Fuck you.” You snap. You grab your books, unlock the door to storm out. You didn't think he'd chase you but he did.
“Y/N!” He yells. People stop to stare. “Please. Can I explain?” He asks.
“Explain what, exactly?” You snap.
“You've done nothing but hurt me these last few months, and yeah maybe it's my fault because I let you. Because I was so fucking with you that I wanted anything I could get from you. But you refuse to tell me how you really feel just because you're scared of my brother and his reaction?” You scoff.
“I'm not allowed to love you! Okay? I'm not supposed too, but I fucking do. I can't breathe when you're not around me, but it can't happen. I can't keep fucking betraying my best friend like this. I'm going to tell him. I'll tell him everything, but this.” He pauses, pointing to you and himself. “Is done. It's not happening anymore. When I tell him, I have to tell him it's over.”
“Are you going to tell him you love me?” You cry.
Minho looks at the ground.
“No. I can't.” He whispers.
“Then it doesn't sound like you ever loved me.” You snap, storming away. You were done. You were done with school right now, everything. You wanted to curl in a ball and do nothing and that's what you did. You went to Hyunjin's and you knew he wasn't home. You packed up your belongings, you had intruded on his life long enough. You took your stuff and went back home. You walked in the door, tears stained on your face.
“Y/N?” Jisung says, looking shocked that you were here. “What's wrong?” He asks. You drop your belongings, your head hangs low, as you sob. Jisung rushes towards you, wrapping his arms around you.
“What happened?” He asks.
“I.. I can't tell you.” You cry.
“You can tell me anything.” He whispers, rubbing your back.
“I've been.. sleeping with..” you take a deep breath. You can do this. “Minho.” You whisper.
His hand freezes on the middle of your back. “Like.. my best friend Minho?” He asks.
“Yes.” You cry, you're sobbing even harder than before.
“Okay, okay, shhh. It's gonna be okay.” He whispers. “What happened? Was he mean to you?”
“He has been. He says it's because he knew it was so wrong and he was betraying you. He said he loves me but he knows he's not allowed to.” You sniffle.
“Why don't you go and lay down for a bit.” He says. “Just go rest. I'll deal with this.”
“What are you gonna do?” You ask, picking up your bag.
“Don't worry about that. Just go on.” He half smiles.
As you go upstairs to your room, Jisung sits back on the couch, resuming his show. You can only imagine how much anger is flowing through him right now. You put your stuff down and instead of unpacking you lay down in your bed. You needed to shower but fuck you were exhausted. You must have fallen asleep for a bit, because you woke up to the front door slamming. You knew it was Minho.
Jisung stands up, glaring at his best friend.
“Jisung.” Minho sighs. “I need to talk to you.”
“Yeah? That's funny, cause I need to fucking talk to you.” Jisung snaps. Minho drops his bag and books, walking closer to Jisung.
“You talked to Y/N?” Minho asks.
“Well yeah. When my little sister comes home sobbing, I tend to talk to her.” Jisung says.
“She was crying?” Minho whispers. His heart sinks. He hated himself so much.
“Yep.” Jisung says before making a fist and swinging. He hits Minho in the face, knocking him back.
“Fuck man.” Minho yells, holding his face. “I deserved that.”
“You deserve a lot fucking worse!” Jisung yells, walking over to Minho. He grabs the collar of his shirt, pulling him close. “The only fucking reason I'm not killing you right now is because she loves you and she told me that you love her too. Is that true?” He asks.
Minho nods his head. “I fucking do! How could I not?” He yells.
“Then make it fucking right.” Jisung yells, pushing Minho back.
“How? After everything, how can I make it right with her? She'll never forgive me.” He says, as you walk down the stairs.
“In the words of Olivia Pope.” You begin. “If you want me, earn me.” You say. Minho looks at you with pleading eyes. He can see your face is puffy and eyes are red from crying.
You start walking back up the stairs, turning to look back at him one last time, glaring directly into his eyes. You say one last thing to him before turning the corner.
If he really loves you like he says he does, he'll do whatever it takes to prove it to you.
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kpop---scenarios · 27 days
Whiplash (6)
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Pairing: Felix x Reader x Hyunjin
Genre: Street Racing, Gang, Friends to Lovers
Warnings: Sexually Suggestive Things, Language, Jealousy, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 4.2k
Taglist: @sheala--marie @kayleefriedchicken @chartrucewhore @cookiesnmilfx @thicccurls @aznstoner @velvetmoonlght
One | Two | Three | Four | Five |
“You're fucking psycho if you think I'll ever be back in this house again.” You spit. “Who are you? The San I knew would never have done this! Never would have drugged me!” You scream.
Felix and Hyunjin stare at you like they have just seen a ghost.
“I-I never drugged you!” He stuttered. “Are you sure your brain is working?” He laughs.
“There's no way I'd sleep for 12+ hours without you slipping something into my water. I knew it tasted funny!” You yell.
“You mother fucker!” Felix yells, lunging for San. Hyunjin grabs onto him, holding him back. He knows it won't do anyone any good for them to fight, especially you. As angry as he was right now, he knew he needed to do what was best for you and Felix getting into a fight with San would surely not be good for your recovery.
“If I see you out, you better watch your fucking back. I'm sick of you and your shit with Y/N. I swear to god if you touch her again ill fucking kill you.” Felix screams as Hyunjin pulls him outside, with you following closely behind.
Felix pulls himself out of Hyunjin’s grip, walking a little down the short walkway, taking deep breaths to try and calm down.
“I'm sorry.” you whisper. Felix turns around, he looks confused. Hyunjin stares at you in disbelief.
“Sorry for what?” Felix asks, walking closer to you.
“for everything. For believing San over you guys, for coming here, for just everything that I put you through the last little bit.” You cry.
“Listen to me.” Hyunjin starts. “You didn't put us through anything. HE put you and us through hell for his own sick enjoyment.” Hyunjin tells you. You can hear it in his voice how angry and upset he is at the moment.
“Never apologize for this. This wasn't you at all.” Felix chimes in. “So don't feel guilty, don't be upset and don't ever think we're mad at you for any of this.” He finishes.
The three of you walk to the car, Felix opening the passenger door for you before climbing in the back while Hyunjin takes the driver's seat.
“Now.” He starts. “We can go to the house or your apartment, which one do you want?”
“My apartment please.” You breathe. “I begged San to take me there but he wouldn't. I just want to be home.” You say. Hyunjin smiles as he starts to drive in the direction of your place. They were so fucking happy that you had come back to them, but they couldn't help but wonder how long they would have you for before something went wrong, because in their life, something always went wrong.
“Ah, my bed!” You squeal as you lay down gently in your bed, making sure not to hit the still tender wound on the back of your head.
“Are you hungry? Thirsty? Is there anything we can get you? Do you want us to stay? Go?” Felix asks. He really hoped you would ask them to stay.
“Please stay. I don't wanna be without you guys.” You smile. “I know we're really just starting out this relationship and already so many things have happened..” you pause. “So if you want out, tell me now.” You finish, holding your breath.
They both look confused again.
“Out?” Hyunjin asks.
“Why would we want out?” Felix asks.
“Because. Like I said. So much has happened.” You mutter.
“I've waited years for you baby, I'm not going anywhere unless I'm 6 feet in the ground.” Felix says.
“Yeah, you wanna get rid of me love, you're gonna have to kill me.” Hyunjin winks.
How did you end up so fucking lucky? You usually weren't the one to have the happy ending but maybe now things are finally changing for you?
You get under the covers in your bed, patting either side for the boys. They crawl in with you, snuggling up to you. You can't help but fall asleep so quickly, feeling so safe and loved right now. Over the next week you spent almost all your time in bed with Felix and Hyunjin waiting on you hand and foot. By the end of the week you felt back at 10p% and you were so grateful for them. As the three of you went to bed that night, you had a plan for the next day and you hoped they would be on board.
You wake up in the morning, feeling refreshed and sweaty. You have Felix’s arm draped around you with Hyunjin’s leg pinning you down. Your head was kinda sore but not as bad as it had been. You were finally feeling more yourself but you knew you needed to take some advil or something to alleviate the soreness you were in. You felt normal again and you loved it.
“Felix.” you groan, poking up. “Hyunjin. Move. My head is sore. I need something.” You say. Both men shoot up in bed, scrambling out and each running in a different direction to find you something. Minutes later Felix comes back with medicine while Hyunjin appears with some water.
“Perfect.” You smile, taking the pills and water. “Thank you. But you know you really didn't need to rush. It's just a small headache.” You giggle.
Felix looks at his phone, then looks back at you. “The guys want to see you.. I guess Chan is really beating himself up about this.” He sighs. You crawl out of bed, looking for some clothes.
“Well let's go then.” You say, grabbing an outfit to change into.
An hour later you're sitting outside the house. “Are you sure you're up for it?” Hyunjin asks.
“Definitely.” You smile. You wanted your normal life back and you needed them to stop treating you like you were a fragile glass doll. You were more resilient than they knew. The three of you walk up to the door. When the door opened, there stood 6 men with smiles on their faces to greet you.
“I'm so glad you're back, Y/N. Once you're up for it I want a beer chugging rematch.” Han laughs, wrapping his arms around you.
“You wanna lose again?” You giggle, moving on to Changbin who squeezes you tightly.
Seungmin and Lee Know both give you a quick hug, murmuring something you didn't quite catch, while Jeongin pulls you in tightly as well. You walk over to Chan, who's standing a little ways back from the group, his head hangs low as you approach him.
“I should have told the cops it was San..Y/N I'm so sorry for this whole thing. It's my fault.. I should have..” he continues to say, but you cut him off.
“Chan, stop it. You couldn't have known how things were going to turn out. I was fine and then I wasn't but I'm okay now. And I hope you know I'm not mad at you and I don't hold any of your decisions against you.” You say. You open your arms, pulling the sad man into you. He wraps his arms around you tightly, sniffling into your shoulder.
“Alright, alright.” Felix says, pulling you away from Chan. “She needs to rest now, go on.” He says, shooing the man away.
“Lix, I'm fine.” You smile. He looks at you like he's going to melt.
“Lix, huh?” He grins. “I like it.”
“Do you?” You say, matching his grin. You lean in closer to him, your lips brushing against his ear. “My Lixxie.” You whisper.
“Oh baby.” He groans, his deep sultry voice coming out to play. “You're just asking for it, aren't you?”
You turn your head, smirking as you look at Hyunjin. “You think I'm asking for it Jin?” You wink. He chuckles as he walks towards the two of you. “Mhmm, Jin? I don't know.” He sighs.
“How about Jinnie?” You whisper.
“I could get used to that.” He grins.
You lean in, your lips so close to touching before Chan pipes up.
“ Sorry to interrupt boys but we've got business to take care of.” He says, looking at Hyunjin and Felix.
“A race?” You question, looking between the two men.
Hyunjin and Felix both glance at each other before Hyunjin sighs. “Yeah there's a race tonight. But we have some things to take care of beforehand.” He says, looking at Felix.
“Stay here. We'll be back as soon as we can, okay?” Felix smiles.
No. You didn't want to stay. You were better, you wanted to go.
“I'm coming.” You say. You flashback to the last time you went and what happened. But you couldn't be afraid forever.
Felix and Hyunjin knew that they couldn't control you and if you said you felt ready then you were ready. They just hated the fact that they couldn't protect you while they raced.
“Fine. But while we race you need to stay with Chan and Changbin, okay? San will likely be there.” Hyunjin sighs.
You nod your head, excited to be able to see them race again. You stayed at the house while they went out and did whatever they needed to do before the rave, when they were done they swung by the house and picked an excited you up and headed out.
The crowd was larger than you remembered. There were more people racing this time and the spot was a lot bigger. You felt sure that with this many people in this big of a place you wouldn't see San.
“Who's racing now?” You ask Felix as the two of you sit on the bed of someone's truck, watching the tires spin and burn while the flag drops and the cars peel off.
“That would be Got7 in the blue car, I think it's Jinyoung driving. And then it's Lucas from NCT in the yellow one.” Felix says, sliding his arm around your shoulder.
Hyunjin walks over to the two of you, hopping up onto the truck beside you, resting his hand on your thigh.
“We're up next. We race against whoever wins this one.” He says. You were nervous, you always felt nervous when they were racing. The chance that there was an accident was really high with how fast they go.
The three of you walked hand in hand towards their group, Got7 had won so they were racing against Jinyoung.
“Be safe.” You sigh, giving both of them a kiss. You link your arm with Chan's as you watch them both walk away. Your eyes scan the crowd, looking at all the people here who were watching, and your eyes landed on someone familiar.
Your body tenses up so much that Chan notices. He looks where you were looking, your eyes locked in with San's.
“It's okay Y/N.” Chan says, rubbing your arm. “We're not going to let anything happen to you.” He smiles. Felix and Hyunjin peel off, the race starts. You knew San was going to be here but it still affected you and you really hadn't thought it would have.
A few minutes later you notice the rest of the guys standing in a half circle, talking to someone. Chan glances over and immediately a grin plastered across his face. “I'll be right back.” He says, pulling his arm from yours and walking over to the others. You stand there alone, peeking over to see a very beautiful girl that they were all talking to. You had no idea who she was but they were all clearly smitten with her. You looked through the crowd again, but didn't see San anymore. You started to calm down a little bit now, feeling like maybe he had left.
Until you feel someone grab your wrist and try to pull you. You look over, seeing San with your wrist in his hand, pulling you towards him.
“Come with me please.” San says, pulling a little harder.
“No. Let go of me.” You say, trying to yank your wrist from his grasp.
“Y/N stop, I just wanna talk.” He says. He starts walking towards the trees, dragging you with him. You turn your head.
“Chan!” You yell. He doesn't hear you. “Chan!” You scream a little louder. He puts up a finger, “just a second, Y/N.” He yells, not even turning around. You didn't have a second.
“I just want to explain!” San grunts. You're getting too close to the trees. Panic sets in. What did you do?
Scream. Scream Y/N.
You let out a loud, ear shattering scream. Chan and the rest of the guys all turn around, looking for you in horror. Chan sees you, San's hand covering your mouth as he drags you into the trees. He, Changbin and Lee Know run towards you, luckily grabbing you before San could get too deep. By the time they reach you, the race is over. Felix and Hyunjin had won, but instead of staying in the car to wait for the next race, they bolted towards the commotion they saw happening with you. They reach you just as Chan pulls you away from San.
“What the fuck is wrong with you!?” Chan yells.
“I just wanted to talk to her!” San yells, defending himself.
“You okay, baby?” Felix asks, giving you a once over.
“How did this happen?” Hyunjin yells. “I thought you were keeping an eye on her!?”
“I was! I was talking to Jennie.. just for a minute.” Chan says.
“I yelled for you! You told me just a second!” You breathe.
Chan hangs his head. “I'm sorry, Y/N. I really didn't think he would try anything.”
“Hyunjin, you go race, I'll stay with Y/N.” Felix says, wrapping his arm around you, taking you away from the group. He had never been more angry at his leader than he was at this moment. The two of you sit there, your head resting on Felix's shoulder. You watched Hyunjin in the car waiting for the race to start. He looks over at you, blowing you a kiss. You grin as you blow one back to him. Felix takes his finger, placing it under your chin, turning your face towards his. He smiles at you before leaning in, placing a tender kiss on your lips. You feel like you're going to melt with the way his lips feel on yours.
He breaks the kiss as he hears the crowd screaming, Hyunjin was racing San. You could feel your anxiety in the pit of your stomach. If San did anything or tried anything, you swore you would kill him.
Hyunjin takes off, you watch as he speeds off leaving San in the dust. You watch intensely where the cars come around the bend for the finish line. You were desperate to see Hyunjin come first. After minutes of waiting, you see him. San closely behind him. Hyunjin switches gears, The car takes off even faster, crossing the finish line well before San. The crowd erupts in cheers. You get off the truck, running towards Hyunjin. You push through the crowd of people and he grabs you, picking you up in a hug, spinning you around. He sets you down, kissing you passionately before the guys come over to celebrate.
“We're going to the club tonight!” Chan yells. “Time to celebrate!” Everyone cheers. You turn around, seeing a defeated San walk towards his group. You almost felt bad for him. Almost.
Later that night, you were dressed and ready to head to the club. You were so excited to go and dance with your boys, drink, let loose and have a great time.
“Ready?” Felix asks as he walks into the room.
“Ready.” You smile, walking towards him. He lets out a whistle as he grabs your hand to twirl you around.
“Wow.” He gasps. “Hyunjin.” He yells. “Come here.”
Hyunjin walks into the room wearing a black dress shirt tucked into his black pants, same as Felix and they both looked so fucking good.
“Jesus.” Hyunjin grins. “So sexy.”
You can feel the blush creep across your face as you giggle at the compliments. “Let's go, you two.” You say, grabbing both their hands to drag them out of the room.
“You sure?” Felix asks as you tug him along. “We could just stay home? There's a few things I can think of to do.” He smirks.
“Yeah, it would be a lot more fun.” Hyunjin agrees.
“We're going to celebrate you two. Shush.” You giggle.
The club is packed. You walk in feeling the bass pound through the floors, the smell of sex and sweat fills the air. The three of you make your way to the bar, ordering a few different shots. This felt nice, being out. It felt normal which you loved. After some shots you three made your way to the dance floor. Hyunjin behind you, Felix in front. You hadn't drank in so long that it didn't take very long for the booze to kick in. You stuck out your ass, grinding it onto Hyunjins crotch while Felix was between your legs, his body pressed up against yours. The whole thing was extremely hot, and it made you even hornier than you were to begin with. the feeling of both their hands roaming your body, Hyunjin's breath on the back of your neck, Felix's breath on your ear. You'd let them fuck you right there.
After an hour of dancing, you excused yourself to the bathroom. You could feel your pussy was dripping wet for them and you couldn't wait to get home tonight. You come out of the bathroom, searching for Felix and Hyunjin. You look around and finally see them standing side by side talking to the same girl that had been at the races. You could see her laughing, throwing her head back as she touched both their arms. That pissed you off. You make your way to the bar, sitting on a stool, ordering a drink. You barely notice the man sitting beside you. The bartender sets a drink and a shot beside you. You grab the shot, turning around in your seat to watch your boyfriends with Jennie. You wondered how long it would take for them to notice you hadn't come back yet or if at all. Maybe they were so immersed in the conversation with Jennie they completely forgot they had a girlfriend. You take your shot, setting it down on the bar before grabbing your drink and turning back around again. You're sipping on your drink. And sipping. And sipping. Until you're done and they still haven't noticed. You turn around, ordering another shot and another drink, turning back again to watch them.
You take your shot and before you can turn to grab your drink, there's a man standing in front of you.
“Hello.” He smiles.
“Hi.” You say back staying straight faced.
“Are you here alone?” He asks.
“No.” You deadpan, looking around him to see Hyunjin and Felix.
“I'm talking to you.” He laughs, moving in front of your view.
“And I'm not interested.” You snap, looking up at him.
“Woah, calm down.” He laughs. “Let me buy you a drink?”
“I have a drink.” You sigh.
“Wanna dance?” He asks.
“No.” You say. “Go away please.”
“Ah, just come dance.” He laughs again, grabbing your wrist.
“Bro.” The guy next to you snaps. “She's not fucking interested. Move along.”
“Okay, bro. Is she your girlfriend?” The man asks.
“Doesn't matter if she is or not. She doesn't want to dance, she doesn't want a drink, move the fuck on.” He says, removing his hand from your wrist. The guy scoffs before leaving you alone finally.
“Thank you.” You say looking over at the man who helped you. You squint your eyes, looking a little closer. “Jinyoung?” You ask.
“Yeah?” He responds, looking at you funny.
“You were at the races.” You say. “You raced against Hyunjin and Felix.”
“Yeah I did. Oh! You're their girlfriend. That's right. I remember you.” He says.
“Thank you again for helping me. I appreciate it.” You smile.
“It's no problem. Where are those two anyways?” He asks.
You nod your head in their direction. They were still talking to Jennie and you were fucking annoyed.
“I've been waiting to see how long it takes for them to notice I haven't come back from the bathroom. And this is embarrassing.” You sigh.
“That sucks. She's such a fucking cunt too.” He laughs. “She puts on a good show of being nice and flirty.”
“I don't want to be jealous. But I am. Cunt or not, they haven't even turned their heads to even peek for me. I'd love to make them jealous.” You laugh.
“Do you wanna dance?” Jinyoung asks. “I'm all for helping out.”
You grin at him as you nod your head. Maybe they won't forget about you to flirt with someone else next time. Jinyoung grabs your hand, pulling you towards the dance floor as you quickly chug your drink. He pulls you past Felix and Hyunjin, you turn your drunk head to smile at them, sticking your tongue out as you get to the front of the dance floor with Jinyoung. In their line of vision perfectly. He places his hands on your waist as you dance with him, moving your hips seductively. You can see the instant anger plastered across both their faces. You weren't sure if it was because you were dancing with another man, or because that man was Jinyoung. You continue to dance, giggling as you stick up your middle finger to them both, making them both slightly laugh. They walk away from Jennie, who turns to watch them, looking offended that they just left in the middle of a conversation.
“Y/N.” Felix says, using his deep voice.
“What?” You ask, still dancing.
“What are you doing?” He asks.
“Why are you dancing with another man?” Hyunjin asks.
“Why are you two flirting with Jennie?” You ask, now glaring at them both. “I've been out of the bathroom for 45 minutes, watching you two, neither of you wondered where I was?” You scoff.
“Baby..” Felix starts.
“Don't baby me.” You scoff. “Jinyoung here saved me when some creepy man was trying to force me to dance with him. Where were you two?” You slur.
You turn around facing Jinyoung who had been silent the whole time you'd been talking to them. You keep dancing, only for a second before Hyunjin pulls you away from Jinyoung. You turn to look at him, mouthing a ‘thank you’ as you giggle at the angry men guiding you away. He just laughs.
“I don't need help.” You say, pulling your hands away from them.
“I didn't like that.” Felix says as the three of you get outside. “Seeing you with him.”
“I could have beat the shit out of him.” Hyunjin says.
You say nothing, you just keep walking, both men behind you. You can hear them whispering but you can't hear what they're whispering about. Until you're grabbed, and dragged into an alley. You're pinned against the wall as an angry Hyunjin and Felix stare at you.
“Did you like it?” Hyunjin asks. “the feeling of his hands all over your body.”
“Did you feel his cock on your ass as you grinded with him?” Felix asks.
“Yes and yes.” You say, smirking. You wanted to rile them up. You loved it when they were jealous. You push them out of the way, continuing to stumble your way back to the house. You looked down and then back up, and Felix stood in front of you. He swiftly picks you up, throwing you over his shoulder. He walks the opposite way you were and sets you down inside a car.
You had forgotten they drove here. Felix slides in the backseat with you. You lay on your back, propping yourself up with your elbows as Felix lays semi on top of you. Hyunjin races to the house.
“I don't ever want to see another guy's hands on you ever again.” He whispers in your ear. Hyunjin pulls up to the house in record time, helping you out of the car as Felix gets out on the other side. Hyunjin pins you against the car.
“You're gonna be in big trouble if you ever do that again.” He says, placing kisses down your neck.
“Am I not in trouble now?” You gasp.
“Oh you are.” Felix smirks.
“Well so are you guys.” You say, walking towards the house.
Once you're inside, Felix slams the front door shut. The house is quiet. Everyone else is still out. You slide off your shoes, walking towards the kitchen. Felix grabs you, turning you around, pressing you against the wall. He smashes his lips to yours, kissing you harshly as he pulls up your dress. Hyunjin comes over to the two of you, peppering kisses over your neck as Felix pulls down your panties.
“After tonight, you're not going to want any other man to touch you.” Felix grunts.
This is what you had desperate been waiting for, and you couldn't fucking wait.
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kpop---scenarios · 4 days
Reckless (7)
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Pairing: Lee Know x Reader
Genre: Brothers Best Friend
Warnings: Mentions of depression, heartbreak, lying etc
Word Count: 2.2k
Taglist: @hyunjinhoexxx @ovulatingrn @jisunglyricist @guiltycoco @fawnpeaks @purple-bell @caught-in-the-afterglow @ana-marais98 @rylea08 @astraystayastayastray @partyparty-yah @skzswife @sillyhal @feellikecinderella @asphalstead @minh0scat @anthropologymajorkpopmultistan @gabriellamariee @hyun-hwanj @zerefdragn33l @stelle-aka-simp @chanbahng29 @blackbluerose666 @mmarusa
@glitter-z @seungminsapuppy
Previous Chapters
Minho sits in his room, the silence was deafening. He tried anything and everything to distract himself, but there was only one thing his mind kept wandering to, and it was the conversation he had with Jisung after you had gone upstairs,yesterday. His stomach twisted with anxiety as his mind raced, he knew he needed to make a decision that was best for him, but he knew, whatever decision he made was going to hurt someone he loved. He gets up, walking downstairs into the kitchen, where he sees you and Jisung, and his heart hurts instantly.
“Are you going out tonight?” Jisung asks you.
“I'm not sure. I don't have any plans yet, but I might see what Hyunjin is doing.” You say, glancing over to Minho. He completely avoids eye contact with you, making your heart sink. He hadn't said a word to you since the whole confrontation yesterday, and to be completely honest, you had thought that he would have been groveling and begging on his knees for you right now. But he wasn't. He looked stressed and sad. It made you want to hug him and tell him it was going to be okay, but you couldn't. You needed to remain strong and if he wanted you then he would show you.
At least you hoped he would.
Day after day after day you waited for Minho to say something to you, to acknowledge you but day after day he left a room if you walked in, with his head down. If you called out for him, he'd give you a sympathetic half smile before walking away from you. It left you feeling confused and hurt, wondering what the fuck was actually happening.
“I don't get it.” You sigh to Jisung. “He said he loved me.”
Jisung looks at you, trying to be sympathetic but you could tell he wasn't sincere and it made you wonder if he had done something. But you didn't ask, you left it alone. You wanted to talk to Minho, but Jisung didn't seem to think that was such a good idea.
“If he's avoiding you, it might just be for the best, yeah?” He says. “Obviously he doesn't want to talk to you, I don't think he's going to do what you expected him to do, Y/N.”
“It just doesn't make sense. Why say all those things if he knew he wasn't gonna try? Why would he get my hopes up? I really think I should talk to him.” You decide, standing up from the couch.
“No, Y/N. I'm telling you right now, leave it alone.” Jisung snaps.
You're taken aback, why was he snapping at you?
“I'm sorry. I just don't want you to get hurt more than you already have.” He says, pulling out his wallet. “Here, take this, go out with Hyunjin, or better yet, go out with Chan. On me.” He smiles.
You hesitantly take the money, where was your actual brother, cause this guy was not it.
“Okay..” you murmur, grabbing your phone.
“That's good. Chan is the better option, I think.” He smiles, turning back towards the TV continuing to watch his show.
You walk up the stairs replaying what Jisung said to you. He wouldn't do anything to keep you apart, right?
That night, you're sitting with Chan, laughing and smiling at his stories, trying to be fully invested but you cannot stop thinking about Minho. You felt like he owed you at least a little bit of an explanation. If he didn't want to be with you, then tell you so you could move on but it felt like he had played nothing but games with you for months. And there was a partial love confession, until you finally told Jisung, and then there was a full on love confession. But since then it's been radio silence.
“You okay?” Chan asks. You look at him, slightly embarrassed.
“Yeah, sorry, I got caught up in my head.” You laughed.
“Everything okay?” He asks. You nod your, smiling at him as you finish your drink. Chan slides two shots towards you, wiggling his eyebrows as he glances from the shots to you, back and forth. You laugh, taking them both back to back. “Now get out of your head, and come back to me.” He smiles.
“I'm just gonna go to the bathroom quick.” You tell him, grabbing your purse, stumbling away. You can feel the drinks hit you like a ton of bricks. You sit down on the toilet, fully clothed and pull out your phone.
[11:57pm To: Minho] Why are you doing this to me?
[11:59pm From: Minho] I'm not doing anything. Please Y/N, stop.
[12:00am To Minho] Stop what? Stop loving you? I can't. I need closure. Please.
[12:02am From: Minho] Y/N. I can't love you. Leave me alone. Move on. Be happy. Just stay away from me. Don't talk to me, don't text me, don't think about me, and please stop loving me.
You can feel the tears welling in your eyes as you read his text again, over and over. Why was life so fucking cruel? All you ever wanted was to be happy, and it seemed like you weren't even allowed to have that. But fine, if he wanted you to move on then that's what you would do, after you confronted him in person. You had too. You needed to hear him say those words to your face, you needed to watch him tell you to stay away from him, even if it ended up breaking you.
That night, Chan dropped you off and you drunkenly rushed into the house. You stomped up the stairs and stood in front of the door of Minho's room. You stood with your fist raised to bang on the door for a few seconds, trying to catch your breath while also trying to muster up the courage to actually knock. Part of you didn't want to hear him say those words because you really didn't want them to be true, but the other part of you, well you knew that you needed to hear them or you just wouldn't fully believe him.
You press your ear to the door, there's no sound of movement. Maybe he was sleeping? You place your hand on the door, twisting the knob before pushing the door open, only to find an empty room. The drawers in the dresser were open and empty, the closet where his clothes hung was empty. There were no sheets, pillows or blankets on his bed, all of his things were gone.
You rush out of the room, down to Jisung's room. You busted in, scared the shit out of him.
“He's gone.” You whisper.
“I know.” Jisung says.
“Why?” You ask.
“I don't know.” Jisung sighs. “He said it was time. He felt guilty for everything he did to you I guess.”
“No, I need to talk to him. He can't just move out without a word.” You whimper, fumbling with your phone.
“What did I say about talking to him, Y/N.” Jisung yells. “Christ, you don't listen. Don't make me tell you what he told me. Just believe me when I say, leave him alone.”
“What do you mean what he told you? What did he tell you?” You ask.
“You don't want to know.” Jisung says, avoiding your eyes.
“Tell me. Or I'll track him the fuck down.” You snap.
“He said you were nothing but a game to him. Just another notch on his belt. That you were just my little sister and nothing more.” Jisung tells you. You swore, in that moment, you could actually feel your heart shattering into a million little pieces.
“Oh.” Jisung watched as your face sank, the color completely draining from it. You said nothing else, just shuffled out of his room and went into yours. You closed the door quietly behind you, crawling into bed without the will to even get changed. Maybe if you slept, you'd feel better in the morning.
You didn't.
Over the next few weeks, It was like depression had fully taken over you. You looked in the mirror and saw a shell of the person you used to be. The bags under your eyes were heavy, your face was pale, hair was matted. You looked sick, and honestly you felt sick. You still couldn't get over the fact that he had said that about you. You'd never hurt this much over some man before and you hated yourself for letting him have this kind of effect on you but at this point you didn't know how to get out of it. You had charged your phone in weeks, not that you'd answer if anyone called or texted anyways. Hyunjin and Jisoo tried to see you, but you wouldn't even roll over to say hi. Instead you hid under your covers and silently wept until they left.
And Jisung. He tried to get you to eat anything, drink anything but you wouldn't. You had no interest in fueling your body. Until it had been just over a month and Jisoo and Hyunjin had enough. They busted into your room as you stared at yourself in the mirror.
“Shower time!” Jisoo yells. Hyunjin marches past you, turning on your shower before throwing you over his shoulder and sitting you in the tub fully clothed, despite your weak protests.
“Why!” You yell out as Jisoo takes your hair from its bun. She sits with you, washing your hair, rinsing it, conditioning it and rinsing it again. She helps you brush your teeth before helping you into clean, dry clothes. And then she sits with you, brushing out your hair as you listen to her talk. A lot of what she was saying were things you knew were true and things you had told yourself, but it was different hearing it from someone else. A few hours later, she had fully brushed out your hair, took your hand and took you downstairs to make you something to eat. Luckily Hyunjin was already finishing up making some of your favorite food. You hadn't realized how hungry you actually were until you smelt it. Your stomach growled as your mouth drooled. You sat down, eating, talking and finally smiling for the first time in a while.
Every day after that, Jisoo and Hyunjin were over, and every day, you were becoming yourself a little bit more and more. You were finally starting to move on and move forward. It felt good. You were feeling good. You still missed Minho, and you honestly weren't sure if you would ever stop.
A few weeks later, you decided to meet up with Chan for coffee. He had you laughing until your stomach hurt, and it felt so fucking good to be out again and feel like yourself again, especially with someone who was genuinely interested in you and being with you. He had asked you out again that night, wanting to take you for dinner and out of drinks after. You accepted, excited for the night. You walked down the street after your coffee, telling Chan you had wanted to do a little window shopping before going home. Of course he offered to go with you but you politely declined, wanting to be alone and take your time. As you're walking down the street, you're looking at a beautiful silver ring in the window. You sigh before you continue walking, accidentally bumping into someone. You look up and your breath hitches. It was the last person you had expected to see out.
“Minho.” You whisper. He was thin, thinner than usual. The bags under his eyes looked almost exactly how yours had, along with his sunken face.
“Y/N.” He responds, staring at you, looking you up and down. “You look good.” He half smiles.
“You should have seen me a few weeks ago. I was a mess after you left.. after you said that shit about me.” You half yell, remembering you were in public.
“What?” He asks. “What stuff did I say?”
“Don't play dumb, Minho. I was just another notch on your belt. Just Jisung’s little sister. A game.” You say.
“Who said I said that about you? I never fucking said that.”
“Jisung. He kept telling me to stop talking to you because you didn't want to talk to me.” You explain.
“That motherfucker.” Minho snaps. “Don't go home for a while, unless you wanna see your brother's ass beat.” He yells, storming off. You follow him, sliding into the passenger seat of his car.
“I deserve to know what's going on.” You deadpan, buckling your belt. Good thing you did, because you and Minho managed to get to your house in record time.
“HAN FUCKING JISUNG.” Minho screams, storming into the house.
Jisung jumps up off the couch, looking absolutely fucking terrified.
“What are you doing here?” He asks, looking between Minho and you.
“I happened to run into Y/N on the street, where she started screaming at me about why I would say such shitty things about her. She doesn't know, does she?” Minho yells, pointing to you. “She doesn't know you told me that I had to choose between staying friends with you, or being with the one that I fucking fell in love with.”
“You did what?” You whisper, staring at your brother.
Jisung stands there, his eyes darting between you and Minho, unable to utter a sentence, not even a word. Turns out Jisung would do whatever he could to keep you apart.
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