Hi. I just discovered Ephemeron (its Chinese translation, actually). It's so beautifully written and it breaks my heart and it has EVERYTHING I love about Starker. Then I did some digging and found out that you probably won't finish it. I seem to do that a lot, stumble upon a masterpiece and forget to check its status before reading then find out it won't be finished. (tears.
Anyway, I still want to thank you for all your effort and time you put in this fic. Thank you so, so much. I just want to let you know that there still are new readers who appreciate this story.
Thank you so much for sending this kind message! I'm sorry it's taken me so long to respond, but I really do appreciate it. It's especially nice to hear that people still love the fic as is, even if I lost the passion and couldn't complete it for all my loyal readers. I'm so glad you got enjoyment from reading what I wrote. At some point I do hope to post some sort of conclusion-summary of what I had planned originally, so stay tuned.
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