silvermoon424 · 4 days
Thank you beyond words for the Raisonne scans. I am in tears, it's so beautiful to see a revival in official art.
I'm so happy you like them!! I definitely recommend buying the artbook if you can, the physical artbook is amazing!
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tofeelthecold · 6 days
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this meme || accepting
@nerdqueenmari said: I'm pretty sure you're already half in love with me. / Brenna for thran
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"And what makes you think that?" Thranduil countered as he watched Brenna. He wasn't the most open of people and he didn't like having his emotions on display.
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multistoty · 1 year
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inspired by the lovely @nerdqueenmari @westerosiqueens
Jace and Helaena in House of the Dragon 1x08
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catadioptrics · 1 year
🍏 Parent/Guardian & Child / with my little 'tina, Graa
Muse Relationship Dynamics
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"Okay, now say fuck. F-U-C-K."
this has the potential to be adorable but it would also be VERY cursed because ikki is a bad influence he spawns in your life and makes you a worse person
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oficecndfyre · 1 year
🐝  *  ―  send 🖋 or ( ‘PLOTS’ ) for me to tell you a couple potential plot ideas i have for our muses, whether it just be certain types of dynamics or general storylines i’d like to explore. / How about three of 'em, dealer's choice for any of our muses :3
*Anything with Joanna and any of her kids [including Nyra]
*Em/Jocelyn telling their nephews all the dirt about their dad[s]
*Tysha winding up a servant to Illyrio by the time of book/season one and being a handmaid to Dany
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righteousmen · 1 year
❝ you’ve been much alone these past few years. alone and angry. ❞ / nyra for alicent
"O-of course I've been angry!" Alicent snaps, her voice cracking as she glares over at Rhaenyra. Maybe it was the pregnancy, still in it's early stages but already reaping havoc on her emotional state, or maybe it was Rhaenyra herself, but she wasn't in the mood for niceties. "I-I - I had to - I lost my best friend an-and I-I've been... you've acted like it's - like I wanted this. Like I-I stole your father or - or am trying to usurp your position an-and the whole time you wouldn't give me a chance!"
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horizonboundtrainer · 2 years
Examine! One (1) disgraced former Team Magma Boss Maxwell Matsubusa
Examine!” and an item or person and I’ll write an RPG description of it/them | Accepting
Something ugly rises to the surface whenever you look at his face. At the man who ruined your life. Who ruined your family. You could kill him with ease but you won't.
You hope he drinks himself to death. You hope he chokes on a fishcake and dies, that he steps on a rusty nail and gets tetnus because you sure as hell aren't gonna be the one killing him. He doesn't deserve to die a martyr, the defeated villain cut down at the hands of the hero. He deserves a far more ignoble end where nobody'll know or care that he died till they find the body a month later. You know he'd hate it. ( After all, you've already had your revenge against the woman who killed Skoll. )
He's a pathetic shell of a man these days which is just how you prefer it. Sometimes you visit him to check that he's still alive and remind him of just how far he's fallen. Archie joins you on occasion and on those days, the three of you end up slinging drunken threats of bodily harm across the table. There's something satisfying about seeing your old enemy disgraced and unable to do anything about it.
( Sometimes you wonder if they were friends once judging from how they interact. There's something far too familiar about their insults to be those of lifelong enemies. It's as if they know exactly how to slip past each other's guard. You've learned not to ask for the details unless you want to send Archie on another hour long rant. )
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ofloveandsacrifice · 2 years
Send a headcanon you have about our muses’ relationship and I’ll tell you if I approve of it or not. : though Elizabeth always wears a gown in public, in her childhood her father didn't mind if she spent her time at home wearing breeches and doing unladylike things.
Though only at home!
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asycuwish · 2 years
aloe :   how does your muse handle grief ? chrysanthemum :   how does your muse express romantic love ?  how do they feel about love as a concept ?   edelweiss :   what was the bravest moment in your muse’s life ?  are they known to be courageous from then on ?   iris :   if your muse could convey one last message to someone they have lost or left behind ,   what would it be ?  oak :   who would your muse consider the strongest person they know ?  peony :   what would a   ‘  happy life  ’   look like in your muse’s eyes ?southernwood :   how seriously does your muse take themself ?   do they prefer a solemn   &   intellectual atmosphere or do they delight in jokes   &   banter ?  
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Alrighty I am sufficiently distracted enough to take this on! Thank you a bunch @nerdqueenmari , hope you enjoy reading this. Again - any response I have will NOT be answered directly by canon material. This is from personal interpretation from the information I possess about him.
Aloe: He truly doesn't It isn't that he goes out of his way to avoid it, Fett merely compartmentalizes it. He will perhaps accept a time to mourn but it is never truly enough time to do so. Growing up and having to raise himself essentially, learn the trade of bounty hunting and always being on his toes never really allowed him to grieve Jango properly. And as he aged, the lack of previous experience, taught him by association the best way to process grief was to acknowledge the loss and stay busy. Because what was lost, is lost and nothing can be done to reverse that. However, I do want to add, every loss adds to his suppressed anger at the concept of mortality.
Chrysanthemum: Poorly. Again, he never really had much examples growing up on how love is demonstrated. He becomes overly protective in fear of losing someone else he cares for which can cause his partner to push him away, or he may fall into beliefs that his partner would be more safe had he not been involved and distance himself as a way to subconsciously self sabotage the relationship. But err - love language wise? Acts of service is how he expresses it. How does he feel about love as a concept? It is a dream that we all strive for, but never will we find a love that meets the expectations we foolishly created for ourselves.
Edelweiss: Climbing out of the Sarlacc pit. He was known for bravery (to an extent) but he had dismissed these notions having believed they were normal. His experience in the sarlacc shaped his own mentality of how brave he could be when it was needed.
Iris: If he could leave one last message to someone he lost - I would think he would ask Jango if he was proud of him, and thank him for all the good memories they did have together before saying how he wishes they could have made more. How he's sorry for not doing more to carry on the family name, but he hopes he is proud of him.
Oak: His father.
Peony: His concept of what a happy life entails is forever changing but basing this off of Book of Boba Fett timeline, I would imagine his happy life is now redemption for his past. Whether that is consciously his objective I am uncertain, but I truly do think him changing his approach and his experience with the Tuskans has led him to become a bit more merciful and reflect a lot on his past. So his happy life is perhaps a life where he could have balanced the good things he's done with the bad.
Southernwood: Depending on his company he goes between the two. He knows to be serious in certain company, but rather foolish in others. The latter of which is if he feels comfortable enough to put down his guard and the professional mask he often adorns.
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All multiples of 4 for Kasai
random headcanon q’s 
4. who would your muse consider their best friend?
Even during his Team Magma days Kasai was kind of a loner and didn't put much effort into socializing, so the person he considers to be his closest friend is actually his surrogate big brother, Ryuji.
(To be fair, they did grow up together. It's pretty hard to compete.)
He actually became Hibiki's friend after the events of Emerald (bonding over the times they fought and Kasai completely demolished Hibiki), but a good chunk of their friendship consists of one of them infodumping about his respective hyperfixation and the other standing there and listening. They're both introverts.
8. how many fights has your muse been a part of? how did they fare?
Too many to count. Living on the streets in a place like Mauville meant that people would often see him as a threat or someone who could be harmed without consequences, so he had to learn how to defend himself, and after joining Team Magma he was exposed to even more danger than before. While his official designation as a scout meant that he wasn't supposed to fight very often, he's still part of a criminal organization, so that meant he would have to fight if needed, especially since they had an active rivalry with another criminal organization.
In a Pokémon battle, he's good but nothing outstanding. He can definitely hold his own against Team Aqua grunts and other normal trainers, but in a battle against more skilled trainers like gym leaders, Team Aqua admins and of course Haruka he's out of his depth. In an actual brawl without Pokémon involved, however, he fares much better and has won most of the fights he was in since he's actually really strong. He's in a weird position where he has lost to Haruka, Anabel and Hibiki in a Pokémon battle but also has defeated all 3 of them in a fistfight (and would probably kick Leo's ass too if they ever fought).
Weeb's got moves.
12. what is a lesson your muse’s parent(s)/guardian taught them that they still hold onto?
He doesn't actually remember anything about his biological parents and was raised at an orphanage staffed primarily by volunteers that usually worked there for religious reasons, so many of the lessons given to him as a child were explained through a religious perspective. The one that stuck with him the most was to be polite, as Lord Rayquaza was a balancing force that didn't take kindly to people who quarreled needlessly, so he makes a point to avoid conflict unless it's necessary.
(This is also the same reason why he's so appalled by swear words.)
After the orphanage went under and he was left to his own luck, the closest thing he had to a guardian figure was actually Ryuji (who's only a few years older and should not be teaching lessons), who told him not to rely on anyone as sometimes people would simply be unable to help, no matter how well-intentioned they are. That lesson stuck with him and made it so he tries to do everything by himself and only ask for help as a last resort, even if asking for help from the start would get things done much faster.
16. is your muse argumentative? if not, what is a topic they feel strongly enough about to argue for?
Kasai's a weird case in that he's simultaneously not very argumentative, actually quite polite and likely to cooperate with other people, but also a complete wildcard who's completely willing to break rules and disobey people if left unchecked. His internal logic is actually quite simple- he doesn't like to cause problems or make a scene, so when making a decision that affects a group of people he'll always do what's best for everyone else unless doing so makes things worse for himself in some way, in which case he'll politely avoid making a fuss over it and simply do whatever the hell he wants without consulting anyone else.
He becomes a completely different person when ranting about pop culture, though.
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silvermoon424 · 1 month
Ooh, happy birthday! Thank you for making my dashboard better!
I'm so glad you enjoy my blog! Thank you 🩷
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cosmicelite · 2 years
Monday asks, all multiples of 7 c:
.;. Munday Asks
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14. what do you think about roleplaying with personals?
It's not for me. I always answer asks and things from personals, but threading with them wouldn't make much sense ahaha. They can make a roleplay blog if they want to rp.
21. what do you think of your muse’s popular fandom ship?
They all pale in the face of the one true best ship, Zarbon x Beast Zarbon. Now that’s the stuff~. 
28. is your muse canon divergent in any way?
Yes, he is not walking around being dead with a big hole in him so that is pretty divergent I think. 
I should give him a scar from that just to make him bitter and miserable.
36*. do you feel similar to your muse in any way?
Mmm... I'm only a little bit appearance focused whereas Zarbon is obsessed and it is actually kind of a problem--he probably needs help. He's also really tall and muscly and could crush a watermelon between his thighs, whereas I'm pretty sure my thighs could be crushed by a watermelon.
*35 doesn't apply to me so I skipped 1 I am not that bad at addition I promise
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acalculatedfuture · 2 years
Barry, what's your most embarrassing flirt fail?
Send 😶 + a really uncomfortable question and my muse has to answer it
"It was this one time when I was spending vacation in Galar. I was hanging out with this girl, we were having a good time, and then she asks me to help her make some tea."
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"By the time I put the teabag in the water she already listed 10 things I did wrong."
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shireentheunburnt · 1 year
Dragons Return to Dragonstone
Shireen had settled with her mother in the dressing room when guards brought the news that, not only was an army approaching, but dragons were too. The girl’s back straightened as she held her precious charred stag figurine to her middle with both hands. She should have known that her dreams, as they had so recently come true in the worst of ways, would also come to life this way as well. Especially as her father had dismissed the idea as rumour... She had learned, with a painful certainty, that Stannis’ word was not to be trusted nor believed...
With a steadying breath, and a settling hand to her mother so that the older woman would not suffer undue stress, she left the room with the Baratheon Bannerman and followed him out so that she could greet the approaching people properly. Hopefully, this could be an amicable meeting and any issues settled without violence. Her people had suffered more than enough of late, and their morale was still struggling to recover. The princess didn’t want any further hardship to befall them.
Stepping outside, her guard beside her, she looked to the skies to watch the approaching dragons, and waited... 
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catadioptrics · 1 year
What’s the worst role playing experience you’ve had? Things that you will not tolerate? Have you ever felt like something off about someone? How much does it take for you to get angry/upset? How long does it usually last?
Lets get some NaCl-y on Munday!
What’s the worst role playing experience you’ve had?
That one time a mun wanted to ship with me and kept trying to gaslight me into changing my muse's characterization to turn him into an abuser no matter how many times I said no it was just uncomfortable
Things that you will not tolerate?
it's quite simple if you try to use me as a springboard to hype up your muses as The Best Ever and portray mine as a bunch of losers i'm blocking your ass
Have you ever felt like something off about someone?
Already answered this one
How much does it take for you to get angry/upset? How long does it usually last?
Honestly it's pretty rare for me to get angry and I don't stay angry for long but aside from the Gaslighting Incident earlier I also had people in a group RP I hosted being homophobic and glorifying white supremacists and that was like kind of unacceptable
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darkanakin-rp · 2 years
💔 + a character: What must they do to ruin their relationship?
Be a normal relationship...Anakin can’t maintain a normal relationship he is toxic. Even before he fell as a Sith he was obsessive. A plain relationship with a partner that can’t or won’t accept him will obviously fail because they will leave it won’t mean Anakin won’t obsessively pursue them but what ends it for him is boredom. 
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