#neko germany
miatzy · 1 month
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Neko Italy with his friends
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miikoissant · 10 months
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I need more Nekotalia
Sauce: Hetalia The World Twinkle episode 15
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immuchobligedtoyou · 7 months
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Japan w/ Germouser, Itabby, & Russikot
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corgifruityart · 1 year
loving the nekos so much! have you been considering drawing the gerita nekos?
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FUNNY YOU MENTION IT, CAUSE I HAD A SKETCH DONE ALREADY, just needed to line and color em!
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koolkat9 · 10 months
Nekotalia Germany has the cutest toe beans.
They all do, but yeah. Though he probably keeps his distance so it's hard to see sometimes.
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thehetaliaweeb · 10 months
For today's comic, I'm going to make a nekoItaly and nekogermany comic! Stay tuned!
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Before Maid Day ends...
Have a neko maid Germany I drew a few weeks back.
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hwslara · 1 month
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made some card art for the mochidex bot! i think it came out pretty cute hehe
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The reconciliation
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these-weirdnations · 1 year
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Headcanons for Ludwig’s and Gilbert’s pets✨ I hope to do these for many other characters!
He’s a Russian blue, and was a gift to a young Ludwig in the late 1800s by some human aristocratic, at first Ludwig wasn’t sure, as he was very much a dog person, but grew to love him all the same.
Was named little flower because he was a itty bitty kitten when they got him.
Is very dog friendly, but would push Gilpurr of a shelf for a corn chip.
Neko!prussia + Gilbird
Gilbert has had Gilbird since childhood but adopted Neko!prussia of the street 1700s maybe? Related to him a lot as he
He’s deaf, as most white cats with blue eyes, especially albino cats, tend to be born deaf.
And because of that he is LOUD, like seriously look up deaf cat videos they do not hold back, It doesn’t help when Gilbird joins in…
I wanted to say Gilbird was a yellow canary but they weren’t introduced to Europe until a lot later so :/
Blackie, Berlitz and Aster
Blackie is one of those German shepherds that have a lot more black then tan, hence the name.
Always imagined Aster as the golden retriever but apparently Berlitz is actually supposed to the golden retriever but I didn’t realise that until afterwards so oops
Their probably all sardined into Ludwig’s bed at night. There’s a step at his bed so Berlitz doesn’t hurt his back.
Aster was the first dog Ludwig had as a child, she originally was hre. Then came Blackie, then Berlitz.
Have you ever heard a choir consisting of three dogs, a deaf cat and a bird? The neighbours sure have.
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waterbottlqueen · 1 year
sorry head full with mob psycho thoughts rn but ANYWAYS i had planned to post these gerita doodles like... a week ago so here!!!
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its just a bunch of shitty little gerita doodles as i promised!!! this was half bc i wanted to draw gerita and half because i kind of promised i would and now the math isn't mathing bc its also half because i wanted to practice drawing 2 ppl more often
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headingalaxys-sweet · 2 years
Neko’s Brought me to my Lover:
Germany 🇩🇪
Germany had just arisen from his still-warm bed. He stretches his limbs so that his muscles have a smooth transition from rest into high heart rate mode. He touched his toes and then lifted his arms to the sky. He then proceeded to change into the black sweatpants he used for jogging and a white T-shirt. He slipped on his usual black tennis shoes and began to finish his preparations for his daily morning jog. He gave his legs a few more stretches and he felt like he was fully ready for his morning run.
“Hans are you ready Katze?” He says in a soft but stern voice.
His grey/ blue eyes nodded in agreement. The cat was also ready to start the day off right.
Ludwig grabbed the green cameo-colored harness and secured it around his precious grey cat, Hans. Ince his cat was ready to go he snapped on his Apple watch to track his morning jogs progress and to count his macros.
‘Alright, let's make today productive.’
Ludwig began his journey into the cool morning air the sun was only grazing the darkened night sky lightly. The navy dome held within it a now collision between the two solar opposites. There was a brilliant reddish-orange that faded into yellow and progressed into cooler hues. Ludwig loved this time in the morning. The world was still quiet and cradled by darkness. When he left his home and began his jog he didn’t immediately start with a run. He took some steps and decided to take in the early morning glory and all it had to offer. The birds chirping and the wind beginning to nip at his ears with the chilled breeze. Peace. The only time where he wasn’t bombarded by the tremendous list of things he had to get done on his to-do list.
He strolled passed the surrounding houses on the pathway that led into the forest he liked to frequent on his morning jogs. The houses were all pastel or solid white. There were floral vines that cascaded down them like a lightning bolt of early Spring blooms of yellow, pink, and blue. While passing the cottages he could see that all but one had their lights on. They were dim and he could smell a green tea of sorts being brewed. While he could only smell the tea Hans could smell another cat nearby in the same house that the scent of tea was wafting from.
Someone else in the neighborhood enjoyed early mornings just as much as I did. How nice.
As Ludwig mused to himself as he continued to the forest Hans decided to wander away from their usual route.
‘Boring I want to do something cool today. Maybe make a new friend that I can make battle plans with.’ Hans begins to maneuver away from Ludwig and re-route himself towards the only cottage that was alive at 5:30 am.
Ludwig only realized his cat had plans when the harness’ lead was suddenly yanked from his left hand.
“HANS! WAS MACHTS DU?!?! WARTEN SIE!” (What are you doing!?! Wait!)
Hans made a mad dash towards the small home and broke in through the cat door in the back that led straight to the kitchen.
‘Mein Gott. Why? And this early in the morning?!’ He lets out a long sigh and begins his way toward the house. ‘I hope whoever lives there isn’t too angry that a rouge cat decided to show up this early in the morning.’
“MEWOOOOOOW.” Hans, announces himself to the inhabitants that live inside. He was greeted by y/n a 20-something that had a cat beside them while they were making breakfast of sorts. Bread, with some sliced meat, and some basic cheese and of course the tea.
“Hello, there little guy.” You were amused that a random cat with a harness decided to bust in your home this early in the morning. You chuckle at the sight. Your cat hides behind your legs and peeks out at Hans.
“Mew” your cat looks up at you.
“Hahah. It’s okay (cat name). It’s just another cat.” You giggle at your cat's reaction to the grey one that seemed interested in trying to meet your cute marble cat.
Hans allows you to pet him. He purrs and even lays down to let you rub his belly. Your cat however was staring at the events like: ‘Bruh. You kidding me right?’ She was not happy with Hans.
Just as you arose from the floor to pour out your steeping tea you hear your doorbell ring.
‘Must be the cat's owner. That was fast.’ You wander to the door to open it to reveal a sturdy-looking German man that was your age. His beautiful blue caught you in a bind.
oh …
“Morgen. Morning. Uh, I’m sorry to bother you this early in the morning but….” Ludwig lets his eyes swing low to the ground. He was caught off guard by how beautiful you were so in an attempt to save face he decided not to stare you down in the eyes. Plus it was hardly 6 am. So the excuse that he’s tired and just trying to get his cat might just be an excuse that could work and not scare you away.
“Seen your cat? Yes, he’s-”
“Mewwww mewwwww~” You hear Hans cry out to your marble cat.
“Want to just come in and maybe have some tea? It looks like your cat has taken a liking to mine” You let out another chuckle that Ludwig finds cute and he is in disbelief that you’re allowing him in. He trails behind you inside to your quaint kitchen where you quickly grab the tea before it got to the point to where it would be bitter and poured it into two mugs.
“Do you take milk and sugar with your tea? It’s Jasmine tea by the way.” You hand the mug to him.
“Just the tea alone will do for me thank you. Again. I’m so sorry about my cat he can be wild sometimes.”
“It’s fine things happen and cats are crazy. No harm no foul.” You retort you really didn’t care.
“Want to have some bread with this sausage? I found this nice bakery yesterday and it was epic and the supermarkets here are fantastic.”
A foreigner.
Ludwig was lost in thought as he watched Hans meowed relentlessly at the marbled cat that stared at him with disgust from the wooden high chair.
‘Verrückt Katze.’
You placed the food on the table and prepared your tea with milk and some honey and watched your two cats go at each other for the next couple of hours.
“By the way what's your name.” Trying to break the silence and ignoring the no answer to the previous statement.
Ludwig snaps out of his trance of watching the cats.
“Huh? Oh Yes, it’s Ludwig Belischmidt. And you are?”
“(First name, Last name) nice to meet you Ludwig.”
“Y/N what a pretty name. So I take it that you’re new ja?”
“Yeah from (Country name). I’m starting a new job here.”
And from there a new relationship between the two of you bloomed. Ludwig takes his time in courting you but it was sweet all the same. Even for your two cats who eventually learned to love each other.
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bunny-bun-draws · 3 months
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So I found this silly image of a cat and after some thinking and neko bot server thinking, I decided to make Italy based on it. Then Germany. Then the rest of the Axis (+ Spain because I love him)
I hope you enjoy the sillies  and if you would like me to make other neko please tell me xd
(this the original image btw)
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itsuki-minamy · 2 years
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"MISSING KINGS" (Novel / Complete)
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
* Prologue: In Dresden * Chapter 1: Raid * Chapter 2: Recovery Operation * Chapter 3: Awakening * Epilogue: In the Schattenreich
The Dresden Slate, a mysterious relic found in Dresden, Germany during the war. The "Slate" brought to Japan after the war chose the seven kings of supernatural powers.
The "Silver King", a watcher with unchanging power.
The "Golden King" who controls destiny and brings prosperity.
The "Red King" who harbors a fiery flame of destruction.
The "Blue King", guardian of order and justice.
The "Green King" who plans to change the world.
The "Grey King" who protects the weak.
And the Joker "Colorless King" who knows what he will bring.
The "kings" led groups of people with supernatural powers who shared their own power, sometimes bringing people happiness, sometimes spreading terrible death and destruction, sometimes fighting, sometimes uniting, disappearing and being reborn.
In 2012, after the death of the "Colorless King" Ichigen Miwa, who worked as a mediator of "kings", the new "Colorless King" who appeared as a dangerous king of chaos, produced a battle involving the three kings, "Red King" "Blue King" and "Silver King".
As a result of that incident, known as the Gakuenjima Incident, the "Colorless King" was destroyed by the "Silver King" Isana Yashiro and the "Red King" Suoh Mikoto, but Isana Yashiro's whereabouts were unknown. Suoh was killed by Reisi Munakata, the "Blue King", just before his Sword of Damocles fell.
Yatogami Kuro and Neko, who became members of the clan of the "Silver King", known as the Immortal "King", believed in the survival of their king and continued to search for his whereabouts for almost a year.
In a world where multiple "Kings" have disappeared, a new gear of fate begins to turn.
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elibean · 7 months
thank you for the tag, @sgdlr-asdfghjkl ! :D
last song: Bravely You- Lia
song stuck in head: uuuuuh. free of that at the moment i guess haha
favourite colours: red
currently watching: entirely too much...atarashii joushi wa do tennnen, hoshikuzu telepath, jujutsu kaisen 2nd season, kusuriya no hitorigoto, mahoutsukai no yome season 2 part 2, sousou no frieren, spy x family season 2, yoru wa neko to issho season 2, yuzuki-san chi no yonkyoudai., and zom 100
currently reading: noragami (not for much longer...;_;) kind of flip through witch hat every once and a while? and just caught up again on the summer hikaru died, though i'm sure i'll fall behind just as fast. also recently caught up to my housemate sano-kun is just my editor!
currently craving: uuuuuh. food
last movie: don't remember...probably a whisker away
sweet, spicy or savoury: sweet 10000000%
current obsession: well there's a normal answer to this and the real answer. we'll stick with link click for now
three favourite foods: ice cream!!! next would be hmmm. chicken nuggets! and then potato anything i fckn love potatoes in all forms
last thing googled: I ALWAYS FORGET HOW TO DO THIS, which makes it "how to find out the last thing you googled" BUT AFTER THAT oh lol it's "nakitai watashi neko" to find the eng title for "a whisker away" bc i couldn't remember it
dream trip: oooooh. i wanna go back to japan. rn i also would love to visit germany, too!
anything you want right now: to be employed at a job that pays money that i can live off of. also other things
tagging....uh idk. hey @oceaniche if ur feeling up to it and haven't done it already
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ridiasfangirlings · 5 months
Post-rok munashiro. Adolf and Reisi were supposed to go out for a date but a snow storm hits and they get snowed in. Reisi is really sad about it so Adolf builds him a blanket fort so they can spend the evening snuggling and watching Christmas movies together.
Okay but imagine Munakata has never built a blanket fort before and he is just so intrigued, like I see what a fascinating idea. Like Shiro invited Munakata on a Christmas Eve date but maybe first they’re going to like get ready at Shiro’s dorm or something. Neko and Kuroh are out on errands as the snow starts up, Shiro is a little worried because the weather report didn’t indicate it would be this bad. By the time the two of them are ready to leave the storm is really dangerous, the restaurant calls to let them know all reservations have been canceled and the restaurant is closing due to the snow. Shiro also gets a call from Neko and Kuroh, who are holed up at Bar Homra and won’t be able to get home. Shiro doesn’t think it would be a very good idea for Munakata to try and get home to S4 in this either, especially since they aren’t Kings anymore. Munakata reluctantly agrees, he wouldn’t want to risk the lives of any of his men by asking them to come pick him up in this weather.
Shiro decides to make them some cocoa and imagine he peeks out of the kitchen to see Munakata staring out the window with an unexpectedly upset expression. Shiro says Munakata really wanted to go out today didn’t he. Munakata smoothly says he is fine, this is no issue at all, but Shiro can tell that he really is a bit down (Munakata had such plans for capturing Santa this year too). Shiro suddenly gets an idea and grins as he starts taking blankets and pillows off the bed, saying this is something he and his sister used to do on cold nights in Germany. Munakata is very curious as to what the purpose of stacking pillows is and Shiro’s like ‘you’ve never made a blanket fort?’. Munakata says he made a replica fort with real working defense systems out of blocks when he was a child but he never thought to use blankets. Shiro laughs and drags Munakata inside as he’s like not that kind of fort, this is the kind where we get close. Munakata has to admit that it is very cozy in here as Shiro decides to put on some terrible Christmas movies, this is just the thing for a snow day.
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