#nct mark underground rapper au
paintmewithmemories · 3 years
glittery mud and dirty gold
Mark Lee has cupcake pink hair and the guts to whisper-rap about breaking kneecaps five seconds after stumbling over his own soft, poorly trained tongue.
He also has the pretty privilege and expensive friends Donghyuck could never afford, as proven by the golden SMTM necklace Na Jaemin hangs around his neck like a prize instead of an undeserved gift, a robbery.
They smile at each other with twin fake pearls as teeth, and Donghyuck spits on the floor, foreground in front of a rolling camera.
(or, donghyuck is street-dirty and mark looks money-clean, but not everything that glitters is gold)
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markohmy · 3 years
glittery mud and dirty gold by tinymark (lumoon33)
No Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: NCT
Lee Donghyuck | Haechan/Mark Lee
Lee Donghyuck | Haechan, Mark Lee, NCT Dream - Character, Lee Taeyong, Liu Yang Yang, Kang Mina
Additional Tags:
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Show Me The Money AU, Underground Rapper!Haechan, idol!mark, Enemies to Lovers, Rivals With Benefits, Angry Kissing, Found Family, Crew as Family, Light Angst
Chapters: 8/8
Mark Lee has cupcake pink hair and the guts to whisper-rap about breaking kneecaps five seconds after stumbling over his own soft, poorly trained tongue.
He also has the pretty privilege and expensive friends Donghyuck could never afford, as proven by the golden SMTM necklace Na Jaemin hangs around his neck like a prize instead of an undeserved gift, a robbery.
They smile at each other with twin fake pearls as teeth, and Donghyuck spits on the floor, foreground in front of a rolling camera.
(or, donghyuck is street-dirty and mark looks money-clean, but not everything that glitters is gold)
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your-world-with-nct · 5 years
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫 — 𝐥𝐦𝐤
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➵ pairing: mark x female reader
➵ genre: angst, suggestive, underground rapper au
➵ warnings: cursing, alcohol consumption, unhealthy relationship themes
➵ word count: 6.1k 
➵ summary: you didn’t know what you and Mark were; you weren’t enemies nor friends, you weren’t exes nor lovers. but what you did know was that you still loved Mark, and you never stopped loving him.
➵ a/n: happy belated birthday mark !! this is a part two to this blurb, and is inspired by the lyrics to billie eilish’s ‘party favor’. this is my first full fic, so i hope you all enjoy it and feel free to leave some feedback too!
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August 2 - the significance of the date was written in the scars of your heart, forever known as, one: Mark’s birthday, and, two: what would’ve been yours and Mark’s two year anniversary. Ahh, Mark Lee.
The boy that became all of your firsts, kisses and the like; the boy that harnessed the musical talent of a professional or a prodigy, despite his small, underground career; the boy that was just a shy bean beneath his tough, street-wise exterior; the boy that knew your darkest secrets and told you his; the boy that promised you happiness till the end. But he was also that same boy that took advantage of you and lied to you; the boy who stole your heart, and never gave it back; the boy who was better at lyrics than love. He was such a mystery to you, like a code you couldn’t quite seem to decipher.
Even after the abrupt ending of your relationship, Mark was always there, with you, as if nothing had happened between you two. From the evenings where he was out cold after a long night at the bar, calling you to pick him up, to the early hours of the morning where he needed some feedback for his newly produced tracks, he somehow managed to keep you in his life, relying on him the way you relied on oxygen. Mark had you wrapped around his little finger - you would do anything just to get close to him again - and you both knew it.
There was one slight issue, though, which was the fact that you didn’t exactly know what you two were to each other. Yes, there may have been some occasions where Mark was drunk out of his mind, and you would both end up naked in his bed the next morning, like lovers.
But there were also times where he would ignore you for weeks on end, the only updates you received from him were Instagram posts with his rapper friends, paired with cryptic captions that were clearly targeting you, like exes.
However, no matter what Mark did, you would always come crawling back to him and his addictive love, because you were trapped in his trance, and didn’t want to be released from it either.
Once again, you were stuck in that limbo of Mark not acknowledging your existence for another month - or so you thought.
As you mindlessly shoved spoonfuls of Cheerios (your failed attempt at a healthy breakfast) into your mouth, you stared at the cursed date on your lockscreen, when, all of a sudden, your phone began ringing, the default tone echoing throughout your empty apartment. The name that flashed on the screen touched a nerve deep within you, as if your senses had been awakened; one of those senses being your infatuation with Mark, which was rekindling and creating sparks in your stomach as you hesitantly answered the call and put it on speakerphone.
“H-hello?” You hated the way your throat closed up and your voice dwindled into nothing whenever you spoke to him after eternities of no contact whatsoever.
“Oh, hey, Y/N! How’ve you been? I’ve not spoken to you in, like, what, I don’t know, it’s been, like, ages now, hasn’t it?” Mark leaped right into the conversation, starting it off strangely welcoming, too comfortable for your liking. You nodded slightly in response to his question, before quickly realising that he couldn’t see you right now.
“Uhh, yeah, it’s definitely been a while now,” you let out a timid squeak, which was originally meant to be a polite laugh, except the mere thought of Mark clouded your thoughts and refrained you from thinking straight, or acting normal.
Trying to distract yourself from your awkwardness, you absentmindedly started playing with your spoon, stirring it in the bowl- which now only contained some milk and tiny specks of Cheerios - while listening intently to the boy’s next words.
“So, you know how it’s my birthday today, right?” he paused to let you answer, to which you hummed a small ‘happy birthday’ in response, “Ahh, thanks, well, if you’re free tonight, I managed to privately this really cool nightclub from 9pm onwards and I was wondering if you wanted to join us?”
You’d be lying if you said that Mark’s invitation didn’t cause you to almost have a heart attack, so it took you awhile to process the information he had just thrown at you and come up with a decent reply, “Okay, first, of course I can come, I wouldn’t miss it for the world! Who do you think I am - it’s summer, I have no friends, and I think I’ve watched ‘Love, Simon’ one too many times this summer,” you joked.
Before you could continue, the Canadian boy’s bubbly giggles cut you off, as he sighed, saying, “Wow, you really haven’t changed that habit, I see.” The steady beat of your heart suddenly accelerated, the fact that your ex remembered your only hobby, an unusual one at that, which he found out about almost two years ago, sent shockwaves through your entire body.
“Mhm, yeah, that movie never gets old,” you joined in with his laughter, then carried on with what you were going to say once you heard the contagious chuckles quieten, “Also, where’s the nightclub? And who do you mean by ‘us’? I’m just curious, you know?”
You tried your best to not sound intimidated by the potential answers to your questions, but, with your knowledge of who Mark liked to surround himself with now, you couldn’t help but feel out of place around them.
“The nightclub is called ‘Sun and Moon’, it’s owned by one of my older friends, Taeil, and, it’s near the, uhhh, I think it’s close to that one shopping centre? But I can send you directions later, even if you can’t find it, you won’t miss it, it’s covered in neon lights and it’s massive! And, did I mention that Taeil hyung makes the best cocktails? I can’t wait for tonight!”
The boy seemed ultimately fascinated with the place from the way he spoke about it, and your lips curved into a small smile at his excitement. ‘Damn it,’ you thought to yourself, ‘why is he so cute? About things like this? Ughhh, I love him.’
Mark’s endless chatter continued while you pondered over how adorable he probably looked right now, “And, as for who’s coming, it’s only a small group of friends - the Dream boys, my best mate Yukhei and his Chinese buddies from uni, oh, and Chaeyoung and her non-celeb friends are coming too!”
The first few guests he listed were absolutely fine - Yukhei was your best friend, also a mutual friend of yours, and was the one that introduced you to Mark; his friends were strange, but bearable though; while the Dream boys were a group of young artists Mark had the opportunity to join, who were soon going to debut as rappers with him - however, your brows furrowed at the unfamiliar name, confusion written all over your face.
You weren’t jealous, no, just… curious as to who exactly this ‘Chaeyoung’ was, “Oh! Okay, that’s great! But, uhhh, who’s Chaeyoung? I’ve never heard that name before?” The boy let out a dreamy sigh, as if he was enchanted by the mere thought of this person, “Son Chaeyoung is a senior from our record label, better known as Beastie Babe, that’s her stage name.”
Despite his explanation, you were still baffled since you had no idea who she was. The weird, subconscious ‘huh?’ you let out told Mark that you still didn’t understand, so he elaborated on the matter, “I shit you not, she is the most talented, influential rapper of our generation! Her debut single ‘BDZ’ literally dominated both national and Western music charts and her recent collaboration with Cardi B helped skyrocket her to fame, and I’m under the same company as her? Like, I still can’t believe that that’s what we have the potential to become. She’s just so amazing-”
A greedy feeling engulfed your chest and your heart began thumping uncontrollably as Mark’s words of admiration filled your ears. Somehow, out of anger or whatnot, you had managed to throw your spoon across the kitchen, grunting quietly as he failed to stop rubbing in your face the fact that he was talking to other girls now.
“-the moment I walked into her recording studio instead of the Dreamies’ was the best moment of my entire life! We’ve actually been spending a lot of time with each other since then, and, you know what, Y/N? I used to have a huge fanboy crush on her but, uhhh, now that I actually know her, I think that I-I like her? Do you think I should say something tonight? Drunk Mark is definitely better with the ladies than Sober Mark,” he joked, stopping right after he heard silence on the other end of the phone.
You almost screamed at his last statement - “Drunk Mark is definitely better with the ladies than Sober Mark” - well, of fucking course he would say that, that’s exactly how he ended up asking you out on his birthday two years ago, while he was drunk.
‘How insensitive can that shitbag be! That’s our story, not yours and Chaeyoung’s!’ you internally yelled at him, as you refrained from hanging up without another word. Luckily, your self-control got the better of you and you said through gritted teeth, “Haha, defo, I’ll see you tonight then, Mark, good luck with that.”
And with that, you slammed your finger on the red button, aggressively hurling your phone at the couch and cursing Mark under your breath. “Just fuck around with my feelings then, why don’t you? While you’re at it, you may as well shove your successful love life into my face and ruin the smallest fragments of our relationship that we have left,” you mumbled, trudging over to your sofa to collect your phone.
Once you unlocked it, you went straight to Youtube, searching the name ‘Beastie Babe’ and playing her discography as you washed your limited amount of dishes. It crushed your already low self-esteem as you listened to the girl’s unique music, and you realised why Mark looked up to her so much and wanted to date her, she was so much better than you, more gorgeous, more gifted, she was the ultimate upgrade from you.
Those thoughts resurfaced once again as you stood in front of your full body mirror hours later, Chaeyoung’s catchy songs playing in the background, as you couldn’t help but binge all of her music videos to try and gage the chance you had against her when it came to Mark. Turns out you had zero chance.
That girl was literally world-famous, her albums were sold out everywhere, and she had designer brands chasing after her, desperate for celebrity endorsement. Her self-produced music was mesmerising, something you had never heard of before, and her rapping was rhythmic and fluid, while her vocals were beautifully melodic.
Not to mention, Chaeyoung was stunning - like her stage name suggested, she did have the facial structure of a ‘baby beast’ as her fans say, and her hair looked gorgeous no matter what style it was in, her chiseled cheekbones were always the main point of her look, along with her infamous, enticing caramel eyes.
Then, there was you. A college dropout who was surviving solely off of your parents’ riches until they could find a job for you in their expanding business, you were the ‘rich kid’ that everybody shamed.
You didn’t have anything like music in your blood, and you weren’t particularly talented at anything, unless pessimism was considered a talent. And you definitely weren’t gorgeous, you weren’t anything close to it, which was justified as you scrutinised your outfit in the mirror, that made you look even worse than usual.
Initially, what you had chosen for yourself and laid out on your bed looked ideal, the black and white checkered skirt complemented the tight, white off-the-shoulder top and the black, knee-length high heeled boots, while the baby pink leather jacket tied the whole thing together, adding a splash of colour to it.
Now that it was on you, you appeared like you were trying way too hard - your exaggerated makeup looked disgustingly dark, the top showed off all of your curves and rolls, the skirt was a little too short for your liking and portrayed a slutty image that you weren’t going for, and the boots were chunky and big, and didn’t seem to match the rest of the outfit as well as it did prior to when you put it on.
You looked horrendous and you knew it, but this was the only thing in your closet that was even close to what those other girls would be wearing, the only thing that made you at least look like you could fit in with them.
Before you could change anything about it, you glanced at the alarm clock perched on your bedside table, showing exactly ‘21:00’, which you decided was the perfect time to leave.
Usually, with events, you would either plan way ahead of time, and arrive punctual and prepared, or you’d turn up almost an hour late, with a half-assed outfit and an empty stomach.
This time, however, you didn’t know where you were headed, so you should’ve left early, but you got too paranoid, thinking up random instances where you would end up getting there before anyone else was, which would make you look like you were trying harder than ever to get Mark’s attention.
The car ride to Sun and Moon was a daunting one - not only because you were twisting and turning down unfamiliar roads, relying solely on Google Maps, but, because you were jittery with nerves and anxiety.
Just thinking of walking all alone into the club to see a clique of popular musicians and their wealthy friends made you shiver in your seat, and the fact that you were extremely anti-social and very much intimidated by most of the party’s attendees made it even worse.
Lights of almost every colour of the spectrum struck you as you parked your car by Sun and Moon, which was one of the most appealing and exciting clubs you had ever seen, not that you had been to many anyways. You braced yourself as you entered the place, breathing quickly and heavily, before pushing the door open to the booming, electrifying atmosphere.
You were immediately drawn to Mark’s alluring figure on the dance floor, jokingly grinding against one of his group members, Donghyuck, and you assumed that the both of them had some pre-party drinks already.
Mark’s black, patterned dress-shirt flowed down his upper body, the loose fabric of it accentuating the shape of his chest.
His wrists and neck were adorned in expensive brands of jewellery, his fingers laden with various silver rings, the golden glints of his watch twinkling under the bright, fluorescent lights - and his ebony locks were styled to exaggerate his forehead.
The matching black skinny jeans he wore made his legs look heavenly, it made it so hard for you to look away from him.
You shook your head, trying to rid yourself of the amorous thoughts flooding your mind, directing your eyes away from the attractive birthday boy to the rest of the room.
It seemed as if you were the last one to turn up, despite your worries, since you spotted Yukhei and his friends attacking the bar, and who you managed to identify as Chaeyoung and her friends surrounding and blatantly flirting with the Dreamies.
She was even more breathtaking in person - her platinum blonde bob framed her effortless makeup, which consisted of fuschia lips, long, luscious lashes, shimmery eyeshadow, and sparkling highlight, and her striking outfit, a lime green and black patterned tube top and matching bootleg pants, made her look magnificent.
If she wasn’t your ex-boyfriend’s current crush, she would’ve been yours, because, damn, she was hot.
You were broken from your daze when one of Yukhei’s best friends, Hendery, hollered your name and gestured for you to join them, after he noticed you standing blank and confused by the entrance of the club.
“Yoooo, Y/N!! It’s been ages since I last saw you and you look great, boo! Come here, you gorgeous little bitch,” Yukhei’s obnoxiously deafening voice reached you from the opposite side of the room, calling for you even though Hendery had already grasped your attention in the first place, causing you to shyly scurry towards his friend group, the heavy stares of almost everyone in the room following you.
As you made your way over to them, your best friend engulfed you into a bone-crushing hug, his long limbs entangling themselves around you, not letting you get a word in first. When he finally pulled away, it was then that you caught a full look at him.
“Thanks, Yukhei, I really wasn’t sure about this but I’m glad you like it. Also, you look absolutely amazing!! Like, it’s only been 3 months but I feel like you’ve gotten even taller,” you exclaimed, proceeding to compliment your friend’s stylish outfit.
The plain black-on-black aesthetic he was going for may have seemed boring, but he pulled it off so well - the tight-fitted, black long sleeve was paired with black leather pants and decorative chains hanging from his belt loops, and his newly dyed navy blue hair was slicked back to reveal his forehead.
He let out a squeaky laugh, one that only you managed to get from him, as he rested his arm on your head, commenting, “Yeah, I think I actually have gotten taller.” You rolled your eyes at his teasing, before interacting with Yukhei’s friends, who were a lot more welcoming than you expected.
You had only ever spoke to Hendery before, but Xiaojun, Yangyang, and Sicheng were all polite to you, contrary to their appearance and their reputation.
Yes, Yukhei and his mates were the typical rich playboys that you had previously assumed only existed in movies, with the designer loafers and belts they were wearing today.
But, they were just playful dumbasses who looked appealing to their classmates, and, to be honest, you enjoyed hanging out with them during the party, instead of lurking around the club, solitary and sombre, pining after Mark.
Oh yeah, Mark - the boys had been distracting you so well that you had forgotten about your ex that stood just four feet away from you, freestyle rapping with Jaemin and Jeno.
Surprisingly, you didn’t really mind your lack of interaction with him throughout the night. It had only been two hours and you thought that you would be so desperate to just talk to him and fix things with him, but, in reality, you were having a blast with Yukhei’s friends, listening to their uni gossip and discussing your favourite music at the moment, they made you feel comfortable and welcome, something that Mark and his friends always failed to do with you.
As you decided to have yet another cocktail, you approached the bartender, but, before you could even open your mouth, you felt a tap on your shoulder.
Although you hadn’t even seen the person, you knew exactly who it was, by the calloused fingers, from countless plucking of guitar strings, that grazed your skin, and the embarrassed clearing of his throat to gain your attention, you just sensed that Mark was stood right behind you.
Tentatively, you turned around to face the boy you dreaded to see, your cheeks flaming with rouge as he scratched his nape and locked eye contact with you. Your pulse quickened and you felt your stomach churning in your stomach, maybe it was just the drinks, or maybe it was his mere presence that excited and aroused you.
The scent of alcohol lingered on his body, and you could tell that it had already took a toll on him, by the wild twinkle in his eyes and the unsteadiness in his voice.
Despite that, Mark looked absolutely ineffable at that exact moment, the beads of sweat on his forehead sparkled underneath the colourful lights, and made him look ethereal and idyllic.
You panicked, creating multiple, unrealistic reasons as to why Mark wanted to talk to you right now, so the first thing your disoriented, intoxicated mind barfed up for you to say was, “Sincerely, happy birthday!”
The god-like creation that stood before you sniggered at your outburst, “Thanks, and thanks for coming too! I just wanted to ask if you could hold my watch for a bit?”
You almost choked at the simple request he had given you, clearly, he had other priorities, ones that didn’t include facing you and everything that had occured between you two since you had last spoken, excluding this morning, “Oh, oh yeah, uhhh, yeah, sure? How come?”
“Ahhh, Dahyun just challenged Jisung to a dance-off and he almost flipped in excitement, he dragged me and the rest of the Dreamies with him to go against Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu, and it’s already pretty hardcore, just look.”
Mark vaguely gestured to the dance floor, where Jeno was b-boying and Chenle was screeching to hype him up (even though the younger of the two was sober, he was still as energetic as ever) while Tzuyu was aggressively booing him and Chaeyoung was comically cracking her knuckles in preparation, “this is a Rolex Submariner and I do not wanna ruin it ‘cause of a dance-off, y’know?”
You laughed along with him, admiring the way he delicately removed the watch from his wrist, “Of course, I’ll keep it with me while you, uhhh, do that. By the way, where’d you get this? It looks pretty good quality.”
He tossed a glance at Yukhei, then back at you, “Xuxi got me this, he gave it to me last night so that I could wear it today! Did you think I bought it? I could never afford this on my own, ha!”
His drunken giggles were the only thing you heard and you couldn’t help but sigh in disappointment due to Mark’s casual manner around you.
You never thought that it would cross your mind, but you were beginning to wonder if he was completely and utterly over you this time.
“I’ll be back soon, just give it to me once we’re done,” he added, before making his way back to the dance floor where Renjun was doing some eccentric moves you had never seen before.
Even from afar, Yukhei noticed the dim aura that surrounded you, so he approached you, while you were ordering your new drink.
“What was that about? What did he say to you?” he questioned you, handing you the shot glass that the bartender had just placed on the surface. Accepting it, you took a swift swig of the drink, letting the liquid ease down your throat and settle in your stomach before answering, “He literally just wanted me to hold his watch, that’s it.”
“That’s it?”
“Yup, and I told him ‘happy birthday’, but, besides from that he just kinda, you know, avoided everything that I wanted to talk about, and ran away to them,” you nodded your head towards Mark, who was now freestyling against Chaeyoung, a knowing smirk plastered on his face.
Your best friend wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you close to his chest in a comforting way, to which you plainly let him do so, “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that, Y/N, as much as I love Mark, he’s been such a dick to you this entire time. I wish he would’ve listened to me when I told him to choose to either stop stringing you on or to pick up where you two left off.
“But, instead, he’s broken your heart time and time again, making you think that he still wants you, and needs you, when, in reality, Chaeyoung had him under her control the moment he met her, which was literally two weeks after you broke up, by the way. I wish that you’d look past that image Mark had built of himself in your head and heart, and see the real him.”
It was shocking to hear these wise words come from your currently drunk friend, as those weren’t the types of things he would usually say when he was clear-headed.
You wiggled out of his endearing embrace, audibly exhaling in frustration as your head was invaded with sudden realisations and epiphanies, “You’re right, surprisingly, I’ll try and talk to him later, maybe when I hand him his watch back. But, hopefully, this’ll be the last time I have to even look that boy in the eyes, I don’t think I can keep doing this any longer.”
The curves of Yukhei’s lips turned upwards into a proud smile, “That’s my girl! Now, how about you play this one drinking game that Sicheng found with us? Will that make you feel better?”
It did make you feel better, a lot better, and you were enjoying yourself so much that you had missed the fact that the impromptu dance battle had come to an end and its participants were carelessly swaying with one another, too exhausted to move their bodies properly.
You noticed that there were two specific people missing, however; it seemed that Mark and Chaeyoung had slipped out while you were playing with Yukhei, Sicheng, Hendery, Xiaojun, and Yangyang.
Only then did you recall that Mark’s exorbitant watch was still in the pocket of the pink jacket you had removed and left unattended on a chair. You excused yourself from the boys and ran to your jacket, retrieved the Rolex and proceeded to search for Mark to return it to him, and talk to him.
You had examined each and every bit of the club closely, yet Mark was nowhere to be seen, so you decided to explore the exterior, perhaps he needed to get something from his car, or something?
It was difficult to convince yourself that he hadn’t left to get some ‘alone time’ with Chaeyoung, which is what he had told his friends when he had done the same with you two years prior, but the idea of it kept recurring to you as you ventured out into the cold night. 
The similarities of your current situation and the time you had run away from Mark’s underground performance a week after your breakup were disturbingly accurate - except this time you were running towards him, instead of away from him, you were stronger now and wanted to face him, not cower away from him. 
He was making your confrontation pretty hard, though, because, at the moment, you couldn’t even find Mark, so you came to the conclusion of trying to call him. Multiple times. And, yet, he still didn’t answer, and you hadn’t advanced any further with it. You still didn’t give up, as you pressed his name in your phone again, and wandered down the street, glancing side to side every so often, just in case you had missed him.
“Hey, this is Mark, I’m busy at the moment but I’ll be back! Leave a message while you’re at it, I guess, haha,” Mark’s recorded voice echoed from the speakerphone yet again, you had heard it so many times that you had pretty much memorised his awkward little ramble. You sighed as the tone beeped for the sixth time in the past few minutes.
A disgruntled growl left you as you proceeded to search for the unreachable boy, your phone clutched in one hand while his watch was still in the other.
It was extremely tempting to just take it home with you and return it to him the following day - but if you were really going to permanently detach yourself from Mark like you promised yourself you would, you had to avoid anything and everything to do with him, or else you would give up and let yourself be pulled back into his trance.
After seeing the way he acted around Chaeyoung throughout the night, however, it wasn’t very likely that you’d come crawling back to him any time soon.
You pressed the contact name once again, holding your phone up to your ear hopefully, awaiting a response. Turning the corner as you neared your car, you laid eyes on a sight you wish you never had done, and you swore you almost dropped your mobile along with your jaw right there on the sidewalk.
There he was: pinned up against the graffitied wall of the narrow alleyway, arms coiled all over Chaeyoung’s waist, hips, and ass, lips locked with her swollen, red ones.
You couldn’t even gasp at the horrific scene, you were in another state of shock, and your entire body was quivering and recoiling in utter pain and heartbreak.
Tears pricked at your eyes the longer they lingered on the moaning mess that was Mark, but you couldn’t rip them away from him. “Shit, Chae, I think I love you,” he breathed out, as she left open-mouthed kisses from his jaw to his collarbone, her hands threading through his velvety locks.
That used to be you, kissing all down his neck; that used to be you, making his heart race and limbs melt into jelly; that used to be you, the one he said ‘I love you’ to.
“Hey, this is Mark, I’m busy at the moment but I’ll be back! Leave a message while you’re at it, I guess, haha,” the tone played again, making you jump out of your skin, ‘perfect timing, Y/N, what if he heard it, right now, coming from your phone!’ you huffed, dropping Mark’s watch on the ground near the alleyway, bolting away from the couple, towards your car, grabbing the handle and pulling it open as soon as you reached it.
As you slumped into the driver’s seat, you realised that you had accidentally pressed the voicemail button with your shaking finger, instead of the ‘end call’ button.
“Fuck, no, I don’t wanna record a voicemail to Mark,” you thought aloud, until a voice in your head suggested, ‘but won’t this be the last time you’ll ever speak to him?’
It was with that thought that the gears in your head began turning - it was right, this would be your last time talking to him, you could finally tell him all of the things on your mind, the emotions he made you feel, the burdens he put on you, and he didn’t even have to respond.
You could simply block him forever - because he wouldn’t care, right? You didn’t even need a response or an apology, all you wanted was for him to know what he put you through, what you had to suffer through because of him.
And it’s not like that would upset him, he didn’t care about you the way you cared about him, he didn’t need you the way you used to need him, since he had his (possibly) new girlfriend instead of you. So you decided to record your last message to him.
“Uhhh, okay, this is really weird but I’ll just get it over and done with. So, Mark, this is Y/N and by the time you get this, your number’ll probably be blocked, this is the last thing you’ll hear from me.
“I’m guessing you’re kinda confused right now, because you’re probably listening to this while you’re either drunk as fuck or hungover, but, long story short, I’m fucking done with you.
“Let me just remind you of what happened tonight, or last night, depending on when you’re hearing this. You invited me to your little celebration after, what, a month of not contacting me? And then, proceeded to tell me that your crush would be here, even though you knew all too well that we had too many loose ends that we hadn’t tied yet.
“Then, I get here, and suddenly you don’t even greet me, or acknowledge me, just like you had been doing for the past few weeks, while, of course, you’re glued to Chaeyoung’s side.
“Meanwhile, I was there, waiting to see you, since we hadn’t hung out normally since the break-up 3 months ago, and I knew, well, at least I thought I knew, that there was still a connection between us, or something.
“But, instead, I spent the entire night following Yukhei around and talking to his friends, and having the oh-so-great opportunity of watching you eye-fuck Chaeyoung the whole time. And, finally, when you do eventually notice me, you ask me to hold your Rolex? Really, Mark? I didn’t even get the chance to say anything more than ‘happy birthday’ to you.
“Now, I don’t know how you’re feeling about this whole thing, because, apparently, you’re now Chaeyoung’s newest boy toy, but, did you ever stop and think about how this has affected me? How this whole thing has affected me?
“Because, if you really didn’t notice Mark, I was still fucking in love with you - even after you left me - and I never knew why you gave up on us. Personally, I thought we were amazing together, I thought you were my soulmate, you were the only person that made me feel loved, the only person I loved, but, you didn’t seem to think so.
“Maybe it’s because you’re my first love, Mark, but I wasn’t yours; maybe it’s because I thought that nobody else could replace you; maybe it’s because of your web of lies that I got caught in - but I felt like it wasn’t over yet. It couldn’t be, we would find each other after a while and resume what we had, and we’d be together forever, wow, I know that’s cheesy, I think the alcohol’s getting to me now.
“Speaking of alcohol though, there was another reason why I thought that we could pick up where we left off.
“Don’t you remember all of those nights where you needed me to get you from the bar or the club, and drive you home? When you were so incapable of processing our history together that you just gave in, and let me fall in love with you all over again?
“Yeah, those nights gave me hope, hope that it wasn’t the drinks speaking for you the previous nights, it was you, and hope that you would realise what you were missing and come back to me.
“But, hoping is no good. You’ve actually gotta follow through with your hopes and make them come true. Yet, I couldn’t do that, since you always left me. You always disappeared without a trace, and then, suddenly, after three weeks or so, you’d be right back.
“But, you know, I see it now, I see the truth. You never really loved me, you weren’t lying when you said that, you loved the idea of me, the idea of having someone to rely on, the idea of someone else cleaning up your messes, the idea of someone to hook up with whenever you wanted.
“I saw that all throughout today, when you looked into Chaeyoung’s eyes, she pulled you in and you were lost in a swirl of lust, but whenever you looked into my eyes, you were so disconnected from me, and there was never any emotion.
“Mark, I’m not just your property, you can’t do whatever you want with me! I’m not your party favor, a mere birthday gift that gets thrown away after its purpose has been served.
“I’m Y/N and I’m not yours, Mark Lee, and I’m ashamed to say I ever was. If there’s one thing you were right about, though, it’s that ‘happiness is a lie, and it was only found in your trance’, but that’s because you didn’t make me feel true happiness.
“True happiness isn’t being manipulated into thinking that you make someone feel good and that it’s the only thing that makes them feel good, and that they needed you - true happiness is being free from the people that do that to you.
“I’m sorry, that I didn’t do what you wanted me to, I’m not blinded by your fake love anymore so you won’t be using me any time soon. Goodbye, Mark.”
And, with a few swift movements of your finger, Mark was gone from your phone, and from your life. He was nothing to you now, and you were no longer his - and, wow, you never knew that you would feel so proud to be able to say that.
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jjun4thitboy · 5 years
[02:10am] you were looking with little smile on your face while watching underground rapper!mark performing on old club stage and blush immediately when he wink at you and gives you his famous smile
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gohyuck · 3 years
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nct/wayv members represented in this collab: ot23
basis of the collab: rockstars/musicians!au but they aren’t idols, modern day doesn’t have a pandemic raging
deadline: as of right now, december 31st 2021 but it can be moved into 2022 if necessary
minimum word count: 7k
based on the band au my anons and i have been writing on my other blog; more information under the cut... note that members’ instruments and stuff are liable to change! 
i’ll be adding everyone in the collab to a discord server and we can switch things around and discuss them in that server!
details under the cut.
the year is 1972, and yuta nakamoto is fucking pissed. 
governments - yes, all of them - are shit, the people of the world are tearing themselves apart just to serve the few who are wealthiest, there is racism and sexism and homophobia and everything other negative -ism and -phobia you can think of ingrained into the skins of everyday humans who can only feel everyday hatred. life, on the whole, is terrifying mundane and horribly overstimulating, somehow simultaneously. 
the year is 1972, yuta nakamoto is angrier at The System than he’s ever been, but, unlike before, he finally thinks that he’s going to do something about it. armed with nothing but a guitar, youthful bullheadedness, and a notebook full of lyrics, he does what anyone in his position would do: he starts a rock band. 
taeil (vocals, rhythm guitar): @prettyjaems
yuta (frontman, vocals, bass guitar): @gohyuck​ 
jaehyun (vocals, lead guitar, doubles as manager): @moonlit-jeno​ 
jungwoo (vocals, electric guitar): @domjaehyun​ 
winwin (vocals, drums (and keyboard in the studio if needed)): @loviejaehyun​ 
the year is 2002, and ten lee loves people but hates what the world can do to them. 
as technology grows, so do threats - as people become more open with love, others become more outright in hate. fear has an iron-fisted grip on the people of the world, one that can’t be loosened as easily as ten wishes it could. he doesn’t even have words when it comes to the government, or to the rich, or to those who oppress when they might aid instead. 
the year is 2002, ten lee wants to remind the world of love in the face of hate, and in between college classes and volunteering and a million other things, he decides to do something about it. with a voice that’ll make him a star one day and inspired by his favorite band from the 70s, he does exactly what you’d expect him to: he starts a pop punk band that veers into alternative and hard rock and maybe even r&b, sometimes. 
johnny (vocals, drums): @heychan​ 
taeyong (vocals, keyboard): @ceruleanskies​ 
kun (vocals, lead guitar): @wonjaekook​ 
ten (frontman, lead vocals): @yeosang-ponytail​ 
doyoung (vocals, bass guitar, doubles as manager): @markresonates​ 
the year is 2020, and jeno lee is a college junior, which should be the most of his worries but is somehow the least. 
the government still sucks - yes, all governments, surprise, surprise! - and the people are starting to suck more and more as every day passes. sure, school is swamping him and he has a social life to balance with work and internships and anything and everything else he has going on, but jeno starts every day by checking the news app on his phone and, hell, if that won’t kill any urge to do anything, he doesn’t know what will. 
the year is 2020, and you know the drill by now. jeno’s always loved playing the guitar and writing lyrics on his own time, performing for his family and sometimes his friends, too. hell, his friends have had a ragtag ‘band’ since his freshman year, but chenle and jisung had been juniors in high school then, making band practice a rarity. inspired by his favorite bands from the 70s, he can’t help but feel like he almost has an obligation to churn out protest music and love songs alike in a world that’s quickly forgetting how to love at all. 
mark (their manager, underground rap is more his thing): @lucas-wongs​ 
renjun (lead vocals, rhythm guitar): @waithyuck​ 
jeno (frontman, screamer (sometimes), vocals, lead guitar): @byunbaekby​
haechan (vocals, screamer (sometimes), drums/keyboard): @yongiefilms​ 
jaemin (vocals, bass guitar): @meow-bebe​ 
chenle (vocals, keyboard/drums): @dreamyyang​  
jisung (other manager, sometimes helps write lyrics and they always (always!) credit him when he does so): @imhyuckedup119​ 
yangyang (ex-drummer, now underground rapper): @moondustaeil​ 
the year is... still 2020, and xiaojun is a college senior who’s pretty much in the same boat jeno is. 
he’s just not that big of a rock fan, if he’s being honest. yes, the government sucks, and yes, everything is bad, but music is an escape for him, and he wants to keep it that way. the real world is bad enough as it is, and even though he takes it upon himself to speak up and speak out as often as possible, music is his refuse. when his guitar is in his hands, the world melts away. 
the year is 2020, and xiaojun wants to make others feel safe. inspired by his favorite band from the 00s, he wants to make people feel love again. he wants to wrap listeners in his music and give them comfort. he does exactly what anyone like him would do: he starts a band. their genre isn’t as rigid, and it’s really more of a go-with-the-flow type thing. he guesses that they’re a cross between indie and folk and alternative and some r&b and anything and everything in between.
lucas (rap, drums): @puppywritings​ 
xiaojun (frontman, vocals, lead guitar): @neonun-au​ 
hendery (vocals, rhythm guitar): @itsapapisongo
shotaro (vocals, keyboard): @jungwooisms​ 
sungchan (rap, bass guitar): @nowthislookslikeajobforme​ 
please message me privately if you’re interested! thank you so much.
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sunflowerstrays · 6 years
work in progress post
this is just a post for me to keep track of everything i want to/need to/will be writing. maybe i’ll get my life a little more organised??? if you read a wip that you think you’d enjoy and would like me to write sooner, why not drop me an ask and let me know!
☁ - fluff
☾ - requests
☂ - angst/sad
✎ - priorities
♔ - fantasy/other style au
☏ - social media au
stray kids
☁ - kim seungmin and lee felix - white noise - friendship was beautiful, but friendship with seungmin and felix was more than that - it was organised and chaotic, muted and bright, simple and complex all at the same time.
☁ ☏ hwang hyunjin - these things just happen by accident - see my masterpost for the rest of this series thus far!
✎ ☁ - bang chan - lost - running away from home had been the best decision you’d made. strolling into that tired looking diner one rainy afternoon had been the second best. meeting bang chan had been the third.
✎ ☁ ☂ - han jisung and hwang hyunjin - survival of the fittest - an au in which you realised, when studying biology one day, your life with these two boys was just a matter of survival of the fittest.
☁ - lee felix and han jisung - when the stars met the sun - when partnered together in art class, you hadn’t anticipated moving in and befriending the two sweetest people you’d ever met. however, chaos wasn’t in the terms and conditions of the friendship contract.
♔ stray kids - the power within - a greek god au where all nine boys are thrown into a deadly trial together, and forced to rely upon each other to make it out alive.
☁ ☾ yang jeongin / i.n. - my valentine - see my masterpost for the rest of this series thus far!
☁ ✎ hwang hyunjin - stolen hearts - you bumped into the boy who encompassed the beautiful things in life during your first audition for the big screen, and after a life full of rejections and darkness, he brought acceptance, hope, and love.
☏ stray kids x nct dream (00 liners) - connected - see my masterpost for the rest of this series thus far!
☾ ☁ stray kids - a soulmate series in which you are brought closer to your soulmate through a series of unfortunate events that, ultimately, gets you to the best thing in your life.
♔ lee know / minho - bewitched - minho hadn’t anticipated walking into a life full of magic and mystery, but when obsession with a young individual took over him, that’s what brought him to that conclusion.
☾ lee felix - madness - felix had known about your secret forever. little did you know, he had a secret, and he’d had that forever, too.
☾ lee know / minho - life - a bulletpoint scenario of a domestic life with minho!
✎ chittaphon leechaiyapornkul - broken dancers - in a national competition where the two of you are to be touring the country alone together, an unlikely friendship between two rivals begins to form.
☁ lee donghyuck - rival - you had challenged him in his vocal abilities his whole life, and he was ready to take you on head-to-head. what he hadn’t anticipated though was falling hopelessly in love with you.
☁ wong yukhei - inked - when you left your life behind, jumped on a bus and travelled across the country to pursue your dreams, you hadn’t expected your new boss to be so enchanting.
♔ huang renjun - enchanted - in which worlds collide, and your boy-next-door renjun’s world is thrown around when his best friend introduces him to their cousin - who happened to be far more than he bargained for.
☁ ✎ dong sicheng, mark lee, kim jungwoo, jung jaehyun and wong yukhei - a to all the boys i’ve loved before request!
☁ lee jeno and na jaemin - heart breaker - life was brilliant as a perfect student and hard working individual with a golden future set ahead of you. that was, until you were given the task of being the boss of the towns biggest troublemakers.
☏ stray kids x nct dream (00 liners) - connected - see my masterpost for the rest of this series thus far!
☾ ✎ jung jaehyun - returned - as an ex-sm underground rapper, it was challenging returning to your old home. however, there was one newbie who had caught your eye, brightened your days, and stolen your heart.
☂ kim dongyoung / doyoung - missing you - life was sad before him, challenging with him, and impossible now he was gone, and all that was left behind was the shell where he used to live.
the boyz
♔ heo hyun joon / hwall - a maze runner style au where the boys are left to fend for themselves through a trial of experiments that could ultimately lead to all of their deaths.
☾ ☂ park jaehyung / jae - heroine - based off of the song Heroine; you and jae were the happiest couple until life took you two separate ways, and nothing has been the same since. 
☾ ☂ kang young hyun / young k - i miss you - see my masterpost for the rest of this series thus far!
☾ park jaehyung / jae - story - lost in an unfamiliar world, jae comes along to save the day. little did you know he was the prince you wrote about in all of your favourite stories.
☁ ☾ exo boyfriend series - see my masterpost for the rest of the series thus far!
☾ park jinyoung - nothing personal - see my masterpost for the rest of this series thus far!
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ao3feed-yoonjin · 7 years
There Ain't No Rest for the Wicked
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2eMRUMG
by Ulti_fan
Yoongi is just one man- no.. a boy.
Min Yoongi is an underground rapper in Los Angelous just trying to make a living, while also working several various jobs.
Jimin, his trusty sidekick (and friend with benefits) just can't seem to kick his nasty drug habit.
Jungkook just wants to go home instead of working the streets.
Hoseok just wants money to send home to his Mom.
Jin and Namjoon just can't stop fighting in front of Taehyung.
Taehyung just wants to run away.
((AU where Yoongi gets stuck helping everyone else when he can barely help himself)
Words: 1257, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: bts, ARMY - Fandom, Kpop - Fandom
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: namjoon, Rap Monster, yoongi, Suga, J-Hope, hoseok, Hobi, Jin, seokjin, jimin, V, taehyung, jungkook, Jackson, Mark, Mark (from NCT), Bambam, Yugeom, Jinyoung - Character, JB, Jaebum
Relationships: YoonKook - Relationship, Yoonmin - Relationship, sope - Relationship, yoonseok, yoonjin, NamJin, Jikook, taekook - Relationship, taegi, VMIN
Additional Tags: bts - Freeform, bxb - Freeform, Gay, Smut, yoonmin, yoonkook, Sope, Yoonseok - Freeform, taegi - Freeform, yoonjin - Freeform, namjin - Freeform, taekook, namkook, vmin - Freeform, Bottom Jimin, Bottom Jungkook, Switch Yoongi, Top Yoongi, Bottom Yoongi, Top Namjoon, Switch Taehyung, Bottom Jin, Angst, Fluff
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2eMRUMG
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your-world-with-nct · 5 years
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— for the sequel :: click here!
💌 • 11:06pm
The bright spotlight almost blinded you, since the previous darkness of the night was all that you had been encapsulated in; the countless cheering of fans and the intoxicating scent of cocktails felt almost like home to you, it was so familiar, but the only difference was that, this time, he didn’t want you here. 
Your inner sorrows doubled in size as your ex-boyfriend, undergroundrapper!mark, stepped out of the shadows and onto the small, black platform under the neon green and blue lights. “Just in time,” you muttered, scrutinising him carefully, looking at all the things you so dearly cherished and missed about him.
It took almost all of your energy not to yell his name, fling yourself onto him, and bury yourself in his safe arms that felt like home - but why would he ever want that when he clearly stated that he dated you for clout, because apparently your social status and popularity could help ‘boost his career’. Why would he ever want that when he told you that he never really loved you...
A simple, shuffle-beat along with a powerful, underlying bassline shot out through the speakers, electrifying the mood of the whole room and triggering an immense amount of screams. Mark gave a tiny smirk to his ‘fans’ before beginning his intense, rhythmic rap. 
The melody invaded your ears and instantly, you recognised the instrumental, based on the countless evenings you spent in the studio with Mark, giving him feedback and keeping him company.
Various memories of your relationship hit you all at once, a wide panoramic view of all the times Mark lied to you, yet you were completely clueless to it. You felt a lump rise in your throat but you were determined to mask your feelings from him, in case he looked in your direction and spotted your shaking figure. 
Unbeknownst to you, that was exactly what Mark was doing. Ever since that record label had offered him a contract, which forced him to break up with you, he couldn’t get you off of his mind - for god’s sake, this song was about you.
His caramel orbs darted across the room, looking for you, as the soulful words left his mouth, and, although his final words to you were harsh, and he knew of the pain he had caused you, a small part of him hoped that you would turn up to his weekly Saturday night performances. Oh, how desperate the two of you were.
Swiftly navigating your way through the crowd, you attempted to locate the exit. Your overwhelming emotions were getting to you and you felt the hot tears stinging your sore eyes yet again; you couldn’t stay here any longer, staring at what you could never have. Ever again.
As you looked back at Mark for what you hoped wouldn’t be the last time, you noticed the fatigued, uneasy look in his eyes, despite his cool and casual persona. After the excruciating heartbreak he had put you through, the realisation that maybe, just maybe, he was feeling a fraction of what you were feeling too, left you with hopeful thoughts - ‘does he want me back?’
Mark’s pupils immediately dilated as they connected with yours, his vocals taking on a melancholy tone. His gaze implored you to stay as your hand lingered on the door handle of the exit, while his face told a different story. At this point, you didn’t know what to believe, since Mark had already lied to you enough.
The drum beat came to a stop during the bridge and Mark’s gentle pre-recorded adlibs played through the speakers. As his rapping ceased, he turned to fully face you and mouthed, “Lyrics. Last verse. Listen. For you.”
“Have you ever felt like your soul has been drained?
Forgotten by all, washed away by the rain.
That same empty void is now filled with pain.
It gets deeper and darker when I call your name.
I know, it’s hopeless, you won’t give me a chance.
You resent me, yet you still make my heart dance.
My love for you, strengthened by a mere glance.
But happiness is a lie, only found in this trance.”
As the final chord was struck and the music faded, a burst of applause erupted just as the tears sprung from your eyes. You ran, you ran through the twilight streets, you ran far, far away from Mark Lee and anything related to him and his deceptive lyrics.
That was it. His lyrics. You were caught in a lie, stuck in a trance. His trance. And you were never going to fall into his deceitful trance again.
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