montejeska · 9 months
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all chars above use she/her
Do not reference, trace, or use for any personal or business means.
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bragganhyl · 7 months
at some point I'd like to try and redesign Mystra bc holy shit did larian drop the ball on her design
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memeboidaddy · 2 years
Playing Harvest moon DS Cute again and forgetting how the older games work. I gave Gray some mystrile and he takes the whole stack 🥲.
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erysa · 7 years
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I don’t usually wear my clothes so fancy with the frills and almost looking like a lady.  I do and have made exceptions.
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harvest-moon-diary · 2 years
Nhận lại cần câu Mystrile, chuẩn bị đi mine Cursed Tools thôi
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Cách đây 4 ngày mình quyết định trong mùa đông này sẽ tranh thủ đi đào hang mùa đông (cái mỏ giữa hồ) luôn vì hồ này chỉ có thể tiếp cận được khi mặt hồ đóng băng thôi. Qua dịp này là phải đợi cả năm nữa lận :')
Thế là bữa phải cố hết sức nâng hạng cái cần câu lên từ hạng vàng lên đá xanh vì muốn bộ công cụ nguyền rủa xuất hiện thì các công cụ của mình phải nâng cấp lên đá xanh hết. Bữa đó người mình cũng xanh lè luôn =))
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sageadvicednd · 3 years
What will be the states of Mystril and Karsus after the end of spell?
What will be the states of Mystril and Karsus after the end of spell?
@TheEdVerse The duration of K’s Avatar spell in Netheril sourcebook was “unlimited” but in P&P was “limited”. The P&P came out later so it replaced the former. What will be the states of M (didn’t sacrifice herself) and K (wasn’t destroyed by godly power) after the end of spell? — coolguy (@coolguy73360922) January 10, 2021 1) In the Netheril sourcebook, the lore reflected the beliefs of Karsus…
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darkelfshadow · 4 years
Session Summary - 75
AKA “Nest Of The Yuan-ti”
Adventures in Taggeriell
Session 75  (Date: 13th December 2019)
Players Present:
- Rob (Known as “Varis”) Elf Male.
- Bob (Known as “Sir Krondor) Dwarf Male.
- Paul (Known as “Labarett”) Elf Male.
- Travis (Known as “Trenchant”) Human Male.
- Arthur (Known as “Gim”) Dwarf Male.
Absent Players
- (Known as “Naillae”) Elf Female. <Controlled by Travis>
- Toilday, 9th Pharast in the year 815 (Second Era). Late Spring.
- The party begin this session, in the early evening, within the dusty ancient tomb of Diderius.
- Spending some time exploring two connected rooms now that the battle with the tile Chimera is over. They explore the pool chamber room, examining and trying to decipher the function of the room but to no avail. After Sir Krondor risks his life by jumping into the black waters of the pool, he discovers the large claw marks of an unknown creature on the surface of the pool walls and he quickly exits the waters. After splashing water all over the stone floor of the chamber, Trenchant drops the stone bucket into the pool to block the smaller feed hole on the bottom of the pool, fifteen feet below the surface of the water.
- The party move back to the strangely shaped long chamber, that Varis “discovered” when he was rolled into it by the trap. Eight large ancient tapestries hang from the walls, their colour and designs long since faded away. A single stone door, and a pair of large stone double doors lead on from this chamber.
- As Trenchant approaches the set of large double stone doors, he hears a voice in his head. He tells the party about the voice, warning him that they must offer humility in the manner of Mystril. The party discuss this and some of them recall that the followers of Mystril, the Goddess of Arcana, Magic and The Pursuit of Learning, sometimes performed a ritual by bowing low down, head lowered, with a lit lantern held above. This ritual was supposed to show the humble seeker of knowledge using the light of truth to find their way.
- Trenchant uses a lit lantern and performs the gesture near the double doors, as he does so, from around the room,  the muffled sound of low, crackling voices come from behind each of the eight tapestries: “You may pass.”
- The party look around the room, nervously, unsure of what lays behind the tapestries.
- Varis speaks, “Do we want to look behind the tapestries?”
- Trenchant, Sir Krondor and Labarett each respond in unison, “No!” and the party quickly move through the stone double doors into another chamber. A stone throne sits upon a massive dais resembling a floating cloud concealing a golden sun. Standing next to the throne is a twelve foot tall, regal figure dressed in gold armour with a flowing red plume from his golden helmet. This figure stands near a single stone door. On the other side of the room are another set of double stone doors. The golden figure points to a small pile of treasure and a voice bellows “Ye who seek Diderius’s insight must first furnish tribute, that Diderius might work his mighty magic. Lay such tribute at my feet or depart.”
- One by one the party each place a valuable offering down before the figure and then after failing to get the figure to answer any other question, they proceed through the single door near where it stands. The figure allows them to proceed.
- Moving down a set of stairs the party enter a long rectangular chamber. Three solid stone tables are here. An open archway has more stairs going downwards, with dried blood visible at the top. A single stone door lays at the far end of the chamber. Six bearded devils are seated or standing around the room, some are wearing large oversized travel robes with hoods, others have discarded the robes onto the floor. They are all looking at the bloody stairs leading downwards, and only momentarily turn to look at the party silently before returning their gaze to the downward stairs.
- The party look at the Devils silently in confusion. Trenchant speaks softly, “OK, this is weird.” He hails the Devils and the party enter into a strange dialog with the Devils. They can speak Common, but badly, and just keep repeating that they must kill anything that comes from the bloody stairs. The party deduce that these are the large strange figures seen travelling with Varram The White and are under his control, by order of the Archduchess of Avernus, Lady Zariel, the planes of Hell.
- The party are not able to obtain any useful information from the Devils as they can not speak Infernal and the Devils only know a limited amount of Common. The party decide not to go down the bloody stairs but instead move through the single stone door and find themselves in a large chamber that holds a single curved circular stone pool, which is currently empty but stained black. A stone channel leads from one wall towards the pool. A dead body of a Cultist, with one single wound to his heart lays near by. Broken stone arrows with strange markings lay all around the floor.
- The party explore and search the room and deduce that the black pool in the other chamber must channel water into this stone basin. The party decide not to go back and try this but instead move onwards through a set of large stone double doors. As Trenchant and Sir Krondor approach the doors they both hear a voice warning them not to disturb the resting place of Diderius. Trenchant uses a spell to disguise himself as a Cultist.
- Carefully and cautiously the party open the doors and move into a rectangular chamber lit by braziers that flicker with green flames. A massive stone sarcophagus sits atop a stepped stone dais. The plaster walls are decorated showing unknown figures and strange scenes.
- The party enter and once again Trenchant uses a lantern to hold above his head and bow down low, speaking out that they seek the great Diderius.
- The ancient voice of Diderius, with no emotion responds from the sarcophagus. The party learn that Varram did pass here and that he was taken by the Yuan-ti. They learn that the Draakhorn is somewhere where all the Dragons dwell, so too is “One Eye”. Diderius tells the party that he will open the passage onwards when they are ready, they only need place a hand upon his sarcophagus.
- The party ready their weapons and all stand around the sarcophagus and touch it. A hidden stone door quickly slides up revealing a secret passageway. A single lit torch illuminates half a dozen unarmed and unarmoured Lizardfolk wearing simple robes.
- The party move into battle formation as the Lizardfolk prepare to respond. Varis lets fly an arrow at one of the Lizardfolk who easily snaps his hand out to grab the arrow and then throw it back towards Varis. All six Lizardfolk then enter into obvious martial art poses and stances.
- “Oh great! They’re bloody Monks!” bellows Sir Krondor as he rushes forward to engage them.
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- The battle erupts with the party having to improvise and change their normal tactics. The Monks are able to grab all ranged projectiles and use them back on the party, forcing the party to get close. But the Monks are very agile, able to leap over the parties lines of defence and their flurry of blows can render foes stunned. Luckily for the party the Monks are somewhat fragile and soon they are dropped, even with the arrival of two Yuan-ti to help them.
- The party now have to deal with the next obstacle, a slopping stone bridge slick with wet moss, that spans a pit who’s bottom can not be seen. Two Yuan-ti archers wait on the other side, ready to pick off the party as they approach. Thanks to Trenchant sneaking ahead though, the party are forewarned of the Yuan-ti, and they launch a sudden attack against one of the Yuan-ti dropping the creature quickly. Sir Krondor is forced to walk the slippery bridge in a mindless wander, following the Suggestion of remaining Yuan-ti, who is also quickly dropped. With his awareness and control returned, Sir Krondor uses his climbing kit gear to crawl over the bridge setting pitons and rope along the entire length. This allows the rest of the party to safely cross.
- The party proceed to a junction where either they have to travel down a strange multiple branching corridor where the floor appears to be moving snake scales or enter a large chamber filled with statues, suits of armour and with walls lined with hundreds of holes.
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- The party decide to head down the corridor with the moving scales, though it appears the scales are just an illusion as they can not feel the scales and it has no effect on their movement.
- Proceeding down the corridor, ignoring connecting passageways and closed doors, the party press on wards. Half way down the corridor they are attacked by four Yuan-ti from behind, who quickly overcome Naillae and bring her to the ground in a death grip as one of the Yuan-ti uses his snake body to coil around her.
- The party desperately try to turn back and save Naillae but then another foe appears. A much larger Yuan-ti, muscular body rippling with green scales. Two massive arms end in long razor sharp claws and the beast has a long stretched powerful jaw filled with jagged teeth. This Abomination leaps towards the other end of the party, its powerful attacks ripping into them. The party fight back, unable to retreat or reposition and desperately try to inflict as mush damage as possible as quickly as possible.
- Through sheer audacity and a bit of luck, the party kill all the Yuan-ti. As they stand around, catching their breath and checking each other for injuries, they each look over at the size and muscular form of the Yuan-ti Abomination. One of them nearly overpowered the party, and the same thought runs through each of their heads: these things better not attack in groups.
<And as the party catch their breath after that hectic battle, pushing forward into the Yuan-ti nest in search of Varram The White, that is the end of the session.>
XP Allocation
Group - Combined (This is equally divided by the number of players who were involved)
Quests (Only quests that are completed or rendered undoable, during this session, are shown here)
- “The Light Of Truth” Avoid The Guardians Of Mystril (WISDOM) = 250 XP
- “Shiny!” Furnish Tribute To Diderius = 250 XP (Individually awarded to each person that did so)
- “Don’t touch ANYTHING!” Respect Diderius’s Resting Place (WISDOM or KNOWLEDGE) = 250 XP
- “Why did it have to be snakes!?” Avoid Falling Into Snake Feeding Pit = 250 XP
- “Take The Easy Path?” Avoid Detection On The Snake Corridor = FAIL
Creatures Overcome
- Lizardfolk Monks = 2700 XP
- Yuan-ti Malisons (Type 1) = 3500 XP
- Yuan-ti Malisons (Type 3) = 2100 XP
- Yuan-ti Abomination = 2900 XP
Individual (This is only given to that person and is not divided amongst all players)
Special Bonus (Outstanding Role Playing)
XP Levels and Player Allocations
Player : Start +  Received = Total  (Notes)
Rob : 87178 + 2242 = 89420
Arthur : 68544 + 2242 = 70786
Travis : 78999 + 2242 = 81241
Paul : 67875 + 2242 = 70117
Bob : 74303 + 2242 = 76545
NPC (Naillae) : + (1121)
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en-qq · 5 years
hnghhhhh i spent the past probably hour searching for a mythic stone but i couldn’t find anythinggggggg
all my tools are blessed (got the last tool blessed just the same day) but i’ve been using the mystril ones in the mine and i wonder if this might be the reason....??? q__q
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gelatinocomics · 5 years
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Commission for @dragonseekerart of their very pretty oc, Mystril
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mystrile · 6 years
hmblogging--> mystrile
hey i uhhh Love a(n)wl/ds(c)?
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ddildyrawrr · 7 years
Belum mystrile, gold pun belum, silver apalagi. Masih versi rendah.
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erysa · 7 years
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It all started on a boat.  Well sort of...the damned thing got caught, the rudder would not budge and the next thing I know my lovely boat was dashed against the rocks of some gods forsaken island.  Luckily, someone came by to save me from hours of boredom or attempting to manage a swim back to Velia.
Xuong Tengfei @redsailvoyage was the guy’s name.  Really, really, really polite guy who talks in the third person.  Sad past.  These days people that have truly lived, when is their lives ever just ‘happy’?  Even my sister’s life is rather pathetic and depressing and she is probably the happiest person alive...well that and her friend Darcy.  At least, I’m determined not to let the past eat at me like some disease.  What good does it do to sit in town all day, even drinking your sorrows away with alcohol in a tavern wouldn’t save you.  Those people just eventually die of their consumption.
I’m actually rather surprised I recalled the name.  I’m usually not that type of person nor do I sit around listening to someone’s life story, but it was not terrible to listen to him.  Maybe I liked the way he talked, the sound of his voice or maybe I was just stuck there on the boat fishing with a complete stranger and would rather not talk about myself.  I liked the guy, he was not creepy or forceful and maybe there is something there that I recognize in myself. A real friend.  A true one that didn’t judge and liked me when I did not bother to dust off my manners and parade them around with all of the other virtues I failed to possess.
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gotyams · 7 years
Minigames (09/08/17)
Maya spent her day off foraging and critter catching. She also went to Leuda, where she purchased a hammer, visited the mines, did some stone breaking, and went to the casino.
Previous Total: 54,605g  Trip to Leuda: [-2,000g] @wanderingwhiimsy Casino Games: [-3,200g] @rrosethorned Purchased Mythic Hammer: [-16,000g] (with 50% off coupon) @jake-out-the-humans Inventory Lost: 50% off coupon (x1) Total Earned: [+63,830g] 
New Total: 97,235g  Inventory Gained: Mystic Hammer (x1), 4-Leaf Clover (x1), Shimeji (x1), Yellow Herb (x1), Coral Mushroom (x1), Rose Quartz (x1), Ruby (x1), Necklace (x1)
Season: Fall  Proof: (x)
Strong Vine [+560g] 
4-Leaf Clover [KEEP]  
Black Rock [+200g]
Fugue Mushroom [+2,500g] 
Chestnut [+350g] 
Shimeji [KEEP] 
Earth Crystal [+800g] 
Black Rock [+200g] 
Yellow Herb [KEEP]
Coral Mushroom [KEEP] 
Total Earned: [+4,610g] New Inventory: 4-Leaf Clover, Shimeji, Yellow Herb, Coral Mushroom
Critter Catching 
Season: Fall Proof: (x) 
Scarlet Skimmer [+210g] 
Goliath Frog [+750g] 
Emperor Dragonfly [+1,500g]
Small White [+150g] 
Cobalt Dragonfly [+300g]
Scarlet Skimmer [+210g]
Winter Firefly [+600g]
Pacific Firefly [+190g]
Scarlet Skimmer [+210g]
Souther Butterfly [+800g]
Total Earned: [+4,920g] 
Tool: Mystic Hoe (6 rerolls)  Proof: (x)
Fluorite - 800G
Rose Quartz [KEEP] 
Invisible Stone - 7,000G
FOUND NOTHING! Amethyst - 1,600G
Mystrile Ore - 100G Necklace - 2,000G 
Gold Ore - 500g Ruby [KEEP] 
Necklace [KEEP]
Brooch - 2,000G 
Pontata Root - 600G Large Money Bag - 1,500G
Toal Earned: [+16,600g]  New Inventory: Rose Quartz, Ruby, Necklace
Stone Breaking 
Tool: Mystic Hammer (6 rerolls)  Proof: (x) 
Stone Black Stone [+800]
Black Stone [+800g] 
Black Stone [+800g]
Stone Stone Black Stone [+800g]
Black Stone [+800g] 
Stone Black Stone [+800g]
Stone Stone Black Stone [+800g] 
Stone [+500g] 
Black Stone [+800g]
Black Stone [+800g]
Total Earned: [+7,700g] 
Super Slots
Round 1: Two of a kind [+3,000g] and [50% off coupon] Round 2: LOST  Round 3: LOST Round 4: Two of a kind [+3,000g] and [50% off coupon]
Total Earned: [+6,000g] Items Earned: 50% OFF coupon (x2) 
Queen, Joker, King Cards
Round 1: Tie Round 2: Lost  Round 3: Won [+1,000g], [+Diamond] - Sell, [50% OFF coupon]  Round 4: Lost 
Total Earned: [+6,000g]  Items Earned: 50% OFF coupon
Spin the Wheel 
Round 1: Lost  Round 2: Lost  Round 3: [+3,000g]. [50% OFF Coupon]  Round 4: Lost 
Total Earned: [+3,000g] Items Earned: 50% OFF Coupon (x1) 
Round 1: [+1,000g], [50% OFF Coupon]  Round 2: [+1,000g], [50% OFF Coupon]  Round 3: [+1,000g], [50% OFF Coupon]  Round 4: [+1,000g], [50% OFF Coupon] 
Total Earned: [+4,000g] Items Earned: 50% OFF coupon (x4) 
Round 1: Won, [+1,000g], [50% OFF Coupon]  Round 2: Won, [+1,000g], [50% OFF Coupon]  Round 3: Won, [+1,000g], [50% OFF Coupon]  Round 4: Won, [+1,000g], [50% OFF Coupon] 
Total Earned: [+4,000g] Items Earned: 50% OFF coupon (x4) 
Pie Toss 
Round 1: [+1,000g], [50% OFF Coupon]  Round 2: [+1,000g], [50% OFF Coupon]  Round 3: [+1,000g], [50% OFF Coupon]  Round 4: [+1,000g], [50% OFF Coupon] 
Total Earned: [+4,000g] Items Earned: 50% OFF coupon (x4)  Fishing 
Round 1: [+1,000g], [50% OFF Coupon]  Round 2: [+1,000g], [50% OFF Coupon]  Round 3: Lost  Round 4: [+1,000g], [50% OFF Coupon] 
Total Earned: [+3,000g] Items Earned: 50% OFF coupon (x3)
Round 1: Lost  Round 2: Lost  Round 3: Lost Round 4: Lost 
Total Earned: [+0]  Items Earned: 
Total Won: [+30,000g] Items Won: 50% OFF Coupon (x19)  Proof: (x)
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Previous Balance: 63,507G Spent: 2,000G @treetopdynamite​ Round trip to Arcadia Earned Total: 27,360G New Balance: 88,867G New Inventory: Mystrile and Silver Ore
Results under the cut!
Season: Summer Food Items Used: N/A Potion/Blessing Used: N/A Proof: Here.
Mint: 220G
Rune Crystal: 5,000G
Cheap Cloth: 150G
Moondrop Flower: 365G
Orange Herb: 250G
Apricot: 300G
Red Herb: 250G
Small Rock: 5G
Insect Carapace: 120G
Glass Stone: 200G
Earned: +6,860G
Critter Catching
Season: Summer Food Items Used: N/A Potion/Blessing Used: N/A Proof: Here.
Azure Dragonfly: 220G
Yellow Firefly: 200G
Cornered Cricket: 270G
Emperor Firefly: 800G
Black Firefly: 180G
White Giant Beetle: 700G
Emperor Firefly: 800G
Emma Field Cricket: 500G
Tree Frog: 150G
Black Firefly: 180G
Earned: +4,000G
Location: Leuda Tool Used: Ordinary Hoe (2 re-rolls) Food Items Used: N/A Potion/Blessing Used: Proof: Here.
Mystrile Ore: Keep
Silver Ore: Keep
Small Money Bag: 300G
Junk Ore ->  Large Money Bag: 1,500G
Medium Money Bag: 800G 
Necklace: 2,000G
Large Money Bag: 1,500G
Ruby: 1,700G
Topaz: 1,700G
Invisible Stone: 7,000G
Earned: +16,500G
Monster Hunting
Location: Leuda Mines Food Items Used: N/A Potion/Blessing Used: N/A Proof: Here.
ROUND 1: Leuda Mines
Popuri vs. High Orc: High Orc
ROUND 2:  Leuda Mines
Popuri vs. High Orc: High Orc
ROUND 3: Leuda Mines
Popuri vs. High Orc: High Orc
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Gabriel tried his luck at the Casino with High Stake Gambling... and boy is he lucky. [ Lost 3,300G to Frey for casino games. @xwingsofvalor​]
Previous Balance: 7,650G New Balance: 29,650G 
Gabriel went monster hunting at Leuda Mines... and got rekt twice after defeating a Minotaur.
Previous Balance: 29,650G New Balance: 30,790G Leveled Up Once: +5 ATK, +5 DEF, +1 M.DEF
Gabriel decided to try mining...
[ Used 50% Off Coupon] [Lost 16,000G to Jake @jake-out-the-humans ] [ Received Mystic Hoe! ]
Previous Balance: 30,790G New Balance: 30,490G New Inventory: Amethyst x2, Peridot, Topaz
Gabriel decided to try fortunetelling.... and got bad-luck (to be applied in next mini-game)
Previous Balance: 30,490G New Balance: 30,390G
Results under the cut!
Mode Played: High Stakes Money Spent: 2,900G Proof: Here
Super Slots
Round 1 - 10,000G
Round 2 - 5,000G
Round 3 - [-2,500G]
Round 4 - Nothing
Spin the Wheel
Round 1 - Nothing
Round 2 - 5,000G
Round 3 - Nothing
Round 4 - Nothing
Round 1 - 2,000G
Round 2 - Nothing
Round 3 - Nothing
Round 4 - Nothing
Earned: +22,000G 
Monster Hunting
Location: Leuda Mines Proof: Here
Monster: Minotaur (Class A) Result: Success!
Gained EXP +200!
Leveled up once!
Level 7 > Level 8
+5 ATK, +5 DEF, +1 M.DEF
Exp needed till next level: 100
Sold Devil Horn (500G) and Hammer Piece (640G)
Monster: Minotaur (Class A) Result: Got rekt
Monster: Daemon (Class B) Result: Got rekt
Earned: 1,140G
Location: Leuda Tool: Mystic Hoe (10 rerolls) Proof: Here
Mystrile Ore [reroll] Green Gas! [reroll] FOUND NOTHING!
Small Rock [reroll] Amethyst - 1,600G
Amethyst - 1,600G [keeping]
Facial Pack [reroll] Junk Ore [reroll] Small Rock [reroll] Facial Pack [reroll] FELL THROUGH A HOLE! [reroll] Invisible Stone - 7,000G
Peridot - 1,500G [keeping]
Amethyst - 1,600G [keeping]
Sun Block [ reroll ] Topaz - 1,700G [keeping]
Agate - 600G
FELL THROUGH A HOLE! [reroll] Large Money Bag - 1,500G
Alexandrite - 5,000G
Earned: +15,700G
Fortune Telling
Location: Leuda Proof: Here
Bad Luck: Unfortunately, things aren’t going your way today. Remove two positive results on your next minigame. 
Expenses: 100G
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i-dont-give-a-flak · 7 years
Wayne purchased a Ordinary Hoe from Steel Edge Blacksmith’s. [-8,000 to @jake-out-the-humans]
Critter Catching:
Purple Brush-Foot - 220G
Causasus Beetle - 520G
Comma Butterfly - 200G
Pale Cloud Yellow - 190G
Purple Emperor - 200G
Orange Ladybug - 300G
White Morpho - 300G
Dirt Grasshopper - 190G
Red-eyed Tree Frog - 190G
Common Frog - 210G
Total: 2,520G
102 Necklace - 2,000G
164 Necklace - 2,000G
150 Mystrile Ore - 100G REROLL: 147 Topaz - 1,700G
58 Agate - 600G
33 Fluorite - 800G
11 Emerald 1,800G
51 Pontata Root - 600G
112 Topaz - 1,700G
163 Mythic Stone 10,000G
150 Mystrile Ore - 100G REROLL: 60 Ruby - 1,700G
Total: 22,900G
New Total: 28,580G
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