shitswiftiessay · 4 months
Swifties are now peddling this bullshit list of the supposed top 30 celebrities with the most private jet flights, saying “see? taylor’s not even in the top 30!”
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the problem with that list is that it’s NOT accurate at all.
the website they linked says: “We only use data that celebrities themselves publish. When someone’s tagged in a picture drinking champagne in Las Vegas one day and then posts from Lloret de Mar the next, the myclimate Carbon Tracker springs into action.”
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obviously, a tracker that relies solely on social media posts is NOT going to be an accurate representation of the true “worst celebrity carbon offenders,” which of course Taylor Swift topped the list of in 2022.
And common fucking sense would tell you that Taylor has most certainly only taken MORE private jet flights in the last year, not only for her Eras tour but for flights back and forth to see her boyfriend, which produced 138 tons of CO2 in just 3 months.
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reasonsforhope · 3 months
There was recently a video I saw explaining that the list that puts TSwift outside of the top 30 goes off of self-reported data only, and can not be considered a reliable indicator that her usage is going down, only that she is reporting it less
Hmm, so I looked into it and it's kind of unclear, because the website that The Tab used, My Climate Tracker...literally contradicts itself when they talk about their methods.
If you scroll down on the website's main page, it says this:
"The myclimate Carbon Tracker uses public domain flight trackers and social media posts from influencers and celebrities to list flights, collect emissions data and also post critical, direct queries on social media. The results are made visible in a large carbon ranking. "We only use data that celebrities themselves publish. When someone’s tagged in a picture drinking champagne in Las Vegas one day and then posts from Lloret de Mar the next, the myclimate Carbon Tracker springs into action. Our ‘service’ consists of an automated post on their Twitter or Instagram profile. This draws attention to the account’s CO₂ emissions and includes a link to our emissions calculator. There they find a critical look at their travel habits, as well as a suggestion that they donate to climate protection projects," says myclimate’s Head of Marketing Daniel Aregger."
The problem is that those two paragraphs say very different things!!! Because "public domain flight trackers," which are the main source for these things, are definitely not data the celebrities self-report! Which blatantly contradicts the first paragraph!
So do they use flight trackers, or don't they? And if so, how heavily do they weigh those??
Would love to hear from aviation nerds and hobbyists on what is more likely.
I am tentatively inclined to say that they probably mostly use flight trackers (which like. my understanding is that most or all of these include the departure and arrival location, so I'm not sure why the Instagram data is necessary anyway) and possibly added the paragraph about "We only use data that celebrities themselves publish" in response to the whole cease-and-desist thing. I say this partly because I'm not sure how else they could promise any degree of accuracy with their numbers, otherwise?
Would love a link to the video if you can find it. (Just changed my ask settings to allow media). And again, would love asks or comments from any aviation hobbyists and/or professionals with info about this!
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eldritch-thrumming · 4 months
btw the list that you’re all pointing to to say that taylor sw*ft was not even in the top 2023 emitters is false, they only use “data” that celebrities post on their instagram (like if they’re in one place one day posting and then in another two days later posting they corroborate that w the public domain info i guess). so like. not at all accurate, especially for individuals that rarely post on their socials, but yeah, go off i guess!!!
"We only use data that celebrities themselves publish. When someone’s tagged in a picture drinking champagne in Las Vegas one day and then posts from Lloret de Mar the next, the myclimate Carbon Tracker springs into action. Our ‘service’ consists of an automated post on their Twitter or Instagram profile. This draws attention to the account’s CO₂ emissions and includes a link to our emissions calculator. There they find a critical look at their travel habits, as well as a suggestion that they donate to climate protection projects," says myclimate’s Head of Marketing Daniel Aregger.
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helloyoucreatives · 2 months
The cost of influence.
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writerblogs · 9 months
Carbon Offset Market Is Estimated To Witness High Growth Owing To Increasing Awareness About Environmental Sustainability
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The global Carbon Offset Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 414.80 billion in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 31.7% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights. Market Overview: The Carbon Offset Market refers to the process of compensating for greenhouse gas emissions through activities such as reforestation, renewable energy projects, and energy efficiency initiatives. It helps organizations and individuals reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to mitigating climate change. Carbon offsetting offers several advantages such as offsetting emissions that are difficult to reduce, supporting sustainable development projects, and improving brand image. The need for carbon offset products is increasing as businesses and consumers prioritize environmental sustainability and aim to achieve carbon neutrality. Market Key Trends: One key trend in the Carbon Offset Market is the growing adoption of carbon offset programs by corporates and individuals. With increasing awareness about climate change and the need to reduce carbon emissions, companies across various industries are integrating carbon offsetting into their sustainability strategies. This trend is driven by the desire to demonstrate corporate social responsibility, comply with regulations, and attract environmentally conscious consumers. Additionally, individuals are also taking personal responsibility for their carbon emissions and offsetting them through various carbon offset programs. Some of the key players operating in the Carbon Offset Market include 3Degrees Inc., NativeEnergy, ClimatePartner, Carbon Credit Capital, Terrapass, Renewable Choice Energy, Gold Standard, Offsetters, South Pole Group, Veridium, Cool Effect, ClimateCare, MyClimate, Forest Carbon, and Verified Carbon Standard. PEST Analysis: Political: The political factor influencing the carbon offset market is the increasing government regulations and policies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. For instance, many countries have implemented carbon pricing mechanisms or cap-and-trade systems, which have contributed to the growth of the market. Economic: The economic factor driving the carbon offset market is the rising awareness and concerns about climate change and its impact on the environment. This has led to an increased demand for carbon offsetting services, as individuals and businesses seek to mitigate their carbon footprints and support sustainable practices. Technological: The technological factor impacting the carbon offset market is the advancements in renewable energy technologies. The increasing efficiency and decreasing costs of technologies like solar and wind power have made them more accessible and attractive options for offsetting carbon emissions. Key Takeaways: The global Carbon Offset Market Growth is expected to witness high growth, exhibiting a CAGR of 31.7% over the forecast period from 2023 to 2030. This growth can be attributed to increasing government regulations and policies, rising awareness and concerns about climate change, changing consumer preferences, and advancements in renewable energy technologies. Key players operating in the carbon offset market include 3Degrees Inc., NativeEnergy, ClimatePartner, Carbon Credit Capital, Terrapass, Renewable Choice Energy, Gold Standard, Offsetters, South Pole Group, Veridium, Cool Effect, ClimateCare, MyClimate, Forest Carbon, and Verified Carbon Standard. These key players play a crucial role in providing carbon offsetting services and developing innovative solutions to address climate change concerns.
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1weltreisender · 9 months
CO2-Ausgleich: Meine persönliche CO2-Spur
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Fliegen verursacht CO2. Und gar nicht wenig. Die Fortbewegungsart Fliegen ist am umweltschädlichsten. CO2 trägt wesentlich zum Klimawandel bei, weil es verhindert, dass Wärme ins Welt­all entweicht. Die Devise heißt daher: So wenig CO2 wie möglich ausstoßen! Wo das nicht gelingt, lässt sich ein Ausgleich schaffen: Wer beispiels­weise mit einem Flug zum Klimawandel beiträgt, kann den Schaden begrenzen, indem er einen kleinen Aufschlag an Organisationen wie Atmosfair, Klima-Kollekte, Primaklima und Myclimate zahlt. Mit dem Geld werden etwa Auffors­tungs­projekte im Regen­wald oder der Einsatz von Solar­lampen in Entwick­lungs­ländern finanziert. CO2-Kompensation heißt, dass an anderer Stelle konkret dieselbe Menge CO2 einge­spart wird, die der Reisende – etwa indem er ein Flugzeug nutzt – verbraucht. Stiftung Warentest hat vier unterschiedliche Kompensationsanbieter und einige Airlines im Umgang mit dem Thema verglichen. Der eigentliche Testbericht befindet sich hinter einer Bezahlschranke. Wenn Du ihn nicht kaufen willst, wesentliche Erkenntnisse des Tests von Stiftung Warentest enthält auch dieser Focus-Artikel, der sich auf den Testbericht bezieht. Wir erfahren u.a., dass Atmosfair wieder Testsieger ist, wie auch im Vergleich 2018. Der persönliche CO2-Verbrauch hängt in erster Linie natürlich von der Länge der Flugstrecke ab, dann davon, wieviel CO2 das verwendete Flugzeug in die Umwelt während des Fluges abgibt. Neue Flugzeuge fliegen wesentlich effizienter und belasten die Umwelt geringer. Dann hängt es von der geflogenen Klasse ab. First Class oder Business Class sind CO2-intensiver. Wer im Flieger weniger Platz benötigt, ist auch für einen geringeren CO2-Ausstoß verantwortlich. Den CO2-Fußabdruck Deines Fluges kannst Du gut mit atmosfair https://co2offset.atmosfair.de/co2offset?p=1#/flight?locale=de berechnen.
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atmosfair CO2-Kompensation / Screenshot atmosfair Beispiel: Ich bin im Juni 2023 mit Air Premia von von der Economy Plus-Klasse Premia 42 von Frankfurt nach Seoul und zurück geflogen. Das macht laut atmosfair einen CO2-Ausstoß von 3.783 kg CO2, die ich mit einem Beitrag von 88 Euro kompensieren kann. Siehe Screenshot. Wichtig zu wissen: Der gezahlte Klimaschutzbetrag ist steuerlich absetzbar. Auch das Bundesumweltamt https://uba.co2-rechner.de/de_DE/mobility-flight#panel-calc stellt einen umfangreichen Online-Rechner über die eigene CO2-Bilanz zur Verfügung. Dort kannst Du Deine CO2-Bilanz über nahezu alle Lebensbereiche erfahren. Das https://www.evz.de/reisen-verkehr/reiserecht/flugzeug/co2-kompensation.html Europäische Verbraucherzentrum Deutschland bietet ebenfalls eine umfangreiche und informative Seite zur CO2-Kompensation für Flüge. Soll man wegen der CO2-Belastung nun gar nicht mehr fliegen? Wohl kaum. Reisen macht Spaß, bildet, unterstützt die Wirtschaft der Reiseländer und dient der Völkerverständigung. Wer aus Spaß Vielflieger ist, sollte sich überlegen, ob ein anderes Hobby nicht auch schön sein kann und eine Reduzierung der Flüge möglich ist. Und Flüge innerhalb Deutschlands müssen sicher auch nicht so viele sein. Damit weniger innerhalb Deutschlands geflogen wird, muss die Bahn ihr Angebot allerdings ausbauen und pünktlicher werden. Ein kritischer Blick auf die persönliche Umweltbilanz hilt uns aber sicher allen weiter. Titelfoto / Beim Reisen mit dem Flugzeug wird relativ viel CO2 ausgestoßen / Foto: pixabay / extrabrandt
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opjueckweltweit · 10 months
Wie du eine Kreuzfahrt nachhaltiger machen kannst
So hilfst du mit, dass Kreuzfahrten nachhaltiger werden.
Ja, Kreuzfahrtschiffe sind Luftverschmutzer. Tatsächlich ist ihr CO2-Ausstoß so hoch, dass man seine Reise nicht mehr über Atmosfair kompensieren kann. Bei MyClimate ist das jedoch möglich. Von der CO2-Kompensierung abgesehen, kannst du selbst deine Kreuzfahrt nachhaltiger gestalten.  Anfahrt zur Kreuzfahrt Wenn deine Kreuzfahrt in Deutschland startet, musst du nicht mit dem Flugzeug anreisen.…
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askaniatravel · 10 months
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🎉🚢🎶 90s Super Cruise Vol.3 - Ein Kreuzfahrterlebnis der Extraklasse! 🎶🚢🎉 Bereit für eine unvergessliche Zeitreise zurück in die 90er Jahre? 🕹️👟 Dann begleiten Sie uns vom 19.-22. September 2024 auf der AIDAluna zu unserer legendären 90s Super Cruise Vol.3! 🚢💫 Tauchen Sie ein in die Ära von Gameboy, Plateau-Sneaker und Co., und genießen Sie ein verlängertes Wochenende voller Nostalgie und Entertainment der Spitzenklasse. 🌟 🌟 Drei Open-Air-Abendshows mit über einem Dutzend bekannter 90er Stars versprechen ausgelassene Stimmung und das unvergleichliche Lebensgefühl dieser einzigartigen Zeit. Käpt'n Mola Adebisi, der sympathische VIVA-Moderator, führt Sie durch das komplette Programm. 🎤 Und wir haben großartige Neuigkeiten: Dr. Alban, LayZee aka Mr. President, Kate Ryan, Alex Christensen und Real McCoy werden ihre Mega-Hits wie "It's My Life", "Coco Jamboo", "Ella Elle L A" und "Another Night" live auf der Bühne performen! 🎶 Doch das ist noch nicht alles! Unser abwechslungsreiches Rahmenprogramm hält für jeden Geschmack etwas bereit: 🎧 Tanzen Sie bei der Silent-Disco zu den besten 90er Hits. 🎤 Beweisen Sie Ihr Gesangstalent bei der Karaoke-Party. 💡 Zeigen Sie Ihr Wissen beim "Wer-wird-Millionär-Quiz". 🍹 Lernen Sie bei einem "90er-Cocktail-Kurs" die Klassiker dieser Zeit kennen. Und das Beste: Treffen Sie Ihre 90er Stars persönlich bei einem exklusiven Meet & Greet! 🤩 Die Nähe zu den Fans steht bei uns an erster Stelle. Seien Sie dabei und erleben Sie mit uns die besten Momente der 90er Jahre auf hoher See! Buchen Sie jetzt Ihre Kabine für die 90s Super Cruise Vol.3 und lassen Sie uns gemeinsam in Erinnerungen schwelgen. Wir freuen uns, Sie an Bord zu begrüßen! 🚢🎉 Bei der 90s Super Cruise Vol.3 wird auch ein besonderer Wert auf Nachhaltigkeit gelegt. Gemeinsam mit unserem Partner myclimate gleichen wir die Emissionen der Kreuzfahrt aus und leisten somit unseren Beitrag zum Klimaschutz. #askaniatravel #90sSuperCruise #AIDACruise #NostalgicVibes #ThrowbackCruise #90sPartyOnBoard #CruiseToThe90s #ThrowbackWeekend #90sStarsOnBoard #GöteborgAdventure #SustainableCruise
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The Akasha Academy recently saw the good-for-construction set for the awe-inspiring bio-based material structure, bamboo pavilion.
Carefully co-created with their members, finally the land would see a truly sustainable architectural structure. We designed the multi-functional pavilion for physical exercises, workshops, informal sunset chit-chats and much more invigorating activities. The deliberate openness of the design embraces the serene and peaceful surroundings, especially towards the East and South sparking a deep sense of tranquillity and oneness with the landscape. Five elegant bamboo scissor trusses are connected via ten bamboo columns to the floor ring beam with diagonal bracings on the corner trusses for structural stability from the capricious wind. The floor finish is in cork-based linoleum, most comfortable for bare feet, surrounded by a strip of Telia tiles from baked clay.
 We invited 'Green Bamboo' to be part of the design process and suggested that they roll out a bamboo planting scheme for the land as a grow your own building material initiative to increase self-sustainability. We also invited the Head of Corporate Partnerships at myclimate, Kathrin Dellantonio to give a dedicated talk about their approach to climate change to the first batch of students.
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travellingnews · 2 years
SWISS now offers carbon-neutral air travel options directly in flight booking process
SWISS now offers carbon-neutral air travel options directly in flight booking process
SWISS has newly integrated the options it offers its customers to make their air travel carbon-neutral into the flight booking process. The new facility makes it much easier for the customer to purchase sustainable aviation fuel or to invest in the climate protection projects of the Swiss-based myclimate foundation. Further sustainability options are also being developed. Swiss International Air…
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tcteam723 · 2 years
SWISS now offers carbon-neutral air travel options directly in the flight booking process
SWISS now offers carbon-neutral air travel options directly in the flight booking process
SWISS has newly integrated the options it offers its customers to make their air travel carbon-neutral into the flight booking process. The new facility makes it much easier for the customer to purchase sustainable aviation fuel or to invest in the climate protection projects of the Swiss-based myclimate foundation. Further sustainability options are also being developed. Swiss International Air…
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kp777 · 5 years
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ontai-sakusha · 3 years
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#マルカズ京町店 来店の一枚 #myclimate の#フェアトレードチョコレート 、#オーガニックチョコレート ノアール(ダーク、ブラック)と柘榴を各一枚 #fairtrade #organic 11/19(金)は閉店が16:00と短縮営業との告知があったので併せて掲載する。 (京町) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVaO9UMJhFV/?utm_medium=tumblr
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monada-ch · 4 years
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@myclimate #awesomefuture #thefutureisawesome #myclimate #thefutureisnow #climatechange #environment #sustainability #climateaction https://www.instagram.com/p/CDKGjAUh5k_/?igshid=1jheu8cuv2lhn
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huntingher · 5 years
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Auch wenn die Mehrheit unserer innerdeutschen #Geschäftsreisen mit der #Bahn erfolgt, lassen sich #Flüge nicht immer vermeiden. Im Sinne des #Klimaschutzes greifen wir bei #HuntingHer dann gerne auf Angebote zur #co2-Kompensation zurück z.B. bei #atmosfair oder #myclimate. #fridaysforfuture #climatechange #flugzeug #businesswoman #headhunter #businesstraveller https://www.instagram.com/p/BzBX36Yo_xb/?igshid=1ph6xwlwmg8ou
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pernilleoe · 5 years
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I’ve been asked to be a part of this years Draw Earth by @3dtotal and I’m so honored. We are group of people involved and you can help the environment by buying prints by your favorite artists which benefit environmental causes like “myclimate”. Please visit earthdraw.org today and check out all the amazing artists who are involved! #girlsinanimation (at Nairobi) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3j9rx_HHFs/?igshid=18l9yd0tb7hzq
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