#my vet anatomy physiology class was SO cool and i passed with an A by drawing every anatomical feature over and over to memorize it LOL
moldspace · 2 years
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 29, & 30
10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw
i'm terribly neglectful of my clothing drawing skills. it's something ive been meaning to practice but i just don't get around to it. i love the IDEA of drawing silly long medieval-style hoods on creatures. i rarely do them justice though. i really just want to get good at drawing silly historically accurate medieval clothes to be honest with you.
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
ok i just answered this but ill expose myself and go into detail RE: tunes. lately it's been a lot of fish in a birdcage and crane waves, for whatever reason. i also have been kinda getting into oingo boingo and bjork... dabbling in them really, both are hit or miss for me. but as always when i need to get pumped up slayyyter or kim petras (turn off the light... album of all time tbh)(and stupid boy is the SONG OF ALL TIME!!! IMO). and cosmo sheldrake (especially his instrumental stuff) if i need a more chill background noise. (my music taste is. all over the place.)
12. Easiest part of body to draw
ooh possibly insane to say but i think my fav/most comfortable thing to draw lately has been faces! i'm not sure about EASIEST, i feel like that always depends on pose and stylization. if we want to get technical i think probably the torso is the easiest thing to draw. just kind of stylize it into a tube. that's definitely not what this question was asking though. ANWAY!
already answered 13 and 14~
15. *Where* do you draw (don't drop your ip address this just means do you doodle at a park or smth)
most of my sketchbooking is done at my kitchen table or sometimes in class. my digital art setup is a big gaming laptop + a screened tablet so she stays at my desk, not very portable at all. the sculpture painting situation is EVEN LESS portable so that's pretty much exclusive to ~My Basement~
16. Something you are good at but don't really have fun doing
ohh inchresting question. i feel like the things i'm good at i've gotten good at because they're enjoyable, and i don't do the unenjoyable things enough to know if i'm good at them or not? honestly though, i don't like underglazing very much. i like the results i can get with it, but it's pretty tedious. glazing on the other hand i dislike and am also bad at maybe picking color schemes as well. people say i'm good at colors and it's true but the amount of trial and error that goes into it is such a pain!
17. Do you eat/drink when drawing? if so, what
usually i'm too absorbed with what i'm doing to. and when i'm working on sculpture it's hard to eat or drink anything without getting clay dust/paper mache glue/paint on and in my food! although when i really need a push to work on something i'll make myself a cup of earl gray to keep me company. 50% chance if it gets drank or if it gets cold tho.
29. Media you love, but doesn't inspire you artistically
this is hard because i think everything i like sneaks into my art one way or another! maybe the uncanny/spookier art i like. it's not strictly MEDIA, but i have some niche macabre interests like historical burial customs and ancient mummies (natural and man-made), anatomy and physiology, taxidermy, pathology, etc. that i don't think pop up that much in my work.
and i answered 30 already!
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ineffablebuddies · 3 years
One of my HC that may have been disproven since TOS but Idc is that Spock was one of the first non-humans on a human starship. Like I know it’s primarily because of budget that he seems to be the only non-human, and TAS immediately rectified this, as do the movies, but if it is canon I think it opens up some really interesting possibilities.
Because the federation is about ideals but we know they frequently fail to live up to them, and I reckon that they have their fair share of xenophobia, and I think some of this looks like this notion that birds of a feather should flock together, and that it’s easier and thus must be better to just keep the same species on the same starships. And there’s practical applications of this, in that you’re creating an artificial environment, so you want to ensure that it’s comfortable for everyone on board. But taken to its extreme and it just looks like another form of segregation. Because whilst you’re working with the same purpose, if you’re not working together, how is there unity? (And think about rl space missions and how often we benefit more from cultures coming together than we do from cultures competing.)
And the federation societies we know most about are Earth and Vulcan, and we know that there are starships that are manned solely by humans, or solely by Vulcans, so it’s a fair assumption that the other planets are doing the same. And from what we can tell from the academy it doesn’t look like there were a lot of non-humans attending at this time.
And whilst we know that Spock faces bigotry for being Vulcan (and in turn that lots of Vulcans are bigoted towards humans), we know that he is most affected by bigotry surrounding being a “half-breed”, and whilst in the show insults about his Vulcan nature are mainly seen as light hearted jest (from Bones mainly), the half-breed comments are treated as equivalent to real life slurs and racial abuse. So even though the federation desires peace and unity amongst all species, it is not yet comfortable with the mixing of species, and still holds on to bigoted ideas of racial purity.
But that makes Spock ideal for being one of the first people to start to unpick that notion. Because he’s accepted both into the VSA and Starfleet academy, and him turning down VSA is a rebuttal of his Vulcan side, but then he turns up at Starfleet and he aligns himself with Vulcan. And I bet Starfleet was not prepared for that. They knew he was half human, and expected him to identify as Terran when he applied, but instead he doesn’t just look Vulcan, but identifies as one too. And what can they do once they’ve already accepted him? Kick him out again? They didn’t think to ask if he identified as Terran, because why would a Vulcan apply for the Starfleet academy?
And we know Spock is a little shit when it comes to technicalities. And ironically we also know from mirrorverse that he is able to realise when a system is set up in a way that is unjust but also doomed to unravel, and whilst mirrorverse Spock is too self-serving to act on his own principles without being pushed by Kirk to do so, prime Spock is not. He would fully be capable of seeing a federation stuck in self imposed segregation, and know that no species working for peace could remain divided for long, and also see that his own identity as a hybrid would enable him to push them towards the end goal of unity. So yeah he’d be able to be like “well, technically I’m half human, so there is no reason why I cannot be on this human manned starship, even whilst I identify as Vulcan” and know full well what he’s doing.
It’d also explain why the medical staff on board seem ill equipped to deal with non-humans and have only passing knowledge at best of alien anatomy. And you could kind of get Bones frustration at Starfleet just being like “cool you’re CMO, and now you’re responsible for the first half human half Vulcan hybrid ever, his physiology is completely unique and barely resembles human anatomy, good luck!”. And to be honest you can tell that the medical staff are not deliberately negligent in their care, and do try to learn more, and Bones displays a lot of theoretically knowledge of Vulcan anatomy though he lacks the practical experience, suggesting he has been trying to learn! But you know if you’re a vet and someone brings in a bloody lemur you may be able to do something, but it’s not the cats and dogs you’re trained for!
It’s also explain how he responds to Valeris in the films, because he makes the comments that she is the first Vulcan to perform top in her class at the academy and says that he was blinded to her actions by the fact she was Vulcan, but you don’t care that much about someone’s actions if they’re just from the same place as you, but you do care if they are trailblazers and they’re representing your group. But the films suggest that Vulcans are starting to join human manned starships more and more, as well as other non-humans, and then by TNG it’s far more common, but I feel like it started with Spock.
Spock who was able to slip his way into a human starship as a Vulcan because of technicalities, and was an experiment as to how it would work, and paved the way for it to continue and knew the whole damn time what he was doing.
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