#my strategy for every essay is just obsessively research the subject and plan it out in your head to the point where you can just sit down-
chaotic-history · 8 months
Ew. TIL writing a senior project involves actual writing.
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driftingglass · 6 years
Your writing is absolutely stunning and I can't help but be amazed by it. I have read all your fic's and I love all of them. I love writing but I believe mine is average and I really want to improve. How can you write so beautifully? How long did it take you to write in such way? ( practicing I mean) 😊❤
First of all, thank you for taking the time to leave this comment in my inbox, and for providing such a thoughtful question to mull over. This is important for any writer to address, and I’m honored you’re seeking advice from a writer like me. I’m always insecure about my skills as a writer and learning how to continuously develop is difficult for anyone, no matter how experienced and well-rehearsed.
There are a few simple rules that I’ll share with you that I practice myself, and other personal beliefs that keep the process moving. 
I don’t have a specific timeline set out because I can’t remember a time where I didn’t write. I was horrible at it, understandably, at first, like most everyone. Still sinking into this new “skin,” so to speak, that I understood was the eventual layer of writing I wanted to reach and hold onto.
Unfortunately, I can’t provide a “step by step” process to achieve a certain kind of style. That, ultimately, is up to you. But we’ll get more into that later.
For one thing, it’s essential to know how much you love writing. 
And clearly, you seem to care quite a lot about it, hence that you love it but you believe it’s “average” and you want to improve. I’m not going to say that average writers don’t exist, because they do. People who tell you that every writer is “good in their own way” are wrong. 
Not every writer is good. Of course, this can be subjective to a point, but the fact remains that there are degrees of separation. And there is, at least in my experience and journey, a main difference between great writers, average writers, and, yes, terrible writers. 
I want to make it clear that I don’t consider myself to be a great writer by any means. Like every creative, we’re always pushing ourselves to be better and hone our craft, and this is no different for me. It’s an endless scope of a process that requires discipline and evolution, and both your own critical eye and that of another. 
One of the most important aspects of being a writer is understanding the amount of time and commitment you will need to carve out for your craft. “Good” and “average” writers only write and read every other day. Terrible writers don’t put in the time at all. 
But you don’t want to be good or average, do you? I doubt you even want to consider yourself “great” at one point. You want to be solid, and the best you can be. Maybe even the best. 
And what I want to share with you is what separates the average from the best.
In order to become that level, or at least improve, you must make the time to read and write every single day. It could be as little as 250 words or as many as 10,000 when it comes to writing. And reading? Well, reading is accomplished no matter what, but reading essays, articles, nonfiction, fiction, it all counts towards something.
It’s important to take the time to both consume from other influences, genres, sentence structures, ideas, plot developmental strategies, etc. just by reading other works. Invest in your favorite genre of fiction or whatever you’re interested in practicing yourself, and watch as even your subconscious works to help you grow. 
My average wordcount per day is 4,000 to 5,000 words. I also tend to overwrite quite a bit, and cut away the unnecessary fat later. My heaviest wordcount taken in one day caps off at 11,000 words. 
I get up early in the morning, go to the gym or run outside to get the blood flowing, write for a solid hour, then leave for work that same morning. It requires a lot of discipline and no, it’s not easy, but it’s worth it. And after work I write as well until I reach my goal for that day. 
Although I might also be a wee bit insane. So take that into account when asking for advice from someone who cares way more about writing than pretty much anything else, save for… coffee, some animals, and a handful of friends.
Regardless, this is something every great writer does. They make the time.
Start small, and grow from there. See how many words you can accomplish in one busy day. Create a routine for yourself. Let the ideas flow and grow into something that even surprises you. 
There are countless writing prompts, exercises and more to draw influence from. With my own ideas I just think of them on the spot, but in college I tended to look for prompts for short story concepts that didn’t require more than one ginormous chapter to set up a plot.
I’m hesitant to give advice about critiquing because I’m ware of how much this is a problem for me personally. I’m very harsh about my writing and can be obsessive about the turnout, leading to an ironic series of burnouts and even stalling. 
However, I can say that being critical, while sometimes dismissed by friends and colleagues, is absolutely necessary for you to improve. If you notice something off about your sentence structure, or if you realize that a character you’ve created definitely would not say “that line,” then feel free to erase it.
One of the best things about writing is that you are in control of your own imagination, and what you put down.
Just remember that it’s normal to feel burned out. 
Writing, like any passion, takes a lot of practice, time and commitment to make into something grand and beautiful. Your style will grow into itself and you’ll find a reflection of you in what you create. I never planned to have a certain style. 
The moment you try to replicate every other writer instead of accepting the type of writer you are meant to be, is one of many mistakes a first-time writer makes. Take it from someone who struggled with this for years before finding the courage to understand that writing is a process. 
Writing is rewriting. Remember this too.
It’s easy to forget how not everything you craft will be perfect. Writing is always imperfect. Even the best writers are far from perfect. Because perfection is, well, impossible to achieve. 
All that you can control is how hard you work at it, what you choose to focus on to improve your craft, and how you choose to approach your inevitable mistakes. 
The fear of failure is one of the biggest reasons great minds stop before they go through with what they want to accomplish. Sometimes it’s truly the only difference separating a published work from an unpublished work. 
Believe me, these upcoming aspects will tie together. I don’t intend to leave you hanging.
J.K. Rowling was rejected twelve times for Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (and probably even more). Pierce Brown faced rejection from over 120 agents before he was able to sell Red Rising. Stephen King, Neil Gaiman, J.R.R. Tolkien, William Golding, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Rudyard Kipling–and so many more, have all faced rejection.
But rejection is inevitable for anyone who dreams. In fact, let’s move away from just writers for a moment. Would you believe that Walt Disney himself was turned down from his plans of financing the Walt Disney Company over 300 times? 
Success never falls into laps. Real success is made by actions taken. The choice to take those steps and keep moving forward, and never giving up, is one of the most important things about being a writer (and person). 
If you remain in a comfort zone, you will forever be stagnant. Growth only comes to those who challenge themselves and push forward. If you struggle with adapting character, research and figure out ways to make them more personal. Do you struggle with dialogue? Read your phrases allowed, study the character more, and test out different clauses and details.
There are countless ways to approach improving writing. It takes a myriad of steps, and it all comes down to the all-around focus you want to have. 
You know you want to improve. You know that you love writing. And for some, that’s enough of a reason to throw yourself into it and see what happens.
As one last thing to close this off (I could go on and on about this for days), please remember that your style is unique to you. It is a part of who you are, not anyone else. Everyone has writing influences (dozens, even) but their style is meant to be that. An influence. Not a replication. 
It’s a difficult journey and extremely stressful and heartbreaking at times, but it’s so, so rewarding.  
Writing, while something that’s incredibly wonderful to share with the world, is ultimately about you. You should write for you, so write what you want to write, reshape it accordingly, and keep at it until you reach your goal… and then keep going. 
I wish you the best with your endeavors, Anon. Thank you. 
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nonsensebot · 6 years
In this essay I will
After obsessively researching the history of Cartoon Network, broadcast TV, and the production of Adventure Time and other shows, I've come to the conclusion that Cartoon Network is run by Slimer, the green slimy ghost from Ghostbusters (1984).
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When Adventure Time made its debut in 2010, it was an smash hit. It more than doubled 2009 viewership ratings in its time slot, and more than tripled ratings in the 9-14 age group. Its popularity only increased from there, with ratings steadily growing for the first 5 seasons. The show received strong reviews from critics, got dozens of awards, and amassed a large and devoted fan base. Comics and other products were successfully marketed alongside the show. For years, AT was consistently CN's top franchise.
Then, in 2014, after five and a half seasons of rising ratings, viewership fell. Season 7 ratings were a third of those of season 6. By season 9, AT’s ratings were a fifth of what they were at its peak. In 2016, it was announced that the show, CN's most popular show just two years prior, was cancelled.
Now, if the show had actually gotten worse in its second half, as many long-running shows do, this decline would be understandable. However, most fans agree that AT only got better with time after season 6. Furthermore, the show received consistent praise from critics throughout seasons 6-10. It earned six of its eight Primetime Emmy Awards after 2014.
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So what happened?
In November of 2014, halfway through season 6, CN made several changes to AT's broadcasting schedule. The weekly release schedule was abandoned, and new episodes were released in sporadic week-long bursts, with gaps of weeks or even months between new releases. Advertising for new episodes ceased. Reruns were never aired. These decisions disrupted most fans’ viewing schedules, and left many fans of the show simply unable to watch new episodes, or know when new episodes were released. Some even wondered if the show had been quietly taken off the air.
One has to ask why CN would do this to their biggest franchise.
I believe that it was ultimately a bad decision, for reasons I’ll get to later. However, to understand why the decision was made, we have to first understand the current state of television.
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Simply put, the advent of the internet has led to indomitable competitors for traditional broadcast TV. The meteoric rise of Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, Youtube, and others have all contributed to what some journalists describe as a “freefall” in ratings for channels including Cartoon Network, Nickelodeon, and the Disney Channel. For most people today, it’s more convenient and cheaper to watch your shows on literally anything but a TV.
Another part of the answer is that every show is an investment with a potential risk and reward. Risk and reward have to be balanced differently depending on the economic environment of the time. In a world where TV is being rapidly eclipsed by internet-based streaming services, CN perceived AT as too “risky” compared to "safer" shows. Even if CN was doomed, its life could be prolonged by sticking to tried and tested formulas.
Several things made AT a risky venture from the start. The show broke the status quo in multiple ways, with non-traditional story elements, devices, setting, tone, character development, and subject matter. Also, the show's wide appeal and arc-driven story clashed with CN's focus on the 7-15 year old demographic and non-serialized content. Ironically, the things which made AT “risky” were the same things which made it popular.
Then why did CN take up AT in the first place? In 2010, CN was in decline after a series of popular shows in the 2000s ended, and several other late-2000s shows had failed to take off. Ratings were falling, so they wanted something good to bring the viewers back. Enter Adventure Time.
CN saw AT from the start as a risky venture which could let it escape its late 2000s ratings slump. CN execs never expected such a non-traditional show to become so popular. Nobody had any idea if the success of the show would continue; nobody had ever done this before. This made it a risky venture (in the eyes of network CN executives). Episodes took 8-9 months to produce, and entire seasons were worked on concurrently, which meant that if viewership suddenly fell through, the money that was poured into production would go nowhere. Now, with the accelerating decline of television, CN felt that it needed to return to cartoons built on a more reliable model.
In 2014, after a small dip in viewership from season 5 to season 6, and having reaped an adequate rebound in channel viewership thanks to AT, CN adopted a new strategy, in which AT and several more nontraditional shows were pushed to the wayside in favor of new shows based on a more traditional model. Many CN shows, including Steven Universe and Regular Show, began to receive a similar sporadic broadcast treatment shortly after AT.
If CN didn’t want to lose money producing shows that it believed catered to unreliable audiences, why did it continue to produce them at all, only to air them so sporadically? Apparently, the internet is again the answer.
The idea was that shows which were especially popular on the internet could be treated differently from other shows. Through the internet, fans would find out about airing times from official announcements and from other fans. This would mean three things: 1) The airing schedule could be more inconsistent, since fans wouldn’t be reliant upon a consistent schedule to know when the show airs; 2) Promotions for the show could be reduced, since fans would find out about airing times through other means, and the show would promote itself via the internet; 3) Re-runs of the show could be reduced, since fans would mostly watch only the first run.
All three of these things would save money, something any company is always keen on doing. This lead to the idea of releasing new episodes of certain shows in sporadic “bomb weeks”. Hypothetically, fans would tune in for their shows and tune out, and the rest of the channel could be dedicated to programming for audiences who still play by the rules of old TV. An additional hypothetical benefit of this strategy was that releasing multiple episodes in quick succession would result in a brief spike in online popularity of the cartoon, leading more people to find out about it, more so than a regular release schedule would. (Like how the intermittent gonging of a grandfather clock is much more noticeable than the regular ticking of a second hand.)
If the internet worked like it does in the imagination of a middle-aged Cartoon Network executive, then maybe everything would’ve worked out, and CN’s ratings wouldn’t be in freefall. The reality is that many of those fans who reside on the internet simply don’t tune in; many don’t even have TV subscriptions. This meant that the “bomb week” strategy actually led to a decline in the popularity of shows the network perceived as “risky” to begin with, leading to the cancellation or early conclusion of many shows, including Adventure Time, Regular Show, Clarence, and others.
Cartoons like The Amazing World of Gumball and Teen Titans Go, which fit the model of a “safe” cartoon and appealed to younger (and ostensibly-but-not-really less internet-suave) audiences were given more airtime and more advertisement. By late 2014, Gumball and TTG alone occupied half of CN's airtime, with the other half being mostly reruns and a few other new shows.
Now, most of the channel’s content is mostly aimed at a younger audience, with looser story progressions which allow for out-of-order viewing of episodes and reruns. Squeezed into weekends and evenings here and there are shows whose fans reside on the internet, who (ostensibly-but-not-really) learn about airing times on the internet and tune in just to watch their shows.
In other words, the way in which CN had treated its audience and its shows has only led to a further decline in overall channel ratings. Remember that time that CN aired a week of only TTG episodes, with 2  episodes of Steven Universe at random times? This is the kind of thing that only seems like a good decision if you have no idea how the internet works or what kids want from a TV channel.
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From a financial viewpoint, CN’s decision made some degree of sense. Television has been on the decline for decades, and is even more so now with the rise of Netflix and other alternative platforms. Focusing resources on shows which are more likely to give returns on those investments in years to come is a logical decision, even if it’s a sucky one from the perspective of a fan. However, I think that it was still a bad one. The move to drop anything which was too strange or too new was in itself a risk which relied on the idea that cartoons would forever be shown on TV, and that “slow and steady wins the race”, so risks aren’t worth taking. TV will inevitably die. If anything, CN could’ve licensed out some of its IPs to producers like Netflix and the like. I don’t have any conclusion to this thread. There is no really good way forward for CN, and cable TV in general, short of a miracle of some sort.
To counter some counterarguments...
Many would say that every show has to end, and I agree. I only disagree with the manner in which CN treated AT in the second half of its run. Despite consistently positive reviews, CN cut the show’s air time, which caused viewership ratings to drop. This drop in ratings then directly led to an early cancellation in 2016. The production team originally had an entire extra season planned, and at some point had thoughts of producing a movie; these ideas had to be thrown out and cut down to fit within CN’s constraints and mandates.
Some would say that the show actually got worse as it progressed. This is a matter of personal opinion, just as is my opinion that it got better. The general opinion, as shown by polls of the fanbase, is that the quality of the show was at the very least consistent throughout all ten seasons.
Some might counter-argue that the show was cancelled due to low ratings. This is actually something I agree with. However, the low ratings were caused by CN’s dramatic changes to AT’s airing schedule.
Some might say that creator Pendleton Ward stepping down as showrunner mid-season 5 led to a decline in AT’s quality and therefore popularity. While I agree that season 5 was something of a high point in the show’s quality, and season 6 is a bit of a low point, the quality during and after Ward’s tenure as showrunner was mostly the same. I do think that Ward’s stepping down may be related to the timing of CN’s decision to dump the show. The very first season in which Adam Muto was the sole showrunner, season 6, was the very first season in which the season premiere had lower ratings than the last season’s premiere. From the perspective of a CN executive trying to save a channel in a dying industry, this is a red flag.
Cable and broadcast TV is dying, Adventure Time was a casualty in its ongoing death throes
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callmemoprah · 6 years
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