#my oc ollphéist
kiamescribbles · 7 months
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Not yet complete drawing of Ollphéist with "myself" as the placeholder for their darling but I liked the way it looked even only partially done. The main idea being that not every second in their domain is terrifying or mentally damaging. Sometimes it can be beautiful and serene.
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kiame-sama · 1 year
Honestly I’ve been thinking about some just domestic headcanons with Ollphéist! like what is life like with them? What is their domain like and what activities does their darling do (with Ollphéist or without them!) because if their darling is human, Ollphéist probably knows their darling needs some form of stimulation and structure in their life. Does Ollphéist make that for them (like if their darling wanted to live in a traditional house, cook meals etc etc.) would Ollphéist mold their realm to their darlings desires?
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- Their domain is an endless abyssal plane where almost everything behaves as if it is under water, yet their darling can still breathe and move as if on land. Many sea creatures- both current and ancient- move through the shadows of the deep endless expanse.
- Whatever their darling desires will be given to them, including items of entertainment. It is surprising what an eldritch being can make function in their domain even when it shouldn't reasonably function or be present. They will not be convinced to bring other humans into the realm as their darling is really the only one Ollphéist likes out of the rest of humanity.
- Light does not reach the depths of the abyss where they call home, but they will find a way to simulate a light cycle to make somewhat of a time schedule for you. You don't need to eat or drink in their realm, but they will provide you with the earthly delights you desire to stimulate that part of your brain and spoil you with endless possibilities.
- They can change or adjust their reality as you desire, but they will not alter their domain from the underwater abyss it is. They like the deep ocean creatures that inhabit their realm so they will not be changing that even if you are afraid of ocean life.
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kiamescribbles · 1 year
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Again, I feel like I fixated on this a bit much... But hey, here's the Eldritch Abomination being pretty.
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kiame-sama · 1 year
Because Tumblr doesn't allow more than 10 pictures or poll options, Ollphéist is often cut out of my OC posts. I promise they haven't gone anywhere, people just don't request them much.
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- Ollphéist is a genderless Eldritch abomination that has a particular lack of caring for most of the general behavior of humans. The only real interest they have in humans- besides their darling, of course- is eating them. Do they need to eat? No.
- The tattoos on their body are just as mobile and 'living' as their tentacles and will often become more mobile the more irate Ollphéist is. If Ollphéist is calm, their tattoos and tentacles are calm as well.
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- Ollphéist has dual pupils that are meshed together, giving them a more octopus or goat-like appearance. It serves no purpose other than to bother humans in the uncanny valley type way. They love disturbing humans quite a lot, even their darling.
- Ollphéist enjoys the way their piercings feel, hence why they have piercings in the first place. It mainly amuses them instead of bothering them. They will pull at their piercings and encourage their darling to do the same.
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- Ollphéist can multiply their tentacles or reduce their number. They can go without tentacles, but this is very uncomfortable for them so they don't do it for long. Their tentacles are part of them, but have a certain level of autonomy as compared to the rest of Ollphéist's limbs.
- Ollphéist's hair is bioluminescent and glows in their abyssal domain. You can usually tell where Ollphéist is based off of the glow.
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kiame-sama · 2 years
I have a question, what two of your yandere oc are the least compatible to share a darling ( not for sexuality reasons)? And why?
There's several answers to this one;
Walter and Amira
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They are siblings and have absolutely zero interest in sharing a darling regardless of how much they adore their darling. Either one is willing to suffer for the wellbeing of their sibling so it is a one or the other kind of deal.
Carlos and Evan
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Evan is a mob-boss and demands the respect the title theoretically earns him by default. Carlos gives not one solitary fuck about who Evan is or what his family does/did, so he will be an obnoxious thorn in Evan's side. Evan has killed stronger men and Carlos has hand-reared tigers, both are way too proud to be compatible.
Ollphéist with ANYONE
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Ollphéist is an eldritch god and they believe that they have to share with no pathetic mortals. Thier darling belongs to them alone and they will tolerate it no other way.
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kiame-sama · 5 months
For your yandere ocs do you use picrews? And if so do you mind sharing which ones? Also I think you masterlist links are broken
The links are broken for some and fine for others.
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Carlos (Note; The skin tone used for Carlos is no longer available, so the few I have of Carlos are the only ones I made and can't be recreated anymore.)
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Extra note; I have not used a picrews for Ollphéist and doubt I will find one that I feel works well for them given their more than unusual features. This being said, I will have to hand draw anything used for my Eldritch abomination.
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kiame-sama · 1 year
What pet names do your oc's call their darlings? Does it change if they're in a bad mood?
(It will only let me add 10 pics max, so Ollphéist is not on this one)
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- 'Dearest' and 'Love' are the regulars for Walter. He makes no bones about the fact he adores you and he has always been the kind to tell his feelings plainly. He does not change the pet names if he is irritated and unless he is truly distressed- ie. Life or death situation- he will never call you by your name and instead uses those terms of endearment.
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- 'Babe' and 'Doll'/'Doll-face' are the usual ways Evan refers to his beloved in typical conversation. He only calls his darling by their name when he is being serious with them. If his darling is getting on his nerves by being a brat, he will call them 'Brat'.
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- 'Kitten' or 'Puppy' are mainly what Carlos calls his darling and which one it is depends on his darling's preference between the two. If they are being sassy or spicy, he will call them 'Hell cat' or 'Hell hound'.
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- 'My heart' and 'My Treasure', are usually what Jackson calls his darling. He primarily tries to make his darling know how much they mean to him based off of what he calls them because they are his treasure and they hold his heart. Jackson would never raise his voice at his darling or even show he is irate with them so his names for them don't change.
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- 'Cutie' and 'Sweetheart' are Hahne's go to names whenever Hahne is talking to or about his darling. He thinks that his dearest is always cute- especially when his dearest is angry- and he reminds his darling as often as he can of this fact.
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- 'Starlight' and 'Amoré' are Orion's go to pet names because they are his love and- like him- they are an absolute star that he adores. He doesn't call them something different when he is angry, but he does have different names for his dearest when he is aroused. When aroused he calls his darling 'Minx' or 'Vixen' despite the gender of his darling.
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- 'Honey-Bunnie' and 'Sweetie Pie' are usually what Amira calls her beloved at any given time. She can get frazzled and frustrated to which she calls her darling 'Meanie' or 'Jerk' if they are teasing her.
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- 'Saxifrage' and 'Honey Bee' are her go to pet names. Purple Saxifrage is the hardiest and strongest plant that grows in the arctic as well as being a lovely purple flower and honey bee because they are top pollinators. Her pet names are nerdy and they make her happy.
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- 'My muse' and 'Lyubov' are her go to pet names. Muse because you inspire her to do so many different works of art and she loves how you bring out her creativity. Lyubov' because it means 'Love' in Russian.
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- 'Darling' and 'Sweetie' are Hada's go to pet names. She is her usual yandere self and just loves calling her significant other Darling and she enjoys when her lover is sweet with her.
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kiame-sama · 2 years
Could I request your yandere OC's with an autistic darling? Or maybe with ADHD? I have both and I love how included I feel when I read those things (I love your chrollo with an autistic darling) like the whole jumping through topics easily and being too loud and the snide comments others make really hit home with me (although these days I just snap back with the snark but it really hurt my feelings as a kid)
Sorry I got on a ramble there
Oh and can I be added to your taglist? Just in general for whatever you write please, I love your works they make me happy
(Sure! First I need to make a tag list and finally update the master lists since it has been at least a year...)
Warnings; yandere, yandere relationships, yandere behavior, autistic reader, the world is not very kind to neurodivergent folk,
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- Evan cares very deeply for you and enjoys your bouncing mind. He may not always get what you mean when you jump to a different topic, but he can usually pick up on it fairly quickly.
- Evan will sit and listen to you talk about whatever it is that you have fixated on whenever you start going on a tangent about it. He will also get you whatever it is you need in order to satisfy your fixated behavior, regardless of if it is expensive or not. Only the best quality things for his darling dearest.
- he may sometimes feel a bit frustrated when you don't pick up on his flirting, but he also knows that you aren't doing it with the intent of frustrating him, so he lets it go quickly.
- If any of his underlings say anything or do anything to make you upset or to mock you, he will torture them as an example so the others see just how bad of an idea it is.
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- Walter is a doctor of physical health and not mental health, but that doesn't mean he won't make an effort to understand you. He knows that he may never fully be able to keep up with your mind, but he also knows that he adores you and refuses to let you go.
- Any random injuries you may get during the day will be treated with as much seriousness as a large injury. It may feel overbearing at times, but he is showing his love through acts of service and his desire to keep you safe.
- Whenever you become over stimulated he is there to help keep you calm and to help you get somewhere a little less stimulating. He also knows that you need space at times to calm down, so though it makes his chest hurt to keep his distance while you are so clearly distraught, he also knows to give you that space. Just let him know when he can hold you again.
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- The best part about living with Carlos is the amount of animals you can ramble to about anything and everything. He owns a wildlife sanctuary and he likes to talk to the critters as well, so he can't judge. The best listeners out of all the creatures he cares for are either the elephants, or Mimis. The elephants because they are very gentle with you, Mimis because she is not particularly bothered by whatever volume you talk at and doesn't care if you get loud. Mimis will also talk back when you talk to her, yowling, purring, and whining.
- Carlos already doesn't like others, so you are able to get away from situations rather easily. It isn't hard to convince Carlos to leave the group of talking people and to take you to a less crowded area just to help soothe you.
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- Jackson is an anthropologist and as an anthropologist, he will be so damn fascinated by all that you do and the way your brain works. Anthropologists don't always work with long departed people, but also in the study of living communities. You are a fascinating human and he wants to learn as much as he possibly can about you.
- He will pick up on your behavioral ticks and on your typical behavior and responses to things. He isn't a psychologist but he does know how to observe people and learn about them and their culture through observation.
- He already has extreme patience and tolerance, this will be most apparent if you even have a moment of overstimulation or a complete breakdown. Very little can ruffle this man or upset him, so he will be the steady one in almost all situations and he will be the one who automatically picks up on your behaviors.
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- Amira has ADHD and is more on the hyperactive scale than females typically tend to be. She will easily be able to pick up on how your brain works and can sympathize the best with problems you may be facing.
- She is busy and working on her degree, so she does need to get her school work done, but any free moment she has, she will spend it with you.
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- Julie- as an artist- tends to think about things in abstract and concrete ways. She will actually find your jumbled brain to be fantastic inspiration. If you hyperfixate on something, she will be happy to help you learn more about your fixation.
- Julie loves all mediums of art and she is so thrilled to introduce you to them if you need them as an escape. She understands your space the most out of the others because she is very touch-sensitive due to her upbringing. She can and will help you any way that she can, going above and beyond to make you happy.
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- Kaya is a brilliant botanist because she has a 'mild' form of autism, though her behaviors are much more muted. Plants are her usual fixation, but she will happily turn that desire for knowledge and understanding towards you. She will do her best to share what she knows and entertain any fixations you may get.
- Kaya understands what it is like to be different from others and to seek out those that understand her. She will understand your struggles and interests because she also has to live as neurodivergent in a world that looks down upon her for just being herself.
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- Hada works with very unpredictable animals that many people are actually afraid of. She won't find your morbid thoughts disturbing or a cause of concern. If anything she can read your mental state from your physical behavior better than anyone else.
- Hada is the type of woman to befriend sharks of all kinds and can read their temperament through nothing more than body position. She will have no trouble learning to read you and may even be able to notice your emotions before you do. She is also no stranger to staring down hecklers and getting into intense physical altercations, so if anyone says a damn thing to upset you, she is ready to sign their death warrant. Woman wrestles dugongs and has been bitten by 25ft+ sharks, still being the victor of any fight she has, people are easy for her to deal with.
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- Ollphéist is an old God and really never understood humans much to begin with, but they will try to understand you and your needs. They can easily become whatever you wish and will happily adhere to your wants. If anything, Ollphéist sees you as the most entertaining human they have met.
- Ollphéist understands most things in the planet and even in the universe, so they will likely have knowledge on whatever you may be seeking. They don't understand basic human interaction so they are the least likely to ever become frustrated with you. You are their human and they treat their interests well.
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kiamescribbles · 2 years
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Ollphéist is not a fan of clothes, but they usually don't care much anyway.
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kiame-sama · 2 years
How do you pronounce Ollpheist?
Ollphéist means 'Monster' in Gaelic and is often used when describing the mythological sea serpents that St Paudrig drove out from Ireland. Usually pronounced Oil-faced as the 'ph' makes the 'f' sound and the accented 'e' makes more of an 'a' sound. It is a Gaelic word so a tad different from the usual way English speakers may pronounce the word.
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kiame-sama · 2 years
Heal quickly :( I'm sorry that happened to you. Was it a clean break? If so, it should heal back stronger!
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Because I am being moody and I want to wallow in my own self-pity, have my yandere Oc's taking care of a darling with a broken ankle. (Fun fact: I have to wait a full WEEK to get an actual cast instead of the hastily put on temp cast because insurance is a bitch even though I've had the X-rays done and they know exactly what kind of break it is. This means I have a week to not mess up my bones further but I can feel them separate with every step)
Thank you for the well-wishes.
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He is truly, deeply, honestly so sorry, love. It hurts him to see you in such pain and know there is nothing he can do about it to help you heal faster. Strict medicine regiment that he adheres to no matter what. He is sorry for waking you, love, but he needs to make sure you get ahead of the pain in terms of medicine and you take it exactly as he instructs. He will be frantic if you ever try to get out of bed yourself, let him carry you to and from the bathroom, let him feed you, let him spoil you in every way, shape, and form. He will call out of work (the first time he has ever done so in his career, so he can take care of you). Let him be a good doctor to you.
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He knows you have to stay off your leg and when it comes to treating your injuries versus the animals, he can actually keep you off of your feet and in bed. He will bring you everything he possibly can and he will ensure you don't lift a finger. He will carry you and he will help you bathe and he will baby you entirely until you have healed. Don't fight him on it, you will not win. This man naps with tigers and has made friends with hyenas, you won't win that fight.
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Evan is quite literally worried sick. He doesn't sleep, he doesn't leave your side. He is the one who gives you all of your meals and insists on feeding you just to make sure you eat. His right hand man will be dealing with any and all family or mafia affairs while Evan takes care of you. Don't try to argue or resist his help, he just needs to fuss over you. You mean the world to him and you being hurt makes his world crumble to bits. He needs to take care of you.
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He is not handling it well at all. He will cook, clean, work, take care of you, and do anything he possibly can in order to make you feel as comfortable as possible. Please tell him how to help, he needs to do what he can for you because acts of service are his primary love language. He wants to help you keep your leg elevated and to keep you off of it for as long as you possibly can. You may need to comfort him because he will go into a full blown panic attack the moment he thinks you are in any discomfort.
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Amira will cry because that is her primary way of venting emotion. She is worried about you and practically begs her big brother to come take a look at your leg and help you get proper care. She may also beg him to give you the good meds that will take any ounce of pain you may have away. Unless you stop her, she will skip classes just so she can stay home and take care of you. Please don't let her skip too many classes, she will stress over her grade.
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Kaya will put her research on hold and will go out of her way to help you however she can. If that means she is the one keeping track of your meds, then she will happily do it for you. She will do all she can to make sure you stay in bed and stay off of your leg, helping you to and from the bathroom as needed. Kaya can be quite gentle when it comes to taking care of you and she will ensure that every single one of your needs are met. Say the word and she will go get you whatever you need to be comfortable again.
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Julie is going to keep you on strict bed-rest and she will not let up until you have healed. Certainly you get a better cast than the one you had temporarily placed on, but that doesn't make her any more likely to let you get up and do things. She isn't the best at remembering when you need to take which meds, but she does try and that is the important part. She tries quite hard.
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Hada is no stranger to broken bones, so she knows how important it is to stay off of your feet and to keep your leg elevated. Don't make her tie you down to the bed because she will do it to make sure you rest. She can and will carry you to wherever you want to go, so tell her if you need the bathroom or anything else.
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Just flat out heals your leg. They don't like seeing you in pain unless it has something to do with the bedroom.
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kiame-sama · 2 years
How many tentacles does Ollphéist have? Additionally, how would they react to a particularly unruly darling that bit one of said tentacles during a mating session?
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(I need to draw another thing of Ollphéist at some point)
- The number of tentacles can change with their will, but at minimum they have four tentacles at any given time. They can get thousands at once if they really wanted to and it can get a little crowded. They don't mind, because they want to be touching every inch of their darling, but you may get a bit claustrophobic being tangled up in them.
- Oh, you want to play that way, huh? Good thing they love covering you in bites and marks, not to mention they're a masochist, so they are pleased with any biting behavior. Their teeth are just a little sharp, so try not to wiggle too much, it may become more painful for you, but if that is your goal, by all means.
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kiame-sama · 2 years
I just want to ask? Where did Ollphéist met their darling? Are they a sacrifice or something?
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Ollphéist is an omni-present being that will occassionally observe what their followers do from time to time. You were likely a sacrifice or a new initiate to the cult when they take an interest in you, descending to the moral realm to play. So long as you exist in the mortal plane, they will too. Don't worry about being killed or harmed, they won't let that happen to their very favorite mortal! Eventually they will get bored of humans once more and pull you into their kingdom of collected forgotten souls. They won't ever tire of you! You're their little mortal snack and you have suddenly gained quite the devoted follower.
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kiame-sama · 2 years
Not hc about your oc’s but if you haven’t answered already can you tell us how you came up with them?
Well, it began with one thought;
What kind of woman or guy is the best yandere?
There is no Best Yandere. There is yandere. So from there I was like, well, can't have just one race be yandere, so I decided alright, black, white, hispanic, asian, european, islanders, native American.
That's a good level of diversity, now what do they do? Well, I am a sucker for bad boys but I knew I couldn't make all of them law breakers, that is potentially quite racist! Fine, so good jobs for the people. What the hell is a 'good job'? Well, I was thinking blue collar and white collar, but I didn't want the minorities to be construction or ect, because again- racist! So fine, PhDs for most.
Walter? Why that man sounds like a damn good surgeon to me! Give that man an MD and make him the best surgeon in town! (Step aside Trafalgar Law and meet Walter Woods!) (Fun fact; Woods is the last name of my African American neighbors who have basically adopted my small family unit (me and my mom) and made us family members!)
Carlos? Make him an accomplished veterinarian! He can charm the snakes and soothe the beasts! Man of power with a cute soft spot for fluffy! Give this man a sanctuary to help his adored animals! (Fun fact 2; Vargas is one of my best friend's last names! She has seven)
Jackson? Native American, what do native tribes typically have randomly in a family? An anthropologist of course! But which tribe? They are not homogeneous. A joke between anthropologists and the Zuni tribe is "What does every Zuni family have? A mother, a father, kids, and an anthropologist." The Zuni tribe is one of the most studied of native tribes and the Algonquin are a person fav of mine since the mountains were home to various sections of the Algonquin tribe and I like the stories quite a bit. Bring in the anthropologist Zuni/Algonquin man! Locklear is a common last name in native American tribes.
Evan? Well, I need some law-breakers, don't I? Fine, head of a powerful mafia family! (Jackie Estacato is main inspiration) Rothchester is a random last name I thought sounded good.
Amira? Why, ain't she just adorable? She should have a good role model- how about walter?- he is her brother now! He is so damn good at what he does he is putting his sweet little sister through 'higher-education' so she can pursue her dreams! Woods for you!
Kaya? What does an island have in abundance? Flora and fauna that grew independent of their mainland cousins! Flora it is! Herbology sounds damn good to me. Brazil? No! Braziel! Because I can!
Hada? More island in Japan, Flora it is! What kind of flora? Eh, ocean is scary, I want a tall strong lady to save me from the ocean because I have severe Thalassophobia, Marine Biologist! I love dugongs and fear sharks, they are her specialty! Yamare is a play off of Ayano from Yandere Simulator.
Julie? Successful business owner! Get some art and some Picasso in there! Hell yes! Tiny artist woman who can work with ANY material and fight bear in woods! Russian artist of power and so sweet! Russia is known for their winters, so her last name has winter!
I want an Eldritch beast that cares not for this foolish Gender humans seem to love! Give that hottie a Gaelic word as a name and make them gender fluid because they can be! Give them tentacles too because I am a bitch for tentacle porn.
I have been thinking of making Hada's brother- Evan's Right Hand Man- an oc as well. He is trans- female to male- and was shunned by their family so Hada left with her brother so he could live his best life! Now he is one of the scariest men and no one will dare call him a woman any more! You talk shit, you get hit by a truck of a man who will not hesitate to put hecklers in their place!
Basically, I found a thread of interest and took it down to my adhd brain who proceeded to throw these guys back at me.
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kiame-sama · 2 years
Could you give examples of who you oc’s sound like?
And also, it’s probably been asked before but is it okay to write fanfics with them? (If we @ you and give credit, obviously)
Yes, it is completely okay with me so long as credit is given. I'd love to read how you lovies write them!
Interestingly enough, I haven't really thought about how they may sound or who they sound like, so I will try to think of some, but I may not get all the ocs in.
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Sounds kinda like current day Markiplier
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Ollphéist sounds kinda like CorpseHusband but can change their voice as desired.
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Morgan Freeman
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Close to how Moana sounds
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Kinda like Pokimaine
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kiame-sama · 3 years
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Got bored, decided to make a Yandere Eldritch Monster Oc.
Meet Ollphéist The Forsaken One. They/them (an abomination from the void has no gender and cares not for societal norms).
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Ollphéist here cares not for what mortals do or want (except for the mortal they have chosen as their moral, woe be to anyone who bothers that mortal). Typically more on the mean-spirited side simply because they do what they want regardless of who they may hurt in the process. The lives and loss of mortals are inconsequential to them and they don't exactly care if destroying a city kills a few thousand people, they wanted an unobstructed view of the horizon.
They want only one thing; their chosen mortal. Nothing can stand between them and their mortal as they will happily destroy everything that may hinder their progress. Their mortal is the cute morsel they adore and cherish, much like a child with a prized toy. They don't care if their mortal doesn't want to be with them, they do what they want. They will return to their abominable form if they become pissed off, so usually they try to somewhat keep their temper under control for their chosen moral. Ollphéist does not like their cult followers and will kill them on sight, finding their cultists to be obnoxious and boring for the most part.
As any Eldritch beast, Ollphéist is a horrific amalgamation of nightmares and deep-sea creatures. They just choose to appear semi-human for the sake of keeping their chosen mortal mostly sane.
Ollphéist in their semi-human form has white hair that behaves similar to a prism, breaking white light into a rainbow of color in the viewable spectrum. Their horns are usually for show, but they can and will skewer people with them. They have tentacles that are mostly well behaved, though the tentacles can behave autonomously from Ollphéist and have a tendency to 'toy' with their master and their master's mortal. Beneath the belt Ollphéist can change their genitals as they wish or have both at once if they really want to (even multiple of the same kind). They do have a forked tongue, so do with that information as you will. Their tattoos also move and occasionally multiply or disappear. They don't really get the point of clothes, but they are willing to wear pants if you ask them to (they refuse to wear a bra regardless of if they felt like having breasts or not).
They don't need to eat, but they like warm raw meat and occasionally will eat squirrels and rabbits if they get too close. If you don't want Ollphéist doing this, tell them and they will consider listening.
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