#my little chunky monkey :3
frootyrooties · 1 year
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i love this man with all my heart and soul 💞
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btsgotjams27 · 1 year
the nanny diaries ~ myg
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it’s your first day at your new job, and you’re nervous about leaving your one-year-old daughter with your housemate, but he assures you, you have nothing to worry about.
✨ title: the nanny diaries (drabble series) | the i-had-no-choice nanny ✨ pairing: yoongi x single mom!reader ✨ word count: 1.4k |✨ genre: fluff, cute / housemates!au |✨ rating: pg ✨ warnings: cute and wild 1yo, yoongi calls her baby girl (as a term of endearment) ✨ a/n: happy birthday my yoongiiii <3 the little human in this story is based on my chunky, monkey niece, who i love so much. enjoy my friends!
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[ DRABBLES MASTERLIST ] | ✨ next ~ the way you are
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You never expected to be moving in with Min Yoongi, but you had no other choice. The two of you have been neighbors for the last five years. He'd seen you go through it all: from meeting the guy who was bad news to watching him move in, knock you up and then leave. He warned you plenty of times, but like the stubborn woman you are, you didn't listen.
“Yoongi, are you sure you can watch her today? I can call out of work if you can’t,” you asked, trying to catch Ara, who kept running away from your grasp. Her newfound discovery of walking kept you busy, along with you trying to ensure she didn’t break any of Yoongi’s expensive music equipment.
Yoongi’s lips thinned into a straight line. He didn’t want to be a jerk and say no. He knew how difficult it was to ask for help, let alone trust someone to watch Ara. He understood that you’d do anything to protect her. So, he wanted to ease the burden in any way he could.
“You can’t call out of work. It’s your first day.”
“I know–but I’m sure my boss would understand.”
He picked Ara up, setting her on his hip, his arm tightly holding her. He looked at the chunky monkey, “We’re gonna have so much fun, aren’t we?” This was a way to convince himself. He didn’t have much interaction with children besides when he was one. Today would be very interesting, he thought.
Ara shrieked at the top of her lungs, squirming to escape Yoongi’s grasp. The two of you blinked and made a face at the noisy baby. You knitted your brows, unconvinced that Yoongi really had it under control. You pulled out your phone, ready to dial your boss’ number. “I’m–just gonna call out.”
Yoongi walked to you, pushing the phone away. “If I have any questions, I promise I’ll call you, okay? You have nothing to worry about. I got this,” he encouraged while Ara continued to wobble on her two little feet, shrieking as she ran around him. “See–she’s excited.”
You had to let go at one time or another. You couldn’t be jobless forever. You needed a way to provide for your little Ara, and Yoongi had already given so much to the two of you. So, the least you could do was make money and get out of his hair. “Okay,” you sighed, stuffing your phone back into your pocket. “If you need anything, anything. I’m only a phone call away.”
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“Okay, baby girl–please be good for Uncle Yoongi. I’ll be back later. I love you.”
Yoongi practically had to kick you out of the apartment, but finally, you were out of the door and on your way to work.
“Ara, we have to run some errands today. It’s time to pick out your outfit,” Yoongi grabbed two shirts - one pink with flowers and the other purple with stars and set them on the table in front of him and Ara. She tilted her head, hands pounding the table, staring at the options before her little chubby hands grabbed the purple star shirt, babbling away. “Good choice. Now onto your pants.”
He laid out black leggings and soft blue jeans. “What do you think, Ara? I personally like the black leggings, but it’s your outfit, not mine.” She began to squirm while in his lap, taking blue jeans along with her. “Blue jeans it is.”
After getting Ara dressed, it was now Yoongi’s turn. Like earlier, he laid out two options on his bed, and like clockwork, Ara came wobbling and babbling away into Yoongi’s room. He picked her up, setting her on the bed. “Which one do you like?” he asked, pointing to one option, then the other.
“Ah-bu. Ah-bu,” Ara cooed, clapping her hands, a wide smile spanning across her face, then she hid her eyes with her tiny hands.
“Are we playing peek-a-boo?” Yoongi flashed a gummy smile. Who knew this little human could make him smile? He covered his eyes. “Where’s Ara?” He looked at her, and she mimicked him, hiding again. “Silly girl. Come on, help me pick.”
She threw herself back on the pile consisting of a black hoodie, a simple white tee, and jeans. “Just what I was thinking.”
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Thankfully, the grocery store wasn’t busy since it was still early in the morning, but Ara was definitely a handful. He had to give it to you, being able to keep up with her. He didn’t envy you one bit, but it did make him earn more respect for you.
He brought everything he could think of to keep Ara busy–her favorite bunny plush and a soft, squeaky book. His last resort would be playing Cocomelon on his phone, but he couldn’t stand the endless nursery rhymes of the pale cartoon child.
Yoongi continued shopping for a few items off his list as Ara babbled away, violently squeezing the squeaky book in her hands. He grabbed a cake and put it in his cart, and then Ara decided to throw the book back, hitting him in the face. “Aye–” he uttered, rubbing his cheek. “Baby girl–this is how you lose things,” he chuckled, grabbing the book and handing it back to her.
Ara resumed pounding the squeaky book and then threw herself back, sticking her tongue out. Yoongi stared at her. Babies are so weird, he thought.
“Oh my gosh. Is this your baby? She’s so cute!” 
“No–uh–” He was unsure how to explain the situation between you and him.
“It’s so nice to see a man caring for his baby. Mommy is a lucky one, isn’t she?” The woman directed the last comment toward Ara, tickling her side, in which Yoongi pushed the cart away from her. Is this what parents with cute children always have to deal with? Strangers coming up and trying to touch their children?
“Has the bar gotten so low for men or something?” The woman stood straight, taken aback by his words. “Why are men praised for doing the bare minimum? I’m literally pushing her in a cart.”
The woman mumbled an apology and went on her way. He didn’t mean to come across as blunt, but he couldn’t help but notice the plethora of women giggling and smiling when he had Ara. He shook his head in disgust and scoffed, “Bet if your mom were pushing you, it’d be completely different, huh?”
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“Yoongi–” you cried out, plugging your ears when you walked through the door. The rap music could be heard from down the hallway, and you wondered who was playing it so loud. You should’ve known it was your roommate. “Why are you blasting rap music right now?”
He brought his pointer finger to his lips, trying to shush you, then pointed to the sleeping baby on his shoulder. He shuffled toward you, hoping he wouldn’t wake up Ara. “Cocomelon wasn’t working, so I had to put on something, and this finally calmed her down.”
You deadpanned. “Big Poppa by Notorious B.I.G. calmed her down?”
“Hey–don’t question Biggie,” he grinned, then shuffled backward, dancing to the song. “I love it when you call me big poppa, throw your hands in the air if you’s a true player.” He threw his arm up, grooving to the beat.
You smiled and shook your head. You couldn’t help but sing along too, and then you looked over at the dinner table, and there sat a cake with cats decorated on top. “Oh my god–Yoongi, is it your birthday?” He nodded, his head nestled against Ara’s. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
He shrugged. “It’s whatever. I don’t really care, but my mom ordered this cake and insisted I celebrate it.”
“Here, let me take Ara so you can enjoy your cake,” you stated, holding your arms out for your baby girl.
But Yoongi refused. “I got it. She might wake up if I transfer her to you.”
Jeez–when did Yoongi get so good at this?
He walked into your room, gently setting her in the crib beside your bed. He shushed her as he stepped back, hoping she wouldn’t wake up. Ara let out a big sigh before turning on her side. Whew, he thought. Crisis averted.
“Everything good?” He nodded yes, setting the baby camera on the table beside you. The two of you watched Ara sleeping peacefully. “Thanks again for watching her.”
Yoongi grinned. “Anytime.”
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✨ next ~ the way you are
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love-and-hisses · 4 months
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The Crumbs are 3 weeks old, and here's what they look like, front and back. And a screenshot of their weight chart (weigh in ounces, top, and grams), so you can see that they are, indeed, chunky little monkeys.
In the next week they will start leaving the crate, and all will be craziness (I am glad, for Crumpet's sake, that they're in my office, which is much smaller than the foster room and has fewer places to get "lost"). I'll put out small litter boxes for them this weekend; there's always one from every litter who uses the litter box a day or two before they turn 4 weeks old. They won't show any interest in solid food yet, but they'll be curious about everything else!
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scuderiahoney · 4 months
being a cookies and cream hater is like a shot to the heart lee.
but i also love ben and jerry's chunky monkey so i'm probably a questionable judge of what good taste is. also haagendaz has this irish cream brownie flavor that is SO good but i can only eat a spoonful at a time because once i ate like a 1/3 of a pint and the caffeine nearly stopped my heart
i’m sorry i think it’s a little bit the texture and also the fact that i am just not the biggest fan of Oreos in general.
also too much caffeine gives me panic attacks so i feel that big time!!
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Today my lovely Boots passed away this afternoon while taking a nap.
He was my Chunky Monkey and we had such a connection. I can’t believe my little guy with the bow tie for a nose is gone.
I will forever miss him and remember all the memories we had together. I’m grateful that we had 12 years together and I was able to provide him a happy life.
I love you Boots!
RIP 1/3/23
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toournextadventure · 1 year
You know that ask where someone said they're owed money for their therapy bills?
You personally owe me money for mine, Bestie. Or at least buy me a tub of apology ice-cream for what I just read. And it better be Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey or my Gran is going to have words with you🍦
On a side note - I low key love how 2 out the 3 one shots so far have just been beating up Birb. Man we really are kinda sadists but in a loving way, huh?
I can compensate with ice cream, that's pretty doable. Although I ain't scared of your Gran 💪🏻
We just gotta beat Birb up a little bit. As a treat. But hey, she gets love afterwards so it's fine! It all evens out
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twilightteamm · 2 years
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📱➡️ brittanylynnlutz: He redeems. He restores. He heals. He surpasses our wildest dreams.
3 years ago I was told I couldn’t get pregnant (fibroids + endometriosis) but God directed my steps and used an incredible dr who made it possible.
2 years ago I lost my precious miracle baby girl who I carried for 27 weeks and had so many plans and dreams for. Then due to complications it is a miracle that I am alive and that I didn’t have to have an emergency hysterectomy to save my life.
1 year ago I gave birth to my hilarious, spunky, little beach babe Ashtyn.
And this year we added our sweet, cuddly chunky monkey Kasen.
These photos aren’t just sweet family memories. They are visible, tangible proof of God’s goodness and faithfulness.
If you’re going through a difficult season there is hope and happiness on the other side. But the only way to get to the other side is to go through. You’re stronger than you know. You’re not alone. Don’t give up. Keep going.
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littlewalken · 8 months
Oct 5
Some times getting past personal baggage includes letting yourself use your mechanical pencil and remembering you can get more leads whenever you need them and you aren't still in school where heaven forbid you need supplies but your younger half sister needs anything more.
And no more entitled family member stories from Reddit for now because you're thinking if you ever did have the opportunity to have any sort of party the little bitch would have ruined it because it wasn't about her.
Who I draw next in my new pocket sketchbook should be what I induce stress about in myself, lol. I mean, I'm good enough at it that I'm getting spontaneous hives.
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But I did start the book with Perry. I want to take a different photograph because for whatever reason the camera turned a delicate 4x6 done with a .05 lead in to that. But still, I made an art.
This book is a chunky little monkey so I'll only be using 1 side of the paper. It's a bit more toothy than the previous one so I'm glad I have a side click pencil. Now that I found the sealed pencil sharpener I might put a regular pencil in there too.
The only "rule" this book ever has to follow is it fits in whatever container I use to keep my reference pictures in. Right now that's one of those half shoebox sized plastic storage boxes with hand prints on it. I have 3 1/2 shoe box sized ones, a lid got broke, with colored pencils on them that I use for art supplies. Not enough reference pics for one of those and I don't want to encourage it.
Almost used a little train case style box but it decided to pop its latch and spill its contents, at home thankfully, but I took it as a sign that the reference pics like a secure snap on lid. But they'd consider one of those brown paper treasure chests with a brass lock, I have a bigger one as my sewing box, or something like the container they out grew where the handle splits in half when it opens so just by carrying it you keep it closed.
You see, brain, let's put our need to worry about those type of things and not how shitty the last move was.
Did make another point about not putting all the eggs in one basket and thinking too far ahead when the more immediate future is uncertain.
Places we thought we would be moving to in 2021-
Anywhere we could find but still with the Life Ruiner as part of the family
Still with the Life Ruiner but half way across the continent in a house with structural issues in Bum Fuck but just long enough to fins Someplace Better
With the Life Ruiner and Greedy Cousin jr in a brick house in a different part of Bum Fuck when the owners texted me it wouldn't be ready in time to move in as we were loading up a rental cargo van back home (but the week away from the Life Ruiner did prove she was the root of most of our problems)
Closer to Greedy Cousin sr but one state over from Bum Fuck but clarity prevailed, we figured we could be homeless in a hotel back home while looking for somewhere to live, the Life Ruiner decided to stay with the Greedies, it took longer to change our voucher than find a place to live
Where we ended up living- just the two of us in Crack Den by the train yard at the opposite end of the town we left.
Where it will be- better because it has to be.
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zakkura · 1 year
You're not selfish and it's not your fault. I'm glad you're here <3
Thank you, lovely. I am feeling a little better today.
Thankfully, I have a supportive mum, dad and little sister with me and, of course, my chunky monkey dogs.
Thank you for the messages guys. You didn't need to do that but it really did help.
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ghostlyplacetobe · 1 year
Okay :3 *feeds you donuts* -Hadiya
You looked like a chunky little monkey while Kyle was shoving donuts into your mouth -Kenny
I- -Kyle
Are you calling me fat :( the only thing fat on me is my ass :(: -Butters
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vaulttrust · 2 years
Tomahawk steak recipe
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#Tomahawk steak recipe how to
This will dry out the surface of the meat and help produce an amazing sear. You’ll want to do this several hours in advance and even up to 24 hours. This will help tenderize and keep the meat moist during cooking in addition to adding flavor. Rather than submerging our meat in a salt water solution, we are going to dry brine by sprinkling the outside with kosher salt and then resting uncovered in the fridge on a wire rack. It’s time to get this party started with a little salt sorcery known as the dry brine! What is Dry Brining? We picked out our prize and we’re dying to get it home. When SCA Steak Cook-Off judges take their one bite, this is where it comes from.Ĭheck out this video for more info on choosing the perfect ribeye steak to cook at home or for competitions. It is incredibly tender (even when over-cooked) and is the perfect bite of steak. Aside from marbling and some variations of fat seams, the size of the spinalis is what separates an amazing ribeye steak from a ho-hum piece of meat.Ī good rule of thumb is to always choose the ribeye with the biggest spinalis. The spinalis though, is the WHOLE SHEBANG. It’s actually the same muscle that becomes a NY Strip Steak towards the loin. It is tender and flavorful – especially from the chuck end. The ribeye complex includes several different muscles, but there’s two that steal the show – the longissimus dorsi (the eye), and the spinalis (the rip cap or rib eye cap) which gets smaller and smaller as steaks are cut from the 6 th rib on the chuck side of the cow, down to the 12 th rib towards the loin.Īs you can see in the picture above, the eye is the larger section of the ribeye. With this recipe, I promise you that you can make a choice tomahawk so delicious and tender that it can make a grown man cry (just tell them it’s from the smoke!) Prime grade beef is going to have more marbling (intramuscular fat) which will make it both more tender and more flavorful, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with choice grade, especially on a thick cut ribeye. Their meat is high quality, and I’ve got to be frugal with 3 teenage boys and a baby in the house. I like to get most of my meats, including my tomahawk steaks at my local wholesale club. And yes, we do pay a little extra for the bone. Of course, you can always get them from your local butcher, but you’ll pay a premium price for a cut that is often marked up already for its “coolness” factor. Most grocers aren’t going to regularly sell tomahawks, but some do. What to Look For and Where to Buy a Tomahawk Steak It’s time to head to the store to get our hands on one of these behemoths. After the sear, we’re taking our cowboy cut to the next level with a French technique that’ll blow your guests away.Īlright. I have used this method countless times to produce steakhouse quality results. The combination of charcoal and wood smoke will give us amazing flavor.
#Tomahawk steak recipe how to
While I will include options for using an oven or a gas grill, I’m going to show you how to cook a reverse seared tomahawk steak on a Weber Kettle charcoal grill. No matter the reason, you’ve shelled out a decent amount of coin and you want your steak to be PERFECT.ĭon’t Worry! Whatever your skill level, this recipe is for YOU. Maybe you just want to treat yourself for not telling off the lady at your kid’s school even though she definitely deserved it (hypothetically speaking of course). Maybe your dad’s birthday is coming up or you’re planning a romantic dinner. No…you’ve been dreaming about marbling and Th e Maillard Reaction for weeks. It’s not something you just toss in your cart like a pint of Chunky Monkey. Whatever you want to call it, the tomahawk bone-in ribeye is not just an impressive piece of meat…it’s an EVENT. With this easy reverse seared tomahawk steak recipe, you’ll get a beautiful brown crust, perfect edge to edge doneness, and incredible flavor – every time!
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goboymusic · 2 years
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Happy Thursday. It’s a Ben & Jerry’s kind of day. Toss up between Chocolate Fudge Brownie and Chunky Monkey.
This song does well on Amazon Music for whatever reason. I don’t think it holds a candle to “My Life” or “In Love.” Being an unknown artist, GoBoy’s top ranked songs are completely different from platform to platform, whereas more popular artists’ song rankings are pretty similar across platforms.
Quick thought on “unknown artists” - getting “early adopters” to explore your music is almost impossible. Makes sense. I rarely explore an unknown artist’s content. I was an early adopter for I See Stars, Owl City and Disasterpeace, but even then, they were pretty well established in their own little internet communities before I found them.
The production process was smooth for “Shield,” other than trying to figure out how to start it. The original plan was to start with the “game over” pre-chorus. Opted to go straight into the “you give me a sword” chorus after a brief intro that establishes the key and tempo, and prepares the listener for the chorus melody.
The desire to start this song with the chorus stems from the idea that you should start every song with the catchiest part (maybe after a brief intro). It’s difficult to capture and hold someone’s attention, so the sooner you get into the catchiest part, the better.
This is GoBoy’s SUPER minimalistic phase. Some will be turned off by the simplicity of GoBoy 4 songs.
In April, 2021, almost all of GoBoy 3, 4 and 5 songs were restructured to be under 2m 30s, including this song. In attempt to increase replay value in this streaming era, most of GoBoy’s songs are now purposely around 2m 20s.
A bass boost was added to songs 37-99 in Nov, 2021, while I had covid (this paragraph is an excerpt from post 38). As a result, this song feels more powerful. The bass boost isn’t a simple plugin nonchalantly added to each song. It’s a process that took about 3.5 hours per song, or one whole month to complete all songs. Admittedly, I pushed the bass boost a little too far for some of them. The bass in some songs sounds like a freaking earthquake (unnecessarily pronounced low frequencies 20 - 50 Hz). Might dial that back someday. The bass boost was also applied to every song on GoBoy 6 and beyond.
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soniaivette · 2 years
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Genesis is 3 weeks shy of being one hole year old 🥺😭😩😍 how did this happen so dang quick!? My adorable little cheekster chunky monkey 🥹🌸🌺 peep her milk signing 🖐🏼 and how hilarious she thinks her daddy is. #thatisall #cryingonawednesdaymorning 😂 (at Chula Vista, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfHdNpardq8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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australiancarisi · 3 years
Sonny Carisi ~ It Reminded Me of You
the inspiration for this was literally a Ben & Jerry's ad on my facebook Not spon but B&J if you wanna sponsor me hit me up ada!Sonny x Detective!Reader A non-covid world all errors are my own v sorry words: 1365
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It felt like weeks since you’d actually spent quality time with Sonny. You didn’t even have to be doing anything you could just sit next to him while he sat on his phone for hours just as long as you were actually with him, that’s all you cared about. It was so much easier when you were both working as detectives, sure you were working and being professional but you were just with him more often than not.
Now that he’s an ADA however, it feels like your schedules just never line up. And yes of course you still get to work with him it’s just not the same level.
You texted Sonny earlier in the day to see how his workload was going, hoping he’d be home at a reasonable hour. It was Friday and you had the full weekend off, not even on call. Liv even promised the only way you’d get called in was if it was a matter of national security. She’d seen how down and exhausted you had been lately and she wasn’t having it - Mama Benson will not let anything happen to her people.
When Sonny replied saying he’d managed to plead out his most pressing cases and that he see you at his place for an actual home-cooked meal and a weekend of doing nothing, you felt yourself burst with happiness.
You were packing up your stuff for the night saying goodbye to Kat and Amanda as they walked out when your phone rang.
A dopey grin spread across your face like always and Fin rolled his eyes, heading into Liv’s office.
“Hey Handsome, I’m just packing up my stuff should be at yours within the hour”
“Doll-“ you knew that tone, you knew it was gonna be bad, something had come up “I’m so sorry Hadid just handed me about 8 files that all are being arraigned on Monday, I’m gonna have to put a rain check on that meal” it wasn’t just going to be a rain check on the meal though, you knew Sonny and you knew he was going to work over the weekend. He put so much pressure on himself to make sure he did well and got the justice the victims deserved that he would exhaust himself on his only weekend off in about 3 months.
Tears welled in your eyes, you looked to the ceiling and blinked them away, determined not to let any fall.
Taking a deep breath to steady your voice before replying, “it’s okay Son really, work is more important”
“Nothing is more important than you Doll” you smiled sadly at his words
“I love you Sonny, it’s okay there will be more dinners and lazy weekends”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course bub, I love you” you reassured him.
“I love you too Doll, I’ll be home as early as I can”
It wasn’t official but you had basically been living at his apartment lately in an attempt to see each other a little more.
You hung up the phone, throwing it a little aggressively on your desk as Fin and Liv came out of her office. With tears still in your eyes, you sat down and looked up at the two of them.
“y/n...” Olivia started, she knew your plans with Sonny had fallen through, she always just knew.
“Don’t Liv. Please. Because if you say anything I’m gonna cry and I won’t be able to stop” you sighed your voice cracking slightly
“Do you wanna go for a drink? I’m sure phoebe won’t mind” Fin smiled sadly
“N-no” you cleared your throat “no I’m fine I’ll just get some more paperwork done here. You go home”
“Nope, you are not staying here. Go home y/n, get some rest” Liv pulled you up from your best wrapping an arm around you
“Sometimes I just wish he was still here” you whispered
“I know... me too...” Liv sighed
You said goodbye to Fin and Liv out the front of the precinct, reassuring them both that you were in fact okay and grabbed a cab back to Sonny’s apartment.
“Actually just let me out here… Thanks” you smiled to the driver, handing over the money and jumping out of the cab and walking straight into the 7/11.
You walked around the small 7/11 store trying to decide what you wanted. At this point you didn’t really feel like anything, you just wanted Sonny. You spotted the ice cream and well if you weren’t going to get to spend the night with Sonny at least you could spend it with Ben & Jerry. You took your time scanning the different flavours, a very important decision.
Cookie dough...Strawberry cheesecake...Chunky Monkey...
Then your eyes saw it. You grabbed the pint of ice cream and paid, quickly walking up to Sonny’s apartment.
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Sonny rubbed his face in exhaustion and sadness. It felt like he hadn’t made any progress in the past hour on any of the cases he had been handed just before he was about to head out the door. He’d had such a plan for the weekend. Tonight he was going to cook your favourite meal and spend the night on the couch watching whatever stupid romcom you could find on Netflix. He planned to take you out on Saturday, walks in the park and maybe the art gallery and then Sunday, his favourite day, he was going to let you sleep in as long as you wanted and make you your favourite breakfast in bed and spend the day doing absolutely nothing. He was going to turn your phones off and spend the day lying in bed, order in any food you guys wanted because it was going to be the last day of just the two of you for probably a while. And now it was all gone to shit because of these cases in front of him.
Sonny loved being an ADA but right now he wished he never left the NYPD. Groaning as his phone pinged with a message he looked at it. It was Liv.
I know you are busy but please go home to girlfriend and get some rest, she needs you
Sonny frowned and typed out his reply
is she okay?
she just misses you Sonny and knowing you, you miss her too
how’d you know i was even still here?
The reply was just a screenshot of Liv’s find my friend's app. Sonny let out a laugh and sent back a heart before packing up his stuff and heading home.
When Sonny finally walked through the door of his apartment it was just before 10pm. Much earlier than you’d expected him. You shot up from the couch when you heard someone at the front door.
“Hey Doll” Sonny smiled putting his briefcase down at the door and shrugging his suit jacket off, letting it fall to the floor without a care in the world
“Sonny!” you ran to him and all but jumped in his arms. It felt silly but you really had missed him.
“I’m sorry Doll” he mumbled into your hair
“what for?”
“for messing up our plans, I feel like I just keep cancelling everything” he sighed
“hey” you pulled back from the hug and cupped his face making him look at you “do not feel bad. I understand, your job is important. Hell, how many times have I been called away? This is just how it is, but I’d rather only spend 5 minutes with you than a lifetime with someone else”
“I love you so much doll” Sonny blushed brushing his lips against yours “I’ll have to work a bit tomorrow but I’ll get everything done and then it’s just you and me all day Sunday” he held his pinky up to you “pinky promise” you grinned wrapping your finger around his. Sonny kissed your hand before leading you over to the couch. “now who replaced me tonight?”
“Chris Evans” you grinned flopping down onto the chair. Sonny reached for the ice cream on the coffee table “oh, and Ben and Jerry”
“Cannoli flavoured?”
“It reminded me of you” you whispered, snuggling into his side.
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twilightteamm · 2 years
📱➡️ #kellanlutz: Stay HOPEFUL 🙏🙌
Amen @brittanylynnlutz
#Repost @brittanylynnlutz
He redeems. He restores. He heals. He surpasses our wildest dreams.
3 years ago I was told I couldn’t get pregnant (fibroids + endometriosis) but God directed my steps and used an incredible dr who made it possible.
2 years ago I lost my precious miracle baby girl who I carried for 27 weeks and had so many plans and dreams for. Then due to complications it is a miracle that I am alive and that I didn’t have to have an emergency hysterectomy to save my life.
1 year ago I gave birth to my hilarious, spunky, little beach babe Ashtyn.
And this year we added our sweet, cuddly chunky monkey Kasen.
These photos aren’t just sweet family memories. They are visible, tangible proof of God’s goodness and faithfulness.
If you’re going through a difficult season there is hope and happiness on the other side. But the only way to get to the other side is to go through. You’re stronger than you know. You’re not alone. Don’t give up. Keep going.
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jiminrings · 3 years
DA DILF TAEHYUNG AGENDA EXACTLY 👍 can be connected to this drabble!!!
“this feels like a trap.”
namjoon is the first one to say and his candid statement immediately gathers support from the other guys
he says it while he’s laying on the biggest beach towel he’s ever seen in his life, with an ice-cold four seasons-flavored drink in his hand with the little umbrella, rearranging the limited edition cap on his head even if he’s underneath the biggest and coziest beach canopy he’s seen in his lifetime
“this can’t not be a trap,” jimin huffs with a mouthful of watermelon before setting his spoon down on a new plate that he surprisingly didn’t bring home from an aircraft, wiping his mouth as he feels the cool metal of his designer silver cuban chain link bracelet on his chin
“for sure. taehyung pretends like he doesn’t have a single thought nor intention behind those eyes.”
seokjin snickers, reapplying his spray-on sunscreen that’s surprisingly not expired, adjusting his brand-new designer sunglasses on his nosebridge before sipping his margarita and not having to worry about mosquitoes because there’s a zapper in the table nearby
“just makes you wonder what’s going on with him.”
hoseok sighs, eating from a charcuterie board he swears up and down that he still finds overrated (there is truly no sense behind cheese and crackers and raw meat on a wooden board), fetching a towel from his newly gifted luxury duffel bag he decided to bring to the beach
all of this.,..
literally ALL of this,,, every single new piece that they all received from taehyung feels like a trap
like even the concept of taehyung just setting up a beach day for them and even giving gifts out of nOWHERE is very thought-provoking
“i have no ulterior motive!!! can’t i just take out my closest friends in the world?”
tae exclaims, shaking his head to himself
nabi repeats with the giddiest tone anyone could ever attach to a single world, instantly getting coos from his dad and uncles
crisis averted <3
oh yeah that reminds them ://
the guys need to put world peace on their list!! anything for this cute chunky monkey!!
“sounds disgusting and cheesy but i just want to treat you all since you’ve all been working very hard,” tae tries to explain and he shudders at his sweetness, “also because you’ve been very patient that i haven’t found a job yet!!!”
“we’re also patient with you being a former trustfund baby and therefore forgetting to close the fridges or you know, gagging when we tell you to wash the dishes,” jin nonchalantly adds
“and because you like randomly throwing nabi in the air and give us heart attacks in the process.”
“or falling asleep in the living room couch, even when you have the biggest room in the house, and that means we can’t watch tv because we unfortunately respect your sleep.”
“also because we let you decorate the house in three separate occasions with our money but they each barely lasted a day because you hated it.”
okay okay jEEZ
this is not comedy central omg why is he being roasted!!! in his own trip that he planned and executed quite perfectly!!!
“whew okay alright!! ganging up on me now, huh? thank you, you all just reminded me to teach nabi about the importance in avoiding cliques.”
they collectively reacted in offense to tae, speaking over each other, the general theme being “oHHHHH he’s really pulling that now huh???”
“go ahead, tell him that i ate his snacks! i’m sure nabi’s still on my side. right, monkey?” taehyung cockily shakes his head, hand reaching to rub his son’s fluffy hair
wait a second
taehyung shoots out from his chair and hurriedly walks out of the canopy, his four equally-as-panicked best friends darting out in search of the dumpling
he’s two now and he’s more adventurous, especially when it comes to using his quiet tiny little feet to walk by himself
taehyung’s heart is beating so fast but ir becomes even faster when he sees his curious dumpling near the water!!!
as in nEAR the water :O
alright :(( the waves aren’t cooperating :((
they’re pretty tame and as much as you enjoy paddling, you were looking forward this morning to actually surf because you were expecting big waves!! even waxed your surfboard all thoroughly
your wetsuit’s tightly clinging to you and your chest would want to breathe pls and thank you <3 which is why you unzip it in your chest area until you could audibly hear your boobs sigh out loud
you prefer taking off your leash when you’re still in water, as long as it’s shallow just to be sure, because walking in hot sand while chained to your surfboard that’s bigger than life is definitely not ideal
you sit on the part of the sand where the waves crash against and make quick work in removing the leash from your ankle, taking out your hairtie while at it because your hair drying up with saltwater wHILE it’s up </3 a nightmare actually
you’re catching a breather when you hear the pitter-patter of tiny footsteps beside you, an immediate coo leaving your lips
but at the same time it’s pANIC because the cutest child you just saw does not seem to stop walking into the water
“uh-uh! pretty sure you can’t swim yet, nemo.”
you immediately stand up and hold him still by his shoulders, his wide and curious eyes looking up at you
his tiny blue crochet bucket hat is what captures your attention, the character of nemo sewed right in the middle
.... is it bad that you want his bucket hat for yourself
“water!!! :-)”
the toddler points excitedly at what’s beneath his feet, giving you a feeling that he’s such a happy kid
“that’s correct!! it’s water!!!” you coo back at him, “but let’s go back, alright? you can’t swim alone.”
you pick him up because he gives no sign of budging when you try to coax him out of the water by gently pulling on his shoulder
you’re pleasantly surprised when he doesn’t resist you carrying him, in fact, he even holds on to your arms and tilts his head curiously yet with no fear
taehyung has never ran faster in his life actually
within a second, there’s a panting man in front of you, his hands on his knees and ever so often raising his finger to give him a second
alright lol you’re giving him a second
the guy in question finally straightens his posture and you’re positive that you’ve never seen a man that’s this handsome in real life
taehyung’s equally as shocked to see such gorgeousness in front of him????
also his eyes immediately wandered and he pretends to have never seen your cleavage nor your curves in your wetsuit
he did not mean to sTARE!!!! maybe this is just a side effect of his lasik surgery <4
“is he your kid?”
you ask him sincerely, puttting your hand over your eyes as shade to see him better
“yeah, i’m his dad. sorry for troubling you, he’s at that age where he likes walking in stealth and forgets that he’s in a new environment!!!”
he outstretches his hands to take nabi from your arms but he tilts his head when you slightly angle your body farther from him
“are you sure?”
you squint your eyes and there’s an evidently playful and teasing smile on your face
taehyung actually laughs but decides to humor you, his heartbeat finally calming down
“of course!! nabi, smile at the pretty lady for appa, will you?”
nabi, who you made the decision to call nemo on your mind officially starting thirty seconds ago, smiles
he grins so hard and it resembles the boxy smile that his dad is now sporting at the same time, their uncanny resemblance deepening even further
“okay,” you hum contently even if you already believed him from the start, “pretty lady believes that you’re little nemo’s dad.”
well aren’t you a cute one
“that would be marlin, although it sounds pretty ancient.”
the two of you (excluding nabi) are cLUELESS to the mini audience aka tae’s friends who all had mini heart attacks when they didn’t see nabi in their canopy awhile ago
they’re trying to OHHHHHHHH to themselves because wow that is smooth
jimin was about to pat tae’s back but he’s held back because they all forgot that they were not supposed to even be present at this situation
“i’m taehyung, nabi’s dad.”
he holds out his hand — his thick, veiny, muscular-looking hand for you to shake and he doesn’t miss the way you look at it a second longer
“i’m y/n, pretty lady.”
you shake his hand and you don’t miss the way taehyung presses his tongue to his cheek, eyes not-so-smoothly looking at you from top to bottom
his son particularly doesn’t like being excluded which is why he puts his hand on top of the both of yours :-)
“i’m nabi!!!!!!”
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