#my first zine ever!! it was a rly good experience :))
chocopink · 1 year
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my final piece i did for @teenyzines !! if you're interested in a kingdom hearts crossover zine, definitely check it out :D i had so much fun with this and so very happy with the results 💕
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commajade · 2 years
Omg yayyy you're back in your homeland! I know you've mentioned before how much you miss it and love having a close connection with your culture and I'm really glad you were able to have that experience again! One day I'd like to visit where my family came from but the country has a fascist government and is really anti-trans so idk if I'll ever be able to :/ ANYWHO enough about me, I was just wondering if you have any resources for books and/documentaries about queer Korean culture? I enjoy learning about queer culture from around the world but unfortunately it's hard to find things about it in Korea. But if you don't know of many or just don't want to take the time to list some resources cuz you're busy that's totally fine! Also, I don't know and will not be presumptuous by acting like I know exactly how you feel since I am *Michael Scott voice* a White but I do know how much it can suck to be forced into a situation where you're simultaneously out with your friends and to yourself but closeted with your family and/or in public. I always feel so out of place in women's restrooms or when my family refer to me as their daughter/sister but I can't go against it for fear of something bad happening so I'll have that same like, "am I lying to myself??" sort of feeling and it sucks and I'm really sorry you have to go through that rn.
hello! thank u dear!
the first lgbt korean variety show merry queer just started and it's honestly more of a documentary!! it follows the stories of several diff korean lgbt people and their various experiences it's quite emotional.
check out hyperlink press! it's a korean diaspora and queer curatorial collective they have cool zines and online resources!
there's also a lot of korean queer youtubers nowadays just google 퀴어 and various keywords and u can find some rly good content, not a lot of it has eng subs tho! here's edhi park and her friend's youtube channel! they have lgbt vlogs, short films, discussions, and all sorts of content on there!
last time i was here i went to a cool little exhibit event that queer arch or (korean queer archive) was doing i linked their website! i learned a lot about korean lgbt culture and activism from the 70s to now and got to flip through gay and lesbian and trans magazines from the 90s and 2000s it was so cool.
i also rly enjoyed the zine "Queereans: The LGBTQ+ History of Korea" by jkimdraws it was free on gumroad last time i checked but korean google won't let me find it rn lol
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pairodicelost · 3 years
something needs to change soon bc i have so much i wanna do and make, and the dead weight of my own body and the prolonged suffering i dip in and out of is just untenable
had a well and truly terrible mental health day on tues... monday night was acute suffering and rumination and DAMAGED GOODS feeling, I drunk drafted an email to [redacted] shedding light on [redacted] (amazingly articulate, graceful even? though a tad dramatic), I drank gin, I went to bed. set off by watching vids of a young person i follow having a manic sobbing laughing undressed spiral online which really just grabbed my heart by the throat. Tuesday I couldnt get up until 3pm, and Angel sneezed so I panicked, either lung cancer or dust from her bedding (which i’d been changing daily!!) so I deep cleaned her cage extremely, held her on me almost the whole time, spent hours with her really while I did it and drank coffee and swept the house and handwashed her cloths and sewed things for her cage and then suddenly, cried and cried for awhile while she crawled on my shoulders. then made rly good dinner bc cooking is now something i like????
facetimed my sister super grumpy from my bad day and she was sour too, bad day on her end, rude boss, lotsa pressure, but she practiced delivering her presentation of the neuroscience data she gleaned and described in her (first! ever!) published manuscript/experiment. somehow cheered each other up. went to bed sober and not too late.
I am struggling to write and struggling to paint, collage with words is completely off the table lately bc my brain just convulses and turns into a wet towel and cannot focus. I think I need to aggressively enforce a week of NO MAKING ANYTHING, its okay to just cook and watch movies and play with the rats. No drawing or painting and most of all no shame over that. my self worth is all wrapped up in it, im supposed to be wildly productive in all my downtime so that I est a body of work, all weekend and all week nights go to this second life which will emerge - and I just gotta stop and chill tf out with making that my identity and my everything. this is about cooking! im worried about money all the time (bad bad bad, youre supposed to exercise gratitude and act and believe as if you already have the things you want, you know this!) but I have an overflowing pantry and a full fridge and freezer (its a minifridge and freezer lmao) and lately, unable to finish projects or deal with words, I’ve gotten into cooking! and baking! it keeps the kitchen warm, too, and is profoundly comforting.
french onion soup, nondairy tomato soup, brussel sprouts roasted with potatoes dressed in balsamic + garlic with eggs fried in there, butternut squash
so something is level and good within me, i suspect a lot of things are getting there.
1. get to fedex/office depot and make 50 copies of zine
1.5. mail 2 maya while there
2. pick up carriers for the babes
3. assemble zines at home to send tmrw
4.  get rid of a ton of the paper scraps and ephemera I’ve been hauling around the country for ten yrs. collage and material belongings are stressful rn so best be rid of em. clear desk and files. make sewing stuff accessible.
5. prep batch of mail - for C in Fresno, R’s forgotten birthday card, MK’s thank you, grandparents, C + M, early bday to T??? and J in NC and E.
It’s funny though bc the new rat just hung with me for over an hr while I wait on hold with unemployment and I have little pulled-apart raspberries and carrot slices on an old open journal and my coffeetable is littered with envelopes and a banker’s lamp and nail polish pain meds allergy meds earache oil chapstick toothpaste lighter mouthguard and also an open bottle of charles shaw right next to a mcdonald’s cup i’ve been using for days to drink water out of bc the straw really helps, and super floral-smelling black tea i just made myself and I looked at this mess and thought to myself “is this happiness? i think maybe i’m really happy.” 
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latefrequencies · 4 years
I just started listening to From Home and I am soooo excited, I've been really getting into noise lately and this is the sort of thing I want to make! How'd you make these noises? And also, do the numbered titles of the tracks hold any significance? Thanks for another awesome release Jude! :D
oh thank you!!!! people’s reception of that album has been much more positive than i would have expected (not that i expected people to hate that album outright but i rly only know two people who i knew for sure are into noise, and one of them is going to be in a noise band with me and the other is already a noise artist), so i’m very happy that people like the album as much as they do! also i’m going to put the answers to your questions under a cut if that’s okay, i’m going to basically answer Every Question Anyone Could Ever Have About This Album, including the ones you’ve asked directly:
so the equipment i used (outside of the non-musical items i used to produce the sounds) was the following: an iPad, GarageBand (which was run on the iPad), a bass guitar, this cord thing called an iRig that allows me to plug the bass into the iPad so i can use the amp simulator stuff, earbuds that had a microphone on them, and headphones that did not have a microphone on them. the headphones that didn’t have the microphone on them were important because, when you use earbuds or headphones that have a microphone on them and the microphone is too close to the earbuds themselves (which is the case with most if not all earbuds you get in stores), you record what you’re listening to along with what you’re recording on the track you’re recording. this might not be a problem if you’re just trying to get as much sound as possible, but that wasn’t what i was going for on this album.
i personally see all of the sounds on the album as being in one of five categories: musical synthesized sound, non-musical synthesized sound, bass feedback, intentionally-produced non-synthesized sound, and background sound. which is hella pretentious but let me break it down further:
musical synthesized sound: i used the synth settings in GarageBand to produce things that sounded musical (anytime there’s chords or a melody perceptible on any of the tracks)
non-musical synthesized sound: i used the synth settings to produce things that didn’t sound musical (mostly i used settings that are categorized under “sound effects”. a good example of a track featuring these would be track 4, “68454″, where there’s sort of a mechanical buzzing noise and a slamming noise that sound like they’re reacting to each other. those were both produced with GarageBand and weren’t actual sounds I recorded from my environment)
bass feedback: i plugged my bass, made some custom amp settings that were meant to make the feedback sound like ungodly loud and awful and just let it record. sometimes i did actually do things with the bass, such as touching the neck or body to produce generally non-musical sounds or touching the strings in a way that produced musical sounds in that each string is tuned to a note but where i wasn’t really playing a note on purpose (very audible on track 1, “593045″). anytime there’s the sound of something churning (for lack of a better description), that’s bass feedback (and I’ll get into how that works in a bit)
intentionally-produced non-synthesized sound: i took objects around me and made them make noises (”68454″ has this sort of crackling sound in the background that was produced by doing and undoing the velcro on a plush toy I had with me, there was a point at which i just recorded myself photocopying and putting together a zine and the low whining sound on “182495″ came from the photocopier and the scraping sort of sound on the same track came from me handling the paper afterwards because i recorded both processes on the same track)
background sound: i just plugged in the non-microphone headphones and let things happen. this picked up sounds intentionally 
a lot of the time, with the intentionally-produced sounds, i would try making them while listening to how they’d be recorded through the amp simulator and i messed with the settings to make it so that they’d be less recognizable or sound stranger or more discordant. a lot of the idea behind what i did was to take sounds that would have been normal and make them very abnormal. you don’t hear sounds like what you hear on that album in your everyday life. the world would be bloody chaos if everything sounded like that all the time. everyone would have to wear industrial-strength earplugs. it’d be awful. part of the concept was to take the familiar and make it as unfamiliar as possible. i presume you’ve looked at the album’s description, and if you have, then you’ll know the context in which it was made was one of really just a lot of unfamiliarity while also having with me individual things which were familiar, so that’s where the idea to make noise in that specific way came from.
now here’s where i get into the exact methods and if you don’t have access to GarageBand, this might be a bit useless for you, but if you’re using a program where you can use an amp simulator and it has the ability to let you simulate effects pedals, you’ll probably find a way to do the same as what i’m describing here.
the first thing i do with the amp settings is i turn the gain up real high (usually at maximum) and i put a fuzz pedal on it and turn everything on that up to the highest setting. sometimes i let there be a bit of variation (like sometimes the tone is a little bit down, sometimes the fuzz setting isn’t completely up, etc.) but those are the primary things i do. i choose the fuzz setting because that produces the most amount of additional noise while also distorting the sound (which is why i choose it over, say, overdrive)
i get the churning sound by turning both the knobs on the tremolo part of the amp way up. if what you’re working with allows you do to so, experiment with having the speed and depth be at different places, because i find that sometimes having them always be equal to each other or having them always be on maximum doesn’t get what i want for a particular track or moment. i’m not sure if screwing with the tremolo like that is the exact thing Sunn O))) are doing on all their albums but i bet it is and regardless it makes it sound just like Sunn O))) when i play a note and the amp is like that and I like sounding like things that i like.
other effects pedals i like include the phaser one, the vibe one (there’s a lot of fun to be had there since there’s different kinds of vibrations you can play with), the echo one (that can get you some REAL fucked up sounds if you play it right), and the chorus one.
where the synth is concerned, i use settings from the Alchemy Synth options (again, not very helpful if you’re not using GarageBand but what you’re using may have something equivalent to what i’m about to describe). the reason for this is that there’s all those knobs and that x- and y-axis thing you can control to get a really precise sound, and you can mess with those while you’re playing the note, meaning that the note will record the exact way you’re hearing it change. (i make that distinction because messing with something in real time with something from the amp settings doesn’t do that.) this was useful for getting strange sounds from the more musical sounding settings.
i think the reason the synth parts of the tracks are more emphasized than the non-synthesized sounds was because the synth was the stuff i had more control over. there was a lot of incidental sound (random things like me typing or drinking water got recorded, and i mentioned my housemates on the album credits because i did end up getting them recorded, not on purpose but because they were obviously in the same space as me and they were producing sounds so onto the tracks they went). i’ll probably do things differently as i work more with noise because there’s a world of potential where the non-synthesized sounds are concerned that i haven’t scratched upon at all yet. really the non-synth sounds on From Home were more like background things for the synth parts. or maybe i’m downplaying those parts too much. either way in the future i’ll be looking out for more naturally-occurring noises, i’m just describing the role they played in that particular album
really i just made the noises either by doing stuff with the synthesizer, recording whatever normal things i had or that were happening and processing them to hell and back, or plugging in my bass and letting fate take care of the rest.
also there is no significance to the number titles at all. i had just been titling files by the number track they were supposed to be on the album and then i went “this doesn’t look right” but i also had no interesting or intelligent things to call them, so i tried making keymashes for titles but they just looked wrong for some reason, so sticking solely to numbers for the keymashes somehow did the trick. chaos within intentional boundaries. i guess that’s a good descriptor for how i did the album really. 
anyway thank you for asking these things and i wish you the best in the world of noise and your exploration in the genre, frankly i’m excited to explore it too and if my work inspires somebody else to try out something like this, that’s honestly one of the most exciting things i can think of.
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qwedfas · 7 years
heyy I've just heard about 'media' as a subject (im in yr10) and it sounds rly cool. what exactly is it about? what do you do? who teaches it? what are your personal experiences doing it: the good, the bad and the workload. thanks fam
Hey there!
I did media last year AND I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT SO SO MUCH!! It is by far my favourite VCE subject and it definitely is really really cool :) Mr Muir teaches it and he’s actually such a great and interesting teacher, and prepares you really well for anything you’ll ever do in media. 
Basically there are four things you do in media:
- The first thing is your big project that goes on for about a little more than half a year, in which you get to plan and produce your own short film, zine, audio podcast or photo series (i think there might be another one or two options although most people end up making a film or zine). You plan the hell out of this for about six months and you’ve got full creative control over what you want to do. Inside of that you’ll have to create a folio outlining how you’ve come to your decisions and explorations of different technique you’d like to explore
- While this is going on you also cover three different areas of theoretical stuff:
The first is about NARRATIVE: so you’ll be going over story and production elements (you’ll learn what these are), and how they contribute to the development of a story within a film. You’ll study two films looking at those things (such as camera, lighting, editing, character development, multiple storylines, etc), as well as looking at how their genres and styles work, and how the audience may respond to the text.
The second thing you look at is MEDIA TEXTS AND SOCIETY’S VALUES: so how different values are represented in different texts (for this i studied one film and two music videos). Your texts will come from different time period and you’ll focus on a particular discourse (for example ours was women celebrities). You’ll be looking at what values are dominate, emerging and oppositional within a text and its societal context.
Finally, you’ll be looking at MEDIA INFLUENCE AND REGULATION: this meaning the laws and policies surrounding the ownership and regulation of australian media, and different theories about the degree and ways the media can potentially influence people
In class you’ll either be watching the texts you’re currently studying, getting time to work on your long term project or developing responses in regards to the three theoretical topics. Mostly it’s a lot of independent work (for the project), but the other areas the class will often brainstorm and write some stuff together, before breaking up for our own practice and revision.  Due to the class’s typically small size you get a lot of time to have good in depth discussions with each other, but also the chance to have pratice work marked and given feedback on by Mr Muir.
 In terms of the workload you have to be ready to make something for the whole year, developing a folio and the final product. If you make a film this can mean a lot of outside of class work for filming and editing (although you get a bit of time for this in class), but otherwise the theoretical work isn’t heavy at all. As long as you write notes well and stay on to of the class work you should be fine. Honestly the only time i ever really revised the theory stuff outside of class was before a SAC and the exam.
I’ll be giving more information about Media though in our upcoming VCE subject selection sessions, so keep your ears open for that. You can come and bring me more questions to answer then :)
 Hopefully this helps!
Love, FAM xx
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