#my dms are open if ya rly wanna talk
brownfrogs · 10 months
It has always bothered me that you still like McHanzo after all this time when I remember you saying Spuriken would be a healthier/better ship. Sounds a bit performative now, considering you don’t even draw them. Kind of sad that you’re still clinging to that toxic, d3@d ship.
Can I study you. I want to study you.
Ok but seriously, if you want Spuriken art all ya gotta do is ask. No guilt trip needed I promise. I’m guessing you’re a young person by how you censored dead and don’t rly understand how you’re supposed to do human interactions on Tumblr so here are gentle suggestions.
“Hey! I love Spuriken but I don’t get to see much of it. Would love to see you draw them one day!”
“Can I DM you? I got some issues with Yeehan I would like to discuss with you. It’s cool if not.”
I promise this will get you more mileage in the long run. Being bitter or angry will not help, trust me. And as an act of good faith, here is some Spuriken just for you. They're watching Shark Week!
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kalofi · 3 years
i still have 40+ asks in my inbox for drawing requests
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knowing myself i will probably only get to like. 5. </3
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lgbtdatingblog · 5 years
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Hi! My name is Gabriel and for safety reasons, I'm not putting my face here, but you can DM me @candybara and I can swap pics with ya! Or DM me for my discord!
Attached is the time I beat a trial in Pokemon Moon with one pokemon left on basically no health after days of strategizing and praying and crying. I'm just rly proud of myself.
I'm a transguy living in Michigan. I'm only open sexually and romantically to the right person, and I'm questioning my orientation but I may be bisexual.
I don't have a car or a source of income due to the job market here being scarce. I'm also taking the time to focus on getting therapy, and skill-building. Still, my career goal is either art teacher or art therapist! I'm an aspiring animator, myself.
I'm looking for friends (I message best on Discord) and for a romantic relationship. LDR is no prob. I'm polyamorous and I have a partner right now, but I have way too much love in my heart.
I preferably want to pair up with someone who is any one or combination or these things;
-the kind of friend that's extroverted and likes to get people outta their shells -not a visual artist (as in animation/drawing - I wanna socialize more outside of my scope) -outdoorsy, fond of travel, walks, dogs and cats, car rides, road trips -nocturnal by nature -has weird conversations at 2am -realistic optimist -if you live anywhere but USA <3<3
Hmu if any of those matched! If nothing did but you still wanna talk, don't feel discouraged! I want to expand my scope of socialization regardless; tell me something about where or what culture you're from to get the ball rolling c;
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luvdsc · 3 years
Hihi Cat! I've come to deliver some good news! (This is pretty long huhu ToT)
MY ERB HAS BEEN APPROVED AND I CAN PROCEED TO RECRUIT PARTICIPANTS!! Ahh it's been such a blessing to be able to proceed immediately! I've actually hit my target amount of participants in less than a day (IT'S CRAZY) but I'm gonna collect more responses cuz the more the better! (Would you wanna check the questionnaire out? I can PM you the link!! :3)
Also also I PASSED THAT FINALS! The one I took a day after my vaccination (1st dose) ToT GAHH I'm so happy I won't even ask for more, it's enough :3
I've been writing my thesis during this sem break but it's progressing pretty slowly cuz I've been so drained from last semester and the vaccine itself. Huhu but I've written a brief rundown for my proposal so there's a rough idea there, just needa rly assemble it into a clear narrative. And yes I agree! Psychology studies are a beautiful fusion of science & human essence imo, and its fascinating learning more abt ourselves and how we as the human species progress in life ya know? 😌
I got my second dose exactly a week ago and got the same side effects - headache, arm soreness, hunger, fatigue; I felt like a fusion of psyduck & snorlax HAHAHAHA 😂 - it wasn't anything serious so yay I'm fully vaccinated! (in a few weeks time keke I'll be)
HAHAHAHA my vaccination appointments were pretty eventful. The nurses and volunteers were all so warm and friendly! I'm the type of person who feels whatever's being injected into me, it's not the pain that I wanna distract myself from (it wasn't pain tbh) but that sluggish discomfort I get from the needle ejaculation >//< sooo as they showed me the vile and syringe before injecting me, I prepped my Yangyang photocard in my hand. During my second dose, the nurse thought I had some fancy way of taking a video when in actual fact I was just looking at my Yangyang photocard hehe UwU she asked me whether I wanted to see the needle going in (smtg I can't look at tbh) and I was like HELL NAH ToT
And also some recap from the previous ask!
There's no need to apologise for the delayed response okie!! UwU my sem break is ending this week, but I've spent my time completing my academic research trainee tasks (transcribing audio clips), I've also created the content & design for my uni's newsletter, did some thesis writing, and I took a course on financial planning on Coursera to prep myself for the adulting life ToT
And idm sharing my back up / failed topics! I didn't have a lot of cards in my hands, but here are some of em!
1) time perspective and meaning in life 2) anticipatory nostalgia 3) not a topic but a variable! fragility of happiness / happiness aversion
what ideas did you settle on for yr art pieces? If you dm sharing, I'd love to hear abt it! 💖💖💖
Tbh I can't think of a fav ice cream flavor hmm 🤔 i rly didn't think it'd be so hard thinking of a fav ice cream flavor but the first that comes to mind is green tea! I like them milky flavored ice cream😍 though my fav from this ice cream place I go to is thai milk tea, it's so fragrant and milky!! 🥺💖 I just got myself a tub of milk & biscoff gelato keke UwU what's yr fav ice cream flavor? :3
For my course structure:
We have 2 long sems (Jan - Apr, & Aug - Dec, 16 weeks) & a short sem (May - July, 9 weeks)! Our sem breaks are only around a month then it's back to sleepless nights ToT AND YES those weeks were the most stressful weeks ever 🥺😭 I'm glad I'm graduating soon for that reason 😂(though idk what awaits in the working world ToT that is another fear I have :/)
Thank you for being part of this journey and being open to listening to my lil adventures! 🥺🙆🏻‍♀️💖😭 esp w the amount of responses and ppl helping me, I feel a lil more motivated to work and excel in this pregnancy (thesis, I call it pregnancy cuz it's around 9 months too HEHE) Since the pandemic, it's been pretty hard separating studies & hobbies :/ I've learnt it the hard way from my period cramps last sem (mine's the severe type where you can faint ToT), and it was also on my last paper for finals !! Very traumatizing ._. but I'll continue to manage myself better! :3
Huhu Cat since you're working now, I also wanna ask abt yr experience in job seeking! Cuz unemployment is a real deal here esp. w everything that's going on :') I don't have working experience either (only had 1 through internship) and it literally feels like I'm going into the unknown ToT I've been running over some case studies and assessments just to better prep myself for this. Do you have any advice as someone who's already working? UwU
Take care and stay lovely as always!! 💖💖💖
hi, sweetpea !!!! 🌸 omg major congratulations for getting your ERB approved, honey bee !!!!! 🥳🥳🥳 that’s absolutely amazing, and I’m uber proud of you 🥺💗💗 also, it’s wonderful that you hit the required number of participants so quickly !!!!! (And I would love to participate if the questionnaire is still open 🤧)
AND HECK YEAAA CONGRATS ON PASSING THE FINAL TOO 🤩🤩🤩🤩 big congrats to you all around, miss smarty pants 💓💓💓
Oh gosh, I hope you got to rest during your semester break too ): you’re working so hard, please remember to take care of yourself !! 💕 your mental health is more important 🤍 have you finalized your proposal now? And omg yes exactly !!! It’s so interesting to see the thought process behind an action and how it can be manipulated or influenced by various stimulants or there’s also the argument between nature versus nurture too and how that affects psychology and it’s just all so cool to learn about 🤩
Omg you had so many symptoms, I’m so sorry to hear that 😭 I only had a sore arm, but that’s what happens when I get any shot 🤧 I hope you’re feeling better now 💘💘
I’m really glad to hear that the nurses and volunteers were kind and friendly !! it’s always comforting to have nice people as doctors, especially when you’re trusting them to stick a needle in you bshdjdjdkd omg yangyang to the rescue !!!! 💞💞 we’re not allowed to record record any medical appointments, like I think the nurse thought the person in front of me in line was recording when they were getting their vaccine and said they weren’t allowed to do that 😅 and aaaaa I always have to look when they inject me, I don’t like being taken by surprise 🤧
oh my gosh you were so productive over your semester break !!!! :o and oooo you do content & design for your school’s newsletter? Do you do stuff like graphic designing and write articles? 💓 and how was the financial planning course !! Did you learn a lot? Did you like the studies? :’)
aaaaa those topics sound so cool ??? 🤩🤩 I would definitely be down to read about those omg 💛
for my 3D design class, I decided to do lightbulbs and flowers as my overarching theme for my art pieces !! I included a couple pictures below under the cut at the bottom 💓 the first one is a soft sculpture made out of newspaper, and there’s a pencil next to it for size reference, the second one is made of wires that I shaped myself, and the third one is made of foam boards that I cut and assembled myself as well 💕 and I included a picture of my final painting project! it’s a triptych and I believe the size was like 18 x 24 for each one? If you click on the picture, it should be better quality!
omg I love green tea ice cream too !!!!! 🍵🍦 I like going to somi somi for their matcha and milk swirl ice cream with red bean taiyaki 💚 I only had thai milk tea ice cream once, but it was phenomenal 🤩 I wish they sold it near me too !! milk and biscoff :o I’ve never tried that flavor! I’ll have to see if it’s sold around here :’) green tea is my favorite, but I also really like everything but the... from Ben and Jerry’s !! 💛 also alcoholic ice cream.... like there’s this one kind where it was a breakfast esque type with vanilla, corn flakes, and bourbon, and it was delicious 😋
omg what 😭😭 you’re basically going to school year round with no break bahsjdjdjdkd when I was in uni, i had a month off for winter break (usually something like dec 9 - jan 9) and then mid june to mid September off, so around three months of summer vacation? Your school schedule sounds absolutely brutal 💀💀
and omg of course !!! Thank you for letting me be a part of the journey 🥺💗 bdjdjddj pregnancy omg that’s such an interesting way of seeing it :o sending you all my love and support for a successful delivery of your thesis baby 🥰🥰 oh yeah, it’s definitely been a struggle to separate everything, especially when the lines between home and workspace blur with online school or working from home. And oh my god ???? Are you okay ?? Did you go see a doctor or take any medication? I hope you’re feeling better now !! Please take care of yourself 😭
ah, I got my job through my internship, so I’m not sure how helpful I will be 😅 but during the process of interviewing for internships, there were several rounds for each company that range from a group interview, a one on one interview, video interview where they give you random questions that you have to answer on the spot (some of mine were discuss the stock market, give a sales pitch on something you’re interested in, etc), a test, etc. I think it’s different depending on the job you’re going for, but that’s what I had to do in the business field! It’s important to study and prep for all of this!! It’s like taking an verbal exam for one of your classes. And also make sure to study the company’s website and familiarize yourself with what they do/sell.
My one piece of overall advice would be about interviews! Interviews are important in which the person interviewing you is seeing if you’ll be a good fit with the company, not in terms of skill, but personality. They already know you’re qualified and have good skills - that’s how you got the interview. With the interview, they’re essentially trying to see how personable you are and if you will work well with their team. Some people are so intent on proving their skills that they kinda just rattle off all their achievements and whatnot, and it’s like... the interviewer already knows this, it’s all on the resume they reviewed when they decided to give the interview offer. Be friendly, open, maybe make a little small talk at the beginning (“hey, how are you? any weekend plans / how was your weekend?” This is what I did for all my business interviews, and I got an offer back from every one 🤧💗), make appropriate jokes / be a little funny, just show that you’d be a fun person to have in the office whom people will want on their team, but that you will also be dedicated to the job and work hard 💘
And thank you so much, honey bee!!! 💞 I hope you’re doing well and having a good week , and please take care as well 🌷🌷
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theday · 7 years
anyways, ill say bye now... i hope ure well rested and have a good day!! (wait, i remember what i wanted to ask!! at least i think this is what i wanted to ask? anywys, do u know what u want to do now that ure finished w school? if u dont mind me asking, of course, i understand if u think its a bit personal!) ok, now im done, have a good day!! take care and stay hydrated!! (and now i really did send u a bunch of asks..)
omg i hope u dont mind but ill be answering the stuff from ur last ask here (the one where i… deleted everything) under cut bc itll be 2x longer now
so first !!!!! how i got into kpop!!! it was thanks to my good pal (@.briwoon) boxy! i follow her on twitter and despite her being a day6 stan twt i had her unmuted anyway bc.. after years of being an anime blog on tumblr and seeing all my anime mutuals slowly converting into kpop blogs one by one i was able to filter the kpop out of my brain?? smth like that since back then i wasnt into kpop and i didnt want to unfollow since im mutuals with most of them :-0 
another backstory - i was one of those people who never saw themselves getting into kpop? and i think the main reason was bc i thought liking kpop would make u seem lame?? due to the influence from people around me?? but as years went by and as my mutuals changed interests it stopped bothering me and that mindset kind of just? faded away bc who am i to call other people’s happiness bad?? but despite being okay with it i never really made the move to get into any groups lmao that was until i got tired of my interest at that time (seiyuu, japanese voice actors) and my interests would always. not last?? idk so maybe thats why i didnt want to get invested but it happened regardless 
anyway usually i wouldnt take notice of her rts but this . this beautiful man with orange hair and minion glasses caught my eye when i was scrolling through my timeline and i was like o worm? oh mu god? hes beautiful? so i slid into her dms and asked her whomst the beautiful man was and she sent me all their mvs after that from congratulations to i smile (the most recent mv at that time, late june) for me to watch :-D now at that time, from what little knowledge i had of kpop.. i understood that groups would be singing and dancing so i was prepared to see some sick moves or smth?? but then. i clicked on miss i smile and my wig flew off? bc… wtf.? they were playing instruments???? and they sounded good ??? so i was like oh my god? a band??????
before day6 i also had (have) a preference for bands and the way their music sounds so i was like?? ready to just. get on board yknow?? i watched how can i say and i saw the lanky noodle wearing glasses and i was like o fuck mu life? i caved and asked boxy for their names and other information and best decision of my life bc.. they really make me happy!!! after that like the day after ? myabe they did a vlive and i was like o shit? what do i do… so i downloaded the vapp and wowie i love it? its my second home…… i watched every vlive they had at that time and i thought that was a lot… (it isnt, compared to mx) and i was just rly content??
(ok i know u asked for kpop and not … day6 or other groups bc im gonna talk abt how i got into mx and astro too bc…… how can i Not.. u can skip this part tho i just wanna ramble abt my loves? ill tell u when u can continue)
that was peak happiness for me at that time.. until… boxy started talking about monsta x in our groupchat (with @.tokayhk) and she would just ramble abt this kihyun fella (who i vaguely knew bc my real life friend likes him and mx and i bought her his pc before along with the guilty clan part 2) so i was like hmm interesting… and honestly? i wasnt going to get into monsta x i really wasnt planning on asking her abt them (since i was scared id lose interest in day6 right after) but then.. she started linking videos and i .. my resolve crumbled down as i heard monsta x yelling and … this beautiful cover (which boxy sent to show us how powerful kihyuns vocals are but i was 2 focused on mister aka minhyukku) and she told us how funny these monsta men are and i was like o h no…………….. eventually one day in late august i asked her to tell me more about these monstas…… aftert that i watched every mxray episode (starting from season 2 bc i dont know 1 comes before 2) and even though i didnt know anyone who was on screen except jooheon i found it really funny and?? it made me laugh so much i love mx?? ya… boxys kind of like my guardian angel?? shes really the reason im living tbh… introducing me to all these lovely people?? thank u miss boxy i love u
now. for the astrosus….. they were a bit different.. because i didnt have boxys help and they were the first group i took interest in solely bymyself so i knew i was in for a wild ride (at first, i couldnt even differentiate brian from sungjin in day6 lmao) after stanning monsta x and day6 i became more?? open to kpop and i started watching unhelpful guides on youtube bc . they were funnie and idk its nice??/ and i stumbled upon the astro one (which wasnt that funny but more helpful than anythng) and i was like. oh worm? the cicada group… bc i watched a short clip of them catching that stupid cicada in their office as it appeared on my tl one day so i clicked on the video ..and after watching that it led me to another video of astro being extra for 6 minutes and those six minutes/????? best six minutes of my life because theyre so fnny and they made me laugh a lot? (combined with the editing from op) so bc they were funnie i decided to look them up and read their profiles/??? i watched their nimdle video and only knew mj bc his tag was the two letters m and j lol but it really made me bust both of my lungs i just?? laughed A Lot 
im not sure how i managed to put name to face so quickly but it mightve been bc after the nimdle videos i watched every ddoca and astro play as well as their vlives available bc..  i just inhale the content at godspeed?? 
for mx and astro i was drawn in by their personalities before their music because they were on more variety shows and had more chances to show dorky they all are which made it way quicker for me to fall for the two groups??? for day6 its a bit sad but the weekly scheduled vlives arent enough for me to tell what kind of people they are (although those r still hilarious) i just wish they would go on more variety shows?? its understandable if they themselves dont want to be on any shows though!!! i love all 3 groups with all my heart :-D 
ok if u skipped u can start from here ill be answering the questions now lmao
FIRSTof all,,,,, youre learning how to drive?? thats so cool >:-0 we’re not allowed to learn until we’re like...?? 18?? or 21 idk but not so Soon :-( and its cute u think abt me (or of what to say) but pleaseth stay safe... i hope ur driving lessons go smoothly until u end theM!!! hopefully youll be able to get ur licence :-D 
aNDD!!! the thought of drinking warm tea when its cold outside.. is so ?? nice to think about hecc u better drink that tEA and enjoy it !!!! stay warm and comfy miss RM ..... and it even snows there????? thats so cool tbh ?? (i love snow but maybe thats bc it doesnt snow here so i dont know the tru evil of snow but like.... its so.... white and fluffy??) i would ask u 2 take pics and show me but alas...... the time is not right :-( do u know when we’re allowed to expose ourselves?? i forgot rip... but its sometime next month right im excited???? since its near my birthday !!!!! 
ok now to answer this ask no i actually have no clue what i want to be after i finish school?? yikEs but last year i (jokingly) said i wanted to be a farmer??? idk if i might actually do that probably not i guess im just freestyling (going with the flow) for now we’ll see where life takes me 
and like i said u can ask me anything !!! im fine with it :-) alsooooo please dont ever feel bad about sending too many asks bc its a lovely thing to wake up to and i just?? get rly happy when i see all the asks in my activity :-D!!  
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cvpricornus · 5 years
open if u wanna read my encounter with cyberbullying and me being petty about it 😛
note: kpop included, some stuff might be triggering to those who have been cyberbullied
(i’ll include some fun fact astrology stuff regarding the situation too)
so about a week ago, i was involved in this “rt if u wanna be in a kpop gc” gc. it was all chill at first because everyone was warming up to each other but after a few talks here and there, people talked about which groups they liked. it was all cool until someone (i’ll call them N) mentioned they missed block b (a kpop group with rly popular hit songs) and another person (i’ll call them B) told the whole gc that “block b is a flop.” of course N was slightly ticked at first so they got a bit defensive. but B and two other ppl (A and F) continued to press on the topic, making it seem like they were harrassing N.
now before i get onto the conflict, let me tell you my reaction. i was just ??? do B, A, & F know the successes of block b? they’re only partially right about block b flopping in my opinion bc right now, they’re not doing great. but block b’s sales and records with their songs were really popular in the past. i even had to ask my bbc fan and we had similar thoughts.
anyway back to the conflict: now N is telling the three to fuck off. B, A, & F are saying to chill, it’s just kpop, why are you so pressed. here’s the problem with what they said: yes, it is kpop, we shouldn’t take it serious overall, but they are the ones pressing this topic, acting like it’s a joke when it clearly isn’t for the other party. i’m also really pissed at the three bitches at this point bc i can see how N is really affected and she is one of those people who rely on music for emotional comfort so obviously, she is sensitive to that. we need to acknowledge that people like her exist (and many other types of people) or else, we can never achieve a middle ground or some certain form of peace with anyone.
so i stood up for N like a normal person wanting peace, spouting snarky yet intelligible remarks at B, A, & F. kind of a weird combination of words to describe it but i was basically calling the three off for being insensible and rude. i told them people who rely on music for their emotional needs fucking exist according to psychology and that they prob haven’t experienced some traumatic shit to be aware of others. i continue to tell them that they have to be respectful once there is something brought up that can be sensitive to others, but of course, they continue to joke about it bc, well, they’re teenagers (guessing they’re 15-18). one of them even told me to “stfu ur annoying, we get it” bc i kept repeating the same shit lol but someone else backed me up luckily, saying that i was repeating so that there would be no arguments in the future. by now, N had left the chat and was stupidly tweeting her emotions where the others could see. i literally facepalmed bc 1) N didn’t even block them and 2) people will literally attack you more on the internet if ur public. i had to dm N myself and comfort her for a while—even told her to block them by giving their users but she didnt even after i said to. as i was doing all that, the other three were talking behind N’s back in the gc, assuming i was gone (while i was screenshotting everything), and talking about a prick N was.
now everybody! this is called cyberbullying. it even exists with people you don’t know, which makes it scarier.
at this point, i’m just witnessing everything the three bitches (i have no right to call them that but they were acting like bitches) are shitting on in the gc until the topic really dies out. i still have all my screenshots but i won’t be revealing them or anyone involved bc i respect everyone’s privacy whether they’re annoying or not. apparently one of them is in therapy bc of her depression—i guess she didn’t have a better outlet of handling her emotions but stan twt. and stan twt is toxic af as everyone knows.
also i’d like to state that N is somewhat at fault too. it’s not only the three girls, N could have approached them more logically but again, she might be just too emotionally attached to her groups. i don’t think she didn’t even care halfway through our private conversation bc i kept giving her 75% advice and 25% support (which i think she needed more). her tweeting about her emotions was a no-no too bc it just sparked more beef. also, it’s just the internet in a sense, who cares about three people who don’t agree with you? but again, it’s gonna be different for everyone and i strongly felt that the three girls could have took the situation more differently if they were more empathetic.
back to the point: after all that, i wanted to rant. cause i just get upset at humanity easily ya know (mars in pisces culture) and my gemini moons wants to spill the tea. i end up talking to my irl friend who also is on twt so she also understands the shit that goes on there. i tell her everything and she agrees that this was cyberbullying.
the whole situation just made my blood boil tbh. it wasn’t the idea of block b being a flop, but the idea of respecting each other and knowing when not to overstep boundaries. a lot of people tend to throw all that away when they’re on the internet, and that has to be changed imo—we need to teach people that there is also respect on the internet. of course everyone won’t be respectful as this generation has changed immensely but to let people be aware of certain comments affecting others mentally and psychologically must be raised.
so i devised a plan where i dont need to see this toxic group anymore. i was admin at the time bc the original admin accidentally left and twt automatically made me the admin. what i wanted to do was to remove everyone from the group, block the people i didn’t want to see, and then finally leave the group.
so i did. not too revengeful or anything, just being petty because people don’t know how to keep jokes unoffensive and i wanted peace. i didn’t want them to talk behind everyone else’s backs either if i was the only one who left so i removed them. i didnt care if they get together after that bc my job would be done by then.
anyways to conclude, please be aware that cyberbullying exists. what you write can hurt someone especially if you press on the topics. even if it’s on politics (i think) or whatever. music might be the biggest topic that can be touched upon in relation to cyberbullying bc there are tons of people who rely on music for psychological comfort. i just hope that ppl don’t get butthurt when they believe the earth is flat and 99% of the world tells them it’s round.
oh the fun astrology facts: around this time, mars and my natal saturn (or was it the other way around?) were positively aspecting each other, which rly allowed me to go off and lecture the three teens.
ah i’m also a fresh adult (19) so i’m no oldie since i’m still in the “teens.” i’m not saying that i’m in no way “smarter” than the people i have mentioned in the gc bc of age, but that you can learn so much at a young age (since there isn’t a big age gap bt me and the ppl involved). yes, it is your choice to learn, but wouldn’t it be so much better to open your mind to new things and gain understandings of them?
idk, thank you for listening to my ted talk. i hope you all either enjoyed this or learned sth :)
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